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Bluegrass Student Union Bluegrass Student Union "+lave you seel1 •You cal1 9Qt tilt heW ~II > 21bums ~lue..9YaH phone il1 "Uh uh." fod1.0 8111! yovr order aI\:lVI'YI lid?" you C811 BWEGRASS STUDENT UNION THE MUSIC MAN RUSH ORDERS : 1 • 1 Call 1-502-267-9812 WHILE THEY LAST ... ~CEJ. All 8-Track tapes are 50% offthe advertised price ­ CREDIT CARD PHONE ORDERS ORDER TODAY! OR SEND CHECK OR M.O. - TO: Bluegrass Records 3613 St. Edwards Drive Louisville, KY 40299 .----------------------------------------------- BLUEGRASS RECORDS NAME _ 3613 St. Edwards Drive STREET _ Louisville, Kentucky 40299 ClTy STATE ZlP _ INDICATE QUANTITY ALBUM CASSETTE 8-TRACK AFTER CLASS $7 $ THE OLDER ... THE BETTER $8 $ THE MUSIC MAN $9 $ POSTAGE $ .95 O~b~R DISCOUNT: $4 OFF When Purchasing a Set of All 3 Records or Tapes. DEDUCT DISCOUNT ENTER IF APPLICABLE - $ Canadian Orders Specify "U.S. Funds" TOTAL ENCLOSED $ ---------------------------------------- ------ The dl51rlbullon, sale or advertising 01 unofficial reco/dings Is not a IepresenlaHon thaI the contents 01 wch recordings ore oppropllate lor conlesl use. The ~,-CJ.1MmonizenEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1984 VOL. XLIV No.5 C/A~:I.MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF SPEBSQSA, INC., IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY. Features 6 CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS 26 SAN ANTONIO SAYS HOWDY A review of the St. Louis Con­ FOR MID·WINTER vention - a week to remember. A big Texas welcome awaits Bar­ bershoppers heading for San An­ 12 THE WINNERS tonio in January. Sign up today! A photo album of the medalists, finalists, semi-finalists and quarter 30 ARE YOU SAVING YOUR SOUP finalists. Plus, the top 16 choruses. LABELS? Ever wonder what the Logopedics 25 SCORES Institute does with all those labels? Here's how the winners scored in Here's the story. competition. ABOUT THE SONG IN THIS ISSUE George Michael Cohen was literally bOI into show business, joining his parents' Also In This Issue vaudeville act at the age of nine, At eleven, he began writing songs. Shortly after he turned seventeen, he began 3 IN MEMORIAL - FRED WARING 36 NEWS ABOUT QUARTETS writing, producing, and directing, His & MEREDITH WILLSON musical show, LITTLE JOHNNY JONES, 39 MINNESOTA CONVENTION RE­ had nineteen songs, among them "Give 4 LETTERS GISTRATION My Regards To Broadway". This out­ INTRODUCING OUR NEW EDI­ standing hit was used by many song-and­ 32 HISTORICAL NOTES TOR dance men throughout the country ­ NEW CHAPTERS the year was 19041 This is the first 34 CHAPTERS IN ACTION "single" arrangement published by the 40 BARGAIN BASEMENT Society, and staffman Burt Szabo has given us a different ending for each of two verses (you'll need to decide which verse you want to do.) Your audiences always enjoy a foot tapper and this one ON THE COVER EDITOR - Lynne Soto will really get 'em going. The Rapscallions, 1984 Quartet WR ITERS - Nan Clausel Champions. Back - The Thorough­ Lynne DeMoss bred Chorus of Louisville, KY, Hugh A. Ingraham 1984 Chorus Champions. Conven· Robb Ollett CONVENTIONS tion photos by Jim Miller Photo­ Dean Snyder graphy. INTERNATIONAL 1984 SI. Louis, Mo. July l-B 19B5 Minneapolis, Minn. June 30-July 7 1986 Salt Lake City, Utah June 29·July 6 The HARMONI ZE A (ISSN 0017-7849) Is the official publication of the Society for the Preservation 19B7 Hartford, Conn. June 28·July 5 and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. IS.P.E.B.S,a,s,AJ, It is pub­ lished in the months of January, March, May, July, September and November at 6315 - 3rd Avenue, 19B8 San Antonio, Tex. July 3·10 Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140-5199. Second·class postage paid at Konosha, Wisconsin. Editorial and Advertising offlcos are at the International Office. Advertising rates available upon request. Publisher MID-WINTER assumes no rosponslbillty for return of unsolicited manuscripts or artwork. Notice of change of address should be submitted to the editorial offlces of THE HARMONIZER, 6315 - 3rd AVE., 19B5 San Antonio, Tex. Jan. 28·Feb. 2 KENOSHA. WISCONSIN 53140·5199, at least thirty days before the next publication date. Sub­ 1986 Tucson. Ariz. January 22-25 scription price to non·members is $5 yearly or $1 an issue. Foreign subscriptions are $12 yearly 1987 Sarasota, Fla. January 28-31 or $2 an Issue. Copyright, 1984, by the Society for the Presorvatlon and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing In America, Inc. 1988 Washington, D.C. January 27-30 International Officers President, John T. Gillespie, 712 Newgate Road, Kalamazoo. MI 49007 Immediate Past President, Hank Vomacka, 1881 Rose Street, Sarasota. FL 33579 Vice President, Gilbert L. Lefholz. 