World Peace Pact Goes Into Effect President To
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FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENT£ SOUTH MANCHESTER," CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1929. •VOL. xun., NO. 238. (Classified Advertising on Page 12) FlYERSBREAK WORLD PEACE PACT RECORD;ENTER GOES INTO EFFECT t w h ™ d a y 46 of the Most Powerful Na Men and Motor Show No TWO STUDENTS In Russian-Chinese Dispute BOTH SIDES t io n s on Earth Agree to KDIEDASCAR Sign of Faltering After Renounce War— Simple 261 Continuous Hoars; MARK TIME Washington Ceremony. STRIKESTREE After 300 Hours. Russia Says: ''Soviets Are ' “L t ''“ co°pia'udi Third Passenger in Auto Se- Lambert Field, St. Louis, July 24. Peaceful; Only Refusal by strangely with the significance and ■In bald contradiction of the long solemnity of the undertaking. Presi rionsly Injured at Pitts respected theory that “ what goes China to Accept Pacific dent Hoover today proclaimed the up must come down," the endur effectiveness of the World Peace ance monoplane “ St. Louis Robin, Pact, under which 46 of the most field, Mass.— Were on which soared into the air on the Measures Will Be Re powerful nations of the earth have sunny morning of Saturday. July bound themselves to renounce war^ Way to New Haven. 13, showed not the slightest dis sponsible for Further Ac and never to seek settlement of position to come down this morn their disputes by other than peace ing as it entered its twelfth day of able means. Pittsfield. Mass., July 24.— Two consecutive flying. tion” — 300 Additional Withal the simplicity of the cere college students were killed and a As the sturdy monoplane, which mony, it was a glittering assem third seriously injured today when at 9:17, Eastern Daylight time, blage that took part in the momen the automobile in which they were had added eighteen hours of flying Russians in Manchmria tous drama of “ outlawing war." enroute to New Haven, Conn., to the world record formerly h'.ld 40 Nations Represented. hurtled off the road at a sharp by the “ Angeleno,” cruised into its Around a great horseshoe table curve and crashed Into an apple S65th consecutive hours of flying it Are Arrested. set up in the historic east room of tree at Hancock, 13 miles west of began to look as though the jocu War clouds continue to hover, over the Russian-Chinese situation. the White House sat the representa here. lar “ See You Christmas" message Here are C. T, Wang, left, China’s foreign minister, who says seizure of The Far East crisis, directly In tives of forty of the powers, duly Harold Hall, 23, of Norman by one of the pilots was not so ut the Chinese Eastern, railways was justified by ..Russia’s violation of treat solemn and impressive. They may street. New Haven was instantly terly fantastic after all. ies and at right M. I. Kalnin, president of the All-Russia executive com volving China and the Union of have their doubts as to the ulti killed, Frank W. Shepard, 22, of The brilliant orange colored mittee, who announced Russia Is prepared to defend her rights. Socialist Soviet Republics (Rus mate value of the'treaty in prevent Pittsburgh, Pa., sustained a frac monoplane still remains, the cynos sia), marked time today while the ing war, but if so it was not ap ture of the skull and died at House ure for all eyes in the St. Louis parent in their grave mein today as of Mercy hospital here. district. All eyes turned upward international diplomats continueii they sat and heard Mr. Hoover re Joseph C. Kresse. 20, of 30 this morning to watch the plane as their labors for an arbitration con peat the simple 78 words that, if Feason Good Road, Forest Hills, It droned monotonously . -ross the ference to compose the conflict lived up to, will relegate war to Long Island, said by police to have heaveh like a great beetle. peacefully. the limbo of impossible things. ♦been the driver of the car, suffered A crowd estimated at 50,000 was PRESIDENT TO CUT President Hoover spoke the 78 Here is the first posed picture taken of Dr. James H. Snook, former Both China and Soviet Russia cuts about the head and possible professor of veterinary medicine at Ohio State University, in hie cell as at the field last night to wltnes the have conditionally promised to ac momentous words at the outset of fracture of the skull. He was held fireworks demonstratlou prepared his brief address to the representa the Columbus (Ohio) jail. He is charged with the murder of Theora cept arbitration of the Chinese at the hospital on the danger list. Hiv 23 year-old medical college co-ed. Note the badanged hand which to celebrate the achievement of the Eastern Railway dispute and other tives of the powers. To Hold Driver. St. Louis Robin" in breaking the “ Article 1.