10/02/21 of Relatedness | Oxford Brookes Reading Lists

Anthropology of Relatedness View Online (Semester 2)

106 items

Week 1: Introduction & Overview (2 items)

Forever is a long time: romancing the real in gay ideologies - Kath Weston Chapter | Essential | You can read Kath Weston's chapter online, through Google Books preview.

Kinship Chapter | Recommended

Week 2: Kinship as Social Structure (2 items)

Kinship as descent Chapter | Essential

English ancestors: the moral possibilities of popular genealogy - FENELLA CANNELL, Fenella Cannell, 2011-09 Article | Essential

Week 2: Further Reading (8 items) If you are interested in exploring this topic for your essay, you may find the following readings interesting.

Part IV: Descent & Alliance - Adam Kupar, 2017 Chapter

Common Principles of Variant Kinship Structures among the Gola of Western Liberia - Warren L. D'Azevedo, 1962-06 Article

Uses of the past in Gola Discourse - Warren L. d'Azevedo, 1962 Article

Kindreds, cognatic and unilineal descent groups: new perspectives from Madagascar - Rita Astuti Chapter

Ghosts and Ancestors in the Modern West - Fenella Cannell Chapter

Fasu Solidarity: A Case Study of Kin Networks, Land Tenure, and Oil Extraction in Kutubu,

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Papua New Guinea - EMMA GILBERTHORPE, 2007-03 Article

Speech, silence, and slave descent in highland Madagascar - Luke Freeman, 2013 Article

Where Do You Belong? Identity, New Guinea Islanders, and the Power of Peles - Kirsten McGavin, 2016 Article

Week 3: and Gender (2 items)

Chapter 3 - Henrietta L. Moore Chapter | Essential

Anger, Economy, and Female Agency: Problematizing “Prostitution” and “Sex Work” among the Huli of Papua New Guinea - Holly Wardlow, 2004 Article

Week 3: Further Reading (18 items) If you choose to write your essay on this topic, you may find some of the following readings useful

General texts

An Awkward Relationship: The Case of Feminism and Anthropology - , 1987-01 Article

Chapter 8: Marriage and Relatedness Chapter

Is Female to Male as Nature Is to Culture? - Sherry B. Ortner, 1972-23 Article

Ethnographic Examples

Spending Power: Love, Money, and the Reconfiguration of Gender Relations in Ado-Odo, Southwestern Nigeria - Andrea Cornwall, 2002-11 Article | Optional

Women on the market: Marriage, consumption, and the Internet in urban Cameroon - JENNIFER JOHNSON-HANKS, 2007-11 Article

“To put men in a bottle”: Eroticism, kinship, female power, and transactional sex in Maputo, Mozambique - Christian Groes-Green, 2013-02 Article

Wedding bell blues: Marriage, missing men, and matrifocal follies - Evelyn Blackwood,

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2005-02 Article

Marriage Promotion and Missing Men: African American Women in a Demographic Double Bind - SANDRA D. LANE, ROBERT H. KEEFE, ROBERT A. RUBINSTEIN, BROOKE A. LEVANDOWSKI, MICHAEL FREEDMAN, ALAN ROSENTHAL, DONALD A. CIBULA, MARIA CZERWINSKI, 2004-12 Article

Mothering, Work, and Gender in Urban Asante Ideology and Practice - Gracia Clark, 1999-12 Article

Man enough to let my wife support me: How changing models of career and gender are reshaping the experience of unemployment - CARRIE M. LANE, 2009-11 Article

Expectations of Domesticity Chapter

Collapsing fish stocks, gendered economies, and anxieties of entrapment in coastal Sierra Leone - Jennifer Diggins, 2019-12 Article



African bridewealth and women's status - JOHN U. OGBU, 1978-05 Article

Making Kin from Gold: , Gender, and Indian Labor Migration to the Gulf - Andrea Wright, 2020-08-03 Article

Week 4: From Biology to Relatedness (1 items)

Uses and Abuses of Substance - Janet Carsten Chapter | Essential

Week 4: Further Reading (11 items) If you choose to write your essay on this topic, you may find the following readings useful. Depending on the approach you take in your essay, might also find some of the ethnographies about IVF relevant.

What kinship is (part one) - Marshall Sahlins, 2011-03 Article

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Choosing kin: Sharing and subsistence in a Greenlandic hunting community - Mark Nuttall Chapter

The Substance of Kinship and the Heat of the Hearth: Feeding, Personhood, and Relatedness among Malays in Pulau Langkawi - Janet Carsten, 1995 Article

It’s this, not that - Andrew SHRYOCK, 2013-06 Article | This is an interesting critique of Marshal Sahlins' approach

Milk kinship in Islam. Substance, structure, history* - Peter Parkes, 2005-10 Article

Holding On: Adoption, Kinship Tensions, and Pregnancy in the Marshall Islands - Elise Berman, 2014-07 Article

