Contents 3 Vision/Mission 4 Letter from the Director 5 Organization Chart 6 Website & Social Media 7 Student Assessments 8 Student Consultations 9-11 Hire System & Job Posting Statistics 12-13 Student Employment/Work Study/JLD 14 Resume Doctor & Mock Interview Day 15 Student Employee of the Year 16 Employer Development 17-19 On-campus Interviews 20 Career Fairs Hosted by Career Services 21 Part-Time & Volunteer Job Fair 22 Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Natural Sciences Career Fair 23-24 CEAT (Engineering, Architecture, & Technology) Career Fair 25 Business Career Fair 26 OSU-Tulsa Career Fair 27-28 OSU Career Fair 29 Education and Teacher Job Fair 30 Summer Camp Fair 31-32 Other Career Fairs

2 Vision

Will empower all OSU community members with the passion and abilities to achieve their ideal future.

Mission Building upon OSU’s land-grant mission, OSU Career Services facilitates quality career development and outreach services to enhance life-long learning and economic development.

Core Values ◾Community - We foster a strong sense of community based on shared governance among students, faculty, staff, and administrators, which allows us to expand our intellectual and interpersonal horizons in a safe, friendly, and supportive learning environment.

◾Excellence – We seek excellence in all our endeavors; we are committed to continuous improvement.

◾Diversity – We respect and value the diversity of individuals, beliefs, and opinions.

◾Integrity – We are committed to the principles of truth and honesty; we will be equitable, ethical, and professional.

◾Service – We believe that serving others is a noble and worthy endeavor and is one of the distinguishing features of a land-grant institution.

◾Intellectual Freedom – We believe in ethical and scholarly questioning in an environment that respects the rights of all to freely pursue knowledge.

◾Stewardship of Resources – We are dedicated to the efficient and effective use of resources and sustainability practices to conserve those resources. We accept responsibility of the public’s trust and are accountable for our actions.

Contact Mail: OSU Career Services 360 Student Union Stillwater, OK 74078-7056 Phone: (405) 744-5253 Fax: (405) 744-9954

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: Normal Office 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (CST) Hours Monday - Friday

3 Letter from the Director

Every year, hundreds of employers from across the country, representing a wide range of industries and organizations, recruit at State University in search of their future leaders. We look forward to working with you to find the best candidates for your employment needs. OSU Career Services is a comprehensive career planning and employment center for our students and alumni. We provide resources to assist students and alumni with their career development and job preparation needs, as well as providing comprehensive referral/interview services through the Hire System.

When recruiting at OSU Career Services, you can expect a productive, comfortable, and efficient process. Our staff members are here to serve you and can provide information on a variety of strategies for increasing your company’s visibility on our campus. We are working hard to encourage every OSU student, graduate and alumnus to register with the Hire System so they can view your company’s job listings. This online referral service is convenient and easy to use for everyone. OSU Career Services follows the guidelines set forth by NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) in the Principles for Professional Conduct for Career Services & Employment Professionals.

Whether you are posting a job, hiring a full-time employee, intern or student employee, or simply wanting to get exposure to reach hundreds of potential job candidates, we will work with you to develop the most effective strategies for your organization. The bottom line is that we make it easy for you and it’s FREE!

Thank you for hiring OSU students, graduates and alumni!

Pam Ehlers, EdD, MCC Director, OSU Career Services

4 Organization


1 Director 1 Financial Officer 1 Administrative Assistant

Student & Alumni Employer Engagement & Services Operations 1 Assistant Director 1 Associate Director

Career Consultants Operations Employer

3 Career Consultants 1 Event Coordinator 3 Employer Services Coordinators 2 Interns 1 Information Technology Coordinator 3 Employer Development 1 Marketing/Systems Coordinators Coordinator College Offices

Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources Arts & Sciences Education Engineering, Architecture, & Technology Human Sciences Spears School of Business OSU-Tulsa

5 Website is the official website of Oklahoma State University's Career Services Office. It features five separate sections – Students, Alumni, Parents, Employers, and Faculty. Most activity for OSU Career Services is driven through the website. In addition to general information, students can schedule consultations, practice interviews, take a variety of career assessments, and use the Hire System to access job postings, on-campus interviews, and career fair information.

Website Visitors 272,554 300000 274,489 267,003 262,092 225,620 250,403 250000 174,985 200000 160,680 150000 Unique visitors 105,920 113,086 111,555 103,034 103,569 100000 87,060 Site Visits


0 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

Social Media

Social Media Activity (Likes, Group Members, Followers)



6,558 5,976



4,584 4,026

4000 3,860







1,745 1,682

2000 1,098


576 254 0

Social Media Facebook Linked In Twitter

FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

6 Student Assessments

Career Services offers a variety of assessments to help students decide on a major and career path.

Free Assessment Users

2500 2032






1388 1274

1500 1266






850 843

1000 765














379 379


327 314

500 269


88 87

Free Assessments 0 Kuder Career Search Kuder Skills Kuder Work Values DoWhat You Are Woofound

FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

These premium assessments require a $10 payment to access.

600 570 534

500 469

387 395 400 380

300 216 200 112 100 43 37 15 22 23 31 23

Premium Assessments 0 Strong Interest Inventory MBTI Strengthsquest FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

7 Student Consultations

Total Student Consultations 9000 8405 7557 8000 7091 6470 6531 6611 6652 7000 6414 6000






0 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

Consultations by College



2038 2015

2000 1956



1446 1414

1500 1328














872 867

1000 847
















502 428

500 424




32 21 0 Central OSU College of College of Arts College of College of College of OSU-Tulsa Spears School Career Agricultural & Sciences Education Engineering Human Career of Business Services Sciences & Architecture & Sciences Services Natural Technology Resource

FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

8 Hire System The Hire System is used to list jobs, post student resumes, manage on-campus interviews and view upcoming employer events and job fairs. Every OSU-Stillwater and OSU-Tulsa student receives a Hire System account. OSU Alumni Association members also have access to the system.

Student Profiles The numbers below represent the number of students, recent grads, and alumni who chose to take advantage of this free service. 25000 19075 20000 16169 16174 14526 15383 15000 12058 11521 9086 8435 9118 9365 9579 10000 7085 7488 5705 5000 4449

0 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 Completed Account Profile Accounts with Resumes

Student Logins

180000 166300 161879 162704 156662 158537 157979 160000 145930 130681 140000







0 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

9 Resume Referrals

Count of employer resume browsing and student applications through the Hire System. Does not include student applications outside the system, such as through employer career websites.


