This appointment is to a full time post shared equally between St Mary’s Great Parndon, and St Peter’s, Roydon. The post would be held ‘in plurality’. He or she would live in the Great Parndon Vicarage.

Great Parndon is a parish of around 10,000 people in the south west of . There are four primary schools / academies in the parish. Though there are not yet specific proposals, there is the possibility of new build in the adjoining parish of Roydon, though near to St Mary’s.

The new Great Parndon parish was formed in 2014. There has been a period of interim ministry following this and other changes. The parish now seeks to appoint a Priest in Charge to take forward the mission and ministry. Partnership working will be an important part of this future as the Deanery develops mission unit [s], as the existing partnership of the South Harlow Covenant (see below) is built upon and as possible links to Roydon are explored.

St Mary’s church is a Grade One listed building, dating from the 15th century, built on a Norman foundation of the ancient parish. A continuous line of Clergy dates from 1190.

Until 2014 St Mary’s was a single parish with St James Staple Tye (a church plant) partnering ecumenically with HAEBEA (Herts & Borders Ecumenical Association) in which the Methodist and United Reform churches locally work together.

In 2014 St Mary’s and St James became separate parishes. There have been Interim Ministers since late 2015 as the new parish is established. With this appointment the interim period of ministry will cease. The parish became part of the South Harlow Covenant, (working closely with St James Staple Tye, and St Stephen’s Tye Green and Netteswell) in October 2013.

Together with this you should have received:  an application form  a booklet of reports from our 2017 AGM  the 2017 accounts

If you would like to find out more about the parish that isn’t in this document, please contact the Churchwardens:

Peter Button 01279 865046 Ray Curtis 01279 418699 or the Area Dean, Martin Harris 01279 411100

Applications should be sent to: The Archdeacon of Harlow’s Office, Glebe House, Church Lane, Sheering, Bishop’s Stortford CM22 7NR; or by email to [email protected]


The preaching tradition is broadly lectionary based. Laity are involved in leading worship, as well as reading lessons, leading intercessory prayers and the occasional sermon. We have a Reader and two have completed the Chelmsford Diocesan Course in Christian Studies (CCS). Seven lay persons are licensed to administer the chalice. Our Deputy Churchwarden serves as a volunteer Chaplaincy visitor in the local hospital.

Our current pattern of Sunday services is currently as below, but this is likely to change in view of the parallel appointment to Roydon. There has been discussion between the parishes but the final decision awaits the appointment.

Week Time Service

First 9:00 am BCP Holy Communion 10:30am Holy Communion/Morning Worship

Second 9:00 am Common Worship Holy Communion 10:30am Common Worship Holy Communion

Third 9:00 am Common Worship Holy Communion 10:30am Common Worship Holy Communion

Fourth 9:00 am Common Worship Holy Communion 10:30 am Common Worship Holy Communion

Fifth 9:00 am Common Worship Holy Communion 10:30 am Songs of Praise/ Morning Worship.

We have a prayer book where anyone may write prayers. These are offered up at each Communion Service. There is also an area to light candles/ pray, for children to draw during services and where refreshments are consumed, which is a popular part of our church.

The style of worship at St Mary’s is traditional, except the Morning Worship services which are more informal and often lay led.

St Mary’s has an organist, who plays at Sunday services, bell ringers who ring before the 10:30am service, but no choir. The hymnal “One Church, One Faith, One Lord” is used for all services.

2017 2018 Baptisms 15 11 Weddings 5 5 Funerals 3 3

Although we have 2 baptism visitors, the bulk of the liaison with baptism, wedding and funeral families is carried out by clergy. This includes the collection of fees.

Usual Sunday attendance is between 30 and 40; slightly more at Morning Worship. Services at Christingle and Christmas Eve can exceed 80, and on occasions over 100.

In addition, a short said Morning Prayer service is held every Thursday at 9:00am, currently led by clergy.

Other Sunday Services

Annual services with a special character have included: Mothering Sunday, Renewal of Baptism Vows, Messy Church, Battle of Britain Sunday, Harvest, Pet Service, Remembrance Sunday and a memorial service for Funeral families. There is a short service at the village War Memorial on the Battle of Britain and Remembrance Sundays. (Pre 2016 there were good links with the RAFA, where the Air Training Corps attended the Battle of Britain service. RAF history is strong in the area, which is close to North Weald airfield.)

Seasonal Services

Christmas: Christingle Service. Carol Service. Christmas Eve Crib service, 11:30pm Holy Communion Christmas Day.

Lent/ Easter: Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday – 8pm Holy Communion. Good Friday 10:30am Easter Egg hunt with Children service. Good Friday – Last Hour service – 2pm to 3pm.

