
World of Tentacles Jumpchain Version 1.0 By Smuthunter and Merior

Some worlds are full of horrifying and erotic things. In such worlds there are creatures, perhaps openly known about or perhaps lurking in the shadows, with suspiciously phallic appendages just waiting to plunge them into the unsuspecting. Such creatures may be products of science, ancient leftovers from another age, or called onto this plane of existence. Whatever their origin, events conspire to bring such things into all kinds of sexy situations.

For the ten year duration of this Jump you are stuck dealing with this situation, either as someone interacting with tentacle or as a tentacle yourself, so take these 1000 CP and see what you can make of yourself. ​

Good luck.

Note: Most of the language in this document assumes a male character and female partners by ​ default as tentacles are traditionally symbols of male dominance and sexuality. This isn’t a set in stone rule except in the case of the general perk The Basic Package, which expressly requires ​ ​ a male genitalia or a substitute such as a set of tentacles. In all other cases these options are gender neutral and will function the same regardless of yours or your partner’s gender.

Age Pick whatever you like, it doesn’t matter.

Gender Male, female or futanari, free choice.

Location If you intend to use this document as a generic jump roll 1d8 to determine what kind of you’ll be making. If you intend to use the Crossover Mode toggle to play in a specific setting, skip this section.

1. Urban 2. Traditional Fantasy 3. Asian Fantasy 4. Space Fantasy 5. 6. 7. 8. Free choice

Origin Choose one of the following options:

Monster Hunter - The drop-in option. You’re not any kind of tentacle monster, you just happen ​ to have the bad (or good?) luck to be visiting a world where tentacle monsters exist. Your perk trees are Survivor, which grants bonuses to surviving, escaping, and maybe even enjoying ​ ​ tentacle sex, and Hunter, which gives you the tools to turn the tables on the monsters and wield ​ ​ sex as a weapon.

Tentacle Monster - The tentacle monster is a lone creature, an ambush predator lurking in the ​ shadows of the world. Like any other animal it exists primarily to breed and multiply, and while you certainly aren’t just a dumb animal (or or mutant or whatever) this origin will make ​ ​ you very good at stalking and subduing prey with the Predator tree or subduing them further ​ ​ ​ ​ still and converting them into loyal broodmares with the Breeder tree. ​ ​

Master of the Profane - This origin represents the or scientist or cultist who ​ commands monsters to his own ends, creating and empowering them to act on his behalf through acts of science or sorcery or profane religion. Unlike the other origins Master of the Profane only has one perk tree, but it has two full trees of items (Science and ) to ​ ​ ​ ​ compensate.

Demon King - A monster among monsters, demon kings aren’t content to merely eat and fuck ​ all day like some common spawn, they have ambitions to fulfill and worlds to conquer! Their perk trees are Ruler, which gives bonuses to charisma and a depraved form of leadership, and ​ ​ Unholy, which allows them to back up their right to rule with arcane power when push comes to ​ shove.

Discount Rules Perks and items associated with your origin get a 50% discount. All 100 CP perks and items associated with an origin are free for that origin.


General The Basic Package (Varies) It wouldn’t be much of a tentacle monster jump if you couldn’t be some kind of tentacle monster. But there’s so many kinds! Demons and mutants and slimes and eldritch things from outside time and space, any of these can be a tentacle monster and now, with this perk, you can be all that and more.

Choose your monster form. It can be anything you like within reason (so being a is right out) but it can’t have any innate powers beyond simple physical things like claws and wings (That’s what the other perks are for!). It doesn’t necessarily have to have tentacles but it does ​ ​ have to be some kind of sex monster, so you need some kind of male genitalia, whether it be tentacles or a penis or ovipositor or whatnot. For 100 CP you also have a human form and can shift between your human and monster forms in about five seconds.

The Tentacle Monster and Demon King options gain this perk for free, while the other origins can buy this perk for 100 CP. If you wish you can choose for one form or the other to be your “true” form, which will cause you to revert back to that form automatically in situations that might force you to lose a transformation.

Tentacle Logic (Free) It probably goes without saying that tentacle porn doesn’t imitate real sex very well. This perk allows you to enforce strictly cosmetic tropes common to and tentacle porn, including allowing you to indulge in fetishes that are dangerous, unhealthy, or even not physically possible (such as womb fucking and “all the way through” penetrations) without any ill effects.

Further, the rules governing consent can be much looser when tentacle monsters enter the equation. This perk allows you to convince an unwilling partner to give consent as you ravish them. The means by which this is done and the exact effect it has will vary from person to person, but in general it will entail attending to your partner’s pleasure rather than your own. The more this is done, the more warmly they’ll remember the experience afterwards (whether they’re willing to admit it or not), and the more likely they are to be willing to take a second taste of what carnal delights you can offer them.

Fucking Hot (Varies) A lot of people in this world are downright unreasonably attractive - which is fortunate, since a lot of them spend so much time naked. For your time in this Jump, you and everyone else receives a free hotness upgrade; if pure physical attractiveness was rated on a scale of 1 to 10, this would be an effective +2 across the board. For 100 CP, you can carry this boost with you into worlds.

Fucking Hot applies to all Origins. In the case of Tentacle Monsters that don't have forms humans would normally consider attractive, the Perk's effects are more focused on making the beast look strong, healthy, and dangerous.

Carnal Artist (100 CP) You wouldn’t be much of a tentacle monster if you didn’t know all the ways that you can bring a woman to orgasm. This perk gives you a built-in instinct for sex and eroticism and a mastery of related bedroom skills. Even if you were a blushing virgin before this jump, having this perk will give you an innate sense of what needs to be done to accomplish any strictly sex-related goals you might have; whether it’s bringing your partner off by milking her tits or leaving her hanging right on the edge of orgasm for hours on end, you’ll be able to pull it off. This perk also gives you a major advantage in any form of sex-based combat, such as wrestling your partner into a submissive position.

