The Press Offi ce, International CPC AND WORLD POLITICAL Department of the CPC Central Committee PARTIES SUMMIT


The Communist Party of (CPC) and World Political Parties Summit, themed “For the People’s Wellbeing: the Responsibility of Political Parties,” took place on July 6. An important multilateral diplomatic event held at a time when the CPC marks its centenary, the summit aimed to strengthen exchanges in and mutual learning of experiences in governance between the CPC and political parties worldwide, jointly respond to challenges brought on by changes unseen in a century and the global COVID-19 pandemic, enhance the capability of seeking happiness for the people, advance world peace and development, and step up efforts toward a community with a shared future for humanity. Over 500 leaders of political parties and organizations from 160-plus countries and more than 10,000 representatives attended the summit via video link. The political parties arranged for the availability of some 200 venues in total for their representatives to attend the gathering. Further parallel sessions were hosted in Shanghai; Yan’an, Shaanxi Province; Shenzhen, Guangdong Province; Ningde, Fujian Province; and Anji, Zhejiang Province, with a number of local Party members and officials watching the summit. The summit issued a joint statement of proposals, expressing the common will of participating political parties to safe- guard world peace and development and promote the wellbeing of all people.


01 Keynote address by at the CPC and World Political Parties Summit CONTENTS

Joint Statement of Proposals of the CPC and World Political Parties Summit 14

06 Speech at the Ceremony Marking the CPC Centenary

Essays 20

16 Opinions from international participants 1 JULY 2021 Strengthening Cooperation Among Political Parties to Jointly Pursue the People’s Wellbeing Keynote Address by H.E. Xi Jinping General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China And President of the People’s Republic of China

At the CPC and World Political Parties Summit

Beijing, 6 July 2021 XINHUA

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and Chinese President, attends the CPC and World Political Parties Summit and delivers a keynote speech in Beijing on July 6 JULY 2021 2

Your Excellencies leaders of political Ladies and Gentlemen, the world is a cramped and crowded parties, Friends, place perpetuated in fierce competi- Ladies and Gentlemen, The world today is undergoing tion. Viewed from the perspective of “a Friends, profound transformation unseen in global community with a shared future,” It gives me great pleasure to join a century, amid which the trend of the world is a vast and broad place full you, leaders of more than 500 political multi-polarity and economic globaliza- of cooperation opportunities. We need parties, political and other organiza- tion is experiencing a sea change, and to heed the voices of the people, follow tions from over 160 countries as well as countries are becoming increasingly the trend of the times and strengthen the ten thousand and more represen- intertwined, interdependent and inter- coordination and cooperation. By doing tatives of political parties and various connected. To cope with COVID-19, so, the interests of the people of one circles, at this cloud event to discuss restart the economy, and safeguard country will be kept in line with those of the important question of “working world stability, the international com- all others and humanity will move for- for the people’s wellbeing and the re- munity has made strenuous efforts. ward towards a shared future. sponsibility of political parties,” just as Political parties in various countries Second, we need to shoulder the the Communist Party of China (CPC) have also exhibited a strong sense of responsibility to build consensus by reaches its one hundredth anniversary. responsibility by making active explora- upholding and promoting the common Over the past weeks, more than 600 tions. Meanwhile, in some places, wars values of humanity. Despite differences political parties, political and other or- and conflicts are still raging, famine among countries in history, culture, in- ganizations from over 170 countries and diseases remain prevalent, and stitution and level of development, their have sent 1500-plus congratulatory estrangement and confrontation grow peoples do subscribe to the common messages and letters on the CPC’s even deeper. The call for a better life values of humanity for peace, develop- centenary conveying their goodwill and from people of all countries is becoming ment, equity, justice, democracy and best wishes. I wish to take this oppor- all the more loud and clear. freedom. With a strong sense of respon- tunity to express to all of you, on behalf Today, human society has once sibility for the future of all mankind, we of the Communist Party of China, our again found itself at a historic cross- need to champion the common values heartfelt thanks! roads. It is about hostile confrontation or of humanity, foster broad-minded toler- A few days ago, we celebrated the mutual respect, seclusiveness and de- ance toward the understanding of values CPC’s centenary with a grand gathering. coupling or openness and cooperation, by different civilizations, and respect Over the past hundred years, the CPC zero-sum game or win-win results. The the explorations of different peoples has united and led the Chinese people choice is in our hands and the responsi- to turn values into reality. By doing so, in working ceaselessly towards the tre- bility falls on our shoulders. the common values of humanity will be mendous transformation of the Chinese The human race is an integral translated into the practice of individual nation from standing up and growing community and the planet Earth its countries to serve the interests of their prosperous to becoming strong. Over homeland. In the face of common chal- own people in a concrete and realistic the past hundred years, the CPC has lenges, no person or country can remain way. persisted in closely associating the fu- insulated. The only way out is to work Third, we need to shoulder the re- ture of the Chinese people with that of together in harmony with one accord. sponsibility to promote development by other peoples of the world and steered Political parties, as an important force bringing greater benefits to all peoples the course of China’s development amid behind human progress, need to set in a fairer manner. Development holds the general trend of the world and the the right course forward and shoulder the key to the people’s wellbeing. On the currents of the times to promote com- their historic responsibility to ensure the road to the wellbeing of all mankind, no mon development and prosperity of all people’s wellbeing and pursue human country or nation should be left behind. countries. progress. In my view, political parties All countries and nations are equally The historic achievements the CPC need to work even harder on the follow- entitled to development opportunities and the Chinese people have made ing: and rights to development. We need would not have been possible without First, we need to shoulder the to face squarely up to major problems the generous support of world peoples. responsibility to steer the course by seiz- such as wealth gap and development Here, on behalf of the CPC and the ing and shaping the shared future for divide, with particular attention and care Chinese people, I would like to express mankind. People aspire to affluence and given to underdeveloped countries and my heartfelt gratitude to political parties, contentment. They yearn for fairness regions, and impoverished people so peoples and friends of all countries who and justice. Great times call for grand that hope prevails in every corner of have cared about, supported and helped architecture, and grand architecture the world. As an ancient Chinese adage the CPC and the cause of revolution, de- calls for great vision. Viewed from the goes, “Those who only seek comfort for velopment and reform in China. perspective of “my own country first,” themselves will ultimately be rejected 3 JULY 2021 COURTESY PHOTO

