Polish church-statetension approachesexploding poinr Charges,f Comulku answeredhv Cardinal

\VAI{Sr\W*Slrar'p verbal clashcs hcre betrvecrt Polanrl's top ComnrurrisI Icatlcr aurl lhe splrituaI htracloI Urc natiolr's pt'ctloutiuautly Catholic population slrv gr.on'iug Church- Statc tensious upploachirrg tltc explosion point. In.a lcuglhy speech o_pcliug the ctrurprrigu for thc Aplil 16 uatiorul clactions. Wlad- ysltttv Clonurlka, Ii'ilst Sccrc- tary of tlrc Polish Unitt:d Wolkels (Conrurunist) Par- ty, chalged tlrilt the presutI blrtl Clrrrlclt-Stttc I'clilti{}ns \t'cre caust:rl by thc \rnticau's attclllpts to cnti)f(rc rrpon l,olish cpisco. TWO YOUNG MUSICIANS-Barborr thc Turk, left, sevenlh grrder rt Holy Trinity School, rnd Joyee l)ac)' iln allti.g()\,cl'nlucnt nntl anti. Daeger, fourlh grader af si. Mark's school, lndhnrpolis, glockenspiel comprised lhc seclion of the 100. Comnrunis{ policl'. pieee 'i'hr: bond which entertained in lasl Sundry'r CYO Cadet Music Feslival held et Cathedral "lroerls (iorntrllia govcLnlllcnt's INDIANAPOLIS, INOIANA, MARCH 74, High Ilr' sirirl llrc \ril(ieirn 196I School. During the two-day musical rffair, more fhrn 525 youngsters lrom rrchdiocesan grade rltaitt conccssion to thc Chulclr schools s()rnc r)lilrtl't's lo I)l.opilgatc ils compeled for awardr rnd parlicipaled in the feslivrl. pclmi[ Medrl winncru rnd rdditional pictures con bo yrolicl' anrl lrns choscn Poland a.s lvas to rcligious instnrction ,I'ROUI}LII iu thc lound on Prse $ix, (Sfaff photo) its nrost likcly sulljcct," IIo stntc sehtrols. llrls,cvel,. IN TIUNGARY "eine st:ttctl tltat of [hc nraiil rcri- lltst Junualy thc Contnnrnist Ititt't5' x,1ntr1,'rl sturs rlf tlrc Chulclt'Stn{e tlisprrtcs a sclxrol rc[or.nr pr()glnm rvas tlre qrtcstion of lcligion iu scen aimctl at climinat. ing all suclr instluction by t$ii3. I'olish schools, antl thc Vntican is (latholic tr5'illg to nurkc nrueh lroublo out i\lcanrvhilc, lcnrlcls havc ('rlr(,0r'll0(l Archbishop Itcnotnt 01r01, (0vrtl'll. risks T\I of lhis." arrest tlt tncnt-sttppot'tcd bilth corilrol Irlrr" illt'nttrvhile. in lrvo scnnons lrclc griluls, thc lognlization oI abor'- cducution. Calrlinnl Sl.t'[an W1'szl nski, Pli- lrrth dcruanrls\r'(,r'e rN THE spRrNG of r959,thc IJcIrarte tiorr, hcnvy laxalion of chulclr school t'c,icclcrl,rcllot'ts said. aid nlatc 0l Polantl. r'cprrdiatetl any llrrrlapcsl issue pultlislrcrl 0l plol;crtics, antl lhc glorving vol- !j()\.01.n11(,1t a sttgllt'sliort ol' \taticnn l)rcssut'o pri,t' {',r)' \\";\SlllN(;'l'0N __- A .lesrrit, {'onrnritlcc on Larv antl Sttcial tttttc of (,-()ulrnunisl. nnti'Clrtrlr:h ol MEANwHTLE, r.L,t)or.ls(,,,n :1:.i'j::'...:i.qlll'it'* s',t on lhc l)olislr episcopitcl'. Ilc "Jil;l;ll|.l: etltrcalot' lrrtl an ..\nrt't.ic,ittt Aclirrrr. rlt'st.r'ilrtrl hiursoll as an Pl'(,1)itAilll(lii. ;iii "allsolrrltt tlcnouncod the Cotnntttnist trrlers ill:lll, ;;il1,,;.llin:;ir': ,lo\( ish fon.{r'r'ss spoliosnr;ul arlvocl(t, ol st'pllal iort "Caesals" lilli",lj,,l'",\li,ll;'i,:Jl",l;":;,:; 'ill; as untl dct:larcd that I)uliug ltis plc.clct:tion spcc(:h, ';inil: ol (llrulch untl Stnto." llc r:t.ili. h,,rt,s,r r.0t)0priesr.s-a;il.,iii:,;:i ,il:lli lorrli opprtsitc siclt s oll 1ltL. tltt t'cal isstttr in tlrc ctrtrntly u,a5 $tr. (iornrrlka rrntlclsr:orcrl his :]i,,;;:,,1,,',1,j,'lili,, ciet'rl tltc t:utlrolic Ilislrrrps' r.c- lcligion Ica1.1ra.r. Acco t't'tttsliltrlirlrrirlitv iltid rlt.sir'- lltt grllcrrtrttuttl's rllit'r-' to seltnt,- ilttilck on thc \/aticln llv tlccl'rr'. let'rt,.incltuct kini.,ii:ili (lilr\sl to ('()rl{r0ss f0r loittts lO son)cso.rcc.s. atrcasr ,ril'lli.f"rl: ll::'i1l-" itbiltlv rrl l t'rlt'r'lrl:rirl lo pr.irirtr. "a alo tlrc pcoplc {r'onr thcir. histor.ic irtli tltaI tlrc IIoly Scc has placcrl srlrouls as ginrrttick." "in rrn'crrccn surr.icercd r,'tii"',.if.,'', ;ttttl ltillrrt'hr:tl st'h,r,'l: itt ;r ttir. fait lr. tlte Polish lrie lalchl, a r e lv "intofl'ogation" flli,,l,i'J1,,"''l.Llli,l;il,l,"li,ji*1li; l''atltt,r' ]le(llrrslir'r. lrrgur'tl 'l'ltc ()l l.'atlrr,r' trlc(lluslicy., asstlriatt' tlr:rt pt'olcst \r,ls lll;r(l(, lll At<:lr- b] thc ser,rrIit5. tiottrlll' tck't ist'd tlobltr', tlilfir:ttlt llosilion. lrcr,ilrrsc tlre i,:*r,r',,,,ii'rrishol)s s\\,car.an oatlr crlilot of .,\nttlica tnagazint' lnrl lltc sarrto ct'isis sccn lt.r'irrirrrt:rrlcs prtlictl. THE CARDINAL chalgetl lhat IcarlcLs of oru' (iltrrlclt alc Itolislt llishull .lozscl liroesz ol linkrr.sl, ol allcgiance I,'atltcl Ncil (i. llr'('ltrskr,r', "Cllholic rtf lrr'rlr'r'itl lrirl to pulrlic 'fltc to thc llrrtrgariarr .S.,1.. autlror of \ticrvpoint on st'lurols rr'ls (ihrrrr'lr lltttt' \\'rrtt: 2() slale,sp()nsorctl or- citizt'ns ;rttrl lcrnirin plrl.siclrlly in trlto ;trrt'slcrl irr i\lal' ol lf)I>l Crttholic lrls h0crr lrtroplc's Rcpublic. clt'itn ul t'tiutltion. tionzlrta ['rri, lillttcatrott." antl llr'. l'[tffor. atr- r.xisls in plivalc st'ltotrls rr'lrir.lr "a ganizatiorrs conrlrr


S'l'. trlAll\', 1i1',-Tttckcd il\\.ilv ill lhr' t'citrotr.l l'ollin$ hills' of rlri.l-slatc illariott Lloun{r't'}rcrc irre 24 I'txtttg rltt'rl i)riclrttittt lirt' Ilttt 1tt'icst- Ir,rrulflrrrrr {ltr' ,\tcltrlioc0st' of lntliartlpolts. !icplost.ntittglirttt' collctlc.lcvel i'lil.\scs.llt('s(' slnrillitl'innscffcc' tilt'l) c,rtttlttlrt'tr lir:litl itr'ltlt'tnic st'ltctltrlc. spit'ilrutl cttt'it'lttttottt l)l'()ill'lilll :tlttl *'ltltlcsottle rt\t:r0it- li()ll lln(lt'r lltt' It'ttilcnl r:ttitlitttt't: of tlrr. llostrt'r't cltttttist l':ttltct's. {}n(- {tl lll(' oltlcsl st'liitiiltt}' t'ol. It't:t's in tltt'nnlitrn. St. i\larl''s (l)llc{o t{rts fottnrk'd ill lS3l in lll('r lht n.r'orrnl: I)iot't'se of Ilat'tlslott'tt. It is localt'rl :l:) nlilrs Sorrtlt of tltat "'flte aill in ih. urt'u linon'tt ns ('l'il(ll(' ()l lltritr'crt ('rtiluilicisttt."