Festivals: Ascension Day 8pm Holy Communion Patronal Festival – 8th September. All Saints day.

Other Activities: Christian Aid Week. There is a biennial Flower Festival, usually held in July on even years. There is a biennial Summer Fete and fun Dog Show, usually held in July on odd years.

There have been no house groups meeting since 2017, when the leader moved away.


Interim Ministry Since October 2015 St Mary’s has had two interim ministers. The first, in 2016, enabled us to look at our past history and identity and to identify our priorities for the future. Our second interim minister was appointed in December 2016 for two years. This was a half time post, spending the rest of her time within the South Harlow Covenant as a whole, focusing primarily on pastoral care.

Interim Ministry reports are available on request.

South Harlow Covenant This was formed in October 2013 and comprises the neighbouring Harlow parishes of St James’ Staple Tye, St Stephen’s Tye Green and Netteswell, and St Mary’s Great Parndon. The main positives have been the sharing of resources, namely clergy, services and lay training. See further the Deanery paragraph below.


Administration: A lay team assists with the booking and administration of Weddings and Funerals. Latterly this has been carried out by the Interim Minister. Baptism Preparation/ Visiting: We have two baptism visitors preparing families for baptism.

Marriage Preparation: At present this is carried out by a meeting with the minister who will officiate at the service, other visits at the minister’s discretion and a rehearsal. Home Communion: Our Reader has extensive ministry in various care homes within and around the parish and at parishioners requests. Two other PCC members are authorised to give Home Communion


Over the past 18 months there have been Messy Church sessions primarily aimed at baptism families with children of a primary school age. Other young person oriented services have included an Easter Egg Hunt in the churchyard on Good Friday, a Pet Service in the autumn and Christingle and Crib services before Christmas. These have been supported by our cubs and scouts with their families. A monthly Morning Worship service is aimed at families.


PCC. The PCC meets every 2 months with an annual meeting around Easter. A standing committee is called if the need arises.

Fellowship Groups. The Course in Christian Basics is offered at St Stephen’s church in Bush Fair. A number of our retired congregation attend the Wednesday Morning Worship service at St James church.

St Mary’s Morning Worship service Planning Group. This meets once a month to plan and reflect upon the monthly service.

Uniformed Organisations. We are associated with groups of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts who meet at Risdens Park, Harlow. They attend the Mothering Sunday and Remembrance Day Services and the scouts camp overnight in the churchyard during Flower Festivals.

Women’s World Day of Prayer. This is supported in the town and parish every March. Our Reader was recently the Harlow Branch leader.

Bellringers. St Mary’s has an active team of bellringers who ring before the 10:30am Sunday service, practise every Tuesday evening and take part in bell ringing competitions across the diocese. They also ring for many of our weddings.

Foodbank. St Mary’s is closely associated with the Harlow Foodbank with a collection point at the back of the church. One of the Churchwardens is a volunteer one day per week. Part of the proceeds of our Harvest Festival is donated to the Foodbank.

Street Pastors. We were involved with the setting up of the Street Pastors in Harlow, where one of our PCC members served as a Street Pastor. Two PCC members continue to serve as Prayer Warriors.

Streets2homes. One of our PCC members is Chair of Trustees. The remainder of the proceeds of our Harvest Festival is donated to Streets2homes.

Miscellaneous. Last but not least, mention should be made of those who help to clean the church, maintain the churchyard, provide refreshments after services and provide flower arrangements. Some are not regular members of the congregation.


The 2017 accounts are attached. The church aims to provide funds to support a wide range of missions and charities under the policy of the PCC to donate 10% of income post Parish Share, although one of the challenges facing the parish is the full payment of Parish Share.


The parish is located in the south western corner of Harlow, covering an area of 2 km by 2 km and is bounded by the parishes of Staple Tye to the southeast, Bush Fair to the east, Harlow Town Centre to the north, Roydon to the northwest, Nazeing to the west and to the southwest.

The parish has a population of around 10,000, and comprises 4 main residential suburbs – Katherines, Sumners, Great Parndon and Millwards/ The Maples/ Morningtons on Parringdon Road, divided by extensive green areas. (See map).

The majority of the working age population is employed in and around Harlow with a small minority of commuters. The housing is a mix of ex-council housing and privately developed areas.

The parish has four small shopping areas (Hatches), one in each of the suburbs, each containing a General store/ newsagent, a take away and a couple of other shops. A larger shopping area is located at Staple Tye. Also at Katherines Hatch there is a residential judo club and at Great Parndon a pre school. A health centre, with both GP and Dental practices, is located on the Sumners estate with associated pharmacy; and a sports centre nearby with large playing fields; and a summertime paddling pool. There is also a privately run sports centre off Southern Way and there are also 3 pubs within the parish.