A branch of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at the summit for the SWAPO Party in and those who sacrifice their own in- a global community of health for all. In democratic or not should be made by terests for the success of others will be the face of terrorism and other com- their people, not by the handful of oth- supported.” Development is the right mon enemies of mankind, we need to ers. To advance political democracy in of all countries, rather than an exclusive pursue security and stability through a way that suits the national conditions privilege of the few. We need to enable cooperation so as to tighten the se- of a country, we need to strengthen ex- all countries to step up development co- curity fences together. In the face of changes and mutual-learning, improve operation, and see to it that the fruits of the fragile ecological environment, we mechanisms for communication, be development are shared by all. We need need to respect Mother Nature, follow fully aware of the public opinion, put to bring greater equity, higher efficiency the laws of Nature and protect her so into place well-fledged institutions and and stronger synergy to global develop- as to build a green homeland together. enhance our governance capacity. By ment, and jointly oppose the practice of In the face of the severe challenges to doing so, our capacity and efficacy to seeking technology blockade and divide human existence and development ensure the people’s wellbeing will be as well as decoupling. I believe that, in brought about by climate change, we elevated continuously. the final analysis, any political manipula- need to be brave enough to take re- tion for the purpose of sabotaging the sponsibilities and work as one to find Ladies and Gentlemen, development of other countries and a way of harmonious co-existence be- Friends, undercutting the livelihood of other tween man and Nature. Working for the people’s wellbeing peoples will receive little support and Fifth, we need to shoulder the re- has been the original aspiration the prove to be futile. sponsibility to improve governance by Communist Party of China cherishes Fourth, we need to shoulder the enhancing our capacity to ensure the all the way. With the goal of moderate responsibility to enhance cooperation people’s wellbeing. There are different prosperity in all respects achieved, China by working together to address global pathways toward wellbeing. People of has embarked on a new journey towards risks and challenges. In the face of the all countries are entitled to choose their building a modern socialist country. The on-going COVID-19, we need to con- own development paths and institution- Chinese people are brimming with a tinue with a science-based response al models. This, in itself, is what wellbeing greater sense of fulfillment, happiness approach and advocate solidarity and entails. In the same vein, democracy is and security with each passing day. It is cooperation so as to close the “im- the right of all peoples, rather than an the unswerving goal of the CPC to run munization gap.” We must oppose the exclusive privilege of the few. There are our own house well, ensure a happy life practice of politicizing the pandemic or multiple ways and means to realize de- for the 1.4 billion plus Chinese people, attaching a geographical label to the vi- mocracy, instead of a single stereotype. and advance the lofty cause of pro- rus. We need to work together to build The judgment on whether a country is moting peace and development of all JULY 2021 4 mankind. The CPC will continue to up- of all countries of the world.Currently, —The CPC will actively improve hold the people-centered development economic globalization, despite facing global governance to make new contri- philosophy, reflect upon the overarch- considerable headwinds, has in storage butions to humanity’s joint response to ing issues of national rejuvenation and even greater impetus to move forward. common challenges. Multilateralism has human progress in the greater context On the whole, the impetus prevails over been the core concept of the current of time and space and lead the entire the headwinds and the trend towards international system and order. The bet- Chinese people in creating an even bet- opening-up and cooperation in all coun- ter multilateralism is practiced, the faster ter tomorrow through ceaseless pursuit tries remains unchanged, and will not humanity’s common problems will be and in an enterprising spirit. change. The CPC is ready to enhance resolved. International rules should be As history has taught us, we can only communication with world political par- based on universally-recognized norms embrace the future when we embrace ties in steering economic globalization rather than rules of the few. Cooperation the world, and can only travel safe and towards greater openness, inclusiveness, among countries should aim at serv- sound when we walk together. The CPC balance and win-win results. We stand ing all mankind instead of seeking stands ready to work with world politi- ready to work with the international hegemony by way of group politics. We cal parties to live our dreams and act to community to improve global connec- should stand opposed to the practice of create a better future. Let us always be tivity and further promote high quality unilateralism disguised as multilateral- builders of world peace, advocates for Belt and Road cooperation, so that more ism and say no to hegemony and power global development, and guardians of countries and peoples will be able to politics. Upholding the purposes and the international order. share the fruits of development. principles of the UN Charter, China is —The CPC will unite and lead the —The CPC will shoulder its respon- of the view that matters concerning all Chinese people in pressing ahead with sibilities as a major political party in a shall be handled through joint consulta- the Chinese-style modernization to major country to make new contribu- tion so that the international order and make new contributions to human- tions to improving the wellbeing of system will be more just and equitable. ity’s search for ways to modernize. mankind.The eradication of poverty has I wish to reiterate that China will always Proceeding from reality in all it does, the been a common aspiration of people of be a member of the developing world, CPC has led the Chinese people in find- all countries and an important objective and is committed to enhancing their ing, through trial and error, the path of that all political parties strive to achieve. representation and voice in the global socialism with Chinese characteristics. Since the 18th National Congress of the governance system. China will never History and practice have proven and will CPC, all the 98.99 million rural residents seek hegemony, expansion or sphere of continue to prove that this is not only living below the current poverty line in influence. The CPC will work with politi- the correct path that works, but also the China have been lifted out of poverty, cal parties of all countries to promote sure path that pays off. We will unswerv- enabling China to meet the poverty state-to-state coordination and coopera- ingly follow the path leading to a bright reduction target set out in the UN 2030 tion through party-to-party consultation future to ensure that development is Agenda for Sustainable Development and cooperation and bring into better pursued for both our own good and the 10 years ahead of schedule. The CPC play the due role of political parties in benefit of the world. There doesn’t exist is willing to contribute more Chinese global governance. a fixed model for the path to moderniza- solutions and Chinese strength to the tion, and the one that suits you well will poverty reduction process worldwide. Ladies and Gentlemen, serve you well. Cutting one’s feet to fit It will spare no effort to support inter- Friends, the shoes will lead nowhere. All efforts national cooperation against COVID-19 Our journey ahead will be a long and of individual countries to independently and to enhance the accessibility and arduous one. But as long as we press explore the path to modernization in affordability of vaccines in developing ahead with a sense of perseverance, light of their specific national conditions countries. China will make extremely there will be much to expect. There will are worthy of respect. The CPC is willing arduous efforts in delivering its promise be twists and turns down the road, but to share with political parties of all coun- of achieving carbon peak and carbon hopes abound. The CPC stands ready to tries modernization experience to enrich neutrality and contribute more to the continue to work with political parties each other’s toolbox to modernization global fight against climate change. and political organizations of all coun- for better ensuring the wellbeing of their China is going to host the 15th Meeting tries to stand on the right side of history own people and all other peoples. of the Conference of the Parties to and the progressive side of mankind. —The CPC will unite and lead the the Convention on Biological Diversity, Let us make even greater contributions Chinese people in taking compre- where parties will consult with one an- to the building of a community with a hensive steps to deepen reform and other on new strategies for biodiversity shared future for mankind and that of a opening up to make new contributions and embark on a new journey of global better world! to shared development and prosperity biodiversity governance. I thank you all. CI 5 JULY 2021 Xi’s Remarks On Worldwide Political Parties

Today, human society has once again found itself at a historic crossroads. It is about hostile confrontation or mutual respect, seclusiveness and decoupling or openness and cooperation, zero-sum game or win-win results. The choice is in our hands and the responsibility falls on our shoulders. Political parties, as an important force behind human progress, need to set the right course forward and shoulder their historic responsibility to ensure the people’s wellbeing and pursue human progress. Great times call for grand architecture, and grand architecture calls for great vision. Viewed from the perspective of “my own country first,” the world is a cramped and crowded place perpetu- ated in fierce competition. Viewed from the perspective of “a global community with a shared future,” the world is a vast and broad place full of cooperation opportunities. There are different pathways toward wellbeing. People of all countries are entitled to choose their own de- velopment paths and institutional models... In the same vein, democracy is the right of all peoples, rather than an exclusive privilege of the few. There are multiple ways and means to realize democracy, instead of a single stereotype. The judgment on whether a country is democratic or not should be made by their people, not by the handful of others. There doesn’t exist a fixed model for the path to modernization, and the one that suits you well will serve you well. Cutting one’s feet to fit the shoes will lead nowhere. All efforts of individual countries to indepen- dently explore the path to modernization in light of their specific national conditions are worthy of respect. Multilateralism has been the core concept of the current international system and order. The better multi- lateralism is practiced, the faster humanity’s common problems will be resolved. International rules should be based on universally-recognized norms rather than rules of the few. Cooperation among countries should aim at serving all mankind instead of seeking hegemony by way of group politics. We should stand opposed to the practice of unilateralism disguised as multilateralism and say no to hegemony and power politics. I wish to reiterate that China will always be a member of the developing world, and is committed to enhanc- ing their representation and voice in the global governance system. In my view, political parties need to work even harder on the following: l We need to shoulder the responsibility to steer the course by seizing and shaping the shared future for mankind. l We need to shoulder the responsibility to build consensus by upholding and promoting the common values of humanity. l We need to shoulder the responsibility to promote development by bringing greater benefits to all peoples in a fairer manner. l We need to shoulder the responsibility to enhance cooperation by working together to address global risks and challenges. l We need to shoulder the responsibility to improve governance by enhancing our capacity to ensure the people’s wellbeing. 6 JULY 2021

Speech at a Ceremony Marking the Centenary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping

July 1, 2021 XINHUA

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivers a speech at a ceremony marking the centenary of the CPC in Beijing on July 1 JULY 2021 7

Comrades and friends, the Reform Movement of 1898, the revolution put an end to China’s history Today, the first of July, is a great and Yihetuan Movement, and the Revolution as a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society, solemn day in the history of both the of 1911 rose one after the other, and a to the state of total disunity that existed Communist Party of China (CPC) and the variety of plans were devised to ensure in old China, and to all the unequal trea- Chinese nation. We gather here to join national survival, but all of these ended ties imposed on our country by foreign all Party members and Chinese people in failure. China was in urgent need of powers and all the privileges that imperi- of all ethnic groups around the country new ideas to lead the movement to alist powers enjoyed in China. It created in celebrating the centenary of the Party, save the nation and a new organization the fundamental social conditions for looking back on the glorious journey to rally revolutionary forces. realizing national rejuvenation. the Party has traveled over 100 years of With the salvoes of Russia’s October Through tenacious struggle, the struggle, and looking ahead to the bright Revolution in 1917, Marxism-Leninism Party and the Chinese people showed prospects for the rejuvenation of the was brought to China. Then in 1921, as the world that the Chinese people had Chinese nation. the Chinese people and the Chinese na- stood up, and that the time in which To begin, let me extend warm con- tion were undergoing a great awakening the Chinese nation could be bullied and gratulations to all Party members on and Marxism-Leninism was becoming abused by others was gone forever. behalf of the CPC Central Committee. closely integrated with the Chinese work- —To realize national rejuvenation, On this special occasion, it is my ers’ movement, the Communist Party the Party united and led the Chinese honor to declare on behalf of the Party of China was born. The founding of a people in endeavoring to build a stron- and the people that through the contin- communist party in China was an epoch- ger China with a spirit of self-reliance, ued efforts of the whole Party and the making event, which profoundly changed achieving great success in socialist revo- entire nation, we have realized the first the course of Chinese history in modern lution and construction. centenary goal of building a moderately times, transformed the future of the By carrying out socialist revolu- prosperous society in all respects. This Chinese people and nation, and altered tion, we eliminated the exploitative means that we have brought about a the landscape of world development. and repressive feudal system that had historic resolution to the problem of ab- Since the very day of its founding, persisted in China for thousands of solute poverty in China, and we are now the Party has made seeking happiness years, and established socialism as our marching in confident strides toward the for the Chinese people and rejuvena- basic system. In the process of socialist second centenary goal of building China tion for the Chinese nation its aspiration construction, we overcame subver- into a great modern socialist country in and mission. All the struggle, sacrifice, sion, sabotage, and armed provocation all respects. This is a great and glorious and creation through which the Party by imperialist and hegemonic powers, accomplishment for the Chinese na- has united and led the Chinese people and brought about the most extensive tion, for the Chinese people, and for the over the past hundred years has been and profound social changes in the his- Communist Party of China! tied together by one ultimate theme— tory of the Chinese nation. This great bringing about the great rejuvenation of transformation of China from a poor Comrades and friends, the Chinese nation. and backward country in the East with a The Chinese nation is a great nation. —To realize national rejuvenation, large population into a socialist country With a history of more than 5,000 years, the Party united and led the Chinese laid down the fundamental political con- China has made indelible contributions people in fighting bloody battles with ditions and the institutional foundations to the progress of human civilization. unyielding determination, achieving necessary for realizing national rejuvena- After the Opium War of 1840, how- great success in the new-democratic tion. ever, China was gradually reduced to revolution. Through tenacious struggle, the a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society Through the Northern Expedition, Party and the Chinese people showed and suffered greater ravages than ever the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the the world that the Chinese people were before. The country endured intense hu- War of Resistance against Japanese capable of not only dismantling the old miliation, the people were subjected to Aggression, and the War of Liberation, world, but also building a new one, that great pain, and the Chinese civilization we fought armed counter-revolution only socialism could save China, and was plunged into darkness. Since that with armed revolution, toppling the that only socialism could develop China. time, national rejuvenation has been the three mountains of imperialism, feu- —To realize national rejuvenation, greatest dream of the Chinese people dalism, and bureaucrat-capitalism and the Party united and led the Chinese and the Chinese nation. establishing the People’s Republic of people in freeing the mind and forg- To save the nation from peril, China, which made the people masters ing ahead, achieving great success in the Chinese people put up a coura- of the country. We thus secured our na- reform, opening up, and socialist mod- geous fight. As noble-minded patriots tion’s independence and liberated our ernization. sought to pull the nation together, the people. We established the Party’s basic line Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, The victory of the new-democratic for the primary stage of socialism, reso- 8 JULY 2021 XINHUA