ORlGlNALt,Y op('ttr\il [r1' 1li1lc1r- l.itn ('lr,r'.t\, lirr, {rtrlrllrli{rtl \trts llrlcf rrlillrtcrl lrv tlrc Socit'tl'rrI ,l('sus i ,lr.rirl l'.rttltcls) nnrl lAnitt lrr llrt- rlirrt'rsi'het'oIc pttssinil to lhr liL\sur'roItt.rtrists itt lSi0. 'l'hr' ,',rrr)i1111' ('nnlt)1s eASily lrllnrl-s hollr (ir'lr',1tittt-sltk'rl tt'rl hricli lrurltlitrlls rlllitrq back to {:ilit \\'ln' rltrls. utllr nlo(l0nl {unctionll (lcsrqll stnrctrrlos to plrrviclo uiloqrrirlc fltriitit's fol llro l{i:l stu(lonis, inrltrrlirrl 7l higtt qt'llrol lrovs.

rll)lo--${lsti nll inclrrsive [or tu'o THE CLASSROOMS nle loeltrtrl 'l'ho.sc scnl('st('r's. n lur lilc irr rn .r\rlnrinistration 'lltc thc Buikliug, Shatnt'ock' pay $ir0 lt ss." 'l'lro t't't'ctrrl itr t88.t, lrul nnothcl huilrl- spccial lcetlcurtr.rl I.utirr 'l'ltt't'c 'l'ht, 's "'l'hc (lolunrhiit," {ldit' ltrrhirrson of liiloxi. "Sllilil sJrct'iirl lttt-lrction oi St. at Sl. ittf, kttorvn as llir;s. is :t sllr)lll.l rif Sl. t)fo.ql'arn r\l:rr'1 rlllrts to 's" 1[ar'1'-'s rvhich Iiolrittson lolrnr:l'ly livert in lnrlian, i:r au at'cclr,t'aict1 Lalin l{}ll. Sint'rr that tiruc rrrole lhlrr llso Iurrrsts tlre lillrar.y, ll:rr'1 ;rrrrorrglltc stuck'n{s hrrc, Ilrlt' rlrrtlt'nts u'ith lit' scicrrt.rr lahrrntoly antl hillh l poIis, I)l'oSli{lll. 5:){} itlulnni lrale lrcen oltlairl.rl, cvirlcnt r'\'('n 1() {ho r:asrral nb- llr, r)t' l}t! llittrlrra!t' htrCkl:fotrntl .rclurol tlt'1ralt nrcnt. O'llilof , lrl llti tlrc oklost nrern- inr:ltiriing nrrrry pr.it sts of llrc ll is ('iill ('l'iilil hct' of the lntllnrrapolis rlclcgali


-Aelred Grahrm in Crtholicism ond lhe World Todoy ililililililililililililililililSing 0f Spring l'.as[ti{)ns; ASKREN MONUMENT CO., Inc. 4107E. Washrnglon51. slilct t935 lior Your Entirc Farnily MARKERS - MONUMENTS * Largest Stock Granites and l\larble ol the Ilighest Quality at the trlost ReasonableCoct O Credit Terms At Buclget-WisePrices * State Wide Delivcry

,\yres' I)ott'ltstairs Store Itas a colllplet(! trssortlllent of .spring fasltions fot' et'eL)'1;t111 (.it'lrttlllrit iu ;'our famill' flottr b;rb.y to . . ]'ou'll firtrl tlt'essy st.\'les, sl)olt'swcill', cver'.ything from shocs to tnillitte'ry ttntl all at 16rr', lorv ltlicr:s!

"lndiono's [llost Completc llrrsic Center" PIANOS& ORGANS SHEETMUSIC RECORDS STEREO9 TV&RADIO

scHoLA PRAcTIcE-Perl of lhe BAND INSTR.UMENTS weekly roufine rl Sl, Mary'r is schola practicc in thc collega chrpol. Jrmes o,Riley of cafhedral MUS|C parish, far righl, direcls r grouP SCHOOL of archdiocesan remincrianr (left to righl): Richard Sfipheiof Sl. Lawrence, ol lhe organ; Wilfred 'till 'till E. Day of 5t, Mary's, Lanesville; Ilours:Olren Thurs. 8:3n;other days ii:ttO Charles J. Rhein ol St, Chrislopher'r; Carr of Sl. Crlherina,r; Andrew J. Weidekarnp of Liitle Flowgr; and Thornrs Amsden ol Holy Spirit, All exeopt Day lrc lrom photo:} . fndianapolir. {Staff -\;.; THE CRTTERION,MARCH 24r't961 PAGE THREE

r'rllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllTHE CHURCHAND THE WORLD TNew CarclinalBisitop lrft - Pe,trician THE VATICAN by thc l,egislatut'c's .iurlieialy cournrittcc.

I W;\SIIINGTON:Anotltcr Cott- gf Lrssr))fln h:rs givcn his llacking " lo a 1,t'o1t,r$ll to cslirblislt a Fctl' sASQUAtE's cral conrtnission lo investigtttt' PtzzA >-F :tntl rcpot't on llre olrsctrnity 1rl'ob' Icnt, Rep. E. Y. Berry of Sottlh *lSYRSt Dlkotl intt'odttcr:tl l hil! lirr tltis Yur pul'posc (ILlt, Slit(i) itt {lre llttttso \r oI llcpt'tsctttitlivcs.'l'ltc tlltrilsllr'(! AP\ rvits rcfttttctl to tht-' Ilottsc Iidttt'n- 'flttl (I,3 lion atrtl l,al.tot' Cotrltttiltcc. "Footl proposctl grttulr rvottltl bo ktrorvtl Futttr'or Eoeryoneu as thc Comtuission on Notitttts antl Obscctre llattct's anrl i\la- =Lq-9277 5629E. Wash.$t. It,r'irtls. lt rvorrkl hc tttittlt' trp rrf [7 lncrlrl)cfs, ittcltttlittg I'cpt{]s()rt- ST 7.7223 ll35 E. Troy (Nrrr ShrlbI) tir{ivt's of lir'rlt,r.al, .,"1a,11y11lncal llr\.or'ttlil('llls, ltttrl ('tttttntttnicn. wA 4.5369 23 E. 38thSt. goth tiotts ntc

cR.2.23 Catholic Knights of America in Indiana

2041 S. Calhoun 5t. Ft. Wayne, lnd. K'1478

I'f'lrousurrtls ol'honrc oryllcrs in lfariorr County I am a Cafholir:' Flcasc scnj me informrlion aboul FAMILY HoSPITAL PLAN' rlcJren

itt,g tutd lbr sulcty lbr thcir savings. lior {iicrrtlly, t:ornplctc scrvicc, yort cari alrvays dcpcrttl orr {Jrtiorr

|cdcr';rl, Visit thc oflice ncllr:st vou sool nnd ask

ibr rlctails.

