Special magazine

THE POST In search of Israeli heroes


In search of Israeli heroes 7 Facilitating the hidden desire 46 Steve Linde of a generation Dear friends 8 Tal Brody Natan Sharansky 48 The goose that lays the golden eggs ’ll never forget a life-changing conversation I had with Michael Siegal at the pool of the hotel at which he staying with his family several years ago, before he became chair of JFNA’s Board Judah Massias The philosophy of giving 10 of Trustees and I became editor-in-chief of . I don’t remember his words verbatim, Juan de la Roca 50 but I do remember the thrust very clearly because I wrote these three words in my diary: “Find Israeli Cover photo Retirement residences abound in I The battle to combat poverty in Israel heroes!” Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post 12 Jochanan Altman Juan de la Roca 52 It was part of the media’s mission, Michael suggested, to find and foster heroes in Jewish communities Accommodating the religious in North America and around the world but especially in Israel, the source of our strength. Just as JFNA The GA’s collective energy defuses the population had launched a successful Internet campaign in 2009 for the Jewish Community Hero Awards, celebrating collective sigh over the Pew survey 16 54 “the selflessness and courage of those who are helping their communities through service and outreach,“ Editor Lisa Samin Judah Massias so we in Israel should honor our own homegrown heroes. Juan de la Roca Some personal perspectives South Africa in Israel Michael, the chairman and CEO of the successful Denver-based company Olympic Steel, was at the [email protected] 20 time chairman of the Israel Bonds’ Board of Trustees. As managing editor of The Jerusalem Post, I had Sam Berk Yochanan Altman 56 just compiled our annual list of the 50 most influential Jews in the world and remember thinking that VP Sales and Buisiness A poor rich country 24 Banking on the Bank of Jerusalem we must put him on one of our future lists. “Man of Steel, just like Superman,” I wrote in my diary. Development John Benzaquen Juan de la Roca Our 2013 list, published in May, came under criticism from all quarters. But I was personally pleased that Sraya Kerner Michael was on the list, mostly because I think he deserved to be. He is inspiring and insightful, and JFNA Integrating into the right circles is fortunate to have people such as Michael and Jerry Silverman, its smart and savvy president and CEO, holding its reins. [email protected] Jason Blackshaw 30 The latest intel on Intel Juan de la Roca 58 After being appointed editor, I was motivated by my discussion with Michael to introduce a number of innovations at The Jerusalem Post, Chief Commercial Office Historical sights to see such as our partnership project with SHALVA, the Jerusalem-based Association for Mentally and Physically Challenged Children in Israel, Alon Sivan Yochanan Altman 36 Financing in the real estate market which runs a biweekly comic strip online and in the newspaper, produced by renowned cartoonist Uri Fink and his students at the Bezalel Ehud Lahav 60 Academy of Art and Design. It is titled “True Superheroes.” [email protected] IDC Herzliya: An innovative approach “We at SHALVA undoubtedly believe that the children here are superheroes,” read the preface to the series, which began last to success Keeping up appearances year. “They teach us what life is all about, how to live to the fullest, and they continually inspire us with their every smile and step Head of the Magazines 40 Jonathan Davis Jason Blackshaw 61 forward. It is this side of the world of special needs that we strive to show others – their strength and talents and unique abilities.” and Cooperation Department Through humor and art, the comic strip aims to empower children with special needs and help create a society of tolerance and Social investment as a new avenue Yehuda Weiss Giving more than money acceptance. Gilad Schalit, who was released on October 18, 2011, from more than five years of Hamas captivity in a prisoner exchange, for philanthropy [email protected] will be joining Team SHALVA in the Jerusalem on March 21 next year. I sincerely hope that Jonathan Pollard, the Israeli agent James Harris 42 Yochanan Altman 62 who has been sitting in an American jail for some 28 years, will also be a free man by then. Manager of Classified section Catering to the business traveler Masa has mass appeal We need Israeli heroes now more than ever. Combating anti-Semitism and countering the delegitimization of Israel are crucial but, by Aviv Mizrahi Ehud Lahav 44 Andrew Davis 63 definition, reactive in nature. Creating Israeli heroes is proactive and ultimately much more productive. [email protected] What is clear from the recent Pew survey of Jewish Americans is that US Jewry is facing a future crisis: , especially the younger generation, feel increasingly alienated from both Israel and Jewish life. We must find ways to get them engaged and involved in Advertising production their local Jewish community and strengthen their relationship with Israel. One way is clearly via their local federation. Other ways include programs such as Birthright and Masa or linking issues they are Merav Ifergan, Roi Kadosh interested in to being Jewish and Israel, from archaeology to zoology. Letter from the Editor Another way is to introduce them to modern-day Israeli heroes -- people such as Noam Gershony, who won a gold medal in the Advertising Designer Paralympics last year; Profs. Arieh Warshel and Michael Levitt , who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry this year; Karnit Flug, the new Daria Cohen, Doran Avidar Dear Readers, governor of the Bank of Israel; and Bar Refaeli, the international supermodel who is now hosting Israel’s version of the TV show The X Welcome to this special magazine in honor of the GA 2013 conference in Israel. And for the Factor. participants of the GA, welcome to Israel and may you have a fruitful and rewarding conference. Graphic Design In this magazine, which is heavily oriented towards social issues, we have an interview with Meir We need to find new Israeli role models who will inspire others to say, “If he or she is Israeli and proud to be so, then I am happy to Doran Avidar Cohen, the minister of social affairs and social services, who talks about the current social problems be a supporter of Israel.” Let’s locate Israeli personalities who inspire us all. A plethora of prominent and promising is scheduled in the State of Israel. to address the JFNA General Assembly, from President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to Finance Minister Advertising We also have a story on the nonprofit charitable organizations in this country, as well as stories Yair Lapid, Economy Minister Naftali Bennett and opposition leader Shelly Yahimovich, and from Jerusalem Mayor and City Tel: 03-7619002 on two organizations which, each in its own way, operate on the assumption that helping people to Council member Rachel Azaria to Jewish organizational leaders and trailblazers in philanthropy, business, religion and culture. better themselves is best. And we have a story about philanthropy in the ultra-Orthodox community. This is indeed “the most important gathering of Jewish community leaders.” I urge you, as Michael Siegal once urged me, to turn on A community of very limited means, it nevertheless has one of the most elaborate philanthropic your hero radar, listen carefully to the speakers, talk to them, and invite those whom you believe possess the heroic X factor to visit your NOTE: The content of the networks in Israel and perhaps in the world. Despite its being a very poor community, no one goes communities and inspire your youth. Help us to create true Israeli superheroes! advertisements is the sole hungry and everyone has a roof over their heads. Congratulations to the GA on its 65th anniversary, and welcome to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, the home page of the Jewish people responsibility of the advertisers and the homeland of our national heroes. Sincerely, Juan de la Roca The writer is editor-in-chief of The Jerusalem Post.

GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November  Dear Friends,

am delighted to welcome you to the 2013 Jewish Federations of North America General Assembly here in Jerusalem. That the North American Jewish community is of tremendous contemporary importance is axiomatic. An overwhelming majority of the world’s Jews outside of Israel reside in the United States and Canada. North American Jews have, for centuries, Ioffered the Jewish world new and innovative ways of experiencing Jewish life. The community is one of incredible vitality, influence and generosity, and its support for Israel has been one of the Jewish state’s greatest assets throughout its existence. But with great opportunities come great challenges, and as the much-discussed Pew survey has shown, those challenges must be addressed. Young North American Jews view Jewish identity and Jewish life in starkly different terms than did their parents and grandparents, and they must therefore be reached in a wholly different manner. We at The Jewish Agency are proud to be at the forefront of this effort. The single greatest way to strengthen young Jews’ connections to Jewish life is by bringing them to experience Israel, and the effect is amplified by repeat visits. That is why the Taglit- must be followed by a profound, long-term Israel experience such as our program and why we are devoting ever more resources to bringing young Jews to experience the Jewish homeland. This year alone, more than 10,000 young people will experience Israel on more than 200 Masa programs, and our brand new Onward Israel program is making a return visit possible for those who want to spend their summer in Israel. And while we are developing ever more opportunities to bring young Jews to Israel, we are also bringing Israel to them. More than 220 Jewish Agency shlichim (emissaries) are working to connect Jewish communities across North America to Israel. This past summer, 1,100 young Israelis spent time at Jewish summer camps in the US and Canada, offering campers a personal connection to Israel. And 60 Jewish Agency Israel Fellows are currently posted at college campuses, helping students better understand Israel and providing them with opportunities to experience the Jewish state for themselves. We are looking forward to significantly expanding our efforts in these most crucial activity areas as part of the Prime Minister’s Initiative, a dramatic new partnership with the Government of Israel that will be unveiled in the coming months. In all these and so many other ventures, The Jewish Agency is fortunate to have the Jewish Federations of North America’s steadfast support. Thank you for helping us connect Jews in North America, in Israel and around the world to one another, to their identity and to their homeland.

Sincerely, Natan Sharansky Chairman of the Executive The

Natan Sharansky With Jewish Agency shlichim Natan Sharansky with Elie Wiesel Natan Sharansky from across North America (Credit David Karp) (Credit Somoraj Laszlo) (Courtesy Jewish Agency)

 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November those who have not is very wide. According macroeconomics, and has neglected the The philosophy to estimates, one-quarter of the population micro factor -- the personal element. is classified as poor, and more than one- The idea behind the policy was to cut the of giving third of them are children. benefits that discouraged people from These people depend on the many doing an honest day’s work because the By Juan de la Roca charitable organizations in this country that social benefits were higher than the salaries provide food to the hungry and education for unskilled labor. The premise was that to the children, which may help them rise the growing economy would benefit all. out of poverty. First it would benefit the affluent, but it was Philanthropy is one of the most important thought that the prosperity would trickle hilanthropy, the giving to others tenets of the Jewish faith, one of the greatest down and ultimately affect all sectors of the less fortunate, is one of the noblest mitzvot in the Torah. It is one of the main population. activities of the human race. It is occupations of many Jewish communities Prosperity has indeed trickled down to based on the premise that those in the Diaspora to help their own poor but the least privileged classes, but it has not P also the poor in Israel. done so fast enough nor has it spread wide who have should give to those who have not. By helping people in need, one is The need to promote charitable activities enough. Consequently, the gap between is very much in evidence in Israel. It is the haves and the have-nots in Israel is thanking God for one’s good fortune. estimated that there are more than one constantly widening. Philanthropy is not In times past, societies that were million hungry people in a population of only providing the hungry with food, but it paternalistic in nature “institutionalized” seven million. It is one of the highest levels is also financing educational projects to give philanthropy and, despite the fact that there of poverty in the Western world. They are the children of the poor a chance to succeed was much less excess wealth than there is not hungry in that they and their families in life. It means financing projects that will now, philanthropy was more widespread. have nothing to eat, but they do not have upgrade their living conditions and allow With the advent of the capitalist system, the means to buy nourishing food. them to increase their quality of life. society became colder and less willing to And if these one million people cannot At the dawn of the 21st century, extend help to others and neo capitalism buy the food they need, it also means that philanthropy encompasses the whole brought poverty back into the equation, and they lack other basics necessities such as spectrum of life, from the efforts of charitable organizations have been back in decent clothing, household items and school charitable organizations to assist the force. supplies. individual to the efforts of organizations to In Israel, charitable organizations are very The rise in poverty is one of the enhance culture by donating to the building active. The country is perceived as affluent, consequences of an economic policy and maintenance of museums, universities, but the chasm between those who have and that aims at economic growth, or research institutions, hospitals and the like.

10 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November Interview The battle to combat poverty in Israel By Juan de la Roca

To fight poverty and reduce the levels of poverty, we need a long-term strategic plan. We cannot achieve our aims without a long- term plan. That is why I set up a committee to find ways to fight poverty. They plan to submit their recommendations before the end of the year, and I intend to bring those recommendations to the government and have it adopted them as the national plan to fight poverty. To me it seems illogical to have a national plan to combat road accidents and not one to combat poverty. Poverty is usually defined as people whose per capita income is a certain percentage of the national per capita income. Perhaps our definition is overly generous and poor Israelis are not so poor? You are wrong if you think that way. The levels of poverty as the Central Bureau defines them are based on universal criteria in Western countries in relation to GDP per capita. One of the important issues I want the committee to explore and define is what poverty is. And let me you, poverty is not only a question of money; it also has moral and cultural characteristics. Meir Cohen, the minister of Social Affairs and Social Services, with President Shimon Peres Your ministry is in charge of alleviating the (Courtesy Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services) plight of the poor. How do you go about it? We offer a wide range of programs srael has a serious poverty issue. cannot afford many of their basic needs that aim to help those incapacitated for According to figures published by the and find it difficult to give their children a whatever reasons, physical or mental, and Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), decent education and the environment that those who cannot make ends meet and Ithe rate of poverty in this country is encourages schooling, which is something suffer privations because of that. We are 31 percent of the population compared to that perpetuates poverty. constantly striving to widen and improve 17% in the EU. Poverty among children The government has repeatedly said that our programs and are currently reviewing has reached a shocking 44% compared it wants to reduce poverty levels, but that our programs and adapting them to present to 21% in the EU. The countries in the is easier said than done. To find out what needs. The ministry should take more EU where the relative poverty is greatest can be done in this matter, The Jerusalem responsibility and be the prime mover in are Italy and Spain, with a poverty level Post spoke to Meir Cohen, the minister providing assistance to the underprivileged of 20%. of Social Affairs and Social Services. in our society. A poor person is defined as someone According to figures published regularly by the In the past, the state was in charge of helping who lives in a household in which the per Central Bureau of Statistics, the levels of poverty the needy. Today, the state has drastically reduced capita disposable income is 60% below the in Israel are increasing. Can anything be done to its commitments and it is now the charitable national average. Consequently, there is no reverse this worrying trend? nonprofit organizations who are doing most of the universal monetary definition of poverty. As you say, the trend is very worrying. work. Is that a positive development? Every country has its own monetary level It is, in my opinion, a danger to the State No, it is not. And that is why I said that of poverty. of Israel and Israeli society. No society the ministry should take more responsibility Nevertheless, by all counts, there are can survive in the long term when the in these issues. One of my main tasks at many poor people in Israel. They may not socioeconomic divide is as deep as it is in these times is to return to the government be starving like those in certain Third World this country, where we have a large minority the major role in providing for the needs countries, but they are poor because they dependent on outside help. of those in need.

