Instruction Processing Cycle

Computer Science and Engineering  College of Engineering  The Ohio State University

Lecture 2 Expectations Survey: Results

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  Greatest hopes for the class?

 Greatest fear about the class?

 Would you take it even if it were not required? Our Virtual Machine

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  A simple, fictitious architecture  Memory  CPU ()  Registers (PC, CCRs, general purpose)

Output CPU Device

Memory CCRs NZP Input … PC Device

R0 R1 R2 R7 Memory

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  Organized as a sequence of “cells” kbits  The smallest

addressable unit 0  N cells, addressed 1 0..N-1 2 3  Each cell has a 4 “width” (k bits) 5 6  Typically k = 8 (a byte) …

 Other widths are N-2 possible N-1  Adjacent cells can be combined to form a single quantity (a word) Questions

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  How many different values can a cell have?  A function of ___

 How many bits are needed to represent an address  A function of ___ Instruction Cycle

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  Repeat: 1. Fetch - get the instruction 2. Decode - figure out what it means 3. Evaluate Addresses - calculate addresses of operands 4. Fetch Operands - get the operands 5. Execute - do it! 6. Store Result - update memory, CCRs  Instruction processing cycle, IPC, fetch-decode-execute cycle Fetch

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  First copy (contents of) memory location indicated by PC to the CPU  Then increment PC

Output CPU Device

0x4D9A CCRs 0x4D9B NZP Input … PC Device

R0 R1 R2 R7 Incrementing the PC

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  Note that the increment is part of the Fetch phase  Therefore, if a subsequent phase uses the PC, its value is the address of the next instruction  Eg. “branch to subroutine” instruction  Execute phase: store PC value, then change PC to be the address of subroutine  Next fetch phase will get first instruction of subroutine  The stored value is the address of the instruction after the branch The IPC is Fast

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  Clock ticks control this cycle  Intel Core i7: 3.4 GHz (3.2 billion ticks/s)  Light bulb: 60 Hz (120 flickers/s)  Every flicker about 25 million clock ticks!  Not every phase is needed every time  Basic phases: fetch, decode, execute  Some phases can be combined  Eg. Operands can be fetched from registers in the same tick as instruction decoding Reduced Instruction Set (RISC)

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  Repeat: 1. Instruction Fetch (IF) 2. Instruction Decode (ID)

3. Execute (EX) Evaluate addresses, 4. Memory Access (MEM) fetch operands, execute 5. Writeback (WB) Speeding Things Up: Pipelining

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  Metaphor: Washer, dryer, folder

 Assume  Each phase takes 30 min  There are 4 loads to do  Without pipeline: 30min x 3 x 4 = 6hrs  With a pipeline?  Abstraction: Client doesn’t care how laundry service completes the 4 loads Pipelining: Diagram

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University


Load 0

Load 1

Load 2

Load 3

time Speed-up

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  How much faster is the pipeline?  For 1 load: no improvement (1.5 hrs)  For 2 loads: 2 hrs vs 3 hrs  For 3 loads: 2.5 hrs vs 4.5 hrs  As the number of loads goes to infinity, what is the improvement?

 What determines the asymptotic speedup of a pipeline? Pipelining: RISC architecture

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

CC BY-SA 3.0, Pipelining Hazards

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  Unlike loads of laundry, instructions are not independent  One instruction may change the effect of the very next instruction  Examples:  Write to a register read by next instruction  Change the PC  Solution:  Stall the next instruction until it is safe  Creates a “bubble” (an idle cycle) that moves through the pipeline Speeding Things Up: Concurrency

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  When things are independent, they can be done concurrently  Quad-core laundry service: 4 washers, dryers, and folders  Each core is still pipelined  Challenges  Identifying things that are independent  Synchronizing things that are not  See CSE 2431 (Systems II) (μarch)

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  Low-level structure: , registers, data path, pipeline, Instruction Set Architecture: ISA

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  Higher-level description: machine instruction set, programmer accessible registers, memory addressing modes  Recall CSE 2421 (Systems I)

By en:User:Booyabazooka - Mips32_addi.svg, CC BY-SA 3.0, Lab 1: Simulator

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  Goal: Functional correctness at the instruction set architecture (ISA) level  You do NOT need to account for other aspects of the microarchitecture  No pipelining  No concurrency  No cache Overview of Labs

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University

Assembly language e.g. LOAD r1,Total Assembler

Object file e.g. ...T003F2200... Linking Loader

Linked machine code e.g. ...0010001000110010... Simulator

Executing program Lab 1 Requirements

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  Given an object file (a text file)  Contents of file denote initialization for a chunk of memory  Format: header record, sequence of text records, end record  Develop a simulator that allows us to:  Initialize the machine  Load the object file into memory  Simulate execution of the loaded program  Simulation has 3 modes  Quiet: no output (except for that of the machine itself)  Trace: output machine state before and after execution, as well as affect of each instruction (memory and registers)  Step: same trace mode, but pause after each instruction  Optional: extra functionality for usability  View state of machine, modify registers and memory, etc  Robustness: Test it thoroughly! Lab 1 Milestones

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  Preliminary Documentation: Sept 7  Programmer’s Guide is particularly important  We will look at and comment on everything you turn in  Mandatory Design Review: Sept 10, 11  Sign up for a 30 minute slot  Everyone in group must attend  Completed Documentation: Sept 24  Interactive Grading: Sept 24, 25  Sign up for a 60 minute slot  Everyone in group must attend Group Formation

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  Form groups of 4  Exchange contact information  Set regular in-person meeting times  Note: Lab 0 is due soon! Summary

Computer Science and Engineering  The Ohio State University  Instruction processing cycle  PC is incremented during fetch phase  Pipelining  Overlap parts of execution to increase throughput  Microarchitecture vs ISA  Abstraction  Lab overview  Group formation