There are 6 primary schools, with associated Pre Schools, located within the parish, including a catholic school. We have previously had good links with 3 of these schools, with occasional visits to the church. There is also an Adult Learning Centre at the edge of the parish.

There are a number of council operated sheltered housing complexes within the parish plus 2 larger retired people’s facilities – Katherines House and Sumners Farm Close, which are regularly visited by our Reader.

There is one other church within the parish, the Kings Church (free evangelical). A mosque is located on Parringdon Road. There are a number of independent churches in the neighbouring parish of Staple Tye.

The address of the Vicarage is: 80 Deer Park, Harlow CM19 4LF


The parish church of St Mary is a Grade One listed building, dating from the 15th century on a Norman foundation and seating up to 120 people. The building has been modified many times over the centuries and in 2000 a toilet and small kitchen were installed under the tower.

In 2011 the sanctuary was reordered, bringing the altar forward and removing the choir stalls. This work has created a welcoming and flexible space for worship and other activities. At the same time a screen was installed at the entrance to the North Transept, creating a separate room, which can be used as a small meeting room, play area or side chapel. The South transept was also recarpeted and the pews removed, in keeping with the aforementioned areas and is presently used as a meeting area, particularly for refreshments after the services.

We have very recently had a screen installed to divide the bell ringers’ chamber under the tower from the nave of the church. This has the additional benefit of reducing drafts and keeping the church (and bellringers!) warmer in winter.

A revised access path to the churchyard received planning permission at the end of 2018, with construction planned for 2019. This will then meet the requirements of the Equality and Diversity Act.

The church has a sound system with a hearing loop and facilities for CD playing. CDs are normally played before the start of each service and often during funerals.

The churchyard was officially closed for burial in 2015, but burials can still take place in family graves. There is a Garden of Remembrance which is consecrated for the burial of ashes and a contemplation area for visitors to enjoy the beauty and peace of the churchyard. Harlow Council cuts the grass in the churchyard during the spring and summer months.

At present there is no church hall. The previous church hall was the village school dating from Victorian times to around 1960, when it was closed and ownership transferred to the PCC. The cost of upkeep and the proposal of providing disabled toilets proved uneconomic, so it was sold in 2014. A buy to let house, located within the parish, was purchased from part of the proceeds of the sale and the remainder invested. There are several possibilities for a new church hall, depending on the new housing developments at the boundary of the parish, expected within the next 10 years. The establishment of Public Health on a nearby industrial estate may also have some bearing on this decision.

It is hoped that the new incumbent will help direct the development of a new church/ community hall.


Over the past 18 months we have focused on building relationships with families and aim to continue to develop this.

If we want our numbers to grow then we need to connect and serve the community. There is plenty of opportunity to do so and we have ideas that have been raised but not put into action due to the interregnum/ interim ministry. These include: litter picking, having our Christmas meal at one of the local pubs, pub ministry and opening the church for coffee mornings.

In the next 10 years, new housing is expected at West Katherines and West Sumners, which is expected to increase the population of the parish by about 40%. Public Health England, a major part of which is to be located just north of the parish is soon to be opened, and by 2024 it anticipates employing 2000-2750 people locally. All these developments will provide us with new opportunities.

In 2017, St Mary’s was used as a set for the TV series” The Crown”. In past years we have worked with Harlow Council’s Regeneration team to refurbish Church End pond, held a carol service in one of the hatches and investigated the feasibility of opening a coffee shop on Katherines Estate.

In 2019 we hope to organise a litter pick as part of Harlow Council’s annual springtime event and to host a concert by the de Merc Chamber Choir in the summer.

The congregation continues to support a range of local and national charities, both financially and practically.


Harlow and Villages - Towards a Mission and Ministry Unit

This is a moment of opportunity in Harlow Deanery. In our appointments we are seeking to prioritise mission outside the walls of the church, both people and buildings. In other words, the priority is the wider world, not being Chaplains to the existing Christian communities. With our mixed demographic of Rural and Town, and with significant and active partnership between Christian churches, we believe God is equipping and leading us as we seek to grasp the increasing number and range of opportunities to be salt and light through mission and evangelism in the wider community.

Immediate challenges include developing chaplaincy and similar mission opportunities across parish boundaries, fostering lay ministry and Christian learning (to equip for ministry and mission) and working collaboratively at all levels, ecumenically, between parishes and within parishes. There is a need for theological work to be done as we address contemporary challenges and needs.