Consentacles (100 CP) Look, just because you’re an eldritch abomination made of sin and debauchery doesn’t mean you can’t have emotional needs too. Thanks to this perk your monstrous form is no barrier to ​ ​ finding willing partners. So long as you haven’t been acting like a monster recently people will ​ ​ tend to respond to seeing your inhuman form with fascination rather than fear. Small children might look at your many tentacles and see a jungle gym in the making, while schoolgirls might find themselves wondering what your hugs like or fantasizing about bearing your children. This won’t necessarily make them act on the idea but they’ll certainly be more receptive to any ​ ​ flirting and seduction you might indulge in.

Monster Hunter (Hunter)

Seeds of Victory (100 CP) Despite everything it is almost guaranteed that a hunter of tentacle monsters will end up getting fucked, so why not learn from it? So long as you don't take a dominant role you treat any time having sex as if you had spent it doing a comprehensive examination and interview of your partner(s) with their active cooperation with a focus on their combat capabilities and weaknesses.

Venus Thigh Trap (200 CP) So long as others, be it an individual or a group, were initially dominant during sex with you then you can force them to maintain that role and keep fucking you. The more submission and sexual skill you display, the greater the boost to stamina you recieve and the harder they will find it to stop even in the face of danger.

Poisoned Orchid (400 CP) The most inviting things can be a trap and you are well aware of it. When you or a sexual partner climaxes you may subtly poison them with a toxin which cumulatively fatigues them while also acting as an aphrodisiac. Alternatively you may choose use such a climax as a vector for any other toxins, diseases, curses, or other adverse conditions that you are capable of inflicting. For this purpose the duration and intensity of sex can substitute for preparations, actions, and casting time that might otherwise be required.

Tangling the Vines (600 CP) It might seem impossible to escape a dozen tentacles grasping for you, but you know how to take advantage of the manner in which each can get in the way of the others. During any fight or sexual encounter you can reduce your opponent's effective skill, and increase your own, based on the number of limbs they have above four and on how many of those additional limbs they have attempted to make use of. In addition you gain a similar bonuses when attacked or molested by groups of similar opponents (be they a unit of soldiers or a gang of anonymous thugs) which is based on the number of individuals in the group.

For purposes of this perk cocks or prehensile appendages are treated as a limbs.

Monster Hunter (Survivor)

Lie Back and Think of England (100 CP) Sometimes you can't get away from sex, either due to too many tentacles or being expected to do your 'marital duties'. You can temporarily alter your mindset into one highly accepting of sexual demands and, indeed, increasingly enthusiastic and cooperative the more that you or your partners are pleasured. You are insulated from psychological damage while in this state, be it addiction or mind-break or even just nausea at having done... that, and your true mind can ​ ​ surface when the situation ends or opportunities to escape occur.

A Jolly Good Rogering (200 CP) When you can't get away it can be better to think about the aftermath. The more sated or exhausted your or your sexual partners are by sex the more likely they are to leave you unharmed and to overlook details which will allow you to get away. A tentacle monster might abandon you passed out in a pool of fluids rather than eat you while the prison guard whom you just gave a legendary blowjob is likely to forget to lock any doors when he staggers home.

A Good Sport (400 CP) Fox hunting may be in bad taste, but it seems that you can make hunting pussy the sport of choice. While this perk is active, the longer and harder you are sought after the more the intentions of your pursuers gain a sexual edge or prioritise an existing one and the greater luck the you have in escaping being captured or being captured for sexual purposes rather than slain.

This perk is normally switchable but cannot be deactivated while you are current pursued, be it a physical chase or having a bounty on your head. It works synergistically with "A Jolly Good Rogering" which influences decisions rather than luck.

God *#!? the Queen (600 CP) Some people speak about noble, or royal, breeding but your experience in it is not quite what they tend to mean. You are of such a line with the luck, health, beauty, and talent in leadership of you and all of your descendants receiving a noticeable (but not superhuman) boost.

In addition your desirability as a captive, and your attractiveness and sexual talents, scale with the highest social rank you have held in the current Jump (or, post-chain, have ever held). Finally your sexual use or submission is also always a viable bargaining chip in politics in similar proportion.

Tentacle Monster (Predator)

Lust for Life (100 CP) Like all proper Tentacle Monsters, you're now able to feed off of sex. This ability can be used to supplement or replace regular meals, with a quickie being the equivalent of a light snack, while an hour between the sheets is equal to a large meal.

You must have at least one partner to feed off of, and he, she, and/or they must be living, sentient, emotive beings. For the purposes of this Perk, "living" includes and other high-functioning undead, fully conscious AI, and similar entities. The more your partner(s) enjoy the experience, the more nourishing it is for you.

A typical human being can be fed on in this manner once per day without harm, provided their own needs are met. Humans with esoteric powers such as ki or magic can be fed on more frequently, and as long as you have the same power you can choose to refill your own reserves of that power rather than nourishing yourself.

Armed and Dangerous (200 CP) There’s a lot more to being a tentacle monster than just having tentacles. You have three powers of your choice which are inherent to your nature as a sexual predator. You might have an aphrodisiac breath weapon or a sticky cum-like substance that you can spew as a ranged weapon to entangle your targets, or you might be able to lay “eggs” in your targets’ wombs whose location you can sense up to several miles away.

The main limitation to these powers is that they must be rooted in your physical form in some way; they can be fantastical and even outright magical in other ways, but they must obey this limitation. For instance you can give yourself a second stomach to store captives in whose volume is somehow larger than your physical body, but you can’t have the same prison as a magical spell that you conjure up at will. This perk can be taken multiple times, granting different abilities each time.