EIGHT CONVTNITNI LOCAl IONS Maln Offica " 160 East llarkat Sl.

!06 Eroarlliipple Ave./6000 t.40lh 5t./5646t. Y/,rsIinslonSt./:554 l,1riir50lA!0./? f.38lh St./tg10 CrairlordiYillt[d./ll3l !1,ttkiitln Rd, TAEE FOUR TFIE CRITERION,MARCH 24,196I'

\volld is full of people $'ho, no matter rvhat size their check- scriously.. President l{ennedy rnay have had {lllllllllllllllllltllttl something of Ifetp for the rich iug account may be, wander about rvith the uueasy fcelings tlris in mind recenily when he said that U,S. aid to L"atin of sheep that havc lost thair tvay. And, to develop the American countries would go first to those countries which ware moving to help themselves. Cornrrerrt Aftcr' 29 ),cals ol l'eligiotls li[e, atr ltalian nun has bean rnetaphor a little lllore, sheep tltat have lost their way may There is also the stite- = "the lnent o{ ab.o.u! year eolumnr rcg to hclp others rvho arc a ago from the Latin American Bishops' Thl opinionr oxProrrad In lherr oditorill pelmilted to t'eturtt lo worlcl,') Iall over the precipice and be lost forever. = Council, which warned the area,s Catholies they must wdrk nccerllrily THE Calholic uuhappy-as she appcars to have been itt her young days- = re3.nl . Gathollc vlewpoinl-nol "'l'here tq.*n* the huge.eeonomic and social differences, public Agtrin to quote the good lady; is a bloarl wtricn ai- Thev ere effortr ol lhr adilorr lo rrrvl beetruse they havc too uruclt ruoney. vrda the Latin American people = viewpoinf. sh'atum of unhappiness and absence of belief among peotlle and whieh are at the root wllhin thr Nallon' of the grave social and political opinlon wlthin thl Church cnd ln outlirrirrg thc objcciivcs of her lay mission, the former with incomes so large they uccd not work. Tha aim bf our problems of the whole i# = "l'he l'cglon, Sistcr olrrclla-Chiari'Brocclti s.lld, rich need caring committec is to provide places where the wcll-to-do can 'fhey Ior. al'e the tl]ost ucglcctcd clatss on earth." meet in a rnutual search for, spiritual pcace.f' We shall . We .cer.tainly think that, vrhether the rich are dr.ifting hope confirlcntly lhal, tha mutrral seal'eh for spjritual pcaca much iltmlessty in Uurope or too rlceplv entrenehed in SoutE Loan So vcry nlany of us havc to slrugglc so for a rvill lcad thcm to tlrc tnany papal cncyclicals-on $ lrrrrcedures aspebts of Alt'tet'iL'at the social health of the wrirld requires ;'fl nroclcst eoitpelence itt dail.1' living thnt tlte thottgltt of thc justice, that some- be asked some social a rii.u(ly of whiclr could rastorc to their tives liring tre done about them. Although i? Wlten vou ask fol' a loall' yotl expect' to ricli rrcerlirrg'specialhclp antl citre cotll(l etlsily be an occa- it mav come in a ',?! pefsonal, cvctl eln- a sense of direction and o[ usefulness to humanity, tliffcrent, guise, re-education and reltabilitatioft quo.ilon*."souretinrcs they grlt rath-cr sion for libalilry. lJttI tlrtt latly ltas a point' itt havittg is certainly as much fol iltosc l'o0llcss pool)le wlto wattder arctlnd But l,hc rich of Europc are uot the only ones in lrrst needecl for the rich as for Lhe poor, these dayj, it;: barlitssittg. colu])assioll 'I'here necd 0f and ft'om "seasotl" help and carc. that.C.ollgt'ess irr' Jtrrlotre, fronr ltolcl to lttxttt'y holcl to are tlrosc in this-hcmisphcre, too. Uncloubtcdly, the idea of the good iir. Bttt when thc Catholic llishops aske


lhe comrnon good, It tvould in. . TTIE I'd.RDSTICK cl0de thc so.called Intlustry Corrn- 2 BOOKS_OF THE HOAH cil Systcm as advocated in the social e nr:yclicals anrl \.r'ould nrake a vilttrr: orrt oI rrninhibitcd price wnlfale, A new look at anti-trust laws Itr rc,jccting the philosophy of unrcstricted conlpet:it ion as arl- "If "is voctlctl lry Stocking By MSGR, GEOIIGE G, HIGGINS gr-r to lho nrost inllrtnious lcngtlts, socicty," tltcy say, to anrl lVatkins. Theperils ,f "contJteti- I am power in collusion rli{h his rely on private enterprise to not lighl.ly disnrissing the "latt's" llhc rccctrt l)ficL.'l'iliinil scrtntl:rl tuts," lo ncrrttalize tlte of scn'e'it, all'obstaclcs I.o i{s cotrt- attti-tt'ust trldition of tho Urrrtcrl ttor 8y D. B. THEALL, O.S.B. irr thc elac{t'iell nr:rnuf:rctlrlirtg tltc uuu'kel. pctitivo oparaIion mus[ lre cleitr- Statcs suggcsl.ing l.hat it cal antl reldincss lor whatcvcr industry cllllc ls :r gltui shoek ly reeognized and tigofously re' bc or shoultl bc irnrtrcrlirtalv sus- cunlcs?" Il. srcrls to rtrc lltat Lhere is Ilortrilrrtr Grtarrlini's lttcsl, lrook. to the r\mot'ielrt puhlic. but il n'ill pfesscrl, lte pelrlerl. Our prcsent anti.trrrsl, plohnl-rl]' nurr'e L) llc slitl for"l\lr'. horvcver silcred ntlty /'rlrt:er rrrrrl /tr,sporrsi0iliirl (ltr'1;" A chapter on thc particular hn'e bccn a blt'ssin1; in tlislluisc tlrc vestcd intcrcsts at stakc. ltr poliey is nocosri:lry un" Il1'rlc llran llture is lrrt' Dr. Jckl'll. ltrobnbly rt0ry, fiil) itrr.cstitialr:s rlloLc rrrtcn, tlitngcrs o[ rnodern potver malics if it prontltts us to litkt' a nl'tt its orvn irrtcrests, tho pttlllic cttr. tlcr prcr-cnt an