A ceremony marking the centenary of the CPC is held at Tian’anmen Square in Beijing on July 1 lutely advanced reform and opening energy as well as the material conditions ity for governance, remained committed up, overcame risks and challenges from for rapid development. to exercising rule-based governance every direction, and founded, upheld, Through tenacious struggle, the over the Party, and developed a sound safeguarded, and developed socialism Party and the Chinese people showed system of intraparty regulations. We with Chinese characteristics, thus bring- the world that by pursuing reform and have overcome a long list of major risks ing about a major turn with far-reaching opening up, a crucial move in making and challenges, fulfilled the first cente- significance in the history of the Party China what it is today, China had caught nary goal, and set out strategic steps for since the founding of the People’s up with the times in great strides. achieving the second centenary goal. All Republic of China. This enabled China —To realize national rejuvenation, the historic achievements and changes to transform itself from a highly central- the Party has united and led the Chinese in the cause of the Party and the coun- ized planned economy to a socialist people in pursuing a great struggle, a try have provided the cause of national market economy brimming with vitality, great project, a great cause, and a great rejuvenation with more robust institu- and from a country that was largely iso- dream through a spirit of self-confidence, tions, stronger material foundations, and lated to one that is open to the outside self-reliance, and innovation, achieving a source of inspiration for taking greater world across the board. It also enabled great success for socialism with Chinese initiative. China to achieve the historic leap from characteristics in the . Through tenacious struggle, the a country with relatively backward pro- Following the Party’s 18th National Party and the Chinese people have ductive forces to the world’s second Congress, socialism with Chinese char- shown the world that the Chinese nation largest economy, and to make the his- acteristics entered a new era. In this new has achieved the tremendous transfor- toric transformation of raising the living era, we have upheld and strengthened mation from standing up and growing standards of its people from bare sub- the Party’s overall leadership, ensured prosperous to becoming strong, and sistence to an overall level of moderate coordinated implementation of the that China’s national rejuvenation has prosperity, and then ultimately to mod- five-sphere integrated plan and the become a historical inevitability. erate prosperity in all respects. These four-pronged comprehensive strategy, Over the past hundred years, the achievements fueled the push toward upheld and improved the system of Party has united and led the Chinese national rejuvenation by providing insti- socialism with Chinese characteristics, people in writing the most magnificent tutional guarantees imbued with new modernized China’s system and capac- chapter in the millennia-long history JULY 2021 9 of the Chinese nation, embodying the the memory of comrades , understand why powers rise and fall. dauntless spirit that Mao Zedong ex- , Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De, Deng Through the mirror of history, we can pressed when he wrote, “Our minds Xiaoping, Chen Yun, and other vet- find where we currently stand and gain grow stronger for the martyrs’ sacrifice, eran revolutionaries who contributed foresight into the future. Looking back daring to make the sun and the moon greatly to China’s revolution, construc- on the Party’s 100-year history, we can shine in the new sky.” The great path tion, and reform, and to the founding, see why we were successful in the past we have pioneered, the great cause we consolidation, and development of the and how we can continue to succeed have undertaken, and the great achieve- Communist Party of China; let us cher- in the future. This will ensure that we ments we have made over the past ish the memory of the revolutionary act with greater resolve and purpose century will go down in the annals of the martyrs who bravely laid down their in staying true to our founding mission development of the Chinese nation and lives to establish, defend, and develop and pursuing a better future on the new of human civilization. the People’s Republic; let us cherish the journey that lies before us. memory of those who dedicated their As we put conscious effort into learn- Comrades and friends, lives to reform, opening up, and social- ing from history to create a bright future, A hundred years ago, the pioneers ist modernization; and let us cherish we must bear the following in mind: of Communism in China established the memory of all the men and women —We must uphold the firm lead- the Communist Party of China and de- who fought tenaciously for national ership of the Party. China’s success veloped the great founding spirit of the independence and the liberation of the hinges on the Party. The more than Party, which is comprised of the follow- people in modern times. Their great 180-year-long modern history of the ing principles: upholding truth and ideals, contributions to our motherland and Chinese nation, the 100-year-long his- staying true to our original aspiration our nation will be immortalized in the tory of the Party, and the more than and founding mission, fighting bravely annals of history, and their noble spirit 70-year-long history of the People’s without fear of sacrifice, and remain- will live on forever in the hearts of the Republic of China all provide ample ing loyal to the Party and faithful to the Chinese people. evidence that without the Communist people. This spirit is the Party’s source of The people are the true heroes, for Party of China, there would be no new strength. it is they who create history. On behalf China and no national rejuvenation. Over the past hundred years, the of the CPC Central Committee, I would The Party was chosen by history and Party has carried forward this great like to pay my highest respects to work- the people. The leadership of the Party founding spirit. Through its protracted ers, farmers, and intellectuals across the is the defining feature of socialism with struggles, it has developed a long country; to other political parties, public Chinese characteristics and constitutes line of inspiring principles for Chinese figures without party affiliation, people’s the greatest strength of this system. It Communists and tempered a distinct organizations, and patriotic figures from is the foundation and lifeblood of the political character. As history has kept all sectors of society; to all members Party and the country, and the crux moving forward, the spirit of the Party of the People’s Liberation Army, the upon which the interests and wellbeing has been passed on from generation to People’s Armed Police Force, the public of all Chinese people depend. generation. We will continue to promote security police, and the fire and rescue On the journey ahead, we must up- our glorious traditions and sustain our services; to all socialist working people; hold the Party’s overall leadership and revolutionary legacy, so that the great and to all members of the united front. continue to enhance its leadership. We founding spirit of the Party will always be I would like to extend my sincere greet- must be deeply conscious of the need kept alive and carried forward. ings to compatriots in the Hong Kong to maintain political integrity, think in and Macao special administrative re- big-picture terms, follow the leadership Comrades and friends, gions and in Taiwan as well as overseas core, and keep in alignment with the We owe all that we have achieved Chinese. And I would like to express my central Party leadership. We must stay over the past hundred years to the heartfelt gratitude to people and friends confident in the path, theory, system, concerted efforts of the Chinese from around the world who have shown and culture of socialism with Chinese Communists, the Chinese people, friendship to the Chinese people and characteristics. We must uphold the and the Chinese nation. Chinese understanding and support for China’s core position of the General Secretary Communists, with comrades Mao endeavors in revolution, development, on the Party Central Committee and Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, and reform. in the Party as a whole, and uphold the and Hu Jintao as their chief represen- Central Committee’s authority and its tatives, have made tremendous and Comrades and friends, centralized, unified leadership. Bearing historic contributions to the rejuvena- Though our Party’s founding mission in mind the country’s most fundamental tion of the Chinese nation. To them, we is easy to define, ensuring that we stay interests, we must enhance the Party’s express our highest respect. true to this mission is a more difficult capacity to conduct sound, democratic, Let us take this moment to cherish task. By learning from history, we can and law-based governance, and ensure 10 JULY 2021 that it fully exerts its core role in provid- to fail. The more than 95 million Party —We must continue to adapt ing overall leadership and coordinating members and the more than 1.4 billion Marxism to the Chinese context. Marxism the efforts of all sides. Chinese people will never allow such a is the fundamental guiding ideology —We must unite and lead the scenario to come to pass. upon which our Party and country are Chinese people in working ceaselessly On the journey ahead, we must rely founded; it is the very soul of our Party for a better life. This country is its people; closely on the people to create history. and the banner under which it strives. the people are the country. As we have Upholding the Party’s fundamental The Communist Party of China upholds fought to establish and consolidate our purpose of wholeheartedly serving the the basic tenets of Marxism and the prin- leadership over the country, we have people, we will stand firmly with the ciple of seeking truth from facts. Based in fact been fighting to earn and keep people, implement the Party’s mass on China’s realities, we have developed the people’s support. The Party has in line, respect the people’s creativity, and keen insights into the trends of the day, the people its roots, its lifeblood, and its practice a people-centered philosophy seized the initiative in history, and made source of strength. The Party has always of development. We will develop whole- painstaking explorations. We have thus represented the fundamental interests process people’s democracy, safeguard been able to keep adapting Marxism of all Chinese people; it stands with social fairness and justice, and resolve to the Chinese context and the needs them through thick and thin and shares the imbalances and inadequacies in of our times, and to guide the Chinese a common fate with them. The Party development and the most pressing dif- people in advancing our great social has no special interests of its own— ficulties and problems that are of great revolution. At the fundamental level, the it has never represented any individual concern to the people. In doing so, we capability of our Party and the strengths interest group, power group, or privi- will make more notable and substantive of socialism with Chinese characteristics leged stratum. Any attempt to divide the progress toward achieving well-rounded are attributable to the fact that Marxism Party from the Chinese people or to set human development and common works. the people against the Party is bound prosperity for all. On the journey ahead, we must con- XINHUA

