w Olx VOL. XXXIX. NO. !48. RALEIGH, N. C.. TUESDAY, JAN. 28, 1896. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE LABBEST ODICTIUTII IF AMY IICT WMM DAILY. AMBASSADOR RUNYON DEAD. lias not, stayed the knife or stopped the THE NEWS THIS MORNING. arm of the reckless murderer." (Ap- Suddenly Expires of Heart Failure at plause.) Ite-r, of PASSLU Mr. FOREIGN.- Ex-President THE 10SE llitt asked for a calm ACTIVE considera- CUBANS IRE the German Capital. iFIFTV FOUR KILLED Switzerland, dead.—-Forty-t wo Miners tion of this grave and extraordinary | Washington, Jan. 27, -Theodoreßun- The, killed by an explosion in the Tyler- Resolutions Regard proposition. protection afforded And Are Making Thing Lively Ger- in to Arme- By a Most Terrific Mine Explos- near Cardiff, Wales. — yon. Ambassador to by the code of international law was town coal mine, nian than the Around Havana. many, expired suddenly and unexpect- Outrages. greater the applause from ion in Wales. demands of Venezuela the galleries us put of fail- and enables to out German subjects for build- edly at yesterday heart any w here funds due been in some- our arm amid massacre and the railroad.—American GEN RIGHT ure. Mr. Runyon had INTENSE FEELING AROUSED blood-shed and save American life. AT TYLERSTOWN ing Venezuela MACEO IS ALL what some time COLLIERY residents of Johannesburg ask Secre- feeble health for past, He was not an American citizen if hut no immediate fatal results were tary Olney to send a diplomatic rep- Mr. Hepburn he stood by and saw helpless victims into the Transvaal to look He Has Not Been Cut Off by anticipated. Wants Deeds and slaughtered, shouted Mr. Hardy. (Rep., The Full Number of Dead is Not resentative No than last Tuesday their —Emperor Wil- longer ago Not Words. Lnd.), indignantly. sifter interests. Spanish Troops. evening he was present at a dinner Yet Known. liam celebrates his birth-day. lie was Mr. Hitt explained that he was help- emperor given in his honor by Ex-Empress born Jan. 27, 1859 and became of CONSERVATISM less to do anything. He proceeded to Maceo has not been PEOPLE JOIN INSURGENT ARMY Frederick, mother Emperor Wil- BUT PREVAILED THE WORK OF RESCUE GOING ON June 15, 1888. —Gen liam. Last lie had planned to explain the care with which the reso- cut the troops as report- summer lutions had been and that it off by Spanish make an extended trip through Nor- drawn j men ai*e showing great ac- Mr. not do to be or ed but bis way, on his physi- Stroud Makes His Contribution would rash hasty. He The After-damp arms and Large Stores of Arms and Ammunition but the advice of that tin* evil 1 Was Taken to Connect- tivity. Large quantity of he abandoned this trip, and in- expressed regret was so People flock- Spaniards cian to Solution of the Financial great and remedy so Mr. ing Pits and There is Little ammunition captured. Captured From the stead went to Carlsbad, w here lie took the feeble. Hope ing insurgent standard. Hitt’s remarks served to the Much Damage the euro He subseuently went to Problem in the Shape well-tempered That Any of Uni- and to cool the of many who had at One Survived ’ DOMESTIC—Sudden death Axenstein, in Switzerland, for the. pur- of ardor at. Ber- is Done. Two Bills. first seemed willing to go to the the Accident. ted States Ambassador Runyon pose of taking an after cure. Harri- Washington, Jan. 27. length Mr. Hepburn proposed. lin of heart disease. —Chairman Havana, Jan. 27. —Communication Since that time, however, he has The House Cardiff, Wales, 27. A who President Cleveland sent to the Jan. terrible ty appoints the sub-committee with Pinar del Rio is still very much manifested great activity in tin* dis- to-day alter an interesting four-hour’s arrangements for the House to-day all the correspondence explosion has taken place in a colliery will make the interrupted, but reports received by charge of the duties of his office, which debate adopted the resolutions passed 1 .National Democratic Convention at couriers show that the insurgents have been than usually onerous in possession of the State Department at Tylerstown near this place. The. more by the Senate last, week calling on tin* the Alabama negroes who Chicago. —A young man in