a PAGE SIX THE CRITERION,MARCH 24, T96I Two parishesclomirur,te CYo musiceuent Over 500 Edited by lhe Cleric Seminrrians of Wesl Baden College youngsters St. Michael's hkes aii Pay-sturiors.. . .,If,:::ti,ii +lt'r".,,'m3,;': rr'oultlu't buy insuranca till the ih table tennis ltrtt'tic;tltctt':,*';;;';i;';',;t;t; tourney \l,hcrr St,rrnrr,rl\1.e,*\(\tor ll,ils COnIDCtC-- - - - tlt::ll,il youirs ,,n,l gly nnrl (lfi\ iu( (ln ]Il,l 1.).".1'l]l',.-.., I nraking their tiile ilre hardest.won sitirltlte gentk: Ohrist ila,tr|i's r:as,'it,enl..r"i..i iir,iin'o ,"\Vatt'lt!" of thc tourncy. wcrL] {nilttic ut lhcir efforts ttr r|ho_$ill otto rlitl'come t{] itttlgc By BILL SAHM kccp Scootcr'stlnk full, Ilrrl rtrrr\' tltc lit'itttl.itttrl,tltc dcltl.,"Yort .DON NESTER ot St. Christo. phcr just i;";,iil"'ii.,"niiljl"iJ":i;i-l;;i''i;il kni'rvrr,,i-ttrc ttny nor tlrc hour," --.Christ tlre Kilg attd 'St. rvas about the whole (ilrrist, gentle show in the 1'r.rhrrn,sophomore o$r c'r r.tl pryi'g h,. ;i;i;i';i:: sr1'.s tvho non' is ttiy.t $ onca.a[J:tln calue up atttl - nrt'rcy is Ilis Divisit.rn, os he led hit; paiish to lIc norv U11's tiis gas i1 t1.cpt1. ,lttt'givitrg tvith the liotr's shale of otrl- g|crtlost tt'ot'k. llle tcanl l,itlc fnr five ccnt sclui|ts:':r fiftccn.ccut Ilttt lhert,.u'lren IIc Stantliffg SOl0iStS itr [ltC ln- tlre rlivision. woll or slrarctl gas tor- in ttvo titlcs and .rhot lor thc tank, lnr[ l :.::it]'l:.tjli'l',1*it'.-.tt1111t\1111',tJtet1,it stnrtnental Section hut gave \rlll llo tllorsllt'ol) ott otlo sl(le' narrorvly lost a third. Nester eeDt t'hasr'r frrr tlrc.iug ht lit'cps tho rvty to oilret pnrishcs in" thc won the .lloys' Singlcs, bcating Ron of lloly lll,ll-,i],'l',,lit'l:;l"li:illi,l.i!::i;il,i'l',',l""illl'.,illll";,lli i\ll'llHlllt'8"i::,.ji",fii1ii;il\T,li^ilLl'ij l'lol.t Spilit, r8.zi, zr-0, 2l-19, 22.20, for.his filst trophy oi ',i'l:'-:H 'l'lrt'rr thc night. hc pailcd 3ll:;:l;::lgine relislr :l;l:i'i;,]::lt':i:ittld sili{}r lts :1i:,,:ll:t'\l}L'tl- ;ii,,!"i,liii'',,Jl:'' ^i:lt :,:ll:.'.tr$'cfrr nln i:li:i*1,""""*.,olf strt'ccssfullv lf'lt:llrt Ca= witlr iivc refrcslrrnrnl. In flct. lri' is ftrr tltlt Nelson Mar'lin to tlrkc [ovs' l)lll,]l]ittll!9:t,.ftot)r,trtt\t', IircO*rt lligl Sclroot lait u'ock. Doublcs SOCOttsttlcr.lrlr,rrl. lris trrillrrr. lhlrt lltiutof*n,Ilgni.t)C too Iillc. r,ttrl. honors {r'om lVerner Illatttt atrrl llly Coonoy of if )'ou rratcltt'd hiru cnlcfrtlll IIoly I'he .iano Ltonl.sl nntl Rccital Nalrla,^22-?0. Zl.l5, cottlti st'c ltistt'tt"ll]1,,'ittiil[ Zl.l9. I,'inally, vott sntu.rlay rno.ning jn 1lcligiotfti.raL.l'l) !'!r . , , rvts ct'rrlplctc

EVEN A CHANGE of ruinrl cannot rvipc out thc sin. a If a nran dtrcidcrl trrrlay tlrat lre rvas goiug to cournrlt As i[ halrpcrrs, rvlrile vast things wclc scirl, tlrele is great [olnication tontotrowi lntl lhcn loltr()rrorv harl a change ttot it tleal ()l' irctual inci

IIelc, as in many otlrel placcs killctl lly'tltose of ollu't'cluns (ftrr. -sh6rvirrg 'fcsta t[1t ,J and l] rvclc hantl in r,rt'tlcr to collveJ' lhlouglr itt tht Oltl ntcnt, t.,r'o rvays clarts avcngcrl anrl still l\.ong(! tvolking rvith diffcr.ent soulccs. it lcssons othol th;rn tlrosc of of lifo, thc scdentary and no. thc ntttt'dt'r'oI one of tlrril rilr,ii,- scicttcc, histoly, ald chrorrology. nlil(lic. fll'e contrastcrl, and thc THUS WE ARE folcerl to tlrr: '.llt 'l'oo. atlrl to ltis illustlation of .sin's noniatlic is givcn {he otlds. lf ilc r.tta

thc eolttrtrbiir llrort(lclstittg S"vs- i!:!l otr n spccitrl lrour.=long cdition oI rrr:Lt1'rtt'k. lt is plo- icnr Ir:icvision thc AIIC nclrvrrr.k religious plo. WIRE - :-,:lj thrccrl b)'' tltr' Nlttional Cttttncil rtf gt'atu, Direclionr'61. Mon. Fri. 'r Cir,!rolic illctt in co(tpal'ittkrn lvith 1430 on -':r:. Stalling tolcs in ,,.[lrOtrk (lttS I'rrblirr Affrtit's. o{ 7:45 p.m. i:,',, a l)a}"'rvill your Dial titill plurtr.rs, lilrtr t:lips nnrl live bc sung by Ronltl llenr' /lIis.sClttll.'irt: Iteilan ' :'. dr.nronstratkrtrs rvill brr ttsul tlttr- alul i\lilth'ctl Allcrr of {hc Nel,r'opolitan FRIDAY, March 24-(Tnpe) Rev, Crrl Busald and members ing lhc pro!{l'anr lo illustlatc lhc 0pcla, lIr. Rcitan of $'ill sing Sl, Catherine's porish. litulgy of lkrly Wcck {t'ont Palm l.hc |:irrlin., r'olc of [Ial- elros, il llotrtiln MONOAY, iIARCH ?7-(Tapei Msgr. Etlward Bockhold end Sulully to tha }lastr-.t' Vigil. il'ltct'c solrlicl stati0ncrl itt .lcrusakrnt members of Holy Trinity parish. rvill llso l)c a rliscttssirtn ol'ptob. al. the tilllc of the tl'rrcifixion. fUE$DAY, March 18*(Tape) Rev, Richard Zore and mcmberr lcnts in ttnttr-'r'stitnrtitrg tlrr: liturgy, IlIiss Allcn rvill sirre Il rtby 11, of Junior Legion of Mary of St, parish. lltc lole of his g,ifr', Clorlii, . Patrick's Dcal ltuhl': o 1'oung other'.s WEDNE$DAY, March 29-(Tapel Rev. Bornard Head end rlu. WASIIING'fON -'l'hc Na{ional fcutulctl in thc lar.fle r:ast "(ioorl Pitsl.oritl hrstil,utc includc denls of lhc Bishop Erutri l-alirr Sclrool, \'orr say urornin.q. Fa- Councll ol' (i:tllurlir' trlett. itt asso. lllainc llonazzi, [,orcn THURSDAY, March 30-(Tape) Rev, H. Francis Van Benlcn, tlter" or ttst''rt'ltalt'tt'r linru ol tlul, [)r'iscoll. .Iolur l\lacrrrrll', nrrrl ,Ios. ciltiott rvitlt tlut Atttt't'it'alt Bt'ontl- requetled by a menrber of lhe cph Sophcr. Aposlolate, in Thrnkc. is lpprollt'irrtc. lt is bol lt rrrntr- 0n llcoltolisnr r:rrstittg Cotttllany, u'ill pt'cscnt glYlng. tr.{)lls :rtxl collsirlot'ittc lo i'ttog- illusic atrd libt'otto "fJreali rlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll for Irizc it clct'g1-nr:rn; lni)f{)(}\'ort o[ I)ay" lurvc he r:rr rvlilttrn l1y fi;" , r"-" ",-.llr,, in ,h* slrorrkl lht' nrln arltlltrsst,tl hc ;t grliutrterl in Dlllrrs 'l'hatltltrtrs CALENDAR {lcot'ge ,loncs anrl Lco nrirtister, he n'ill cu'tirinly nol lr'- 'I'his Rosary Radio Program of Sponsors jilil1ilililfi .ltlarl_v. rnllks tlrcir sccoutl scn{ n

GrinstelnerFuneral Home A PFESENTATIONOF THE RADIO ond TEIIVISION Estab!ished 1854 THU ARCHDIOCE5EOF INDIANAPOLI$ GfoR$[ ]t, cRrt{srlrNln .. HARotD D. uN6tn APOSTOIATT OT f,lClro$ 1-5314 160l llrr Nru York Jt.

