Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No:291 Price: Afs.15 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes SUNDAY . MAY 22. 2016 -Jawza 02, 1395 HS Yo ur Yo ur ad ad he re he re 0778894038 GOVT MUST DELIVER ON PROMISES PLEDGEDTONATO:ANALYSTS Political commentators have said that the foreigners not only have ruption, improve good governance that the National Unity Govern- decreased their forces, but they and consider electoral reforms. We ment (NUG) must deliver on prom- will withdraw from Afghanistan are trying to attract the coopera- ises it pledged to the international and the balance of power will tion from international communi- community including the North change in their favor," former U.S ty by delivering on these promis- Atlantic Treaty Organization ambassador to Afghanistan Zalmai es," deputy presidential spokes- (NATO) and take solid steps to Khalilzad said. Meanwhile, at the man Dawa Khan Menapal said. Former U.S ambassador to Afghan- should also brief the U.S Depart- promote good governance, devel- two-day conference, the Afghan istan Zalmai Khalilzad, warned ment of State on its activities and op rule of law, fight corruption and delegation committed to accelerate Gunmen kill Pakistan it would become the next should restrain the activities of protect human rights. This comes efforts to fight corruption, im- North Korea, a country with just Haqqani network and it will be help- a day after the alliance wrapped prove rule of law and provide bet- retired judge a few nuclear bombs but in global ful for security in Afghanistan, in- up its foreign ministers meeting in ter facilities to the people of Af- isolation, if it does not end its sup- cluding major cities and Kabul," said Brussels, reaffirming the organiza- ghanistan.