100000 95118 93722 91189

76980 80000

67218 61947 61566 60000 53823 Fall

44812 44723 45990 Spring 39648 40000 29663

18592 20000 13019

0 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

10 Job Postings

TOTAL Jobs Available for Application

16000 13735 14000 12995 11766 11644 12000 10000 8086 8000 6000 5022 4000 3059 3132 2000 0 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

NEW Jobs Posted


144 189 6000 751 191 168 709 88 106 841 852 169 548 141 5000 562 669 111 786 621 923 517 663 734 958 908 101 717 4000 427 669 773

3000 81 666 2666 36 91 291 38 332 67 253 2249 377 4423 324 65 470 2000 405 239 3906 3801 3830 313 39 86 39 3548 3728 20 320 153 453 0 411 225 225 3103 194 2695 281 381 281 1000 1774 1828 1688 1490 1580 1254 1446 1424 1026 969 1000 969 0

Full Time Experienced Full-Time (Entry Level - FY16 on) Internship Part-Time Work-Study

*Please note, the total number of jobs posted is not equal to the numbers depicted in the graph because some jobs are listed as multiple job types (“full- time and part-time” or as “part-time and work-study”) and because many positions’ application ranges span multiple fiscal years.

11 Student Employment

On-Campus Student Employees (not including Graduate Assistantships)

6000 4992 5000 4497 4642 4268 4177 4085 3913 3956 4036 3710 3698 3765 3844 3845 4000 3386 3399 3570 3000 2758 2000 1000 0 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

Fall Spring Unique Students Employed during FY

Work-Study Jobs Posted with Career Services

400 39 58 350 37 300 320 250 305 23 22 267 200 14 150 189 199 15 100 135 50 87 0 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 On-Campus Off-Campus

NEW Part-Time Stillwater Job Postings 600 479 486 500 456 389 400 324 336 334 341 300 245 177 200 197 200 162 123 132 132 100 0 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 On-Campus Off-Campus 12 Job Location and Development

Off-campus employment by students is vital to the financial stability of a university’s student body. In addition to the obvious income it provides students, the efforts of a university to recruit local area employers to provide employment for college students are used by the federal government to determine the maximum amount of federal work-study dollars that are allotted to that university. Total # of Companies Surveyed - 58 Total # OSU Students Employed by Respondents – 98 Total # of Hours Worked Per Week – 1998 Total # of Hours Worked Per Year – 103,807 Average # of Hours/Week – 20.38 Average Salary –$8.70 Estimated Yearly Earnings – $487,464.80 30 9 8.7 25.1 8.51 8.51 25 22.2 21.2 21.1 20.4 20.38 8.5 8.3 8.31 20 18.3 8 7.96 15.8 8 15 7.5 7.33 10 5 7 0 6.5 Average weekly hours worked Average Student Wage ($)

FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

ESTIMATED Part-Time Employment*




On-Campus No Part-Time Job Off-Campus

*Estimated based on 58.7% of OSU students in a Spring Semester survey reported working part-time, 25,806 students, 4,177 employed on-campus.

13 Resume Doctor

Each semester, OSU Career Services, in cooperation with the various college Career Services offices, hosts open office hours inviting students to stop in for FREE, fast, professional resume critiques. No appointment is necessary. Typically, attendance is better on the second day, showing this is a good event for word of mouth marketing.

Student Attendance 600


400 171 234 186 146 300 115 264 200 87 319 282 100 216 247 219 110 114 0 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

Fall Spring

Spring 2011 attendance at Resume Doctor was dramatically impacted by inclement weather. Mock Interviews

Each semester, OSU Career Services hosts an event giving students the opportunity to learn from recruiters about proven techniques, most common employer questions, and how to best prepare for that important opportunity--the interview.

Overall Mock Interview Participation 1400

1200 629 1000 589 518 937 800 771 557 617 155 133 600 170 257 50 249 400 61 222 71 133 208 138 127 169 66 120 25 68 200 58 72 66 264 252 280 168 155 213 198 0 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

Fall Events Fall Appointments Spring Events Spring Appointments InterviewStream

Spring 2011 attendance at Mock Interview Day was dramatically impacted by a inclement weather.

14 Student Employee of the Year

Each spring, as part of National Student Employment Week, Oklahoma State University chooses a Student Employee of the Year. This student is selected as someone who best embodies the contributions and achievements of students who work while attending college.

The contest is sponsored by OSU Career Services and the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid in conjunction with the National Student Employment Association's (NSEA) National Student Employee of the Year contest. The OSU Student Employee of the Year will compete at the regional level and if successful will eventually compete nationally.

Nominations 140 127 120 103 100 80 80 70 72 58 60



0 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

15 Employer Development

400 356 Sales Meeting 328 277 313 272 An investigative and informative meeting with a prospective employer with the 251 217 245 224 192 purpose to engage them with at least one of our services. This meeting could 200 200 140 also be with a current employer in order to increase their activity with our office and OSU. This meeting will typically be in person, but could also be an extended phone call or conference call. 0 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 Drop-in Visit A cold call of a new or existing contact, which takes place at the employer's site. Sales Meetings Drop-in Visits Generally, this visit is very short since there was not an appointment and purposes include lead generation, contact discovery, or simple introduction to our coordinator and office. Educational Tour 20 19 An extended meeting with an existing employer in order to learn more about 17 17 their business and recruiting strategies. This meeting will often include other members of the Hire Team as well as those from the Student and Alumni 15 12 10 Services Team. Purposes include relationship enhancement and education in 10 8 order to provide higher level of service. SST Ditch Witch OSU-OKC HR Presentation 4 4 5 5 3 3 3 Presentation 0 A group setting that normally includes multiple employers and/or numerous contacts from the same employer in order to further increase their knowledge FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 of our services and potentially increase their use of our services. Presentations may also be to general audiences which request our presence for an informative Educational Tours Presentations speech about what we do and who we serve (i.e. civic clubs) or for general career-related guidance (i.e. student groups).

Networking Event 250 224 An event, meeting, or other gathering with purposes that include finding new 179 contacts, mingling with community members, marketing OSU and/or OSU 200 171 Career Services, or general networking. Typically, these events are sponsored 157 138 136 150 123 122 by the local Chamber of Commerce, OSU Alumni Association, or other 82 98 100 83 community organization. These are vital to establish local networks, public 54 relations, marketing, job development, and lead generation. 50 0 Sales Blitz FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 Walk-in-the-door cold calling that involves other Career Services staff. The sales blitz is an organized activity where multiple teams target a list of raw leads Networking Events Sales Blitz Contacts or a geographic vicinity in order to find firm recruiting contacts and categorize leads as hot, warm, or cold. This may also include past employers that have fallen inactive in order to find a new contact point.

