The Origin and Historical Development of Prominent Professional Black Choirs in the United States Isaiah R

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The Origin and Historical Development of Prominent Professional Black Choirs in the United States Isaiah R Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2007 The Origin and Historical Development of Prominent Professional Black Choirs in the United States Isaiah R. McGee Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact [email protected] THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC THE ORIGIN AND HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF PROMINENT PROFESSIONAL BLACK CHOIRS IN THE UNITED STATES By ISAIAH R. MCGEE A Dissertatio submitted to the College of Music i partial fulfillme t of the requireme ts for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Degree A,arded- Fall Semester. 2001 Copyright © 2001 Isaiah R. McGee All Rights Reser2ed The members of the Committee appro2e the dissertatio of Isaiah R. McGee defe ded o the 30th day of August. 2001. ___________________________________ A dr5 6. Thomas Professor Directi g Dissertatio ___________________________________ Michelle Stebleto Outside Committee Member ___________________________________ Ke2i Fe to Committee Member ___________________________________ 6udy Bo,ers Committee Member Appro2ed- ______________________________ Do Gibso . Dea . College of Music The Office of Graduate Studies has 2erified a d appro2ed the abo2e amed committee members. ii This dissertatio is dedicated to To my pare ts. Lillie Ruth a d R.A. McGee. sister Nicole A ita McGee. a d to the memory of Isaiah a d Estella McGee. Beatrice a d Hillard Miller iii ACKNO7LEDGMENTS I ,ould li8e to e9press my si cere gratitude to my ma:or professor. Dr. A dre 6. Thomas. for his e courageme t a d ,ise cou sel duri g the completio of this study a d throughout my matriculatio at Florida State U i2ersity. I ,ould also li8e to tha 8 the other members of my committee; Dr. 6udy Bo,ers for her co sta t co cer for my happi ess as ,ell as al,ays bei g straightfor,ard a d ho est. Dr. Ke2i Fe to for his ma y ,ords of ,isdom to gro, ot o ly as a co ductor but as a scholar. a d Ms. Michelle Stebleto for her assista ce a d guida ce. I additio I must tha 8 Dr. Clifford Madse . Dr. Kimberly Va 7eelde a d Dr. Marcia Porter for their co sta t remi der that it ca be do e a d u ,a2eri g support throughout my studies a d Dr. A dra Ce2asco. for editorial assista ce. Special tha 8s to Dr. Le8ita V. Scott a d Lori D. Spears for their u e di g moti2atio to complete this dissertatio ; 6oa 7illiams. for the ability to fi d the humor i e2ery circumsta ce regardless of ho, stress or frustrated I ,as; Dr. Arthur L. E2a s. for his me torship a d bei g li8e a father to me. a d the Clafli U i2ersity family. especially the Tisdales for their co ti ued support. ,hether it ,as fi a cial or spiritual. I ,ould li8e to tha 8 my family for its e courageme t. prayers. a d faith i me. A d fi ally to Dr. Cha8a K. Bu drage. tha 8 you for EVERYTHING! You are my roc8. a d I lo2e you. i2 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES 2ii ABSTRACT 2iii 1. INTRODUCTION 1 Purpose of the study 1 Research Questio s 2 Defi itio of Terms 2 Delimitatio s 3 Sig ifica ce of the Study 4 Methodology 5 Treatme t of Data A Reporti g of the Data A 2. REVIE7 OF RELATED LITERATURE 8 I troductio 8 O2er2ie, of the Literature 10 Refere ce Te9t 11 Periodicals 11 I ter2ie,s of Co ductors of Professio al Choirs 20 Dissertatio s 22 3. INVESTIGATION AND OVERALL REVIE7- PROMINENT BLACK PROFESSIONAL CHOIRS FROM 1C25D1CA0 25 The Origi a d De2elopme t of the Hall 6oh so Choir 25 Operatio al Procedure 30 Orga iEatio al Structure 32 Hall 6oh so the Co ductor 34 The Origi a d De2elopme t of the E2a 6essye Choir 38 Operatio al Procedure 43 Orga iEatio al Structure 44 E2a 6essye the Co ductor 45 The Origi a d De2elopme t of the 7i gs O2er 6orda Choir 50 Operatio al Procedure 5A Orga iEatio al Structure A0 Re2. Gle T. Settle the Co ductor A2 The Origi a d De2elopme t of the Leo ard de Paur I fa try Choir A1 Operatio al Procedure 11 2 Orga iEatio al Structure 12 Leo ard de Paur the Co ductor 12 4. INVESTIGATION AND OVERALL REVIE7- PROMINENT BLACK PROFESSIONAL CHOIRS FROM 1CA0D1CC8 11 The Origi a d De2elopme t of the Albert McNeil 6ubilee Si gers 11 Operatio al Procedure 80 Orga iEatio al Structure 81 Albert McNeil the Co ductor 82 The Origi a d De2elopme t of the BraEeal De ard Chorale 85 Operatio al Procedure 88 Orga iEatio al Structure 8C BraEeal De ard the Co ductor C1 The Origi a d De2elopme t of the Moses Hoga Si gers C5 Operatio al Procedure CC Orga iEatio al Structure 100 Moses Hoga the Co ductor 102 5. SUMMARY. CONCLUSIONS. AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 108 Summary 108 Co clusio s 110 Value of the Study 111 Recomme datio s for Future Research 112 APPENDICES A. TRANSCRIPT OF INTERVIE7 ,ith BraEeal De ard 112 B. TRANSCRIPT OF INTERVIE7 ,ith Albert McNeil 12C C. TRANSCRIPT OF INTERVIE7 ,ith Leo Da2is 134 D. TRANSCRIPT OF INTERVIE7 ,ith Damo Da dridge 13C E. ALPHABETIFED DATABASE OF REPERTOIRE AS PERFORMED BY PROMINENT PROFESSIONAL BLACK CHOIRS IN THE UNITED STATES 142 F. DISCOGRAPHY 1A3 REFERENCES 1AA BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 1CC 2i LIST OF FIGURES 1. The Hall 6oh so Choir................................................................................. 