Alabama, under Maceo are. displaying great on account of the complications in Eu- regarding shafts were scattered and the whole ther powers signatory to the treaty of Ber- were in Coarualilo, Mexico, ¦ a fit of jealousy, stapms bis sweet- are doing much damage, ropean affairs, which more or less colonized town in activity and have lin to enforce the reforms in former recommenda- | was shaken by the tremendous heart to death with his wooden leg reports disseminated that demanded the attention and care of Turkey and repealed his despite the guaranteed to the Oiristian Armen- concussion, causing a scene of w ild ex- T. 15. Hargrove, a Methodist being closely pursued by the diplomatic representatives of all tion that an appropriation be made for Rev. they were ians and pledging the s ipport at Coldwater, Miss., drops and were anxious nations. His death will come as a of Con- their return to the United States. ! citement. Tho after-damp was carried preacher the Spanish troops, gress to the President in whatever ac- introduced in the dead in his pulpit. —A man in West escape Havana as best they great shock to official and social cir- Among the bills ; to the connecting pits, from the Ty- to into tion In* iii'ght take. The House to-day Stroud, shoots his step-mother and could. cles in Berlin, where he was a great com- House was one by Mr. pit. mittee had prepared some Carolina, to issue silver cer- i lerstown Fifteen Ixxlies have kills His young wife then It admitted that some 2,000 resi- favorite. resolutions of North himself. is on the same subject, it was deem- the bullion now ; been recovered, and 42 miners are to commit suicide by poison.-—A of del Kio province have Theodore .Runyon was born at Som- but tificates against, silver said tries dents Pinar ed advisable when the Senate to prevent the husband at Svvanse, Ala., shoois the of the insurgents. erville, X. J.. October 25, 1822. lie resolu- in the Treasury; also to be missing. jealous joined forces tions reached the House sub- bonds. bill wounds his beautiful young Rodriquez, of Mena, graduated from Yah* College in 1842, to-day to further issue of Another The latest report and fatally Judge Pedro stitute them tor those places the number yet chosen in Ken- Christobal, was 1846 was to the prepart'd by the introduced by Mr. Stroud provides for wife.—No* Senator district of San who and in admitted bar. committee ’ of dead at 54, though it is feared that meeting of National on account of his political in 1856 city councillor of Newark, N. J., a postal fraction currency. tucky.—Annual detained QOigm of New , the further exploraton of the wrecked Board of baseball managers in New opinions, and who was afterwards im- in -856 city councillor of Newark, N.J . Mr. York, wli-> find charge oi iO inis, made an York.—The United States Supreme prisoned for conspiracy against the h position he retained until 1864. when 1 able pre- UTAH’S SENATORS SWORN IN. mine will develop the bodies of more, next week until the city. sentation of the ease but there- was a j The mining population Court adjourns Government, has committed suicide. he lieenmc mayor of the the knew all too first week March. —Admiral Bunce s a junction at He was appointed in A commis- disposition on part of some of the Only One in Pablo Oliva effected 1856 members to go The Republicans Now Lack ( quickly what the muffled, rumbling fleet leaves Hampton Roads. Its des- T’unta de la Sierra, Pinar del Rio, ac- sioner to revise and codify the military furth&r than the reso- lution,s did and of Having a Majority. of the explosion meant, and rushed to unknown.—The gold reserve cording to the latest accounts. The laws of , and in 1837 Mr. Hepburn, of lowa, j tination was to yesterday $30,533,513. —Bronze medals volunteer troops at Paso Real and made Brigadier General and subse- proposed give the Turkish minis- Washington, Jan. 27.