Resums XIII Reunió Nacional de Quaternari Resúmenes XIII Reunión Nacional de Cuaternario Andorra 2011 Andorra 2011 CARTOGRAFIA DE SÒLS DE LA VALL DEL MADRIU (PRINCIPAT D’ANDORRA, PIRINEUS ORIENTALS) J. Palomar (1), X. Ros (2) i V. Turu (3) (1) Geoterna SL, Consultoria científica i tècnica, C/Juvenal, 36 bxs. local 1, 08206 Sabadell.
[email protected] (2) Consultoria Geologica de la Jacetania SLU, Afueras 3, 22760 Bailo. Huesca.
[email protected] (3) Fundació Marcel Chevalier, Av. Príncep Benlloch 66-72, AD 500 Andorra la Vella, Principat d’Andorra;
[email protected] Abstract (Soil cartography of the Madriu valley, Principality of Andorra, Southeastern Pyrenees): Since 2004 the Madriu valley is on the UNESCO world Heritage list. This cartography was included on the candidature documentation and has been unpublished since now. In essence 31 Km2 has been mapped following the FAO’s soil legend (the 6,5% of Andorra), supported by 38 pits ranging altitudes from 1600 m to 2700 m and collecting an amount of 0,5 Tn in samples for soil analisis. Now is possible to say that regosoils and leptosoils are the most present soils in the mapped area, nevertheless fluvisoils, histosoils and gleysoils are also present but limited to the bottom of the valley and glacial cirques. Is impportant to notify that antrosoils has been observed in places where ancient charcoal pits were made and are useful to know about the anthropization of the valley. Paraules clau: Cartografia FAO, antrosòls, erosió, acció antròpica Key words: FAO soil mapping, antrosoils, erosion, anthropical influence OBJECTIUS i les allaus han desencadenat diverses esllavissades Els objectius principals d’aquest treball fòren el del sector de Gargantillar.