Bromley Di'fectory
TH.B PUBLISHERS' ADDRESS. fN issuing the 24th Edition of the Bromley Di'fectory .i... we (to :10 with confidence derived from past oXFClriehco,hupeful that our labours will again be appl'ecin.teu. The a(1vm,tage of having a ready reference to 1:[n.me3 of n:~siden{smeacn-of the Sixteen Parishes of the Bromley Union cannot but be acceptable to nIL \Ve t:tl·,·,~ this opportunity of thanking those who ha';tl so Li'1dly favoured us with information, and sll,l11 ir future be greatly assisted if any person would poirLtout any inaccuracies they may detect in this clhtion. 1:t is our intention with the next edition, to give an rutilel/ new Map, shewing ea~h parish in different colours, '"ithout any extra charge. We therefore anticipat~ a large incr(>asein the sale which cannot fail to br beneficial to Advertisers. The ta-;k of compiling this Directory is no easy one, uld having spared neither time nor expense to make it iI,S perfect as possible, we trust it will be found s2::viceable to everyone. E. STRONG &: SONS. Dec. 21st, 1886. IVIESSRS, BAXTER PAYNE & LEPPER (Established upwards of a Oentury) AUCTIONEERS & SURVEYORS, VALUERS, Estate, Land, Timber, House, '&. Agricultural Agent:;; BROMLEY & BECKENHAM, KENT, AND 69, K[NG WILLIAM STREET, E.C, .:. Auction Sales and Valuations of Free/wld and Le~tseliOldPrQpel'tz,',-', FUl'niture, Fanning Stock, <rc., Collrction oj Rents and Tithes,: ({;!~ the ..~;. VALUATIONS MADE FOR PROBATE AND LEGACY DUTY~ ·t- PROPERTY PUBLISHED THE FIRST DAY OF EVERY MO~TfI.
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