Raised by Another Mother: Informal Fostering and Kinship Ambiguities in Northwest Ecuador - Emily Walmsley, 2008-04 Article

White Parents, Black Care: Entanglements of Race and Kinship in American Transracial Adoption - Kathryn A. Mariner, 2019-12 Article

Gender, Genetics, and Generation: Reformulating Biology in Lesbian Kinship - Corinne P. Hayden, 1995 Article

Forever is a long time: romancing the real in gay kinship ideologies - Kath Weston Chapter

Embryo adoption: Emergent forms of siblingship among Snowflakes


Week 5: New Reproductive Technologies (1 items)

Assisted Reproduction - Janet Carsten Chapter | Essential

Week 5: Further Reading (11 items) If you are interested in exploring this topic for your essay, you may find the following readings interesting.

Embryo adoption: Emergent forms of siblingship among Snowflakes

families - CHANTAL COLLARD, SHIREEN KASHMERI, 2011-05 Article | Optional

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Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Culture Change - Marcia C. Inhorn and Daphna Birenbaum-Carmeli, 2008 Article | Optional

Virgin Births and Sterile Debates: Anthropology and the New Reproductive Technologies - Cris Shore, R. G. Abrahams, Jane F. Collier, Carol Delaney, Robin Fox, Ronald Frankenberg, Helen S. Lambert, Marit Melhuus, David M. Schneider, Verena Stolcke and Sybil Wolfram, 1992 Article | Essential

Closeness in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Debating Kinship and Biomedicine in Lebanon and the Middle East - Morgan Clarke, 2007 Article | Essential

"He Won't Be My Son" - Marcia C. Inhorn, 2006-03 Article

Observing Multiple Mothering: A Case Study of Childrearing in a U.S. Lesbian-Led - Suzanne Pelka, 2010-12 Article

Middle Eastern Masculinities in the Age of New Reproductive Technologies: Male Infertility and Stigma in Egypt and Lebanon - MARCIA C. INHORN, 2004-06 Article

Kosher medicine and medicalized halacha: An exploration of triadic relations among Israeli rabbis, doctors, and infertility patients - TSIPY IVRY, 2010-11 Article

chasing the blood tie: surrogate mothers, adoptive mothers and fathers - HELENA RAGONÉ , 1996-05 Article

Donor - Jeanette EDWARDS, 2013-06 Article

Wayward Relations: Novel Searches of the Donor-Conceived for Genetic Kinship - Maren Klotz, 2016-01-02 Article

Week 6: The 'Darker' Side of Relatedness (1 items)

Culture, Scarcity, and Maternal Thinking: Maternal Detachment and Infant Survival in a Brazilian Shantytown - Nancy Scheper-Hughes, 1985-12 Article | Essential

Week 6: Further Reading (10 items) If you are interested in exploring this topic for your essay, you may find the following readings interesting.

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Ambivalence in Kinship since the 1940s - M Peletz Chapter | Recommended

Mothering While Black: Feminist Thought on Maternal Loss, Mourning and Agency in the African Diaspora - Cheryl Rodriguez, 2016-04 Article

Facing the Dragon: Black Mothering, Sequelae, and Gendered Necropolitics in the Americas - Christen A. Smith, 2016-04 Article

The Family Toxic: triaging obligation in post-welfare Chicago - Catherine Fennell, 2016 Article

The Purchase of Intimacy. - 2000 Article

'No Success Without Struggle': Social Mobility and Hardship for Foster Children in Sierra Leone - Caroline Bledsoe, 1990-03 Article

Witchcraft, intimacy, and trust: Africa in comparison - Peter Geschiere, 2013 Book

Potato rope families: sharing food and precarious kinship in a West African fishing town - Jennifer Diggins, 2017-11 Article

“The Inimba It Cuts”: A Reconsideration of Mother Love in the Context of Poverty - Sarah E. Rubin, 2018-09 Article

Things that Don’t Come by the Road: Folktales, Fosterage, and Memories of Slavery in the Cameroon Grassfields - Nicolas Argenti, 2010 Article

Week 7: Family Planning, Population Control and the Nation State (1 items) This is a journal article so, remember, it is written with other academics in mind (not 1st year students). Do not worry if some of the language goes a little over your head. Just try to read the 'story'.

Planned Births, Unplanned Persons: "Population" in the Making of Chinese Modernity - Susan Greenhalgh, 2003 Article | Essential

Week 7: Further Reading (13 items) If you are interested in exploring this topic for your essay, you may find the following readings interesting.