12 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November 13 this problem and integrate these populations into the workforce. Integrating them into the workforce is very important not only in the fight to reduce poverty but also in the effort to increase the economy. I recently met with the secretary general of the OECD, and he was very explicit in the matter of the Arab and haredi communities. He said, ‘You cannot expect to increase the GDP per capita to the Western European or North American level when you have two million Israelis, or 25% or the population, not participating in the workforce. That is a very heavy burden which cannot be borne in the long run. And I agree with him wholeheartedly. Arab women and haredi men must be integrated into the labor force but gradually and with their full agreement. Israel is a hi-tech scientific-oriented economy. In such an economy, there is a chronic shortage of demand for people with low levels of education. Does that mean unemployment will greatly increase in the future? The main cause of poverty is unemployment. It stands to reason that if one does not work, one does not have a steady income; and if nothing is coming in, one is poor. Consequently, one of the most important future tasks of this government is to create a balance between Cohen with Angel Guria, Secretary General of the OECD a policy of high-paying scientific jobs (Courtesy Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services) with substantial value-added capabilities and low-tech jobs. Not all of us can be programmers or engineers, lawyers or doctors. A responsible government should The nonprofit organizations are doing Arab women and haredi men is very low. take steps to create jobs for everyone, a fine job, but it is the government and Any serious long-term plan to reduce preferably by building modern low-tech not them that should be at the center of poverty will have to take into consideration industrial parks in peripheral areas. assisting the needy. Any self-respecting government should care of its poor and not delegate it to others. It may be more degrading for a poor person to accept help from a private organization than from the government, but can your ministry perform its duties without these charitable organizations? As I said, these organizations are doing an excellent job, but some of the things they are doing should be done by our ministry. Furthermore, all these nonprofit organizations should operate under the auspices or our ministry and in full cooperation with it. They can be excellent partners in implementing government policy in social matters but only under government auspices and nothing more. How can poverty be alleviated in the Arab and haredi communities? Cohen at the Parliamentary Welfare and Employment Committee Poverty exists in these two communities (Courtesy Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services) because the level of employment among

14 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November The GA’s collective energy defuses the collective sigh over the Pew survey

By Lisa Samin

Elie Wiesel, left, and Natan Sharansky, in ith the publication of the Pew In conversation with Michael Siegal, CEO The 2010 GA in New Orleans conversation at the GA in 2012. (Courtesy Robert A. Cumins) (Courtesy JFNA) report citing 22 percent of of Olympic Steel and JFNA chairman of the board the Jews in North America describing themselves as having cooperation between the Jewish communities What inspired you to become JFNA individuals in our system to debate and W dialogue around the most crucial of the no religion, and an even larger percentage in North America, Israeli social organizations chairman? affiliating only as ancestral or cultural Jews, and Israeli philanthropists. And what better Having been engaged in both the issues facing our communities’ vibrancy there has been a lot of hand-wringing in the way to promote this cooperation than Federation system and in my years of and sustainability for today and for the next Jewish community across the board. through the GA?” says Douek. chairing the Israel Bonds organization, 100 years. The significance of the location However, The Jewish Federations of “There is a growing sense in the local as well as business experiences in the is to bring ideas of collaboration with the North America (JFNA) reflects a different business community regarding the need public arena, places me in a position to government and the people of Israel. At narrative. And the 2013 General Assembly to upgrade and expand their philanthropic bring a perspective toward outcomes 65, Israel is still maturing as a nation and (GA), being held this year in Jerusalem, involvement, and I am confident that many for the narrative of a collective system. particularly around issues of social justice shows a collective Jewish community that is Israelis in general, and businesspeople in Working with the very professional staff and philanthropy. We are most pleased to energized, determined to engage Jews and particular, will attend the GA to both share and lay leaders who have engaged in this see the first Federation in Israel succeed confront the different challenges in North their own experience and learn from the work for years is inspirational enough to and want, when asked, to help other America, Israel and around the world. longstanding involvement of the Jewish sustain a vibrant North American Jewish communities and individuals learn from “The JFNA brings the entire Federation communities in the US,” he says. community. our experiences. We want to build bridges system together to make a much bigger Eitan Wertheimer, whose International What is the purpose of the GA? What does of understanding between ourselves, impact as a collective than one community Metalworking Companies (IMC) was it hope to accomplish? and we want to have fun. There is great could accomplish alone,” says JFNA CEO purchased by Warren Buffet, is another The North American community meaning and joyfulness in Jerusalem that Jerry Silverman. “The GA is spurring prominent Israeli mega-philanthropist represents about half of the global Jewish can inspire us to do more in our goal of important dialogue about the biggest involved with the North American Jewish population, and so has much responsibility “Am Yisrael chai.” challenges facing the Jewish People.” community. Among his many social and opportunity to galvanize the very How do you plan to inspire the younger This year’s GA in Jerusalem is about initiatives in partnership with JFNA is divergent aspects of our community. generation to become involved in the Federation two futures: the future of Israel and its Daroma Tzafona, which provides loans We dialogue with Washington and world and carry on its rich heritage? A teacher and an Ethiopian student at the relationship with Jewish communities and support for industrial companies in Jerusalem about issues that concern We must build a global platform ORT Shaar HaNegev school – supported by around the world, and the challenges facing the periphery, and is one of this year’s GA the most vulnerable members of our connecting and recognizing that our Federations. community. We gather voices from our survival for the next century will be (Courtesy David Silverman) North American Jewry. sponsors. “The GA provides an unprecedented Holding the GA in Israel is both timely almost 450 communities to make sure about engaging younger Jews in very platform where leading members of North and important, says Silverman. “Religious where we agree and disagree on policies new and different ways. Assimilation American Jewry can meet their Israeli issues critical to Jews everywhere are shaping (religiously, politically and socially) so that and acceptance, wealth disparity in our counterparts and dialogue about ways to Israel’s agenda, so it’s vital that we meet in we can present our positions respectfully, community, as well as the mix between strengthen the ties between the Diaspora Jerusalem. It is where, together, we’ll meet effectively and efficiently. We partner with Orthodoxy and various religious streams and the State of Israel,” says Rebecca Caspi, our biggest challenges. Culminating the GA, the Jewish Agency for Israel, the Joint or secularism, may affect our community JFNA executive director, Israel Office and we’ll all walk through the city to the Kotel, Distribution Committee (JDC), World in ways we could not have imagined. We senior VP, Israel and overseas. in a show of Jewish unity, to underscore the ORT and the Ethiopian National Project have to bring relevancy to our various Israeli businessman and philanthropist centrality of Jerusalem and to show there is (ENP) to push forward agendas globally affinity groups. We must use, collectively, Ronny Douek is the Israeli chairman of a place for all Jews here,” he says. for the advancement of our peoplehood. our best thinkers, philanthropists the 2013 GA. For the past 20 years he has “For thousands of years, this piece of land We can bring a voice to those that have and friends to build new pathways of been deeply involved in social issues and has been at the heart and focus of Jews and little or none. connectivity between ourselves and the entrepreneurship, including a number of Jewish communities all over the world,” says What is the added value of holding the GA world. important social initiatives with JFNA and Caspi. “For North American Jews, Israel is in Israel? I hope to encourage our community individual federations. an important part of our daily lives, and our The importance of the GA is to bring in collective responsibility to meet the “It is very important to deepen the commitment to the Jewish state is total.” together the most active and committed covenant handed to us at Sinai.

16 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November 17

Some personal perspectives

By Sam Berk

ince the GA is convening in Linda Hurwitz, of Baltimore, is JFNA’s Ann Pava, of West Hartford, Connecticut, Jerusalem in 2013, it makes sense national campaign chair. She has served as is JFNA’s National Women’s Philanthropy that GA participants are taking the president and chair of the National Women’s chair. Her charge is to connect more Sopportunity to once again explore Philanthropy and as JFNA’s National women to the role of Israel’s capital. On the final day of the GA, Training chair. She has also served as through meaningful events, missions and participants are visiting centers of Jewish campaign chair for The Associated: Jewish engagement. She believes that through learning and engaging with thought leaders on Federation of Baltimore. She is currently women’s philanthropy, she has been able big issues facing our communities. They are the chair of Planning and Allocations for “to touch the Jewish People across North also experiencing the impact of Federations the association and is a founding co-chair of America and around the world.” She is a at social service projects across the city. the Partnership with Baltimore. past president of the Jewish Federation of To cap off the GA, participants will be Western Massachusetts and has served on walking from City Hall to the Western Wall “There is nothing that makes me feel the National Women’s Philanthropy Board in a major show of Jewish unity. The GA will more alive, more passionate, more a part since 2007. be celebrating the centrality of Jerusalem of belonging, more an understanding of and underscoring that there is a place for all my link in the chain as when I go up that “Jerusalem is the place where I feel Jews around the world at the Kotel. hill toward Jerusalem. When you do reach closest to God. It is the place where I feel Jerusalem, there is no way you cannot feel the most spiritual, and it is the place I feel We asked a range of top Federation lay the bond, connectedness, responsibility most connected to the Jewish people. Being leaders how the city has shaped their Jewish and historic mitzva of having this people, there restores my soul and rejuvenates my philanthropy, their connection to Israel and with whom you are forever connected and spirit -- and is a constant reminder of the joy to the Jewish People. forever love. You cannot feel it anywhere I have for working with the Jewish people. else besides Jerusalem. Everywhere you go My favorite place to pray on Shabbat is in Israel is magnificent, and you connect with Shira Hadasha, an Orthodox egalitarian shul the people. But when you want to connect experience not to be missed.” to the land, you need to go to Jerusalem.”

Linda Hurwitz Ann Pava Alison Lebovitz (Courtesy JFNA) (Courtesy JFNA) (Courtesy JFNA)

20 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November Alison Lebovitz, of Chattanooga, is secretary of the Jewish Federation of a member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee, is co-chair of JFNA’s National Metropolitan , co-chaired the 2010 United Jewish Endowment Fund of Greater Young Leadership. She serves on the National Young Leadership Cabinet Study Washington. board of the Jewish Federation for Greater Mission to Morocco and has attended over Chattanooga, United Way of Greater a dozen national and international JFNA “I knew of Jerusalem only through Chattanooga and on many other local conferences. He is also CEO of Revolution what I learned in shul and Hebrew school. and national nonprofit boards. She is co- Dancewear. It wasn’t until 1985, when coming from founder and president of One Clip at a a mission in Poland and stepping off a Time, an organization that promotes student “My first trip to Israel was in 2007, when plane in Israel, that I fully appreciated the activism and supports service learning in I was leading a mission from Detroit that significance of Jerusalem. All of the words classrooms across North America. She included my wife, friends and others from of the prayers and my teachers’ stories hosts a weekly television series that airs on our community. I had always wanted to visit about the Jewish People came to life before PBS in Tennessee and is the author of Am Israel, and while I had become a donor, I was my very eyes. It has been a love affair ever I There Yet? a collection of her essays and motivated mostly in an intellectual sense of since. Each time I go (more than 60 times stories. responsibility to the community. We began total!), it strengthens my resolve to work in the North, which is Detroit’s partnership on behalf of the Jewish People. Being “None of our many trips can compare region, and while we visited some amazing part of a kehilla, a community, has always to the Israel we’ve seen through the eyes of people and sites, including the spot at the been central to who I am. Being part of a our children. Our boys were only three, five Lebanese border where Gilad Schalit was people who have survived for 3,000 years and seven years old during their first visit in kidnapped, I remained very much in my and continues to thrive as symbolized by 2007, and at the time my husband and I had head about the experience. As we drove into Jerusalem, gives me an identity, strength, only one goal in mind: to instill in them an Jerusalem, we first stopped at an overview conviction and most especially pride. early love for Israel. In Jerusalem, while we of the city. We brought the group together Jerusalem is the symbol of all that brings prayed at the Western Wall and toured the and said a Shehechiyanu. Mid-blessing, I meaning to my life and life’s work.” underground tunnels, one of our favorite lost my composure and broke into tears. I destinations was the Canyon – the Malha was filled by this incredible feeling that I Mall -- which was an ideal place to peruse had come home, to this place I had never the true Israeli pop culture scene. The best been. I felt deeply that I had come home part was the food court, separated according in my Judaism, in my philanthropy and to meat and milk merchants, of course. And in understanding my place as part of the while Jerusalem is the City of Gold and not Jewish people. My journey to Jerusalem the City of Golden Arches, by visiting places was also the journey from my head to my like the mall, our boys saw that Israel isn’t heart in the importance of giving back to just a holy place of our ancestors but also a the community.” vibrant place where people live, work, play and pray every day. While there, one of our Diane S. (Dede) Feinberg boys remarked, ‘Wow, this feels like home.’ (Courtesy JFNA) And isn’t that the reaction we all hope to hear from our children?”

Stephen J. Silverman (Courtesy JFNA)

Stephen J. Silverman of Jacksonville, Florida, is treasurer of JFNA. He has served as president and campaign chairman of the Jacksonville Jewish Federation and is on the Board of Directors of the Jacksonville Jewish Foundation. He is president and CEO of Silver Solutions Inc. and COO of the Raven Transport Company.

