
Sedimentary Geology

Sedimentary Geology 101 (1996) 9-13

Expressed Interpretation of the origin of massive replacive within and submerged platforms: strontium isotopic signature ODP Hole 86612, Resolution , Mid-Pacific Mountains

P.G. Flood a, J.A. Fagerstrom b, F. Rougerie Geology a Uiiiversity of New Eiiglaiid, Departr~ntof aiid Geophysics, Arinidale, NS W 2351, Australia Uiiiuersity of Colorado, Departinerit of Geological Scieilces, Bodderj Calo. 80309-0250, USA Centre ORSTOM, Oceanography Departiiieiit, B. P. 529, Papeete, Tahiti, Freiicli Polyriesia

Received 21 May 1995; revised version accepted 4 September 1995


Endo-upwelling is a geothermally driven convective process operating within the upper part of the volcanic foundation and overlying carbonate pile, in atolls and . By this process deep oceanic water, rich in CO, and dissolved nitrates, phosphates and silicates is drawn into the pile, circulates slowly upward through the porous-per- meable carbonate interior and emerges at either the crest or on atolls to support the primary productivity of the surficial communities, or towards the interior of the platform surface on guyots. Continuous operation of the endo-upwelling process requires: (a) heat from the volcanic foundation; (b) an external impermeable apron on the submerged flanks to confine the convective flow within the pile; and (c) a porous cap from which water exiting the plumbing system returns to the ocean. At ODP Hole SGGA on Resolution Guyot, Mid-Pacific Mountains, the Sr isotopic signature of massive white-coloured, coarsely crystalline dolomite indicates a considerable time delay of approximately 100 Ma between carbonate deposition and dolomitization. This time delay is determined by comparing the Sr isotopic value of the dolomite and the time that ocean displayed a similar Sr isotopic value. This interpretation of the Sr isotopic values assumes that all of the Sr is viewed as coming from seawater and none from any precursor . The massive white replacement dolomite from Resolution Guyot possibly provides confirmation of the origin of dolomite by way of thermally driven convective flow within submerged carbonate platforms. Endo-upwelling seawater probably enters the carbonate pile at some depth, thermally circulates upwards, and produces carbonate dissolution and could conceivably produce massive dolomite replacement.

1. Introduction formation of a carbonate precursor by secondary replacement dolomite. Lately, the idea of convec- dolomite was first recorded in the sub- tive fluid flow being responsible for dolomitiza- surface at Funafuti by Cullis (1904) who inferred tion has gained additional support and some con- that seawater played a critical role in the trans- firmation with the publications of Schlanger

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- ______.__------r IO1 10 P.G. Flood et 01. /Sediriieniary Geology (1996) 9-13

(1963), Saller (19841, Aharon et al. (19571, Hardie 2. Dolomite O (1987), Aissaoui et al. (1986), Vahrenkamp and Swart (1990), Wilson et al. (19901, Vahrenkamp Drillings on Pacific Ocean atolls (Kita-daito- et al. (19911, Hein et al. (19921, and Flood and jima, Enewetak, Midway, Niue, Aitutaki, Mu- s ln i Chivas (1995). ruroa, and Fangataufa) and guyots (Resolution) m 5 A general model of dolomitization associated have recorded the presence of dolomitization t;:r with thermal convection within atolls and carbon- from near-surface to considerable depths. How- w O ate platforms has been described by Tucker and ever, there is range of opinions regarding the Wright (1991). It requires a zone of higher ‘heat origin of such dolomite and the mechanism of

