Volume 44, Issue 28 (The Hornet, 1923
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Fall Registration Planning Begins SC Hashes New Preregistration for FJC's fall semester begins May 2. Coun- selors note only 10 school days Parking Problem are left in which to see counselors A joint effort by CSF and FJC in attaining a favorable for program planning. decision from the FCC was discussed in Tuesday's Student May pre-registration appoint- ment sheets will be posted Monday, Commission meeting. The Commission also held a lengthy April 25. discussion on the parking problems on and off campus. "If you haven't yet met with Terry Sanford, Commissioner of your counselor and planned your Communications and chairman of that subject. program for next fall, you must the radio committee, reported his If this decision to merge is ap- do it before May 2," said Dr. John committee has met with a similar proved by both administrations E. Collins, assistant dean of guid- group from CSF to discuss a merg- and the FCC, a tower and a trans- ance services. ing of efforts. mitter will be erected at FJC in "In May the counselors will have Sanford said the two groups the 700's building. Cal State and no time for program planning," decided that a joint effort by the FJC would h a v e their separate added Dr. Collins, "so this must two colleges would stand a better studios, but Cal State would trans- be done before pre-registration be- chance of receiving a p p r o v a 1 mit their programs by telephoning gins. Whether you are a day stu- from the FCC than either one them to FJC. The estimated cost dent or an extended day student, alone would. Although the dec- of tower and transmitter is. you should go in now-before cision has yet to be approved by $55,000. Landgren, AMS president May 2-and make an appoint- NEW LOOK - Parking lot has taken on a spring change. In order to provide more parking sipaces both administrations, S a n for d Todd on the changes ment for program planning. Ap- and improve the traffic flow the lots were resurfaced over Spring Break. went into great detail concerning led discussions made in parking area B and re- pointment sheets are posted out- on parking pro- side the counselors' offices." ceived support blems from John Linn, ASB vice- Of particular interest to students Panels Precede president. In his discussion Land- enrolled as "Specials" is the fact THE grens brought attention to wide that they will not be permitted to . aisles left between parking spaces pre-register for fall classes. Only Fromm Lecture in that section. He said that one fully matriculated students may Works of Erich Fromm will be space "Is long enough to park pre-register. To be considered fully the topic of a series of seminars a Rolls-Royce and a Volkswagon. matriculated, a student must have sponsored by the Social Science The discussion lasting ten min- taken the FJC admission tests and division beginning Tuesday. All utes overtime, heard comments have transcripts from high school interested students and faculty from a majority of the commis- and other colleges on file in the members are invited to attend sioners. Bob Sheldon, ASB trea- FJC Records office. those meetings which begin at 11 7e Offccea PuSltcaltir onaFedaeprton ,uai6 geNe surer, said, "we used a poll to After taking the admission tests, - a.m. Vol. XLIV Fullerton, California, Friday, April,15, 1966 No. 28 get the ASB's opinion on the a "Special" must see Dr. Collins Tuesday "Man for Himself" will library facilities. Why couldn't in the counseling office to com- be the work under discussion. Ray we use a poll to find out the plete a change of major form. Ad- Spark, Felicity Fuhrman, _Rose Pep Tryouts Set: students' opinion on parking, mission tests will be given in the Bale, Dan Clere and Mary Mea- Berkeley Set As too?" William T. Boyce library on the dows will participate on a student All Are Qualified Landgren added that though following dates: April 23 (8 a.m.), panel. Thursday "The Art of Lov- Appearance, personality, a n d parking area B received 30 April 30 (8 a.m.), May 13 (7 pm.), ing" and "The Heart of Man" will the ability will be the criteria for the additional parking spaces, there and May 21 (8 am.). be the subjects for discussion. Dr. Northern Access could have been more had the taken Campbell will be faculty coordin- May 18 tryouts in the 'Student Some students who have Bidding on the extension of project is estimated to cost $491,- commission and influence on such the FJC admission tests are re- ator. Center for next year's song and Berkeley Ave. around the FJC 450. Berkeley Ave. will be