“There is no other city in the world that brings all religions together as the City of David, the city where the foundation of my beliefs and those of Judaism has been for Robb Lippitt (Courtesy JFNA) Diane S. (Dede) Feinberg of Washington, thousands of years. When I go to Jerusalem, DC, is chair of the Executive Committee I feel at home. It’s a place I can go and see of the Board of the Jewish Federations of the history of my people. When I think Robb Lippitt, of Detroit, Michigan, is North America. She has served as president of Jerusalem, I think of the Kotel. I think also co-chair of JFNA’s National Young of the Jewish Federation of Greater of how the Temple survived nations upon Leadership, a member of the JFNA Washington and was a co-chair of the 2009 nations that tried to destroy us. The old Development Cabinet and a member GA in Washington, DC. She has also served Temple is still there, we are still there, we of JFNA’s Marketing Committee. He as vice chair of and is are still counted, and we are still unified.”

22 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November A poor rich country

By John Benzaquen

(Courtesy Tachlit)

srael is considered an affluent, if not But while Israel’s macroeconomic figures In this country, many of the services rich, country with a per capita GDP of are more than satisfactory, the gap between that had been supplied by the government, $30,000 and a per capita PPP of nearly the haves and have-nots is very wide and such as social services, education and health, I$33,000. It is a member of the OECD, getting wider all the time. are now provided by charitable nonprofit the organization of wealthy countries. A When Israel was founded in 1948, it organizations, and the government uses GDP of $30,000 is lower than that of the had a socialistic ideology, something akin to the medium of these organizations to UK or Germany with a per capita GDP of the welfare state established by the British help those in need. The government takes circa $40,000, but it is on a par with Italy and Labour Party in 1945 after World War II. It care of health services and education, but Spain. Israel’s annual GDP dwarfs the per was a state that looked after the needs of its these services are basic, and the nonprofit capita GDP of neighboring states such as citizens from the cradle to the grave. In the organizations try to assist the needy who with $3,000, with $5,000 and UK, the welfare state is a thing of the past do not have the resources to obtain medical with $11,000. as it is in Israel. treatment or buy medicine.

24 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November During the past 45 years, the government has gradually decreased the budget of the social services, and nonprofit institutions have taken their place. They are all financed by donations, the majority by small donors, as the heavy donors usually give their money to hospitals, universities, museums and the like. Soup kitchens and organizations that give food parcels to the needy, for example, have to rely on a network that targets hundreds, if not thousands, of small donors who contribute small sums on a monthly basis. These nonprofit organizations have an umbrella organization called Civic Leadership. Its chairman, Ophir Katz, tells The Jerusalem Post, “While there are over 35,000 nonprofit organizations registered in Israel, according to our estimates only 12,000 to 14,000 are operational. These organizations have tremendous impact on the development of the country, social and (Courtesy Tachlit) other. Many associate these organizations with charitable deeds. But while many are indeed charitable institutions, others are not. They deal with environmental matters, the treatment of animals, sports, education, etc. These organizations encompass the whole spectrum of our society and all political shades, religious and nonreligious, Christian, Muslim and Jewish, etc. And they all have a pressing problem. The government finances only a small percentage of our overall costs, some NIS 2 billion, and most of this money is payment for services we render to the public on a subcontracting basis. As an umbrella organization, we deal with macro issues, such as relations with the government. We promote legislation in our interests, etc. At present, when the economy is going through difficult times, it is much harder to raise money through donations, and the shortage of money is greater than ever.” Consequently, the nonprofit (Courtesy Tachlit) organizations in Israel could be divided into two -- those that cater to the needy by providing them with food, clothing, health and education, and those that do not. The latter provide important services, but they do not aid those who need help for their daily needs. Nissan Limor is the chairman of the Institute for Civil Responsibility, which is affiliated with the College of Academic Studies in Or Yehuda, and chairman of the Van Leer Third Sector Forum. “In my estimation, about 20 percent of the population have difficulty making ends meet and are in need of a helping hand through food parcels or any other assistance that will reduce their living costs and allow them to survive. But there are different levels of poverty. There are destitute people who survive by eating in soup kitchens, and there are those who are not destitute but do not have enough and receive food parcels to (Courtesy Yad Sarah) 26 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November tide them over,” he says. organizations. The founder and director day, and guidance/exhibition centers that “I think that dividing nonprofit general says, “The number of people in help disabled people choose the devices organizations between those that help the need of help is growing constantly, and we most suited to their needs. Yad Sarah lends poor and those that do not is problematic. do our utmost to help them. While there is medical and rehabilitative equipment on a How do you classify a home or an no hunger as such in Israel, poverty means short-term basis free of charge to anyone organization that cares for the needs of that children are undernourished. They do who needs. Its stock of more 250,000 abused women, for example? Is that caring not have decent clothes and shoes, they items ranges from crutches and wheelchairs for the needy? It may not, strictly speaking, don’t have the physical needs to do their to oxygen concentrators and electronic be caring for the needy because they have homework, etc. There are many charitable monitors. The organization also provides nothing to eat, but it is serving a social need organizations in Israel that cater to some of equipment and services for new mothers, by giving a safe shelter to women and their these needs. At Tachlit, we concentrate on infants, recently discharged hospital patients children who would otherwise have nowhere feeding the needy.” and others in need, as well as a wide range to go. In my opinion, a charitable nonprofit Like all such organizations, Tachlit is of volunteer-run creative, recreational and organization is one that serves a social financed by private individuals, most of rehabilitative activities for the housebound. purpose by helping those who need help in whom have a monthly standing bank order, Yad Sarah’s annual operating budget whatever area and alleviates the hardships while businesses help in money and other is financed almost entirely by donations, of those in need,” he says. ways. Food companies and restaurants more than 70 percent of which are raised Here are three examples some of some donate food. What is unique about Tachlit is in Israel. It receives no ongoing government nonprofit organizations in Israel that that it has arrangements with a large number assistance. provide such needs. of restaurants that invite some of the needy on a specific day each week to have a free Carmei Ha’ir Soup Kitchen hot meal. www.carmeihair.org.il Tachlit distributes 4,000 food packages a month, which are handed out every Soup kitchens are the most basic of Thursday evening. For the Jewish holidays, charitable organizations because they feed the organization gives out 6,500 packages. the destitute who do not have the means to In special cases, volunteers deliver the food buy food. While societies have been using packages to the homes of those who cannot various methods to share food with the get to the distribution center. hungry for millennia, the first soup kitchens in the modern sense emerged in the late Yad Sarah: Medical devices for the sick 18th century, probably in the UK. They were www.yadsarah.org.il called soup kitchens because they served soup and bread. By the late 19th century the Yad Sarah was founded 30 years ago by (Courtesy Tachlit) concept spread to the US and Europe. They Uri Lupolianski, former mayor of Jerusalem. became especially numerous in the US in The institution helps the sick by loaning the first half of the 20th century during the medical equipment that is needed by sick Depression and in the aftermath of World people and is beyond the reach of many. War II in some of the devastated cities of It also takes care of sick children or the Europe. children of the sick, etc. The organization With the advent of neo capitalism helps all those in need, regardless of what and cutbacks in welfare, soup kitchens are segment of the population they belong to. experiencing a comeback. Today, they serve It provides a wide spectrum of free or more than soup and bread. Carmei Ha’ir in nominal cost services designed to make life Jerusalem is a case in point. It was founded easier for sick, disabled and elderly people by a man who believes that charitable deeds and their families. should be done discreetly, thus he gives only The largest voluntary nonprofit his first name, Oren. organization in Israel, Yad Sarah has 103 Carmei Ha’ir is located near the Mahaneh branches throughout the country, run Yehuda market. It serves more than 100 by more than 6,000 volunteers. It saves (Courtesy Yad Sarah) breakfasts and 300 lunches a day. Oren says, the country about $320 million a year in “We finance our operations by donations hospitalization and medical costs. either in money or in kind. Restaurants Yad Sarah`s mission is to keep the ill and companies in the food business donate and the elderly in their homes and out of food. It is not easy, but we survive. We feed institutions as long as possible. Home care the poorest members of society, such as the in the natural environment of the family homeless and the elderly who have fallen on is most conducive to healthy recuperation, hard times.” both physically and emotionally. It also costs the family and the state much less. Yad Sarah provides a wide range of other Tachlit: Caring for the sick and hungry services as well, such as transportation and www.tachlit.org day care centers for the disabled, drop-in centers and minimum-charge dental clinics Founded in Jerusalem in 1998, Tachlit for the elderly, personal computerized is one of the country’s leading nonprofit emergency alarms monitored 24 hours a (Courtesy Tachlit) 28 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November Integrating into the right circles

By Jason Blackshaw

Ma’agalim youngsters preparing for military service (Courtesy Ma’agalim)

a’agalim (www.maagalim.co.il) is became aware of the large number of what was termed ‘second Israel.’ This is a an Israeli nonprofit organization young men and women from unprivileged derogatory term used to describe people with a very special mission. Its backgrounds whose attitude toward military living in what are called development towns Mfull name is Harhavat Ma’agalim, service and the ideals and culture of – urban settlements set up in the 1950s to and its mission is to help as many socially mainstream Israel were foreign to their way house the vast number of refugees that underprivileged teenagers as possible of thinking, making it almost impossible for flooded the country and never managed to integrate into society and become productive them to integrate into mainstream society. really take off either socially or economically. citizens. In a talk with The Jerusalem Post, Weiss During my military service, I met young Ma’agalim helps youngsters from age explains the philosophy behind the men and women my age who had totally 15 to 18 living in at-risk environments to organization that he and a group of friends different attitudes toward the State of Israel enroll in Israel’s armed forces, the IDF. The from similar backgrounds founded 15 years and about the need to serve in the IDF,” he organization was founded by Assaf Weiss. ago, which he heads to this day. recounts. During his three-year military service, he “I was always more or less aware of Weiss met these people and realized

30 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November that the term “second Israel” was not a geographical definition but a state of mind, an attitude that was very different from that prevailing in mainstream Israel and prevented these people from becoming productive members of society, a long-term danger to the social stability of the state. Weiss says, “Our organization helps teenagers from endangered societies – and by that I mean teenagers who live in areas where the inhabitants have the wrong attitudes toward Israel, its ideals and institutions. We operate by cooperating with schools in those areas. We organize a group, usually in the same class, attach an instructor – a young man or woman from their own background, ex-servicemen who made it good, such as students. They set an example by showing these youngsters that it is possible to develop differently, that by making an effort they can help themselves to become productive members of middle Israel. We try to give them the tools to make The Lydda group at good in life by their own efforts. Youngsters (Courtesy Ma’agalim) of 15 or 16 are at a very impressionable age, and this is the right time to reform their characters.” for those obtaining a high school leaving A success story Today, there are 350 Ma’agalim groups in certificate in these areas is less than 25%. Israel, from Dimona in the South to Kiryat The scale and quality of the operations Ma’agalim has had many Shmona in the North. They meet twice organized by Ma’agalim do not come cheap. individual successes. One of them a week and, generally speaking, are very The organization has annual costs of more is a young man, now 29, whom we successful. Participation is voluntary and than $3.6 million and, like most nonprofit will call Abram. He was born and informal. The groups are not part of the organizations in Israel, its financial situation raised in one of the less pleasant school curriculum or activities; consequently, is very tight. Half the budget is covered neighborhoods of Lod, a place they generate a lot of interest. On average, by the Education Ministry, which is very where a large percentage of the 90 percent of the class participates. appreciative of the work it does. The other residents are on welfare, a place of One of the main tasks of these groups is half comes from donations, which is not a drug dealers and dropouts. Abram to train the youngsters toward the fulfillment stable source of income. was one of them and did want to do of their military service. Rick Schottenstein, head of the his military service or finish school. Weiss explains that Ma’agalim commercial office of the State of Ohio on The only thing that interested him emphasizes military service because of its the Eastern Mediterranean Basin, tells The was how to make money the way central role in Israeli society. The raison Jerusalem Post, “The work that Ma’agalim the young men in his neighborhood d’etre of compulsory military service is the is doing is very helpful for the youngsters, made money. He was the typical geopolitical situation of Israel, threatened as and it is very helpful to Israel as a whole. youngster in an endangered it is by outside forces. But the military serves Just look at the figures. The annual cost of environment, the kind that usually another purpose that is no less important. It instructing a group of, say, 25 youngsters ends up in prison. is a very efficient melting pot. is $9,600. If out of these, 20 become But this particular at-risk “In Israel, if you have served in the IDF, productive members of society and do not youngster had the good fortune of you are ‘in.’ If not, you remain an outsider,” become a burden on the state as many of being taken in hand by Ma’agalim says Weiss. “That is why we place such an them would have, they will be paying taxes when he was 16. The result was very emphasis on military service. We want our on their earnings and will be doing their dramatic. youngsters to want to serve and to make use bit in increasing the GDP. Ma’agalim is By the age of 18, he was enrolled of the opportunities that military service offering the best kind of assistance. Instead in the armed forces and posted to offers its members. In many of these areas, of giving fish to the hungry, it supplies them the air force, a branch of the IDF 18-year-olds usually don’t want to serve and with the fishing rods and know-how to that is very selective about who it try all sorts of means to evade service. We catch fish. This way, they are weaned from accepts into its ranks. Ma’agalim believe that by encouraging them to serve the culture of handouts.” continued to help Abram after and fulfill their duties to their home country, For 15 years, Ma’agalim has been helping the army in the same way it helps they are ultimately helping themselves.” youngsters integrate into Israeli society, and many others in similar situations. The achievements of Ma’agalim are it intends to continue its good work for It helped him complete his high impressive. In its 15 years, it has instructed many years to come. As Weiss says, “As long school education. From there, he 25,000 youngsters, of which 69% have as there is one single youngster in Israel in went on to an institute of higher obtained their high school leaving certificate; need of coaching and assistance, we will be learning, where he obtained a CPA 85% performed useful tasks during their there to give him or her a helping hand. And certificate. Abram is now employed military service; and 65% went on to believe you me, thousands, if not more, can in one of the leading financial institutes of higher learning to. The average make use of our services.” institutions in the country.

