Se4ie� C - No. 25



Charl es E. Fox


Department of Linguistics

Research School of Pacific Studies


Fox, C.E. Lau dictionary, with English index. C-25, vi + 266 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1974. DOI:10.15144/PL-C25.cover ©1974 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. PACIFIC LINGUISTICS is published through the L�ngu��t�c C�4cle 06

Canbe44a and consists of four series:





EDITOR: S.A. Wurm.

ASSOCIATE EDITORS: D.C. Laycock, C.L. Voorhoeve, D.T. Tryon, T.E. Dutton.

EDITORIAL ADVISERS: B. Bender, University of Hawaii N.D. Liem, University of Hawaii D. Bradley, Australian National J. Lynch, University of Papua University New Guinea A. Capell, University of Sydney K.A. McElhanon, University of S. Elbert, University of Hawaii Texas K. Franklin, Summer Institute of H. McKaughan, University of Hawaii Linguistics P. Kuhlh�usler, Technische W.W. Glover, Summer Institute of Universit�t Berlin Linguistics G.N. O'Grady, University of G. Grace, University of Hawaii Victoria, B.C. M.A.K. Halliday, University of K. Pike, University of Michigan; Sydney Summer Institute of Linguistics A. Healey, Summer Institute of E.C. Polome, University of Texas Linguistics E. Uhlenbeck, University of Leiden L. Hercus, Au stralian National J.W.M. Verhaar, University of University Indonesia, Jakarta

ALL CORRESPONDENCE concerning PACIFIC LI NGUISTICS, including orders and subscriptions, should be addressed to: The Secretary,

PACI FIC LINGUISTICS, Department of Linguistics, School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University,

Canberra, A.C.T. 2600. Australia .

Copyright � Charles E. Fox.

First published 1974 .

Reprinted 1978 .

The editors are indebted to the Australian National University for

help in the production of this series.

This publication was made possible by an initial grant from the

Hunter Douglas Fund.

National Library of Australia Card Number and ISBN 0 85883 101 5 INTRODUCTION

Dr Charles Elliot Fox has had an exceptionally long and meritorious career in the service of Melanesian peoples. Born in the United Kingdom on October 1, 1878, he was educated in New Zealand. In 1902, he joined the Melanesian Mission to work as a teacher in St Barnabas' School on Norfolk Island. The language of instruction was Mota. In the following year, Mr Fcx was ordained and went to Mota, "chiefly to hear the language we used at Norfolk Island in its own home", as he wrote nearly sixty years later.

In 1908, Mr Fox met the British anthropologist W. R. H. Rivers at Norfolk Island and travelled with Rivers to San Cristoval. The

association directed Mr Fox's interests towards ethnography, resulted in a long correspondence, and led ultimately to a major publication,

The Th�e�hold 06 the Paci6ic ( and New York, 1924). A personal

account of his life in Melanesia, entitled Kakamo�a, was published in London in 1962; among autobiographical notes, ethnographic statements are made as a part of the vivid narrative. The last of his general ethnographic works, The Sto�y 06 the Solomon� (Diocese of Melanesia Press, Taroaniara, B. S. I. P. , 1967) is intended to describe Melanesian culture and history for schoolchildren in the area; it is significant that the point of view adapted is that of Melanesians themselves.

Dr Fox's concern with the Melanesian languages has resulted in several comparative articles and three primary contributions,

A Victiona�y 06 the Nggela Language (Auckland, United Press, 1955), A�o�i-Engli�h Victiona�y (Pacific Linguistics, Series C, No. 11, Canberra, 1970), and the Lau dictionary presented here. In all three cases, there has been a considerable lapse of time between the com­ pilation of the manuscript and the publication of the dictionary, the time lag probably mostly due to Dr Fox's residing continuously in Melanesia, far from centres of academic activity.

Dr Fox wrote the Lau dictionary manuscript during his stay at Fouia, a mission village on mainland Malaita near the artificial islands

iii iv

Sulufou and Adagege of Tae Passage. This very passage was made known in the literature by Dr Walter G. Ivens in his book The r�land Bu�lde��

06 the Pac�6�c. The dialect of the area, nearly in the centre of the territory of the Lau people, has been documented by Ivens in long articles based on his stay at Fouia in 1927: "A Vocabulary of the Lau

Language, Big Mala, Solomon Islands," Supplement to the Jou�nal 06 the

Polyne��an Soc�ety, Memoir No. 11 (1930), and "A Grammar of the Lau

Language, North East Coast of Big Mala, Solomon Islands," Bullet�n 06 the School 06 O��ental Stud�e�, V (1928-1930), 323-343. Ivens' earlier G�amma� and Vocabula�y 06 the Lau Language, Solomon r�land� (Carnegie Institute of Washington, Publication No. 300, 1921) was mainly based on the speech of southern Lau of Port Adam and as he him­ self admits: "It is not claimed that the Lau here presented is the same as the Lau of the northeast coast of Big Malaita" (p. 3), although he also spent some weeks in Lau Lagoon at that time, using some materials to complement his earlier work. His first sketch grammar of Lau was still earlier, published in 1914.

Considerable missionary literature exists in Lau language. The New Testament has been translated repeatedly, and catechisms, hymnals, and

prayer books have been printed (Maluta n� Fooalaa g� n� Lau, 2nd ed. Taroaniara; 1st ed. printed in England, 1930; Na Fatolama�a na Lotu

Katol�ka (Catholic Mission Press, Honiara, 1958); Na Foala ma na Ngula na Lotu Katol�ka ana Baela � Lau, No�th Mala�ta (Catholic Mission Press, Honiara 1960)). None of the publications indicate the glottal stop; most of them do not note vowel length, which is phonemic; and any attempts to create a consistent orthography for the language seem to have failed.

Except for very brief poems included in The r�land Bu�lde�� and a small selection of lyrics describing the oldest artificial islands, none of the rich native literature has been printed as yet. Collections of Lau myths are, however, in preparation for publication as linguistic and ethnological documents; a good number of long narratives and 1200 riddles have also been keypunched for purposes of dictionary compilation and grammatical and content analysis. A few myth and riddle articles have been published, and more are in progress. It is hoped that the indigeneous literature will eventually be used also in the education of Lau children; for it is obvious that a motivation for literacy can only be gained when learning materials are established from within the culture itself. v

For Lau language studies, as for so many other unwritten languages of the world, the development of the proper focus has been slow. First, the language was viewed as a me ans for converting the people through Bible translations, prayer books, and catechisms. Dictionaries and sketch grammars were then built on the basis of these halting translations; a perfect example of circularity. Ivens' writings are largely based on such translations, and partially intended as tools for further, improved translations. That is why they contain an alarmingly large amount of unauthentic material. Dr Fox's Lau dictionary presented here is decidedly an improvement over Ivens' work. Yet, it is not entirely without problems. First of all, he happened to use an informant (or informants) whose speech is not typical of Lau in that it does not distinguish the phonemes Ihl and lsi separately; the Southern Lau of Port Adams, Ataa, and other areas make the distinction; so do all northern subdialects; and, indeed, so do most people in Tae Passage. Secondly, because Dr Fox interacted with Christianized Lau, the dictionary is not reliable in regard to native religious and cultural terms. There is also some admixture of hill dialects, alien to Lau, "the Sea People". But when all is said and done, we have at hand an indispensable linguistic document; and we are deferring to Dr Fox's wishes in publishing it practically intact. As Dr Fox himself expressed it in a letter, the dictionary was written for the benefit of the Lau, and because the language is linguistically important. Both of these explicit purposes are met by the publication; and it is a pleasure to point out that we have here another monument of a great life's work, the more admirable because of the true and genuine modesty of its author.

Elli Kangas Maranda, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada December, 1973

The manuscript of the present dictionary as available to the publish­ ers was in a quite rough handwritten form requiring extensive preparatory and interpretative work prior to its being set up for printing. This was carried out very ably by Mary Craft of the Department of Linguistics.

The Editors

Dr Fox died on 28 October 1977 aged 99 years.


General and Ethnographic :

IVENS, Walter G. , The Island Builders of the Pacific: How & Why the People of Mala Construct Their Artificial Islands , the Ant iquity & Doubtful Origin of the Practice , With a Description of the Social Organization , Magic & Religion of Their Inhabitants. London , Seeley , Service & Co ., 1930.

MARANDA, Pierre and Elli Konga s MARANDA , "Le Cra ne et l'Ute rus : Deux theore mes nord-malaitains ," in Jean Pouillon and Pierre Maranda, eds., Echanges et communications : Me lan ges offerts a Claude Le vi-Strauss a l'occasion de son 60eme anniversaire . Mouton, The Hag ue , 1970, pp. 829-861.

MARANDA, Elli Kongas, "La Femm e Lau - Malaita, fles Solomon - dan s l'espace socialise ," Journal de la Societe des Ocean istes , 1970, pp. 155-162 .

