JANUARY, FEBRUARY 2013 TEVET, SH’VAT, ADAR 5773 UPCOMING CLASSES and EVENTS JANUARY FEBRUARY Learning in Chevruta, 7:30 pm every Wednesday Learning in Chevruta, 7:30 pm every Wednesday 8 CSA, from 7 - 9 pm 4 and 25 Peoplehood with Rabbi Elkin, 7 - 9 pm 12 Liturgy Study with Rabbi Shekel, 9:45 am 5 CSA, from 5 - 7 pm Post Kiddush with Mordechai Drache 9 Liturgy Study with Rabbi Shekel, 9:45 am 14, 21 and 28 Peoplehood with Rabbi Elkin, 7 - 9 pm Post Kiddush with Yaniv Feller 17 Film “Sister Kay”, 7:30 pm 17 Hamantaschen Bake and Purim Toy Drive, 11 am 22 CSA, from 5 - 7 pm 23 Post Kiddush with Cliff Orwin 25 Shabbat Dinner / Tu B’Shvat Seder 7:15 pm Purim: Shpiel, Megilah reading & Carnival from 7 pm 26 Post Kiddush Zmirathon - Shabbat Shira 24 Purim: Shacharit and Megilah reading, 9 am FIRST NARAYEVER CONGREGATION 187 Brunswick Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2M4 Phone: 416.927.0546 Fax: 416.927.0486 email:
[email protected] website: www.narayever.ca NARAYEVER NEWS PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE The Heart of the Matter safe in adult care? Might it be that they know that the older kids are being taught by our paid youth coordinators I am writing this in mid-December. Today I received four and some of those kids will be future leaders in their letters mailed to me by charities and a letter advertising a synagogues? Or are they aware that a troubled congregant gift book on cosmology. The annual year end deluge by may be spending private counselling time with the rabbi charities appealing for donations is well under way.