32 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November

Memphis, the birthplace of the Arabian horse The Nabatean city of Memphis, or Mamshit, is the smallest but most well-preserved Nabatean city in the . Like , it was an important trading center and sat on the trade route from Arabia and the Idumean Mountains to Hebron and onwards to Jerusalem, Samaria and Damascus. Despite the Roman conquest of Nabatea, the city continued to prosper by breeding horses. The world-famous Arabian Strain was first raised in Mamshit. Later, the city’s prosperity was based on its location as a frontier town of the . But Historical sights to see when the influence and power of Byzantium declined and funding run out, the city quickly declined and was abandoned.

Shivta, growing food in the Desert The Nabatean city of differs from other Nabatean towns in that it was not a commercial center and did not lie astride a trade By Yochanan Altman route. It was not fortified, and archaeologists believe it was agricultural in nature with fields all around it. This is surprising, since it is located in one of the driest areas of the Negev Desert. But the Nabateans were experts in desert agriculture, and the town is a model of careful town planning, with well laid-out streets and water collection systems. srael is saturated with history and historical monuments, and the autumn is an ideal time to go sightseeing. The weather is very pleasant for outings, as it is cool and refreshing. Furthermore, Israel is a small country and, as such, all Herodion, the palace fortress that Herod built major sites are not far from the centers of population. This is one of the most fascinating structures that remain from the ancient world. It combined the functions of a palace and a So take time to visit some of the country’s many historical sites, such as the ruins of the Nabatean city of Avdat in fortress. I Built by King Herod the Great just outside Bethlehem, it is an artificial hill with massive high walls around it, with Herod’s palace at the the Negev, the remains of the old Israelite city of with its Jewish Temple and Holy of Holies modeled on the First center. It had large public rooms, private rooms, bathrooms, etc. Outside the walls were lush gardens and a swimming pool. Since the area Temple in Jerusalem, the Crusader fortress of Belvoir overlooking the , the fortress of Nimrod built to block around Herodion is arid, water was brought in via pipes and over an aqueduct. the expansion of the Crusader kingdom or Beit She’an, Israel’s Pompeii. These and other such sites have been declared This structure, started in 22 BCE, took seven years to build. According to legend, Herod intended it as his burial ground, which may national parks and are maintained by the Israel Nature and National Parks Protection Authority. explain why he gave it his name. Tel Arad, a glimpse at what the First Temple looked like Tel Arad is a 15-minute drive from the modern city of Arad. This is the very well preserved site of a city that was inhabited by the Tel Afek, the citadel that David built original Canaanite inhabitants of this country more than 5,000 years ago. The city was founded circa 3150 BCE and was inhabited by the When King David decisively defeated the in Afek Canaanites until 2200 BCE, when it was occupied by the Israelites. in the 11th century BCE, he had a citadel built on the spot, which At that period it was one of the most important urban centers in Canaan as evidenced by long walls, well-planned streets, water commanded an important part of the , the ancient collection techniques, etc. The city was divided into a lower and an upper city. The lower city was abandoned during the Israelite period. At main route from Egypt to Damascus. After the destruction of that time, the urban center was located in the upper city with its castle and temple. During the Israelite period, Arad was much smaller than the First Temple, the citadel was abandoned. Much later, the during the Canaanite period but it was, nevertheless, a major stronghold, a well-fortified city of the Israelite and Judean kingdoms. city was rebuilt by Herod and was named . In the courtyard of the castle is a temple modeled on the Solomonic Temple in Jerusalem. At that time, there were many such temples Tel Afek is the remains of this city, which are on view, as all over the country, and each had its Holy of Holies. Today, some religious Jews do not enter the temple for fear of treading on sacred well as the remains of a fine Turkish fortress called Biner Bashi. soil. This fortress had a commanding view of the surrounding area and commanded the source of the , which is now a mere canal since the headwaters of the river are used for The Nabatean cities of the Negev irrigation. But 50 years ago, it was the main source of fresh While the Nabatean city of Petra in Jordan is water to that rich agricultural region. Antipater Fort Afek internationally renowned, the three Nabatean cities Ruins of Avdat (Credit Doron Nissim) within the borders of the State of Israel -- Avdat, (Credit Doron Nissim) Mamshit and Shivta -- are not as well known. Beit She’an, the local Pompeii Beit She’an was not destroyed by a volcanic eruption, but it was damaged by an earthquake. However, the city is very well preserved. Like Megiddo, Beit She’an was also a center of Egyptian rule in the area. Its importance lay in its strategic location overlooking the Jordan Avdat, watchdog of the Spice Route Valley and the rich agricultural ground around it. Avdat is the largest Nabatean city in Israel. It But the fame of Beit She’an and the present site is due to its Hellenistic heritage. After the conquests of Alexander the Great, the area is located on the site of the ancient Spice Route, around Beit She’an was resettled by Greeks, who founded a city state which they named Scythopolis-Nysa. The city flourished greatly and the route taken by the caravans of the ancients to later became part of the confederation called the Decapolis, a group of 10 Hellenistic city-states in the region. transport spices and essences collected from Arabia The remains of the city attest to its former glory, boasting temples, an amphitheater and bath houses, as well as luxurious dwellings. at the commercial entrepot of Petra to the port of These are all evidence of one of the great cities of the ancient Middle East. Gaza for export to , Rome and Egypt. Such a rich and important commercial city had to be well defended, and its acropolis in the hills above the city Belvoir, the Crusaders in the Holy Land is vivid proof of its strategic importance and of its In Hebrew, Belvoir is called Kochav Hayarden, which means attraction to predators, mainly the Beduin. “Star of Jordan.” This is a Crusader fortress overlooking the Ruins Crusader fortress Ashkelon The city had many ups and downs, which is Jordan Valley and the Gilad mountain range. Built in 1140 CE, (Credit Doron Nissim) reflected by its architecture. Its prosperity was founded it was called Belvoir because of its stunning view of the Jordan on the transfer of goods from Arabia to Gaza and vice valley, the Gilad mountains and Trans Jordan. versa. When Gaza fell to the Hasmonean Alexander Janneus, trade decreased dramatically and so did the city’s prosperity. However, there It overlooked the route from Arabia to Damascus and was so was a large influx of refugees from Gaza, and it began to recover. The city itself survived the fall of the Nabatean Kingdom when it was strongly built that it withstood an 18-month siege by Saladin. As captured by the Romans, and it remained a major desert urban center until it was conquered and destroyed by the Arabs. a matter of fact, the fortress was never taken but was surrendered Not much remains of the town itself, but the remains of the Nabatean Temple and houses and public buildings are proof of its past with the disintegration of the Crusader Kingdom after the battle power and prosperity. The most well-preserved part of Avdat is the acropolis, or castle, towering 650 meters above sea level, providing of Hattin. spectacular views all around. Here you will see one of the most well-preserved monuments The Nabateans were experts in growing food in the desert. Adjacent to the site is a large farm that still uses Nabatean agricultural of 12th-century European military architecture adapted to the techniques of irrigation, sowing and harvesting reaping; with very successful yields. needs of the region. There is the castle keep in the center, five Be sure to visit the visitors’ center, where the city and the Spice Route are brought to life. And there is a shop that sells snacks and walls with turrets at the corners, and a surrounding moat that souvenirs. measures 12 meters deep and 20 meters wide.

36 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November 37 The Nimrod fortress, staving off the Crusaders The Nimrod fortress was built in 1248 CE on the slopes of Mount Hermon to prevent a possible expansion of the revived Crusader kingdom. It is a fortified compound of immense size and complexity. It was built on the Damascus -Acre highway; but with the waning of the Crusader kingdom, it lost its strategic value. The remains, which are very well preserved, are a fine example of Muslim military architecture at its peak. There are imposing gates, mighty line walls and lofty towers. The keep, which was designed and constructed as a self-contained unit, is a castle in its own right. Of special interest are the secret passages (today no longer secret) that enabled the garrison in times of siege to communicate with the outside world. Also of interest are the large water The Ruins of Scythopolis (Beit She’an) reservoirs, which allowed the garrison to (Credit Doron Nissim) withstand long sieges.

38 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November IDC Herzliya: An innovative approach to success

By Jonathan Davis

stablished in 1994, the Herzliya People and the world at large. Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) is Students receive an excellent education constructed on the basis of students- and enjoy the communal life, the cultural Eas-partners in their own education. activities, the trips and the campus life that Supporting and nurturing students is the first IDC offers. The wide range of scholarships priority of all university employees. There is ensures that IDC’s relatively high tuition no other academic institution in Israel where fees are never an obstacle to students. Prof Uriel Reichman, president and founder faculty and staff support have earned top Studies at IDC Herzliya focus on (Courtesy IDC) marks in student satisfaction as IDC has. providing students with all the tools required An open-door policy enables students and to thriving in today’s rapidly changing faculty to work together. business environment, while counseling Founder and president Uriel Reichman and assistance ensure that students are able formulated IDC’s mission statement based to devote their full attention to the task at on the Zionist ideal of contributing to the hand. State of Israel and the Jewish People. He Israelis new and old, as well as foreign recognized that the greatest motivation students, will remember their juncture at to succeed cannot be limited to inward- the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center as looking individualism but must also be a cherished experience that helped them based in a consciousness of the world succeed in living their potential to the around – its needs and its rich offerings. fullest. IDC boasts dozens of volunteer social service programs that are run by students The writer is head of the Raphael Recanati and faculties together, promoting liberty International School and vice president for external and responsibility and serving to remind relations. Jonathan Davis, VP external relations IDC everyone of their accountability toward (Courtesy IDC) those who need IDC’s help, generosity and assistance. Graduation Day Multidiscipline is a function of (Courtesy IDC) multiculturalism. With students from more than 84 countries, IDC is Israel’s most international university, providing the opportunity to study, network and befriend like-minded individuals from all corners of the world. If melting pots were meant to provide the flavor and nutrition of the world at large, IDC fulfills the promise. Behind this interdisciplinary democratic portico lies one of the country’s most serious academic establishments. With faculty members who hail from Ivy League campuses and graduate students who are sought after by those same institutions – and by most of the world’s finest global corporations – IDC has been making its mark worldwide. IDC Herzliya’s graduates have gone on to form a vast network of alumni throughout the globe, greatly impacting the State of Israel, the Jewish

40 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November sectors of the community where, for whatever reason, unemployment is high Liliot restaurant Social investment as a new and their chances of finding employment (Courtesy Dualis) are extremely low, if at all. These include physically handicapped persons, youths at risk, ex-convicts, minority groups, etc. That is our philosophy. In contrast to avenue for philanthropy conventional forms of charity whose effect has a very short lifespan, the effect of social investment is limitless because a good investment has a dynamic of its own. By Yochanan Altman In the words of Bangaladeshi Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank, ‘A charity dollar has one life; a social business dollar has endless from the public and what they receive from lives.’ That is the power of the social the government does not cover their costs. business,” says Barkat. Most of these organizations are doing In many ways, Grameen Bank is the excellent work, but there are detractors embodiment of social investment. It who challenge the philosophy of these makes small loans, called microcredit, or organizations and of charity in general. grameencredit, to the impoverished without These critics claim that charity helps in requiring collateral. The name Grameen is the short term but does not address the derived from the Bengali word gram, which cause of poverty which, in most cases, is means “rural” or “village.” Grameen Bank is unemployment from whatever cause. They a good example of social investment, social any business, we first check to see if it is oriented investments. It is the same believe that by receiving charitable help, business. It is founded on the principle feasible from a business perspective and if with us. Most of the funds that a certain the poor cannot climb out of the poverty that loans are better than charity because it performs a significant social service. If it organization or individual earmarks for pit. They get used to free handouts and they offer people the opportunity to take answers to these two criteria, we are willing charity are donated to hospitals, research, consequently do not make an effort to initiative in business or agriculture, which to invest in it,” says Barkat. homes for the elderly or the sick, etc. better themselves. provides earnings and enables them to pay For any fund, charitable or business, A part of that money diverted to social That is an interesting hypothesis but off the loan and escape the poverty trap. one of the main tasks of its management is investments funds. The monies from the is not altogether true. It may be true for Microcredit loans are based on the concept to raise money to attract investors. To that present fund have been invested in 10 those who receive monthly government that the poor have skills that are under- end, Barkat, who is an experienced venture social businesses. The Dualis management payments because they do not work and utilized and, with incentive, they can earn capitalist (he was managing director of Apax is now in the process of raising $5 million would otherwise be destitute. But it is not more money. Partners Israel for 10 years), is very active. for an additional fund called Dualis 2,” he true for those nonprofit organizations that A group-based credit approach is applied Dualis raises money from foundations and says. help people who cannot afford to buy food to a group to ensure that the borrowers individuals in Israel and abroad that usually Dualis has made good use of its money. and receive food parcels; help the sick who follow through and conduct their financial donate to charitable organizations in Israel. It now has a portfolio of eight companies cannot afford medicine or treatment; or help affairs with discipline, ensuring repayment The fund itself is a nonprofit organization, in the service industry, as well as one in low- children of needy families who, because of and allowing the borrowers to develop but the investments in portfolio companies tech and one in hi-tech. These businesses their environment, fall back in school and good credit standing. The bank also accepts are operated on a profit basis. They do not employ more than 400 people, 150 of need extra tutoring. deposits, provides other services and runs operate on the principle of maximizing whom are marginal individuals who are However, the idea that there can be other several development-oriented businesses, profit because their social operations cost being given jobs and training. Dualis invests ways besides outright charity is taking root, such as textile, telephone and energy money. But there is a profit, and these are a few hundred thousand dollars in each and the concept of investment in businesses companies. The bank’s credit policy to ploughed back into the Dualis fund, which project, and the equity shares it receives in that promote social issues is gaining ground. support under-served populations has led uses the money to repay the loans and create return enable Dualis as a hands-on investor Some entrepreneurs are setting up social to the overwhelming majority (98%) of its additional social businesses. This means to provide guidance and management investment funds to invest in projects that borrowers being women. there will come a time when the Dualis fund to ensure that they implement both the relieve poverty and help those sectors of In Israel, Dualis (www.dualis.org.il/en) will be self-perpetuating and will no longer business and social goals. This hands-on the community that have difficulty finding is the leading investor in social businesses. need to raise further funds. policy and the involvement of their staff in employment. Operating in the manner of a venture capital But if the portfolio companies do not the management of the portfolio companies The concept of the social investment fund, it raises money from investors and maximize profits, why should they interest is one of the reasons the enterprise is fund started in the UK. From there, it uses the funds to invest in social businesses. investors? profitable. spread to the US and Israel. One such social Barkat says that a social business has two Barkat explains. “Investors in a social Dualis has some very interesting investment fund in Israel is called Dualis. aims -- one social and the other financial. investment fund look beyond the business portfolio companies such as Lilliyot It was founded by Allan Barkat, who is the “It is a bona fide business with specific angle. Many individuals and organizations Restaurant and Café Ringelblum in CEO. business aims – i.e., making money -- but donate to charitable institutions, especially, , which employ and train youth In a talk with The Jerusalem Post, Barkat also with a specific meaningful social aim. if like Dualis, they are tax deductible. For at risk aged 16-19 years old as cooks; and explains, “Our aim is to assist those who It is an initiative that uses business tools them, donating or giving low interest- The Women’s Courtyard at the Port in , The Women’s Courtyard at the Jaffa Port need help to face the exigencies of a to address social issues. These businesses bearing loans is a charitable undertaking. a women’s clothing store that employs girls (Courtesy Dualis ) modern society not by handouts but by plan to reach long-term sustainability and These large organizations that give and young women at risk or in distress. At ccording to government statistics, housing, education, health care and the like. helping them help themselves. We do this profitability, dispensing with the need for heavily to charity operate like investors in the other end of the spectrum is Abilities there are some 35,000 nonprofit These charitable organizations are by creating businesses in Israel that provide further charitable help. When choosing VC funds. In a VC fund, the lion’s share Solutions, which trains and employs people organizations in Israel. The majority financed mainly by private donations and vocational training and employment for our investments, our mode of operation of the investment is directed to low- with disabilities to work in the software Awere established to assist those in some government assistance, but they are people on the margins of society. This is similar to that of VC funds. Our due tech investments, while a much smaller service sector, namely development and need by providing them with food, clothing, always strapped for money. What they raise way, we are creating employment for those diligence is extensive. Before we invest in share is directed to new hi-tech science- quality assurance.