MARANDA, Pierre , "Dialectic Anthropology : An Interpretation of the Maoist Model As Applied to Lau (Malaita) Society." Paper presented in the ASA Decennial Conference, Oxford , 1973.

Oral Literature :

MARANDA, Elli Kongas, "Theory and Practice of Riddle Analysis ," JOUI'Y/,G.Z of Ameriaan FoZkZore 84 (1971), 51-61.

MARANDA, Elli Kongas, "Five Interpretations of a Melanesian Myth ," JOUl'YlaZ of Ameriaan FoZkZore 86 (1973), 3-13.

MARANDA, Elli Kongas, "Five Nam es - The Villages (Solomon Islands )" , AZaheringa (1972), 35-36.

MARAN DA , Elli Kongas, "Narrative Structure and Style in North Malaita, Solomon Islands ," in press, Palermo .

MARANDA, Elli Kongas, "Folklore and Culture Change : Lau Riddles of Modernization ," to appear in Proceedings of the World Conference of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, held at Chicago , 1973.


Fox, C.E. Lau dictionary, with English index. C-25, vi + 266 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1974. DOI:10.15144/PL-C25.cover ©1974 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. 1

A 'a'ago very hot ; 'ago

a 1. him, her, it ; pera. pron. 'a'a1a fierce , savage ; 'ala; 3rd ag. as obj . of vbs . and rT ' a'ala, call out loudly some preps . The sg. form can be used as a neut . pl. ngal la 'a'ale to bite ; 'ale d5 gl , carry things 'a'ama the second of three 2. suff. to a verb forming a death feasts past part . pass ., added to the word base or the trans . form 'a'amu deaf mute of the vb .; saru burn. trans . sarufl, past part . sarufla 'a'aru to fall , descend , jump burnt down , dive 3. suff. forming vb l. ns . mae 'a'ase - Endospermum die , maea death sp . tree medu1.1.osum 4. pref. to vb s. bulo or abulo 'a'ato 5. adj . suff. rodoa dark difficult , scarce , costly , stiff; 'ato 6. suff. to poss. forms 'agu , a'atola 'agua my difficult 7. pref. to some adjs. aba stick or coconut frond for ramming pudding ; or 'aba a 1. gecko lizard 2. sp. swamp bird with long aha piece of seed yam for legs planting

'a 1. the pers . art . used with 'aba 1. hand , arm , wing , foreleg names of man . It can also be 2. leaf , frond, cloth; 'abe us ed with a descriptive title nlu, koa ('abal) when that has the force of an individual name , i.e. where in 3. portion , part English we us e a capital letter 'aba ' ato barren, no children and the def. art . 'th e' : the 'abarao{n l) to flap wings Doctor (of a ship). cf. 'a 'abe fonu paddles of a turt le Famou r I, the Saviour, wane 'abe usu ma handkerchief famo url , a Saviour 'abe usu non l towel 2. suff. to emphatic forms of boru I 'aba biceps per . prons . Nau 'a, nla'a gwa l 'aba scapula, a yard kade 'aba elbow to wrist 3. pref. (probably a prep . lofo na' aba palm of hand usually meaning 'belonging louna' aba armpit to' ) to the prons . gu , mu , na: mae 'aba arm ornament of aof la 'agu 'amu 'ana. thus for mi ng mana'aba radius , ulna, wrist , possessives forearm 5 su i 'ab a 4. pref. to vbs ., usually U e I bow making ns . 4. to pull, haul; nla aba

'a'a to clear the throat abaaba ap art , not quite meeting

'a' abo anxious aha!ba to go out , of tide ; 51 abaaba e tau , long time going 'a'abua red, crimson, bloody ; out 'abu, blood; bul l 'a'abua , red cowrie 'aba'aba to flap the wings ; 'aba

'a' agara begin to rise up

Fox, C.E. Lau dictionary, with English index. C-25, vi + 266 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1974. DOI:10.15144/PL-C25.1 ©1974 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. 2

'abakuru one-armed; gwe 'abaku ru. 'abefiri tobacco , piece of a one-armed man tobacco

ab a1a 1. a fathom 'abekaufe pandanus leaf 2. a portion , 'aba ; 'ab ala danti 'abekoa 1. mangrove leaf 2. ap. of fish aba1i afternoon , ab out 1 p.m. aba I iIi 'abemaku a piece of calico

aba101o banyan abenga crest of leaves on a coconut 'abamae paralytic 'abeota white marks on skin �angau 1. to spread , of grass or weeds 'abera 1. to be anxious , followed sul i 'ana. 'abera 'ana 2. greedy; gwe abangau or anxi ous ab out it abararao cat's cradle 2. detained because of, stop­ ped by 'abaro to put out hand and take , 'aberangai (ni) remove quietly , as a thief; anxious on aro account of 'aberatai ( ni) 'abarua to be busy 3. stay close to , help 'abera'oe 'abasua to provide plenty ; abasuala providing plenty 'aberama tortoise shell hook with pearl shaft for kingfish 'abatekwa a leaf used as a

wrapper for parcels 'abero 1. = abera

abe 1. pre!. to flat ob j ects , 2. to be busy , occupied; delay, aba be delayed abeboso slab of pork , trunk 'aberoa business of pig (limb s removed) 'abero'ani to be unwi lling to do abedo splinter 'aberola business , delay abefou flat stone for pavement 'abero tai I. to delay 2. abegogoi slat s of palm trunk , to succour , not leave 'abe rotai (ni) floor of slat s to be busy about , abegwaro shell armlet over , nia 'aberota inia abekao split piece of bamb oo abeola board of canoe 'abesao one piece of sewn that ch abewane flat-chested man 'abi cleave to , be with , accom­ 2. beside , abena pany always , 'ab ita i (n i) 3. to come to rest , sit on 'abifafi bare ground; faka e abe fafona 'abisi trans . to 'abi gird fena roun d thighs , put on loi n�·_. cloth 'abe 1. sp . creeper; string 2. to ask for money payment 'abo be anxious ; manata 'abo = 'a'abo ; manata 'aabola anxiety abeabe to enclose fish among seaweed with one's arms abolo a piece , part abole tala section of road 'abe 'ai worked timber , firewood (abolo i) abolo'ai log of wood a fo le'ai 3

abora sp . parrot - red breast , abuabu a flower garden planted green back , white neck, yellow for the child of an aral , beak chief - baebae

abota 1. to break , as an egg abuabu1i sp. small white clam when chicken hatches out on dead coral 2. broken abuabu10 a toy windmill, abu lo = takwan i abeaber o abu 1. don 't - to a child or an imal abuabu10si rotate , abu lo trans . 2. priv. pref. , showing con­ form trary action to that of verb , e.g. abungal i not to carry , abu1i 1. to roll fail to carry ; aburi ki fail 2. headlon g to see abubae be silent abu10 1. to turn round, turn abufanga to fast back , turn aside abu' igi not answer , keep to 2. turned round, reversed oneself; abugelo quiet abulea stop at home ; abul i I iu 3. rotate , roll abumanata thoughtlessness , abu loa rotation , reversal ; stupid, no sense abulola abu'o'olo un righteous abu lofa l (ni) aburongo reve rse, rotate ; disobedient , un- abulotai (nl) hearing always abulosl trans . of abu lo 1,3 abus isui refrain from bathing abu loto turn round slowly abuteo sleepless 4. to act , behave 3. flock, herd; abu I kui , boso , cf. bul lta " abulo 'al l'al l to be qui ck, smart , alert abu taboo , holy ; abu··fafi .. fua abulo bal ta proud taboo ; abula, hb liness; abu lo diana amiable, well abu I ana. behaved; abu lo lea abula restrictions abu lo enoeno quiet , meek abunga i (n i) to consecrate, abulo faekwa humb le taboo, set apart ; abufai abulola behaviour , conduct , (ni), abutai (ni) actions , work , doings ; faabu consecrate abulol ana abulo ogu qu iet 'abu bloo d, 'abuna, na mana ka abu lo rlglta active 'abu, gwa 'abu , a bruise , no abulo slslglla alert , smart blood; fera 'a'abua month abulo slslka sincere August-September abulo ta ill mannered, badly behave d 'abua red, crimson , prussian abulo 'usl obstinate , critical blue (colour of deep sea) , bloody ; maku 'abua crimson 5. to look cloth ; 'abu ' abua abulo ala, tol I look up , down 'abuas i 9r as i 'abua colour of abulo burongotoll look away deep sea abulo f�s l look away 'abu la bloody abulo i langl look up 'abus i ri art erial flow abu lo I ma look outside 'abusura menstrual flow abu lo nlmana look to one side , a but a f a dy sent e ry (I i utafa , ka labulo I. turn round, ab out di arrhoea) turn 2. epileptic m�abu lo epileptic 4

