History I Course Outline One Semester: . ½ Year/.5 credits

Course Description: This survey course will examine history primarily from a military perspective. The course will trace the evolution of warfare from the ancient world into the early 19 th century (1815). Furthermore, the course will look at the leaders, strategists and soldiers who waged these . The course will also examine the evolution of technology and its impact on warfare.

State Standards Met: *Standard 1: Students will analyze historical materials to trace the development of an idea or trend across space or over a prolonged period of time in order to explain patterns of historical continuity and change. * Standard 4: Students will develop knowledge of major events in the world, United States and Delaware History.

Textbook: Parker, Geoffrey. Warfare: The triumph of the west . Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Note: The textbook will serve as a GENERAL outline for the course and topics will be DRAWN FROM the following chapters:

Introduction: a discussion of the five principles that have defined the “Western Way of ”: 1) technology, 2) continuity, 3) discipline, 4) adaptation and 5) financial support.

Unit I: Ancient warfare: The age of massed : 750 B.C.-500 A.D. This unit discusses the development of warfare in ancient civilizations. The unit focuses primarily on the contributions of , Macedonia, Persia and . Chapter 1--Genesis of the infantry Chapter 2--From to Legion Chapter 3--The Roman Way of War Unit II: : The Age of Stone Fortifications: 500 A.D.- 1400 A.D. This unit focuses on the advances in and technology that occurred following the collapse of the Roman through the early development of gunpowder . Chapter 4--On Roman Ramparts Chapter 5--New Weapons, New Tactics Chapter 6--The Gunpowder Revolution Unit III: The Age of Guns and Sails This unit will examine the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte and discuss his lasting impact on history and military strategy. Chapter 7--Ships of the Line Chapter 8-- of the Americas Chapter 9--Dynastic War Chapter 10--States in conflict Chapter 11--Nations in Arms

MAJOR TOPICS INCLUDE: • Greek Warfare • Macedonian Warfare • Roman Warfare • Medieval Warfare • Napoleonic Warfare