lentenSpecials..o."! [very Day Serving €very Sunday From 8 A.M. - 8:30 P.M. DOWNTOWN (We Cater To BanquefsFor All Occasions) B0SS- Warren& Haruisonllotels ME 8.?5ll lndianapolis YOUNGEASTER UEVEEVERWIINEWU ilEEOFORYOAR..* fashions for Boys


WIDE VARIETY OF LENTEN MENU TREATS YOU CAN FIND AT STANDARD Accortlioil l.,cssous Itt Your llonte: 'I Beginning Instrumettls Big l-rltrtlrcrsizcs 14 to l0 '.....'.22.95 Furnished * ,",;':?ryinsLb. For lnfolntation Call WHITING l9C l'rontIa.nl.-2P.nr. 'N WASH WEAR SI ACKS SO FRESH ME 8-7779 l'landsottrclv tailot'cd of 70',i' Miller-Johnson Aclilatt arirl ra1'ort in glel', 6.98 Schoolof Music, Inc. blog'n,crlivc and black.I to 12. HADDOCK,1* 49c Sizcs14 lo :l(t.. .,.,..,....7.98

BOYS' DRESS SHIRTS 2.98 'n illrrny lVasson'sot'n Atkinsonbratrd. rvaslt 'r:r'f$' Sizcs ".:"' n'caI c0tton, couvertil,rlcctt{fs, 0YSTERS 95c Lenten Dishes I to 12. Every D*y Sizes14 to 30 ...... 3'50

Fish ol Some Kind 5hrimp Salad-Every DaY Fried Fish-Every DaY BOYS' NECKTIES 19c- $l Deviled Eggs DIil''J,, ll()at patterns,plains itl 59C STEAKS Stualt colot's. CHEESE FRIED HALIBUT l;orvarttl fout -in-ltantl, |+ EVERY FRIDAY RUSSEI Boys' Shop, Fifth Floor, Downlown TI,IOREtTNIEl{ SUGGESIIONS The UNUSUALCrfelerio Also Easlgateand Meadows 3/ SouthMeridian 51. :++:-l MACARONI& SPAGHETTI' CANNEDFRUIT .- DOwNTo\vN -- 10:45A.ltl. - 2:li{]P.ll. Shop Downlown FridaY rnd Salurday 9 r,m' lo 5:25 p'nl' .1:15 - a rtr, fo 61:'rtr CHEFBOY.AR.DEE PIZZA O CAMPBELL'SMEATLESS SOUPS I).111.7:llU P.'\1. Easlgate and Meadows Friday !0 a,m. io 9 p.m'; Salurday l0 fREEPAtKll{G rt 1255. lrtc}idi.r Atrlr 4 P.M.tXClpI IllUtS. THE CRTTERION,MARCH 74,196I PAGE NINE ltuttttlttltttIlttt|||||i|||||l|||||ll|||l|||||l|||||l||||l|||ll|||||||||||t||l|l||tll||||lili||||[| rvhich lollorvs is an act of thanks- IUlassCalendar giving for (.lorl's lovc marlc mani- f-fl. fF I fest. lt is an act of pcnanco antl (Corrtinuerl fronr page 5) , lcparntion lor siu, since man's sirr MARCH 3l-The Irriday of the Irc tacKer I antl lailure is reprcscntctl by the Passion antl Dcath of the Lord. Cross. Antl it is an acl of petition Again this aftcrnoon or evcning for grace to acccpt the Cross, to Chlistirns gathcr in thcit' parish acccpt suffering borna out of love. chur'ch for a scrvice which in f inally, Iloly Communion is s()nle ways levcals thc ancient sharcrl, lhe {r'uit of thc Cross, thc litulgical pattern very clearly. It Sacrament which liuilds the begins rvith Se!'ipture reatlings' eluu'ch fountled on the Cross, since, lor the Christian, it is Gotl APRIL l-Iloly Saturday. This rvho speaks first, it is God wlto I day of silence in thc initiates, an

"ItAS?'Itft I' t t ti ItN'j'llll; r'rL]IIl'l"' Drine a l}Iiles and .SIl0[ S i' o li , {ep-Extra , 'fhis is unrlorrbtcrlly the nrt'au. "Costly t .Sgggttg!!-Dollars , ing of the Psalnr-r'elsc: i+11.in thc r-'1e s of thc l,old is tlre Cenler - Qsnvspienl Transportation ,e rleatlr ol IIrs " (l)s ll$, lir), Shopping a fot'tiod docs not tt-istt to lrle'trk sHoE,€l Get Your tlte bonrls of Iort' attrl pt'aise that RED GOOSE andSchool 1Ztunrte Ilrnr anrl IIis ltoly ottcs orr HolyName Church carsin thelndianapolis area. EGGS I li cat'tir-brrt tltt:se botttls at'c ll'olictt GOLDEN Slrcol. PLAZA if llrry rk,scenrl to ARLINGTON.TENTHSHOPPING At Advertised CORP' J.ll'r*" llcncc tltc I't'tcstlv s'r'itct', by DeCAMPDEVELOPMENT C.rrtfr O.ly D-lgr D*l.t- i CENTER DOllcEand LANCIIII A.1 SERVICE.. gt'atlually lcsst'ning tttatt s cut'thl1' SPEEDWAYSHOPPING lifr'-spal, slrorvs tltat sin rvas atoui. - sT 6"04s8 - ^_, - OPen 6Yg5. Jill Easter 3031Cenlre FkwY. 7 172Main Streel TU. l-258ti gt'irtlttailY ? izittg rrtattkin

PAGE TEN tHE CRITERION,MAREH 2I, 196T ffi iij THIRD ORDER I t!'r,, 23rd ANNUAL CONVENTION Sr. Il'Iarie Louise :!;-t, :'r.', burierl at , 'Catholic women todav Woods il. i.:' chosenas ACCW theme l\lrs, RusscllL Wilsonof Clinton, archrlioccsanprcsidcnt, pt'esidinA.

Sit-in prir:st fot'ccd lo leityc sT. PADDY'S DAY PROGRAM-The Junlor Choir of Si. Brrtholomew School, Columbus, were parl of 150 grade school pupils who prrlicipaled in e Sl. Palrick's Day progrrm of song, rlrymc, dance rnd hisforical facfs ol lrish folk lrst Friday in lhr school audilorium. Dressed in colorful costumes, fhe "Wilh Ol.lithotuaCity choir sanE My Shitlelagh Under My Arm." Thc program wis directed by the Sisters of St. CONTRIsUTORs Benedict who slalf fhe rchool. Frlhcr Palrick Gleason is paslor. IHE CRllttr0N wrlr trrry a ilrt ol pirilh rvhir:h u'ill ltc orEanrralionil A CIVIC l\lcctinrl. 0K r\lIOillA 0l'l'Y' Okln.*Fr' rnd cOrrespondenls dnd 0lher! who hayc.csoltcd n0w9 for KUNKEL'S opcn to thc ptrblic. is Pllnttcrl litr thc Catlt' lhe cur{cnl isiuc. [ine Food the r llobclt G. Irlcl)olc, lho lollowinE p$jons submittad itsms for thil lt rvill bc lrtltl FARMER'S VIEW ilililIilililIililililffililililil1ililtI: wcck, Sunelal'cvcning. olit' prit'st ltct'e rt'lto hls becn +]il|ilililililtilililililililililliltiil1ililI snrl Drinkr IIigh Sclrool attrli- at thc Sclrullc a rt'csictl ts'icc lirr' his participit- Ca Iholi(' l),'clule torirrnr begintring at ?:30 o'clocli. \-eE tiorr itt hrnch coutlttr detltonstra' thc tnctltltt't's jldverlisinq DRIVE.IN Irollorr'ing l)l'ogrlnl. tions, g'as sclrcdulcrl h>r tlgnsft:r dollnrr lltn'c llatttc tlcltnct'y u'ill dsntsuttt:es slend = = of the t{) fl n(rrthcrtt Oklnltontl pnt'ish Jor a soeial hottt' tn "3t 8y C. JENNINGS tcrlisittg is llsrr Srr l;rlrrrrls fr,,," Irc hoslcsscs c[fcr:livc i\latclt 18 nly own DANA I thc school ilcti\itiLrs l'oolll. " Iirrgotlrrtt all llrrlrt l.rrlnIn1 lxrr'li rcqrtcst. o.l' SouIh A!?icu 'l'lrlv pl'o.qflrlll ot'gattic ntlltcl. lrrrrrt llrcit' i\fondal"s llill begin 'l'hc pricst, pastor of assistattt 'l'lte stulrlrlc aurl brr.,' fcr'{ilizcl's. tlt'pat'ttttontal contntittet: Srtutlt -- r|ith Corprrs tilu'isti Catholic churclt l)Lilill,\N. A[t'ica al $ a.tll., to bc ltcltl Now, I'ttr rtrrl t'irbirl ;thorrI frr, rvorkslurps Ircre, f accs a l\l lt'ch 27 ltearing lirrion ol Srrtttlr Aft'it'a's l'casoll ganics. l'nr Itrtrrlt' r'orrrirrt't'rltlrat in Nlunicipal Cottlt tltr tlisordcrly lirl tluiltinll llur Bt'itish (htttttton- a nti

