''Broadway. Melody''

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''Broadway. Melody'' William Haines and "Broadway Melody" Comes Joan Crawford Star to Norshore Sat., June 8 Bill-o-Fare LBgo 7 ''Broadway MC!ody,'' that much in J arsity Picture h<.:ralded talking picture. come:; to the in _,No M •n-, Lllnd·­ \Villiam Haines and Joan Crawford, Xorshore this Saturday, ) une H, for Saturtlay, J une 8 Shttid•n R011d popular young stars, have the leading one m.:e k. ''The Dul<e Steps Out" ......... Yarsity Bttwten W ilmett1 roles in "The Duke Step Out," motion One leading- Chicago critic calls it "Behind the G1:rman Linel-i'' ..... Teatro 11nd Kenilworth picture to be presentt.:d at the \ar. ity the best talkie thus far and adds: "Broadway M lody'' . Xurshore Ph. Kenilworth 3980-3981 theater in Evanston this ~aturdaY. .. we ha\'c no hesitation in statin~ SmHlay, Junt> 9 "Syncopation" .... MATINEES ] une 8. The film, which is :-;ynchro- now that we are going place it .. 'l'eatro "J :roadway M Indy" . ... .. Xnn;hort' SATURDAY. SUNDAY nized but is not an all-talker, \\'d S amrJllg the ten best films oi llJ29." .. , , lUo ndur, Junt• 10 scrl:!enized fron'l a serial by Lucian ca~·y :\nuthtT critic in the same cit\· sa\'S it Scandal . .. Yandty SATURDAY a SUNDAY that appeared sometime ago in a \\'eck - i:-. "one of the most eff cctivc ail -taikers "SpeakeaRy" . ....... Teatro Doors Optn r :3 o "11roaclway l\felody" .... Xorshore ]y periodical. th at has come to the screen." Show Starts at 2 p . m., Continuous "The Duke Steps Out'' has a collegl' Be s:-; ie \rho has one oi the im- 'fllt'~tl uy, J UIH' 11 Lon~. "The Danger Hirler" .. Community J loUSl' hackground. Du.ke.._l\rcllington (\\'il - portant roles. is given credit fur the E veninga During Week 'l{roarlway 1\Te lndy" . ... Xorshm·e Doora Open 6 :3 o Iiam Haines). prize- tlghter. board s a lllllst astounding emotion a 1 JH.: riorm­ "Spea kf'nsy" . .. Tf:':ttl'l' Show Starta 7 p . m. train with his trainer and lo:-e: hi:-~ ann· in many months. \\'hile Charles ":-)ean(lal" . Yarsit~ heart to Su ie Corbin (] oan Cra\dord) King- i:; prajsecl as a first rate s\nging­ ' Vetltu•sday, ,J nnf• 1:! "Tilf' \Yild Party'' . Tt>atro one of a gay group on their way t0 actor. \\'hile the work oi Anita Page "Bmadway Melody" ..... Xorshore Sierra cotlege. T ·.e fighter, who has is 0\·ershadowcd 1)\· that oi Bessie "Xo Defense" , . ....... Yal'sity Saturday, June 8 (Synchronized) heen ton bus,· for college up tn thi~ L <JH', ~fi:;s Page is. also gi,·eu credit T h'u r ~ t luy, .J u nt· 13 Oilh•lnl Gf'rmun War P icture time. ~hanges - his mind. He succeeds i1•r :-.Ullll' splendid acting. "Drnadwav l\Telc,<ly". Xo1·shore "X(• Dt•ft>nse" - .... Y:usity ""BEHIND THE in dating Susie quite heaYil,y for a time. The :-tun is an odd 1\\·i:-.t ui the "The \\'ild Party'' ...... Tt.'atro Then Jimmy gets turned dmn1. \\'it h !ewe triangle-a little sister kalll irom FritlnJ-, .J une l-l GERMAN LINES" "f~t-d Hot SpC'f•d" ...... Communit:--· Hou:·H' re . ults that arc ,·aried. Ul1lbttal ancl the ,·a ud e,·ille honk\·-tonks (}i the ~1 id- "A (' Jo ~e ShnYe" "The \\.ild 1 'art v" . Tt>atro IA• t (;t.•o rge Do It Comedy cntertaining. dk \\'e:;t in Jon· ,,·ith the succes~ful "Hmadway :\J0lrHly" ... ... ::\'orshore Featuring Laura LaP lante :-.llng ancl dan ce man oi a great ~cw ) I ill..r und Lylf' Sing ing At.• t '·~candal.'' featuring Laura LaPiantl·. York girl shO\\'. J•athe Ue,·lew in Sound \\·ith unth· Gordon. John Jan \." Three current song l1its-" Broad\\'d\' FINISHES FIRST TALKIE H Bolt :- . Sunday, June 9 \\"inton, a11'd others in the suppMting \1eloch·." ''You \\'ere ~feant iur ~tc.'" Paul if uni, former Broadway actor, (T alking und Sing ing and nundng) cast. \\·ill hr the \rarsit~· attractinn ancl .:The \\'edding of the Paintl'cl has completed his initial talking picture, 11 F ltl~ D W A RING'S ~ f onclaY and Tuesrla~ ·. June 10 and · DlJIIs"-add much t1) the production. "The Valiant." and Fox has nurchaserl l,l~ X:XSYJ, VANL\ XS ~liss LaPia· ~~c i:; seen as .a ).Jrs. Burk\.· The last bcautiiul tunc is the lllttsiral a new story for him. "Life's a· Gamble." ••SYNCOPATION" Innes. \Yiie 0f a \\'ealthy and popular background for a laYi sh re\·ue numb ·~ r ~luni appe-ar.ed on Broad\\'ay in ''Four "Thf' r nkisst.