An art performance titled “The Great Journey” is held in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC at the National Stadium in Beijing, on the evening of June 28 JULY 2021 11 tinue to uphold Marxism-Leninism, Mao humanity and nature, and take well- class standards so that we are equipped Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, coordinated steps toward making our with greater capacity and more reliable the Theory of Three Represents, and people prosperous, our nation strong, means for safeguarding our national the Scientific Outlook on Development, and our country beautiful. sovereignty, security, and development and fully implement the Thought on The Chinese nation has fostered interests. Socialism with Chinese Characteristics a splendid civilization over more than —We must continue working to for a New Era. We must continue to 5,000 years of history. The Party has also promote the building of a human com- adapt the basic tenets of Marxism to acquired a wealth of experience through munity with a shared future. Peace, China’s specific realities and its fine its endeavors over the past 100 years concord, and harmony are ideas the traditional culture. We will use Marxism and during more than 70 years of gov- Chinese nation has pursued and car- to observe, understand, and steer the ernance. At the same time, we are also ried forward for more than 5,000 years. trends of our times, and continue to eager to learn what lessons we can from The Chinese nation does not carry develop the Marxism of contemporary the achievements of other cultures, and aggressive or hegemonic traits in its China and in the 21st century. welcome helpful suggestions and con- genes. The Party cares about the fu- —We must uphold and develop so- structive criticism. We will not, however, ture of humanity, and wishes to move cialism with Chinese characteristics. We accept sanctimonious preaching from forward in tandem with all progressive must follow our own path—this is the those who feel they have the right to forces around the world. China has al- bedrock that underpins all the theories lecture us. The Party and the Chinese ways worked to safeguard world peace, and practices of our Party. More than people will keep moving confidently for- contribute to global development, and that, it is the historical conclusion our ward in broad strides along the path that preserve international order. Party has drawn from its struggles over we have chosen for ourselves, and we On the journey ahead, we will re- the past century. Socialism with Chinese will make sure the destiny of China’s de- main committed to promoting peace, characteristics is a fundamental achieve- velopment and progress remains firmly development, cooperation, and mutual ment of the Party and the people, in our own hands. benefit, to an independent foreign poli- forged through innumerable hardships —We must accelerate the mod- cy of peace, and to the path of peaceful and great sacrifices, and it is the right ernization of national defense and the development. We will work to build a path for us to achieve national rejuvena- armed forces. A strong country must new type of international relations and a tion. As we have upheld and developed have a strong military, as only then can it human community with a shared future, socialism with Chinese characteristics guarantee the security of the nation. At promote high-quality development of and driven coordinated progress in ma- the point that it was engaged in violent the Belt and Road Initiative through joint terial, political, cultural-ethical, social, and struggle, the Party came to recognize efforts, and use China’s new achieve- ecological terms, we have pioneered a the irrefutable truth that it must com- ments in development to provide the new and uniquely Chinese path to mod- mand the gun and build a people’s world with new opportunities. The Party ernization, and created a new model for military of its own. The people’s military will continue to work with all peace-lov- human advancement. has made indelible achievements on ing countries and peoples to promote On the journey ahead, we must behalf of the Party and the people. It is the shared human values of peace, de- adhere to the Party’s basic theory, line, a strong pillar for safeguarding our so- velopment, fairness, justice, democracy, and policy, and implement the five- cialist country and preserving national and freedom. We will continue to cham- sphere integrated plan and the four- dignity, and a powerful force for protect- pion cooperation over confrontation, to pronged comprehensive strategy. We ing peace in our region and beyond. open up rather than closing our doors, must deepen reform and opening up On the journey ahead, we must and to focus on mutual benefits instead across the board, ground our work in fully implement the Party’s thinking of zero-sum games. We will oppose he- this new stage of development, fully on strengthening the military in the gemony and power politics, and strive to and faithfully apply the new develop- new era as well as our military strategy keep the wheels of history rolling toward ment philosophy, and foster a new for the new era, maintain the Party’s bright horizons. pattern of development. We must pro- absolute leadership over the people’s We Chinese are a people who up- mote high-quality development and armed forces, and follow a Chinese path hold justice and are not intimidated by build up our country’s strength in sci- to military development. We will take threats of force. As a nation, we have a ence and technology. We must ensure comprehensive measures to enhance strong sense of pride and confidence. it is our people who run the country, the political loyalty of the armed forces, We have never bullied, oppressed, or continue to govern based on the rule to strengthen them through reform and subjugated the people of any other of law, and uphold the core socialist technology and the training of com- country, and we never will. By the same values. We must ensure and enhance petent personnel, and to run them in token, we will never allow any foreign public wellbeing in the course of devel- accordance with the law. We will elevate force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us. opment, promote harmony between our people’s armed forces to world- Anyone who would attempt to do so will 12 JULY 2021 find themselves on a collision course cal guidance, build broad consensus, Comrades and friends, with a great wall of steel forged by over bring together the brightest minds, and We will stay true to the letter and 1.4 billion Chinese people. expand common ground and the con- spirit of the principle of One Country, —We must carry out a great strug- vergence of interests, so that all Chinese Two Systems, under which the people gle with many contemporary features. people, both at home and overseas, of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong, Having the courage to fight and the for- can focus their ingenuity and energy on and the people of Macao administer titude to win is what has made our Party the same goal and come together as a Macao, both with a high degree of au- invincible. Realizing our great dream mighty force for realizing national reju- tonomy. We will ensure that the central will require hard work and persistence. venation. government exercises overall juris- Today, we are closer, more confident, —We must continue to advance diction over Hong Kong and Macao, and more capable than ever before of the great new project of Party build- and implement the legal systems and making the goal of national rejuvenation ing. A hallmark that distinguishes the enforcement mechanisms for the a reality. But we must be prepared to Communist Party of China from other two special administrative regions to work harder than ever to get there. political parties is its courage in un- safeguard national security. While pro- On the journey ahead, we must dertaking self-reform. An important tecting China’s sovereignty, security, demonstrate stronger vigilance and reason why the Party remains so vital and development interests, we will en- always be prepared for potential danger, and vibrant despite having undergone sure social stability in Hong Kong and even in times of calm. We must adopt so many trials and tribulations is that it Macao, and maintain lasting prosperity a holistic approach to national security practices effective self-supervision and and stability in the two special adminis- that balances development and security full and rigorous self-governance. It has trative regions. imperatives, and implement the national thus been able to respond appropriately Resolving the Taiwan question and rejuvenation strategy within a wider con- to the risks and tests of different his- realizing China’s complete reunification text of the once-in-a-century changes torical periods, to ensure that it always is a historic mission and an unshakable taking place in the world. We need to remains at the forefront of the times commitment of the Communist Party of acquire a full understanding of the new even as profound changes sweep the China. It is also a shared aspiration of all features and requirements arising from global landscape, and to stand firm as the sons and daughters of the Chinese the change to the principal contradic- the backbone of the nation throughout nation. We will uphold the one-China tion in Chinese society and the new the process of meeting various risks and principle and the 1992 Consensus, and issues and challenges stemming from a challenges at home and abroad. advance peaceful national reunification. complicated international environment. On the journey ahead, we must keep All of us, compatriots on both sides of We must be both brave and adept in firmly in mind the old adage that it takes the Taiwan Strait, must come together carrying out our struggle, forging new a good blacksmith to make good steel. and move forward in unison. We must paths and building new bridges wher- We must demonstrate greater political take resolute action to utterly defeat any ever necessary to take us past all risks awareness of the fact that full and rigor- attempt toward “Taiwan independence,” and challenges. ous self-governance is a never-ending and work together to create a bright —We must strengthen the great uni- journey. With strengthening the Party future for national rejuvenation. No one ty of the Chinese people. In the course of politically as our overarching principle, should underestimate the resolve, the our struggles over the past century, the we must continue advancing the great will, and the ability of the Chinese people Party has always placed the united front new project of Party building in the new to defend their national sovereignty and in a position of importance. We have con- era. We must tighten the Party’s organi- territorial integrity. stantly consolidated and developed the zational system, work hard to train high- broadest possible united front, united all caliber officials who have both moral Comrades and friends, the forces that can be united, mobilized integrity and professional competence, The future belongs to the young all positive factors that can be mobilized, remain committed to improving Party people, and our hopes also rest with and pooled as much strength as possible conduct, upholding integrity, and com- them. A century ago, a group of young for collective endeavors. The patriotic bating corruption, and root out any progressives held aloft the torch of united front is an important means for elements that would harm the Party’s Marxism and searched assiduously in the Party to unite all the sons and daugh- advanced nature and purity and any those dark years for ways to rejuvenate ters of the Chinese nation, both at home viruses that would erode its health. We the Chinese nation. Since then, under and abroad, behind the goal of national must ensure that the Party preserves its the banner of the Communist Party rejuvenation. essence, color, and character, and see of China, generation after generation On the journey ahead, we must that it always serves as the strong lead- of young Chinese have devoted their ensure great unity and solidarity and ership core in the course of upholding youth to the cause of the Party and the balance commonality and diversity. We and developing socialism with Chinese people, and remained in the vanguard of should strengthen theoretical and politi- characteristics in the new era. the drive to rejuvenate the nation. JULY 2021 13 XINHUA

