Yeomans, Easton Royal

A Historic Buildings Study Report No. B6634 February 2018


1. Introduction Pg. 3 2. Instruction Pg. 3 3. Purpose of Document Pg. 4 4. Acknowledgements Pg. 4 5. Some notes on history Pgs. 4-6 6. Annotated floor plans Pg. 7 7. Mapping Pgs. 8-9 8. Description Pgs. 10-26

Yeomans, Easton Royal: Buildings Record February 2018 Page 2


Yeomans is a detached brick and timber-framed house of c1600 standing on a high bank on the west side of the village street of Easton Royal. The village is approximately 3.5 miles east of Pewsey1, and 7 miles SSE of Marlborough. It is a grade II listed building, designated in June 19882:

EASTON ROYAL EASTON ROYAL SU 26 SW (west side) 2/203 Yeoman's GV II

House. C17, altered in C19. Timber framed and brick, thatched roof. Single storey and attic, 2 bays, with narrow brick extension to south extended to rear as wing. Central 6-panelled door in timber porch. Canted bay windows to ground floor, rising to square bays on first floor with framed gables. Dormer to left end. Framing 2 panels high on brick sills, with reverse curved corner braces. Framing altered in C19 and C19 framed gable added to right. Interior has stop chamfered spine beam to left room and large stack, the fireplace being blocked. Stack removed from rear wall of right bay. Timber framed partition to left of entrance stair lobby.

Listing NGR: SU2074460525.

Yeomans is also within the Easton Royal Conservation Area designated in July 19753 4. The conservation area covers the whole of the main street from just north of Easton crossroads to just south of Culley’s Farm. This gives a comprehensive account of the vernacular character of the village and its history. The garden plot behind Yeomans is said to be bounded by native hedgerows.


In accordance with instruction by Mr & Mrs Needham-Bennett, a historical appraisal of Yeomans, Easton Royal was undertaken in February 2018. The results, incorporated in the following report, present a photographic and textual record of the building as it now stands, supported by survey drawings, map and documentary evidence where relevant. This is followed by cautious archaeological interpretation. A copy of this document and its copyright will be retained by Wiltshire Buildings Record for public information unless alternative instruction is received.

1 The Victoria History of Wiltshire volume XVI: ‘Easton’ is taken to mean the town east of 2 accessed 14/02/2018 3 Hard copy held by Wiltshire Buildings Record 4 http://passthrough.fw- _approved_statement-2.pdf accessed 14/02/2018 Yeomans, Easton Royal: Wiltshire Buildings Record February 2018 Page 3


This report is intended to provide supporting information to assist in determining an application for listed building consent for the alteration of Yeomans in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework5 paragraph 128 which states:

In determining applications, local planning authorities should require an applicant to describe the significance of any heritage assets affected, including any contribution made by their setting. The level of detail should be proportionate to the assets’ importance and no more than is sufficient to understand the potential impact of the proposal on their significance. As a minimum the relevant historic environment record should have been consulted and the heritage assets assessed using appropriate expertise where necessary. Where a site on which development is proposed includes or has the potential to include heritage assets with archaeological interest, local planning authorities should require developers to submit an appropriate desk-based assessment and, where necessary, a field evaluation.


Building Recorders: Dorothy Treasure, Alyson Curtis, Peter Filtness and Paul Jack at Wiltshire Buildings Record, Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre, Cocklebury Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 3QN Tel. 01249 705508 email to: [email protected]

Documentary Research: Phyl Martin at Wiltshire Buildings Record, with additional material by PM Slocombe

Survey Drawings: Kindly supplied by Prue Smith. Additional drawings by Peter Filtness


The village is the site of Easton Priory, a house of Trinitarian Friars, to which the parish church was given. The priory was built to relieve poor travellers on the road. The suffix ‘Royal’ was mistakenly attributed by John Ward, the local vicar, in 1838, and has been used ever since6.