6000 4928 4119 4155 4536 4126 2873 4000 Job Posting Follow Up 2000 A phone call or personal visit within 2-3 weeks of a new employer posting a job or an employer not assigned to an Employer Services Team member. Purposes 0 of this conversation include checking up on the success of the posting, trouble- FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 shooting any difficulties encountered, and informing the employer of other services they can utilize. Job Posting Follow Ups

16 On-Campus Interviews

On-Campus Interviews 7000 5847 6040 5754 6000 5230 5200 5389 4836 4789 5000 1902 2086 1923 1669 1676 1961 4000 1853 1716


2000 4138 3561 3524 3428 3761 3831 2983 3073 1000

0 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 Fall Spring

Employer Information Sessions 128 120 98 100 95 94 93

80 74 71 59 60



0 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

17 Companies Conducting On-Campus Interviews– 318

3M Company Cintas GEICO ABB Inc. CITGO Corporation General Electric (GE) ABF Freight Systems, Inc. Clemson University Georgia-Pacific ACTIVE Network CliftonLarsonAllen LLP GH2 ARCHITECTS, LLC Advantage Waypoint Close CX Glazer's Distributors Aerotek, Inc. CNA Grand Homes, Inc. AgReserves, Inc. Comanche Nation Construction LLC Grant Thornton, LLP AgriVision Farm Management Comcast H.W. Lochner, Inc. AIM Group Commercial Fire Hal Smith Restaurant Group Air Hygiene International, Inc. Concho Resources Hal Smith Restaurants Allen Contracting, Inc. ConocoPhillips Halliburton Amazon Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC / Hayden and Company Ambassador Hotel Collection Pantex Health Facilities Group Amec Foster Wheeler CoolGreens Inc. Hein & Associates LLP American Airlines CORE Construction Hensel Phelps Construction Co. American Cast Iron Pipe Company Cowan Group Engineering HFA American Electric Power - AEP Credera Hilti, Inc. American Fire Protection Group Inc. Credit Xpert, LLC Hilton Worldwide APAC Crossland Construction Company HKS Inc. ArcBest Corporation Crowley ISD Hoefer Wysocki Architecture ArcBest Technologies CVR Energy HoganTaylor, LLP Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) CymSTAR LLC HollyFrontier - El Dorado Refinery Archer Western Contractors, Ltd. D2 Architecture HollyFrontier Corporation AREVA NP Darden Honeywell Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Dell, Inc. Honeywell Aero Services, Inc. Deloitte Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Arvest Bank IMA Financial Group ASTEC Charter Schools Dewberry Infinedi Austin Bridge and Road Dillard's, Inc. Insight Global, Inc. Baker Concrete Construction Do Decki Insurance Specialists of Oklahoma Balfour Beatty (Formerly Centex) Dow AgroSciences International Paper Bank of Oklahoma (BOK) Drywall Systems, Inc. ISNetworld Barbara A. Ley, P.C. DuPont Nutrition & Health J.B. Hunt Transport Bartlett and Company E & J Gallo Winery Jason's Deli Bayer CropScience Eaton Corporation JBS USA Bellhops Edward Jones JE Dunn Construction BKD Eide Bailly, LLP JoCo, Jobing Confidential LLC Blattner Energy, Inc. El Reno Public Schools JPMorgan Chase Bank BP Energy Enterprise Rent-a-Car (ERAC) Katy ISD BPCM EOG Resources, Inc. Key Construction Braum's Ice Cream and Dairy Stores Epic Charter Schools Kiewit Power Engineers, Co. Bridgestone Ethos Group Killeen ISD Broken Arrow Public Schools Exiss/Sooner Trailers Kimberly-Clark Corporation Brooksource ExxonMobil - Controllers KIPP Reach College Preparatory BSE Structural Engineers, LLC ExxonMobil - Engineering Kirkpatrick Forest Curtis PC (KFC Buckle ExxonMobil - IT Engineering) Burns & McDonnell EY Koch Industries, Inc. Camp Loughridge Farmers Claims Center KPMG, LLP Camp War Eagle Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City L-3 Mission Integration CBEW Professional Group, LLP Fentress Architects Lansing Trade Group CCH Wolters Kluwer First National Bank of Syracuse Layne Christensen Company CED - Consolidated Electrical First United Bank Liberty Mutual Insurance Distributors Flintco LLC Linn Energy Cenergistic Florida Gulf Coast University Love's Travel Stops CenterPoint Energy FM Global LWPB, P.C. CGB Enterprises, Inc. Foundations Counseling Center, LLC Magellan Partners,L.P. CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts Marcus Hotels and Resorts Company (CHPRC) FSW&B CPA's-PLLC Mariner Consulting Cherokee Nation Businesses Gardner Architects Marriott International Inc. Corporation Garney Construction Mass Architect, Inc. Chevron-Phillips Chemical Co. GDH Consulting Mata Traders Chipotle Mexican Grill GE Johnson Maverick Technologies 18 McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. ProBuild The Hertz Corporation McLane Company, Inc Professional Sports Catering The Lane Construction Corporation MHC Kenworth Quorum Business Solutions The Lincoln Electric Co. Michele Marie PR Reasor's, Inc. The Ross Group Construction Corp. Michelin North America Republic National Distributing Company The Scoular Company Mid-Del Schools Rexel USA Travelers Insurance Co. MidFirst Bank Roberts Ranch of Oklahoma, LLC Trident Risk Managment LLC Mill Creek Lumber Rockgate Financial Partners-John Trinity River Energy Modern Woodmen Fraternal Financial Hancock Financial Network Tulsa Country Club MONSANTO COMPANY Rogers O'Brien Tulsa Educare, Inc. Murphy Family Ventures LLC Ross Stores, Inc Tulsa Legacy Charter School National Instruments RSM US LLP Tulsa Public Schools Nationwide Insurance Rush Enterprises U.S. Navy NETSCOUT San Antonio ISD United Rentals Noble Energy, Inc. Sandia National Laboratories Uplift Education NORDAM SandRidge Energy US Beef DBA Arby's Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Sapulpa Public Schools USAA Nucor Building Systems Seaboard Foods USD #470 - Arkansas City, Kansas OGE Energy Corp. Selser Schaefer Architects USD #480 - Liberal, Kansas Convention and Visitors Seventy Seven Energy Valero Energy Corporation Bureau Sheraton Hotel Vaughn Construction Company Oklahoma City Public Schools Sherwin-Williams Automotive Division Village Tech Schools Oklahoma Department of Human Sherwin-Williams Company Vinson Process Controls Company, LP Services SHI International Corp Vista Host, Inc. Oklahoma Department of Transportation Signature Services Waffle House, Inc. Oklahoma Pork Council Skyland Grain LLC Walgreens Omni Dallas Hotel Socorro Consolidated Walmart Replenishment Division Oncor Electric Delivery Southland Industries Walmart Stores, Inc. ONE Gas, Inc. Walmart Stores, Logistics ONEOK, Inc. Spring Valley Construction Company Division/Engineering OpenLink Staffelbach Waste Connections of Oklahoma Otis Elevator Company Stantec Webco Industries, Inc. Oxbow Calcining LLC Staples, Inc. Welch State Bank Pappas Restaurants Stephens Inc. Wells Fargo Paychex, Inc. Stinnett & Associates Weyerhaeuser Company Sulzer Chemtech USA Inc. White Lodging PepsiCo SUNY-New Paltz Whitley Penn Peterbilt Motors Company Sutherland Global Services Williams Companies Peters & Chandler, P.C. T.D. Williamson, Inc. Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. PFSweb, Inc. TD*X Associates WPX Energy PGA-Northern Texas Section, Junior Teach For America WRA Architects, Inc. Phillips 66 Texas Instruments XTO Energy Pickard Chilton Architects Textron Aviation Companies (Beechcraft Inc. or Its Affiliates Pinstripes, Inc. Corporation and Cessna Aircraft) Zeeco, Inc. Pond & Company The Around Campus Group Zernco, Inc. Poole Fire Protection The Beck Group Populous (formerly HOK Sport Venue The Boeing Company Event) The Broadmoor PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP The Cincinnati Insurance Companies

