Deal Makers Vol 8: No 4 AFRICA TRANSACTION TABLE BY COUNTRY INCLUDING ADVISORS | BUSINESS IN AFRICA from the Most institutional and private equity investors (and of course the development finance institutions) are required to ensure that the target has the ability to comply with international anti-ceorruptdion, soiciatl anod environm’ens tal laws. dIn maney casess targk ets in Africa will not have the relevant systems and controls in place to monitor effectively compliance with these legal requirements, in particular anti-corruption laws. The cost of s global M&A hit record highs in 2015, dealmaking activity in sub-Saharan Africa implementing the procedures and the ability to A remained relatively muted despite an uptick in activity towards the end of the year. monitor systems and controls should be carefully In recent years, African markets have been one of the preferred destinations for funds considered. shunning lower interest rates in the US. But all that changed with the hike in interest rates by the US Federal Reserve. In addition, geopolitical uncertainties, market and currency volatility and a slump in commodity prices have seen focus shift away from emerging markets to Advertising rates are available on request from Infrastructure and developed countries. property Vanessa Aitken +27 (0)83 775 2995 Private equity firms too have become more creative as valuations remain high. Firms have development pursued other avenues to deploy capital. Some have opted for private investment in public The magazine may be purchased on transactions form equities in lieu of large leverage buyouts. subscription. These rates are available on the backbone of Years of rapid economic growth across sub-Saharan Africa have been fuelled by hopes of the request from:
[email protected] developing development of a continent less dependent on the fickle global demand for its raw resources.