Ground-Water Resources of Mitchell and Western Nolan Counties, Texas
TEXAS WATE R OEVE lO PMEN T BOA R0 REP 0 RT 50 GROUND-WATER RESOURCES OF MITCHELL AND WEs-rERN NOLAN COUNTIES, TEXAS I JUNE 1967 -l--l----l------~----- ...:-L+-+--, . -·1---+-+--------------- TEXAS Hi\TER DEVELOPMENT BOARD REPORT 50 GROUND-WATER RESOURCES OF MITCHELL AND WESTERN NOLAN COUNTIES, TEXAS By Victor M. Shamburger, Jr. Prepared by the Texas Water Development Board in cooperation with Mitchell and Nolan Counties June 1967 TEXAS WATER DEVELOPMENT BOARD Mills Cox, Chairman Marvin Shurbet, Vice Chairman Robert B. Gilmore Groner A. Pitts Milton T. Potts W. E. Tinsley Joe G. Moore, Jr., Executive Director Authorization for use or reproduction of any material contained in this publication, i.e., not obtained from other sources, is freely granted without the necessity of securing permission therefor. The Board would appreciate acknowledge ment of the source of original material so utilized. Published and distributed by the Texas Water Development Board Post Office Box 12386 Austin, Texas 78711 ii FOREWORD On September 1, 1965 the Texas Water Commission (formerly, before February 1962, the State Board of Water Engineers) experienced a far-reaching realign ment of functions and personnel, directed toward the increased emphasis needed for planning and developing Texas' water resources and for administering water rights. Realigned and concentrated in the Texas Water Development Board were the investigative, planning, development, research, financing, and supporting func tions, including the reports review and publication functions. The name Texas Water Commission was changed to Texas Water Rights Commission, and responsibil ity for functions relating to water-rights administration was vested the~ein. For the reader's convenience, references in this report have been altered, where necessary, to reflect the current (post September 1, 1965) assignment of responsibility for the function mentioned.
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