Mapping and Modelling of Marine Habitats in the Baltic Sea (Draft)
Mapping and modelling of marine habi- tats in the Baltic Sea region DRAFT BALANCE Interim Report No. 10 i Title BALANCE Interim Report No. Mapping and modelling of marine habitats in the Baltic 27 Sea region Authors Date Grete E. Dinesen (ed.), The Danish Forest and Nature Agency In association with: May 2008 Jesper H. Andersen, DHI Water, Environment & Health, Denmark Johnny B. Reker, The Danish Forest and Nature Agency Approved by With report contribution from (in alphabetic order): Trine Bekkby, Norwegian Institute for Water Research Ulf Bergström, The National Board of Fisheries, Sweden Martynas Bučas, Klaipeda University, Lithuania Ida Carlén, AquaBiota Water Research, Sweden Karsten Dahl, The National Environmental Institute, Denmark Darius Daunys, Klaipeda University, Lithuania Jørgen Hansen, The National Environmental Institute Kristjan Herkül, University of Tartu, Estonia Martin Isæus, AquaBiota Water Research, Sweden Gerd Kraus, The Danish Institute of Fisheries Research Jonne Kotta, University of Tartu, Estonia Jørgen O. Leth, The Geological Survey of Greenland and Denmark Cecilia Lindblad, The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Georg Martin, University of Tartu, Estonia Frithjof Moy, Norwegian Institute for Water Research Hans Nilsson, Norwegian Institute for Water Research Anna Nójd, Finnish Environment Institute Kjell Magnus Norderhaug, Norwegian Institute for Water Research Helen Orav-Kotta, University of Tartu, Estonia Are Pedersen, Norwegian Institute for Water Research Alfred Sandstróm, The National Board of Fisheries, Sweden Mart Simm, University of Tartu, Estonia Matias Sköld, The National Board of Fisheries, Sweden Claus Sparrevohn, The Danish Institute for Fisheries Research Göran Sundblad, The National Board of Fisheries, Sweden Sandra Wennberg, Metria, Sweden Petras Zemblys, Klaipeda University, Lithuania Front page illustration: 1 Final report 0 Draft report Revision Description Checked Approved Date Key words Classification BALANCE; Baltic Sea; Kattegat; Skagerrak, marine Open BALANCE Interim Report No.
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