5 Department for Communities and , 27th March 2012 6 The Victoria History of Wiltshire, ibid. Yeomans, Easton Royal: Wiltshire Buildings Record February 2018 Page 4

Easton is a street village, and thought to have been planned, perhaps as an early 13th century colony from Pewsey. The village was planted, or grew, along a sunken road, especially sunk at its north end where Yeomans is situated. It was important in the earlier 13th century and possibly before. There were around 23 small farmsteads in c1600, each one with a close of land behind it7. Nearly all the 71 dwellings in the parish in 17358 and 76 in 18149 were recorded in the street. Several of these timber-framed farmhouses, 2-3 panels high, remain. Yeomans is at the north end of a row of detached and semi-detached listed houses lining the west side of the main street including no.20, a former inn named The Bleeding Horse dating from the 19th century10; Arlington Cottage, a 17th century building refaced in the 18th century11; and The Cottage, an early 18th century brick house refaced in the 19th century12. Chandlers to the north-east, identified as having a substantial cruck frame at its core dating possibly from the 14th century13. The likelihood remains that some of those brick houses may encase the timber remains of some of earlier farmhouses.

Yeomans is one of these small farmhouses, probably dating to c1600 or the very early 17th century. It has an unusual single-room plan that was heated by an external stack on the south side, built outside the timber frame. Other single-room plans have been noted at New Mill, ; Yew Tree Cottage, Urchfont; The Rest, Northbrook, Market Lavington and Holly Cottage, Manningford Bruce, though they are generally rare in the county.14 Plans drawn by Paul Woodfield show that the single bay was unevenly divided into a hall (a kitchen/living room) and a narrow inner room used as an entrance and storage area. The Rest, Market Lavington had a side- passage entrance to the main living room, with a loft stair accessed from the passage.

The timber framing features unusual inversely-curved corner braces, which are perhaps closest in date to the ogee braces seen in the last quarter of the 16th century15. No other examples have been recorded by Wiltshire Buildings Record in the county, but they have been noted by Edward Roberts in Hampshire, dating to the 17th and even 18th century16. In Cambridgeshire, the same form of bracing has been found in association with medieval timber-framing17. It has a later-added timber- framed addition on the north side that protected the original frame from weathering. This framing is characterised by horizontal members (rails) at different heights from

7 The Victoria History of Wiltshire, ibid. 8 WRO 9/15/41/VCH Wilts vol xv1,pages 141/2 9 Ibid. 10 11 12 13 Wiltshire Buildings Record fieldwork 1997: archive no. B6049 14 Wiltshire Buildings Record fieldwork, pers. comm. Pam Slocombe 15 i.e. Townsend Cottage, All Cannings: Wiltshire Farmhouses & Cottages 1500-1850 by PM Slocombe 16 Edward Roberts: Hampshire Houses 1250-1700; pg 58 17 Regional variation in timber-framed building in and Wales down to 1550: Cambridgeshire: A traditional crossroads in traditional building by Beth Davis Yeomans, Easton Royal: Wiltshire Buildings Record February 2018 Page 5

those in the main core. There are few features beyond the un-matching timber framing, and it is assumed that it dates perhaps to the later 17th century. It may have been a ‘hovel’; a poorly- or simply-constructed end in which a trade was carried on. A contemporary addition was made on the south side, filling in the angle between the chalk stack and the main house, perhaps to enclose a cupboard space.

By 184618 Yeomans was an L-shaped building, probably the result of an extension at each end in c1800 to form a parlour at the north end, and a storage area and kitchen at the south and west ends. The same survey indicates Yeomans on the map as no.170 (fig. 1), the occupier being William Goddard and in another entry William's name is crossed out in pencil and the Rev. Kingsbury's name is inserted. In both entries Yeomans is described as a cottage and garden occupying 27 perches, the owner being Charles Brudenell Bruce, Marquess of Ailesbury.19

The Inland Revenue 2nd edition 190020 suggests that Yeomans was occupied by John Denham and owner was the Marquess of Ailesbury. It is described as a cottage with garden with a gross annual value of 2 pounds, 10 shillings, and 2 pence21. Between 1900 (fig. 3) and 192422 (fig. 4) a brick lean-to service area with a corrugated monopitch roof, perhaps containing a scullery, was added in the inner rear angle. It may have been at this period that Yeomans’ external appearance was altered by the addition of the ground and first floor bay windows, and by the false- framed dormers and north gable end.

The underground brick pyramidal structure sited between a small stable and the back of the house is on rising ground and may be a water tank that once fed the house. In May 2001 approval was given for the provision of replacement central heating system23.