'aburao organ of female , ada ngas I I. wait- fo r, wat ch 'aburaona 2. wide aw ake , gwe adangas I, a wideawake person abusu 1. to have enough , be ada saltama or saltoma to satisfied, satiated, no recognise ( followed by ku , longer hungry mu , na) ada sasaI to expect 2. to provide plenty , provide ada su I I to look after ; a good feast , vb. trans . a adasu I I the overseer abusa, abusuala na ada taela I. steep upwards , as a cliff 2. goodbye ; abusua a good season with adetaelana plenty of food for all , ada tafa an open view o n I abusua ada t o I. re cognise , find 2. own possess abusu mango to want to do but ada tol I I. steep downward, no material or opportunity look down 2. bow the head mangoabusu available , also ada 'uri to expect , look for ada 'urla ta fot e, look ab out ada 1. to open the eyes , use for a paddle the eyes 2. to see , to look , ada ala, 'ada 1. ten coconuts , 'ade n I u look up , etc. 2. for them , from the , for 3. to wake intrans . fiada , their part , of them , among to aw aken them , belonging to them adala sight , seeing , waking 3. tuberculosis without blood adanga I (n I) to begin a thing spitting ( mae salo, with blood) , adasl trans . of ada, look at , 'adasi watch , expect , wait to see 'ada'ada a cent ipede-like creature ada ba ita (110 look hard at on the reef ba I ta) ada fllfI I. wat ch over 'ada1u - 'ada but a fewer numb er 2. act as sentry referred to ( trial form) ada falnl to look after a sick person 'adami eat a relish with vegetable ada fasl! look out l food, as pork ada f I I I to pick out , choose , ada f I I I ta do wane select , 'adanu sp . of tree ada fl lo to look carefully , perceive 'adaro du al form of 'ada , two ada gege look sideways people only , 'ada roa ada gegete ma look with envy , envy ada sato sp. large house spider , ada gete one eyed, geve its web used for cat ching adageta kokofu, cf. garo , lakwa ada kwada I. to look through , 2. see through view through ade 1. to make , do , cause a narrow opening , vista ada lafusl fail to recognise, 2. to happen , e adea it happen­ also ada ulafusl ed, e ade 'oe it happened to you ada I lal la to look ab out , adea done , made , happened round ade 'afe la intermarry ada mlldlu to squint ade 'au play on panpipes ada mas I watch , wait for ade diana do well , be expert at ada na bul ra ma to look ade doa a feast askance ade do abu to worship 5

ade fas I 1. do without 3. to be engaged to 2. authority fail to do 'adoma l (nl) to put two things ade yaro 1. to make a mi s­ toget her take 2. to break a 'adoml 1. to be reconciled with ; promise kwal !adoml help , mutual as sist­ adegen l to marry an ce 2. to give mutual presents adekwea behave like a fool 'adoml la help , assistance ; adela deed, doings , work kwa l 'adoml la ade 110 ta to displeas e 'ado ro ba 1 i 1. between both· ade naunau 1. reckless , rash , sides 2. unstable headstrong 2. defy author­ 'ados l tran8 . of 'ado to cry ity for , of a child, cry for mother , ade ta do wrong , sinful , do worry father badly ; movement of bowels (child) adolua 1. to remove skin from ade ta rake (na) to sadden , a burn cause trouble to 2. burnt or scraped skin ade to to attempt , test (followed ku , mu, na) ade 'ae 1. used after names in direct to na attempt it address , Joe 'ae my dear Joe 3. to tire , gera adegera they 2. foot , leg, 'aena: the mean­ tired themselves ings given below show the root 4. movement of bowels , of a meaning of 'ae child borona 'ae, bu lra'ae heel , bosu i '· ae calf, 'au'au'ae shin adi 1. to be slow in growth , dadakuna'ae ankle or gogol l 'ae; of men or trees lofona'ae sole gwou uruuruna'ae 2. a dw arf knee ; lutana'ae, louna'ae hollow of kn ee 'adi 1. molar teeth = garomota, 'adlna tangana'ae thigh 3. 'aena­ 2. to taboo a path by tying top of shaft of hook finou leaves 4. front of book 'aena buka 3. sp. fern GZeichenia 5. 'ad I'ad 1 tissues of fern handle of knife , axe , hand­ (moge), used for plaiting armlets; net etc. s I 'ad I ' ad I plaited yellow 6. mouth of river 'aena kafo armlets 7. beginning of road 'aena tala; 'aenu ' ato 'aenama 'adio sp . vine used for kite (rafter) door­ step strings and in fishing 8. bottom 'aenafou , 'aena 'al etc. 'ado 1. to share , 'ado 'ana 9. legs 'aena tebel 2. to help 10. near 'aena Savo , in the vicin­ ity of Savo 'ado 'a 1. sp. nut tree ; the nut of the tree Canarium 8aZom­ 11. hori�on 'aena as l - oguna asl, onen8i8 'aena salo - 'Initona salo or ogutouna salo 2. centre of chest below ribs 12 . coast 'aen a fera 3. lower extremity of breast bone , knob of the bone 13. source , origin , beginning, foundat ion 'aena beu first 'adofai(ni) 1. to help ; fa posts or foun dat ion of house or 'adofa l caU8 . original site; 'aena fara orig­ inal village 2. to be friends with 6

14. business , 'aena do 'oe afas i trans . of afa your business , 'aena safol i a afas ia notched, marked, cut root of the matter afa 'ae fera open space no islands 15 . neighbour , nat ive ma lafa of 16 . author , 'ae i mamanala !fa a kite for fishing 17 . chief, 'ae wane or 'aena 'afa e 'afa fe ra be giddy 18. tuber, root , 'aena ka i , 'afa sp. tree leaves used as ka i rog i tuber of yam , kumara cabbage 19. owner , 'aena furai, ola, afaafa 1. ap art , not quite meet­ ma lefo , fal isi owner of net , ing, cf. abaaba garden money , field 2. habitual , accustomed , used 20. because of, on that ac­ to count , for that reas on , i 'aena nana for that reason 3. lofty 21. all , 'ae i ma l efo or 'ae ma lefo , 'ae ni man i, 'ae 'afae 1. bitter, sour , sore aft er eating wild yams bata, 'ae ni moge number of men with moge 2. to make bitter or sour , 'aefae 'ae'ato lame , 'ae katu 'afaela making bitter , 'afaelana 'aebara fami ly circle , kindred afali torn , broken , as fish's aefara despise , make light of mouth by hook aefara 'ana, aafara la con­ tempt afanga to open wide , gape , un­ cover , open up 'aekodo one or more toes mi ssing gwe'alkodo 'afangi knock out dottel from 'afangia ngaefiri 'aekoki no toes , gwe 'ae kok i pipe , afatai(ni) to pull tight , as a 'aekuru one-legged, gwe 'aakuru net in fishing one-legged man fa i 'ae four-footed animal of afe l. current , wave , tide any sort 2. to be in flood, freshet fu l i ' ae footprint , foot- mark 3. to float in water or air mae 'ae I. one yard 2. beads 4. to dissolve in liquid strung below knee afea I. current , tide rip 'aela 1. rooted, firm, sure , 2. foreign country faka i having legs afeafea , wane i afeafea 3. foreign ship , not canoe 2. bad, ka i si 'aela, fanga afeafe current , tide rip s i 'ae I a afela current afes i trans . of afe to carry 'aengai to own , 'aengai 'agu I away , of current or tide own cf. to afes ia carried away. by tide , current afa 1. a hawk afetai( ni) = afes i 2. to cut , incise , mark , notch 7

'afel 1. wife , married woman , 'afita sp . of pandanus gen i 'afe afo keep promising without do­ 2. to marry , of woman , nia'afe na ing , waver, be unstable 'afe la final marriage cere­ afoa come apart , foa mony , tying waist-string 'afemae 1. woman dy ing in afoa far off child-birth, from breaking taboo 2. paralysis afoafo 1. flap wings or hands fa 'afe la marriage cf. ge l0 2. wave a branch (not in use) afoda 1. loose , fallen , falling , afedu strai ghtened , as a curved foda stick 2. cracked 'afesi trans. of 'afe difficult for or to , 'afesia nalulana afoga opened wide , as a bag ; di fficult to bale out (of a broken up , as canoe , foga boat ) afoi revert , change back to afesu chipped former nature , fo i reverted, changed back 'afetai 1. difficult , 'afetai- 'ana afo1a 1. wide , fo la 2. impossible 2. jump aside 3. scarce , rare afo1e split , foe afeto going in di fferent dir­ afora covered with sores ections aforangai(ni) shake" up and down afetoa spread out , as fingers (bend bow - Ivens) or toes , feto afu 1. to drive fish into a net , afi 1. comb , rake , as search­ afua ing for lice in hair 2. together , gather together 2. dig with the hands cf. ofu (rarely used) 'afi gird roun d (cf. 'abi , 'ofe) 3. to bear , of fruit trees ; 'af isi ; 'afisl 'ani gird with be plentiful afusi trans. of afu afiafi to grovel , of a dog afusia fruited plentifully afi10 unravelled , fi l0, afi lu 4. flower of coconut , afuna niu

afio 1. twisted, flo 'afu 1. to be complete = to fu cf. 'afuta 2. sp . tree Gy zygium maZac­ cense , cf. rufo 2. green seaweed, five or six feet long afisi 1. sp. land shell 3. to wrap up , make a cigarette , 2. outside posts of a fence 'afua, 'afu ' afu 'afu afua a parcel afisu sp . nut tree = 'ado'a 'afu beu chrysalis , make a and 'arau chrysalis , 'afu du i, 'afu nui afita split, flta 8