Sneaky Fucker (400 CP) Your stealth skills are uncanny. You move with abnormal quiet, blend in with your surroundings, and leave less of a trail than you reasonably should. In addition, you have a knack for getting in and out of places you shouldn't be. Free-climbing walls, crawling through air ducts, and bypassing inconveniently tight or secure spaces are all on the table. Finally, you're able to carry a heavy load - say, about one struggling human's worth - without seriously impairing these abilities. You might want to do something to keep them from screaming, though. At least at first.

Hypercarnalvore (600 CP) You are a Tentacle Monster among Tentacle Monsters, an apex sex predator. This perk boosts all your physical parameters, making you stronger, faster, tougher, and just plain better than

roughly 90% of all the creatures in your weight class. Among the exceptional few, most will only be able to match you in one or two ways; equal fights will be few and far between.

In addition, this Perk enhances any and all of the other Perks from this sub-tree that you possess, as follows: ● Lust for Life: You gain twice as much energy from your conquests. In addition, you're ​ able to convert stored energy into a nourishing liquid that can sustain others, although it's only half as good for them as it is for you, unless they have Lust for Life themselves. ● Armed and Dangerous: Pick one aspect of each power you selected from this Perk; it's ​ now twice as effective in that regard. Projectiles strike at twice the distance or with twice the force, poisons kick in twice as quickly or have two effects instead of just one, and so on. ● Sneaky Fucker: The fewer witnesses there are, the harder you are to detect and ​ contain. If it's just you and your victim alone in a room, you can basically become intangible and imperceptible at will - and take them with you when you do.

Tentacle Monster (Breeder)

Mother Fucker (100 CP) You can ignore any impediments to fertility, be it curses or chemical contraception or simply being the wrong time of the month, when having sex so long as Tab A is in the appropriate Slot B and the female involved is in her childbearing years. When performing such acts of potential impregnation the pleasure felt by both sides is increased by an an amount proportionate to the chances of conception.

Brood Breeding (200 CP) A warm hole is all you really need to breed and so you can choose to impregnate a female during sex with an unnatural spawn. The resulting pregnancy normally occurs with impossible speed and quickly renders the mother unnaturally gravid. By default this pregnancy takes one week and produces an animal intelligence spawn with "The Basic Package" perk and of the same strength as a typical adult human male but is loyal to you unto death.

The spawn produced by this perk can be improved with practice, other methods of biological manipulation, and the number of spawn which you have forced the mother to birth. More powerful spawn take longer to be born.

MILF Minded (400 CP) Sex makes babies and you 'help' prepare a mother-to-be for that. When you have sex with someone you can opt to mentally or even physically adjust them for the role. The more sex you have with them and the greater the pleasure you make them feel the faster it is to make the changes.

You can slowly layer into a victim's mind feelings and compulsions for a broad range of potential effects from inflicting fetish for impregnation, a horror at the idea of abortion, or compulsions such as one to tend to and care for their young no matter what. These mental adjustments overlay and dominate over any existing feelings rather than replacing. Similarly you can easily cure infertility, cause someone to lactate, correct a pregnancy which would otherwise be non-viable, or even turn a man into a woman (albeit with a lot of work).

Postpartum Ahegao (600 CP) Being pregnant with your spawn is a life changing experience for any woman. Anyone who you impregnate is psychologically and metaphysically completely open to you, unable to resist effects which can normally be resisted and always count as giving consent for abilities where such matters. Efforts by anyone except you to prematurely rid her of your spawn are met with such resistance that continued attempts will obviously kill the mother first.

In addition this perk enhances any and all of the other perks from this sub-tree that you possess as follows:

● Mother Fucker: If you wish it the idea of someone being impregnated by you becomes ​ arousing based on proximity. Simply hearing of the 'terrible event' might make a schoolgirl feel odd while a sister or husband directly witnessing the act might find themselves straining for release. ● Brood Breeding: You can force your victim to birth a mentally twisted copy of herself, ​ deviant and twisted sexually but as loyal to you as any other spawn. The copy has all her memories, skills, and powers but only one such can exist at a time and she dies if more than one week passes without her suckling from her mother. ● MILF Minded: Mental changes you make which are removed by others slowly return even ​ after being cured. Conversely the physical alteration you make can be used to influence her future offspring, letting you influence their basic looks and psychology as well as determine traits will or will not be inherited from the mother and yourself.

Master of the Profane

It Has Needs (100 CP) The more intense any optional erotic elements you include in the process of summoning or creating a being are the easier the process is and the stronger sexual needs of the resulting being are. So long as you keep such a being sexually sated they are distinctly easier to keep under control, but the opposite is true the more their needs are not fulfilled.

Ward’s Maxim (200 CP) Anything you can call up you can also put down. All of your summoned or created creatures have a built-in kill switch that lets you restrain, kill, or de-summon them at will. The specific nature of this trigger is up to you; it can be something magic-based or a hypnotic trigger or some other manner of control as long as the effects are the same. You can also reliably expect your creations to follow your orders in both and letter unless you ask for something blatantly impossible or suicidally dangerous. This works even on creatures far more powerful than you.

Orgasmic Extraction (400 CP) You have mastered using elaborate setups to extract 'orgasmic energy' from one or more donors, which can then be substituted (in sufficient quantities) for other types of energy, be it mana, 'life energy’, or simply massive amounts of electric power. The precise setup, from ritual circles calling tentacles through portals to mechanical rape machines, must be tailored to the specific application it is fueling. It may take hours to complete as it weakens the will of the donor and their ability to resist further climaxes, but only does so when the last of the donors involved is overcome.