— The high contract Snook says was injured while he was repairing hia auto a day before the pending problems. According to police, charges will killing, but which the prosecution claims was injured by the girl In fight world record. The Soviet ambassador to France ing parties solemnly declare in the be preferred against Kresse if he Dale Jackson and Forest 0 Brine, names of their respective peoples ing for her life. conferred with French Foreign^ recovers. Following an Investiga the two pilots, are now receiving Minister Briand, after whicL, he In lhat they condemn recourse to war tion, it was announced by police 52,648 a day for every day they for the solution of international formed International News Service: that traces of liquor were found continue to stay in the air. The Bravely Tackles Task THat 'POLICE FOLLOW “ The Soviets are peaceful: only controversies, and renounced it as on the injured youth, and that a Curtiss-Robertson Company Is pay an instrument of national policy in refusal by .^China to accept pacific broken liquor bottle was discovered ing them one hundred dollars an measures will be responsible for their relations with one another. in the wreckage of the car. SNOOK TRIAL BEGINS hour for every hour over the Brought Defeat to Other' , BURGLAR CLUE “ Arltcle 2,— The high contract further action.” Police learned that the three record. Blame Soviets ing parties agree that the settle youths were students at Renssalaer ment or solution of all disputes or St. Louis, Mo., July 24.— Man White House Occupauts Mukden. Manchuria, advices to Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y. London said that the Council of conflicts of whatever nature or They had been enroute from their AS JURORS ARE and motor showed no signs of fal of whatever origin they may be, tering as the champion St. Lom:> Pin Hopes on One Lead; the Northeastern provincial Chinee fraternity house in that city to the for 50 Years. governments place the blame for which may arise among them, shall home of Hall at New Haven. Robin rode the skies this morning toward the twelfth day of sustained the Manchurian ImbrogHo directly never be sought except by pacific It was charged that the car, Robbers Did Jobs , upon the Soviets. \ means." which was registered in the name Court Room in Columbus,.' p o n t if f TO LEAVE Washington, July 24— Ih laiijiob- On the other hand there is a dis \ Simple Treaty of young Kresse’s father, was pro *” aV‘4:17 a. m.'(CST) Dale "Red” Ing a campaign to reduce the cost Jackson and Forrest O'Brine had anFiliciendy. position in official circles In Lon XThat’s all there is to the treaty. ceeding at a fast rate and failed to don, based upon reports from Peip take the curve. A branch of the 0., Crowded as College flown 261 continuous hours, leav of national defense, President Hoo Yet to accoBspiiah I t t h c r ® were ing, to believe that the Chinese many months o r etm«SWr. count tree pierced the windshield. ing all existing endurance records ver today had undertaken a task Local police 'are working on one acted too hastily in seizing the less millions of words exchanged Hall died instantly. Shepard Professor Goes on Trial far behind, and cruised on toward a that brought only defeat to Calvin and'Resse were rushed to ^he new world mark that they Intend Coolldge and to virtually every! clue to the series of house breaks Chinese Eastern Railway. between governments, and muen It is believed in London that delicate negotiation carried on. House of Mercy hospital. Efforts will endure for no short period. other occupanf of the White House i here early yesterday morning, and since the Civil War. 'If that fails, accoruing to Police there will be no fighting with the Mr. Hoover did not attempt to were made to save' the life of the for Murder of Co Ed. To Break Voluntary "Capti The night crowds were regaled former. However, he did not re by a stunting performance staged In setting out to slash Army and Lieutenant William. Barron, the possible excep^tion of frontier clash gild the lily in the short and sim by ^hil Love, former flying mate Navy expenditures, Mr. Hoover. chances of detecting the burglars es between isolated units. ple speech which he delivered to gain consciousness and died shortly before noon. Officials at the ho.s Court Room, Columbus. 0., July vity” Tomorrow; Many of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, who must win over a hostile Congress.; are sllm."-So careful were the breaks In retaliation for the arrest of his brilliant audience. Apparently pltal said there was a chance for went through loops and barrel which repeatedly has ignored pres-j made that police wisdoin would 1.000 Chinese at Vladivostok,; 24— In a court room thronged with Chinese gendarmes in Manchuria with war clouds hovering in the the recovery of Kresse.