'afuma to blindfold 2. to shake and pull out , as a post 'afu saku cover over , as things 3. to put out the tongue , 'aga in a boat from rain mea 'afu tagu cover over completely 'aga' aga loose , shakey , as glasses on nose afuafu 1. a landslide , cf. oba 'agai (ni) jerk out of vessel 'ag ainia 2. small particles 'agani trans . of 'aga afuafuna fanga crumb s fli' aga put out afuafuna gano dust 'agani'ala('ana) shift up a burden with a jerk 3. to gather fruit from a garden 4. pour water down throat from bamb oo tilting vessel 'afuafu boso or bosoni 'afu ' afu 5. to gargle burnt sacrifice to agalo 'agalu pour water or drop f.ood afufu 1. to fall as du s t, or a into mouth , 'agalua landslide , e afufu 'agatai (ni) incline vessel and pour liquid 2. a lands lide 6. for us , from us , among us , afui 1. search a head for lice ; for our part , belonging to us , afui wane cf. 'ada

2. all , a crowd, large number = aga1i mo la ofu round, round about , agal i world, cf. gal i 3. sp . club aga1imae ghost of war , culture afu10 cleansed, fu lo hero

afuraga 1. to �reak as rope aga10 1. disemb odied spirit living on earth , ghost in 2. burst as a parcel spirit world, agalona spirits tagana 3. burst into flower, agalo babae afuraga one that has inter- course with men agalo geu one that rocks a afurido10 severe headache over can oe , object of divination eyes , sunstroke agalo kwadi a whistling agalo agalo kwea drives men mad afusi 1. fallen of it's own agalo mae spirit of man long accord dead 2. scatter, sow agalo mauri a wild agalo in the forest 3. bring down on , as a hammer, agalo ta familiar spirit or club on head agalo tae or tael i one that possesses (tae ) a man 'afuta all , every ; 'afutana agalo taela wane divination agalo tal i a shoot ing star 'afuto 1. an owl 'ani agalo part ake of sacrifice ere si , lui or odu agalo take 2. sp . tree with red flowers away protection of agalo used for rubbing fire lafu , lau or tola agalo to exorcise 'aga 1. also aga ; to pull out , tol i agalo give agalo a share pluck out ; 'aga ; pull out a of feast , tol i agaloa tooth or something in the throat 9

2. incantation , prayer , mae ageu 1. to rock , of canoe agalo, kwa i fe agalo 2. to capsize 3. to heal from sickness ( but not wounds ) by me ans of in­ agiro 1. to limp cantation , herbs or medicines 2. twisted agalola healing , agalolana agalola cure , remedy , healing ago to hide = agwa wane agalo healer, doctor agof i tr. of ago 'aga1u to swallow = okomi , agol ia hidden konom i 'ago 1. hot 'agama1u triaL of 'aga (6), refers to smaller number than 2. powerful , of spiritual 'aga power 3. stinging , caustic 'agamere du aL, let, pers . excL. 4. strenuous , rao 'ago ' ago 'agamo1u triaL of 'agamu , smal­ work strenuously ler numb er 5. cooked, done , of food 'ago na I 'agamoro du aL, 1st pers . incL., 'agamo roa 6. seas oned, of timber , cf. su luna green timb er 'agamu for you , from you , among 7. withered and dead , of veg­ you , for your part , belonging etation to you , 2n d pers . pL., 'ag amu a 'agoa heat , magical power 'agara 1. startled, frightened ' ago'ago - 'ago 'ago ' agoa s � agoa 2. to shake , as a bottle 'ago ' ago fifi boiling hot 'aga ' agara 'ago'ago I3 m�ical power 'aga ranga i ( n i ) shake , dandle 'ago ' ago tou l�kewarm a baby , 'agarang ainia 'agof i tr. of 'ago to heat , roast 'agarere 1. cough to draw 'agofia heated, withered at tent ion 'ago la hotness , 'agolana 2. grunt in sleep fa ' ago ' ago to heat , cf. f5dafi heat up food 'agasa sp. white coleus , cf. rakahasua e 'agofia anger 'asaga heated him 8. a sp . of shrub , whose leaves agau 1. lift the leg, cross sting and cause sores over, fa Ii agau , lofo agau step , jump across 'ago1u for us , etc. , of small 2. ready, adeagau get ready number , cf. 'agu 'agoma spill a little from 'age sp . plant , amomum vessel , 'aga age1u glancing off; sliding 'agoro etc. , duaL , down for us , 'agoroa , cf. 'agu 'agera agosi to fall down , as a stone wall: fallen , of a house

agota to fall , of something 'ageru wild areca nut heaped up , or a cliff 10

'agu 1. for me , gen i 'agu wife 6. in order to , 'al ka su for me , 'agua rakena 2. my , belonging to me , ruana 7. which (reZative pr onoun ) 'agu , fanga 'agu , my friend , food 8. all , a number of similar things (followed by n i) 'ai n I 3. used when no un is qualifi ed, boso , toa all the pigs , people , te ma 'agu one of my eyes , 'al ni toa everyone magu my eye 9. to call aloud , 'ai buri 'ana 4. used as disp Zaced object of a verb , nia I isi 'al i 'al i 10 . to sing = ngu 'agu , cf. nia lisi nau 11. to make a sound to show one 5. follows a verb for emphasis , is pres ent , 'ai fuana 'for my part' , and then often 12 . to urge , incite , nia 'ala used with gwa , gwa 'agu 13 . to grit teeth in pain , 'aina 6. used to express !to want , (suffi xed pronoun ) have , give' , nau ' agu s i maku I want a loincloth , e nla'agu 14. a plant with branches, tree , I have some , e langi 'agu shrub , garden plant such as I haven 't any , 'agu maku give balsam (not niu etc.) , 'aina me a loincloth plant s (collectively ) 15 . wood , sl 'ai firewood , bundle agwa 1. to crouch , stoop of firewood, ka li- ai generic 2. hide , cf. ago name for creepers , parasites = ga l i'ai , ngangade 'ai driftwood , agwala tr. of agwa , nla dead branches agwa l3 agwana tr. of agwa, sau 16. Ii\ mallt agw ana , kill secretly 19 . flock of birds agwa oro stoop while sta nd­ "81 manu ing ; hang down , of dog's ears , agwaoro fafona lean 'ai abaaba1a sp . tree Ag Zaia ep . upon it agwatai ( ni) crouch , hide and 'ai afaafea pawp aw , Papaia 'ai wait for , nia agwatainia kafoa , 'ai ni matakwa

agwaagwa sp . of freshwater fish 'ai 'afae sp . creeper like a bean

'ai 1. a person , individual , ta 'ai ana bottom boards of a canoe 'ai anyone 2. a woman , 'al nau ,my wife , 'ai aruaru sorceress 'ai sarT unmarried daughter, 'ai satana, 'ai luma gera , 'ai asi1a sp . tree Neoscortechinia 'ai ni raola or raolani maid­ arborea servant , 'ai so so or aruaru sorceress , 'ai to I blsi in 'ai 'au piece of reed in the ear childbirth 'ai biru log for garden 3. thing , 'ai nau'mine , ten i 'ai some things or persons , 'ai bu sp . tree Gyaygium micandrum individuals cf. rufo , afio 'aurid e 4. kind , sort 'ai bu1u sp. tree Diospyros 5. another , di fferent , te do 'ai maritema another thing , 'al lau, ta baru 'ai a certain thing , 'ai buri 1. junior te 'al 'ai another 2. second wife 11

'ai dia sp . of club 'ai ni i'a sp . tree

'ai dumu sp . tree Biachofia 'ai ni Kori sp . tree , yellow , javanica ; also called 01 101 1 stringy fruit , acid, scraped (Ko rl ) and eaten 'ai ere rub fire 'ai ni mae 1. saga , story , song 'ai fatarao sp . of black fish ( cf. 51 11) recited at feasts; with reptilian head also ngii gwa lua 2. ghosts of war agallmae 'ai foto a hammer 3. their weapons in beu lIbu 'ai furu 1. sp . small flying fish 'ai ni matakwa pawpaw = 'al afeafea or kafoa 2. sp . tree Endionara 'ai niniu 1. sp . of fish 'ai futo sp . tree 2. sp. tree , nutmeg HorafieZdia 'ai garua an outrigger canoe sp .; also Myratica Buchneriana