42 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November 43 Catering to the business traveler

By Ehud Lahav

he year 2012 was a record year for luxury hotels, primarily in Tel Aviv, cater to work in Israel. We have refurbished some of tourism. Israel received 3.5 million the needs of business travelers, while others our guest rooms, converting them into large tourists, an increase of 4% compared are classified as business hotels. The Carlton suites. They are not only larger and more Tto 2011. These are impressive figures, Hotel is a first-class hotel located opposite spacious, but they are also more homelike given that the Western world is still in a state the Tel Aviv waterfront. It caters to the and contain a fully equipped workspace.” of recession. But for the local tourist industry, needs of conventional tourists, but it is also the figures were disappointing. There were designated as a business hotel because of expectations that the figures would increase the excellent services it offers the business by 10% to 3.7 million or even 3.75 million. traveler. The fall in tourism is unfortunate but It is not only located at practically the understandable. Tourism is very sensitive to water’s edge, but it is also very centrally not only political situations but to economic located. Business travelers want to relax developments as well. When times are hard after a hard day’s work, and the Carlton is and there is less money in the kitty, people conveniently situated near most of the city’s tend to cut expenses, and taking a holiday, major cultural centers, such as the Opera which can be considered a luxury, is among House, the Philharmonic Orchestra and the first on the list. the national theater. The Carlton Hotel also prides itself on its cuisine, and it serves three (Courtesy Carlton Hotel) Consequently, tourism is a very volatile industry. But there is a segment of the gourmet meals a day. But for those who industry that is much less volatile. It is want to experience the full culinary delights not completely immune to geopolitical of Tel Aviv, the hotel is located near some developments, but it is much less sensitive. of city’s finest restaurants. That is business tourism – i.e., business The Carlton recently upgraded its people who come to Israel to do business accommodations. Yossi Navi, the deputy or technicians who come to service new general manager of the hotel, says, “We came equipment. These people come to make to the conclusion that our guests, especially money, and the art of making money is business guests, appreciate large spacious much less sensitive to an unstable situation accommodation. They stay longer, especially than, say, vacationing tourists looking for a when they are senior executives supervising (Courtesy Carlton Hotel) good time. Business tourism is not based on the tourist or entertainment attractions of the country but on its business opportunities. As Israel is an important global hi-tech center, hi-tech executives are frequent visitors. In 2012, the number of business tourists amounted to approximately 390,000, or 11% of the total number. These tourists have a different agenda than the vacationing tourist. For one thing, their time is limited. These are highly paid executives, and their employees want them back at their desks as soon as possible. Consequently, the tourist services, especially accommodation, must be adapted accordingly. Israel is a fully integrated member of the global business scene, and the number of incoming business tourists is increasing rapidly. These business men and women come for short business trips, so they require hotels adapted to their needs. Most (courtesy Carlton hotel) 44 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November away from someone who has made his or her life in Israel. In an era of social media, this engagement becomes even more Facilitating the hidden pronounced. The old adage that “success breeds success” can be applied to 21st-century aliya. With a retention rate of 97 percent, successful aliya has become the norm, and good news spreads quickly. The desire of a generation realization of this success can be seen in the sheer numbers of children following parents, parents following children, and the emotional reuniting of relatives and By Tal Brody friends in the terminals of the airport during NBN’s welcome ceremonies. During the past 11 years, the Nefesh B’Nefesh staff have never lost their passion and commitment to their mission. Rabbi Fass, who has always made it a priority to accompany the charter planes, says, “I am constantly humbled by the enthusiasm and The “Children’s Flight”. A record number of 106 children made aliya aboard Nefesh B’Nefesh’s emotion of the olim who are born anew July 2013 Aliyah charter flight. They were greeted by the leaders of Keren Kayemeth L’Israel/JNF, and are mesmerized by the unifying nature former IDF captive Gilad Schalit and Israeli performer Rami Kleinstein (Courtesy Shahar Azran) of these flights. Religious and secular, young and old, Sephardi and Ashkenazi, of passengers waiting patiently for the with the Russell Berrie Foundation and all pointed in the same direction: home. As wheels to grind to a halt on the tarmac Keren Kayemeth Le’Israel/ JNF. each plane approaches the eastern shore of of Ben-Gurion International Airport, but In addition, the Lone Soldier Aliyah the Mediterranean and prepares to land, I it also heralded the onset of the fledgling Program assists more than 1,000 passionate am constantly reminded that this journey is Nefesh B’Nefesh organization. Working and idealistic young olim from around the only just beginning. All of these people will together with its invaluable senior partners world each year with their IDF service, not only be raising the flag of return in the in the Jewish Agency for Israel, the Ministry many of whom are serving in elite forces land of their ancestors, but by their mere of Immigration Absorption and Keren and positions vital to Israel’s national presence, they will also be working towards Kayemeth Le’Israel over the next 10 years, security. An expanded program has just the sustenance of a 4,000-year promise.” the organization was able to bring more been launched internationally with their than 35,000 Jews home to Israel. partners at Friends of the IDF (FIDF). Tal Brody is an Ambassador of Goodwill for But the figures tell only part of the story. The significant recognition of these Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He made aliya Each and every Jew who returns to Israel is programs has brought about a sea change in 1970 and served as the captain of Maccabi Tel reconnecting with his/her national mission, in perception, both towards aliya in general Aviv, Israel’s leading basketball team. making each one and their nation stronger. and Nefesh B’Nefesh in particular. In fact, Successful aliya literally builds a stronger there is a sense at Nefesh B’Nefesh and its Israel one oleh at a time. partners that they are sitting on the cusp of As the organization looks back at a tipping point for aliya. celebrating the milestone of NBN’s 10th The two-phase plan that Nefesh anniversary last year, it is also marking other B’Nefesh laid out is nearing a critical point. auspicious achievements. Firstly, the personal The first part of this plan required making national mission encapsulated in the aliya aliya viable and mainstream. If 10 years ago, of every Jew is now being recognized and moving to Israel was far from the Jewish appropriated by the government of Israel, Diaspora conversation and consciousness, which has recruited Nefesh B’Nefesh to it is now a vital component of discussions help meet some of Israel’s challenges. held around tables in the Diaspora and For example, the Physician Aliyah a critical part of the decision-making Future IDF soldiers pose together at JFK International Airport prior to their aliya Fellowship was created in response to an process facing increasing numbers of Jews (Courtesy Shahar Azran) increasing demand for qualified medical worldwide. Aliya has been successfully ore than 10 years ago, during He foresaw the need to raise the flag of aliya in the realization of their dream of return practitioners in Israel. Furthermore, the rebranded as viable, facilitating the hidden the early stages of what would once again with the hope that new life could to Zion. Nefesh B’Nefesh Go North Program desire of a generation wanting to actualize become known as the Second be breathed into one of ’s formative Rabbi Fass turned to one of his congregants, amply demonstrated the organization’s their national dream. MIntifada, a young relative of and central pillars. the irrepressible and visionary Tony Gelbart, ability to contribute to the national mission The second part of the plan is an Rabbi Yehoshua Fass was murdered by Some market research he performed with a plan to revitalize aliya. Gelbart took of developing Israel’s periphery. While obvious by-product of the first and is a terrorist while waiting for a bus outside revealed the surprising fact that many little convincing, and by July 2002 they were many were skeptical about NBN’s ability being achieved by a simple numbers game. . This, and sadly too many similar among American Jewry were not making joined by 500 other pioneering Jews on a to bring 1,000 olim to the north of Israel The result of tens of thousands of North attacks during those dark times, had profound aliya, not because they lacked the desire journey, perhaps short geographically but of in five years, the organization succeeded in American and British Jews making aliya ramifications for the young rabbi of a Boca but because logistically and pragmatically enormous historic significance, completing an surpassing that number within 40 months. is having ripple effects across western Raton community in Florida. it seemed much too difficult. Many saw expedition that had begun 2,000 years prior. This results from the passion of modern- Diaspora communities, meaning that most A new ‘olah’ is welcomed home at Ben-Gurion For Rabbi Fass, aliya seemed to be the financial, bureaucratic, employment and That flight across the Atlantic Ocean not day Zionists and pioneers moving to the Jews in North America and the UK today airport, summer 2013 most appropriate response to this tragedy. social barriers as insurmountable obstacles only signaled a new start for the hundreds North and from incredible partnerships are only one or two degrees of separation (courtesy Sasson Tiram / Nefesh B’Nefesh)

46 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November 47 The goose that lays the golden eggs

By Judah Massias

he government incubator program what they believe to be promising start- tors are much more cautious, and investing is an important source of funding ups. But the incubator program is by far the in hi tech-start-ups is not exactly exercising for the local hi-tech industry most important means of financing start- caution. T The local science-oriented in- ups. Therefore, the number of entrepreneurs dustry is in many ways the country’s most This is especially true at these times of requesting government financing may have important economic sector. In the past 15 financial exigencies. The VC funds prefer to increased by more than over 25%. years, it generated more than 50 percent of husband their resources and are reluctant Will this affect the local high-tech indus- industrial exports, or approximately $15 bil- to invest in new ventures. With regard to try? And if so, how? lion. Not only that, but the added value of angels, in these difficult times they tend to Most hi tech executives agree that times the hi-tech industry is very high, amounting spread their wings and fly away. are difficult. Many believe that while It is to nearly 80% compared to less than 25% in In consequence, the importance of the true that it is difficult to find financing,- be conventional low-tech exports. This means incubator program has increased, and the cause we are in the middle of an economic that every dollar exported in low-tech con- number of entrepreneurs applying for fi- downturn. But this is in the nature of things ventional products contains approximately nance has increased. As a result, the incuba- in a free market economy. There is a busi- $0.75 of imports, which means for every tor program is making strenuous efforts to ness cycle in which the economy at one dollar exported the net export value is only meet the needs of the industry on a budget point expands and then contracts. We are 25 cents. which, by all accounts, is insufficient. at the midst of a contracting process, albeit In hi-tech exports, the ratios are reversed. Yossi Smoller, the director of the Tech- a very severe contraction, but this has hap- The net export element can be as high as 80 nological Incubator Program, says, “In our pened before. It is true that in the absence cents to the US dollar. The very high added line of work, every budget is insufficient but of angels or in the face of a much tougher value of hi-tech exports had a very salutary we have to make do with what we have. In stand by VC funds, demand to be included effect on the trade balance and, for the first 2008 the budget of the incubator program in the government incubator program will time in the history of the state, there was a was NIS 170 million. In 2009 we are bud- increase. Consequently, only the very best surplus in the trade balance. geted for NIS 152 million. But I am confi- will be included, while the others will have The hi-tech industry is a very important dent that ultimately our budget for 2009 will to wait for better times. element in the country’s economy, but the be increased to at least to NIS 170 million Lior Maimon a hi tech serial entrepre- roots of the industry are deeply imbedded in because the Treasury is very much aware of neur at these times the proprietor of the the Technological Incubator Program. The the importance of the program.” ZONE 1 corporation which specializes in hi-tech industry in this country is revolving marketing through disagrees, “The econo- in nature. There are some large established my is going through difficult times there is companies such as Checkpoint and Nice A viable program less money available and these are the times that are well known globally, but the bulk of The program operates within the frame- when the government should increase the the industry is evolving. work of the Chief Scientist’s Office within level of aid to the start up industry. Start ups Entrepreneurs set up a science-oriented the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor. are a very important component in promot- start-up company that develops some inter- It operates on a shoestring budget, of barely ing economic growth, and it should be taken esting innovative technology. Some of these $350 million which is what a company like into account. companies shut down, but many are sold Microsoft spends in a month, and this re- at some stage of the development process. flects on the amount of money allocated to When this happens, the entrepreneurs use the program. the proceeds of the sale to set up another But money spent on the program is start-up company. In many instances these money well spent. As mentioned above, start-ups, especially those founded by since 1991 the incubator program has fi- new entrepreneurs, are funded within the nanced 1,175 start-up companies, of which framework of the Technological Incubator 40% are still active. During this time the Program. Since its inception in 1991 it has government invested $500 million. That is financed the creation of 1,175 science-ori- a hefty amount, but these start-ups have at- ented companies, of which 40% still exist. tracted foreign investments of upwards of Through the program the state invested $2.5 billion, created jobs and generated ex- approximately $500 million, but these com- ports. panies attracted foreign investments of just At these times entrepreneurs are finding over $2.5 billion. Furthermore, those start- it much more difficult to find financing for ups that succeeded in creating a viable prof- their new start-ups. The VC funds are also itable enterprise repaid the investment. feeling the cold winds of the recession, and they too will find it difficult to raise money. In consequence, they are husbanding their Other sources of funding resources, investing money in their portfolio The incubator program is not the only companies. They are not overly eager to take means of financing start-ups. There are on new commitments or investing in new venture capital funds, or angels, which are start-ups. The same holds true for private private investors who are willing to finance investor angels. When money is tight, inves- (Courtesy Incubator program)

