Ron Jones, Jr: Designer, Builder, and Boat Owner. Ron Jones, Jr., Was Born Into a Famous Boat Racing Family on April 4, 1957
May 2019 UNJ INTERVIEW: Ron Jones, Jr: Designer, builder, and boat owner. Ron Jones, Jr., was born into a famous boat racing family on April 4, 1957. The birth took place in Renton General Hospital, a building that is now a McLendon Hardware store. “I was the first grandson born into either side of the family tree, so it was pretty excit- ing,” he says. “My mom had already had two girls and everybody was nervous, you know, could we get a girl or are we gonna get a grandson? So, I showed up. Of course, I could do no wrong. First son in the family. Grandfather was trying to move a refrigerator down a flight of stairs. He let go to celebrate, pinned two of my aunts against a wall until he collected his thoughts and asked for help. Still talk about that to this day.” The following interview with JR was conducted by Craig Fjarlie and Bob Senior on January 17, 2019. UNJ: What were some of your early experiences? Did you go on to college? Jones: No. All of my education was private school, from fourth grade on. The school rented space at a church and we used their Sunday school rooms for our classrooms, and I remember all the way to my senior year being in that type format. We had block timing back then, so it’s two hours math, two hours of history, two hours of whatever, and then the next day you throw a different topic in there. The nice thing being, when I was in high school, physical education was, you go to the beach.
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