FOCS '94 the 35Thannual IEEE Conference on Foundations Of
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Registration for FOCS '94 The registration fees for FOCS '94 are listed below. To th qualify for the early registration fee, your registration ap- FOCS '94 The 35 Annual plication must be postmarked by Thursday, October 20. Refund requests will be honored until November 4. The non-student registration fee includes the Saturday night reception, the Sunday night business meeting, the Monday night banquet, coffee breaks and lunches, and a copy of the proceedings. The student fee includes all of the above except the banquet. Please fill out the form below and send it, along with a check or money order IEEE Conference on (in US $, drawn on a US bank) made payable to \IEEE Foundations of Computer Science - FOCS '94 Symposium," to: Sorin Istrail Attn: FOCS registration Sandia National Laboratories Department 1423, Mail Stop 1110 Albuquerque, NM 87185-1110 November 20 { 22, 1994 Name Affiliation Street Address CityState ZIP or Country & Postal code E-mail Phone Please circle one category below and fill in your membership number if appropriate: Category Fee After 10/20 ACM or SIGACT member 280 335 IEEE or EATCS member 280 335 # Author or Program Committee 280 335 Student 110 130 Other 300 360 Extra Banquet Tickets ×$50 each = Total registration Machtey Fund Contributions ($5 suggested) Santa Fe, New Mexico (Make separate check to Machtey Award Fund) Dietary restrictions: Kosher Vegetarian None Special needs (attach letter if necessary) Sponsored by The IEEE Computer Society In cooperation with ACM SIGACT Hotel Reservations SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1994 Outdoor Activity (see Optional Events) The conference will be held at the Eldorado Hotel in Reception: 8 pm{11 pm, Eldorado Hotel Santa Fe. The rates for IEEE FOCS '94 are posted be- low and apply from Wednesday, November 16 through SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1994 Thursday, November 24, pre and post days on a space available basis. Checkin time is 4:00 p.m. and checkout is 11:30 a.m. Please advise the hotel of late arrival. Santa Sunday Session 1a { chair L. Lovasz Fe is a popular destination; please call soon. Reser- vations should be made by Wednesday, October 5. Approximate Graph Coloring by Semidefinite Reservations made after that will be accepted on a rate Programming: David Karger, Rajeev Motwani, and space availability basis. Refer to IEEE FOCS '94 Madhu Sudan. Finding Separator Cuts in Planar when making reservations to obtain the rates listed. To Graphs Within Twice the Optimal: Naveen Garg, make your reservations by phone, call 1-800-955-4455 or Huzur Saran, Vijay V. Vazirani. Polynomial 505-988-4455 or fax 505-988-5376. To make reservations Time Randomized Approximation Schemes for by mail or fax, fill out the form below and send it to the the Tutte Polynomial of Dense Graphs: Noga address below. A deposit in the form of a check or money Alon, Alan Frieze, Dominic Welsh. A Note on order for one night's stay, or credit card information and the θ Number of Lovasz and the Generalized Del- your return phone and/or fax must be included. When sarte Bound: Mario Szegedy filling out the form, make sure that you list your name exactly as it appears on your check or credit card. The 9:009:259:5010:15Sunday Session 1b { chair A. Blum following credit cards are accepted: American Express, Diners Club, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover. Deposits An Efficient Membership-Query Algorithm for will be refunded if the hotel is notified at least 72 hours Learning DNF with Respect to the Uniform Dis- before your specified arrival. tribution: Jeffrey Jackson. On Learning Dis- Eldorado Hotel cretized Geometric Concepts: Nader H. Bshouty, Attn: IEEE FOCS '94 Reservations Zhixiang Chen, Steven Homer. PAC Learn- 309 West San Francisco ing with Irrelevant Attributes: Aditi Dhagat, Santa Fe, NM 87501 Lisa Hellerstein. The Power of Team Explo- ration: Two Robots Can Learn Unlabeled Directed Please check one: Single $85 Double $95 Arrival Graphs: Michael A. Bender, Donna K. Slonim. Date: Departure Date: Please fill out: Name 9:009:259:5010:15Break: 10:40 am { 11:10 am Address Fax: Phone Sharing room with If paying for deposit by credit card please complete: Plenary session I: 11:10 { 12:10 Chair: M. Yannakakis Credit Card Type Credit Card Number Expiration Date I authorize Eldorado Algorithmic Number Theory - Hotel to charge the above account for the amount equal The Complexity Contribution to one night's stay as deposit. Signature Leonard Adelmann , USC Lunch: 12:10 am { 1:45 pm Sunday Session 2a { chair V. Shoup On the Power of Quantum Computation: Daniel MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1994 R. Simon. Algorithms for Quantum Computa- tion: Discrete Log and Factoring: Peter W. Shor. The Complexity of the A B C Problem Resolved: Monday Session 1a { chair J. Hastad Jin-Yi Cai, Richard J. Lipton, Yechezkel Zalc- stein. Efficient Average-Case Algorithms for the A Lower Bound for the Monotone Depth of Con- Modular Group: Jin-Yi Cai, W.H.J. Fuchs, Dex- nectivity: Andrew Chi-Chi Yao. Efficient Obliv- ter Kozen, Zicheng Liu. ious Branching Programs for Threshold Func- tions: Rakesh Kumar Sinha, Jayram Thathachar. Products and Help Bits in Decision Trees: Noam Nisan, Steven Rudich, Michael Saks. On Rank 1:452:102:353:00Sunday Session 2b { chair E. Tardos vs. Communication Complexity: Noam Nisan, Avi Widgerson. Finding the k Shortest Paths: David Epp- stein. Long Tours and Short Superstrings: S. Rao Kosaraju, James K. Park, Clifford 9:009:259:5010:15Tuesday Session 1b { chair S. Rao Stein. Maximum (s,t)-Flows in Planar Networks O(jV j log jV j): Karsten Weihe. Estimating the On the Design of Reliable Boolean Circuits Size of the Transitive Closure in Linear Expected that Contain Partially-Unreliable Gates: Dan Time: Edith Cohen. Kleitman, Tom Leighton, Yuan Ma. Nearly Tight Bounds for Wormhole Routing: Abhiram G. Ranade, Saul Schleimer, Daniel Wiklerson. Scheduling Multithreaded Computations by Work 1:452:102:353:00Break: 3:25 pm { 3:45 pm Stealing: Robert D. Blumofe, Charles E. Leis- erson. Fast and Feasible Periodic Sorting Net- works of Constant Depth: Miroslaw Kutylowski, Sunday Session 3a { chair F. Meyer auf der Krzysztof Lorys, Brigitte Oesterdiekhoff, Rolf Heide Wanka. Rapid Rumor Ramification: Approximating the Minimum Broadcast Time: R. Ravi. The Load, Capacity and Availability of Quorum Systems: 9:009:259:5010:15Break: 10:40 am { 11:10am Moni Naor, Avishai Wool. Fast and Lean Self- Stabilizing Asynchronous Protocols: Gene Itkis, Plenary session II: 11:10 { 12:10 Leonid Levin. Local Optimization of Global Ob- Chair: S. Goldwasser jectives: Competitive Distributed Deadlock Res- olution and Resource Allocation: Baruch Awer- Result Checking: A Theory of Test- buch, Yossi Azar. ing Meets A Test of Theory Manuel Blum , UC Berkeley 3:454:104:355:00Sunday Session 3b { chair A. Condon (De)randomized Construction of Small Sample Spaces in NC: David R. Karger, Daphne Koller. Lunch: 12:10 pm { 1:45 pm Computing with Very Weak Random Sources: Aravind Srinivasan. David Zuckerman. A New Technique for Sampling with Low Ran- Monday Session 2a { chair H. Karloff domness: M. Bellare, J. Rompel. Robust Functional Equations with Applications to Self- Beyond Competitive Analysis: Elias Koutsoupias, testing/Correcting: Ronitt Rubinfeld. Christos H. Papadimitriou. A Theory of Compet- itive Analysis for Distributed Algorithms: Mik- 3:454:104:355:005:25End of technical sessions los Ajtai. James Aspnes. Cynthia Dwork, Orli 9:00 Business Meeting Waarts. On-line Admission Control and Cir- cuit Routing for High Performance Computing and Communication: Baruch Awerbuch, Rainer Tuesday Session 1a { chair L. Lovasz Gawlick, Tom Leighton, Yuval Rabani. IP Over Connection-Oriented Networks and Distri- Expander Codes: Michael Sipser, Daniel A. Spiel- butional Paging: Carsten Lund, Steven Phillips, man. The Geometry of Graphs and Some Algo- Nick Reingold. rithmic Applications: Nathan Linial, Eran Lon- don, Yuri Rabinovich. Tail Bounds for Oc- 1:452:102:353:00Monday Session 2b { chair O. Goldreich cupancy and the Satisfiability Threshold Conjec- ture: Anil Kamath, Rajeev Motwani, Krishna Computationally-Sound Proofs: Silvio Micali. Palem, Paul Spirakis. Priority Encoding Trans- On Monotone Formula Closure of SZK: Alfredo mission: Andres Albanese, Johannes Blomer, Jeff De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Giuseppe Edmonds, Michael Luby, Madhu Sudan. Persiano, Moti Yung. On the Complexity of Bounded-Interaction and Noninteractive Zero- 9:009:259:5010:15Tuesday Session 1b { chair M. Vardi Knowledge Proofs: Joe Kilian. Reducibility and Completeness In Multi-Party Private Computa- Graph Connectivity and Monadic NP: Thomas tions: Eyal Kushilevitz, Silvio Micali, Rafail Os- Schwentick. A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for trovsky. Deciding Equivalence of Normed Context-Free Processes: Yoram Hirshfeld, Mark Jerrum, Faron Moller. On the Combinatorial and Algebraic 1:452:102:353:00Break: 3:25 pm { 3;45 pm Complexity of Quantifier Elimination: Saugata Basu, Richard Pollack, Marie-Francoise Roy. Set Constraints with Projections are in NEXPTIME: Tuesday Session 3a { chair M. Yannakakis Witold Charatonik, Leszek Pacholski. Go With the Winners: David Aldous, Umesh Vazirani. Randomized Simplex Algorithms on 9:009:259:5010:15Break: 10:40 am { 11:10 am Klee-Minty Cubes: Bernd Gartner, Gunter M. Ziegler. Motion Planning on a Graph: Christos H. Papadimitriou, Prabhakar Raghavan, Madhu Plenary session III: 11:10 { 12:10 Sudan, Hisao Tamaki. The Localization Problem Chair: L. Lovasz for Mobile Robots: Jon Kleinberg. Markov Chains and Polynomial Time 3:454:104:355:00Monday Session 3b { chair V. Shoup Algorithms Ravi Kannan , CMU Algebraic Computation Trees in Characteristic p > 0: Michael Ben-Or. An O(n1+) Algorithm for the Complex Roots Problem: Andrew Neff, John H. Reif. Complexity Lower Bounds for Lunch: 12:10 pm { 1:45 pm Computation Trees with Elementary Transcen- dental Function Gates: Dima Grigoriev, Nico- lai Vorobjov. On the Computation of Boolean Tuesday Session 2a { chair R. Seidel Functions by Analog Circuits of Bounded Fan-in: Gy¨orgyTur´an,Farrokh Vatan.