19 Career Fairs

Overall Student Attendance at Career Fairs 10000 9334 9000 8115 8236 8172 8000 7000 6537 5730 6000 5504 4876 5070 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

Career Fair Student Career Fair Employer Attendance Attendance 227 3000 2461 250 2233 2500 200 177 2000 143 1332 150 123 1500 1050 1164 100 100 70 1000 687 65 53 34 500 129 113 165 50 25 0 0

FY16 FY16

20 Part-Time & Volunteer Job Fair

Student Attendance Employer Attendance 1000 70 64 65 62 900 868 60 800 51 668 687 700 641 50 45 600 562 39 40 37 38 500 464 33 30 400

300 20 200 10 100 0 0 0 0 0 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

Prior to FY11, the event has been held in the Student Union Atrium with no method to accurately track students PTVJF Participants Bank SNB Highland Ventures Limited Mindy's Memory Primate OSU - Student Affairs - Sonic Drive-In Franchise Big Brothers Big Sisters of Humane Society of Stillwater Sanctuary Campus Life - Service Stillwater Area Sports Learning Volunteer Center Oklahoma Jimmy John's Gourmet MoJo's Rock 'N' Bowl Grill Association Braum's Ice Cream and Dairy Sandwiches Multi Arts Center OSU - Student Support Stillwater Area United Way, Services Stores Judith Karman Bristol Murphy's Department Store Inc. Buckle Hospice OSU - Student Union - Stillwater Group Homes, Inc. Oklahoma WONDERtorium Student Union Cato Fashions Corporation Kay Jewelers Oklahoma Works Stillwater Administrative Services Stillwater Habitat for Humanity Chillwater Apparel Lake McMurtry Friends, Inc. Job Service OSU - Undergraduate City Year Lee Glass & Window Old Navy / GAP Admissions Office Stillwater Life Services Eskimo Joe's Clothes Legal Aid Services of OSU - Atherton Hotel / The OSU Cowboy Dining Stillwater Medical Center Eskimo Joe's, Inc. Oklahoma, Inc. Rancher's Club Pagoda Pizza TBI Raiders Express Employment LegalShield OSU - Athletics Payne County American Red The Salvation Army Professionals Life Out of the Box OSU - Campus Recreation - Cross TransAmerica Financial Famous Footwear Mad Science Intramural Sports Payne County Youth Services Advisors, Inc. Fastenal Company Marco's Pizza OSU - LASSO Ross Stores, Inc Turning Point Ranch GameStop Maurices OSU - Parking and Transit Shepherd Oil Company Wesley Foundation at OSU Here 2 There International Mexico Joe's OSU - Scholarships and Slim Chickens Wings of Hope Family Crisis Financial Aid Services

21 Agricultural, Food, Environmental & Natural Sciences Career Fair

Student Attendance Employer Attendance 1200 120 1050 1035 1016 100 959 1000 100 91 78 800 80 71 72 75 677 650 611 62 62 571 600 494 60 50 51 43 371 38 400 311 40 270 280 186 200 20 0 0 0 0

Fall Spring Fall Spring

*No Spring Fair held Participants

AdvancePierre Foods Farm Credit Lansing Trade Group Oklahoma Tourism & Seaboard Foods AgriCorps Farm Credit Administration Lazy E Arena, Inc. Recreation Department Servi-Tech, Inc. American AgCredit Farmers Claims Center LegalShield OSU - CASNR - Study Simmons Foods, Inc. Andy's Sprinkler Service, Inc. Farmers Grain Company Meshek & Associates, PLC Abroad Skyland Grain LLC Archer Daniels Midland Farmers Insurance and MHC Kenworth OSU - Center for Veterinary Texas Christian University (ADM) Financial Services - STW Mid Kansas Cooperative Health Sciences Ranch Management Attebury Grain, LLC Fastenal Company Association OSU - Student Affairs - Program BancCentral National First National Bank of Missouri State University Career Services Texas Farm, LLC Association Syracuse Monsanto ( The Maschhoffs Inc. Bar-S Foods Harps Food Stores Murphy Family Ventures LLC OSU Center for Health The Scoular Company Bartlett and Company Heads Up Landscape Murphy-Brown, LLC Sciences - Osteopathic The University of Tulsa Bayer CropScience Contractors, Inc. OK Foods, INC Medicine College of Law Bela Flor Nurseries, Inc. Helena Chemical Company Oklahoma Agricultural OSU Environmental Science The University of Tulsa Brickman/Valleycrest Hertz Equipment Rental Cooperative Council Graduate Program Graduate School Bunge North America Corporation (OACC) OSU Master of International Triumph Foods, LLC Cactus Feeders Hilmar Cheese Company Oklahoma City University Agriculture Program Tyson Foods, Inc. Cal-Maine Foods International Paper School of Law OSU Spears School of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Capital Farm Credit J.B. Hunt Transport Oklahoma Cooperative Business - MBA Program U.S. Peace Corps Cargill, Inc. J.D. Heiskell & Co. Extension Service OSU-Tulsa Graduate Student University of Arkansas Cattle Empire, LLC JBS USA Oklahoma Department of Services Center US Beef DBA Arby's CGB Enterprises, Inc. Kansas State University Environmental Quality Premier Advisors Group USDA Farm Service Agency Cleveland Chiropractic Graduate School Oklahoma Medical Research Premium Pet Health (FSA) College Kentucky Equine Foundation (OMRF) Reagan Smith Energy USDA Food Safety and Crop Quest Management Internship Oklahoma State Department Solutions, Inc. Inspection Service (FSIS) Cytovance Biologics Program of Health Roberts Ranch of Oklahoma, USDA National Agricultural Davey Tree Expert Co. Koch Industries, Inc. Oklahoma State University LLC Statistics Service (NASS) Deltic Timber Corporation Land O'Lakes, Inc. Graduate College Schreiber Foods, Inc. Welch State Bank Dow AgroSciences Landcare Oklahoma Teach Ag-Ed SCS Aquaterra

22 CEAT Engineering Career Fair Student Attendance Employer Attendance 3000

2461 250 2500 227 2114 2168 2156 198 200 179 2000 1797 172 172 1702 1650 1576 152 1371 150 1500 121 120