'ai isu a large canoe , high prow 'ai ni tal0 to make known , 'al and stern nl talongal ( ni)

'ai ka£oa pawpaw 'al afeafea 'ai niu = 'ai niniu sp . fish (1. e. foreign) 'ai obi a roll of dy ed ( red) 'ai karongo sp. tree with yellow rattan flowers and white paper-like leaves 'ai 'o'oni weeds

'ai lado a graft 'ai 'ora uncastrated

'ai lailai· sp . tree Inocarpua 'ai rade sp . tree Dy soxy Zum eduZia cauZoatachyam

'ai lali sp . tree 'ai rae boar , castrated

'ai malua sp . tree Ochroaia 'ai rarafol0 a cross

'ai mamale sp. tree PZanchone ZZa? 'ai ria poles for a fishing stage

'ai me la sp . tree PaZaquium 'ai saru wooden mortar aa Zomononsis used for canoes 'ai sata 1. wife , 'a 1 satana 'ai momoko sp. tree with scented 2. to invoke , pray to , 'al leaves satana 'ai nao 1. senior 'ai sigi a trap , snare 2. first wife 'ai sikisiki sp . tree Parinarium 'ai ngenge tree with rubbing, corymboaum creaking branches 'ai soso sorceress 'ai ni Gao 1. ebony ( from Gao , Santa Isabel) caraZZia 'ai sua a spear brachiata 'ai subu sp . tree , leaves cooked 2. spears made with this wood as liniment and as aperient ; 12

also 'al I subu Pimi Zeodendron akari 1. tr. to tear , become amboiniaum torn 2. split by lightning 'ai su1a sp . tree Pa Zaquim 3. come off, slip off of its 'ai su1ia sp . tree Gironniera own accord = atarl ( not from aeZtidefoZia aka) akarla 'ai susubeu sp . tree , leaves , torn fruit eaten , strong smell akasa bright green = ma 'a 'ai taga sp . tree , yellow pulp , akasa1a greenness , akasalana green stone fruit akasi come out (pas t part. ) 'ai wane sp . tree Randia dryadum ; also Tarenna akeake burnensis go to a woman to cohabit ake1e 1. aia 1. very well l ( beginning a to turn round , revolve abulo new line of thought ) 2. to happen 2. nephew , niece ( child of woman 's brother) ala nau akeletal (nl) go round some­ akeletalnla 3. aunt ( sister of one 's thing , akele talnla manata father) to repent akeletainla manatana 'ai'adea worn out , of soil ; ano'aladea 'ako 'oko akwa 'aidania daily to open the mouth akwa rereba open mouth wide , 'ai'u a measure , length of boast = anga fafo thumb , for native money akw� to recover, be convales­ 'ai'ui a chisel cent , get well fliakwli aka 1. to come out , fall out , to heal as stem of pipe , handle of akwa 1. Pometia axe, c f. a 9 a . sp. of hardwood pinnata akaaka or akaka I. fall down of itself. 2. loose, come 2. to cry aloud , roar, as surf; out , come ap art , as a tooth screech of birds or post out of socket . 5kwala roaring ; akwalana akan I tr. of aka akwala deep or loud noise, roar , crash , boom 2. to pluck out = aga akasl tr. come out after hit­ 'akwa sp . of fish ting , as a hook or in spear­ ing fish akwaakwa a sp . walking fish in akas la come out the mangroves akatai (ni) to bang up and down in a rough sea; akatalnla akwai 1. to uproot ; also lakwa l 2. to pull up a net akabusu eat greedily = fanga kaokao , oboliS akwa1a ten , akwa ledo ten things akarna sp . tree Finsahia densifZora 'akwango sp . of large fish 13

'akwasi 1. to leave , forsake 7. to sprout , shoot , of plants fafasu; tala ala'ana. self­ 2. sp. tree , used for blacken­ grown ing teeth , Rhus taitensis 'ala 1. bite , st ing , enter , as a akwera one leg on each side , as hook in riding; gwouru akwe ra 2. fierce , savage , as a dog akwo to knead; akwoa 3. sharp , as a knife ala 1. to split across 'ala 'ala barbed 'alas i to ravage , destroy , alaala cracked, as a plat e tr. of 'ala a 1 a 1 a splitting ; ala lana 'alafifT to sting 2. to answer 'alaf ita to bite in half alafafi confess, acknowledge , 'ala fo lo long handled club agree , admit , respond with two spikes to turn alafu take a vow or oath , e.g. spears never to speak to one another 'alakako to munch again , or receive food from 'alamadi eat two kinds of food one another together alafua vow , oath , alafula 'alamaga to bite to bits , chew alaf u�ato swear by agalo up , 'a1 ameme bae alafu to curse 'alangingita to clench the alagwou nod the he ad teeth alala an agreement 'alangi si chew up alama i (ni) answer, obey , 'alaota bite an areca nut , allow , take notice of ceremony on returning from alamat ai ( nl) allow a journey alami tr. of ala 1. answer 'a1 ate I te i 1. hold between 2. as s ent to 3. suit , fit , the teeth 2. clench teeth be worthy of in dy ing alange nod the head, alange 'alatete bite off bits to feed gwou animals 'alatou chew up 3. to set a net , arrange a war party 'ala 1. up 4. let go , let down , ala te 2. south bal i, let out line ala 'ani alala ala lana 3. lengthwise , fane' ala i langi letting down , nakou fu ra i more and more , lea'ala ua gone a long while alamai ( ni) set , alamainia alasi tr. of ala set a net 4. ripe , of betal nut to encircle fi sh , ala si i'a; set in order a war party 'ala'ala croton alasia set , let go in a 'ala'ala baekwa green , serrated circle (pass. part .) leaf ala suli gwa lu to anchor " dua alata 1. a fishing ground " fouboso green and (property ) 2. open space black 3. front of canoe where no " gogoa one sits yellow " keke roa red 5. a fleet of canoes , or a " ma lea sweet scented number of things together, ala croton n i k i rio " mu 6. to mention a person 's name 'ala'ato 1. custom of forcing a in talk woman to marry if she enters a forbidden room 14

2. to put such a taboo on your cf. alasl (ala 3) and 'alasl room ('ala J) 2. to sharpen a pencil a1afa a chief alafala kingdom, region of 'alauo sp. of fish his authority , alafalana 'ale 1. to bite = 'ala; wa 'a'ale a1afana 1. like , as , alafana ..• 2. to kiss alafana, just as

2. kingdom , dominion 'aleuo - 'alauo

'alafoa easy to crack ali 1. to twine round, encircle , al ia, cf. gal l, ka l I a1afuana - alafana 2. to surround 'alaga sp . seaweed 3. to coil a rope , wind a line al I 'a1akwa 1. undeveloped, 4. to coil up like a dog, kokosu 2. a lad, a young son , 'alakwa 5. nau, my lad, my son , mae curled, tangled of hair, I fua II 'al akwa die young 'alakwa rafo old bachelor , 6. make a loop , bend string or 'al akwa wane rope 7. to lie in wait for a1akwaga 1. diphtheria ('ononagl sore throat ) 8. to offer money for a murder (nai li) 2. sp . of fish taboo to man 9. strand of a rope suffering from diphtheria al l rua two strands = dalo al l olu three strands a1akwea to make babbling noises allbaba three strands. but flat , di fferent weaving , a1al i to apport ion food , di s­ nai ll al ibaba tribute possessions 10 . beginning of a song , alingu 'alarna brimful al lal I to coil al ial la l. circle 2. a coil a1angai(ni ) to promise, 3. round, as a ball , cf. alangalnia 'ere ' erea, gal igal la, komu­ alangal la promising , komu I a, mo I I mo I I a alangal lana alia sp . fish , freshwater, spot­ alangal la a promise ted

'alangi 1. to name , 'alangl 'ana 'ali' a1i 1. qui ck name him , 'alangl maelana speak of death of living 'all'ailia quickness , person 'ali'al i lana 2. to call, 'alangla 2. circular stone platform round a tree , or oven 3. to accuse , 'alangl 'ana alialiki full to brim and run­ alasa sp . fish crimson in colour ning over, Ilkl

