Extension of Tormin Mine, West Coast, South Africa Scoping Report

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Extension of Tormin Mine, West Coast, South Africa Scoping Report Extension of Tormin Mine, West Coast, South Africa Scoping Report Report Prepared for Mineral Sands Resources (Pty) Ltd D Report Number 507228/2 Report Prepared by April 2017 SRK Consulting: 507228: Tormin Mine Extension – Scoping Report Page i Extension of Tormin Mine, West Coast, South Africa Scoping Report Mineral Sands Resources (Pty) Ltd SRK Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd The Administrative Building Albion Spring 183 Main Rd Rondebosch 7700 Cape Town South Africa e-mail: [email protected] website: www.srk.co.za Tel: +27 (0) 21 659 3060 Fax: +27 (0) 86 530 7003 SRK Project Number 507228 April 2017 Compiled by: Peer Reviewed by: Sue Reuther Chris Dalgliesh Principal Environmental Consultant Principal Environmental Consultant Scott Masson Senior Environmental Consultant Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Authors: Scott Masson and Sue Reuther REUT/MASS/dalc 507228_Tormin EIA_Scoping Report_final.docx April 2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: SCOPING REPORT EXTENSION OF TORMIN MINE, WEST COAST, SOUTH AFRICA R982)1, promulgated in terms of NEMA, govern the 1 INTRODUCTION process, methodologies and requirements for the undertaking of EIAs in support of EA applications. The EIA Mineral Sand Resources (Pty) Ltd (MSR) owns and operates Regulations are accompanied by Listing Notices (LN) 1-3 the Tormin Mineral Sands Mine (Tormin Mine) on the that list activities that require EA. West Coast of South Africa, near Lutzville. The mine holds two Mining Rights (MR162 and MR163), covering an area The EIA Regulations, 2014, lays out two alternative of 199.9 ha, and an approved Environmental Management authorisation processes. Depending on the type of activity Programme (EMPr) to mine Valuable Heavy Minerals that is proposed, either a Basic Assessment (BA) process or (VHM) on beaches below the high-water mark adjacent to an S&EIR process is required to obtain EA. LN 1 lists Farm Geelwal Karoo 262. activities that require a BA process, while LN 2 lists activities that require S&EIR. LN 3 lists activities in certain MSR proposes to extend mining operations at Tormin Mine sensitive geographic areas that require a BA. in terms of Section 102 of the Mineral and Petroleum SRK has determined that the proposed project triggers Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 (MPRDA), into the activities listed in terms of LN 1, LN 2 and LN 3 of the EIA following areas (the “project”) (Figure 1 and Figure 2): Regulations, 2014, requiring an EIA. The equivalent Ten beaches adjacent to Remainder of Graauw Duinen activities in terms of the EIA Regulations, 2014, are 152, and Portions of Farm Klipvley Karoo Kop 153, included in Table 1. along a stretch of coastline north of Tormin Mine Table 1: Listed activities triggered by the project comprising 43.7 ha mining and 2.1 ha beach access No Description road widening; LN1 (requiring BA) Inland mining area on the Farm Geelwal Karoo 262 9 Development of infrastructure exceeding 1 000 m in comprising 75 ha mining; and length for bulk transportation of water An infrastructure expansion area of 29.2 ha adjacent 10 Development of infrastructure exceeding 1 000 m in to the existing Processing Plant. length for bulk transportation of effluent, process water or slimes SRK Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd (SRK) has been 16 Development of a desalination plant producing more appointed by MSR to undertake the Scoping and than 100 m3 of treated water per day Environmental Impact Reporting (S&EIR, also referred to as 19 Depositing or excavating of material from a an Environmental Impact Assessment [EIA]) process watercourse required in terms of the National Environmental 19A Depositing or excavating of material from the seashore Management Act 107 of 1998 (NEMA). The EIA process is or the littoral active zone being undertaken in accordance with Section 21 of the EIA LN2 (requiring S&EIR) Regulations, 2014. Current mining activities at Tormin Any activity requiring a licence or permit for release of 6 Mine are not assessed in the EIA. emissions or pollution 14 Development of a structure on or along the sea bed 15 Clearance of more than 20 ha of indigenous vegetation See page 8 for details on how you The development of a dam with the wall higher than 16 can participate in the process. 