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Biopower - Dianna Taylor Chapter

The Politics of Reproduction - Faye Ginsburg and Rayna Rapp, 1991 Article

Constructing Natural Fertility: The Use of Western Contraceptive Technologies in Rural Gambia - Caroline H. Bledsoe, Allan G. Hill, Umberto D'Alessandro, Patricia Langerock, 1994-03 Article

Conceiving Modernity - Shannon Ward, 2013-06 Article

The right to have a family: ‘legal trafficking of children’, adoption and birth control in Brazil - Andrea Cardarello, 2012-08 Article

Kinship into the Peruvian Adoption Office: Reproducing Families, Producing the State - Jessaca B. Leinaweaver, 2009-04 Article

Rationalizing Sex: Family Planning And The Making Of Modern Lovers In Urban Greece - Heather Paxson, 2002-05 Article

"Fewer Children, Better Life" or "As Many as God Wants"? - Diane M. Tober, Mohammad-Hossein Taghdisi, Mohammad Jalali, 2006-03 Article

The New Rich and Their Unplanned Births: Stratified Reproduction under China's Birth-planning Policy - Lihong Shi, 2017-12 Article

The “Amazing” Fertility Decline: Islam, Economics, and Reproductive Decision Making among Working-Class Moroccan Women - Cortney L. Hughes, 2011-12 Article

Responsible Choices: Situating Pregnancy Intention among Haitians in South Florida - Lauren Fordyce, 2012-03 Article

“They Just Happened”: The Curious Case of the Unplanned Baby, Italian Low Fertility, and the “End” of Rationality - Elizabeth L. Krause, 2012-09 Article

Stealing Wombs: Sterilization Abuses and Women's Reproductive Health in Sri Lanka's Tea Plantations Abstract - Sasikumar Balasundaram, 2011 Article

Week 8: Stratified Reproduction: Surrogates and Nannies (1 items)

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’Like a Mother to them’: Stratified Reproduction and West Indian Childcare Workers in New York - Shellee Colen Chapter | Recommended

Week 8: Further Readings (8 items) If you are interested in exploring this topic for your essay, you may find the following readings interesting.

Commercial Surrogacy in India: Manufacturing a Perfect Mother‐Worker - Amrita Pande, 2010-06 Article

“We Are All Carrying Someone Else's Child!”: Relatedness and Relationships in Third-Party Reproduction - Zsuzsa Berend, 2016-03 Article

“The Inimba It Cuts”: A Reconsideration of Mother Love in the Context of Poverty - Sarah E. Rubin, 2018-09 Article

"This Time I Think I'll Try a Filipina": Global and Local Influences on Relations Between Foreign Household Workers and Their Employers in Doha, Qatar - Sharon Nagy, 1998-01 Article

“My Profession Chose Me:” Precarity, Pragmatism, and Professionalism in Caribbean and West African Immigrant Domestic Workers’ Narratives - Lee Glaser, 2017-05 Article

Globalization and transnational surrogacy in India: outsourcing life - 2014 Book

The motherhood business: consumption, communication, and privilege - 2015 Book | Chapters 1 and 3

Stratified Reproduction and Poor Women’s Resistance - Karen McCormack, 2005-10 Article

Week 9: Migration, Displacement and Integration (1 items)

Kinning: the Creation of Life Trajectories in Transnational Adoptive Families - Signe Howell, 2003-09 Article | Essential

Week 9: Further Reading (9 items) If you are interested in exploring this topic for your essay, you may find the following readings interesting.

Money and Blood: Remittances as a Substance of Relatedness in Transnational Families in Nepal - Ina Zharkevich, 2019-12

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On the Road Again: Movement, marriage, mestizaje and the race of kinship - Barbara Bodenhorn Chapter

Our Adoptee, Our Alien: Transnational Adoptees as Specters of Foreignness and Family in South Korea - Eleana Kim, 2007 Article

Back to Africa: Second Chances for the Children of West African Immigrants - Caroline Bledsoe, Papa Sow, Aug 2011 Article

The Descendant Bargain: Latina Youth Remaking Kinship and Generation through Educational Sibcare in Nashville, Tennessee - Andrea Flores, 2018-09 Article

The Ties that Bind: Mexicana Caretakers and Aging Americans Construct Kinship - María Ibarra, 2016-12 Article

“Everything Went Boom”: Kinship Narratives of Transfronterizo University Students - Brendan H. O'Connor, 2019-03 Article

Kinship Paths to and from the New Europe: A Unified Analysis of Peruvian Adoption and Migration - Jessaca B. Leinaweaver, 2011-11 Article

Milk Teeth and Jet Planes: Kin Relations in Families of Sri Lanka's Transnational Domestic Servants - MICHELE R. GAMBURD, 2008-06 Article

Week 11: Key Themes and Links for your Essay (6 items)

Kinship Studies in Late Twentieth-Century Anthropology - Peletz Michael, 1995 Article | Essential

Further Resources for Your Essay (5 items) It is worth exploring these books for relevant chapters

After kinship - Janet Carsten, 2004 Book | Recommended

Cultures of relatedness: new approaches to the study of kinship - Janet Carsten, 2000 Book

Dividends of kinship: meanings and uses of social relatedness - Peter P. Schweitzer, 2000 Book

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Kinship and family: an anthropological reader - R. J. Parkin, Linda Stone, 2004 Book

New directions in anthropological kinship - Linda Stone, 2001 Book