The rarer, or larger, amount of energy you require the more that needs to be taken from the donors and there is a chance that there may not be enough for the intended purpose. However more attractive donors and more 'intense' setups provide more energy and any reserves of the desired energy that the donors can be tapped the setup.

Twisted Genius (600 CP) Your genius, as well as your ability to build on existing science or magic, is world class. Working alone and without resources you could accomplish what would otherwise require a well funded research team, be it recreating ancient rituals from scraps of books or a designing a green energy city.

If what you are trying to create uses sexually indecent methods or results you can make leaps of progress. However the fruits of your genius become entwined with such indecency and separating them, or anything which has been created using their principles, from the perversion would require all related research be done from scratch.

Demon King (Ruler)

Rule by the Rod (100 CP) Despite any protests they initially make your sexual use of your underlings never negatively affects their loyalty and they never think to take revenge or preventative measures against you for this. Indeed your displays of sexual prowess act as demonstrations of relevant personal competence for the purposes of minion recruitment, loyalty, and morale.

Motivation by Reward (200 CP) While you might be able to fuck them all yourself your minions always appreciate a chance at 'fresh meat'. Your underlings receive a distinct boost to libido and a loosening of morals concerning consent, but will not indulge such on each other when it would impede their effectiveness. When you allow them to slake these lusts though, typically by granting permission or opportunity, they receive a boost to the benefits of training or recent experience based on the level of debauchery permitted and the 'value' of those they are set upon.

Usurpation by Congress (400 CP) Some lead by right of birth, others are followed due to their charisma. When you seize power you enforce your rule by the might of your cock. When you take someone sexually, or they sexually submit to you, it damages the will to resist you (and those who represent you) of all those who respect or follow, even symbolically, your victim.

The effects of this perk are contingent on the rank and reputation of your victim as well how public and extreme your actions are. Get a blowjob from a school idol in private and her fellow students are a fraction easier to intimidate. Mindbreak a beloved empress in front of her full court and you can expect her armies and citizens to meekly submit to your forces even knowing their fate.

Legacy by Conquest (600 CP) No demon king is complete without a harem of conquered heroines kneeling at his feet. As such, once you have broken someone sexually (such as with the effects of Postpartum ​ Ahegao or Domination and Despair) you can remake them. You may twist any aspects of ​ ​ ​ them towards a sexual version and turn holy powers, or items, into unholy equivalents as well as altering their mind freely. However, unless you choose otherwise, beneath any such changes they will be at least as powerful as they were before while holding an unbreakable loyalty towards you.

You may, without further action, apply to such individuals any perks or powers you possess which enhance individuals or your creations.

Demon King (Unholy)

Virility and Magic (100 CP) The power of a demon king is innately tied to his virility and will to conquer. You have been granted a small degree of innate magical ability which grows in accordance with your sexual prowess and experience, effectively allowing you to substitute sex for more traditional forms of sorcerous training. The exact limits of this magic are down to the rules of your chosen setting, but if you aren’t already trained in magic by a previous jump this perk will only make you equivalent to an apprentice mage to start with. Even kings begin their lives as princes after all.

The quality and results of your training with this perk can be improved by exercising your urge for conquest upon targets of similar or greater status than yourself. A typical high school student first discovering his demonic heritage might see considerable improvement by subduing the school idol or his teachers, while a demon prince in a fantasy world would see great results from conquering and despoiling queens and princesses and powerful heroines. The greater the difference in status the greater the rate of improvement will be.

Dominion and Desecration (200 CP) The reach of your tainted power spreads beyond your person and infuses your lusts those places you control. This supernatural influence has a slow corruptive effect on individuals in such areas, amplifying their libido and subtly sexualising their appearance, but also corrupts supernatural power sources present. Once the area has been fully corrupted you may freely tap them without any normal negative effects and any others drawing from those in such areas become progressively weaker to your influence including the effects of this perk.

You may selectively apply this perk to any areas which you own, rule, conquer, or otherwise have firm control over.

Control and Corruption (400 CP) Why call up minions when you can have potential ones already at hand? You know supernatural methods of adjusting both minds and bodies, but the time and effort required increases with how extreme the result is and decreases with how closely the result or medium aligns with lust. With practice you could spread lust through an entire school by tainting the water with semen, empower a horde into violent sex manics loyal to you via a gangbang, addict politicians to the 'mistresses' you provide, or 'merely' give a girl a cock and a raging desire to use it on her friends.

Domination and Despair (600 CP) Your power overwhelms all opposition, leaving no hope of victory. Which begs the question: why bother resisting at all? Why not just surrender? This perk allows you to crush your enemies’ will to resist when you defeat them. Characters of heroic quality may not be so easily demoralized after only a single loss, but the effect stacks with multiple defeats. On the other

hand if you lose a fight then the effects of your previous victories against those opponents are ​ ​ voided.

Sex always counts as a valid means of defeat as does beating your foes in combat, but beating them in a field that they value, such as a cooking competition or children's card games, works just as well. Heroes and heroines who are broken in this way are defeated utterly and will not resist if captured and or try to escape if imprisoned, giving you all the time you need to seduce them into joining your cause. Just make sure the rescue parties don’t get to them first!

Items (Monster Hunter)

Personal Massager (100 CP) This 'personal massager' is powerful and great for use for personal relief, but has a distinctive sound which is hard to muffle. It is rechargeable through normal methods and also charges itself from the pleasure of the those it is used on so as to never run out of power at the wrong moment.

Milk Jugs (100 CP) You have a lifetime supply of fresh and healthy milk! A large jug of it appears each day, either in your Warehouse or in an accessible location where such a beverage could be found in your immediate vicinity. By drinking it regularly females experience what ends up being a modest increase in the size, perkiness, bounce, and sensitivity of their breasts with the final effect enhanced if they are a teenager.