—Senators the mouth of the pit only to have their ter his awarded "to exhibitors at World’s Fair Guanos report that large numbers of quently Major General of the New Jer- pass ports and sever all diplo- Frank J. Cannon and Arthur Brown, | worst fears confirmed. The shaft was diplo- matic relat ions w ith Turkey. is ie- new Utah, took the oath now ready for distribution. The insurgents have been at those points in sey National Guard. At the outbreak 11 of the State of found to l>e entirely shattered, and it mas will be completed some time next the direction of the city of Pinar del of the civil war he was placed in com- marks denouncing the Turkish out- of office in the Senate to-day. I and was that there was little month. —Gilbert K. Horton, lime and Kio, and that they have formed a mand of a New* Jersey brigade of vol- rages charging that the powers With tiu* exception of the contested ( evident hope cement dealer, at Providence, JL L, junction with Maceo, whose following unteers. In 1865 lie was Democratic signatory to the treaty of Berlin were election in Delaware, this established I that any of those in the pit could have assigns. Liabilites $70,000. —James, was about 4,000. candidate for Governor of this State, actuated troin political and other con- the political division of the upper survived the explosion. The despair Morgan & Co., of Milwaukee, assign. but not in maintaining the “bal- branch of Congress until March 4, At Mantua, the insurgents learned was elected. From 1873 to siderations ; of the women who flocked about the Liabilites $150,000. —A filibustering ex sources of the where- 1887 he was Chancellor of New Jersey. ance of power” in Eastern Europe, 1897, as follows: Republicans, 44; from confidential mouth of pedition leaves New York with 150 for abouts of large stores of ammunition, In March, 189.!, he was appointed by were received with great enthusiasm Democrats, 39; Populists, 6; total, 89; the pit was terrible. Cuba. The authorities trying to inter- which were all captured. President Cleveland United States Min- and at one time it looked as if the necessary for majority, 45. cept the vessel. —Pugilist Corbett de- At Santa Isabel, which is on the ister to Germany, and shortly after House might be carried to his way of Should Mr. Dupont be seated from THE BONNER MURDER TRIAL. nies that he was whipped by a fireman Western coast of Cuba, the stores were was made Ambassador, in accordance thinking. But the counsel of Mr. iiitt Delaware, the Republican vote would the National Theatre, not to take rash increased to 45,but at thesame time, at Philadelphia. plundered, and at Santa Marta, the with a law of the United States Con- action in the course be j Three More Speeches Are to be Made and pointed necessary for a majority —Not probable that Democrats same was done. gress that tin* United States represen- of which lie out the dire con- the number by Counsel. Populists will fuse in Kansas. —Mar- Those who are fleeing before the ad- tatives in Germany should be raised sequences that might result from a would be increased to 46. Aside from ag- seilles Manufacturing Co., largest vance of the insurgents can go no fur- Jo th** rank of Ambassador, recipro- severance of diplomatic relations with this event, the session was given to j Washington, N. C., Jan. 27.—(Spe- ricultural implement producing con- ther on land, and at Arroyos de Man- cally with similar action on the part a friendly power that had fulfilled her further speeches on the silver bond cial)—The court was called at 9:30 cern in Central Illinois, makes assign- tua. they have boarded tin* pilot boats of the German Government concern- treaty obligations to us, prevailed and bill, two of the members of the body, o’clock this morning, this being the ment-. Liabilites $200,000. —A new anti- Gunnera, Linee, ‘Nueva Holanda, and ing its representative in the United the Hepburn proposition was over- Mr. Hepburn and Mr. Bacon (Dem., third week of the Bonner murder gambling bill introduced in the Vir- Kliivas, for refuge. States. A degree of LL. I). was con- whelmingly defeated. Ga.), making speeches, the former . ease, and Mr. IV. B. Rodman continued ginia Legislature, which is now getting Maceo has now scoured the province ferred upon him by Yale, Rutgers, Mr. Bailey opposed the resolution against the free coinage of silver, and his argument in behalf of the State some in- evils of a gold in good work. Investigation of Pinar del Rio as far west as the sea- and Wesleyan colleges. on the ground that it would be impro- Aft*. Bacon urging the . in a speech of two hours . His was a to charges against Deaf, Dumb and eoast, and it remains to be seen w heth- Mr. Runyon was the successor of per for us to “insuit” the parties to the standard. powerful and logical presentation of Blind Asylum to begin to-day.