The Sciopticon Manual, Explaining Lantern Projection in General, And
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MEMCAL L1ISMA1ISY T H E SCIOPTICON MANUAL, EXPLAINING LANTERN PROJECTIONS IN GENERAL, SCIOPTICON APPARATUS IN PARTICULAR. INCLUDING MAGIC LANTERN ATTACHMENTS, EXPERIMENTS, NOVELTIES, COLORED AND PHOTO-TRANSPARENCIES, MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS, ETC. BY L. J. MARCY, OPTICIAN, No. 1340 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. SIXTH EDI.TI-O-N. PHILADELPHIA: JAMES A. MOORE, PRINTER, 1222 AND 1224 SANSOM STREET. 1877. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1877, BT L. J. MARCY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. PREFACE. YISIBLE illustrations are so highly esteemed among educationalists of the present day, that the announce- ment that a greatly improved form of Magic Lantern has made its appearance is very favorably received. Between a desire for such an instrument, and the lack of definite information concerning it, many very natu- rally manifest both their interest and their caution by searching letters of inquiry. The inventor has en- deavored, in hasty epistles, to state all the possibilities and impossibilities of the Sciopticon, and of lights, lenses, lantern slides, and tanks; but he finds it increasingly difficult to give each correspondent, individually, a full philosophical exposition. For such, therefore as desire a, more detailed account than can be given in a hasty letter, or than is contained in the circular, which it is always a pleasure to forward on application, a Sciopticon Manual has been prepared, to serve as a guide-book to bli iv PREFACE. the various interesting portions of the Magic Lantern Held in general, as well as to the Sciopticon in particular. It treats of the Optical Image without a lens, with a lens, in the camera obscura, in the eye, in the photo- and on the screen of the graphic camera, ; peculiarities of lenses, and the corrections required hy lenses; of the peculiarities of the Sciopticon, and its construction and management; of dissolving views, phantasmagoria, and the of lantern slides in all their of ghost ; variety ; photo- graphing slides by the wet-plate process, b}^ the dry-plate process, by Marcy's Photographic Printing Apparatus, by the Sciopticon, and other processes; of how to paint slides, and of ho\v to perform chemical experiment- to which is appended a catalogue, arranged to assist purchasers in making satisfactory selections. Thus this Manual may take the place of private cor- respondence to a considerable extent, allowing in let- ters more space for business, and tor an interchange of new ideas, with a view of making the Manual in subse- quent editions more interesting, and the Sciopticon more useful. It was at first my intention to give space to the sub- ject of chemical lights, but reflect ing that in this direc- tion there is no lack of printed matter, and that the in- terest felt in the Sciopticon is owing mainly to its giving PREFACE. results with little trouble, I have concluded to omit 1/n> gs, which would increase the bulk of the Manuul, without a corresponding addition to its usefulness. PREFACE TO FIFTH EDITION. THE lime light, in an improved form, having been in- troduced into the Sciopticon, it has become expedient to append to the Sciopticon Manual, a description of the apparatus and directions for its use. The demand for Lantern projections is steadily on the increase. A fine photograph (arid what can be finer?) projected upon a largo screen, before a thousand spec- tators, gives, it is safe to say, ten thousand times the satisfaction that one alone with his stereoscope receives from it. The appreciation is cumulative. "The more the merrier," is the philosophy of it. The Sciopticon with its oil lamp, rather than with its lime light, continues to be the choice of the many, be- cause its use is convenient and inexpensive. There are purposes and occasions however for which the lime light is a necessity. The gas therefore has now received its full share of attention. Much of the added matter is intended to assist those who have a Sciopticon, to pro- vide themselves with interesting objects for exhibition, without resort to a large assortment of exoensive slides. VI P li F ACE. PREFACE TO SIXTH EDITION. MARCY'S SCIOPTICON is now no new thing. It has taken its place as a standard projecting Lantern, and is accepted as a great advance in this direction. As it becomes better known, and less in need of explanations, the Sciopticon Manual might be contracted rather than enlarged, only that something more may be said to advantage of its new attachments and new uses. It will ba seen that the Triple Jet, the Gas Sciopticon, the Gas Microscope, etc., have been improved since the illustrations prepared for the Fifth Edition were drawn. The Automatic Cut-off is yet new to many, who will stand in need of a fuller explanation in print. The description and illustrations of the Franklin Insti- tute