fictl pclsccui:tion of all t'cligion irr lris t:orrrtlt'1'. lL. loltl oI intcnsi- ficrl gr,nocirlc. lurl-.lir, trlt'tttrc attd Ullrich Drug Store dcftlilrq ul ntottaslcties. KEI,LY CASE'SHARIET HARPER'S FASHION cIlEvRoLli'l'' CLEANERs J12t Roincr 31, lI' 9-3201 t@t Greensood, Ind. 1il. t.2t7t lrol Bctlcr Dt'5't:lcanintt Use Our COIN LAUNDRY C & I DRUGS Poy'n Pokir IGA Mkt. DRUGSTORE I snd' !l{ l. }loin lt. ?honr 76 tt.a*'Y_jghvzny Savagelppliances JOE CHRI5ft1AN iIUTTZ.HIGGINS Quolity tne olr-Beer i Wino SHADY ACRES PHAR|I,IACY - -'- MUSIC CENTER "Prcrcripllon Clotfiier Sprclolhlf f ree Delivery-Opcn Sundryt "tAlt, TOUNDond tul:" Modison Wilgro Shopping Cenler tRE[ DEItVLrY SERVIC€ (Junrlion f,oadr 431 t 3l) l3?o .5rh sr. rR. !"3121 ll,l E. l{oin St. FIRSTF{DERAt Phone TU l-2975 ft, t.6ri02 Insurance ilcGauley Sovings & LoernAssn. STORE MITCHELLOIL CO. ftloin & Jctrorron Sr. Ph, IlSi Palronize 5EH1}LTR'5 (liff 5chrrlet' NIID FUr[ Olt? flt.t ullt NTED TIRES? Palronize TICHLYTER Fh.rneBR. 5.57ilil BUILDING SUPPLY Adverlisers l0l8 7th 5t, Sedford,Ind, 0ur Conlrocllng Conrpony COMPLgTEBUITOING SUPPTIES Adveilisers llll W. tirrt tt. Phona 399

";;:,,";'1'..:;', " "'i "",,,',:, t;',;;,: 11:;1;,;,;i,,it,: u. s. gRicK TheEger Sludio EOMPANY APOTTIECARY " PorI t ctils - W erldings" Prescripfions Excfusivefy lor lllN't ond BOY!' Hargo||il Gompany 739 Mcrin5l' CTOIHING PltoneKl' 7-4881| Cleoned Fillered I2O WEST JACKSON lnGOlUAllUt...3oc FUELOIL ffi Tettcity l"', t lJ Feed- & Grain ll',i;iiffffi nf,il I t6t WA ,,DErrH6[ rErD5 D{I 3M, EFEEDSP lor DEFIHITENttD5" fl6 Wcrhlngfon 3lrccl, Phone Kl 7'2181 Downlawn Columbur Hoyes Phormocy,Inc. Bostin Tire Service Ocnc Xoyer John lhorncr T"fl cl*, Service "Proscription COOPTRTIRES Pulronize ; Specialisls" S.I.P.HOUSE PAINT Recoppinqond Vulconirina PhoneWH.4-2285 Our Wirrrlow ,rnd A.uto Glass Stcte ond Mqin Strcetr wtR00ws FtPAIREO tlwy, 37. South Dl.2-t7tl Opcn Evrnlnrr bv -{Drtoinlmenl sI0Rlt't Aduertisers 1408 Main Phone Kl 7'41'16 Patronize r-' l PhelpsDrug Slore DENNIS F. HARILEY I:tutronize Weslern Aufo "Your Monumenls& Morken TIGHE Presciplion Slore" HomeFederalSavings andLoan Associalion Our Associrrtc Store No. Side ol Squore t7 t, Orur Wolnot Dl, l4tao InsuredSovings Accounls Morfgoge loonr Insurancelgency Dl. 2-3321 Itlortinrvlllo, InJ. Aduerlisc'rs 2ol, lodcrol lavhgr lldg. rs 544 Woshington Sfreet loorn AcIL,ertise \Yilhite (t Soil BaileyDrug Slore George t, Shrader Funerul [Ioum: Zoercher-GillickFunercrl Home "Refiobfe GIRPEIITER'SREXALL DRUG ST(IRES 1818 oot'unernI Presetiplions" oxvr.iOxyg.i ,orror.niootlithdtqulpnrnl Two-wayT' Rodio Ilonrc?' ilh I WA3HINOION 3t. - 2719 erNrnAl ayE, RobertC, Sfoggs,Owner Phonr Pholo Supplior-*Sundrios--iiiltr Phonc Grorgr J. Shrodcr AI{BUIANCI SERVICE t|]Lt.clTY, lND. 116 t, Fikt Ir, Ot2.11{i NorrhSidc ol Squlrr Dn. &U2? ProcriplionrDrugr-Cormcliu frR. 2.7851 THE CRITERION, MARCH 24, l96t PAGE ELEVEN

Ireed lrags, sacks will he rnodeletl by Wcstsirlc ladir:s


* Llttl- Fl"-r-.J * St. Bernadelle * jt. Monica *

"\f {tr,rl i{lt ll}rr.r!i lll"'t'lnrc Rrorvniby:{_ LEot'sTv PRE-EASTER PARADE-The Choir of St. Ritr,r porish will spon. CXILD's PURE I rorr llrrrvlrntl sor a Pre.Easler Paradc in the porirh ludilorium on Sunday, Gucrqnlced 5rrvlce ott sERvlcE March 16, al 4 p,m. Two ol lhe modclr, above, who will dirplay 461? Edst lcnth Stroct ft.7-t0trl lhe lalesl in feshionc aro Mirs Rilr Hiner, left, rnd Misc Glorlo FEENEY'S Garrelt. St. Rifa': ir locrfed al 1850 Martindalo Ave., lndianapolit. TAVERN (;lt,lt3:.s tSll,llll'Y sll{}p & Strpply (Strfl photo) 36 t Mrin lt, Erownrbrrq lrC. Good Beer and Sandwicher -i-ir tillt &E03lt ,12()ir lirsl I tlth St. Phcne UL ?.82t8 c:S:r Cft .rrlL.nr) Sftillmon, O*ner I t I'lrono li'L t-l'ri;(i(l fot' vorrr t B,oillf,ffiI"iJ*",. Nt'rl St. Patrick llo:rrtl.v r\lrgrolrrlttu.rrt * * and Furnifure llored Nondrls-0ri.,r irrer, ihru 5li, llenrctn,ber Them In Your Prayers Co. SPEtDQUEtlr APPI rAtt([S rnr INO IANAPOT II t fRANt , 6ABRlrt, r|2, Si. f/dry'i qhrrrrhr OEIEO DRUGS il,tr' r! t1. lioly fro;! i rntelery. Survtttrr: .lnrJql,t.rr, (;f,rar; inn, fr,!ncir C, t52t N, Emerson r r0lr{ ,, rornn*in,lr, riuc Sirlcn0f ll,f lt,)of ( lrni,fl, Mrrr h | /, ltoly (rorr (r,,11s14rr, Svrvrvor;,.rmrhcvr, tdwdr{l Al0oncy,

