THE DETROIT TIMES, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 11, 1914. Page Ten V./ . ■ TO BE MANY STIFF Champion Team of Far North C. DOOIN HAS CAUGHT MORE LIKELY Uses a Piece of the Ocean for Diamond ( ARMS WHEN SEASON OPENS GAMES THAN ANY OTHER MAN Veteran With I’hlUien For 13 r Plan To Cot Squad# Sure To C. Herzog Has It On 'Em Two Good 'reams in Chi Years—Never Played With Arouse Player* to Unwise Now, Admits Weeghman All—Has Own Golf Links Any Other Club Training Efforts It is no lunger unusual to be a Charley Weeghtnnn, president baseball-golfer. Every big leaguer of the Chicago Federal club, com- Plug upon except Uodle and Larry Mc- ments the sale of Eddie Col- Lean plays golf, but FAITHFUL THROUGH WAR lins to the Box Charlie Her "DEMMITT AVENGED/' IS White as follows: zog has a distinction all his own "Wish had OF 02. BUT NOT REWARDED WINTER LEAGUE YARN I him. In regard to the royal and ancient Is one of the greatest ball players game. today, The of the Reds of and I consider the deal 1h not only golfer, a golf made by Mr. master a but Coinlekey a architect as well, and he glories Deposed As Manager, Now Veach and High Both Better stroke. Collins la a wonderful In It. Seeks His According athlete and entitled to all the suc- "You see,*’ he explains. haven’t Unconditional Players, to Sea- cess possible. my good ”1 If will can got all my farm cultivation this do any good manage In Release son's Record him he will year, out couple a winning team. 1 think the ad- and 1 laid a of holeß, with the corn patch as a NEW YORK, Dec. 11.—Among the dition of Collins will bolster up baseball notables who attended the the hazard. I'm not much good at the White Sox Infield greatly, and game National league meeting is Charles BY UAHOLD V. WILCOX. then we high-class yet; Dili Hanna trimmed me ll have another year, coming along Dooiu, veteran manager and catcher, It the opening game* of the 1915 team In Chicago besides Chi- last but I’m the year give up try- who came over from Philadelphia to not reveal many Comlskey again Next I think I’ll baseball season do feds. showed his ing hay, gossip and find Eddie, to raise any and use the with his old friends mote stiff arms and Charley horsed baseball genius by buying out The 10* capital land for a nine-hole course.” Just where he stands. In past and It was a move. I cer- Johnny day notice he gave the Phila- than have similar occasions tainly congratulate Evers Is another base which will want to him. bull-golfer plays delphia club expires next week, and years, the major league trainers At the a of note. He not same time I am little handed, then he will declare himself to be a deserve the iron cross and several envious, for I wish I had him.” only left but cross-handed of unusual merit. us well. And then there Is that free agent. Charley feels very keenly other awards of The wave of economy which has noted southpaw golflst, , that his long and faithful term baseball and decreed that who gets angry' when It Is recalled service with the Phillies entitles him struck he \ squads shall be greatly reduced in that there are no groat left-handed to some consideration, and that ; else means that competition at the JUMPERS LOSE 0. B. golf players. should be allowed to make terms sos training camps will be greatly in- himself with some other club, rather creased, and trainers and managers than be hawked around in a trade. are going to And it a difficult task to $200,000, IS CLA M Dooiu has been with the Pbiladek keep veterans and youngsters alike « phia club more than 13 years, go from over-working before they are in STALLINGS BLAMED lng there from St. Joe In the fall ol he That is Estimate of Feds As To He has never played with any shape to put on speed. This will Ketchikan. Alaska, boasts of the 1801. y the other major league club, and he has aapecially true because most of Worth of Stax most unique baseball diamond In the take Nine shimmering of the Upper picture shows baseball FOR MACKHEN ROW caught more championship games of major league managers will The sands world. In the evening the diamond la for and the diamond Ketchikan, Alaska, other backstop ai» , larger squads than usual south a Hurdlers beach are the bleachers wonderfully fast. During the remain- at ball than any of shorter training season than has hith- back stoops of waterfront resi- when the tide Is out, while below clent or modern times. der of the day It Is hidden beneath in. Plank Says Failure to Steal Sig- erto been customary. dences ere the grandstand. The tiny breakers, for Ketchikan ball park the field Is shown with the tide For 13 years be has averaged nearly Sron a reduction from 25 to 21 St. LOUIS, Dec. 11.