The Fuk-U (100 CP) This Japanese style school uniform manages to somehow be styled such that it is accepted as matching the standards of any educational establishment you attend while also flaunt your body in all the right ways. It provides absolutely no protection from sexual advances and actively attracts those with such attentions towards you over others in your proximity unless the attacker has a pressing reason otherwise.

Discouraging Fragrance (200 CP) This bottle of discrete and inoffensive scent refills itself at a rate sufficient to allow a single person to use it day in and day out if they wish. The scent dampens sexual urges and hinders the ability to feel arousal or climax, subtly encouraging sexual interest to be directed elsewhere. It is easily washed away by water be that due to a shower or a sudden rain.

Dampened urges return with a vengeance once the scent is no longer in place and you have no enhanced resistance to the effects in either direction.

Sparkly Magic Trinket! (400 CP) This gaudy accessory, which can be anything from a necklace or bracelet to an actual miniature , requires an obvious and easily interrupted transformation sequence to activate and a similar action to reverse. While transformed you become a with a revealing costume, various personal enhancements, and a single magical 'attack'. If you are insufficiently female, attractive, and/or humanoid then you are also temporarily turned into an attractive young female human.

This item provides moderate boost over your normal capacities and make you, at a minimum, capable of handling two typical supernatural combatants (if such exist in your current Jump). You can permanently fuse other items garments or armor into the trinket to grant your transformed state additional capacities. Similarly you can imbue the trinket with any other types

of magic you know, enhancing your transformed state based on your power, talent and skill with that type of magic at the cost of losing access to that type of magic for a full day after each use of the trinket.

Despite its benefits the transformed state is oddly vulnerable. Despite any protections or enhancements your costume rips easily when when you are struck. The more damage it sustains, or the less of it you are wearing otherwise, the weaker you become in both ability to resist opponents either physically and mentally. The costume will restore itself while you are not transformed, taking a full day to recover it destroyed.

"Become a Ninja in Only Thirty Days!" (600 CP) This instruction manual comes in the shape of a book or scroll which describes a month long training regime. Following this plan while referencing the physical manual ingrains the equivalent of a three year long period of basic instruction in skills which fall under the themes of ninja or kunoichi. However the student also develops a mild behavioural quirk or fetish such as an habit of forgetting panties while wearing a skirt, a tendency towards voyeurism, or regularly crossdressing 'just to improve my disguise skills'.

The manual can only teach supernatural ninja skills which someone with those abilities has annotated the text to include information on. Attempts to learn from a copy of the manual, or to use it more than once, may cause a student to develop one of the aforementioned quirks but has no beneficial effect otherwise.

Items (Tentacle Monster)

Comfy (100 CP) This out of the way spot appears as a small hole in the ground, larger than normal space in heating vents, or other easily ignored 'empty' space. Despite its appearance it is surprisingly comfortable, protected from the elements, and you won't be disturbed when simply resting there unless you were followed or tracked to it.

A week after this den been discovered, or you have abandoned entire for that long, you can choose to locate another such random location in your vicinity.

"How Do I Shoot Tentacle?" (100 CP) This self-updating instruction manual is somewhere between "Tentacles for Dummies" and a Karma Sutra focusing on the possibilities that tentacles present. Splitting your time between reading the book and practice allows you to progress in the sexual skills made possible by tentacles as if being given personal tuition.

Anyone without tentacles reading this book finds it a mortifyingly fascinating read. Such people who persist in finishing the book gain a strong and lingering curiosity about just how having the described techniques used on them would feel.

Hentacle Porn (200 CP) At the start of each Jump, including this one, a new selection of tentacle based smut is deposited in your Warehouse. The more that others read such materials the more dismissive they become of the idea that a tentacle monster is actually in the area unless presented with direct evidence or an official announcement. Indeed, in unconscious defiance of the concept, will even occasionally try to 'prove' otherwise via what would be dangerous behaviours if such a creature was prowling around.

You may choose to have these works benefit from any relevant creative skills or perks you have as though you had created the smut yourself.

Mister Tentacle's Legitimate Papers (400 CP) You aren't a monster, you're a person and you have the papers to prove it! So long as you carry these papers on your person while in public you will be viewed socially and legally as an everyday person. Other people will still be able to register your looks and species, but their adverse reactions are smoothed over based on how law-abiding you are and how well you comply with the local culture.

If you commit (or are found guilty of) any crime which worthy of jail time, or more than a small fine, these papers will vanish. Getting replacements requires waiting until the start of the next Jump or successfully applying through the local bureaucracy in a year long application process.

Breeding Chamber (600 CP) This item is a hidden room suitable for restraining up to twenty normal humans and maintaining their health. Those trapped within it never suffer any of the normal issues from long term restraint in this manner and the chamber automatically takes care of feeding, cleaning, and medical matters for its prisoners as though you were personally attending to each individual.

In addition you may use the chamber to adjust the fertility, side effects of pregnancy on the mother (from selectively preventing any to having it end with death), or how fast pregnancies progresses (from putting one on indefinite hold to having it happen at twice the normal speed).

Each Jump you may choose a suitable theme, be that anything from organic pseudo-flesh to hi-tech medical, for the look of the room to comply with. You also may decide at the start of each Jump to either merge it with any other properties you possess or have it exist as a separate location within the Jump.

Items (Master of the Profane)

Authoritative Lab Coat (100 CP) This white lab coat is somehow viewed as appropriate garb for a scientist, researcher, or doctor regardless of what else you are (or aren't) wearing or the situation. In addition the more you know about medical, technical, or scientific matters compared to someone else, the more easily they will believe you when you cloak your arguments in such 'facts'.