'alas�a ripe , of betel , banana aliburi 1. to curtail

alasi 1. to scrape smooth , 2. a number coming late 15

alide to travel by sea 'al ingana kwada with pierced ears al idea a voyage 'al ingana lulu dull of hear­ ing alidi = alide 'al ingatabataba proj ecting

al idia = al idea ears , gwe 'a1 i ngatabataba 'al ingatege very small ear­ ali 'ere ' erea round like a ring rings 'alinga u ears sticking out , alifeo make a noise gwe 'alinga Ii

alifi 1. make a noise , noisy ; alisisiu field, old garden , alua al ifi la don't make a al i s i u noise alitafa froth , foam on mouth al ifTla noise , making a noise, any noise as aeroplane , pigs , alite 1. sp . tree TerminaZia dogs , engine , surf, birds , catappa boys ; aeroplane ka al ifT fuae al ite lozenge in tattoo 2. to chatter mark alifiguda several coils 2. divisions in canoe (from alata q. v. ) other than the koba alifoa blood money ; or alufaa cf. taltal al ite ola, al ite I nao , I burl aligi sp�lt , ligi alo taro , raku or ala a taro alilo to shift , of wind, an garden ; ngada alo, blr u -divi­ eddy , oru al i 10 sions , tale alo whole garden divided lengthwise alima flat rope alo fosua sp . yellow , very alimango largest sp. of crab , good eating found on outer reef, black alo gwou rag i sp. of taro

alinani sp. tree , Ap orosa sp ., alofi 1. to rub , stroke , alofia cf. 7 al ingane 2. to beckon with the hand cf. garu 'alinga 1. ear , 'alingana; also given as al inga , cf. al i alofai to swim like a turtle , 2. gill of fish or fin (gill . dog paddle , breast-stroke also sete) a1ofoloa hollow between two rows 3. sp. fish , leaps high out of darl , sasafoloa water 'al inga boko i dull of hearing alosa sp. fish 'al inga fa lu sp . large fish reddish fins and tail, alu 1. to place , put , lay down rhomb us shape mark on back , 2. to give , send, alua baea good eating fuana give him news , alu'uri 'al inga fT to annoy by making 'allnga frla send for goods , order; a noise , annoy­ alua lu'uria ance 'al inga kafo bend in riv er; a 3. to bury ; alu wane little bay 4. to have ; alu we la 'al inga mu one-eared, gwe 'al inga mu 5. to be , alu ma la be wounded, 'al i ngana ban i deaf, or alutes i lio be of one mind, 'al inga bani 16

agree , e a 1 ua fe dan i it was 'a1ulu sp. fish one day a1ungara 6. to become , change into ; to offer sacrifice alu a baekwa (alu 1) 7. to give up ; alu a baela a1usli sp . fish fuana , cease talking to him aluwane S. don't; alua! alu a mou la burial don 't be afrai d aluwanea funeral: aluwanea I 9. to refrain from ( with caus . angl ta7 when is the funeral and gerund. ) alu a famou lana refrain from fear , alua fa ama father , amana adelana refrain from doing it 'ama 1. sp. tree , TerminaLia 10 . to make , cause , alua dani , comp Lanata ; also T. papuana rara'au 2. Ly copodium , 'a'ama 11. to farewell , alua 3. sp . seaweed , not long stalks 12. to charge for , a 1 ua 'ana like 'afu aluf ai (ni) farewell , aluf ainia 'ama 'ama 1. Lycopodium alula putt ing , burying , be­ 2. to speak indistinctly coming , etc. ; alulana alula burial , etc. 'amali saltwater 13. sp. fern , climbing plant 'amara barren , of a woman 14. garden ground, last year's garden , c f. al i 5 lsi u 'amari to shed hair or feathers , as dog or bird alu agal0 to find a culprit by ghostly light flitting to him: 'amaria long legged scrub bird he cries out in his sleep ; kw l alua agal0 amasi to cry for help , call to alu buri to leave , alu burl one's father , cry for mercy , 'ana (alu 1) amas ia

alu f�fi to bring red money arnera sp . small fish payment for bride (alu 1) 'amo1u for you , trial , used for alu Gnu = alu agal0 small number , cf. 'ada , 'amo lua 'alu sp . of tree

amu to weed = kamu ; amua alualu 1. to promise (alu 1) bae alualu 'amu 1. dumb , 'amula dumbness , 2. to farewell (alu I) 'amu lana 'a'amu deaf mut e 'alu�alu put red money over fish teeth , in stringing 2. for you (sing. ), for your part , cf. 'agu , 'ana aluigigena speak like a ;. 3. your , fanga 'amu foreigner 4. want , 'oe 'amu s I maku do aluke loose, unloosed, detached: you want a loincloth luke·or aluge 5. follows verbs to give em­ phasis , manata buro 'amu ; gwa 'a'mu 17

6. to have , e nia 'amu1 have 7. in the matter of, concern­ you any ? s siamu ing 7. property , especially in 'adomi nau 'ana bae I a help me pigs , 'amu i boso , cf. fera , with the language lango, asi, et c. e olu fa l isi 'ana :th ree years ' old 'amu a e saea fuana 'ana told him ab out it amuni to sink into ground, of sand or water 8. for , to, fanga 'ana food for him , 'afetai 'ana adel ana dif­ amuri plucked, of a fowl ; fal­ ficult to do len out , of hair ; shed, of 9. when , if, 'ana nia ka dao feathers when he arrives , 'ana ka uri na , if it was so amuru falling out of hair 10 . his , fanga 'ana, ki lu 'ana 'ana 'a and prep. na, 3rd per. his grave (for him) sing. , 'agu , him , her , it , cf. 11. other meanings , and many of 'amu , et c. those ab ove , can be included 1. originating from , from , of, under the pidgin English out of 'along him' , 'belong him ' , cf. ma 'an� ma eye to eye 'it a ma i 'ana originate from what dau 'ana touch him ngal ia 'ana tei get from whom ingo 'ana besought him ta ni wane 'ana toa one of the kwe le 'ana marvelled at him people 12 . used to give emphas is at taten 'ana gano earthenware end of sentence , 'for his part ' cup nia lea na 'ana he is all 2. belonging to, partaking of right the character of, do ' ana mango nia manata 'ana he thought for spiritual his part 3. by , with , by means of, 13. 'displaced object ', i.e. therewith used as obj ect after a ve rb which is followed by an ad­ aofia'ana falela king worthy verb or other word making a of gifts compound lea 'ana ta go how saungia'ana subu kill with a nl bubu tete 'ana looked club closely at it take'an a' idala stand ashamed 14. to have , e nia 'ana he has 4. in , on it ; often with gwa: gwa 'ana , as also 'ana 10 'ana koburu in the summer 'ana fa fu talana when he was 15. to want , nia 'ana maku he born wants a loincloth 5. after , by , because of, gera 16 . comp lete , tangafulu 'ana mou 'ana ngalila dai se nae they feared because of their . 'ana'au name of wind NE to N being taken there 'anakwe a seagull alangia 'ana satana give him hi s name anau persistent , as a child 'ana nia ka doria because he always asking for everything want s it it sees 6. there , beu nia to 'ana 18

anga 1. a bamb oo for a net langi si saitamana nia teo an ita not know when he will 2. a bag lie down (sleep ) anga open mouth wide angitai to borrow anga fafa to gape ; gwe anga fafa, gwe anga fafa donga ango 1. to crawl ; man , insect , man always gaping; with shellfish mout h op en 2. to creep ; plants ; to grow over, as moss on a tree angai(ni) 1. lift up 3. to stalk a bird or man , not 2. to carry over the shoulder necessarily crawling on a stick angof i tr. of ango 1. to angaru to go into seclusion , of crawl on 2. to creep over , a woman = ni bisi twine rbund 3. to overgrow 4. to stalk we la angaru child too youn g angofia 1. overgrown to go into the house 2. stalked anofi 'ae sp . mollusc Nerita ange a few , in compounds , ange brevispina = dokofl 'ae do or ange sido, ange fe dani ange fe i'a, ange a few days , angoango rake rake wane anger ; or etc. angoango angefe or angafe divisions in , ani 1 to e at , an i a, 'an i ' an i taro garden (fences or logs , not spaces ) cf. b i ru , ngada 'anila eating , 'anilana 'anila eating (verbaL noun), anggwa to run away in fear , 'anilanala ko lu anggwa fas ia 'aniagalo to eat of the sacrifice; assistant (The angi to cry , produce a sound, priest (ota , aofia) had two e.g. bird singing , trumpet , assistants , the first called thunder 'anifota, the second 'aniagalo or 'anif�l a; these angiangi 1. to cry three comp ared by the people aiiia weeping to bishop , priest , and an i la making a sound , crying , deacon. ) angi lana 'aniakasa to eat raw angisi tr. of angi to cry for ; 'anif�l a or wane 'anifola - follow ab out as a woman a man 'aniagalo angisia cried for, lamented 'anifota assistant , cf. aiigisilan being cried for , 'aniagalo angisi lana 'anifunu to overeat = fanga angitai (ni) 1. to cry for a funu nurse 2. to dun , keep ask­ ing for payment , angi t ainia 'ani2 1. for , with , concerning angifi cry and annoy ab out , by means of, with it ; 'an gifila annoying with cry­ �akes the place of 'ana before ing , angifilana pronouns angi ni mae la cry bitterly angiangi 2. a coconut ab out 'ani 'ania eat of it ' to fall (swishing soun�) 'ani 0 adea 'urina because you did so ' angita when? either past or 'ani 0 rao when you work future and not always inter­ do 'ani 'oe your's rogative e langi 'ani nau I have none ' 0 ko lea angi t a or angita farongo 'ani nau tell ab out me when will you go? 19