Gas Holders will interest Managers of Educational Institutions. It is believed that all who are alive to the advantages of photographic projections will find the Sciopticon Manual a valuable Hand-book. CONTENTS OF MANUAL. CHAPTER III. Introduction, xi The Construction of the Sciopti- con, 24 CHAPTFR I. No Loss of Light from using an The Camera Obscura Objective of Low Power with Inverted The Image, a Concentrated Light, 24 Color and Shading, Advantages of Concentrated Light 25 Motion, The Condenser, 26 Size, The Reflector, 26 Size on the Retina, Various Modes of Lantern Illu- Size in the Photographic Camera, mination 27 Magnified Image, The Size proper for the Illumin- Inferences, ated Di?c, 28 Experimental Verification, Analysis of the Sciopticon 29 Indistinctness, Packing, 32 Convex Lens, Rules for Operating the Sciopti- Stops, con 33 Recapitulation, 36 CHAPTER II. The Screen, 37 Dissolving Views 39 The Corrections required by Directions for Producing the Dis- Lenses, solving Effect, 41 The Form of Lenses, The Phantasmagoria, 44 Pencils of Rays Ancient Magicians, 45 Spherical Aberration, Distortion, CHAPTER IV. Curved Field, Chromatic Aberration, Picture Slides, 50 Unequal illumination, The Standard Size for Lantern Corrections in the Eye, Slides, 51 The Landscape Lens, The Sealed Picture, 52 The Portrait Objective, Statuary, 53 (vii) Vlll CONTENTS OF MANUAL. PA8B The Slip Slide 54 Sunday-school Pictures 97 The Lever Slide 55 Extracts 98 Revolving Figures 55 Bible Lands 103 The Chromatrope 66 Egypt 110 Eidrot ope 57 Views of interest in all parts Moving Waters 57 of the World 119 Long Slides 68 Nursery Tales 1 19 Dioramic Painting, with Mov- Composition Pirturts 121 ing Figures 58 8 tat ua ry 1 22 The Ghost 58 Movable Slides 123 The Tank 59 Scientific Slides 123 Precautions about Slides 60 CHAPTER IX. CHAPTER V. THE SCIOPTICON AND ITS USES. PHOTOGRAPHY. Description of the Sciopticon, 125 Glass Positives for the Magic Magic Lantern, from 1650 to Lantern 61 1870 126 The Camera 62 Traveling by Magic 128 Solutions Sciopticon for Sunday-schools, 130 The Negative 64 Science at Home 130 The Lens 65 Various Experiments 132 Dry Plate Process 67 CHAPTER X. Collodio-Chloiide Process 71 Marcy's Photographic Print- THE TEACHER HIS OWN ARTIST. ing Apparatus 72 A Process of Drawing and Process 74 Sciopticon Painting Magic Lantern Woodbury Photo-Relief Slides. 76 Slides 135 List of and Mate- CHAPTER VI. Apparatus rials 135 COLORING SLIDES. A New Copying Camera 139 Diaphanie 141 Water Colors, etc 78 Enamel Slides 142 Easel Brushes, etc 79 Glass 142 Statuary 82 Prepared of Size and 143 Silhouettes, Natural Objects, Sample Shape etc 82 CHAPTER XI. CHAPTER VII. NOVELTIES. CHEMICAL EXPERIMENTS. Chimney Cap 144 Sciopticon Curtain 144 Tank and Pipette 84 Tinters 145 Chemical Reactions 85 New Slide Stop 145 Crystallizations 86 A New Departure 14G Miscellaneous Experiments... 87 Eidrotrope HO CHAPTER VIII. Wheel of Life 147 Danciug Skeleton 147 DESCRIPTIVE LECTURES. Dance of the Witches !< Bible Pictures... .... 95 Effect Slides 149 CONTENTS OF CATALOGUE. IX CHAPTER XI.. THE LIME LIGHT. PACK Flame Illuminnti m lal Dissolving Cock 171 Vaiietit-s in Lime Light 151 Preparation of Oxygen Gas .... 172 174 No. 1, Alcohol Burner 152 Preparation of Hydrogen Gas. No. 2, House Gas Concentric Pressure Boards 177 Burusr 153 Self-Condensing Cylinders 178 Drunimond Light 154 MultuminParvo 181 No. 3, Mixed Jet , 155 An Economical Form of Gas Dangers Peculiar to Mixed Jet, 155 Holder for the Lime Light... 182 Annoyances Peculiar to the Other Gas Contrivances 186 Mixed Jet 156 Lantern Attachments 188 Marcy's Triple Jet 158 Microscope Experiments 189 Oil Sciopticon with Triple Jet. 160 Holman's Siphon Slide 190 Lime-light Sciopticon 161 Gas Microscope, by Henry Mor- Triple Jet Adjustments... 161 ton, PH. D 191 Lime-light Adjustments 163 Sciopticon Microscope Attach- Ratio of Spaces 164 ment 194 Changing the Scene 166 The Megascope 195 The Automatic Cut-off. 167 Sciopticon Kaleidoscope 197 Patent Slide Carrier 169 Reflecting Polariscope 199 Both Seiopticons with an in- Refracting Polariscope 200 terchangeable Set of Lenses.. 170 CONTENTS OF SCIOPTICON CATALOGUE. INTRODUCTION. PAGE PAGB Notice, Sixth Edition ii Comparison of the Different Where to find Explanations, iii Sources of Illumination., xviii Peculiar Advantages of the The Slide Question- Oil Sciopticon iv Plain or Colored ? xxi Peculiar Advantages of the Nature or Art? xxiii Gas Sciopticon Strong or Faint ? xxiii How to Secure the Fullest The Bad and the Good xxiv Advantages of Both xiii What's in a Name? xxiv Late Improvements xiv Descriptive Lectures xxv Lantern Projections as an Sciopticon Catalogue A r - Educational Appliance. rangement xxvi PRICE LIST OF SCIOPTICON APPARATUS. PACK Oil Sciopticon, etc .. 1 Separate Parts of Apparatus 3 Gas Sciopticon 2 Lantern Attachmeats 4 Gas Bags, Generators, etc 2 Combinations and Estimates... 5 Chemicals, Chemical Apparatus, 3 Dissolving Views 6 CONTENTS OF CATALOGUE.