13316 E. Thinking 51 sl Streot, Kansas City. MQ 64133 Vice President, Darryl Flinn, 7975 Cleveland Avenue, NW N. Canton, OH 44720 Vice President-Treasurer, William K. Park, Box 621 Mendenhall. PA 19357 Aloud Board Members Cardinal, Ernie Nlckoson, 1702 Cameron Ct. Lexington, KY 40505 Central Statos, WInston Aashlelgh. P. O. Box Hugh A. Ingraham 133 - 2420 E. 3rd St., Fremont, NE 68025 DiXie, Charles McCann. Box 40969. Nash­ ville, TN 37204 Evergreen, Richerd Merritt, 4556 Lake Heights Street, Bellevue, WA 98006 Some random after thoughts from Ontario. Far Western. Fred Koch. 6942 E. Calle Betel­ geux. Tucson, AZ 85710 the St. Louis convention: Absolute insanity! Or did you Illinois, Joseph F. Shekleton, 710 Waverly Drive, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 We could have made a fortune miss the performances by the Four Johnny Appleseed, Jack Wentworth, 6414 Lexlelgh Road, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 selling seat cushions. My wonder­ Under Par? Land 0' Lakes, Thurman J. Slack, 525 Wedge­ ful 20-20 hindsight again. Is the decibel level getting higher wood, Plymouth, MN 55441 Mid-Atlantic, Dale Thomas, 324 E. Fourth Have you ever seen such a mob in between choruses and quartets, Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Northeastern, Dick Young. Homestead Farm, as was assembled for the Veiled and during sing alongs or is the Moultonboro. NH 03254 Prophet affair on the 4th? And audience just trying to tell us to Ontario, Dyson Plnhey. 16 Parkslde Crescent, Nepean. Ontario K2G 3B5 CANADA in the rain, too. do away with community sings Pioneer. Fran Jones, 6855 Sandwood NE, Rockford, MI 49341 First time that I can recall in my and MC's, except to merely an­ Rocky Mountain, Rex Touslee, 1511 - 27th Ave.. Greeley, CO 80631 Barbershop days that the inter­ nounce the performers? Seneca Land - To be elected national president could not be Walked back to the hotel from Southwestern, Ed Reeder. 2236 Flat Creek, RIchardson, TX 75080 with us for "his" convention. Kiel one afternoon with Pete Neu­ Sunshine, Al WOOdard, P. O. BOl< 381, Jupiter, We missed you, John. shul, baritone of the 139th Street. F L 33468 Sure was nice though to have A most interesting conversation. And Past International Presidents the presidents of both Sweet One thing he said has stuck in Merritt Auman, 2400 Wassner Dr" West Lawn, PA 19609 Adelines and Harmony Incor­ my mind ever since. "You know, Burt Huish, P. O. Box 1925, Twin Falls, 10 83301 porated on hand. That was a first, Barbershopping's a wonderful hob­ Leslie HeSketh, Jr., 7467 Clifton Road, Clif­ too. by but a terrible religion." Think ton, VA 22024 Our guys are something else. about it. International Office A Barbershopper from Ohio loses We'd better get that Seniors a wallet with over $600 in cash, Quartet Contest in gear soon! HUGH A. INGRAHAM, CAE, Executive Director SHIRLEY PANOSIAN, Executive Assist01Il gets it turned back, not a dollar Have you ever heard so many great missing, by a Barbershopper from young quartets? TOM COGAN, Mgr., Membership Deuelopment D. WilLIAM FITZGERALD, Mgr., Special Euents DAVE lABAR, Music Seruices Assistant WARREN lEISEMANN, Data Processing Mgr. JOE LILES, Dir. Mlisic Education and Seruices BOB MUCHA,Mu.sic Seruices Assistallt ROBB OllETT, Director ofCommlinicatiotlS RON ROCKWELL, Field Representative FRANK SANTARELLI, Director of Finance mId Administration Executive Director LYNNE SOTO, Publicatiolls Editor GA RY STAMM, Mgr Audio-ViSllal Sucs. DAVE STEVENS, Mllsic Scruices Assistant BURT SZABO, Mllsic Scruices Assistant Telephone: (414) 654-9111 Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday (Central Time) NEW ADDRESS S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. 6315 - 3rd Avenue Kenosha, WI 53140-5199 2 In Memorial The Society pays tribute to the memory Willson is best known as the composer of two honorary members, Meredith and lyricist for "The Music Man." He Willson and Fred Waring. completed the book, music and lyrics Willson received his honorary memo between 1950 and 1957. He rewrote bership from the Society in 1959. Al­ the play 38 times. These efforts won him though Willson did not personally accept the 1958 New York Drama Critics Circle his award, he responded to the occasion. Award for best musical, coupled with "Please accept my deep gratification for a Grammy for best album. the life membership award in its glisten­ Willson died on June 15 from heart ing gold frame. I am indeed proud to see failure. He was 82. it on my wall." Waring accepted his honorary member­ Willson was an accomplished flute and ship during the 1984 convention in St. piccolo player even before graduating Louis, only a few weeks before his death. from Mason City (Iowal High School. He died on July 29. He was 84. He later studied at New York's Damrosch As director of the Pennsylvanians, Institute of Musical Arts and under the Waring promoted choral music across tutelage of parisian flutist George Barrere. the country. Considered one of the na­ He later played with the New York tion's leading music educators, Waring Philharmonic, and was a flutist with popularized his distinctive sound through John Phillip Sousa.
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