5 m or surface area of 10 ha or more LN3 (requiring BA in the sensitive areas) Clearance of more than 300 m2 of indigenous 12 vegetation in sensitive areas 2 GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK Consequently, the proponent is obliged to apply for EA for Sections 24 and 44 of NEMA make provision for the the project. Since activities listed under Regulation promulgation of regulations that identify activities which GN R984 apply to the project, an S&EIR process is required. may not commence without an Environmental Authorisation (EA) issued by the competent authority, in this case, the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR). The EIA Regulations, 2014 (Government Notice (GN) 1 As amended by GN R327, GN R325 and GN R324 on 7 April 2017. MASS/dlac 507228_Tormin EIA_SR Exec Summ.doc March 2017 SRK Consulting: 507228 Tormin Mine Extension EIA – Scoping Report Executive Summary Page ii see Figure 2A see Figure 2B Figure 1: Locality Map MASS/dlac 507228_Tormin EIA_SR Exec Summ.doc April 2017 SRK Consulting: 507228 Tormin Mine Extension EIA – Scoping Report Executive Summary Page iii Figure 2A Figure 2B Figure 2: S&EIR Process MASS/dlac 507228_Tormin EIA_SR Exec Summ.doc April 2017 SRK Consulting: 507228 Tormin Mine Extension EIA – Scoping Report Executive Summary Page iv In addition to EA, various other key authorisations, permits proposed project that may require further investigation or licences may be required before the project may in the Impact Assessment Phase; proceed (see Table 2). Develop terms of reference for specialist studies to be Table 2: Key authorisations, permits and licences undertaken in the Impact Assessment Phase; Application Authority Provide stakeholders with the opportunity to participate in the process and identify any issues or Waste Management DMR Licence concerns; and Heritage Application Heritage Western Cape Produce a Scoping Report for submission to the relevant authorities. Water Use Authorisation Department of Water and Sanitation Once the Scoping Phase has been completed, the Impact Atmospheric Emission National Department of Assessment Phase will commence, in which the Licence Environmental Affairs: Air Quality significance of potential impacts will be assessed and Management Services measures to avoid and /or mitigate negative impacts and Coastal Waters Discharge National Department of enhance benefits will be determined. Permit; and Environmental Affairs: Oceans and Dumping Permit Coasts 4 DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE AND ENVIRONMENT 3 ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESS Tormin Mine is located on Farm Geelwal Karoo 262 on the The EIA Regulations, 2014, define the detailed approach to West Coast of South Africa, north of the Olifants River the S&EIR process, which consists of two phases: the Estuary and approximately 25 km west of Lutzville. Scoping Phase (the current phase) and the Impact Eskom’s Sere wind energy facility is located on the Assessment Phase (see Figure 3). ridgeline inland of Tormin Mine. Access to the Mine is from Koekenaap via Robeiland and De Punt, or from Koekenaap via Kommandokraal and Schaapvlei (DR225). The gravel road extending the length of Farm Geelwal Karoo 262 is maintained by the Mine and provides access to the processing plant. The public (gravel) road OP09764 (see Figure 1) provides access to the coastline north of Tormin Mine. This road is used by farmers and visitors to the coastline. The coastline is used by campers and other recreational users. The coastline of Farm Geelwal Karoo 262 consists of wide beaches separated by rugged rocky promontories. Steep dunes and rocky cliffs (between 30 and 50 m above mean sea level) are a feature of the area. The coastal platform is almost flat before rising to a ridgeline along the western boundary of Farm Geelwal Karoo 262. The coastline to the north of Tormin Mine is characterised by a rocky shoreline with isolated beaches in small bays. The character of the coastline changes further north, as longer beaches and primary dune systems become more prominent. The vertical change from the high-water mark to the inland zone is less abrupt: the topography rises gently to a ridgeline ~ 5 km inland. Figure 3: S&EIR Process *Note: EMP = Environmental Management Programme Areas along the coast have been disturbed from historical and current mining and/or prospecting activities, as well as The objectives of the Scoping Phase are to: by people accessing the coastline on a network of informal Identify stakeholders and inform them of the proposed beach access roads. activity, feasible alternatives and the S&EIR process; Describe the affected environment and potential The predominant vegetation type of the region is environmental issues and benefits arising from the Namaqualand Strandveld (Figure 4). Plant diversity of this vegetation type is relatively low but has a rich component MASS/dlac 507228_Tormin EIA_SR Exec Summ.doc April 2017 SRK Consulting: 507228 Tormin Mine Extension EIA – Scoping Report Executive Summary Page v of annual and perennial flora. Namaqualand Seashore in areas of rocky outcrops with shelters or overhangs or vegetation occurs along the coast on slightly sloping any place with potential for providing a water source. beaches and coastal rocky formations (Figure 5). The vegetation of the area consists of low coastal shrub up to 5 PROJECT AND PROCESS DESCRIPTION 1 m high, typical of much of the West Coast. MSR proposes to extend mining operations to ensure the ongoing operation of Tormin Mine. The proposed project consists of the following key activities (see Figure 1 and Figure 2): Mine VHM deposits on ten isolated beaches (Figure 2A and Figure 6) along a stretch of coastline north of Tormin Mine: - Mining will be undertaken using hydraulic excavators, slurry pumps and other ancillary equipment (e.g.
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