—An- er the claim of the authorities can be William Walter Phelps, who had held Her /In treaty bv intimating that they Mr. Hansborough (Rep., N. D.), se- j the facts and the application of them nual convention of Republican League made good that he w ill not be allowed tin place of German Minister for four had not carried out their obligations. verely criticised the Secretary of Ag- to each branch of the case. clubs of Virgnia held at Newport News to return to the eastward, or to rejoin years. Mr. Turner, of Georgia, took a similar riculture for the alleged failure to Mr. Rodman was followed by Mr. behind closed doors. —Two babies dead his forces with those of Gomez. A Official notice of the death of Ambas- view and Air. Grosvenor, of Ohio, char- distribute seeds in accordance with the T. Beckwith, for the defendants Bell, and their mother dying, is the result Spanish gunboat on the river Yayabo sador Runyon at Berlin was conveyed acterized the resolutions as “incom- law. Mr. George (Dem., Miss.), defend- He is one of the finest speakers of the a at last i of fire Pittsburg, Pa., night.— has fired upon and dispersed the in- to the State Department by a cable- plete, inefficient and unworthy" and ed Mr. Aforton’s action. The debate . ioeal bar, and it was necessary for Susan B. Anthony re-elected President surgent band commanded by Yavona. gram from Mr. Jackson, the charge requested the committee to withdraw w ill proceed to-morrow. him to retain his seat while he ad- Suffragists of the Woman in session in Forts and war vessels, Orman and d« affairs to Secretary Oluev to-day. them. They were finally passed, how- Air. Lodge offered an amendment to i dressed the jury, yet it was a fine Washington. Spanish, fired salutes to-day in honor but no details of the event were furn- ever, by a vote of J 43—26, after a mo- the bond silver bill, providing for a effort of about four hours duration CONGRESS. —The resolution bond issue of $100,000,000, the Senate of the birthday of Emperor William ished. The Secretary, after consulta- tion of Mr. Bailey to send them to the proceeds ; and showed his familiarity with the in regard the Armenian in l>e to outrages of Germany, and General Marin, the tion with the President, sent a mes- committee bail been defeated, 55—103. to used for coast defences. ; the facts in the case. He presented Turkey adopted by the House after an acting Captain General of Cuba, ac- sage of condolence to the Charge ex- Mr. Hepburn in liis speech said the There was a sharp colloquy between ¦ them with force and power and elo- interesting four-hour debate. —Mr. companied by an aide-de-camp, called pressing the President's regrets. House had listened to a recital such Mr. Bacon, Mr. Hill, Mr. Lindsay and j quence. Strowd, ('., two Stewart, as to of N. introduces bills: upon the German consul here. The body will Im* embalmed and tak- as seldom fell on human ears. Mr. whether the demand j There are three more to to for gold was by to speeches One prevent further issue of bonds en to his home at Newark. X. J. Thirty thousand slaughter- caused the desire follow. All Ihe available in the Christians or the re- j space and the issue of silver certificates on Mr. Runyon was out walking yester- ed by the Turk' because maintain gold payments court room has been filled A FILIBUSTERING EXPEDITION. unspeakable greenbacks. developed all day, and the bullion in the Treasury, and the day, dined with his family and return- of their religious views. And what demption of It ! about seventy-five ladies are attentive a that the new Senator from is other provides for fractional postal ed iit 10:30 p. in. He awoke about mid- was it proposed to do? First make a Georgia listeners. The father and son of the The Steamer Commodore at Wilming- to be an active and skillful debater. j currency. —Utah two Senators sworn night, complained of a pain in the mild protest; then express sympathy murdered man; the father, mother ton in the Conspiracy. Bacon showed a of $4,000,000 in.