ex- plans. Facilities for FJC are deci- portedly erroneously enrolled as a yell leaders. "Escape from Freedon and The and Fullerton Union High School tended from its present termina- ded by the North Orange County "Special." They must also see Dr. be the topic Sane Society" will Open to returning students as campuses to Harbor Blvd. and tion north of FJC campus for Junior College District Board of Collins and complete a change of On April 26 Mr Colin nine-tenths books. well as incoming freshmen, ap- widening Lemon St. northward of a mile along the Trustees. major if they wish to pre-register Campbel will be faculty coordina- author- north border of the two from Chapman Ave. was campuses However, the commission voted in May. plications will be available in May tor. ized by the North Orange County to Harbor Blvd. The route gen- to ask representative from the from Dean Waters office. District this week. erally follows the old Pacific The final seminar held on April Junior College Elec- Board of Trustees come in and Linda Sutton, commissioner of for bids was previously tric Railway right-of-way. 28 will deal with "May Man Pre- The call possibly tell why the changes FJC Spring Sing approved by the Fullerton City This extension will be coupled vail?" Mr. John Schultz will be rallies, is organizing the audition were made advantageous. faculty coordinator. for pep leaders. Since there will Council and the. Fullerton Union with installation of traffic signals Set for April 30 High School Distrjict. The at Harbor Blvd. and Berkeley Eric Frommn wil present a lec- be no returning yell leaders and Four campus clubs will try to NOCJCD's decision, to relocate the Ave., Lemon St. and Berkeley ture on Responsibility, Duty, Inde- just a few for song, Linda re- overthrow the Kappa Lambda Sig- present transportation and main- Ave., and Chapman Ave. and Berk- Cypress Plans pendence and Freedom, April 29 open. marked that the field is tenance services on Berkeley Ave. eley Ave. These signals and the ma's dominance of the 11th annual in Plummer auditorium. This will Though this' year sported an all- cleared the way for bidding by Berkeley extension will give stu- Approval FJC Spring Sing. In the past ten be the last lecture of the Artist Gain male yell squad, Linda said tha the construction firms. dents an easy accessable entrance Despite written objections to years, the Kappa's have totaled lecture series this year. this situation was not a trend. The extension and widening to the campus from the north, the proposed location of traffic three second-place and seven first- "The field is completely open and and remove traffic load from the entrances to the Cypress Junior place awards. Student Notice: we hope that the response will be Nutwood entrance. College campus from Orange The event will be held Saturday, good," she said. Lemon St. construction will pro- avenue, the NOCJCD Board of April 30 at 8 p.m. in the Louis E. Backlash Letters While aspirants for yell leaders Murphy Selected vide 56 feet of paving' from curb Trustees this week approved de- Plummer auditorium. will be given a large amount o to curb from the old railway right- sign development plans for site The H O RN E T editorial page Theta Nu Theta, Hornet Christ- freedom in their selection of the of-way south some 1,800 .feet to development, as presented by the welcomes any letters which FJC i a n Fellowship, Olympias and type of yell, song leader applicants Man of Month Chapman Ave. After Lemon St. architects. students would like to submit for Camerata are challenging the are restricted to marching or trad- has been widened, the dirt parking Art Schatzeder, public works publication with regard to mat- "I like all kinds of music." Kappas. Each club will present a itional type of ,songs. lot west of the Technical Educa- director for erial which has been run in the This statement by Mike Murphy Cypress, read a letter musical skit lasting nine minutes. might have been one that helped tion building will be graded and to the trustees in which the city "The clubs are designing their HORNET. Letters which are sub- him win Man of the Month hon- paved. expressed its desire for a change costumes and sets. Because mitted should be limited to a own Award Photos Here ors for April. Other changes will be the re- in the proposed location of the of the keen competition, the pro- length of 300 words or less, and The 20-year-old music major's vision of the existing signals at s o ut h entrance to the college gram should be very entertaining," include the student's ASB card In Student Center interest in music began d u r i n g Lemon St.