Resolving Disputes Over Life-Sustaining Treatment \I
.. ..: 4 .. NCSC HF 38-27 E87 M Y \\Resolving Disputes Over C,3 Life-Sustaining Treatment \I A Health Care Provider's Guide Thomas L. Hafemeister ani Paula L. Hannaford Wth the Greenwall Coordinating Council National Center for State Courts library National Center for State Courts 300 Newport Ave. WJliamsburg, VA 23 187-8798 0 1996 National Center for State Courts Williamsburg, Virginia Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 96-70341 ISBN 0-89656-167-4 NCSC Publication Number R- 186 Cover design by Judith Ann Sullivan Images 0 1996 PhotoDisc, Inc. This book was prepared under a grant from the Greenwall Foundation. The points of view expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policy of the National Center for State Courts or the Greenwall Foundation, or the opinions of the Greenwall Review Panel members. Comments are welcome and should be sent to the Greenwall Project, National Center for State Courts, 300 Newport Avenue (231851,PO. Box 8798, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8798. Greenwall Coordinating Council Hon. Stewart G. Pollock, Chair New Jersey Supreme Court Morristown, New Jersey Hon. Elizabeth B. Lacy, Vice-Chair Virginia Supreme Court Richmond, Virginia Hon. Robert C. Bibb (ret.) Alexander M. Capron, J.D. Deno, Millikan, Dale & Decker Professor of Law & Medicine Everett, Washington University of Southern California Law Center hsAngeles, California Ellen B. Comer, Esq. Ronald E. Cranford, M.D. Dilworth, Paxson, Kalish & Kauffman Department of Neurology Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Hennepin County Medical Center Minneapolis, Minnesota Norman Fost, M.D., M.P.H. Hon. Hilda R. Gage Professor Chief Judge, Michigan Circuit Court Pediatrics & History of Medicine Pontiac, Michigan Director, Program in Medical Ethics University of Wisconsin Medical School Joan McIver Gibson, Ph.D.
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