1000 100

500 50

0 0 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 Participants

3M Company BP Houston Crossland Construction Freese and Nichols, Inc. J. F. Ahern Co. AAON, Inc. Brasfield & Gorrie Company Garmin International J.B. Hunt Transport ABB Inc. Burns & McDonnell Cust-O-Fab, Inc. Garver James R. Thompson, Inc. Ada Jobs Foundation Byrne Construction Services CVR Energy GE Johnson Construction JE Dunn Construction Adolfson & Peterson CACI FEDERAL CymSTAR LLC Company JENSEN HUGHES Construction capSpire, Inc. D.E. Harvey Builders GE Oil & Gas Johnson Controls, Inc AGCO Corporation CCH Wolters Kluwer Dashiell Corporation General Dynamics SATCOM KAMO Power Aguirre & Fields, LP CEC Infrastructure Solutions Defense Contract Technologies (Vertex RSI) Kansas Department of Air Hygiene International, CenterPoint Energy Management Agency Georgia-Pacific Transportation Inc. Cerner Corporation Devon Energy GFS Texas (Fire Protection kerr 3 design group, inc. A-lert Roof Systems CH2M HILL Plateau Dewberry Contractor) Kiewit Alston Construction Remediation Company Dimensional Innovations Granite Construction, Inc. Kimberly-Clark Corporation Amec Foster Wheeler (CHPRC) Ditch Witch Great Southwestern Kimley-Horn American Airlines Chesapeake Energy Duit Construction Construction Koch Industries, Inc. American Cast Iron Pipe Corporation EASi Guernsey L-3 Mission Integration Company Chevron-Phillips Chemical Eaton Corporation Guy Engineering Services, Inc Layne Christensen Company American Electric Power - Co. Egen Solutions Inc H.W. Lochner, Inc. Liberty Mutual Insurance AEP Cimarex Energy Co. EIKON Consultant Group, Haas Metal Engineering, Inc. Lincoln Electric American Fire Protection CITGO Refining & Chemicals LLC Halliburton Lithko Contracting Group Inc. CNA Insurance Electrical Consultants, Inc. Helmerich & Payne, Inc. Lufthansa Technik Anheuser-Busch InBev Comanche Nation Empire District Electric Henderson Engineers, Inc. Component Services Aon Fire Protection Construction LLC Company Henkels & McCoy, Inc. Macedon Technologies Engineering Commercial Fire Enbridge Energy, LLC HFA Magellan Midstream APAC ConocoPhillips Entergy Nuclear HNTB, Inc. Partners,L.P. ArcBest Corporation Consolidated Nuclear Enviro Systems, Inc. HollyFrontier Corporation Marine Corps, Archer Western Construction Security, LLC / Pantex Epic Honeywell Matrix PDM Engineering AREVA CORE Construction Exelon Houston Interests Maverick Technologies Ascent Resources Cowan Group Engineering ExxonMobil - Engineering HP Engineering Inc. McCarthy Building Austin Bridge and Road CP&Y Inc. Flight Safety International Hutton Construction Companies, Inc. B+T Group Crafton Tull and Associates Flintco LLC Corporation McClelland Consulting Baker Concrete Construction CRC-Evans Pipeline FM Global Hydraquip Distribution Engineers, Inc. Barry-Wehmiller Design International/Stanley Black Ford Audio-Video Systems, IBA Particle Therapy Meshek & Associates, PLC Group, Inc. and Decker LLC. Idaho National Laboratory Michelin North America Benchmark Group Credera Frankfurt-Short-Bruza, IMA Financial Group MKEC Engineering, Inc. Blattner Energy, Inc. Associates, P.C. International Paper Monte R. Lee and Company

23 MYCON General Contractors Oncor Electric Delivery Quorum Business Solutions Tetra Tech Valero Energy Corporation NASA Goddard Space Flight ONE Gas, Inc. Red Sky Constructors, LLC Texas Department of Vinson Process Controls Center One3 Design, Inc. RedStone Construction Transportation Company, LP National Fire Sprinkler ONEOK, Inc. Services, LLC Texas Instruments Wallace Engineering Association OpenLink Financial LLC Ruhrpumpen, Inc. Textron Aviation Companies Walmart Replenishment National Instruments Oscar J. Boldt Construction Sandia National Laboratories (Beechcraft Corporation Division NAVSEA WARFARE CENTERS OSU - Business - MBA SandRidge Energy and Cessna Aircraft) Walmart Stores, Logistics - INDIAN HEAD EOD OSU - Environmental Science Savannah River Nuclear The Boeing Company Division/Engineering TECHNOLOGY DIVISION Graduate Program Solutions The Brandt Companies, LLC Webco Industries, Inc. NORDAM OSU-Tulsa Graduate Student SCA Consulting Engineers The Lane Construction Western Farmers Electric Northstar Building Group Services Center SCS Aquaterra Corporation Cooperative Northwest Crane Service PACCAR Winch Seventy Seven Energy The Rowland Group Western States Fire Nova Group, Inc. Paragon Contractors, LLC SMC Consulting Engineers, Timberlake Construction Protection Nucor Building Systems Paragon Films, Inc. P.C. Tinker Air Force Base Civilian Williams OGE Energy Corp. Paycom Southland Industries Employment Wolf Creek Nuclear Oklahoma Department of PCL Industrial Constuction SpawGlass Contractors, Inc. Trane Company Operating Corporation Environmental Quality Co Spirit AeroSystems Travelers Insurance Co. Womack Machine Supply Co. Oklahoma Department of PepsiCo Spring Valley Construction Trinity River Energy XTO Energy Transportation Peterbilt Motors Company Company U.S. Air Force Zeeco, Inc. Olsson Associates Phillips 66 T.D. Williamson, Inc. U.S. Navy OMNI Mechanical Services, Poole Fire Protection Tanner Consulting, LLC University of Missouri School LLC Professional Engineering Tektronix Communications of Law Omnitracs, LLC Consultants, P.A. Terracon USAA

24 Business Career Fair

Student Attendance Employer Attendance

2500 200 185 2233 167 177 2051 180 1868 160 2000 1792 160 147 146 132 140 124 1500 120 1240 1230 1230 1239 103 1162 100 1000 80 60 500 40 20 0 0 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16