2. = n i, wane ' an i maku kwakwao anu to shake , quake 3. follows certain verbs , 'ui anuanu 1. to shake , quake 'ania throw it away ' 2. an earthquake 4. when , 'ani 0 rao anufe a sp . of small burrowing 'aniramo to do violence to , 'aniramoa insect , burrows under skin anuta an island (only in names ) ana 1. earth , land; some prefer 'ana ao 1. to hold out , as a torch , anoano low , as a house , cf. aoa enoeno 2. to lift up anoanoa low , humble , subject to anofu dry ground (as opposed 3. to jerk up , as a rod, aoa to sea) , the Earth cf. 'ar i anoIa dirty aola 1 i ft i n g, a 0 I a n a 2. garden land (rarely used) ao ma lift up the eyes , look up anoalua an old garden ganoalua anogwou I. a'o or 'ao 1. a fishing rod a deserted village fe 'au, 'au ni 'ao'ao 2. name of Ramo s Island 2. to fish for bonito 3. to lurk in sand and mud, cf. fe Ii a'oa'o a or 'ao'aoa fishing with a rod 4. to bury a'o saau fish for bonito 5. to di sappear aofia ana fafi a ruler, king, priest to bury in ground, ota cover over anoanoa a heap of· twigs , the When sacrificing an aof ia wore traveller adds one and ceases kafara over shoulders , kef i on to be tired· and goes safely head , lao on the top of his anomi tr. of ano; to put foot head , I ita do round waist , two down , dig heel in ground, cf. mae 'aba on arm and one tia on 'ato 'ae, kwate bii leg . He had two assistants anomi la burying , anomi lana 'anifota and 'aniagalo q.v. 6. the soul in a livi n·g man , ro iu aofia two male twins anona (royal twins ) anoasa I. a disemb odied spirit ao10 right hand, 'aba aolo 2. a ghost , spirit 3. coun­ try where the dead go , hades ao loa I. right-handed fera anoasa; sulana anoasa 2. correct , proper the diving place where the spirits of the dead di�e into field plant s sea to go to anoasa anoedo a spirit aoriaz 1. yams stored 2. herbs , garden produce anoano an earthquake = anuanu

anobota 1. to turn over ground, ara 1. to call , summon anobota ara'ani to beseech 2. to make mounds in a garden arangai to beseech , pray ; arangai (ni) or rows arangaia incantation , prayer, anomu crouch in water, only petition ; arangaila showing nose 20

arange tr. to calI on a ghost , 'arakoko sp . tree , Gme tina invoke ; arange agalo satomonensis 2. a chief, ara a do 'arakwana a tree with large edible fruit , with strong ara S.E. Trades , violent wind : ' smell = rakw ana , 'ai subu , ana au, W babalai tolo, NE-E 'ai susubeu E ekwefolo, NW koburu aratai (ni) blow , of Trades 'aranga or 'a'aranga 1. wild duck, duck 'ara 1. rub , scrape , clean , rub 2. to swim, cf. garu down shell money with sand 'arangala swimming 'arala rubb ing, scraping 'ar angatai swim 'aras i tr. of 'ara 'arasia 'ar angatai ( ni) swim with , scrapped, rubbed 'ar angatainia 2. to drag , draw , pull = tara aranga1i sp . tree, Ce ttis 'araf i tr. of 'ara Nymannii 'arafia pulled, dragged 3. a poor nut , coconut or betel aranunu to disperse simultan­ eously , as a swarm of flies 'ara ' ara a bone-pointed arrow disturbed

'ara ' ara rough , as sandpaper; or arara extending a long way , mai skin unshaved arara

araba sp . cock le , deeply groove d 'arara a ripple

arai 1. chief, hero in story or ararame sp . tree , Beterospathe saga sp. 2. a famous warrior 'aratai to caulk , fill with saia 3. a mas t e r; a r a i n i a his ( vegetable putty ) , 'arataia, master 'aratai ( ni) 4. a rich man , white man (arai kwao) 'arau sp . nut tree 'ad o'a 5. a husband are to importune , force , compel, area, areare 6. a married man arela arelana 7. to be a chief persisting , arela importunity , persistence 8. an elder araia old age arefo to take food to a married arai abu name for heavenly sister , arefoa being who placed the first two men on Mala; arai baita 'arefo to wonder, marvel, be a ra i 'ana beu master of club astonished; 'arefo 'ana or fua house or su Ii arai waro old man ( ' inite 'arefoa a wonder , mi racle a ra i an elder) 'arefola wondering , 'arefolana 'ar efola astonishment 'arakai a sp . yam (1) with tuber like a potato; good eating arego sp . of breadfruit , the white milky sap is mixed with arakao sp . lily , Crinum asi­ fou ogo for blackening the atiaum teeth arakao sara sp. 21

areko sp . tree , Garunga flori­ wane aruaru magi cian, sorcerer bunda , leaves used for ogo aruaru I. to practise black magic 2. poison , cf. bulo arenga 1. for , on behalf of ; aru i tr. of aru , use magic on act , speak for others 2. to blow , of wind, cf. oru arenga goro (work ) for us two arenga nau on my behalf 'aru 1. to fall , uta e'ar u, rain 2. property , arengagu my fall s; 'a'a r u property 2. to descend, jump down 'arere sp . fish, pink spotted 'aru la noise of wind, squall head, green spines 'arul ana 'aru la a fall ari 1. to cont ribute , ari 'arungi tr. of 'aru 1. to ma l efo fall on , descend upon , dive upon (as bird on fish) 2. to 2. to call out dive feet first into ; dive 3. to make a curve in a thing, for 3. to come out upon , as aria isu'ana ola small boils on a person e 'arungia noina 4. to carry a burden of food, 'aru bu ri jump up on a person aria a burden of food from behind, as in the water

ari to tie up strongly and 3. fontanelle = safu ; 'aruna; firmly , as a bundle , aria 'arunga, 'ar ungana

'ari to jerk up = ao , 'aria 'arua a fight ing party out on a faabua 'ari'ari sp . large climbing fern aruku 1. blurred , misty arIfu or ari ifu a lock of hair 2. a sunshower aringo 1. to bubble up from arungana suangia ab out 2 p.m. in below, of water; in sea or on the afternoon land 2. an eddy , vortex in the sea arununu anopheles mosquito 3. sp . caladium like kakama aruru fallen down , as stone wall but coarser , formerly eaten or tree ariri to be shaken , moving , arusato a sunshower shake with ague , cf. wa ri ri arutoro advance crouching with aro 1. to soar , of birds dancing step aroaroi to as cend out of sight , fly very high asa 1. to rub in palms of han ds , scrub , wash by rubbing , wash 2. to be quiet , still , peace­ clothes , asa ful 2. 3. 'ogi fi e to be difficult , to fail , to ease , of pain, 'abagu e asa aroaro na; aroaro my hand has lost its cunning manata aroaro meditate 'asaga red coleus = 'agasa aru 1. to practise black magi c, to harm by magic aru f�fi asai sp . tree , Mangifera minor arua I. black magic, sorcery asi 1. sea, saltwater ; matakwa 2. a familiar spirit or 'atakwa open ocean 22

as i 'abua deep blue sea atari come off , slip off , of its as iala south own accord = akari asi 'ato no rocks appearing asibaita reef jutting far out atasi fall , of its own accord as idal afa open ocean akas i asidau just before ebb begins asi daudau open sea outside 'ate ' ate dry , ma i 'ate' ate com­ reef pletely dry reef, very low tide , asi e mae langa dry reef maku 'ate 'ate ; mango 'ate'ate as ifola sea within reef, dry mouth (breath) as imae asi gwou dry reef atei who ; pl. gerate i or te i as i i Ie where reef drops to faida; te i + pers . article; deep water atei satana what is his name asikone red and dirty sea­ water as a result of flooded 'ate1a dryness , 'atelana river , as ikwa i as ila salt ; fafara as rla ati atei brackish asimau ri or mou ri sea outside ato 1. boom of outrigger reef as imola taboo on fishing 2. to be in motion , ab out to do removed, can be fished ato'ana fiifuta ab out to give asinamo lagoon within reef birth, lua e ato fafida flood asi oboboa swell on the sea came upon them asiol ia tide coming in ato bu lasi turn roun d asiru sea where there is no ate fafi to face towards reef ate mango to draw in breath as itol i north ato mariko to form flesh fafo as i foothills 3. to put , place , ate 'ae dig fafona as i surface of sea in heel (foot ) fakana as i, su I i as i seashore wane as i coast dwellers , salt- 4. onlay , ate iroi r o or reoreo water people inlay with nautilus 2. to dig as a bird, scratch , 5. to make a sea journey = as ia ki lu al i d i 3. property in fi sh, as i atola a voyage fonu 6. to take a new canoe on tour , from place to place ataata or atata denuded of nuts , only a few left , of betel nut 7. to dy e bran ch atongi tr. of ato to steep in k i ri a dye ; at0 n 9 i a �tai use bad words to a woman , ato ngia dy ed kwa iat ai 'usia, cf. tetea , ato 1 • a raft e r; 'aton abe u , 'atakwa 1. ocean, open sea far 'a'ato from land = matakwa 2. diffi cult , hard , 'atola dif­ 2. a sea journey , 'at akwa ficulty , 'atol ana rarity ba Iina sea this side , donga 'atakwa go from one island to 3. fail to do another 4. stiff

ata1a }o die down , of an oven 5. scarce , rare , asi 'ato when fire all rocks are under water 6. costly atamango to sigh, a sigh 2 3

