Palace Sculptures of Abomey Combines Color Photographs of the Bas-Reliefs with a Lively History of Dahomey, Complemented by Rare Historical Images
114 SUGGESTED READING Suggested Reading Assogba, Romain-Philippe. Le Musee d'Histoire Moss, Joyce, and George Wilson. Peoples de Ouidah: Decouverte de la COte des Esc/aves. of the Wo rld: Africans South of the Sahara. Ouidah, Benin: Editions Saint Michel, 1994. Detroit and London: Gale Research, 1991. Beckwith, Carol, and Angela Fisher. Pliya, Jean. Dahomey. Issy-les-Moulineaux, "The African Roots of Vo odoo." Na tional France: Classiques Africains, 1975. Geographic Magazine 88 (August 1995): 102-13. Ronen, Dov. Dahomey: Between Tradition and Blier, Suzanne Preston. African Vo dun: Art, Modernity. Ithaca, N.Y., and London: Cornell Psychology, and Power. Chicago: University of University Press, 1975. Chicago Press, 1995. Waterlot, E. G. Les bas-reliefs des Palais Royaux ___. "The Musee Historique in Abomey: d'Abomey. Paris: Institut d'Ethnologie, 1926. Art, Politics, and the Creation of an African Museum." In Arte in Africa 2. Florence: Centro In addition to the scholarly works listed above, di Studi di Storia delle Arte Africane, 1991. interested readers may consult Archibald ___. "King Glele of Danhome: Divination Dalzel's account of Dahomey in the late eigh Portraits of a Lion King and Man of Iron." teenth century, The History of Dahomy: African Arts 23, no. 4 (October 1990): 42-53, An Inland Kingdom ofAf rica (1793; reprint, London, Frank Cass and Co., 1967), and Sir 93-94· Richard Burton's A Mission to Gelele, King of "The Place Where Vo dun Was Born." Dahome (1864; reprint, London, Routledge & Na tural History Magazine 104 (October 1995): Kegan Paul, 1966); both offer historical 40-49· European perspectives on the Dahomey king Decalo, Samuel.
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