The Ceylon Government Gazette
THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 9,425—FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1945. Pabllahcd fey Author!t). PART m .—LANDS. (Separate paging it given to each Part in order that it mag be filed separately.) \ pass- PAGE Land Sales by the Settlement Officer- Land Settlement Notices:— Western Province Preliminary Notices . Central Province' .. Pinal Orders Southern Province Land Sales by the Government Agents Northern Province Western Province Eastern Province North-Western Province Central Province North-Central Province Southern Province Province ofTJva Northern Province Province of Sabaragamuwa Eastern Province Land Acquisition Notices i 119 North-Western Province Land Resumption Notices North-Central Province Nottoes under the Land Development Ordinance Province o f TJva Miscellaneous Land Notices Province o f Sabaragamnwa Lands under Peasant Proprietor Scheme LAND . ACQUISITION NOTIONS. L P 5786. HAVING been duly directed by the Executive Committee of Local Administration, acting under the provisions of “ The Land Acquisition Ordinance (Cap. 203) ” , section 5, to take order for the acquisition of the following lands, required for a public purpose, namely, acquisition of land for Karajjapitiya Drainage Scheme, Galle District, to w it:— Preliminary plan No. A 848. Villages—Egodamulla and Hegalla. Extent. Lot. Name of Land. Description. Name of Claimant. A. B. p. 2 Rallewatta Coconut garden contains 4 R . de Silva, Proctor, Ambalangoda, Nallakanda Saudandas o f 0 0 21-9C. coconut trees 50 years and Nawalakanda estate, Elpitiya, and N. Piyadasa de Silva of 14 coconut trees 20 years Galwehera, Kosgoda , - old 3 Natugewatta Coconut garden contains 41 C. R. de Silva, Proctor, Ambalangoda, M. G. de S. Amarasekara of 0 1 II '2, coconut trees 20 years, 3 Ahungala, Kosgoda, Dewarakanda Alwis de’ Silva of Egoda coconut trees 40 years arid mulla, Kosgoda, Nallakanda Saudandas of Nawalakanda 1 breadfruit tree 40 years estate, Elpitiya, N.
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