In 1929 outlying portions of the Savernake Estate were sold off, including Yeomans, then simply known as 17 Easton Royal, and occupied by the school managers of Easton Royal24. It was first listed in 1988 with the name Yeomans, and appears with that name on the c1975 edition Ordnance Survey map. Correspondence between a previous owner, Doris L Rhodes with Wiltshire Buildings Record on 13th February 1988 cites it was previously named ‘Bramley’25.

18 Refs. 3354 and 3354 box 1, 1846: held by Wiltshire & Swindon Archive Service 19 Ibid. 20 Inland Revenue Tax evaluation L8/10/42 at Wiltshire & Swindon Archive Service 21 Inland Revenue Tax evaluation L8/1/58 at Wiltshire & Swindon Archive Service 22 Ordnance Survey map sheets 42/2 1900 and 1924 editions held by Wiltshire & Swindon Archive Service 23 Planning application K/41122/L 24 Savernake Sale particulars of 1929 held by Wiltshire & Swindon Archive Service 25 Wiltshire Buildings Record archive file B6634 Yeomans, Easton Royal: Wiltshire Buildings Record February 2018 Page 6

6 Annotated Floor Plans. Base plans supplied by Prue Smith

Ground Floor

First Floor Yeomans, Easton Royal: Wiltshire Buildings Record February 2018 Page 7


Fig.1 1 Map refs 3354 dated 1846. Yeomans is circled in red

Fig. 2 Ordnance Survey map sheet 42/2, 1887 edition

Fig. 3 Ordnance Survey map sheet 42/2, 1900 edition

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Fig. 4 Ordnance Survey map sheet 42/2, 1924 edition

Fig. 5 Ordnance Survey map sheet 42/2, 1939 edition

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Exterior Main elevation

Fig. 6 East elevation

Roughly symmetrical front with central 6-panel door in shallow sentry-box porch of early 20th century date. Flanked either side at ground and first floor by bay windows, probably of contemporary date. Those on the ground floor are canted, those at first floor are square bays surmounted by gables with decorative false framing. The above features are superimposed on the single remaining bay of timber framed construction of 17th century date. The frame is 2 panels high with reverse-curved braces, on top of a stone plinth, now faced in brick.

To the right is an un-matching half-bay of framing with rails at different heights, perhaps of later 17th century date. A single later panel of framing set within Flemish bond brickwork is seen at the left end, quite clearly an addition as it is set forward of the original frame. Vertical joint to a further half-bay addition on the front.

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North elevation

Fig. 7 North elevation Fig. 8 South elevation

Of c1800 brickwork with light false framing of the early 20th century applied to the gable.

South elevation Painted brick return with ground floor segmental-headed opening containing early 20th century 2-light timber casement. Upper window in swept square dormer with modern timber casement unit.

Rear elevation

Fig. 9 Rear Elevation Fig. 10 Two light posts embedded within c1800 brickwork

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The rear is of brick is in Flemish bond with an infill of stretcher bond between two light posts, suggesting an infill (fig.10). In the angle is an added external stepped stack in stretcher bond, which appears to date from the later 19th/early 20th century. The stack appears to have been rebuilt above the shoulder. Built overlapping the stack is an earlier 20th century lean-to which first appears on the 1924 Ordnance Survey mapping. Deep hipped thatch roof. The original stack serving the main fireplace in the south room has been taken down.

Fig. 11 west elevation of infill

The extension to the right is of a mixture of brick bond: Monk bond (two stretchers to one header) and Sussex bond (three stretchers to one header) with original openings with segmental heads. The timber casements are modern replacements.

In the angle between the main range and cross-wing is an early 20th century single- storey extension in modern brickwork. Flat corrugated ?asbestos roof.

The garden is bounded by a brick wall on the south and west sides with a bull-nosed brick coping, typical of the later 19th century. On the south side are the remains of an earth closet in a recess, and a much altered stable on the north side containing tack pegs (fig.12). To the right is a manhole cover to a pyramidal stepped underground chamber (fig. 13). It appears to be an empty tank now full of rubble.