Military aircraft fly over Tian’anmen Square in echelons ahead of a grand gathering celebrating the CPC centenary in Beijing, on July 1

In the new era, our young people the world is one of a thriving nation that bring still greater glory to the Party and should make it their mission to contrib- is advancing with unstoppable momen- the people. ute to national rejuvenation and aspire tum toward rejuvenation. to become more proud, confident, Over the past century, the Comrades and friends, and assured in their identity as of China has secured Today, a hundred years on from people so that they can live up to the extraordinary historical achievements its founding, the Communist Party of promise of their youth and the expecta- on behalf of the people. Today, it is rally- China is still in its prime, and remains tions of our times, our Party, and our ing and leading the Chinese people on a as determined as ever to achieve last- people. new journey toward realizing the second ing greatness for the Chinese nation. centenary goal. Looking back on the path we have Comrades and friends, travelled and forward to the journey that A century ago, at the time of its To all Party members, lies ahead, it is certain that with the firm founding, the Communist Party of China The Central Committee calls on ev- leadership of the Party and the great had just over 50 members. Today, with ery one of you to stay true to our Party’s unity of the Chinese people of all ethnic more than 95 million members in a founding mission and stand firm in your groups, we will achieve the goal of build- country of more than 1.4 billion people, ideals and convictions. Acting on the ing a great modern socialist country in it is the largest governing party in the purpose of the Party, you should always all respects and fulfill the Chinese Dream world and enjoys tremendous interna- maintain close ties with the people, em- of national rejuvenation. tional influence. pathize and work with them, stand with Long live our great, glorious, and cor- A century ago, China was in decline them through good times and bad, and rect Party! and withering away in the eyes of the continue working tirelessly to realize Long live our great, glorious, and he- world. Today, the image it presents to their aspirations for a better life and to roic people! CI 14 JULY 2021

Joint Statement of Proposals Of the CPC and World Political Parties Summit

We, the 10000-plus delegates sponsibility and common objective for to dovetail development strategies, co- representing more than 500 political political parties to ensure the wellbeing ordinate macroeconomic policies, and parties and organizations from over of their own people in a true sense and strengthen global cooperation on tech- 160 countries, attended on 6 July 2021 enable the attainment of wellbeing of nological innovation, and to promote the CPC and World Political Parties all people towards the harmonious vi- the sharing of knowledge and technol- Summit hosted by the Communist sion of prosperity for all. ogies. The multilateral trading system Party of China (CPC) via video link. I. We propose that political parties with the World Trade Organization Focusing on the theme of “For the of all countries be committed to build- playing a central role must be safe- People’s Wellbeing: The Responsibility ing consensus on values. Efforts must guarded to promote liberalization and of Political Parties,” we had in-depth be devoted to promoting values shared facilitation of trade and investment. exchange of views at the Summit. As a by all mankind, i.e., peace, develop- Infrastructural and industrial coopera- result, the Summit has been brought ment, fairness, justice, democracy and tion must be deepened to ensure the to a successful conclusion with broad freedom. The historical trend towards stability and smooth functioning of consensus. greater democracy in international industrial chains, supply chains and We note that the world today is relations must be followed and multilat- financing environment, toward higher undergoing complex and profound eralism must be upheld so that relations level of inter-connectivity. Hence eco- changes, as the trend of economic are based on common ground, mutual nomic globalization will become more globalization continues to surge ahead, respect and mutual learning. The prin- open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial science and technology develop at ciple of mutual respect, fairness, justice for all and global development will be an amazing speed, and interactions and win-win cooperation must be ad- fairer, more efficient and coordinated. among civilizations become increasing- hered to as a guidance to interactions III. We propose that political parties ly frequent. The pursuit of wellbeing of between and among countries. A com- of all countries be committed to build- people of all countries is getting closely mon, comprehensive, cooperative and ing our Mother Earth into a hospitable intertwined as never before, coupled sustainable approach to security must homeland. Political parties must take with both historic opportunities and be pursued. There must be concerted the realization of “intergenerational risks and challenges. The onslaught efforts to build an open, inclusive, clean equity” as the aim and mission in of COVID-19 has once again taught and beautiful world that enjoys lasting achieving the vision of harmony be- us that humanity lives in one and the peace, universal security and common tween man and Nature. The principles same global village which is evolving prosperity. Hence the international of prioritizing resource conservation, into an inter-linked community with community will move forward in the and environmental protection, and a shared future. The difficulties and endeavour to build a shared future and letting nature restore itself must be challenges confronting humanity can stronger political strength will gather observed. Green, low-carbon, circular only be resolved through solidarity and for human development and progress. and sustainable ways of life and pro- cooperation. Political parties, as the II. We propose that political par- duction must be pursued to create an fountainhead of national policies and ties of all countries be committed to eco-system where all elements coexist proponent of people’s interests, play promoting common development. in harmony. Active support must be an important role in the political life Proactive measures must be taken to provided to developing countries in the of countries. Under the new historic implement the 2030 form of, among others, capital, tech- circumstances, it is the shared re- Agenda for Sustainable Development, nology and capacity building so that JULY 2021 15

combined strength can be built up to culture and art, sports, tourism and governance must be uplifted to ensure address climate change, marine pollu- among think tanks. Interactions among holistic and coordinated performance tion, biological conservation and other various social groups of all countries thereof. Hence, the governance ability global environmental issues. Hence must be encouraged to enhance bet- from participation, deliberation and de- a global environmental governance ter understanding and appreciation livery perspectives for the wellbeing of system featuring fairness, equity and among various civilizations and to draw the people will improve. A greater con- win-win cooperation will take shape insight and inspiration. Hence, different tribution will be made to the resolution together with a human-Nature com- civilizations will co-exist in harmony to- of development conundrums facing munity of lives with a shared future. gether with innovative development of mankind. IV. We propose that political par- individual civilizations. VIII. We propose that political parties ties of all countries be committed to VI. We propose that political par- of all countries be committed to devis- safeguarding people’s life and health. ties of all countries be committed to ing better rules for global governance. The philosophy of putting the people improving the wellbeing of their own The philosophy of extensive consul- and their lives first must be applied by people. Issues of immediate concern tation, joint contribution and shared placing people’s life and health on top to the people must be responded to benefits must be upheld. Joint efforts of the development agenda and ensur- effectively by promoting the establish- are needed to safeguard the UN- ing full consideration of health factors ment of institutions and the rule of law centred international system, preserve in policy making. With the objective of in the society, improving social policies the international order underpinned life-cycle health services for all, people’s and public services, and promoting by international law, and to uphold the growing need for safe, effective, con- judicial justice and equality in income basic norms governing international venient and affordable health services distribution. Redoubled efforts must be relations based on the purposes and must be satisfied. Science and cooper- taken to combat corruption, enhance principles of the UN Charter. The sta- ation must be identified as the reliable international anti-corruption coopera- tus and role of international law in the means to defeat the virus and extricate tion and promote the building of clean global governance system must be ourselves from diseases. Politicization and competent governments. Various elevated. International rules must be ef- of the pandemic and stigmatization of measures must be adopted to improve fectively observed and practiced so that the virus must be opposed. Developing conditions for the development of the rule of law is exercised in the inter- countries with vulnerable public health the poor, including fiscal and financial national domain. Joint efforts must be systems must get necessary assistance policies, education and training and in- devoted to exploring the establishment to enhance their response capacity. dustry-specific support. Hence, poverty of policy and institution systems that Hence, the global governance system alleviation will become more self-driv- are tailored to the new technological of public health will get improved en, well-targeted and results-oriented. revolution and industrial transformation together with progress in building a In the meantime, greater attention and so that technological innovations can community of health for all. input must be devoted to international be accessible to, shared and utilized V. We propose that political parties cooperation on poverty alleviation. by more countries and their people. of all countries be committed to facili- More emphasis and support must be Hence, the reform process for the tating exchanges and mutual learning directed towards poverty reduction and global governance system will become among civilizations. The principles of alleviation in all countries, particularly more equitable, open, transparent equality, respect, openness and in- developing countries. and inclusive and the sovereignty and clusiveness must be observed to rise VII. We propose that political parties people’s interests of all countries will be above differences among civilizations of all countries be committed to rais- fully guaranteed. and ideologies for the protection of ing their level of governance. Adequate We wish to thank the Communist diversity of world civilizations. All civili- attention must be paid to address chal- Party of China for what it has done to zations must and can find their rightful lenges for party-building brought about make this Summit possible. We under- place in humanity’s intellectual trea- by the wave of digitization and IT appli- take to further strengthen exchanges sure-house. Inter-civilizational dialogues cation by enhancing experience sharing and cooperation with the CPC and and exchanges must be promoted and cooperation on governance and contribute our wisdom and strength to through intensive people-to-people in- constantly exploring effective ways to enhancing mutual understanding and teractions and cooperation in the fields improve party-building under the new common development among people of education, science and technology, circumstances. The efficacy of social of all countries. CI 16 JULY 2021 World political party leaders hail CPC’s people-centered philosophy, express readiness for exchanges