48 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November 49 about 35,000, and the numbers will increase the concept of the sheltered home, and used because the most retirement units are with time. new retirement residences are becoming not sold outright and cannot be resold when Retirement residences This is happening all over the world increasingly more luxurious like five-star no longer in use. The residents have to put and in Israel it is happening at a faster rate hotels, while existing homes are being up a non-interest yielding deposit linked to because many Jews from overseas, especially upgraded to compete with the new ones. the local cost of living , which depreciates the US and the UK, are now retiring in Israel. But while congregate homes are annually according to the contract. Most Consequently, many retirement homes are becoming more luxurious, it is not so much depreciate for the first 10 to 15 years of adapted to English speakers. The demand the luxurious appointments but what they residence, but there are plans with deposits abound in Israel for sheltered housing in Israel, compared to have to offer that is the most important that depreciate with no time limit. When other countries, is higher than is warranted element in the appeal of these residences. the apartment is evacuated, the deposit or by the existing population. Most experts believe it is the need for what is left of it is returned to the family. By Jochanan Altman “Seven Stars” retirement residence in companionship, to be together with one’s Depreciation can amount to some 30% of the classy Herzeliyas Pituach neighborhood own and to be able to lead active lives the original deposit. is one of the more high end retirement that draw seniors to move to retirement While retirement housing is affordable residences in the country. It has a substantial residences. Men and women who live on a for the middle class, they are nevertheless number of overseas residents from the pension have a lot of free time, and one of constrained by the need to sell their diaspora and it makes it a point to adapt the challenges of retirees is how to fill their apartments or houses to pay for the deposit. itself to the needs of these overseas days. And that is exactly what sheltered Those who have decided in principal to residents. Sharon Saltsberg, VP sales of the housing offers. move to a retirement residence usually ask Seven Stars retirement residence told the Sheltered residences only accept seniors themselves if they can sell their home at a Jerusalem Post. “ We at the Seven Stars make it who can look after themselves. The reason fair price. That is why it is advisable to plan our business to make our overseas residents most of them come is social. The ‘lonely ahead in good time. See what is on offer, feel at home. We are bilingual Hebrew and crowd’ aptly describes our society, and for and decide after looking. And then start English and we have “ulpan” classes to help seniors it is lonelier still. Technological making the financial arrangements. them integrate in the community as a whole. developments have transformed man into The financial arrangements include In addition from time to time we organize a more introspective species. When one is evidence of a steady income that will be tours to places of historic or cultural interest out and working, taking an active part in the sufficient to cover the monthly maintenance etc. Our overseas residents quickly feel at productive process, the detached character fees plus living expenses such as food, home with us”. of our society is less noticeable and is felt entertainment and clothing. Most retirement The number of seniors from overseas less. But when one is on a pension and has residences will not accept applicants unless who decide to retire in Israel and live in a a lot of time on his hands, he is quickly they can prove they have a steady income retirement residence is growing constantly. made aware of his lonely state, and this that will cover their costs. encourages many to seek the social warmth But what brings them here? of a retirement center. Furthermore, What to look for The reasons are many. Some come from a sheltered home offers security. Many The wide range of sheltered housing emotional or religious others because their seniors are very conscious that they are on offer in Israel creates the problem of children have made Aliya and they want liable to be burgled in their homes, and this selection. Since so much is on offer, one to be near their loved ones. But there are can become something of a trauma if it may have problems choosing which one is other more mundane reasons. The current has happened to some of their friends or best. When choosing a retirement residence, day to day buying power of the US the UK acquaintances. one must bear in mind that it is a very Canadian Australian and UK pensions and important decision because in most cases it that of the EU countries for that matter The move to the country is for life. It is therefore advisable to come is generally greater in Israel than in their The urge to move from the crowded to an agreement with the management to countries of origin. This means that the cities to the country is also evident in stay for a certain period of time to see if standard of living of a retired senior may retirement housing. In the past, all one fits in. The more important elements be higher in Israel than in their countries of retirement residences were either in cities to consider are the following: origin. or on the outskirts. They had one or more *How does one keep busy? Are the Seniors wherever they are need an buildings with public rooms on the lower activities offered ones that I will enjoy environment that is adapted to their needs, floor, and the other floors were divided doing? Lobby and this is supplied by special residential into apartments. Now many entrepreneurs * The social mix. Do I fit in with the Seven Stars Residence projects. For one thing, retirement residences are building country-style residences social networks that have been formed? In (Courtesy Seven Stars Residence) provide a secure environment. It also relieves outside the cities with semi-detached style this context, it is well worth mentioning that the resident of doing household chores and residences with private gardens and the one should have the financial resources to the worries of managing one’s own home. public rooms concentrated in one large maintain a standard of living that is more or uring the past 50 years, life is real estate because seniors have special and women in their 80s or 90s can enjoy a And it offers a social environment that is central building. less accepted in that particular environment. expectancy has increased rapidly. residential needs. totally independent and active style of life. conducive to good living. Retirement residences are the ideal In such close surroundings, feeling poor is If in the 1950s a male was expected Their increasing economic importance And that is where the special real estate The demand for sheltered housing is option for the middle classes. They are a recipe for social disaster. Dto live on average less than 70 is in many ways due to the fact that older retirement industry comes into the picture. also fueled by a constant increase in the expensive but affordable. Most seniors *Make sure the environment is one that years and a female slightly more, today, life citizens usually receive pensions that allow The Israeli retirement home industry standard of living and by pension plans that have a pension from a well-paid job in you are accustomed to. See if the food in the expectancy in the Western world is over 80 them to enjoy a relatively comfortable is very dynamic. Demand is increasing, allow large segments of the community to the past or have money put away from the cafeteria or the restaurant is to what you are years of age and rising. Consequently, since standard of living, which translates into a and entrepreneurs are rapidly adapting retire in relative style. sale of a business. And this should suffice. used to and that the cultural environment people live longer, the number of older high degree of consumer spending. themselves to the demand. In 2007, the The increase in the standard of The money from the sale of one’s house is familiar. Religious retirees, for example, people has increased rapidly, and gray power The rapid advances in medical science number of residential units in retirement living of the population in general and or apartment can be used pay the deposit, will want to live in a religious retirement has political and economic clout. This is have not only allowed human beings to homes, or congregate houses, was estimated the increased sums that can be used for and the monthly income from a pension or center, and English speakers will choose a especially true from a consumer aspect. They live longer but have also increased their at 15,000. By the end of 2012, the number retirement purposes, at least among those accumulated capital can pay for the monthly retirement home where English is spoken have marked consumer traits, among which physical quality of life. Today, many men of such residences and those being built was of the middle class, is constantly changing maintenance fee. The word “deposit” is or at least understood by the residents.

50 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November 51 Accommodating the religious population By Judah Massias

erving the needs of the religious These development companies are is religious. The area has all the necessary population in Israel is big business. primarily selling their clients a religious communal facilities, such as ritual baths, According to government environment. A religious family needs synagogues and religious schools and, S statistics, eight percent of the to be in the vicinity of religious schools, where possible, the streets are sealed local population call themselves religious; synagogues, a mikve, religious cultural off from traffic on Shabbat and Jewish 8% define themselves as haredi, or ultra- institutions, stores to buy kosher food, as holidays. In such an area, we make sure that Orthodox, and 40% are observant. This well as an area that ideally has no cars on the dwellings are equipped with everything adds up to nearly 60% of the population. Shabbat. a religious family needs to maintain its way Based on these figures, one can estimate Furthermore, these families have of life, such as double sinks, a Shabbat the number of those who observe the laws social needs that are linked to having clock, Shabbat elevators and, when possible, of kashrut and keep Shabbat at about 40% other religious families in the area. All a terrace that can accommodate a succa,” to 50% of the population. Of these, one these facilities can be found in special he says. million to 1.25 million prefer to live in neighborhoods. Many of these have been Being able to accommodate a succa on apartments that are built to cater to their built by Mishab, but other development every terrace is somewhat of a problem, needs. companies are also building entire especially when designing a high-rise In this article, we will focus on the neighborhoods for religious families. apartment building. Mishab has a building modern Orthodox population. They M.Aviv Building Enterprises Ltd. is project in Petah Tikva called Mishkenot have special housing needs, and many involved in building dwellings for the Nahalim that is comprised of two development companies are only too glad religious segment of the population. Asaf ultramodern towers built for a religious to oblige. Aviv, the company’s CEO, says. “We are a public. Designing them was a real challenge. Tomer Moskovich is the general large development company with building The 18-story buildings have a total of 140 manager of Mishab, a development projects for all segments of the population. apartments, and each one of them can company that has been in the business Within that context, we have projects accommodate a succa. And that is no small for more than 80 years. He says, “Mishab earmarked for the religious segment of the feat because to be ritually kosher, a succa specializes in catering to the housing needs population. These projects are primarily in has to be open to the sky! of the religious segment of the population. areas where the majority of the population We are a very well-established company. In our many years of existence, we have built over 100,000 dwellings. In the past Nehalim residential towers years we have expanded our operations to (Courtesy of Mishab} include the non-religious public as well.” With regard to religious dwellings, he says, “There is no such thing as ‘a religious dwelling’ because any modern apartment can be adapted to the needs of a religious family. The kitchen can be adapted to the requirements of kashrut by having two separate sinks for meat and dairy; the electrical system can be adapted to the needs of those who observe Shabbat; and a terrace can in many cases be adapted for a succa. In the building itself, the elevators can easily be converted into Shabbat lifts that allows observant Jews to use them on Shabbat and Jewish holidays.” So if every apartment or home can be adapted to the needs of a religious family, what are the developers who specialize in supplying housing to the religious segment of the population offering? They are offering is location.

52 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November 53 Birds eyes view (Courtesy Ashkelon municipality)

South Africa in Israel

By Yochanan Altman

or English speakers, Ashkelon in Ashkelon itself dates back to antiquity. It Afridar is part of Ashkelon but has a general and Afridar in particular has been inhabited for thousands of years, history of its own that is closely connected have special importance because it with the exception of 1270 to 1596. The to the history of Anglo settlement in this Fwas the first urban center in Israel Crusader city and citadel were destroyed country. Afridar has the distinction of that was earmarked for English speakers, in by Mameluke sultan Baybar as part of his having two double firsts. It was the first this case natives of South Africa. policy to completely eradicate the Crusader modern neighborhood of Ashkelon and The name Afridar is a combination of presence by capturing the city of Acre and the first Anglo Saxon settlement and, to “Africa” and the first three letters of darom, all Crusader strongpoints. The city was date, the only one in Israel. It was founded Afridar is not only the city’s most or “south” in Hebrew because at that time, rebuilt by the Turkish Empire in the late in 1951 by the Zionist Federation of South upscale neighborhood but is also rural in Ashkelon was considered a very southerly 16th century. The modern Israeli city of Africa solely for South African settlers. character. When founded in 1951 it was city. Ashkelon came into existence after most of The South African element of its planned as a garden city in the South African Today, Ashkelon is Israel’s most westerly the original 11,000 Arab inhabitants of Al population has been greatly diluted, but model, with single-family homes with large city, and Afridar is its most westerly quarter. Majda were deported to Gaza. Afridar is still Ashkelon’s most high-end private gardens and an abundance of green residential area. Some 15,000 people live public spaces. In addition, it is adjacent within the original area of 1950s Afridar. to the seashore and the sandy beaches of A park in Afridar But while the South African element is (Courtesy Ashkelon municipality) Ashkelon. greatly diluted, the history remains. Now, 60 years on, the original The small English-speaking community area of Afridar retains many of these of Ashkelon includes South Africans characteristics. There are high-rise buildings, Britons, Americans, Canadians and but they are located in the peripheral Australians. Despite its size, there is an areas of Afridar opposite the sea. But association called the English Speakers the majority of residents in the Afridar of Ashkelon, which is active socially and core, approximately 80% of them, live in considered large plots of land. The plots sold culturally. They have wine and cheese single-family homes. Afridar proper can be to the South African founding fathers were evenings, a book circle that holds talks described as the area between Hatayasim 700 to 800 square meters on average. These on new books, etc. June Narunsky, the Street in the west, Park Ve’deshe (a municipal were large by Israeli standards but small chairperson of the association, says there park) in the east, the Eshkol quarter in the by South African standards. Most of the are approximately 400 Anglo families in south and the area called Barnea in the original single-family homes had red tiled Ashkelon, and the numbers are growing all north. roofs, but there are not many of these left. the time. Afridar is located in the geographical Many people who bought these homes “The attractions of Ashkelon as a place center of a large city, but it has retained built in the 1950s tore them down and built Ashkelon residents would like to live. of residence are one of Israel’s best-kept its rural character, partly due to the modern homes in their place. In many cases, Afridar is completely built up, which means secrets, and those in the know in English- municipality’s stringent zoning laws. There the large plot was subdivided into two small there is no more building land available; speaking countries come here. Our are very few apartment blocks, and none are plots, with two houses where there was only consequently, there are no building projects. association has social and cultural activities planned for the future. The only high-rises one. The only housing supply is provided by that help newcomers from English-speaking planned are a swath of apartment towers in Miki Peri, the agent for Anglo Saxon Real families who want to sell their homes. Many countries and make them feel at home as the western promontory of Afridar, linking Estate in Ashkelon, says, “Afridar is a great buyers purchase an old house on a plot of much as possible. We help them settle in Hatayasim Street to the Marina. place to live, and it is a great investment land, tear it down and build a modern dream and acclimatize themselves to their new Most dwellings in historic Afridar are opportunity. It is the most sought-after home. Recently, such a property on a 340 sq. environment,” she says. single-family homes on what in Israel are area in Ashkelon, the place where most m. plot was sold for NIS 1.2 million.”