180 Medical, Inc. ConocoPhillips ImageNet Consulting Oklahoma Tax Commission Texas Comptroller of Public Accel Financial Staffing COUNTRY Financial Insight Global, Inc. ONE Gas, Inc. Accounts Solutions CrossCom National InterWorks ONEOK, Inc. Texas Tech University School of ACTIVE Network DaySpring Community ISN OpenLink Financial LLC Law Aerotek Services, a division of PFH Jason's Deli Opportune LLP Textron Aviation Companies Airgas DEA (Drug Enforcement JET Program / Consulate- Oral Roberts University (Beechcraft Corporation and Ally Financial Administration) General of Japan at Houston OSU - Business - MBA Cessna Aircraft) American Family Insurance Deloitte JoCo, Jobing Confidential LLC OSU - Environmental Science The Boeing Company American Fidelity Assurance Devon Energy Koch Industries, Inc. Graduate Program The Hertz Corporation Company Dillard's, Inc. KPMG, LLP OSU - International Studies The State of Oklahoma America's Car-Mart Dollar General Corporation LegalShield OSU - Master of Agriculture, The University of Tulsa College Anheuser-Busch Sales of E & J Gallo Winery Liberty University School of International Agriculture of Law Oklahoma Eide Bailly, LLP Law Degree Tulsa Police Department APMEX, Inc. Elevate Love's Travel Stops Otis Elevator Company U.S. Air Force Civilian ArcBest Corporation Enterprise Rent-a-Car (ERAC) Magellan Midstream Paycom Employment Tinker Air Force ArcBest Technologies Ethos Group Partners,L.P. Penske Truck Leasing Base Arledge & Associates, P.C., ExxonMobil Marine Corps, United States PepsiCo U.S. Customs and Border CPA's EY Martindale Consultants, Inc. Phillips 66 Protection Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Family Video McCoy's Building Supply PLS Logistics Services U.S. Probation Office/Western Management Services, Inc. Farmers Claims Center McGladrey LLP Premier Advisors Group / District of Oklahoma Ascent Resources Farmers Insurance and Melton Truck Lines, Inc. Legacy Planning Partners Uline Bank of Oklahoma (BOK) Financial Services - STW MidFirst Bank PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP United American Insurance - Bank SNB Fastenal Company Mill Creek Lumber Quad Graphics Torchmark Barbara A. Ley, P.C. Federal Bureau of Investigation Modern Woodmen Fraternal Quorum Business Solutions United Rentals BKD (FBI) Financial Rexel USA United States Border Patrol Blastrac Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas MultiView Inc. Robert Half University of Central Oklahoma Bridgestone Retail Operations City NAPA Auto Parts (Genuine Rockgate Financial Partners- - MBA Brookdale Ferguson Enterprises Inc. Auto Parts) John Hancock Financial University of Oklahoma - Brooksource Fidelity Investments New York Life Insurance Network College of Law Brown, Graham & Co. First United Bank Company Roderick H. Polston, P.C. USAA Buckle FSW&B CPA's-PLLC Noble Energy, Inc. Ross Stores, Inc Verizon Communications, Inc. Busby Ford & Reimer, LLC Gateway Mortgage Group Noble Systems Corp Rush Enterprises Walgreens C.H. Robinson GDH Consulting Northwest Crane Service Sandia National Laboratories Walmart Replenishment Cameron University Glazer's Distributors Northwestern Mutual Financial SandRidge Energy Division capSpire, Inc. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Network Seventy Seven Energy Warren CAT CCH Wolters Kluwer Company Oklahoma Christian University- Shearer Supply Welch State Bank CCK Strategies Grant Thornton, LLP Graduate School of Business Sherwin-Williams Company Wells Fargo CED - Consolidated Electrical Greater Oklahoma City Oklahoma City University SHI International Corp White Lodging Distributors Chamber School of Law Sonic Drive-In (Corporate Williams Cerner Corporation Hal Smith Restaurant Group Oklahoma Department of Restaurant Group) WPX Energy Cherokee Nation Businesses HealthBack Holdings, LLC Human Services Chesapeake Energy Hein & Associates LLP Oklahoma Office of Spirit AeroSystems Corporation Helmerich & Payne, Inc. Management and Enterprise Stinnett & Associates Cintas Hilti, Inc. Services Stone Trucking Commerce Bank HoganTaylor, LLP Oklahoma State University Synaptic Resources, LLC Compass Group IBC Bank Graduate School Target Stores 25

OSU-Tulsa Career Fairs

Student Attendance Employer Attendance 180 70 165 65 160 60 53 53 140 129 51 49 50 127 109 118 117127 50 120 113 4445 43 107 41 41 40 96 98 100 88 40 86 85 34 3632 34 75 72 29 80 30 25 60 20 40 10 20 0 0 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 Fall Spring Fall Spring Participants - Fall

America's Car-Mart Environmental Science Graduate Oklahoma Air National Guard Roderick H. Polston, P.C. AT&T Program Oklahoma Joe's BBQ Ronco construction BKD Family & Children's Services Oklahoma State Department of Schnake Turnbo Frank BOK Financial Family Video Health Shadow Mountain Behavioral Health Braum's Ice Cream and Dairy Stores Gateway Mortgage Group Oral Roberts University System CAP Tulsa Helmerich & Payne, Inc. OSU - Human Development and Sherwin-Williams Company Cherokee Elder Care/PACE Hilti, Inc. Family Sciences Department Spirit AeroSystems Cherokee Nation Businesses International Studies Abroad (ISA) OSU - International Studies Stotts, Archambo, Mueggenborg & City Year Macy's Logistics & Operations OSU - Tulsa and OSU - CHS Barclay, P.C. Counseling & Recovery Services of Magellan Midstream Partners,L.P. OSU Medical Center Target Stores Oklahoma Matrix Service Company OSU-Tulsa Graduate Student The University of Tulsa Graduate COUNTRY Financal Melton Truck Lines, Inc. Services Center School Cox Media Group Tulsa New York Life Insurance Company OU-Tulsa Tulsa Police Department DaySpring Community Services of Northeastern State University PCC Aerostructures - Walden's United States Air Force Reserve Oklahoma Northwestern Mutual Financial Machine Urban Teachers Enterprise Rent-A-Car (ERAC) Network Resource Corporation of America Verizon Communications, Inc.

Participants - Spring

Broken Arrow Public Schools Gateway Mortgage Group Oklahoma Department of Human Southern Nazarene University Camp Loughridge Jenks Public Schools Services The University of Tulsa College of CAP Tulsa Lufthansa Technik Component Oral Roberts University Law Cintas Services OSU Medical Center - Managed by Tulsa Educare, Inc. City Year Melton Truck Lines, Inc. Mercy Tulsa Housing Authority (THA) Counseling & Recovery Services of New York Life Insurance Company OSU-Tulsa Graduate Student Tulsa Police Department Oklahoma NORDAM Services Center Tulsa Public Schools Cox Media Group Northeastern State University OU-Tulsa Union Public Schools Cricket Wireless Northwestern Mutual Financial PCC Aerostructures Webco Industries, Inc. Enterprise Rent-a-Car (ERAC) Network PennWell Corporation Family & Children's Services Reasor's, Inc.