Mail Order Degree (100 CP) By sending off this order form you will, five working days later, receive back a certificate for a single academic qualification of your choice. While the certificate looks good there is no record of you actually gaining the qualification, as even casual research would reveal, but somehow it does grant you the knowledge which it attests to you having up to the level of a doctorate.

Upon destruction of the certificate you lose the associated knowledge, but will receive a replacement order form the next day.

Ritual Checklist (100 CP) If you write the requirements for a ritual or magical procedure in this blank book then an unseen hand will annotate the list to indicate which have been met. The book updates as though you were continually checking the status of that requirement, giving you notice if that 'virgin sacrifice' manages to disqualify herself, but is unable to discern information that you either could not yourself find out or would be oblivious to.

You will be provided with a replacement notebook whenever the current one is full or has been destroyed.

Gestation Tank (200 CP) This cylindrical vertical tank is made of a transparent material significantly tougher than glass and is large enough to contain any humanoid of even roughly human size. When filled with appropriate chemical or alchemical fluids it vastly simplifies and accelerates creation, manipulation, or mutation of any complex lifeform in the tank. In addition any being immersed in the tank requires no food, water, air, nor has any need to be cleaned of waste products.

Blueprints and an instruction manual are provided with the tank. However any copies made cost as much as a car in raw materials, require an external magical or technological power source to function, and have an additional tendency to shatter dramatically when a project is complete to release the subject.

"Names to Conjure With" (200 CP) This slender black volume contains a short list of useful supernatural beings, with descriptions of their talents and appetites, summonable in whatever Jump you are currently in along with instructions for an adaptable set of rituals used to conjure and bind such creatures. These

rituals become more elaborate, and have stricter requirements, for more powerful beings but can be simplified to varying degrees based on your own skill, degree of magical talent beyond 'none', and the magical energy you can provide. However no banishing rituals are provided.

By a quirk of the book's nature, if a supernatural creature willingly signs their name (or a name associated with them) in it then they become a valid target for the summoning and binding while you are in the same Jump as them.

A Safe Workspace (400 CP) The first time you enter this workspace, which will be located in a convenient for you but not too frequented area of your choice, in a Jump you will find it has been set up for magical and/or scientific use as per your liking using any easily obtained items from the open market as well as any items you own or have in your Warehouse.

Deliveries of further supplies or equipment to the lab will be overlooked by others except in the most dramatic of cases as will your coming and going or activities within the lab. Random interruptions, by those blackouts, invasions, or people, will not bother the lab unless they are on a scale to indiscriminately strike a city sized area or specifically target you.

If you abandon the lab, leaving it with no experiments you wish to keep running and without visiting it, for a month then it vanishes with leftover supplies being transferred to your Warehouse. You may then re-establish the Workspace as though you were visiting it for the first time.

Advert Drafting Pen (400 CP) When you use this pen to write an advertisement seeking someone, or the draft of one for advertisements to be published in other media, you find that the advertisement will have an oddly attractive effect. Only those who meet the qualifications you thought of when writing it rather than in the advert itself will respond. Anyone who does respond will, for some reason or another, cause surprisingly little fuss if they never return to their old life. In addition they will have their own reasons, be those desperation, fetish, or carelessness with their own life, for being remarkably cooperative with any 'extra' demands you make of them,

While only the newest such advert will be active at any one time, but the term 'advert' is extremely broad. It works just as well for you put up in an Adventurer's Guild as it would for an entry on a dating sight seeking a partner. However it does not increase the number of people who would see the advert, meet your requirements, or be inclined to answer given the written terms.

A Beast of a Machine (600 CP) There are computers and then there are supercomputers. Normally this machine is room sized ​ ​ and requires a standard power supply. In this base form it performs a high quality mainframe, as

the better of your current Jump's technology or one built on a modern Earth circa 2010 AD, and can be upgraded normally.

However the computer's interior conceals a writhing mass of cables which act in a suspiciously tentacle-like manner. They will attempt to '' in a highly sexual manner to anyone unwise enough to touch (or to attempt a connection for AIs or technopaths) but you, and any others you authorise, can treat this as merely a disconcerting form of neural interface which somehow doesn't distract from use of the system.

However unauthorised individuals are pulled inside the machine. The performance of the ​ ​ system improves with their intellect and skills, but not personal memories, accessible for its use. When not working on a task the system improves itself as though the victim was actively working to upgrade the system's software and hardware in cooperation with all other victims. Victims are sustained by the system as though they were a normal electronic component although the size of the machine, and its power consumption, does increase for each victim it contains.

A Pact with The Beast (600 CP) There are blasphemous things which dwell 'outside' the worlds and this contract signifies an agreement which you have with one such being. By performing an elaborate ritual with the scroll you can open a gateway through which the beast can reach through to seize one or more restrained victims whom you offer to it.

In return for such gifts the beast can provide boons wrung from the current, or previous, sacrifices to you or to any individual present who you designate. The greater the attractiveness, status, and personal power of the victim the greater the boons granted. The potential boons granted can include supernatural energy, vitality, lifespan, talents, affinities, skills, memories, innate powers, or even replacement of the body of the beneficiary with that of a victim.

Victims must be designated when the ritual is started. If they are unavailable at its end, the ritual is interrupted, or the scroll is sufficiently damaged then the gateway will open immediately and you will be drawn through. One month later you will be spat out, naked and violated, with the scroll clutched in one hand.

Items (Demon King)

Power Suit (100 CP) This item is your choice is a business suit, cultist leader robe, or other outfit which symbolises power and authority. It is always comfortable and people will never think of the Power Suit as inappropriate for the situation. In addition, you can selectively choose to allow those under your authority (directly or indirectly) who you encounter become unconsciously aware of the truth of your relative positions.

Conformity Uniforms (200 CP) Once per month you are given a custom design for a set of clothing. This clothing intended to be worn by members of a single group or organisation you choose which must either worship you or which you ultimately hold authority over.