Fig. 12 Remains of stable building to west of house Fig. 13 Brick-lined pyramidal chamber

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Dining Room (G1) Ceiling

Fig. 14 G1 looking south-west Fig. 15 Chamfered beam

Entered from the small entrance hall. The ceiling has two un-matching transverse beams. The southern beam is 120 wide, with a small (35mm) chamfer both sides, stopped both ends except at its eastern end, southern side, where the chamfer is stopped some 600mm out from the stub wall. The northerly is cased and set slightly higher up. 200mm wide.


Fig. 16 Rendered plinth for former timber-framing Fig. 17 Decayed post

Old plaster on north wall partly fallen away. Other walls appear to be similarly plastered. On the west wall a low plinth comprising rubble chalkstone and possibly other material, much plastered over, has been uncovered. This was the base for old timber-framing, which is still apparent. Two decayed posts are still in evidence embedded within the replacement brickwork.

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Floor of concrete. Plank and batten door of c1900. Late 19th century/early 20th century casement window. Later 20th century brick with wide mortar joints used as a facing for an older opening. The stair is enclosed with tongue and grooved planking, likely also c1900. At the back end of the stair is a 4-panelled door into the understair cupboard divided into upper and lower doors.

Entrance (G2)

Fig. 18 19th century stair Fig. 19 South end frame with inserted doorway

Fig. 20 Sketch of end frame at first floor level, north elevation (not to scale)

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The 6-panelled front door gives on to a 19th century straight flight stair. Sentry-box porch lined with tongue and grooved boards with narrow directly-glazed lights. On left is a timber framed partition to room G3 (living room). This is actually the south end of the original single-bay timber-framed core. The upper floor has an inserted and subsequently blocked doorway over the stair with a single pintle remaining. There is no evidence for removed joists, so it is suggested that there was a ladder up to this doorway in roughly the same position as the stair.

Living Room (G3) Ceiling

Fig. 21 South end of chamfered beam Fig. 22 Fireplace and panelled dado

The axial beam is 180 wide, small (35mm) chamfer both sides, stopped both ends. At its southern end the beam is supported by a timber bearer which rests on the fireplace beam. The north end rest in the cross-frame, the other end rests in the main chimney breast.

Walls are plastered, with vertically-boarded mid-19th century dado panelling. Floor has good pine-boards of the later 19th/early 20th century. Door is plank and batten type with ventilation hole at top. Hung on flat-ended strap hinges. Window is as above.

Fig. 23 Possible apotropaic marks on lintel Fig. 24 Wattle and daub facing to chimney breast

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The fireplace beam is 2650 x 310mm, with a 70mm chamfer which runs out at both ends. On the eastern (LHS) end a single peg hole for a lost timber jamb is visible – the western end is obscured by the wall. The beam has a small burn mark and a faint ? “W” or “VV” mark (fig. 23), and on LHS a filled mortise (? for former mantle- shelf). Above the beam is a small area of exposed wattle and daub (fig. 24). This must have been an external stack originally as it is outside the original timber frame. There is a deep recess to the left of the stack, with no evidence there for a newel stair, though once could be accommodated here. The present single-plate register grate dates from c1900.

Kitchen (G4)

Fig. 25 Kitchen looking north Fig. 26 Trap to ceiling in larder

Reached one step up from the living room (G3) over a timber threshold. Walls are plastered, with tongue and groove boarded passage between kitchen and bathroom, added c1900. To the left of the fireplace is a cupboard at the back where a post is exposed, part of the original timber-framed core. Concrete floor and plain ceiling, probably lath and plastered with trap to room above. Doors: Narrow-planked door to living room hung on strap hinges. Modern half- glazed door to garden. Windows: both casements are modern timber replacements.

Fig. 27 Post and rail in cupboard

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Earlier 19th century kitchen fireplace with plain timber mantelshelf. Opening 1060mm wide, with a segmental arch supported by an iron band. To left of fireplace the wall framing is exposed (fig. 27).

Storage (G5)

Fig. 28 Storage area (G5) Fig. 29 Blocked opening under lintel

A narrow storage area probably formed in the later 17th century or earlier 18th century, backing onto the main stack in brick, with an area of exposed stone plinth to left. Two small beams in ceiling. Concrete floor and plastered walls with part stonework and brickwork exposed. Backing onto the main stack is a narrow timber lintel or beam with brickwork above (fig. 29). The area below, which is distinct from the surrounding masonry, might be a blocking up of an earlier opening. There is a straight joint to the right-hand side. The east wall also has the stone plinth exposed. Early 20th century paired timber casement in south gable.

