For Immediate Release MEDIA CONTACT: Mitchell Nover RockOrange 305-808-6559
[email protected] J BALVIN AND ZION & LENNOX TO PERFORM AT THE ALTOS DE CHAVÓN AMPHITHEATER The Urban Performers Will Hit the Stone Stage on June 25th La Romana, D.R. — (June 2, 2016) — Urban music also has its place within the Dynamic anD diversiFied leisure activities program at Casa de Campo Resort & Villas. To prove that point, two of the biggest acts in Latin music – J Balvin anD Zion & Lennox – will be traveling to the Dominican Republic next month to perForm on the magical stage oF the Altos De Chavón Amphitheater on SaturDay, June 25, 2016. “It is an immense pleasure For our resort to be hosting J Balvin anD Zion & Lennox, two of the most recogniZeD anD aDmireD urban Latin artists,” saiD RaFael Torres, PresiDent oF Casa De Campo. “This concert forms part of the artistic shows that, for the past year, have DemonstrateD all that we have to oFFer, a Fact that impacts the Dominican Republic as a leaDing Caribbean tourist Destination in the Caribbean.” The show at Casa De Campo Forms part oF J Balvin’s current tour across Latin America anD the UniteD States. His perFormance in Altos De Chavón will be accompanieD by a team oF more than 20 people anD will incluDe stage proDuction by Michell Schellenger (Imagine Dragons, Fun, Enrique Iglesias, Jason Derulo, HarDwell) anD choreography by Chase BenZ, who has workeD with artists such as Britney Spears. Creator of a unique urban Fusion that is born oF Puerto Rican reggaeton influences anD mixed with Colombian rhythms anD the contemporary sounDs oF the new urban scene, J Balvin is without a doubt one of the most promising young talents and a leader in Latin music.