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428973 BM 4/22/04 10:19 AM Page 239 Index A. Goodman & Sons, 13 Aerobatic Flight Program, 74 Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH)/Asia, 13 Abbott Mead Vickers, 8, 10 Agencies, see Advertising agencies Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) Asia ABC Canada Literacy Foundation, 235 AIGA Orlando, 129 Pacific/Tokyo, 174, 175 Action for Children’s Television (ACT), 10 Alexander, Joe, 188 Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH)/England, 10 Adbusters, 47 Ally, Carl, 8 Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH)/London and Ad Council, 5, 24, 41, 70, 92, 95, 114, 218 Ally & Gargano/New York, 8 New York, 7 Adobe Systems Incorporated, 228 Ambient media advertising, 232 BCAA, 77, 230 ADP, see Arbeitsgemeinschaft American Airlines, 37 Beaver, Allan, 22–23 Dermatologische Pravention American Civil Liberties Union, 85 Beaver Reitzfeld Inc./New York City, 22 Adventures, 101, 102 American Skandia, 131 Ben, 92 Advertisements: American Standard, 132 Benefits, 58–64, 101, 103–104 benefits presented in, 58–64 Amnesty International USA, 223 definition of, 64 brainstorming technique for, 51 Analogies, visual, 67–68 emotional, 62–63, 68 concept for, 35, 50, 65, 83, 101, 111, 149, Anchor Blue, 101 functional, 58–63, 74 207, 226, 233. See also Big idea; Idea(s) Anderson, Denise M., 163 supports for, 64 creative strategy for, 58 Anheuser Busch/Spyke, 125 Benton and Bowles/London, 7 creative team for, 51 A&P, 109 Berger, Warren, 7, 41 design of, 65 Appeal, 58 Bernbach, Bill, 6, 74, 217 elements of, 52–57 Appropriateness to audience, 142–143 Best Behavior, 80 execution of, 65 Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Big
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