THANKS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TO OUR IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS This publication would not have been possible without our dedicated partners from all across East and Southern Africa, who have shared their challenges and successes with us, so that others might learn from them. OF HOPE AND CHANGE They, and the communities and families they work with, gave their time, energy and commitment to the process of collecting these stories. We thank them deeply for this. TO OUR FUNDING PARTNERS VOICES Ten years ago, an extraordinary group of government and corporate funders came together to do something about the social and emotional wellbeing of children affected by HIV and AIDS in Africa. Stories from across Africa, celebrating ten years They believed in REPSSI and the vision behind us, and it is because of their belief that we are here ten of social and emotional support for children, years later. To the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), and the Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development (NFSD), we their families and communities. offer our sincere thanks. Cover photo: Children at a partner’s community-based centre © REPSSI, 2011. All photos in used in this publication have followed ethical written consent procedures.
[email protected] | | +27 11 998 5820 | PO Box 1669, Randburg, 2125, Johannesburg, South Africa TABLE OF CONTENTS Confi dence WHAT WE STAND FOR .............................................................................................. 2 Holistic CREATIVE LOVE y ce empowerp CARING A SMALL DEDICATION ............................................................................................... 3 Active p Supportive y FUTURE OUR JOURNEY: 2002-2012 ........................................................................................4 support pator i G c CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF: i TALENT ilin PLANNIN Rights amil Igniting Hope ...................................................................................................