Cyril Ramaphos, South African President, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Chairman of Dmitry Medvedev, Chairman of the United also President of ’s governing the Nur Otan Party and First President of Russia party and Deputy Chairman of Russia’s party African National Congress, congratu- Kazakhstan, said that the COVID-19 pan- Security Council, said over the past century, lates the CPC on the realization of the first demic has once again proven that only by the CPC was able to successfully embark on centenary goal. maintaining partnerships and supporting the path of socialism with Chinese charac- The historic achievement of eradicating each other can countries efficiently respond teristics, which paves the way for the great absolute poverty in the largest developing to global challenges. rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. economy on the planet was made because As a friendly neighbor of China, Kazakhstan Bilateral relations are constantly develop- the CPC has placed the needs and the inter- will always actively participate in the construc- ing as the two countries are implementing ests of the people at the center of its work. tion of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and large-scale projects both bilaterally and The CPC is a true, reliable and valued friend. cooperation within the framework of the BRI. within the framework of inter-state relations.

Alberto Fernandez, Argentine President, also President of the country’s Justicialist Party, said that Xi’s speech is “visionary and insightful.” The speech can help political parties to reflect upon what kind of responsibility they should take, he said, calling on parties to strengthen cooperation and promote economic and social development in a bid to bring benefits to all the people. JULY 2021 17

Rodrigo Duterte, Chairman of the Philippines’ resounding success of the Chinese people PDP-Laban party and Philippine President, in determining the fate of their country by praised CPC’s accomplishments and its suc- promoting development in all aspects of the cess in turning China into a world power. socio-economy. Maintaining political stabil- “Indeed a sleeping dragon no more, ity and placing the happiness, prosperity China has realized its dream of progress and and well-being of the people at the heart of prosperity for its people. With this comes major political decisions of the CPC is a good great power and equally immense responsi- example for other world political parties to bility,” said Duterte. learn from, he said. “We count on China as a friend and part- Hun Sen said the outbreak of COVID-19 ner for peace and development. We trust in was a historic event that required all coun- the collective wisdom of the great Chinese tries as well as political parties around the nation, that China will use its newfound world to unite as one for the cause of hu- strength in defense of what is good and just manity. for humanity.” “A key to this objective is the sharing He hopes that the ties between CPC and of vaccines and recognizing vaccines as a PDP-Laban would further improve through public good, by adhering to the principles sustained “constructive dialogue and peace- of ‘vaccine multilateralism’ in the process of ful engagement.” production, distribution and consumption,” Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of he said. the Communist Party of Vietnam Central “In this regard, I would like to express my Committee, said the CPC has led the Chinese deep gratitude to the People’s Republic of people to achieve major historic achieve- China for its vigorous support for Cambodia ments over the past century. through the provision of assistances, both Under Xi’s leadership, China will continue technical and material, and especially the to make new achievements and become generous support in the form of COVID-19 a great modern socialist country that is vaccines,” he added. prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful. Political parties in various countries should work with governments to actively address global challenges so as to bring hap- pier lives to the human race.

President and First Secretary of Zimbabwe’s ZANU-PF party Emmerson Mnangagwa, also Zimbabwean president, noted that the summit provided a platform for political parties to learn from each other in realizing Miguel Diaz-Canel, First Secretary of prosperity, national rejuvenation, people’s the Communist Party of Central happiness as well as the welfare of mankind. Committee and Cuban president, said the The ZANU-PF party has benefited a lot CPC has explored a development path suit- from the successful experience of the CPC, able for China’s national conditions and led Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Cambodian said Mnangagwa, adding that he believes the country in making great achievements. People’s Party President and Prime Minister that under the leadership of the CPC, China Noting that China has effectively handled said the CPC and World Political Parties will realize the Chinese dream of national the COVID-19 pandemic and eliminated ab- Summit was paramount to strengthening rejuvenation. solute poverty, he said the key is following the intimacy, solidarity, and cooperation among people-centered development philosophy. political parties around the world. China has clearly shown the world the 18 JULY 2021

Imran Khan, Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek- e-Insaf and Prime Minister of Pakistan, said that the CPC has proved that political parties can only enjoy popular support if they can serve the people wholeheartedly. Upholding the people-centered philosophy, the CPC has led China to eliminate extreme poverty, one of the greatest achievements in the human history, he said, adding that China’s announcement of making the COVID-19 vaccines a global public good demonstrates compassion and fairness of the Chinese leader.

Chairman of the Fatah party and Palestinian Hage Geingob, leader of the South West President Mahmoud Abbas said the China- Africa People’s Organization and President of proposed BRI is conducive to deepening Namibia, spoke highly of the relationship be- international economic cooperation and tween China and Namibia, as well as the CPC establishing development partnerships be- for its people-centered, far-sighted governance. tween countries, adding that the initiative Geingob lauded the constantly improv- also demonstrates that China is at the fore- ing Namibia-China relations, saying China has front in providing wisdom for safeguarding stood with his country since the days of the the common interests of people all over the liberation struggle, and their cooperation in world. such areas as infrastructure, cultural exchang- es and technology continues to blossom. “The CPC led people to victory through Aleksandar Vucic, President of Serbian revolution, built the People’s Republic of Progressive Party and Serbian President, said China, and by doing so, opened a new journey that the great creativity the CPC showed towards prosperity,” he said. “Similarly, the in the process of building the country has People’s Organization led brought inspiration and hope to all countries the people to victory through the liberation in the world. struggle, built the Republic of Namibia, thus As the whole world is facing unprec- opened a new journey towards prosperity.” edented challenges, mutual respect, mutual help, reaching consensus through consulta- tion and close cooperation have become more urgent than ever. Vucic said the Belt and Road Initiative ensures key preconditions for balanced de- velopment and global stability, which is why “Serbia is proud as one of the main carriers and partners of China in Southeast Europe in realizing that idea.”

Filipe Nyusi, leader of the Mozambique Liberation Front Party and also Mozambican president said that experience of the Communist Party of China (CPC) continues to inspire the world. “The unique experience of the CPC con- tinues to serve as an inexhaustible source of inspiration to accelerate scientifi c and tech- Denis Sassou Nguesso, chairman of the nological innovation, intensify the culture of Congolese Labour Party and president of the hard work and integrity, as paths that will lead Republic of the Congo, said under the leader- us to overcome poverty and build peaceful ship of the CPC, China has made remarkable and prosperous nations,” said Nyusi. achievements that have attracted worldwide The president also lauded the Belt and attention, and the living standards of the Road Initiative for promoting “an open, inclu- Chinese people have signifi cantly improved. sive, balanced global economy based on the Praising China’s achievements from eradi- principle of win-win.” cation of extreme poverty to the fi ght against JULY 2021 19 the COVID-19 pandemic, Sassou Nguesso George Papandreou, President of the said they have demonstrated that the CPC Socialist International, said the CPC sticks is practicing the governance philosophy of to the development philosophy that puts putting the people front and center. He also people fi rst, and has successfully eliminated noted the responsibility for states to serve the absolute poverty, built a moderately prosper- people, calling on the whole world to show ous society in all respects, and at the same solidarity for the well-being of their people. time made great contributions to the UN Millennium Development Goals. Papandreou called on all parties to reduce the gap between developed and developing countries through cooperation and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind.