flow to be present beneath the carbonate plat- dolomitization. Results obtained from massive re- 2000 I form and lateral flow operating along the plat- placive dolomite which occurs within the Early form margin. This situation is commonly referred age carbonate rocks recovered from to as ‘Kohout convection’. The essence of this ODP Leg 143 Hole SGGA on Resolution Guyot, model is embodied in the geothermal endo-up- Mid-Pacific Mountains provide an insight into the welling mechanism described by Rougerie and potential of the geothermal endo-upwelling ‘con- Wauthy (1988, 1993), Rougerie et al. (1992) and vection process for dolomite formation. Fig. 2. Rougerie and Fagerstrom (1994). This model of The lic section thermal convection operates within atolls and the ini i carbonate platforms whereby deep oceanic wa- 3. ODP Leg 143, Hole 866A present i ters, rich in CO, and dissolved nitrates, phos- dence i i phates, and silicates is drawn into the carbonate The subsidence history of Resolution Guyot is curve 1 pile, circulates slowly upwards through the reasonably well constrained. Shallow-water car- ysed fc 133R. ( porous-permeable interior and emerges at the bonate sediments accumulated from about 124 curve z ! reef crest or surface to sup- Ma () to about 100 Ma (late ). that tht ! I port primary productivity of the surficial carbon- Then for some unknown reason(s1 (see Rougerie m.y. ail ! ate-producing communities (Fig. 1). and Fagerstrom, 1994) sedimentation ceased and of watt i dolomit l respect I the dol, I form at ! measur

------ I for th ATOLL OR GUYOT SUBMERGED sided l face i I water. round been 1 Ma ubiquj S6GA @ Impermeable Apron throug ticular Limestone 1S#W u Endo-Upwelling dolom f Geothermal Heat Nux p3# Flow paths appro: SCALE NOT TO white exTens Fig. 1. Schematic cross-section of an atoll or carbonate platform, the thermal convection process associated with geothermal endo-upwelling circulation, and the occurrence of massive dolomitization. Modified from Aissaoui et al. (1986, fig. 1B). The 101 (1996) P.G. Flood et al. /Sediiiieiirary Geology 9-13 11

*?P., ' O yo , , , ~ 5?,,! .O7072 and the white-coloured dolomite have been de- O Sr \ ISOTOPIC CURVE - O 7076 termined by the Precise Radiogenic Isotope Ser- \ \ O7080 2ii vices of the Research School of Earth Sciences, \ -07084 2 Australian National University, Canberra Aus- î THICKNESS m(o \ -0 7088 tralia, using a Finnigan MAT 261 multicollector \ x2% \ -0 7092 mass spectrometer. Also the 6lSO value of the k-a \ Temperalure Log (OC) w \ ,,_NY:: dolomites was measured at the same Research \ School of Earth Sciences, using the Kiel prepara- \ \\ tion device manufactured by Finnigan MAT of '\ y Bermen, Germany and a Finnigan MAT 251 mass 2000 - \\ 6 \ spectrometer. 2\ \ oa mz \ \ A s7Sr/sGSrratio of approximately 0.70735 and \ SUBSIDENCE '\ CURVES \\eb ,33R\ - 0.70822 (Flood and Chivas, 1995) was obtained \ \b \ ODP143 866A '- - ---_ \ from the brown and white dolomites, respectively. ------\ In interpreting the Sr isotope values, all of the Sr Fig. 2. Subsidence history of Hole S66A, Resolution Guyot. is viewed as coming from seawater and none from The heavy solid lines of the figure represent the drill hole any precursor limesto11e. Examillation of Seajva- section through the shallow-water carbonate sequence during ter Sr isotope variations throughout time (Smal- lhe initial subsidence-accretion phase (upper left) and at present time (lower right). It is not known whether the subsi- ley et al., 1994) that the brown dence proceeded according to that indicated by curVe a or formed during the early or early Albian curve b. The samples of massive white dolomitization anal- (115-105 Ma) whereas the white dolomite formed ysed for the strontium isotopic signature were from Core about 24 M~.That is 100 m.y. younger tilan the 133R. Comparison of published strontium isotopic seawater depositional age of the shallow-water carbonate curve and the measured strontium isotopic value indicates that the massive white dolomitization occurred ca. 24 Ma (100 The formation Of the massive white m.y. after deposition) when the guyot was covered by 2000 m dolomite occurred within the carbonate sedi- of water. Points a and b provide age and depth of massive ments in a water depth of approximately 2000 m. dolomitization corresponding to subsidence curve a or b. Land (1985, p. 118) has published an equation respectively. Irrespective of which subsidence cume is correct, for calculating the temperature of dolomite for- the dolomitization event occurred within the carbonate plat- form at a depth below 2000 m. The shipboald temperature log mation, based on the a1'0pm values. The equa- measured within Hole 866A is indicated to the lower right. tion is:

