Foresight Marine Panel Marine Biotechnology Group A STUDY INTO THE PROSPECTS FOR MARINE BIOTECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM VOLUME 1 - STRATEGY L P M Lloyd-Evans MA VetMB MRCVS FTOPRA FRSA BioBridge Ltd This report was commissioned by the Foresight Marine Panel and financially supported by Foresight Marine Panel South West of England Regional Development Agency The Department of Trade & Industry Report: FMP Marine Biotechnology Group – 02 – Volume 1 January 2005 c/o The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, 80 Coleman Street. LONDON EC2R 5BJ Chairman: Mr Frank Mungo Secretary: Ian Buchanan. Telephone & Fax 01582 715996 email:
[email protected] Foresight Knowledge Pool: Foresight Marine Web Portal Prospects for Marine Biotechnology in the UK Volume 1 - Strategy - January 2005 CONTENTS PAGE ABBREVIATIONS 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 1. INTRODUCTION 9 1.1 This Study 9 1.2 A Definition of Marine Biotechnology 9 1.3 Vision and Goals 10 2. PROSPECTS FOR MARINE BIOTECHNOLOGY 12 2.1 Commercial Prospects – Potential Market Size 12 2.2 Potential Applications 13 2.3 Marine raw materials 16 2.4 Food, food additives, healthfoods, nutraceuticals, nutritional supplements 17 2.5 Cosmetics 19 2.6 Pharmaceuticals 20 2.7 Medical devices and biomaterials 23 2.8 Cell therapy, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine 25 2.9 Diagnostics 26 2.10 Research tools 27 2.11 Agriculture 29 2.12 Industrial uses and enzymes 31 2.13 Environmental management, remediation and energy 31 2.14 Bioengineering and new production techniques 32 3. MARINE BIOTECHNOLOGY IN THE UK 34 3.1 Companies 34 3.2 Academia and Research Institutions 35 3.3 Current Initiatives in the UK 35 3.4 Location of activities in the UK/clusters 38 3.5 The context for Science and Innovation Strategies in the UK 39 4.