So long as at least ten group members regularly wear outfits of a given design then those wearing the outfits benefit from a weak boost in their competence for their role (students in fukus at learning, soldiers in uniform at fighting, etc). However they also become noticeably more vulnerable to both peer pressure from within the group and manipulation by you.

Nest Egg (400 CP) Taking over the world requires a lot more than a bit of pluck and some elbow grease. For starters you’re going to need resources of some kind, whether it’s life energy to summon your demon minions or mines and forges to supply your mercenary troops with armor and weapons or even just cold hard cash to run a school or a business. This Nest Egg provides enough raw materials in whatever form you need to train, equip, and maintain up to 1000 mook-tier minions or 100 elite troops. These resources will be deposited in your warehouse at the beginning of each jump and resupply every month. You can change what kind of resources you acquire at the start of each new jump.

Evil Organisation (600 CP) Whatever the world you are in there will exist a conveniently placed evil organisation which seems to be just waiting for you to wander in and seize control. When entering a Jump (or new world post-chain) you can decide what form this group will take from a pervasive cult to a remorseless corporation so long as it fits the setting you are in. Whatever the form it can at least provide you with an moderate level of wealth and make an office, base, or home with up to ten full time staff available in any city it had a presence.

Each world's iteration of the organisation can maintain its own membership and income but it can only expand, or become more influential, through your efforts. It will initially be large enough to have at least a token presence in the larger cities internationally (if possible in the setting) as well as a modest one in a location of your choosing. If wiped out from a given location it will re-establish itself there within a year, but larger scale efforts to eradicate it can delay this. Even if totally eliminated the organisation will manage to return within a decade.

Companions (Import)

Familiar Face (50 CP each; Up to 3 purchases allowed) You can import an existing Companion into the Jump in a new role or upgrade one of your newly purchased companions. They may select an Origin if they lack one, gaining free perks and items as appropriate. They begin with a budget of 400 CP and may take an origin to gain discounts and free perks. They may not take further Companions themselves.

Recurring Cast (200 CP; Cannot be taken with Face) Rather than bring in a single individual you bring in a larger number. For a mere 200 CP you import up to 8 companions in the manner described for Familiar Face.

New Face, Old Soul (Varies) You may use either of the above options to import one or more of your Companions into a new role, fusing an existing Companion with the role of one of the new companions listed below and granting all the appropriate abilities, perks, and place in the world. Any listed attitudes or preferences will colour their mindset, but fade somewhat after the Jump ends in the same manner that memories granted by Origins normally do.

This perk may be taken multiple times, but only one existing Companion may be merged into each separate new Companion and visa versa. You must purchase the new companion option normally. Fused companions receive only the 400 bonus CP that they receive from the import ​ ​ options, not the 400 CP given to their inherited roles.

Companions (New)

All new companions receive a budget of 400 CP to spend on perks and items in addition to any freebies they come with.

Good Girl (200 CP) After a chance meeting, this seemingly-ordinary high school student has decided that you are her new best friend. Lucky you! Your new BFF's personality suits your personal preferences, defaulting to the bright, cheerful innocence of a classic bishoujo. She has no outstanding skills or traits to begin with, but she's a diligent student in any subject of study or training, especially if a friend is there to help her learn! With some time and training, you may be surprised just how far she can go.

Comes with the Monster Hunter origin and one free Fuk-U, as well as a Sparkly Magic Trinket ​ ​ ​ which she uses in her part-time job as a magical girl. ...oh, did I forget to mention that part?

Bad Doggie (200 CP) This loyal canine has normal human intelligence, absolute loyalty towards you, and an insatiable desire for humanoid women. His true form is a massive hound with greater than human strength and stamina. He also possesses the Tentacle Logic perk and the Tentacle Monster origin. This ​ ​ includes a variation on the 100 CP version of The Basic Package which grants him a 'domestic ​ ​ dog', rather than human, alternative form.

Usefully Clumsy (200 CP) You are more savvy than you let on which is why you keep this friend or assistant around. They are smart enough to to be able to help you with school work, rituals and/or science, but also gullible enough to let you test out your efforts on them. They are also clumsy enough that they will 'somehow trip' and be caught before you if something monstrous is chasing you both.

Lastly, they have a unique interaction with monsters benefiting from the It Has Needs perk, ​ ​ allowing them to single-handedly satisfy the needs of any single monster as long as you task them to do so.

Right-Hand Woman (200 CP) Running an evil empire isn’t all fun and games, it’s also a lot of busywork that you just can’t be bothered with. That’s why you delegate the boring stuff to this girl. She’s just about the best secretary you’ll ever find, has a PhD equivalent in managerial and administrative tasks, and cannot be swayed into disloyalty by any means. She’s also cross-trained in a skill set of your choice, such as bodyguarding or magic or assassination, and best of all she looks great in a maid uniform. Or in nothing at all! Comes equipped with a free Power Suit. ​ ​

Drawbacks You can have a maximum of +1000 CP worth of drawbacks per jump.

Crossover Mode (+0 CP) Fill out this document and another document of your choice, then merge the two builds together. Instead of playing in a generic setting you’ll spend this jump in the setting of the other document. Any CP gained from each document can only be spent on items from that document.

Embarrassing Stains (+100 CP) For some reason or another you look like you've just woken up and thrown on the first set of clothes you found, maybe you have mud on your shoes or you have some mustard stains on your shirt... or some other suspicious dried fluid on your pants. Whatever it is you're now a magnet for miscellaneous liquids, expect people to notice and point out how scruffy you look for the next 10 years, your laundry bills going to be hell, If you're a Tentacle Monster with no human form you're constantly leaking a trail of slime.

