] WOODBASTWICK. 789"' , WOLFERTON on WOLVERTON is a village and railway station, on the line of the Lynn and Hunstanton railway, in Free­ bridge Lynn hundred and Gayton union, diocese and archdeaconry of rural deanery and county court district of Lynn, distant 7 miles N.N. by E. of Lynn. The area of the parish is about 3,600 acres. The church, St. Peter, is an ancient edifice, in the early English style of architecture, and has an embattled western tower containing two bells. The living is a rectory, held by the Rev. Willoughby W. Dickinson, M.A. The tithes are commuted at £263, and there are also upwards of 20 acres of glebe. H.R.H. the Prince of Wales owns all the parish, and is lord of the manor. The popula­ tion in 1871 was 170. Postal Regulations The nearest money-order and telegraph office is at Dersingham. Post town Lynn . • FARMERS. Dickinson Rev. Willonghby W. M.A. Hodgkins Mr. Manor farm ~ rector, the Rectory Rix Frederick Yarrod Thomas WOLTERTON is a parish, distant 4 miles N.W. from , in South Erpingham hundred and Aylsham union, county court district, diocese and archdeaconry of Norwich, rural deanery of Ingworth. The area of the parish is 722 acres, the property of the lord of the manor, the Right Hon. , Earl of Orford, and Baron Walpole, of W alpole and Wolterton. The ancient family of Walpole derives its name from St. Peter, in this country, where its progenitors were settled before the Norman Conquest. The title of Earl of Orford, granted to Sir in 1742, became extinct in 1797, on the death of Horatio, the third Earl of his _ family; but was revived in 1806, in the person of his cousin Horatio, second Baron Walpole, of Wolterton, whQse father purchased the estate about 1725. The living is a rectory, consolidated with that of . The Earl of Orford is patron, and the Rev. R. W. Beau­ champ is the incumbent. There are 36 acres of glebe in Wickmere, and £364 awarded in lieu of tithes in 1840 for the united parishes. The population in 1871 was 48. Postal Regulations Aylsbam is the nearest money-order and tele­ • graph office. Post town Norwich. Walker Thomas, estate steward Le Grice Ja.mes , Williamson Henry, gamekeeper Le Grice Sa.nl FARMERS. Shephea.rd Robert Gay Willia.m P. WOODBASTWICK is a parish and village in Walsham hundred, diocese, archdeaconry, and county court district of Norwi0h, and rural deanery of , distant 4 miles N.W. from Blofield, and 8 N.E. of Norwich, containing 2,162 acres of land. In the marshes are several large broads or lakes near the . Albemarle Cator, Esq., owns the whole of the soil, is lord of the manor, and impropriator of t.he great tithes. The Hall is a fine mansion, situated about a mile from the church. The church, St. Fabian and St. Sebastian, has a. handsome square tower of flint. The living is a.