—Federal league games do not start until 10 o’clock is built on the bottom of the Pacific nals of Braves Was Cause 140 games a year. He was one of the players will mean the lopping off of magnates here estimate that the nine at night. ocean. The team that plays upon It three men who were loyal to the Phil- a couple of pitchers, a catcher and a best of the major league stars who is known as the “Amphibians." of Discord adelphia club when the America® utility man, and will result in a ter- have hurdled to the outlaw circuit At Ketchikan, the hills drop right off Into the ocean, so that there is no league male Its raid on the National rific fight for favor. The restraining since the end the season represent place for a diamond except the beach, at low tide. When the water runs in 1802. and lajole. Flick, the two of Jumped of ambition next spring will be a real a loss of approximately $200,000 to out to sea It leaves a broad expanse of shimmering level sand. There, w ith Now that Eddie Plank Is a Fed, he Crosses and several others task, and in spite of all the advice organized ball. The list includes the beach for bleachers and the doorsteps of the seaside houses for a grand- has proceeded to pull an "Ira to the new league. Charlie was get- ; that does MORE MONEY stand. the Ketchikanltes gather for their games $3,250 at the time the IF baseball ting of last that will be offered, the club Rube Marquard, who had a strong Thomas." He Is explaining the war mining not have some damaged players on piece of elastic tied to his belt In the The inland camps all send teams to Ketchikan, but never have that Is said to exist In Connie Mack's baseball war. and as soon as the trou- lta roll, will be very fortunate. shape contract, has, ao- .the Amphibians been defeated on the home grounds. Baseball games in that camp of baseball players. He doesn t ble was over he was cut to $2,100. of a and who the the evening, which, in cordlng to advices from Qotham town, part of the earth are not started until cool of encroach on Thomas’ pet theory that He has never been a high-salaried NEEDED, 10 p. to CLAIMS Is for The winter league has turned been jerked back home again. The midsummer. about m Eddie Collins’ literary genius is to man, but has always worked hard Hughey Jennings and the stories of $200,000 list reads as follows: blame. The hero of Gettysburg puts the club. the Tiger discards who have later , pitcher, from Wash- all the blame on George T. Stallings. For the last five years he has been . made good to the extent of causing ington tA. L.) to Chicago. At least, js manager, and has made an excel- Flank, BROOKFED that what Mr. Plank's the Eddie pitcher, from I'hlladei- BOSS anguish in the report. showing, considering that almost deep regret and great phia L*,) to St Louis COMMERCIAL LEAGUE ELK Interviewers lent tA. PIN-SPILLERS for breast of the Tiger chieftain. Ray Eddie Knoetchy, infteldcr, Pittsburgh The veteran southpaw is said to no money was given him to spend Demmitt, the from Mont- IN. L.) to Pittsburgh. have made the old charge the ball players. If he had not been hard Magee, outfielder, St. Robert Ward Says Outlaws Ex- that real, who was tried out last spring Lee Louis tX. Athletics cannot bat worth a rap un- bv the Feds last year, he would L) to Brooklyn. STARTS 20TH YEAR GO TO PORT HURON . White to win and later turned over to the Ivy Wingo, catcher, St Louis IN. L-J pect to Spend Lota More less somebody steals signals and tips have had a good chance the See. la the latest example offered for to Buffalo. them off to what the opposing pitch- pennant. the delectation of His Hon. Nobs, the Polly Perrlt pitcher. St. Louis (N. Y.J Coin to Be State Bowling he feels to Pittsburgh First Gaines of Season Organization May ers are about to offer. It seems that Under the circumstances Van. Demmitt it an ex-Yankee, ex- Is has a right to his uncondi- Charl«s (Chief) Bender, pitcher. Be Eddie convinced that the Mackmen that he Brown and ex-Tlger, and it is assert- Philadelphia (A L.) to Baltimore. Played Saturday Night at Formed at Tournament made a miserable mess of stealing tional release, and he will demand It. ed, Justification, that if Richard (Kubei Marquard. pitcher, signals he will If it is not granted with some New