District Council Paper No. 122/13 (The 9th Meeting:18.6.2013)

An Outline of Proposed Residential Developments on Government Land in

1. Purpose

This paper serves to briefly introduce to the Sham Shui Po District Council (SSPDC) proposed housing developments on Government land in Sham Shui Po district.

2. Proposed Housing Development

2 . 1 . Private Housing Sites – Future private housing sites within Sham Shui Po district includes two sites on Lung Ping Road and a site at the junction of Fuk Wing Street and , which are zoned for residential use. In addition, the land use of a portion of the Wholesale Food Market Phase 2 site is proposed for rezoning for residential (private) use (Table 1 and Plan 1).

2 . 2 . Public Rental Housing (PRH) and Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) – According to the information provided by the , apart from the proposed redevelopment of Estate, and Estate, the future provision of PRH flats also includes the planned residential sites at the junction of Road and , North West Reclamation Area (NWKR) Site 6 and NWKR Site 1 (East). In addition, a portion of the Cheung Sha Wan Wholesale Food Market Phase 2 site is proposed for rezoning for residential (PRH) use. HOS sites include the site at 373 and NWKR Site 1 (West) which are zoned for residential use; as well as a portion of the Cheung Sha Wan Wholesale Food Market Phase 2 site which is proposed for rezoning for residential use (HOS) (Table 1 and Plan 1).

3. Reservation of “Government, Institution or Community” (“G/IC”) Sites to Meet Population Growth

In response to the said proposed residential development and other development needs in Sham Shui Po district, the Planning Department will continuously review and reserve suitable sites in conjunction with the concerned departments, to cater for the increase in demand for GIC facilities due to population growth in the future. Several undeveloped “Open Space” and “G/IC” sites on which the SSPDC has expressed concern are outlined and illustrated in Table 1 and Plan 1 respectively.

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4. Conclusion

Town planning is an ongoing process. Having regard to the socio-economic development and change, district planning work will be reviewed continuously in order to enhance land use efficiency and to promote economic development. During the process of reviewing district planning work, we shall maintain close liaison with the District Council to meet the needs and aspirations of the community.

Attachment Table 1 List of Proposed Housing Development on Government Land and Concerned Undeveloped Open Space and G/IC Sites in Sham Shui Po

Plan 1 Location Plan of Proposed Housing Development on Government Land and Concerned Undeveloped Open Space and G/IC Sites in Sham Shui Po

Planning Department June 2013