Saadeddine El Othmani, Moroccan Prime Minister and Secretary General of Morocco’s Justice and Development Party, said that under the leadership of the CPC, China has become a tremendous country in such areas as science, technology and economy, to which the Chinese people and the CPC have devoted great efforts. , Prime Minister and lead- The CPC has established good relations er of the ruling Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna, with political parties of different political doc- said that we appreciate the commitments trines, which is very benefi cial to international made by the Chinese Government for our in- cooperation and world peace. dependence during and after the war, forever. Quoting a Sinhala classic to describe Sri Lanka-China friendship, the prime minister said, “The friend will always be there, both in sorrow and pleasure. Like the murals on a wall, they never look away.” Jose Luis Centella, President of the Communist Party of Spain, said the BRI was born to meet the needs of the times, which has not only become an important international cooperation platform, but also provided a great opportunity for the world economy to recover from the pandemic. At present, political parties worldwide do share the responsibility to actively participate in building a community with a shared future for mankind, and jointly solve pressing prob- lems facing the world.

Salva Kiir, chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement and President of South Sudan, told his Chinese counterpart that SPLM is following in the steps of the Evo Morales, Chairperson of Bolivia’s Communist Party of China by alleviating pov- Movement Towards Socialism party and former erty in South Sudan. Bolivian president, said the CPC’s adherence “We shall strive to learn lesson of past to people-centered governance has enabled achievements of countries like China to real- China’s economy to develop rapidly and steadi- ize our goal of uplifting our people out of ly, and people’s living standards to improve. extreme poverty,” Kiir said. With the Belt and Road Initiative and the “SPLM under my leadership will continue building of a community with a shared future to learn from the CPC admirable experiences for mankind, the CPC has laid a solid foun- as well as the current initiatives as it endeavors dation for building socialism with Chinese to achieve national policy objective,” he said. characteristics, said Morales. 20 JULY 2021

Keeping Pace With the Times Inter-party diplomacy helps China cement international bonds By Yu Hongjun XINHUA

China-donated COVID-19 vaccines at the Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, on March 29 JULY 2021 21

s the Communist Party of China (CPC) celebrates the 100th an- In recent years, the CPC has been trying niversary of its founding, how the Party manages relations with to develop a new type of inter-party Athe rest of the world has become a main focus of attention. Since its inception, the CPC has been a progressive party with an international vision. During the revolutionary years, it won the support exchange and cooperation to promote and sympathy from many other countries. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the CPC’s international relations state-to-state relations and improve have become part of China’s diplomacy, contributing to the country’s development as well as reform and opening up. international governance.

country, but also as a channel for the Party to fully understand the Global ties world and accurately present its policies and visions to other countries. In early 1949 when victory for the CPC-led revolution was in sight, Mao Zedong and other leaders met with Anastas Mikoyan, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist A key role Party of the Soviet Union, in Xibaipo, Hebei Province, which hosted In recent years, the CPC has been trying to develop a new type of the headquarters of the CPC at the time. In the summer of that year, inter-party exchange and cooperation to promote state-to-state rela- a CPC delegation paid a secret visit to the Soviet Union to discuss the tions and improve international governance. establishment of embassies and the future bilateral relations. These At the 19th National Congress of the CPC in 2017, President Xi were important steps taken by the CPC to prepare itself for its new Jinping, also General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, said role as China’s ruling party. that the Party would strengthen its exchanges and cooperation with The International Department of the CPC Central Committee was the political parties and organizations of other countries. The CPC established in 1951, aiming to expand and deepen its international has since explored more diverse ways of conducting international ex- exchanges. Within the framework of the CPC’s inter-party relations, changes to help advance China’s diplomacy. social organizations like trade unions and women’s federations were During the CPC in Dialogue With World Political Parties High-Level also active in forging external contacts. Meeting, following the 19th CPC National Congress, President Xi said In the late 1960s, the CPC’s foreign exchanges, like the overall the CPC strives for both the wellbeing of the Chinese people and the diplomacy of the country, encountered setbacks. There was no sub- progress of humanity on the whole. Furthermore, China does not stantial change in the fundamental idea that the Party’s international want to “import” any political models, nor does it want to “export” the relations must serve state-to-state relations. Chinese model. Instead, the CPC’s purpose is to contribute to lasting In the late 1970s, the CPC began to establish relationships with global peace and tranquility, promote development for all, and en- nationalist parties in Africa, all the while working with left-wing parties courage mutual enrichment among civilizations. in Western nations. “We stay committed to engaging in dialogue, exchanges and co- Based on the principles of independence, equality, mutual respect operation with the people and political parties of other countries and and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, China developed supporting cultural and people-to-people exchanges between coun- inter-party relations with the political parties of various countries ready tries,” President Xi added. to connect with the CPC. The main features of the CPC’s international relations today are as The CPC’s international relations were no longer ideology-driven, follows: exchanging knowledge on governance, promoting equal and but aimed to meet the needs of China’s reform, opening-up and mod- mutually beneficial cooperation, boosting state-to-state relations, and ernization drive. improving global governance. The China Association for International Understanding and the This framework has become an important factor in guiding the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament were sound development of international relations and boosting the cre- founded in 1981 and 1985, respectively, with the goal of carrying ation of a community with a shared future for humanity. out foreign exchanges in a flexible manner and further expanding The world is increasingly aware that China’s development as a the CPC’s ties with other parts of the world. The CPC’s relations with forward-thinking nation in the 21st century is rooted in the strong the ruling parties of socialist countries, too, were subjected to adjust- leadership of the CPC. Therefore, to fully understand this contempo- ments. In the late 1980s, after many ups and downs, a new pattern of rary phenomenon, one must understand the philosophy of the Party. the CPC’s international relations took shape. Since 2020, COVID-19 has been leaving a path of worldwide However, the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the drastic destruction. The CPC, in communicating with foreign countries, has changes in Eastern European countries had a heavy impact on global been sharing with the world its viewpoints on governance, and more politics. On the one hand, communist parties were no longer the rul- specifically its own experiences in battling the coronavirus outbreak ing parties in those countries. On the other hand, exchanges between and accomplishments in realizing the eradication of absolute poverty. political parties gained momentum worldwide. This can spur on a new impetus for peaceful development and win- Against this backdrop, the CPC made great efforts to open up new win cooperation for a suffering international community fighting channels of communication, in keeping with the changes in China’s against COVID-19 and politically unstable factors such as hegemonism foreign policy after the end of the Cold War. and unilateralism. CI The Party’s international exchange programs today serve not only as a bridge for political leaders and public figures from other countries The author is a former vice minister of the International Department of the to gain an authentic picture of China and deepen relations with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 22 JULY 2021 XINHUA

Sculptures of Chen Duxiu (left) and Li Dazhao, founders of the Communist Party of China (CPC), at the memorial of the First CPC National Congress in Shanghai

From Humble Beginnings Comes Greatness The CPC has shown a remarkable ability to effectively govern a country of 1.4 billion people By Jon Taylor

he story of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) change the course of China and the world forever. They believed that in 1921 is one of humble beginnings, when China was in sham- China had to change and that the Party was the instrument to achieve Tbles, dominated by foreigners, semi-feudalist, impoverished and that change. run by corrupt warlords. Meeting in a traditional Shikumen house in It is a story of suffering, struggle, sacrifice, heroism, mistakes, Shanghai, 13 men dedicated to the purpose of carrying out a Marxist- and, ultimately, economic prosperity and international promi- Leninist revolution designed to end imperialism within China and bring nence. It is also a compelling story that is not well known in the about both modernity and prosperity to the Chinese people, would West. JULY 2021 23