I DR. tARt HASIC[.73, Sr. Joari ot Arc ttl{rr(1,, [r1.r,(ll llt. (ilvdry (0,nelqry. 5ur- 51.Philip Neri vivor,.: y/iln, li,'ft{'rrilf; (l.u,tlrl0r!, Mr!. ,l^vI ufti0LSt|lr !!0RK ffdrjcii M.(lrilanrl, i;1D Wrllianr M. llrrsc; t)\)Nl: N0\\'t ^{r\- fhnrlrr! f. llnll; !itt f, lt1rs. Rolrerl 0,r,r nt. M SclrIl Ironr Ncw Sprrnq l'ahrirr ChesterB. Ellis, D.C" !501 [.rt lolh A. & 8. UPHO|.STIR|NG 1 ER l0Gt fttUt lf *ll, ntt, tt tot,,,'s (t'urch, Irldr(-h I il. llol/ 1 ao.t ( niltelrrrv. 5rIvrvr,rs: I n CHIROPRACT'OR l.\tlntolo! litrrrrlsheil ro'1\. Jolrn, lildfiln, .ldrrrr\; darrqitlcr. P[DGETT J9 Yru. on [.sl Sidr l,1dry illS r\-. t;liAr- li f. lllt. ii. llno il !rrr. M0N., rY[O. & FRl. -,,r, St. Catherine * 1"5 - 4{ nrn DANltt f. XtlrW. 0!. t{dy il 0hevrolel 1 $ales [d!rd.l i h[r{lr. lldr.li ,10- tloly Crotl ierrr'rlory. 5!rvr!dr: ili,!tf, irlr9. JBr'tct lJOInil. 'tiinrn "A t.rt Itr llupplF Your Nredf FRIF.NOI.YPl.:lC[ IO r$ORROW'S PTIARMACY TRADE'' 8l'. +51{0 tlot {}rltJFr.;ltltaNtll rtrymond) talephcnanO 3-4215 P.O. Srrb-Strrtion I Presr:ription .$pgsi6listr * Morrirlown, lndiono * Str F*".it * llolv Sgrir:i[.slalcs ' ' Cituir (lnrfcnlrcc ReolEslote

r\lsgr'. .l ;rtucs ( I lIr' in, r\r'clrtlioet'. silo Srrpclirrtrnrtort of Schools, I rvill contluct tlrc (larra (lnrfclcrrcc REAI ESTATI, ffil I JT. no(lt 5, 5I AIAFI(1 and I lor tnallictl r:oupl{:s trt lfoly Spit'it RENIS, TNSURANCE I st. tuo|t I'aRtsxrg I Chttrclr, ?:l{n} l:. 1(}tlr St., (}n Sun- I t,rtr u\ tr)p rDr: t,.t r,/^tL I 'l'ltis tlar. Xlalclt 2(i. (rvcntr rpon. oorusHrNE REALTv :;orcil nnnulll.v by the Iloly Spilit ThonasA. llelch Co. I I 5970 Mrdi,on 1". (,:hlislian Ii'lrnily itlovuncnt, rvill 8o{ Inlond lldg. ttll. t{I6a | ,, ,.ono, I lrt'i1itt al. l:i|0 yr.nt. artd ckrse u,ith ,IOTEDAIT Jlcnr'rlicliou arrrl llutcrlal of trIar= rilHt: \rrtrt's at. .l [l.nt. 5t. Jude * Sacred Heart .,\ll nrallicrl r-'uuptes in thc cily or FunerulHome Intclt.stctl ilr lhu ploblcurs lelatcrl BUYING SELLING parrit'hill "Irfrtr "llomG [t+r,;trnnl Io lht' sclurol :rltr irtvit,:d RUfIY'S nntl PEARL'S tJ ltl Cf0dlin0 of Sarvlcd n6ol lrtatr rldir to atlcnd, BEAUTY SHOP Stylei,' :ii llorlr .lmbulrnea Err7lea CAIL THE PIXIE ?{,:rJ r(. rotb fit, itr. rHto{ JOSEPH 'I, Beauty Salon ll0isn .tordsn. g\{t.f Uf. iGrut anout PLAZA 190?CollQ!r IYA J'57?{ r-i9lr--*u:n: tdrtr,tl['\t0oughrll Inqulrc oboul our _-l 0!r ntt Slr.1y fisher, Ju{ll homo frodr- Ucd!lcy, lo ,,olrflslon In plon. Nativity AMERICAN ESTATESCO. KTYSTONEPHARMACY 5420 N. (ollcgo CI", 1.9'[02

-Prcscription Specialists- St. Thomas r-le*iirl-l , PAT'S COIN.OP LAUNDRY i Illoorningfton ' i,;ili;ir,r",;ii'' lrrqfsl Coin-Ot 0rup 0ll 9,.'rrite ! RINNES F. CIEANINC ind tAtlNoRY FAEN.ZI'S i :'|,r5?N Ri[]tfj & Iv. tlnY [lr,1t r\lli ii, rl.r : Bloomington Shoe / , "j, :.t l{'\ - t' S.\ l.tls s {d i llta I le } , StOS ttlettsA AVE., et lnrerron ,, ,.OOrOi JOCKO'S Repai' & Shoes 39t5 E. 10rh FL 7.050t Across From Indiana Theatrs (rcktailr, "While MiredDrinlr, f,oldBtvrngrr You Wail or Shop" Deluxe Srndwicher M.ry lcr Mcshcr ,r.l t * Holy Spirit