• d ~ J a n " ~ociet\· man and !)01o player. ''·hn find-.. cll1nc in color. \rhich:· according to a \Yall!'>... "\ \' e Americans.'' and other All Sta r Comed y herself facing a terrible proldcm. S!J•: leading critic. "could teach an~· Broad­ plays. Top lf• !!1 of th t> Day in Sound 1 can save a man from liie im~ ri~.nnment. \\·a~· p_roducer a thing or t\\'o.'' null)- ~ 1' \\' S JIDII Kinogra m News hut to d0 s0 im·oh·e -.. a conte.;;~n 111 • th:1t The stage sho\\· at the :\orshorc for quite probably ,,·ill ·Jock fler thl' coming \veck will he "Hi-Hats.'' Tune 111 on \ \' MAQ at 5 :45 P. }.,f.­ Jlonthl )' n n•l Tut>!>i day, June 10·11 happtlH'~~ (All 1'alkif') :l\\·a,· from hrr forever and thr0w the \\'ith Lou Kosloff as master of cere­ for ~ v Book house Ston·time. Fun ke,· awa~·. The film ,,. :11 t•·ll you wh;J.t monies. and stories for the Children-also an U. ll. W AL T HALL & L OLA L .\ XE important secret. Adv. she does. 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiilliiilliiilliiilliii. ""SPEAKEASY" ).fontc Blue. ~fay ~Ie:\,·o~·. ;J.!Hl IIi; J .tH'flllf'f and Pt arl ~ Kathrvn Carver have important r~les ) l t•tro Otltlit)· In StHIIltl in "Ko Defense." the \.,.arsity offenng Ucltw rt ... \Jn t•s anti ('nrrol for next \Ycclnescla~- and T.hursda~·. S lngin ~ ,\t•t ~f onte ·n l a~ ·s a bridge constructiOn fore­ Paramount News man. Miss Carver has thr role ~f " ' •• tl., 'rlmr., and :Fri., Jun t> l:!-13· lt wife 0f John Harper (0nr of ).{r. Blur ..~ ('l'ulldng RIHI Singing) hosse. ) \vho is 0ttt for her ~lushancl :-; C I~ A RA ROW 111011C\' and a l!ood time \Yt~h other men . construrti0n f0reman Included. "'THE WILD Thr scener'· 0f the film has he en d z----NOW PLAYING---. PARTY" scribed ~s .gorgeous. "Fa ,·orft.e l'lelodles" JEANN~ EAGLES Ruth E ttlng Singing A ct Comfortably cool, always G rantlnnd Rice Srtortlight In Sountl A POPULAR BOY in Da,·ey Lee, that popular little actor Kfnogrnm News Wednesday Pnrnmount News Thur. and :F ri. fr0tn Hollywood, has spent _t l ~e l a~t. Saturday, Only two weeks in Chicago enterta111 11l g hts "THE LETTER'' Saturday, June Ia fans at two theaters where he made June 8 (Sfnglng and Sound) · es Dave\' also No Children Admitted U.\llOX N OV.\ RRO, DOROTHY persona 1 appearanc -- . J ANIS Rn (l RENEE ADOREE spoke o\·er the radio wh.i le ,:nT Ch l cag~; and. incidentally, met hts ~ncle :\1, William Haines Lou Kosloff and Band ••THE PAGAN'' "Dellnrlng the Goods" w ith whom he wi ll appear 111 another m. picture in a few months. Buster Brown Comedy Pathe Rel·lew and Aesop's Fablt's In Sound Lila Lee has successfully t?assed the '''THE DUKE SATURDAY ~~td w~~ U tests for the femini~le l eac~ m" CC? I u m ~ · S unday, June Wlllfa·m Hulnt>s and ·Joan Crawford bia's forthcoming ftlm eptc, F lt ght, STEPS o·uT·'' A If-T a/ king-A ll-Singing "THE DUKE STEPS OUT" after thirty-three other actresses had Talk and Sound · with Joan Crawford All-Dancing-All-Thrilling tried and failed. ~Jonday a.nd Tuesday, June 17·1 ~ ----------------- "THE CHARLATAN"-Holmes 1 enore U lric has started work on Herbert-Talkie and Sound "F;ozen ] ustice': at t he F ox studios Mon. Tues. ''Broadway . Wed., Thur., and Fri., June lt·!O·!l in Hollywood. June 10-11 "NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH" Rl~hard Dlx-Talkle Silturday, June !! Melody'' "STRANGE CARGO" COMMUNITY Laura La Plante June Nash-AI' Talkie in CHARLES KING Sunday, June !I HOUSE BESSIE LOVE- ANITA PAGE Lon Chaney and Lupe Velez "WHERE EAST IS E AST" ''SCANDAL" Talkie and Sound Tof'S. June 11 F'rl. June H - On The Stage- -COMING SOON- Hoot Gibson "' Reginald "The Dangerous Woman"-Bac· Denny Wed. Thurs. Janova; "The Leatherneck"-WII· King of 'LQU KOSLOFF With Alire Day Ham Boyd; "Sclandai"-Laura La· June. 12-13 Plan&e; "Come Aeross"--Jean Her·' Westun Stars In and Jazz i'HI sholt and Charles Chase; "The Man I Lon"-Mary Brian and "The Danger ''Red Hot Colleaiana in Richard Arlen; "Spite ~farrfag e "­ Speed" "No Defense" Baster K eaton; "Coquette"-llury Rider" HATS'' Plektord. .
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