54 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November 55 Interview Banking on the Bank of Jerusalem

By Juan de la Roca

seventh-largest bank and one of the most 2012, incomes rose by 1%, while real estate dynamic in the country. It is headquartered prices rose by 40%. In 2005, the price of an in Airport City Lydda and has 23 branches average apartment amounted to 94 average around the country. By the end of 2012, monthly salaries, it has currently risen to the bank had total assets of NIS 12, 292 140. In the UK, for example, the price of million. And its credit portfolio amounted an average apartment is equal to 66 average to NIS 9.58 billion, of which 77 percent monthly salaries. In Holland it is 59, and in were mortgages. Ireland it is 55. The Bank of Jerusalem is deeply “This is a very big problem,” says Paz. involved in the real estate market. In 2012, “The rise in real estate prices without a it had approximately 3% of the mortgage corresponding rise in salaries will have far- market and was financing nearly 10% of reaching long-term negative macroeconomic the residential building projects in Israel. repercussions. Let’s face it, families and Its substantial involvement in real estate individuals need a roof over their heads. has good reason. It was founded in 1963 Consequently, they will do whatever is as a mortgage bank, but since then has necessary to acquire a home, however undergone a major revolution. It now offers modest.” full retail banking services and is one of the In a situation where real estate prices are most competitive banks in Israel. It also galloping away while salaries are moving at a has extensive private banking operations snail’s pace, it means that the home buyers, (courtesy of Bank of Jerusalem) Uri Paz and administers 25% to 30% of the private whether young couples or singles, will have (courtesy of Bank of Jerusalem) banking accounts of foreign residents in to make use of whatever savings they have uring the past two years, the Jerusalem. Consequently, the bank’s chief managed to accumulate. It means that their Bank of Israel has stiffened the executive officer, Uri Paz, has deep insight immediate family will also have to cash in regulations covering mortgage into the local real estate market. their savings to help their offspring, says D activity in the country. Stanley On the question of rising real estate prices, Paz. Fischer, the governor of the Bank of he had this to say: “Demand for mortgages In the long term, it will mean that the rate mortgage will decrease demand because However, Paz is not worried. is warranted.” Israel from 2005 until June 2013, was may be falling, with a corresponding fall in available financial assets of the buyer and it will increase the monthly repayments, at “Demand for mortgages from overseas Today, most banks are increasingly worried that the very hefty price increases demand for real estate, but there is no doubt the immediate family will decline, and the least at present when floating interest rates buyers of expensive real estate in Jerusalem cautious about granting mortgages. in real estate were getting out of control that prices are still rising. They are rising disposable income of the buyers will decline are much lower than fixed rates. In a future is stable. This is understandable,” says Paz. Furthermore, the Bank of Israel only allows and could create a bubble situation that despite a possible fall in demand because, accordingly. In macroeconomic terms, this where interest rates may rise, the situation “These buyers, who are wealthy individuals mortgages when the monthly payments are would be very harmful to the economy. unfortunately, demand and supply are not means that consumer demand will fall, he may change; but currently, a floating rate or families from the Diaspora, are less less than 40% of the monthly income. Consequently, he took steps that would balanced, with demand still outstripping explains. mortgage is less expensive than a fixed rate sensitive to global economic developments. The Bank of Jerusalem is a dominant make mortgages more expensive and supply. Consequently, despite the fact that The figures published by the Bank of mortgage. A fall in demand for mortgages And they are not influenced by the real player in the haredi ultra religious more difficult to obtain. Among the real estate price levels are very high in Israel show that demand for mortgages is will have a lesser effect on the Bank of estate market trends in Israel. They have community. How does the bank operate restraining regulations a limit on the relation to the buying power of the potential falling. Is this a temporary trend or will the Jerusalem than on other banks. The effects the means and the desire to buy a dwelling in a community whose monthly income is size of the mortgage in relation to the buyers, the government is not taking the demand for mortgages continue to fall? in relation to us will be mitigated because in Jerusalem. And since in most cases their small and is usually not backed by a salary? value of the property and a limit on the necessary steps to improve the situation. Paz believes they may continue to fall. we specialize in niche markets with special reasons for buying are not only economic It manages because the haredi community is size of that part of the total mortgage The only way to at least stabilize prices is “The demand for mortgages may needs and specifications.” but also emotional -- a combination of one of the Bank of Jerusalem’s major niche that bears floating interest rates. These to increase supply, e.g. building starts. To continue to decline to some extent in the The Bank of Jerusalem is heavily religion, family and Zionism -- demand markets. regulations have had a large impact on do that, we need regulatory changes that will foreseeable future. The more stringent involved in financing purchases by overseas is stable. Incidentally, up to 30% of these Paz explains, “There is constant demand the mortgage market and, consequently, make it less difficult to sell land for building regulations by the Bank of Israel are buyers in Israel in general and in Jerusalem transactions are implemented through for real estate from the haredi community on the real estate market altogether. purposes and less difficult to get building affecting the ability of the banking sector to in particular. Jerusalem is well known for its our bank. We have wide experience in and, consequently, for mortgages. We To clarify these issues, The Jerusalem Post permits.” authorize mortgages and the public to take large number of very expensive residential this field. We easily identify their credit have wide experience in this sector and spoke to Uri Paz, the director general of the The rise in real estate prices is continuing out mortgages,” he says. projects, but the effects of the financial requirements and possibilities and, while know how to evaluate their sources of Bank of Jerusalem. unabated. Recent figures released by the Furthermore, he adds, “The regulation crisis that started in 2008 have left their taking a responsible attitude, are able to income, which at times come from diverse The Bank of Jerusalem is Israel’s Bank of Israel show that during 2005 to that limits the amount of a floating interest mark on this market. show flexibility to finalize a deal when this sources.”

56 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November 57 for the local economy as a whole. The education system produces doctors, engineers, biologists, etc., but it does not produce carpenters, metal workers, plumbers, printers, etc., nor does it produce The latest the much-needed technicians for the hi-tech industry – i.e., people who have two-year degrees in electronics, robotics, mechanical engineering and so forth. For us -- a hi-tech company that does both development work and production work -- this shortage of technicians is a big problem. Up to a couple of years intel on Intel ago, technicians were trained in colleges. Then these institutions decided to upgrade Juan de la Roca themselves by training engineers and giving BSCs. So now we have a situation in which we have more engineers than we need and much fewer technicians. I would like to add that generally, engineers who graduate from college are not on a par with engineers who graduate from university. Intel plant in Kiryat Gat A production company like ours, (Courtesy Intel) which is totally automated and operates Maxine Fassberg production machinery that costs tens (Courtesy Intel) of millions of dollars, requires skilled operators, technicians. And at present, in our workforce, and it pays off. We are worth $2.2 billion and made $628 million they are not found so easily. When we hire an efficient operation because a satisfied of reciprocal procurements from Israeli staff, we hire the best. This means that workforce gives good results. suppliers. Over the past five years, Intel in most cases, we hire engineers who are Please tell me something about Intel operations Israel contributed more than $4.1 billion to university graduates. in Israel. the development of the local economy as How do you overcome this problem? We started operations in Israel in 1975 part of its Industrial Development Plan. We have come to an exclusive agreement with four employees doing research work. The company’s development centers with one of the colleges whereby they train Now, 38 years later, we have over 8,100 spearhead Intel’s product development about 40 to 50 technicians a year according employees: we have 4,000 in mostly worldwide and are focused on Intel’s areas to our specifications. Intel is not the only doing research work; 1,500 in Jerusalem of growth: processors, platforms, software organization that has such a system. The (doing R&D and die-prep work); and 3,100 and services. In 2011, Intel experienced Israel Aircraft Industry, Teva. Rafael and in Kiryat Gat doing production work. the unprecedented success of the Sandy the armed forces have similar technician- We are considered one of the best fabs Bridge processor. The processor, developed training facilities. [semiconductor fabrication plants] in Israel. in Intel’s Haifa and Yakum development The Education Ministry is keen to And since Intel is considered the best and centers, was the fastest-selling processor reintroduce technical schools where most efficient producer of wafers in the in Intel’s history. In 2012, Intel started to youngsters can learn a trade. Such an world, I believe that in our field we are manufacture the Ivy Bridge processor, education system can do wonders for low- among the best, if not the best. which was also developed partly in Haifa. tech industries, which at currently losing out Intel has one of the largest hi-tech Intel Israel’s manufacturing plants leverage to low-salaried countries. These new highly operations in the country and has an Intel’s most innovative technologies. During trained young people can upgrade these important bearing on the development of 2011, Fab28 in Kiryat Gat was upgraded cience-oriented industry is one of a period that cannot be described as easy,” in the past. The same holds true for raising industries by using hi-tech machinery, which Israel as an important and innovative global to 22-nanometer technology. The upgrade the pillars of the Israeli economy. says Fassberg. “The origin of the problem money to finance the hi-tech industries, can reduce production costs, produce better- hi-tech center. Intel Israel is considered to be was a vote of confidence in Intel Israel’s In 2012, exports from this industry stems from the fact that the science-based especially start-ups. The world is strapped quality products and thereby compete with the largest private employer in the country contribution to the Intel Corporation and Samounted to more than 45 percent industry is export-oriented and dependent for money. It is not only local VC funds that inexpensive products from the Far East and today, with employees in its development the State of Israel. IDPJ, the international of the total export of goods. The industry on overseas finance. In my opinion, it is a are feeling the pinch, but it is also the VC Eastern Europe. and production facilities in Haifa, Jerusalem, die prep facility in Jerusalem, doubled its is also considered an engine of growth; temporary problem because the essentials funds in the US and Europe,” she says. You have a very good record of hiring Arabs Kiryat Gat, Petah Tikva and Yakum. payroll in 2011 and introduced technologies consequently, its future is of prime importance are excellent. Israel is still a center of “But this, in my opinion, is a passing and haredim, who are generally not very well Although 2012 was a challenging year in that support the entire product line of the to the local economy. The decrease in exports innovation, and our developers have phase and, consequently, I believe that integrated iton the workforce. which Intel strove to achieve its technological Intel Corporation. and the difficulty in raising funds to finance fascinating ideas. And that is what counts.” we should invest in this downturn,” she is Yes, I am very proud of our record in and business goals, the company increased Intel in Kiryat Gat began operations in the industry is causing concern. The current problems are imported, quick to add. “A downturn is followed by an that particular area. And we do not lower its staff with 1,400 employees, and opened 1999, manufacturing processors using 0.18- But is this a passing phase influenced she explains. “Demand in our hi-tech upturn. By investing when the business cycle our recruitment standards for anyone. But 600 new positions. Intel employees come micron technology. In 2008, Intel opened by a combination of the global financial markets has declined because the EU, which is at the trough, one can reap the benefits we do not discriminate! We believe that by from all sectors of Israeli society, including its second Kiryat Gat plant, called Fab 28. downturn and the business cycle or are there accounts for one-third of our exports, is in when the cycle reaches its peak.” recruiting from 100% of the population, secular and Orthodox Jews, Arabs and It is a high-volume manufacturing fab that deeper reasons? To find the answers, The the midst of an economic crisis. The US Most executives of science-oriented companies we get the best results. And that includes Druse. runs wafers on a 22-nanometer process Jerusalem Post spoke to Maxine Fassberg, is in better shape, but its recovery from its complain that there is a shortage of personnel. Do minorities of all kinds, including women. The company contributes to the Israeli technology. The fab manufactures products general manager of Intel Israel and VP own crisis is slow. The Far East, which is you agree? We recruit the best and give them our economy in many ways. In addition to across all of Intel segments, including of Intel’s Technology & Manufacturing considered the world’s early adopters, has its I wouldn’t say there is a shortage best. Intel has an excellent track record as employing 8,100 people, it indirectly impacts servers, workstations, mobile computers, Group. problems. China has a strong GDP growth, of engineers, but there is a shortage of an employer. We have been voted the best the employment of 23,000 workers in Israel. desktops and Intel Atom processors aimed “The hi-tech industry is going through but it is low compared to its performance technicians. This is an endemic problem workplace in Israel year after year. We invest In 2012 alone, Intel Israel exported goods at mobile devices.