and overly bold predictions, confidently assuming that the CPC would Mission focused go the way of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). Year Led by a group of young, idealistic and often ill-equipped revo- after year they make the same self-assured prediction. And year after lutionaries fighting both the Japanese during World War II and the year the CPC remains firmly in place and popular among the Chinese Kuomintang in the Chinese civil war, the Party endured and arose people. At the risk of upsetting those who regularly predict the end of victorious. Through the tumult, poverty and national traumas of the the Party for either fun and/or profit, I don’t think that it’s too far of a pre-reform period, the Party persevered and emerged to reform both stretch to let them know the following: The CPC will remain in power itself and China. Out of hardship came a determination to improve the now and for the foreseeable future. Simply stated, the CPC is not the country and restore China to preeminence in the world. The Party’s CPSU and China is not the Soviet Union. resolve would lead to China’s long-term growth and development in The CPC’s strong resilience was born in revolution and war. the post-1978 reform period. Decades of fighting toughened the Party, making it more flexible The disciplined, mission-focused and adaptive leadership of the and thereby able to mobilize, respond and adapt to rapid changes. In Party has delivered on its promise of modernization and moderate contrast to the CPSU and Eastern European communist parties, the prosperity—something that the Chinese people have dreamed of CPC has regularly demonstrated a notable level of pragmatism and for over a century. Through a century of turbulence that saw the ex- adaptability in policy solutions. When necessary, the CPC has engaged pulsion of numerous foreign invaders, a civil war, political chaos and in mass mobilization campaigns and created short-term organizations momentous political reforms that built one of the largest economies or committees to deal with policy challenges. in the world while also lifting 700 million people out of poverty, the The CPC’s experience and history are quite different from that Party has demonstrated both its persistence and success. of the former Soviet Union or Eastern Europe. Unlike the CPSU or The CPC has produced tremendous economic results. They’ve other parties, the CPC’s style of mass mobilization developed during created a burgeoning middle-class and have massively invested the long years of the revolutionary period regularly involved ordinary in measures designed to provide social support. With successful people in the Party’s operations, even if those ordinary people were performance comes citizen satisfaction. Western opinion surveys not necessarily CPC members themselves. consistently show high levels of satisfaction and support for the CPC’s It’s important to understand the role that mass mobilization con- governance of the country. tinues to play within the Party and its governance style. It’s a hallmark The 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC provides a of the CPC’s approach to governing the country and profoundly dif- great opportunity to discuss both the durability and relevance of a fers from the Soviet Union or other communist nations. From natural political party that has survived a century of turbulence and come out disasters to health emergencies to extreme poverty eradication, the of it more powerful than ever. Over the past 100 years, the CPC has Party has regularly used this method to successfully mobilize civil soci- evolved from a small party with only a handful of members to the larg- ety. Nowhere was this approach more critical than in the fight against est and most powerful party in the world with more than 91 million COVID-19, where Wuhan rapidly engaged in a mass mobilization to members. lock down the city and protect the rest of the nation from a massive Under the pragmatic leadership of the Party, China found a devel- spread of the virus. The success in containing COVID-19 is emblem- opment path practically suited to its own national conditions. Reform atic of the CPC’s willingness to incorporate ordinary people into the and opening up created the necessary mechanisms that made the Party’s policy implementation efforts and helps explain the durability achievement of national prosperity, national rejuvenation and citizen and resilience of the CPC. satisfaction possible. The CPC has produced one of the greatest eco- China today is governed by a party that was forged in revolution nomic achievements in human history by lifting hundreds of millions and war, an experienced and capable party that has guided the coun- of people out of poverty while also restoring China’s place as a power- try from poverty and weakness to prosperity and strength. Under the ful global power. Continuous progress toward these goals is assuring leadership of the CPC, China is now an economic powerhouse and that the Chinese dream of a modern, powerful and prosperous nation poised to become a fully self-sufficient and secure military and geopo- will be attained on or before the centennial of the founding of the litical power by the mid-21st Century. People’s Republic of China in 2049. Anniversaries and birthdays are a great time to recall where we’ve The Party has shown a remarkable degree of determination to been and where we hope to go. The CPC is no different in this regard. adapt and recover from setbacks. If there is a lesson to be learned The CPC’s centenary is a time to remember both its struggles and about the Party’s history—for both Chinese and Westerners alike—it humble beginnings. From the early days that saw threats to its very is this: Under the leadership of the CPC, China cannot be easily de- existence on several occasions due to attacks from the Kuomintang feated, nor can or should it be disengaged or isolated from the world. and the Japanese invasion to an earth-shaking revolution to its leader- Minimizing or marginalizing China is at best counterproductive, and, at ship transforming China into a global economic power with a growing worst, downright foolish. middle class, the Party has shown a remarkable ability to survive, adapt and effectively govern a country of more than 1.4 billion people. Strong resilience The Party has faced numerous challenges along the road to trans- One of the longest-held assumptions by Western scholars, policy forming China into a modern socialist country. The road has often been makers and commentators is that the CPC’s rule is soon to end. Some quite arduous and posed tremendous difficulties on the path to mod- have peddled this drivel for decades because it’s quite profitable and ernization. But the Party has proven that it can—and will—persist. CI plays well with certain audiences. With all due respect, they have based their belief of a coming collapse on a flawed combination of historical The author is a professor of political science and chair of the Department of Political comparisons, biased interpretations, ideologically tinged expectations Science and Geography at the University of Texas at San Antonio 24 JULY 2021 Building a Community Of Life for Mankind And Nature By Yu Jiang and Ning Tuanhui

Minning Township in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, in 1996

Yuanlong Village in Minning Township on November 11, 2020 XINHUA

he world is undergoing unprecedented changes and facing reviewing its relations with the world. Therefore, ecological advance- exceptional challenges. At a critical point of achieving the “Two ment and the relationship between humans and nature are in the TCentenary Goals” - building a moderately prosperous society in spotlight. all respects by 2021 and becoming a strong, modern, socialist country In his landmark July 1 speech to mark the 100th anniversary of by 2049 - China has been exploring its future development path and the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary JULY 2021 25

of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping said: “We must ensure and onstrating the vision and commitment of China as a responsible major enhance public well-being in the course of development, promote country. harmony between humanity and nature, and take well-coordinated In order to build a community of life for mankind and nature and a steps toward making our people prosperous, our nation strong, and community with a shared future for mankind, the international com- our country beautiful.” munity should work together to uphold the basic principles of global At the Leaders Summit on Climate in April, President Xi Jinping ex- cooperation including multilateralism, extensive consultations, joint plained the concept of “a community of life for mankind and nature” contributions and mutual benefit, promote a new type of international in a comprehensive and systematic manner. He said that we must relations characterized by mutual respect, equity and justice, coopera- be committed to harmony between humankind and nature, green tion and mutual benefit, all of which will help narrow the differences development, systemic governance, a people-centered approach, among countries. multilateralism, and the principle of common but differentiated re- Building a community with a shared future for mankind is the sponsibilities. overall target of a new type of international relations with Chinese During the Industrial Revolution, humankind created immense characteristics for the new era and the right thing for human society material wealth. But it came at the cost of extensive damage to natu- to do. Besides, building a community of life for mankind and nature is ral resources, which disrupted the ecological and natural balance. the necessary requirement and an important step toward building a In recent years, as a consequence of climate change, extreme community with a shared future for mankind. weather events, worsening desertification, and frequent outbreaks As an important strategic decision made by the CPC Central of infectious diseases all pose severe challenges to humankind. Committee with Xi Jinping at its core, China will strive to peak carbon Industrialization has created more material wealth than ever seen be- emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. fore, but it has also caused irreparable damage to the environment. China has always been an important participant, contributor and History tells us that we should respect nature, follow its laws, and pioneer in global ecological conservation. It has taken a series of mea- always protect it. Only by observing the laws of nature can humankind sures to respond to climate change and foster a community of life for avoid costly blunders while exploiting its resources. Any harm we mankind and nature. cause to nature will eventually return to haunt us. This is a reality we have to face. Green development and ecological Therefore, we have to learn to respect and protect nature, pro- mote ecological advancement, establish a harmonious relationship conservation between humankind and nature, and jointly build a community of life China now pursues a green and low-carbon path to development for man and nature. and prioritizes ecological conservation. And ecological advancement and conservation have been written into China’s Constitution and incorporated into China’s overall plan for further developing socialism A responsible major country with Chinese characteristics. Climate change is a global challenge which no country alone can Besides, China has done its best to help developing countries bet- overcome. So the international community should work together to ter fight climate change through various result-oriented South-South build a global ecological civilization and pursue green, low-carbon, cir- cooperation programs. China has also made ecological cooperation cular and sustainable development. a key part of the Belt and Road Initiative, and launched a number of We should also recognize that developed and developing coun- green action initiatives covering green infrastructure, green energy, tries have differentiated historical responsibilities of fighting climate green transport and green finance, so as to bring benefits to people of change, and different development needs and capabilities. Developed all countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative. countries should do more and make more contributions to address climate change. As for China, it has never shied away from shoulder- ing its global climate change responsibilities. Business strategy and individual career China’s targets of peaking carbon emissions and achieving carbon choices neutrality announced by President Xi manifest the “highest possible Building a community of life for mankind and nature sets forth ambition” in the Paris Agreement and the country’s determination to new requirements for businesses to upgrade themselves and embark address climate change. on the path of green development-they must abandon the produc- China upholds the values of friendship, justice and shared inter- tion and operation modes that indiscriminately exploit nature and ests, and takes an active part in international cooperation to combat pollute the environment, and instead do more to promote green, climate change. And, over the years, the Chinese government has ful- circular, low-carbon development, and facilitate industrial upgrading. filled its policy commitments of South-South cooperation, and regards Individuals, too, need to catch up with the trend. support to the developing countries, especially the least-developed The right orientation could be a boon to one’s career choice and countries, landlocked developing countries and small island states, to development. The youth are the engine of social development and fight climate change as one of its principal responsibilities. progress. At the crossroad of choices, they should have a good knowl- Building a community with a shared future for mankind is the right edge of global changes and challenges, fulfill their responsibilities, and response to the major concerns of globalization and answers the seri- always bear in mind what is important for their country. ous question of “where should humanity go from here.” This concept When making choices, the youth should take both individual con- reflects the Chinese approach to human development and the global cerns and national interests into consideration. With the motherland project. in mind, the youth should carefully consider the needs and the future According to the concept of a community of life for mankind and of their country and work to help build a community of life for man- nature, humankind and nature are holistically integrated, humans kind and nature. CI should live in harmony with nature, and systemic governance is the way to address ecological challenges. As China’s approach to global Yu Jiang is Deputy Director of the Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy Studies Center environmental governance, it shows a cooperative way to tackle and vice-president of the China Institute of International Studies. Ning Tuanhui is an environmental challenges and build a clean and beautiful world, dem- assistant research fellow at the Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy Studies Center Producer: The Press Office, China Insight International Department of Special Issue on CPC and the CPC Central Committee World Political Parties Summit Content Provider: Beijing Review

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