CANITT'T,TOIT SNYDER'S "39 BAg" 6801E, 38tb IJ. 7.7555 DRUG STORE - gold - Loryert Drlcet dr Eocr {lhurufr - {;rrry-(lqt * St. Roch * EARI f. SNYDER,Prop. Srh{}01Fnome filaintenHnce Dkcount I'kt. oD Llquoil Ph. Kl. 7-281l Connollon Sf. James _ :"1n1:'::-::_.._=__ ttr ul tuPPt.I YouB DRU0 XttDrl MORROW'S PHARMACY [)rcrcrioiionSteclalisl, GENTRY o.,rri,,'"4h>> Senice396t l, M[ilDlAl{ st a'1515 (U,S. Sul)'sidlion llow 0lton) Cooktr Glasr * lylilrtr (lo. t'0sloffrct FUNERALHOME Anlonlrtlo'l'rrnifntritoD (llnJS lbtls.-.\ll Klrrd:, eapdt lllak?r Allfrors.-'N.\v ;rrrd ltrfinishrjrJ Rnd,ll{}tot fun}UD t20 w. 5th $r. t{t, t-tElil alrt f. N. Ehrdetrnd Arc. t''- >9ng .{ny Klnrl (ila:;s Ilepl;11.1.1i (sr Rd 100! St. Thomas {;l'Aijs * ,ro, * nru,,tfrlt) c' CAPITIILGLASS cofrtPAltY,ntc. 5t. Mark * florldc Fish C Poullry Ftmolll lot oltr Scr loolli LCDCDK . Slore Fronls Flstl .OYETEII!.iuSrilt pfr o Furnilure fops C BIUM|NOUS _'lg::1"1iTg::y_ -..":l-g I J gLtlt (hr pAvrNG r Window Gloss Norcal ttrrlsl , r. 6F{ o Mirrors PAT DOLLEN'S (iUrfEBIN(l ibd B!:PAlNs {HFS rxcAvArroNg 8u wcrt $3r(L c! t{lll A-u Inexpensive Wont Ad aool'lN(t- o Alsynite Fibre Glosc ,'rtsLisH cut dE lc' Prlnttnt-.Int€rlor rnd Er-lerlor' l..'..t K poiiiLir prlce!. [.nnl. Thrn.t ldE lY6 but Onr owo rrultB rbd rGt"lrblar Does c BtS loU csi g r Soiley Gloss Sliding lroD Clrowers..fhlr Intutct too ttcih 7.56I8 S, RoAD oruNc Morrow's Pharmacy CALL ME. 5-4531 Doorr F. 5. GRADY & SONS 7747 S. Meridian TU l-9339 ]:::::.:__1:_-1ill:=_ . t*--!::i 19ii:' o lhermopone tNc. *..=_=!j$s(Hp1gl. sptctAusts- t,,= _,. 915 S.Somerret CH, {.33{3 t{tWtSlrnd flt{[SI I P.O. Bor 3.; 21004. W.l. Srarion) MERIDIAN MEAT MARKET @ t{ DBlro 8l{)ltE.s LEADEDGLASS 2749 5. Mcrididn CCHOEN*,'l'T PTIAB'UACI I 51. IU 1.a200 Upholrtering -= Carl'r dRING YOUB PRES(:NIPTION 'O US l-raerer f,ror. 0slirdlessfn aot! I STAINEDGLASS LATES'I FAtJRI(ls.C\fiom'Bulll- Wltjr tbc ttruranc! thrt lt rlli 5pt:.-ColrDlelc 5iroppirrg Iacilili* eve calb. Iree Ert, TGrm!ll d.|uco' "EractlY B Ll tt379, Ai-nI[a ., wrltten' flanrl.lointcd Speelr:lOligns fi1odr i60t !1. ILLIN0IS CL t^t[E] U For {hureh Window-. o( * srJvlr.ilL* I.\TTNG-L\T ERTOR I EI'I'tsRIOR Churth Windcwi P-l3roirad BROWI.I'SSTANDARD -'---iteorrr.{ rl - HrnziilS & Stcrmhg SERVICE Wrlrlo Polrnd rl 432 S, frllrrouri f E, S.lJOl Safcway Quality Foodr otv lndioncpolls illii*l:ll-- .-,--- --i:-ii"l x rlual-c lvE. rt r,.{r-AYt,lrrt}. llo. wA.5-8988 Cborcc "t-reih L\rt' Uelt l FAGE TWEI.VE THE CRITERION, iNARCH 24, 196I Polish church-state lumilnilmillilililililililtiitiillililm|lllll|[iiilililililll [Jrgesrurel Official (t'otrtilttrcd lrtrnr pnllc l) farnilies 'fhc "ltltl Clranccly OIf icc an- ttr, (ionlrtlkit s:ritl, it is a n{runces pnnciplc ol this eottstitttlion tltal that Father Alphonsq lll scirools ttlttst llt'ft'cc ol t'eli- to soue tltemselaes Skerl, a nativc flom llungary, {itrrr. lt is tltc aitn tl[ [ltc govct'n' will hr:ar confessions in tlrc nlont ontircl)' to clitttinltte religion Ilungarinn tanguage, Sunday, lrorn tltrt st'ltools arttl theit'official llalch 26 at 8 p.nt, at St. John's curt'it'ul:t. []ttt pill'ctlts catl ltlrl'c Chulch, Ccolgia and Capitol tlrt'ir cltildt'ctt tiltlgllt foliSion {rtlt' Strects. sitlt- sClrpol, itnil ll'l:tllli rio so," "And :llhis opDol'tunity is given to "lt r'ic$'," ,\lt'. Ciontttlka nol once in ell lhosc is ottt' iltc Iftlngarian nationals, who "thlt of leli. instilutions - perhops you will ;rtklt'tl. lllc t(raclling had to flce their homeland be= bolicva m.. my children, rr r:lion in st'ltools stit's trp t't-ligitrtts cause of thc comnrunistig per'- is nrrt goort lbr' elsewhert they do nol blllevc l):lssiLllls, \\'hith secutions, Fathcl Skcrl carne very much of whlt I am seying erltrcirliutt :rntl trplllittgittg.'l'lttt to this country as a refugec con' -nol onca hrs an rllempl bcon go\'('frlnt0lll is ttot aittting at antl rvas ordained a priest at mrde io give mc rny inslruc- flirts rvitlr tlrc L'ltttt't-lr, bttt Cltttt'clt Sl. Ilcinrad Serninary. how lhc lcltlct'.s. lilic othtrt' citizclls, mtlst lions whrlsoavcr on ,r1,..1'rll llu's arttl llt' lo];tl to the Polish bithopi thould conducl " c0tlllt l',\'. Church rffair; In Poland."

A!nrosi sinrullaneously, Car' dinal Wysryrtski was felling r Termites- Roarhes - congregafion o{ teachers in 51. Joseph's Carrnelile church herc "nrrn lhrt will alweYs rebel Rats,Etc. rgainst slavery. against oll Free Inspeclions " fa lsehood, MSGR. HIGGINS asscltcrl llrat "\'ott ()ttfsclles." cALL cor-r-rcr liu(r\\' ] lttt Iherc is it ttcct[ Iol fr.cetlonr ST4.32JS "ulutt n,onl slirl. il ttttittts to tltt'ott'oIf govelntnent tlorrrinal.ion. anrl a

* Frec State.Wide inspeclion * Lifelime Gurranlee Plan * Convenieni Term: Jcl'l'y Sf lller's I,'ut' [.8tr'T': Borlz's Sug'gcsfs * References: Numerous Catholic Churches Throughoul lhe Stafe Car'peI 3839E. Woshinston St. QtralitY I Block'qrt sl shormanDr' BROILED AFRICAN Spcr:iulisls ille'clralrtiisr: lobsterTails lVhon You lluy Carpet or llu$s' Drawn Builer Jerry nlillcr sarys. . . Sliced Tomaioec Celiie Lemon Wedge Dividends Moke This SERVED EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Family'r Li{e FEENEY'SFINEST FUNERALS Hoppier!

A La Carte - Anytime Li'l(e i)undtcrts of "Celt.lc tEilTENDINNERS and otlrer fa.milies," this Fish Serveci Every Day lanlily looks fol'- WHEHEyouBuy During Lent! ra'ald s'itlt cotrfl- FISHFRY at delrcc to a fillan- itrs cia lly sac[l'e I'u- ls Jusl ills InrPorl:rn1 Special Evening Meal! trrle rvitlt thcir (:eltic 5T.CHRISTOPHER'S s&vilrgs. Yout savings, Yes,BORTZ'S has 100, can earn Friday,March 24th PIIOFITA. School Bldg., 533t W. l6ih St., Spaedway dor,e it oltce niol'e! B I, E DIVI. I)I,)NDS rvith Now, it's a clclicious INSURAD WHATyouBuy everling SPITCIAL Er;rcrI SaIisfaction IIVERY Nl[-iLi'f, for Insist On A Installartiort Guaranteed $1.10,.:';l'i"";1,::, TrulyCATMLrc All luotl is pr.epirrt'd b1' Nolton and Cierakl Boltz, CPEN li,ullcf cht'[s ol the Coluntbia Club. FUNERAL I{CN, & THUR. ll(lIB'TZ'S cAFErry Harry J. Feeney and Martin T, Feeney EVEN I NGS Plenty of Free parking on lot of Market Atlas Super Conlrol fhe Cosl 'ril You .{} P.M. (0LIEGE([. whenYou Coll 5373 5.0059 3-4504 OPEN 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m, 7 Dayr a Weck wA