26 OSU Career Fair Student Attendance 250 3000 200 84 2500 150 2000 1078 39 1500 100 199 189 201 86 170 181 1877 1000 1911 135 1719 127 127 1559 50 104 1295 1222 1246 500 1184 1023

0 0 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

Day 1 Both Days Day 2 Day 1 Both Days Day 2

OSU Career Fair Participants - Day 1

180 Medical, Inc. E & J Gallo Winery Insight Global OSU - International Studies Target Stores Aerotek, Inc. Effective Teaching and Learning International Insurance Brokers, OSU - Master of International Textron Aviation Companies American Airlines Enid Regional Development LTD. Agriculture Program (Beechcraft Corporation and American Fidelity Assurance Alliance InterWorks OSU-Tulsa Graduate Student Cessna Aircraft) Company Enterprise Rent-a-Car (ERAC) ISNetworld Services Center The Hertz Corporation AmeriCorps NCCC Ethos Group JoCo, Jobing Confidential LLC Otis Elevator Company The State of Oklahoma APMEX, Inc. Exiss/Sooner Trailers JRMB II, Inc. Paycom The University of Tulsa College of ArcBest Corporation Express Employment KFOR NewsChannel 4 Penske Truck Leasing Law Arney & Associates, Inc. Professionals KOKI Fox 23, KMYT My41 PepsiCo Tinker Air Force Base Civilian Around Campus Group ExxonMobil - IT Korn/Ferry Futurestep, Inc. PFSweb, Inc. Employment Bank SNB EY Love's Travel Stops Premier Advisors Group Tulsa Police Department BKD, LLP Family & Children's Services Magellan Midstream Partners,L.P. ProBuild U.S. Department of State Blusource Inc. Farm Credit Administration Marine Officer Programs Putnam City Public Schools U.S. Navy Bridgestone Farmers Claims Center Maurices Quorum Business Solutions U.S. Peace Corps BrightView Farmers Insurance and Financial Maxsys Solutions Restaurant Management U.S. Probation Office/Western Brookdale Services - STW McCoy's Building Supply Company DBA Pizza Hut District of Oklahoma Brooksource Fastenal Company MHC Kenworth Robert Half United Airlines Buckle Federal Aviation Administration MidFirst Bank Rockgate Financial Partners-John United Rentals Buxton (FAA) Missouri State University Hancock Financial Network United States Air Force Officer C.H. Robinson Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas Nalco Champion Ross Stores, Inc Recruiting CCH Wolters Kluwer City National Standard RSM US LLP United States Border Patrol CED - Consolidated Electrical Ferguson, A Wolseley Company New York Life Insurance Rush Enterprises University of Arkansas Global Distributors First United Bank Company Seaboard Foods Campus Cerner Corporation FlyingTee Nextep Seventy Seven Energy University of Central Oklahoma - Cherokee Nation Businesses GDH Consulting Northwest Crane Service Shaw Industries, Inc. MBA Chickasaw Nation Grant Thornton, LLP Northwestern Mutual Financial Sherwin-Williams Automotive University of Tulsa Cintas Greater Oklahoma City Chamber Network Division Verizon City of Dallas, Police Department Group 1 Automotive, Inc. Oklahoma Christian University- Sherwin-Williams Company Walgreens City Year Heavy Construction Systems Graduate School of Business SHI International Corp Walmart Replenishment Division Conifer Health Solutions Specialists (HCSS) Oklahoma Department of Human Welch State Bank ConocoPhillips Hein & Associates LLP Services Stinnett & Associates Youth Villages Deloitte Highland Ventures, Ltd. Oklahoma Office of Management Summit Business Systems Dillard's, Inc. Hilti, Inc. and Enterprise Services Sunbeam Family Services Early Direct Energy HMS OSU - Air Force ROTC Head Start Ditch Witch IBC Bank OSU - Business - MBA Superior Automotive Group

27 OSU Career Fair Participants - Day 2 A&M Engineering and Electrical Consultants, Inc. Logical Paradigm LLC OU - College of Public Health- The Lincoln Electric Co. Environmental Services, Inc. Emp Serv, LLC/Pipestone System Love's Travel Stops Dept. of Occupational & The University of Tulsa College of Aguirre & Fields, LP Enercon Services, Inc. Lufthansa Technik Component Environmental Health Law American Airlines Enid Regional Development Services Paycom Tinker Air Force Base Civilian American Electric Power - AEP Alliance Magellan Midstream Partners,L.P. PepsiCo Employment American Fire Protection Group Enviro Systems, Inc. Marine Officer Programs Pond & Company U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Inc. ERP Analysts Markwest Energy Partners, LP Putnam City Public Schools U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Aon Exelon Corporation Marsh USA, Inc. Quorum Business Solutions U.S. Department of Agriculture Appendix R Solutions Exiss/Sooner Trailers Michelin North America Ryder Integrated Logistics (USDA) - Food Safety and ArcBest Corporation Express Employment MKEC Engineering, Inc. Sandia National Laboratories Inspection Service (FSIS) Bar-S Foods Professionals Nalco Champion Schreiber Foods, Inc. U.S. Navy Blattner Energy, Inc. ExxonMobil - IT Nalco Champion Seaboard Foods U.S. Peace Corps Burns & McDonnell Federal Aviation Administration National Standard Seaman Crop Consulting United States Air Force Officer capSpire, Inc. (FAA) NETSCOUT Shepherd Controls Recruiting CCH Wolters Kluwer Five Rivers Cattle Company JBS NORDAM Smithfield Hog Production University of Arkansas Global CEI Engineering Greater Oklahoma City Chamber Northwest Crane Service Division Campus Cerner Corporation Halliburton Nucor Building Systems Southern Landscape University of Central Oklahoma - CNI (Chickasaw Nation HCSS OGE Energy Corp. Southland Industries MBA Industries) Hewlett Packard (HP) Oklahoma Department of US Army Health Care Cobb-Vantress Inc. Honeywell Aero (FM&T) & ACS Environmental Quality & Spirit AeroSystems Valero Energy Corporation Conifer Health Solutions (HBS) OKDEQ Lab Division Subsite Electronics Victory Energy ConocoPhillips HSI Sensing Olsson Associates Synaptic Resources, LLC Walmart Stores, Logistics Consolidated Nuclear Security, IBM Corporation Omnitracs, LLC Texas Christian University Ranch Division/Engineering LLC / Pantex InterWorks Oncor Electric Delivery Management Program Western Farmers Electric Cooper Tire & Rubber Company IT Excel LLC One3 Design Inc Texas Instruments Cooperative Crafton Tull and Associates JENSEN HUGHES OSU - Air Force ROTC Textron Aviation Companies Western States Fire Protection Credera Kimberly-Clark Corporation OSU - Business - MBA (Beechcraft Corporation and Womack Machine Supply Co. Ditch Witch L-3 Mission Integration OSU - Master of International Cessna Aircraft) EASi Landscapes USA Agriculture Program The Boeing Company Eastman Chemical Company Liberty Mutual Insurance OSU-Tulsa Graduate Student The Brandt Companies, LLC Egen Solutions Inc Logan University Services Center The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.