—Tillman to speak on the financial heart and expired in the arms of his with those who yet remained; men- Mr. cost j and of defendant and annually to State of wife Brantley, question.—A jietition from Mrs. Wal- wife before tin* arrival of the doctor. aced by peril, and suffering for the Georgia in i the uncle and sister of the defendants Washington, Jan. 27. The Spanish grief meeting its share of bond obligations ler in regard to her husband, who was minister lias slaughtered friends, “they do not ! Bell, have been constant attendants French 10 informed the State De- incurred by the Government. Mr. held a prisoner by the for partment that last want sympathy,” said Mr. Hepburn, during the whole case. The defend- months, to the Senate.- Sen- Friday night the A FUTURE FOR GREENSBORO. Tillman (Dem., S. C.), gave notice of a presented stitimer “J. W. impetuously. “They need rescue. . ants all pay close attention to the Jones renews notice of liis inten- Hawkins” left New* financial speech on Wednesday. ator York an They do not want words, but deeds. > speeches. tion to bring silver substitute for the with expedition of 150 men, Cone Brothers to Erect Another Large At 4:50 the Senate went into execu- aims and ammunition and (Prolonged applause.) These resolu- _ a vote Thursday. troops, in Cotton Factory There. tive session, and at 5 adjourned till t bond bill to next command of Calixto Garcia; that she tions ask that those countries that for Senator laxlge introduces his coast de- to-morrow. BASE-BALL MANAGERS MEET. may go South and take more men Greensboro, N. C., Jan. 27.—(Special) years had been derelict in their duty, fense bill as an to the and amendment arms at Beach, Fla., or —Messrs. Caesar and Moses Cone, of discharge their treaty stipula- bond-silver bill. Palm else- should ANOTHER MURDER AT AURORA. A Number of Appeals for Final Decision where; that she w ill pass in the United the Cone Export and Commission tions. What would be the result? w?ek of the Bonner Disposed STATE—Third water near Key West; the. Company, of New York, have secured All the world knew that held Os. murder trial. Speeches of counsel. States that A Negro Man Kills His Wife, Cuts Her arms and ammunition confiscated at the. removal of the selling offices at the Turkish bonds, and that capitalists New York, Jan. 27. The annual Three more yet to l»e made. Another Up and Buries Her. j Cedar Keys, Fla., arc ready to be em- New York to Greensboro. This will to the extent of hundreds of millions meeting of the National Board of ba.se- near negro ( j terrible murder Aurora. A a Washington, N. ~ Jan. 27.—(Spe- barked on a schooner to join the Gar- bring to this city number of the were interested in preserving the ball managers convened at the man kills his wife, cuts her to pieces — s has b«*en received i Fifth cia expedition at sea, and that tin- officers of this company, with their autonomy of the Turkish Empire. cial) New just hero Avenue hotel to-day. Not only are ard buries her.—A big damage suit at of l Steamer “Commodore,” at. Wilmington, families. That,” said he, “is what has kept this tlu* cruel and terrible murder of a some important questions between in- Winston against the Seaboard Air- 1 X. still in port, is in “the conspira- The city of Greensboro has agreed foul blot on the map. (Applause.) colored woman at the hands of her dividual players and before Line.—Winder’s side of the Winder and Barrfield, managers cy.” to open a street sixty feet wide is trying to get control of the husband, Stephen near Au- the meeting, but for the first time in St. John controversy.—Reported split bridge living The. Secretary of the Treasury lists to erect an iron over the South- outlet of the Mediterranean. Ger- rora. Barrfield had been with the history of th** game the minor between the Dukes and Giuters of the street, telegraphed this statement to sill col- ern railroad. This will Im* near many, , and have in- the woman near Idalia, on ihe Turn- leagues have secured recognition. American Tobacco Company.