25 2. Hall 6oh so GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.. 34 3. E2a 6essyeGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.. 45 4. The 7i gs O2er 6orda ChoirGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG... 50 5. The 7i gs O2er 6orda ChoirGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG... 50 A. Re2. Gle T. SettlesGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. A2 1. The Leo ard de Paur I fa try ChoirGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.. A1 8. The Leo ard de Paur I fa try ChoirGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.. A1 C. Leo ard de PaurGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. 12 10. The Albert McNeil 6ubilee Si gersGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG11 11. Albert McNeil.................................................................................................82 12. The BraEeal De ard Chorale GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG....85 13. BraEeal De ardGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.C1 14. Moses Hoga ................................................................................................102 2ii ABSTRACT The history. culture. a d traditio of professio al blac8 choirs ha2e had a great i flue ce o choral music through the t,e tyDfirst ce tury. Duri g its 80 year history. professio al blac8 choirs ha2e gai ed both a atio al a d i ter atio al reputatio performi g a ,ide array of choral music. both accompa ied a d a cappella ,ith emphasis o the Negro Spiritual. Although there are a umber of professio al blac8 choirs that ha2e emerged i the U.S. o2er the past eighty years. the author selected the choirs based o their atio al reputatio alo g ,ith those that fall ,ithi t,o time periods. The choirs that ,ere selected ,ere fou ded. acti2e a d highly 2isible bet,ee 1) 1C25 D1CA0 a d 2) 1CA0D1CC8. Scholarly research o the de2elopme t of professio al choirs i the U ited States is limited. E2e less ,as fou d i terms of academic resources o blac8 professio al choirs. I formatio about the origi . de2elopme t. success. reputatio . u ique style a d repertoire of these selected professio al blac8 choirs does ot e9ist i a y o e place. a d ,here it does e9ist. it is ot i a scholarly format. This study mar8s the first time such i formatio has bee brought together i o e source. I order to preser2e the history of professio al blac8 choirs a d. i particular. their u ique co tributio to the broader phe ome a of professio al choirs. this historical paper docume ts the origi a d de2elopme t of promi e t professio al blac8 choirsI i the U ited States- the Hall 6oh so Choir. the E2a 6essye Si gers. the 7i gs O2er 6orda Choir. the Leo ard de Paur I fa try Choir. the Albert McNeil 6ubilee Si gers. the BraEeal De ard Chorale. a d the Moses Hoga Si gers. This study fou d that the selected blac8 professio al choirs ,ere created primarily to preser2e o e of AmericaIs oldest music ge res. the spiritual. O e ,ay these choirs sought to do this ,as by programmi g Negro spirituals co siste tly i their performa ces; Hall 6oh so . E2a 6essye. a d Re2. Gle T. Settle e9clusi2ely programmed Negro spirituals. Because most of the co ductors arra ged the Negro spirituals ,hich they performed. audie ces a d researchers ali8e ca o, 8 o, a d see ,hat the leaders of these choirs pictured as the ideal represe tatio of the spiritual. Hall 6oh so a d Moses Hoga set out ,ith the specific i te t of recordi g the ,or8 of their e sembles to mai tai authe ticity of this ge re of music. 2iii 7hile preser2atio of the spiritual ,as the shared pri cipal missio a d purpose of these choirs. there ,ere differe t e2e ts a d tre ds that attributed to their begi i gs. Each co ductor sa, him or herself as filli g a eed. ,hether it ,as for the commu ity or for the preser2atio of the Negro spiritual as art. I additio . the leaders of these blac8 professio al choirs shared similar bac8grou ds; all of them studied music at some poi t i their li2es ,ith se2eral of the co ductors studyi g music at the college le2el.
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