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Bathroom (G6)

Fig. 30 Bathroom looking east Fig. 31 Quarry tiled floor

An addition of between 1900 and 1924. Ceiling lined with polystyrene tiles. Plastered walls. Floor of red quarry tiles continuing from lobby (fig. 31). Door is of 4 stacked panels typical of the 1930s or 40s. Replacement timber casements.

First floor

Bedroom (F1)

Fig. 32 Bedroom 1 Fig. 33 ?Hip rafter

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Ceiling The ceiling appears to be old lath and plaster. The apex and common rafters are sealed in. A pit-sawn, elm roof truss divides the room into unequal spaces. Nail evidence suggests there has once been a room partition attached. The collar is tenoned and pegged to the principal rafters. The lower part of each principal rafter is concealed by tongue and grooved boxing added C19/early C20.

Walls The papered walls appear to be old plaster, probably lath and plaster. The west wall plate and a long diagonal timber are exposed south of truss on the west (rear) wall. There is not enough evidence to be certain of the function of the timber, but it looks like it may be a valley board or perhaps a long brace (fig. 33).

The stair partition of tongue and groove boards as above. The east (front) wall is lined with matchboard panelling below the bay window, and also south of the truss, where there are also three battens nailed on above the panelling. North of the dormer, some old plaster has been revealed after removing paper. Bead skirting throughout, typical of the period.

Fig. 34 Narrower boards to bay window

The floorboards are probably elm (20cm/8 inch). Straight joints at the south-east corner suggest an alteration here. The softwood boards at the dormer window (17cm/6 ¾ inch) are later in date (fig. 34).

Old plank and batten door (7 narrow planks wide), with rim lock and brass knob. Typical C19, altered/reused. It has been heighted by adding an extra plank and the top has been shaped to fit the sloping rafters. Hung on expanded- ended strap hinges. Frame has a bead moulding.

Walk-in square bay window under the dormer of c1900. Slender, chamfered timber glazing bars, as ground floor. North casement has spiral-ended stay. Architrave has flattened ogee moulding down to plain blocks. C20 secondary glazing added later. Yeomans, Easton Royal: Wiltshire Buildings Record February 2018 Page 19

Landing (F2)

Fig. 35 Top of stair

Ceiling As above, the apex and rafters are sealed in and the ceiling appears to be old lath and plaster.

Walls The south wall (west of doorway) has an uneven surface and could be old wattle and daub or lath and plaster. Any evidence of the possible existence of a former curved brace to match that at the other end of the cross frame is concealed. West (rear) wall partly obscured by tank.

Floor The floorboards are softwood (17cm/6 ¾ inch), as at dormer in bedroom (F1).

Bedroom (F3) This bedroom and passage were originally one room over the hall.

Fig. 36 Bedroom F3 looking north

Ceiling As above, apex and rafters are sealed in, and ceiling appears to be old lath and plaster. The east purlin in the ceiling has an uneven chamfer with run-out stops. A

Yeomans, Easton Royal: Wiltshire Buildings Record February 2018 Page 20 series of pegs along it are likely to have been for the original rafters. At the south end is an old iron hanging hook.


Fig. 37 Sketch of end frame at first floor, south elevation

Fig. 38 Scar of possible fireplace opening and brick hearth

The north wall has exposed timber framing (pegged) with plastered panels. The infill could contain old wattle and daub. Part of the pegged joint between the post, tie beam and wall plate is visible. The tie beam is pit sawn. The corner post is jowelled, the taper ends in an angled return. The curved corner brace is inverted, and pegged twice to the tie beam. From the small section visible, the collar appears to be cambered. The lighter scantling rails (one in door-head position) are replacements. The tie beam is interrupted for a doorway, a secondary feature. Care has been taken with the carpentry, the east door post in particular. Both posts are joined to the ends of the tie with a lap dovetail joint, and the east post has been finished with a noticeably bevelled edge. Both joints are nailed. It is not

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clear if the peg on the east tie beam relates to this door post or an earlier stud for a square panel. The east post has noticeable adze finishing marks. In contrast to the north wall, the plastered south wall has no timber panels visible, but does have an exposed jowelled corner post and pit-sawn tie-beam. Part of the tie beam is missing, perhaps removed when the fireplace was inserted (fig. 38). The opening is now blocked. The end of an iron strap attached to the tie beam is very likely associated with this.