- Fire at long, i lectors of Customs along the. South ly a mile anil the handsomest in terests and the interests of all can lie age place, and they had some misun- The morning session was mainly cle- Louisburg. Ix>ss over $6,000.- Site in 1 arr- J Atlantic coast, with instructions to the city. liest served by preserving the balanee derstanding which resulted i voted to tin* consideration and diseus- selected for Hillriloro’s cotton mill.-- The Messrs. a consult United States attorneys and Cone are erecting of power. field murdering her and then cutting sion of pnqwisiiions made by the East- Leap year ball at Oxford.—Ferrell and large cotton to I action may lie found factory in the suburb of “The resolutions would have uo ef- her all pieces and burying her. ern League. Carter.—Hale damage suit decided at take whatever at cost nearly to prevent any violation of Greensboro, a of $150,- fect. 1 want to do something,” said She was missed yesterday and search The annual election for a chairman, selling offices of the necessary 000, this is completed was seen | Durham.—The international laws. Captain Shoe- and as soon as Mr. Hepburn, “that will mean some- instituted. Th** man placing ! secretary and treasurer resulted ns it Cone Export company to lie moved to another factory as large w ill be built. straw over and this caused maker, of the revenue cutter service thing. At the proper time, I will pro- fresh dirt j has for years past in the election of from New York. The com- A negro by a Greensboro will also give the necessary instruc- woman was clubbed pose as an amendment to the resolu- suspicion afterwords leading to the "Nick” Young, of Washington to the pany w ill build another cotton factory negro man at a dance in High Point- of the body where he had bur- i to commanders of revenue cut- tion that the President be directed to finding ! position. in Greensboro.—A negro woman dub- tions last week, and has since died. The Barrfield was by Mr. ters, every precaution will be furnish the Turkish minister with his ied it. arrested j A number of appeals for final deci- bed to death at a dance in High Point. and murderer has been placed in jail. B. TL living near the scene taken to intercept the “Hawkins.” pass-port* and terminate all diplo- Thompson, sion between players and various clubs —Meeting of the Southern Tobacco his cruel deed. The coroner, Dr. j the fact that some of the offi- matic relations with the government of ! were, considered and disposed of. Manufacturers’ Association called 1o From Joshua Tayloe left for the scene this cers of the cruisers Raleigh and Mont- AND STILL NO SENATOR CHOSEN. of Turkey. That kind of a protest In the ease of Gilman, and Whaley, meet in Greensboro Feb. 12.—Steamer gomery have yet joined their ships, will mean something. (Great ap- afternoon. ! whom the Nerfolk, Ya., club charges Commodore at Wilmington thought to not dastardly deed is th** third one which sailed from Hampton Roads yes- The Blackburn and Hunter Forces plause.) Gentlemen may say,” he con- This with jumping their contracts in the be again in a conspiracy to carry a fili- to happen in that section of tlu* conn terday it. is eveident that the Ballot for the Fifth Time. tinued, “that such a course would not latter part of last season, the Board bustering expedition to Cuba. ty within a little over a year. outside cruise will not Is* of Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 27.—Although be diplomatic or drastic. Perhaps so, decided that neither of the two men long duration and therefore no one expected that a States but it would be some thing more than are eligible as players in any club un- WANT NO FUSION IN United ALMOST A TRIPLE TRAGEDY. KANSAS. it is surmised that the purjKise of the Senator would be. elected to-day the words. Li tus say here to all the world der the Ijeague rules, until a settlement Navy department is to use the Mont- of that we will not recognize as civilized has been mad** by them, with the Nor- and lobbies and galleries the House Thomas Burns Kills His Step-Mother Both Democrats Populists Oppose gomery and the Raleigh to lie in wait- were again crowded at noon, when the governments a country which jiennits folk club, through the chairman of the a Combination. ing off the Virginia capse to pick up fifth