The locality

Our 16 parishes may be grouped variously as follows:

• The '6 Villages' to the east, extending almost to Bishops Stortford. These are comprised of the “6 Villages Mission Unit” made up of three benefices, which are mostly rural. • The Western Rural Parishes of Nazeing and Roydon with the Parishes of the Harlow District Council, (“Harlow New Town” , Old Harlow and some more recent build.)

The population of the Deanery is 96,766. The M11 is something of a geographical barrier between the 6 Villages and the remainder of the Deanery.

Princess Alexandra Hospital is in Harlow Town Centre and is served by a Hospital Chaplain, who is available to help provide cover in parishes during clergy leave, sickness, etc.

There are 7 church schools, over 30 primary schools in all, and 5 secondary schools in the Deanery, plus one Special Needs School & College (ages 4-19).

Areas of new build are proposed or underway. This news website article is helpful - future-of-the-town/


There is close co-operation between parishes in the 6 Villages Mission Unit. 1.70 years old, Harlow Town is by God’s grace at the beginning of a renaissance. Public Health England is about to move to Harlow, so continuing the development of the M11 corridor. It is expected that PHE Harlow will employ up to 2,750 people by 2024, with scope for future expansion. The newish Enterprise Zone is well advanced. 2.On-going population growth is likely. Substantial new housing is under way. As part of the local church's response we recently appointed a part-time missioner. Our Community Chaplain's brief includes helping resource local churches for mission in the light of regeneration etc. 3.Churches work closely together across denominations and traditions in various ways, not least under the banner of Heart4Harlow (, and through the ecumenical partnership of HAEBEA (Hertfordshire & Essex Border Ecumenical Area - Christian initiatives in town include Street Pastors, Harlow Foodbank and the Heart4Harlow Awards. 4.There is a part-time Chaplaincy at the FE College 5.Our Deanery Communities Chaplain has opened up many openings across the Commerce, Civic and Charitable sectors.

These and other reasons, including the size of the town, mean that Deanery-wide ministry is increasingly part of the experience of individual parishes. Many missional opportunities can only be tackled as we work across traditional parish and other boundaries. Hence, for some aspects of their role, clergy will need to work flexibly as part of a wider ministerial team seeking to take forward mission and evangelism together.

The draft Deanery Strategy envisages that those appointed will seek to take forward ministry in 5 areas of ‘Partnership and Engagement’:

1. Commerce (Shops, Business and Agriculture) 2. Civic (Local Authority & Councillors, MPs, Police and Fire Services) 3. Art, Culture and Education (Schools, College & UCH, Arts associations) 4. Health, Wellbeing and Environment (Charities & Community, NHS, the care sector etc.) 5. Churches and Chaplaincy

Cross-parish ministry will increase as we develop further into Mission and Ministry Units as per the Diocesan Strategy, ‘Transforming Presence’. Part of the Role Description of those appointed will be to take forward proactively the development of one or more Units, fostering, developing and cementing their formation. In the South Harlow area this will build on the existing South Harlow Covenant, up and running for several years. Any wider Unit area would seek to preserve, develop and build on all that has already been achieved.

Amongst local challenges is the lack of community leadership in the town. The resourcing and equipping of every church member is not only vital for the health of the church but is also key for mission. As one response, the Deanery is seeking to encourage and facilitate lay training for all areas of Christian ministry including Reader, Evangelist, Pastoral Assistant and Accredited Preachers. We are encouraged that there have been good numbers at recent local Course of Christian Studies centres.

In applying for the post it is a given that applicants will have a heart for mission and eyes that look beyond parish boundaries. It is anticipated that the gifts you bring will help take forward the vision and mission of the wider church in Harlow. All applicants would be encouraged prayerfully to consider in advance their vision for what they will offer the Deanery / Mission and Ministry Units as well as the parish, so as to explore at interview (and beforehand with the Area Dean if they wish) the possible shape of their ministry within the wider Deanery. We are not looking for people to 'fill gaps', but for those who can help shape and contribute to the vision and ministry of the Deanery.


We would like to appoint a priest who will develop our worship and help us to achieve the following:

 To develop our mission to younger adults and families.  To encourage and guide our lay-led initiatives.  To build up our weekly congregation.  To reach out to more people in the parish, particularly through the primary schools.  To nurture and develop our relationship with Roydon parish, whilst valuing the links with South Harlow Covenant.  To develop stronger community links, perhaps including buying, renting or building suitable premises.  To act as a focal point for baptisms, weddings and funerals.


St Mary’s Great Parndon

Parish of St Mary’s Great Parndon