Genre Savvy (+100 CP) Everyone else is inconveniently clever. Obvious mistakes are avoided, intelligent actions taken, and lessons learned. In short, Jumper needs to work for the lewds, or to avoid them.

Forgettable (+100 CP) You have a case of H-Game Protagonist or Minor Character Face. This Drawback negates the benefits of Fucking Hot (only for you), and gives you a bland, generic appearance, as well as an air of boring normalcy. This makes it more difficult for you to establish any sort of enjoyable relationship, and if you happen to go missing one day, people are that much less likely to care. If you're a Tentacle Monster with no human form, you're instead rendered a little bit more disturbing to the human mind. Victims are more like to scream, run, struggle, and just generally make a nuisance of themselves, and the added adrenaline rush gives them slightly better odds of getting away from you.

Monster of the Week (+100 CP) You run into the age old 'human vs tentacle' scenario far too often. Regardless of which side of it you end up being on, or even if you end up being a bystander caught up in matters, you will end up spending at least half a day each week handling conflict with monster hunters and/or tentacle monsters or the fallout from such things. You can preempt random encounters by initiating such things of your own accord, but this does not reduce the time you end up spending.

Fugly (+200 CP) Oh dear. It seems your condition has worsened, and you're now suffering from Obvious Villain Face. This Drawback negates the benefits of Fucking Hot (again, only for you) and gives you a face only a mother could love, as well as terrible social skills. You might have the manners of a thug to go with the looks of one, be an unrepentant and outspoken jackass, or just look slimy

and disgusting all the time. If you're a Tentacle Monster with no human form, the "slimy and disgusting" part is now literal, and will actively interfere with your ability to capture victims.

Predatory Urges (+200 CP) You have a strong sex drive and, unfortunately, have issues with being satisfied. Your libido will keep increasing, and your common sense decreasing, over time with at least one 'encounter' per week being required to keep your mind relatively straight. If you have tentacles or equivalents then you can only sate yourself on a freshly caught victim. If you lack such things then you can only relieve your urges during, or immediately after, a fight with a hostile being who has such.

I Am Your Master! (+300 CP) The method of your arrival in this world has placed you under the thumb of one of the locals. This individual is an incompetent wannabe tyrant who will take his failures out on you but nonetheless has all the perks in Master of the Profane tree, so their control over you is very real. It would behoove you to ensure his ambitions are realized, assuming he'll allow you that much slack on your proverbial (or literal) leash...

If you're still under your master’s control when the Jump ends, it counts as a chain-ender. If you manage to break his control before then, and he's still alive when your time in this world is up, you can take him with you as a Companion.

Tantric Limiter (+300 CP) Access to all of your skills and abilities beyond the human average is limited by your level of arousal. They are only at one hundred percent when you're on the verge of orgasm, at perhaps half in a sexually charged combat, at ten percent if your arousal is barely sufficient to distract you from other activities, and you have no access at all when perfectly calm. Luckily this limit does not apply when making use of such abilities for directly sexual purposes.

“For SCIENCE!” (+400 CP) Uh oh Jumper, you seem to have gained a fan. This eccentric is fascinated by you and wants nothing more than to cut you open and see how you tick. They have all the perks and items in the Master of the Profane tree and will use all of the resources at their disposal to capture and dissect you, multiple times if regeneration powers will allow. Obviously this will end your chain if they are successful.

Government Spooks (+400 CP) You seem to have run afoul of the only force in the universe more vile than a demon king: the government. Not the whole thing thankfully, just the Department of Supernatural Affairs, AKA the monster-hunting ninja kill teams. Think Taimanin Asagi except they’re actually good at their ​ ​ jobs and very difficult to rape. They know who you are and will be watching you closely, and if you put even a toe out of line you can expect crack teams of Monster Hunters with all the perks in both trees to be dogging you for the rest of the jump.

Love and Justice! (+400 CP) Lucky you, you have your very own magical girl team to molest! There’s five of them, they’re all strong enough to give you a decent fight, they’re resistant to your powers on top of that, and if you let them they won’t hesitate to gang up on you all at once. The good news is that they’re not immune to said powers and they lose what resistance they have when they’re not transformed. Discovering their civilian identities is going to be tricky though, because they also have that obnoxious “identity filter” power that stops you from recognizing them on sight unless you watch them change forms. If you successfully make all five girls submit to you they’ll become companions at the end of this jump, taking up a single slot. If you are a Monster Hunter, instead of five magical girls you’ll have five monsters to worry about.

The World Is Screwed (+600 CP) A being from beyond reality has entered this world, hell-bent on conquering and ravishing both it and its people. No, it's not you, Jumper - or at least, it's not JUST you. Not anymore.

This Dark Queen has all the Perks and Items from the Demon King origin, and has already used them to secure a steady supply of power from the unwitting locals. How much power? The Demon Kingdom’s mooks are strong enough that the typical magical girl can't beat them one-on-one, while the elites can take on whole teams at once. The queen herself is even more powerful, has a similar degree of resistance to your powers, and will continue to grow stronger over time, as will their realm and underlings. You might want to do something about that, or maybe just hide. I hear Alpha Centauri is nice this time of year...

If you manage to completely destroy or suborn the Demon Kingdom and make its ruler submit to you, the Dark Queen will become a Companion at the end of your time in this Jump.

Supplement Mode: What’s that? You want more tentacle goodness? Well you’re in luck, because Supplement ​ ​ Mode allows you to use this document more than once with some special restrictions. We can’t have you using this jump as a source of unlimited CP, so you’ll only gain the free 1000 CP on your first visit. On every use of this jump after the first you will instead start with 0 CP and have to gain any extra purchases through drawbacks. You can choose a new origin on each visit but you can only ever benefit from one origin’s discounts at a time.