28 Education & Teacher Job Fair

Student Attendance Employer Attendance 250 80 70 212 66 70 197 200 60 59 178 60 160 161 165 53 150 137 50 127 122 38 40 36 37 30 100 30

20 50 10

0 0 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 Fy16


Alief ISD - Houston, TX El Reno Public Schools KIPP Reach College Sapulpa Public Schools Archdiocese of Oklahoma Enid Public Schools Preparatory Shawnee Public Schools City Epic Charter Schools Knowledge Is Power Program Sherman ISD ASTEC Charter Schools Farmington Municipal (KIPP) Socorro Consolidated Bartlesville Public Schools Schools Mid-Del Schools Stillwater Public Schools Bishop McGuinness Frisco Independent School Midland ISD, Texas Stonebridge Academy Broken Arrow Public Schools District Mustang Public Schools Sunbeam Family Services CAP Tulsa Garland ISD Norman Public Schools Early Head Start Carrollton-Farmers Branch Great Bend USD 428 Oklahoma City Public Schools Teacher Job Network ISD Guthrie Public Schools OSU - College of Education Tulsa Educare, Inc. Choctaw - Nicoma Park Harding Charter Preparatory OSU-Tulsa Graduate Student Tulsa Legacy Charter School Public Schools High School Services Center Tulsa Public Schools City Year Harding Fine Arts Academy Overseas Education Services Union Public Schools Coffeyville Unified School Hennessey Public Schools, Plano ISD Uplift Education District (USD 445) Oklahoma Ponca City Public Schools USD #470 - Arkansas City, Crowley ISD Hobbs Municipal Schools Professional Oklahoma Kansas Dallas ISD Jenks Public Schools Educators USD #480 - Liberal, Kansas Deer Creek Public Schools John Rex Charter Elementary Putnam City Public Schools Village Tech Schools Denton ISD School Reading Partners Westminster School Discovery School of Tulsa Katy ISD Richardson ISD Yukon Public Schools Ector County ISD Killeen ISD Riverfield Country Day School Edmond Public Schools San Antonio ISD

29 Summer Camp Fair

Employer Attendance

40 37 35 34 35 31 32 30 27 25 25 25 25





0 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16


Baptist General Convention of Camp McFadden Inc. Oklahoma City Boathouse Oklahoma/Falls Creek and Camp Olympia Foundation CrossTimbers Camp War Eagle Project Transformation Camp ClapHans Camp Wood YMCA Shiloh Summer Camp Camp Fern for Boys and Girls Forest Glen Camps Sky Ranch Cave Springs Camp Fire Green Country Girl Scouts - Western Oklahoma, St. Crispin's Summer Camp Camp Fire Heart of Oklahoma: Inc. Tulsa Parks Camp DaKaNi Glorieta Camps YMCA CAMP CLASSEN Camp Grady Spruce YMCA Indian Nations Council-Boy YMCA of Greater Tulsa Camp Longhorn Scouts of America YMCA of Ponca City Camp Loughridge

30 Other Career Fairs & Events

Employer Attendance 60 53 55 50 51 50 44 45 39 38 39 39 36 38 38 37 40 34 35 30 31 28 28 30 27 30 24 25 24 25 21 16 16 20 15 10 10 5 0 Architecture Career Fair Hospitality Days Construction Management Communications Networking Event Expo FY10 FY11 FY12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY16

Architecture Career Fair

Architects In Partnership HFA Populous (formerly HOK Sport BSE Structural Engineers, LLC HKS Inc. Venue Event) Corgan Associates, Inc. Hoefer Wysocki Architecture Professional Engineering Cyntergy AEC HOK Consultants, P.A. D2 Architecture Kirkpatrick Forest Curtis PC (KFC Rees Associate, Inc. Dewberry Engineering) Selser Schaefer Architects Fentress Architects KSQ Architects,PC SGA Design Group Frankfurt-Short-Bruza, LWPB, P.C. Staffelbach Associates, P.C. MA+ Architecture Stantec Gardner Architects Mass Architect, Inc. The Beck Group GH2 ARCHITECTS, LLC Miller Architects, Inc. Wallace Engineering GSB, Inc. Architects + Planners Omniplan Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Guernsey Perkins+Will Inc. Hastings+Chivetta Architects Pickard Chilton Architects WRA Architects, Inc. Health Facilities Group

31 Other Career Fairs & Events

Hospitality Days

Advantage Waypoint Highgate Hotels Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. Signature Services Ambassador Hotel Collection Hillstone Restaurant Group Oklahoma City Convention and Target Stores Applebee's- Apple Gold Group Hospitality Management LLC Visitors Bureau The Broadmoor Braum's Hyatt Hotels and Resorts Oklahoma City Golf and Country The Saxton Group (dba McAlister's Camp Loughridge Hyatt Regency Tulsa/Aimbridge Club Deli) Cherokee Nation Businesses Hospitality Omni Dallas Hotel Topgolf CoolGreens Inc. J. Alexander's Holdings Osage Casinos Uncle Julio's Corporation Courtyard by Marriott, Downtown Jason's Deli Pappas Restaurants US Beef DBA Arby's OKC Legends Hospitality Pinstripes, Inc. US Foods Darden Love's Travel Stops POSTOAK Lodge & Retreat Vista Host, Inc. Distinctive Brands Luby's, Inc. Professional Sports Catering White Lodging E & J Gallo Winery Marcus Hotels and Resorts Republic National Distributing Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts Marriott International Inc. Company Glazer's Distributors Murphy USA Residence Inn by Marriott Hal Smith Restaurant Group NewcrestImage Sheraton Hotel

Construction Management Technology Career Fair

Adolfson & Peterson Construction D.E. Harvey Builders Grand Homes, Inc. Reco Enterprises Allen Contracting, Inc. Diversified Construction of Hensel Phelps Construction Co. Robins & Morton American Electric Power - AEP Oklahoma Hutton Construction Corporation Rogers O'Brien APAC Drywall Systems, Inc. JE Dunn Construction Smith and Pickel Construction Archer Western Contractors, Ltd. Duit Construction Key Construction, Inc. SpawGlass Contractors, Inc. Baker Concrete Construction Dynaten Corporation Kiewit Spring Valley Construction Company Blackmon-Mooring / BMS CAT EMJ Construction/RedStone Lingo Construction The Beck Group Burns & McDonnell Construction Lithko Contracting The Brandt Companies, LLC Byrne Construction Services Engineered Wall Systems Texas Matrix Service Company The Ross Group Construction Corp. Cadence McShane Construction Faith Technologies, Inc. McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. The Whiting-Turner Contracting Co. CMSWillowbrook FCL Builders McCoy's Building Supply UCI Comanche Nation Construction LLC Flintco LLC Northstar Building Group Vaughn Construction Company CORE Construction Garney Construction Paragon Contractors, LLC Zernco, Inc. Crossland Construction Co., Inc. GE Johnson Construction Company Rausch Coleman Home

Communications Networking Expo Koch Communications Oklahoma State Athletics Paycom Boiling Point Media KOKH Fox 25 Communications Red Dirt International Film Festival Brides of Oklahoma Krush Digital Orange Power Studios Schnake Turnbo Frank Brothers & Co. KTUL-Channel 8 OSU - Athletics - Sales & Marketing Slingshot, LLC Children's Hospital Foundation Northwestern Mutual Financial OSU - Communications Tulsa World Media Company Corbyn Wheeler Network OSU - Library Vann & Associates | PR + Marketing Fabricut Inc. Oklahoma City Dodgers OSU Alumni Association , L.L.C. OSU Athletics - Event Presentation


OSU Career Services 360 Student Union Stillwater, OK 74078 405-744-5253 [email protected]