ballot of the joint assembly was such outrages; that she is unworthy and then Himself. Board. alleged have a Topeka, Kan., Jan. 27. —There has the Hawkins with the party of taken. to a place among the nations.” Bluefield, W. Ya., Jan. 27. In deal of talk filibusterers under Garcia aboard and The ballot resulted as follows: (Renewed applause.) quarrel at Kyle to-day Airs. Lizzie THE CONVENTION COMMITTEE. been a great newspaper the about the fusion between the Demo- place the ship under detention and Blackburn, 55; Hunter, 36; Hazel, 36; Mr. Hitt, (Rep., 111.), chairman of the Savage was shot and killed by Thomas arrest Affairs, sought Burns, her the shoot- crats and this year with party under for violation of the Wilson, 1; Bate, 1. committee of Foreign step-son. After Chairman Harrity Names the Com- Populists the with went to barn and fired Gliok as the candidate fur Gov- neutrality laws. The joint assembly adjourned imme- to stay headlong enthusiasm ing Burns the mittee of "George Mr. seem- breast caus- Arrangements. While such a combination is diately ufter the vote was announced, which Hepburn’s suggestion a bullet through his left ernor. by dire ing Philadelphia, I’a.. Jan. 27. —Pur- is not probable. Many of until to-morrow noon. ed to meet pointing out the instant death. possible it A JEALOUS HUSBAND’S CRIME. wife saw suant to the resolution leaders are consequences that must follow .such a As soon as his young the authorizing the Democratic opposed she be- the appoinment of th** of with the Pop- Bowling Green, Ky, Jan. 27. Near course. lifeless body fainted and after sub-committee to any kind coalition An Alabama Man Shoots His Beautiful the of the Democratic National ulists, claiming would result Sulphur Springs, Edmundson county, Mr. Hitt said it would not do to ter- ing revived went to house and committee that it Young Wife. friendly which is to have charge arrange- disastrously organization as John Flora, a well-to-do farmer, aged minate ail intercourse with a took poison, it was with great diffi- of the to their of saved. Her ments of the Democratic National did the arrangement of 1892. The Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 27.—At 65, was shot and probably fatally in- power which met all the demands culty that her life was is thought to been derang- convention to be held Chicago, on leaders also are opjsxscd to Swan sc, Blount county yesterday af- jured by his wife, aged 26, while trying our treaties. ”We want no friendly mind ha\e at Populist, a murderer,” July 7, Chairman fusion. ternoon Frank Jones, superintendent to kidnap their child. The couple hail relations with shouted ed. Harrity to-day ap- of Swanse Coal Co., mines shot and been separated a short time. Mr. Hepburn from bis seat. His sen- pointed the following members of the wife, a beautiful timent was applauded by those who Norfolk, Ya., Jan. 27. —The Cruiser Democratic National committee to DR. LASKER IS THE WINNER. fatally wounded his fleet, young woman 20 years of age. Danville,Va., Jan 27.- Julian S. were favorable to radical action, re- Montgomery, of Admiral Bunco’s constitute the sub-committee: W. F. v Our treaties in Hampton Roads, passed out of chairman; Paris P. Sheerin, St. Petersburg, Jan. 27.—Dr. Lasker The couple were at home with their Carr, of Durham, N. C., the President gardless of eonquenees. lying Harrity, small when, it is said, of the Tobacco Manufactu- with Turkey, Mr. llitt, pointed out, the capes at 10:30 o’clock last night secretary, Indiana; A. P. Gorman. has been declared the winner in the two children Southern by Raleigh, In they Jones living insanely rers’ Association lias called a special had served to protect American <*iti- She was followed the which Maryland; B. T. Cable, Illinois; K. C. International Chess tournament quarrelled, 12.05 o’clock. The destination Prather, Mis- Pillsbury, Steinitz, jealous?7>f his wife, and it is reported meeting of the Association to be hoi I zens. left at Wall, Wisconsin; J. G. which Messrs. “it of the souri: H. Tsehigorin and himself took part. suspected her of being untrue to him. in Greensboro, N. C., February 12tli. “But,” interposed Mr. Hepburn, warships are unknown. T. Sherley, Kentucky.