Gillian Morrison (Interim Chief Officer). Orkney Health and Care. 01856873535 extension: 2611.
[email protected] Agenda Item: 11. Integration Joint Board Date of Meeting: 10 February 2021. Subject: Orkney Winter Plan 2020/21. 1. Summary 1.1. This is a whole system plan which aims to address the predicted additional pressures of winter across 2020/21 alongside the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Delivery of this plan will require strong leadership and collaborative working across the health and social care system at the most senior level to provide a focus on the additional impacts, challenges and resources required to sustain safe, effective and person centred care. 2. Purpose 2.1. The purpose of this paper is to present the Integration Joint Board with the draft Orkney Winter Plan 2020/21 for consideration and approval. 3. Recommendations The Integration Joint Board is invited to: 3.1. Approve the Orkney Winter Plan 2020/21, attached as Appendix 1 to this report. 4. Background 4.1. NHS Orkney, in common with other health boards, is expected to prepare a Winter Plan, in partnership based on national guidance and from lessons learned the previous year. 4.2. The Winter Plan, attached as Appendix 1 to this report, aims to create a set of conditions which improve resilience by building capability to absorb, respond and recover from disruptive challenges. Winter disruptions can include increased demand and activity due to seasonal flu, respiratory and circulatory illness; increased numbers of falls and trips; and wards closed to admission due to higher levels of norovirus. 4.3. Given the ongoing emergency footing and the COVID-19 pandemic, planning for this winter where there is a high likelihood of concurrent events is critical in ensuring services are best placed to meet the demands which are likely to be placed on them.