The east wall plate has been interrupted for the walk-in bay window. The bay is lined with matchboards, as bedroom (F1). Plain board skirting (except west wall), typical C19. Wooden shelf on plain bracket fixed to east wall, north of dormer. The west partition to the passage was inserted mid-later C20, with borrowed lights with textured glazing, C20 skirting.

The floorboards are softwood (13cm/5 inch). Old plank and batten door (5 irregular width planks), with brass knob rim lock. Typical C19, reused. It has been rehung on expanded-ended strap hinges; scars of earlier hinges are visible. Metal coat hook could be original. Window as bedroom (F1). The fireplace (now blocked) appears to have been inserted c.1800. The line of a segmental-arched iron strap marking out the top of the fireplace is visible beneath the wallpaper. Joints in the skirting mark the opening. Front hearth of brick.

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Passage (F4)

Fig. 39 Passage looking south Fig. 40 Straight wind-brace

Ceiling As bedroom (F3). The west purlin in the ceiling has a narrow chamfer with run-out stops. Towards the north end is a straight brace (fig. 40) which appears to be housed on the back of the purlin. It is not clear if a square-shaped peg relates to it.

Walls Part of the timber-framing on the north wall has apparently been lost when the present landing doorway inserted. The jowelled post and tie beam are exposed west of the doorway, plastered elsewhere, as bedroom (F3). The south wall, plastered as bedroom (F3), has exposed jowelled post, tie beam and principal rafter; the joint is pegged. The west wall plate has been truncated (south end) for the insertion of the doorway to the rear bedroom (F6), the end is embedded in the post.

Floor of softwood floorboards (13cm/5 inch), as bedroom (F3).

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Bathroom (F5)

Fig. 41 Bathroom looking east

Ceiling/walls/floor The surfaces are C20/modern; the floor is covered with linoleum. Fairly modern hatch to access roof void above and into the main range roof.

Old plank and batten door (4 planks), with thumb latch. Hung on plain strap hinges. Typical C19. C20 frame. Dormer window containing C20 timber casements with spiral-ended stays and catch, with secondary glazing.

Bedroom (F6)

Fig. 42 View to west Fig. 43 Door to passage

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There is a step up from the passage. This room is in the rear extension added (Dorothy perhaps in the C19, after c.1860). The presence of the small trap door/access hatch suggests the room may have been used for storage of something or some kind of practical activity.

Ceiling The eaves and rafters are sealed in. Ceiling is plastered/papered between the north and south purlins. The purlins have been converted using a circular saw, suggesting they were inserted after c.1860. Above the door to the passage is a timber associated with linking the original house with the extension. The walls are plastered/papered, with very low plain skirting. The floorboards, perhaps elm, are of irregular widths. They may have been reused. Vertical joints in the north-west corner mark the position of a small access hatch/ trap door (without hinge) from the kitchen. Old plank and batten door (4 planks), with thumb latch. Hung on round ended strap hinges on pain frame, pegged. 2 coat hooks. All typical C19, could be original. Splayed window opening with timber casements with spiral-ended stays/catch.

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Roof void

Fig. 44 Main roof void looking north Fig. 45 Apex of south gable end

The apex of the roof was accessible through a trap in the 19th century section at the south-west end. Due to the amount of loose straw hanging down, the apex of the main range was rather obscure, and the access narrow. The visible construction in the main range was mainly of paired sawn rafters, with some roughly converted poles. The thatch is pegged to split laths. The rafter at the left edge of the picture appears to have a horse shoe jammed onto it (fig. 44). This may be a good luck talisman. The void is deeply insulated over the joists, so little else of the construction could be determined, except that the gable end is of well- built stretcher-bond brickwork, possibly of 19th century date.

Fig. 46 Main range apex Fig. 47 Plank ridge of cross wing

The south-west addition is also of sawn common rafters paired over a plank ridge, some with bark attached. Some rafter held together with nailed yoke plates. Circular saw marks on the timbers seen lower down indicate a construction date in the 19th century.

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