T (OC) = 16.4-4.3 [(6lSOdol.-3.8)-6 water] for the following 100 m.y. the guyot slowly sub- sided to its present depth where the upper sur- + 0.14 ([6"0 doI.-3.8]-6 water)2 face is now covered by more than 1300 m of water. A 1961-m-thick carbonate platform is sur- For the brown dolomite the 6"O values range rounded by deep ocean waters and it has not from -1.6 to $0.7; the 61s0 for the white been buried in basinal sediments. dolomite is +3.7. In interpreting the oxygen iso- Massive replacive brown-coloured dolomite is tope values, all of the oxygen is viewed as coming ubiquitous below 1200 mbsf in a core from Hole from seawater and none from any precursor lime- 866A (Flood and Chivas, 1995) which was drilled stone. If differences in seawater isotopic compo- through the drowned carbonate platform. Of par- sitions throughout time are allowed for the for- ticular interest is a 50-m-thick interval of white mation, temperature (using the 6lSO value for dolomite recovered from Core 133R (Fig. 2) at seawater; see Lohmann, 1988, p. 67, fig. 2.8) of approximately 1300 m below the sea floor. This the brown-coloured dolomite ranges from 15" to white dolomite interval occurs within the more 30"C, whereas the white-coloured dolomite dis- ex-ensive interval of brown dolomite. plays a formation temperature of approximately The strontium isotope values of the brown- 17°C. This latter formation temperature approxi- 101 12 P.G. Flood et al. /Sediinenta~yGeology (1996) 9-13 mates the' shipboard-recorded temperature of support the proposal. Endo-upwelling circulation Rouget 13.6"C measured at 1671.5 mbsf (Sager et al., may be also responsible for the reported occur- cep 1993, fig. 59) and not the near-freezing (4°C) rence of dolomite on other oceanic atolls and Int Rougel seawater surrounding the guyot. As interstitial ancient carbonate platforms. cep waters in the interior of Resolution Guyot have a COI major-element composition similar to seawater Rouge: (Sager et al., 19931, geothermal endo-upwelling Ge( convective processes could be responsible for fluid Acknowledgements ent Sager, flow (sensu Wilson et al., 1990, fig. 14c; Tucker OD and Wright, 1991, fig. 8.28; or Kaufman, 1994, fig. PGF acknowledges the opportunity provided Saller, IC) circulating throughout the guyot. Paull et al. by the Ocean Drilling Program to participate in the (1995) suggest that fluid flushing by more than Leg 143 Atolls and Guyots I, and financial sup- exa 10,000 pore volumes of seawater has occurred port in 1993 from the Australian Research Coun- 12: Sch 1an: since the carbonate platform was drowned. Mas- cil. us sive dolomite could be a by-product of the guyot Smalle plumbing system with seawater supplying the re- quired magnesium, and removing the calcium lib- References erated in that ionic exchange. Whilst some degree of caution should be exercised in any interpreta- tion, the contrasting 87Sr/*hSr ratio and the dif- Aharon, P., Socki, R.A. and Chan, L., 1987. Dolomitization of atolls by sea water convection flow: test of a hypothesis at ferent 6''OPDB values of the two different-col- Niue, South Pacific. J. Geol., 95: 187-203. oured dolomites does appear to support the Aissaoui, D.M., Buigues, D. and Perser, B.H., 1986. 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