58 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November 59 Financing in the Keeping up real estate market appearances By Jason Blackshaw By Ehud Lahav

he best way of ensuring the value of one’s apartment is by n the real estate market, there are problems obtaining the necessary financing. Eshel agrees that there are no investments engaging the services of an estate agent, a company that deals entrepreneurs who are trying to finance Tama 38 projects are mainly micro without risks but says that the risks involved with all the maintenance work of the building. building projects by implementing the projects. Consequently, it is not the large in investing in Kubiot are minimal. T ITama 38 regulation. One such company development companies that implement “Each fund invests in a number of Most apartments in Israel are located in apartment is Kubiot. Tama 38 projects but rather small, privately projects, which means that the odds are buildings, or what in the US are called condominiums or condos. In Tama 38 refers to the National Urban owned contracting firms. At present, banks spread out. Furthermore, we do not finance Israel, most of these buildings are not maintained by a professional Plan 38. Authorized on April 14, 2005, it was are wary of financing real estate projects any Tama 38 project before it is thoroughly maintenance company but by the tenants/landlords themselves. based on the fear that an earthquake could in general because of strict central bank checked by our experts,” he explains. “Our This is not a very successful arrangement, which is why many of the destroy many of the houses built before the regulations. This is especially so with due diligence is extensive. We check on apartment buildings in the country look run down. 1970s. Israel is located in an earthquake- relatively small contracting firms, and this the contractor to see if he can deliver. We prone area in the Afro-Asian geological rift, is where Kubiot comes into the picture. It examine the location and the demand for A study undertaken by Idan Shani, a company that specializes in and experts believe that the occurrence of finances these small contracting companies real estate in the area because the income maintaining apartment buildings, revealed a large difference in the a major earthquake is just a matter of time. that otherwise would not be able to finance will be derived from the sale of the new value of apartments in maintained buildings compared to apartments Consequently, the government devised a their Tama 38 projects. apartments that will be built on the floors in those that did not engage the services of a maintenance company. plan whereby old apartment buildings in Shalom Eshel, the managing director added to the structure. We check the figures The study, conducted in the Trans Yarkon areas of Tel Aviv, showed need of structural reinforcing would be of Kubiot, told The Jerusalem Post, “The to see if the costs and the income are a difference of up to 20 percent between the values of the two. granted permission to add two floors to the difficulty in obtaining financing for Tama feasible, and only then do we disburse the existing buildings if the necessary structural 38 projects is one of the main reasons the funds. The low level of risk is attributed Amir Rozenblum, the proprietor and manager of Idan Shani, told changes were implemented. This meant program does not take off as it should. It is largely to our expertise.” The Jerusalem Post, “It is not only in the price factor that apartments Well-maintained buidings that the costs would not be borne by the a major stumbling block. I believe that over in maintained buildings have an advantage. These apartments also (Courtesy Idan-Shani) landlords but by entrepreneurs who would 70 percent of Tama 38 projects are stuck sell faster. On average, a maintenance company will cost NIS 500 a implement the structural changes in return because of problems with financing. At month for each apartment. But the price is worth it.” for the right to build the additional floors Kubiot, we are willing in principle to finance and sell the apartments. such projects, provided they have a building The ten commandments of choosing a maintenance What started as a plan to make old permit and are located in the central area of company buildings resistant to earthquakes has also the country, such as Tel Aviv, , become part of the program to increase Givatayim, Herzliya and Ra’anana.” 1. Before choosing a maintenance company, ask for recommendations the housing stock in the major cities. The In essence, Kubiot is a venture capital from residents of apartment buildings that have been maintained shortage of housing in Israel is most acute fund. In contrast to high-risk VC funds that for at least two years. in the old established cities, especially in invest in science-oriented projects, it is a their historic centers – the downtown areas, low-risk fund that enables small investors 2. Ensure that the monthly payment is based on a detailed budget. where there is no available land. with not less than NIS 300,000 to invest in Adding floors to existing buildings will real estate. The company has a fund called 3. Verify that the company has the necessary professional staff. add four to six apartments to each of these. Kubiot 1 that raised NIS 9.5 million. The This will increase the housing stocks in the money has been invested in four Tama 38 4. Make sure the building’s technical communal assets, such as downtown areas and will go a long way projects. The company is completing its Restored buildings elevators, are maintained according to authorized standards. toward alleviating housing shortages in the second fund, Kubiot 2, which is raising NIS Courtesy Kubiot cities. 10 million. This money will be invested in 5. Check the utility rooms such as the elevator mechanism to see if This is a very lucrative business for similar projects. The company is planning a they are well maintained. contractors, and the profit margins are third fund, Kubiot 3. large. Most of the infrastructures necessary Two of the advantages of investing in 6. Get a detailed annual report from the maintenance company. for a block of apartments already exist. Kubiot are the hefty returns and the short Therefore, dispensing with the need to build lifespan of the fund, which is between one 7. Have an expert evaluate the maintenance work involved. the necessary infrastructures from scratch and two years. lowers costs. Eshel says that investing in Kubiot is a 8. Engage an outside expert on a half yearly basis to make sure that The new apartments are sold according low-risk venture. the building is maintained according to the contract specifications. to market prices, which themselves are That is true real estate investments are generally influenced by building costs. These generally low risk. But while it is true that 9. Make sure the building has the necessary insurance coverage. are much higher for new building projects Tama 38 projects have very high potential than for Tama 38 projects, hence the profit profit margins, the projects themselves tend 10. If the tenants’ committee is hiring staff, the workers should margins for the latter are high, very high. to be complicated, and many things can go be paid according to the employment laws, such as paid holidays, But these entrepreneurs usually face wrong that will decrease earnings. health insurance and national insurance payments.

60 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November 61 Giving more than money Nonprofit organizations Masa has mass appeal Andrew Davis By Yochanan Altman Nir Buchler would not have considered a career as a Jewish communal professional had he not spent 10 months interning in the Israeli government. A political science major, Buchler knew he needed more experience in the field before applying to graduate school, and he weighed multiple fellowships stateside before choosing Masa’s Israel Government Fellows program. He interned with the Prime Minister’s Office in hilanthropy is engrained in any withdrawal -- the neighborhood rabbi, money is raised in the haredi community in the Administration for National Civic Service. the Jewish ethos; therefore, it a rabbi representing the family and a rabbi Israel and abroad, especially in New York, Through his program he met representatives from a variety of Jewish organizations, including the Jewish Federations of North America, is no wonder that Israel has from the committee. That money allowed London and Antwerp. In Kiryat Sefer, for the Jewish Agency for Israel and others supporting important initiatives throughout the country and the world. P a large number of charitable the bereaved family to pay their debts and example, a leading rabbi goes to the US “Those meetings opened my eyes to the world of Jewish-American philanthropy and the role it plays in Israel,” Buchler says. “It helped organizations. The best-organized start life anew. regularly and raises large sums of money. me understand what local federations do. That conversation became very interesting to me, and it still is.” community as far as philanthropy and And this is no isolated incident. In the With it, he buys large amounts of food, Emerging Jewish leaders no longer necessarily engage through traditional pipelines, but they consistently share one indicator: they are charity are concerned is the haredi, or haredi world, helping others is a normal especially before Jewish holidays. The food Masa Israel alumni who have spent between five and 10 months in Israel. ultra-Orthodox, community. It is one occurrence. The system works well. It is both is then sold in special shops for the needy at A project of the Government of Israel and The Jewish Agency for Israel, Masa facilitates such immersive experiences in Israel, giving of the poorest communities in Israel institutionalized and very well organized, as greatly reduced prices. young adults the confidence, knowledge and motivation to enter Jewish organizations both professionally and as lay leaders. In a 2010 study but when a family is in need, the whole well as ad hoc. How does one know who is in need? by Steven M. Cohen and Ezra Kopelowitz, 45 percent of Masa Israel alumni responded that they were seriously considering a Jewish career, community bands together to help. The Charitable works can be divided into Rabbi Jeremiah Cohen, a lecturer at a compared to 13% of respondents who did not participate in long-term Israel experiences. poor as well as the affluent give what categories. There are institutions like Ezer Jerusalem rabbinical college, explains. “In Many Masa Israel alumni have gone on to work for prominent Jewish organizations, such as Hillel, they can. Mizion that are dedicated to helping the sick. our community, these things are well known. The Jewish Agency, Jewish Federations, and other Jewish nonprofits across North America. Buchler The haredi community and, to a lesser This institution does not help the needy by I would not say that all who buy subsidized pursued a master’s degree in Jewish professional leadership and public policy from Brandeis University, extent the Orthodox community, is geared subsidizing them finically but in other ways. food are really needy, but I can say that the as a Wexner Graduate Fellow and a Federation Executive Recruitment & Education Program (FEREP) toward helping those in need. Charity is It has a large number of volunteers who majority are. Very few who are not in need Lowenstein Fellow. He is now a development officer at the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County. considered a very big mitzva. According drive those who need of regular medical would frequent these special stores because “If not for Masa, I would not be working for Federation,” says Buchler. “My experiences in Israel to rabbinic law, every Jew should allot 10 treatment to the hospital or clinic. They in a closed community like ours, we do not made me decide to go into Jewish communal service instead of a secular public service program.” percent of his or her net income to charity. help with chores for those families in which like people who abuse the system, and we With more than 85,000 alumni around the world and an additional 10,000 experiencing Israel But many families give more than that. one of the parents is indisposed. This may have long memories.” through Masa each year, communities and organizations have a natural pool of talent to draw upon Charity is not merely giving monetary entail helping children with their studies, But catering to the needs of an individual as they contemplate succession planning. help but also helping the needy in other cleaning the house, etc. The volunteers of who has fallen on hard times is one of “It’s incredible to see so many of our participants, who were planning to pursue other career paths, ways, such as taking the sick to the hospital these organizations also visit sick people the specialties of the haredi community. become so inspired by Israel and Judaism on their immersive Masa experiences, that they plan to for treatment, helping children with their in the hospital to see what they need and A widow or an orphan not only receives dedicate their careers to strengthening Israel and the Jewish community,” says Avi Rubel, Masa Israel’s homework or raising money in Israel and keep them company, especially if the sick sympathy as in the secular community, but executive director, North America. This year, 50 Masa Israel program participants will attend the General Assembly as delegates. abroad for charitable work. are lonely individuals with no family or with the haredi community also rallies to help. The money raised to help the needy is family far away. Money is collected, clothes and food parcels truly remarkable. Not long ago, a mother In this kind of philanthropy, no money are donated, and the children are helped to The Rashi Foundation of eight in her late 30s died of cancer after is involved but the mere fact that hundreds receive an education Jason Blackshaw a long and painful illness. Because of her if not thousands of men and women are But how is this possible from an illness, she could not work, and her husband willing to forgo some of their spare time organizational point of view, and how can The Rashi Foundation is an independent family fund that has been working for almost 30 years to provide Israel’s citizens, and young people had to leave his job to take of her and their to help others says a lot about the unity of such a poor community assist those who in particular, with tools for shaping their own future. They believe that narrowing the opportunity and achievement gaps is essential for children. Consequently, they accumulated purpose and the willingness to sacrifice to need help? strengthening the country’s social fabric – the cornerstone for a thriving Israel. debts of over $200,000 and when the wife help others in their community. Cohen explains that the needs of a haredi They focus mainly on education, from early childhood to university, as the major key to social mobility. They also offer community-based died, the family was destitute. In this context, one should mention family are few, such as food, clothing, health welfare solutions to those who are at risk or have special needs, to provide them with the best possible chance to lead meaningful lives. And then the marvelous communal Yad Sarah. It was founded by a haredi, Uri and education. Since there is not much In order to create a real added value, Rashi acts as a social entrepreneur. They identify needs, develop plans, provide seed funding, recruit philanthropic network came into play. Lupolianski, former mayor of Jerusalem. money in the kitty, every haredi family has partner investors, monitor process and evaluate results. In this way, they provide an environment for testing the feasibility and effectiveness of In the haredi community there is an This institution helps the sick by loaning to organize its budget carefully. And within innovative solutions and develop them into programs and services that set new standards in their fields. organization called Va’ad Harabanim le medical equipment such as wheelchairs, these budgetary arrangements, each family Partnerships are central to the strategy of the Rashi Foundation. Their partners include other foundations, private donors, community Le’zedaka, the Rabbinical Philanthropic medical devices and special beds. Volunteers puts aside a certain amount of money for federations and public organizations. From their experience, they have found that a philanthropic coalition working in conjunction with the Committee. In the closed haredi community also take care of sick children or the children charitable purposes. government is a proven model for achieving significant long-term impact. there are no secrets. Less than 24 hours of the sick. The organization is willing to “You ask how we know who is needy. after the woman was laid to rest, they paid a help all those in need, regardless of what This is much simpler than you think,” says visit to the bereaved husband and told him segment of the population they belong to. Cohen. “The local rabbis mostly know ISEF – Equal opportunities in Israel that without the help of the community, The haredi community also has what is going on. If need be, they discreetly Ehud Lahav he would never be able to overcome his organizations that collect clothing for the suggest that so and so is in need of help. financial problems. The day after the seven needy. This does not involve giving out And we oblige. Furthermore, the haredi Israel’s large socioeconomic gap between the center of the country and the periphery is threatening its national and social resilience. While days of mourning, the rabbis convened a money, but it involves a lot of work by press carries announcements of those who residents in established communities are more educated and have higher incomes, disadvantaged communities have the opposite image. In meeting of the extended family of more volunteers. have died; and if we see that someone died established cities, about 45 percent of the youngsters continue on to higher education, while in disadvantaged towns only 10% do so. than 60 people, and they were all asked Another important element in this realm leaving many children, we know that the The main reasons for the gap lie in the lack of a supportive environment and role models for higher education in these settlements, difficulty to help. That evening, $80,000 was raised. of charitable works is supplying food for surviving spouse needs help, and we give for families to afford private lessons, difficulties in paying tuition fees and study expenses, and the inferior quality of the education system in But that was not all. Each participant was the needy. This is done by raising money it.” these towns. asked to raise $ 5,000 from their friends and in the community to buy food and either The haredi community also finds the Higher education is the key to freeing oneself from poverty and attaining social mobility. acquaintances, and they all promised to do giving out food parcels or providing soup means to finance its yeshivot, synagogues ISEF fellows are granted scholarships. Other services include on-campus groups; empowerment and social involvement program; volunteer so. As a result, they raised nearly $300,000. kitchens where anyone who is hungry will and its autonomous education system. For community service, where students serve as role models for youngsters in the periphery; and professional networking for the alumni. The money was deposited in a special receive a hot meal. these matters, the community raises money ISEF’s success can be measured by the achievements of thousands of its alumni who serve in a wide variety of roles and positions. fund, and three rabbis had to authorize To finance these charitable works, in Israel but mostly overseas. The ISEF Foundation was established in 1977 by Edmond J. Safra, z”l, Lily Safra and Nina Weiner, who serves as its president.

62 GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November GA 2013 The Jerusalem Post November 63 Real Estate

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