7 • r e fu s e, 'at 0 k a fa 1 e 'au dora bamb oo flute, 'au fuana refuse to give him kw i d i, 'au kw i d iIi 'aufasu 'au rere 'atola indistinctly , bae sp . bamboo , 'atola 'au nl aoao fishing rod 'au rafo 1. 'atonga a diffi cult place a full grown bam­ (kao 'atongi tr. of 'ato; dif­ boo name for bamb oo in general) 2. good luck ! 3. fi cult for , hard on 'aurafo 'atongia, ma i'atona can't in vain ,ao fish and c�tch nothing be found, lost 'aurog i long nose-stick 'aba ' ato barren , no child 3. 'ala'ato an oath move about 'au kwa i liu asi 'ato neap tide wander from place faka 'ato stutter to place manata 'aukwa i I iu wandering 8. every , any ; 'atona, 'atona thoughts , inattention wane everyone · 4. lift up , 'au 'aba lift and 'atona ba na anything at all stretch arm , 'au ma lift up 'atona si do everything , any- eyes , lift head thing 'atona si gula everywhere , 'aua elder brother, sister , 'aua anywhere , whenever nau 'atona si manga always , at 'auana all times , anytime , when­ two brothers , two ra wa i 'auana ever sisters ; auaua an island, especially atoato1au sp. butterfly , large bubunga , kokomu , variegat ed colours at oll , cf. fara au 1. sharp , ngora au sharp au fasu nose (white man's); ngldu hermaphrodite auau or ng i du 'au' au to hate 'aufasu sp . bamb oo auau shin 'aukama 2. taro tops for planting stark naked 3. porcupine fish aukwai sp . large brown butter­ fly au dance (some give 'au) , fu li au dancing ground aura ticklish , cf. mama l i, oroba lIu 'a'ama , aukao, au sango 'auride Gy zygium dances at death feasts , the sp . tree , onesimum , afro, rufo first with decorated wands cf. au maku a woman 's dance ausu1i contemptuous , bae ausul i 'ana 'au 1. a stick , tree (in phrases ) speak contemptuously of him 'au gwa i I. a bent tree 2. au tania trap for pigs by bending two single , unmarried trees avi sp. pandanus = afi but rara'au a fence of sticks usually pronounced avi made in weather magic 2. bamboo , fe 'au; si 'au (kao name for bamboo) panpipes of bamb oo B 'au afi panpipes ba 1. fe 'au fishing rod referring back to a former action or thing or word 5 i 'au bamb oo knife 24

previously mentioned; or ex­ baba1a 1. flat , of a roof pressing the idea of farther 2. a canoe house = obala a away from : 1. it may be used shed to form a pluperfect ; 2. it may take the place of a relative 3. a violent wind pronoun nia ba ka lea ma l he babala I as i strong E. wind = who came ; 3. the former, the egwefolo one before ; 4. that : 'atei ba? babala i tolo strong W. wind who was that? ba na the thing baba I anga i (n i) to buffet , of I said, what I spoke of; do i a storm ba the former one ; klu ba that dog (here before ) baba1a i dani faint light of 2. a fence , cf. bara morning , dusk = mal akwai dani 3. prefix to things stuck in baba1i cheek ; babalina the ground, baekao bamb oo set up baba1i sp . of deep sea fish ba be offl go away I babali fwa mad ba 'a 1. sp . of fish baba1u sp. of large and danger­ 2. sp . tree , Be ZZioZum hapZopu8 ous deep-sea fish

ba' aba 'a sp. of tree , Evodia babanga 1. cheek , temp les, viridifZora babangana 2. flat side of fish's head , b!' ato sapling tied to a trunk , covering of gills rope bridge to lower branches, or tree to tree, cf. susu'ai babani to place dracoena , sango at four corners of a garden as baba 1. flat , babala flatness, babalana a tapoo 2. a board babara side (m�n, box , table , babarana 3. a thin , flat arm etc.), baba ran a lea 4. long side board of canoe , sideways , babana babarana walk sideways ; n i n i n i a 5. lower part of back , below og i tekwa babarenga a shoal of fish , a catch ; babarenga I i 'a 6. a wooden door 7. bones of pelvis babarenga a few , babaranga I 'a

8. the side = babara babari two kernels in one nut 9. to press down , cf. baka, bebe babaro white clouds = bar-obaro babas i press down upon babaro kekeroa red evening clouds ; (salo bulu black bababa a board; flat object clouds )

babae to speak strongly , cf. bae babasi 1. to press on baba 9 . babae kana (or kana babae) to 2. to close up a wall have a hot argument , to talk 3. without ceasing to throw down , overthrow , break up babael� loud talk , scolding 4. to stop people who want to fight 25

babasia splint ; ro 51 babasia bae nue to talk nonsense bae rake incite , provoke , stir babata a mature leaf to anger , bae rakena bae roki rokia to talk like a babatai (ni l 1. to spear fish foreigner under a rock bae suli speak ab out , on be­ half of 2. to throw down , overthrow , bae tafa to tell out , bae baba 9. tafalangai (nl) tr. of 3. to hide from , lean against baetafa a wall or rock bae tal inga i to speak carefully bae ta to insult = fata, babato to quieten mamaroto baetal i tr. of baeta bae talin ga i to speak carefully bae 1. to speak , talk , say, tell ; bae tefou to judge , give a bae fua to rebuke de cision , bae tefou lana bae totonga i (n i) to command baea a word ; si baea } baela speaking ; baelana bae bO baela speech , saying , word ; bae lelea names of dialects si baela; baela ni faasa, a bae ngu curse 2. prefix to names of objects bae lafu take an oath stuck into ground, cf. ba 3. bae al inga persuade , suggest, bae I a I I. pole in the ground bae al iiiana 2. peg for marking out 3. bae alualu I. promise 2. send beacon in channel for , bae alualu lurla bae giro post of a house bae aluigigena speak like a bae kao bamb oo stuck up foreigner bae u robo poles for yam vines bae buri backbite , bae burina bae feto I. to worry , bother , 3. sacred place by beu abu where bae fetoa 2. to incite , dare bones are laid; cemetery a person to do bae fT to worry , bother baebae a flower garden planted bae fifi to urge , command for the child of a chief = bae fi ri to talk over thor- abuabu oughly , talk at length bae folo to interrupt baekwa 1. a shark bae ga lo to talk in delirium , 2. any monster or dreaded delirious , bae gau animal , crocodile , swordfish, bae garo I. be rude , talk etc. rudely 2. to talk in sleep bae gwari to flatter, persuade 3. poisonous snake bae i beu to talk of men ls baekwa I as i sea snake , sp .: matters gwou lo, kafisoro, leleo, bae kakabara be rude , talk mangeo, me leo, raras i fou (in rudely rocks ). Kafisoro was used in bae kwa iman i to make love , the war for Douglas aeroplanes flirt bae kwa itagoi to beseech baekwa i toto sp . snake ; bulu baelafe tp praise , baelafela baekwa to exercise' magic on praise, baelafela praising ; a baekwa to destroy it baelafelangula the praising of me , my being praised bafu to suck at a pipe ; bafua bae loke l oke to babble bae meakoko to stutter bagaro' to spoil or lose by care­ bae naunau (or nounou) to lessne ss , cf. kaubare , luana boast bae ngudungudu I. to mumble bai 1. to drive away , cf. ba 2. to mew , of a cat 26

2. to help , assist ; ba ia bal i aolo, bal i moul l right side , left side 3. black paint kept in bamboo ; ball asl, bal i tolo sea side , made from fou ogo an d the white land side mi lky sap of arego , a sp. of bal i do half; bal i gano half breadfruit ; called ogo till a field stored in bamboo . bal I fal to side with ; bal I ba i to paint with bai fa inla bal I loko , I bal I the other baibai 1. a sp. of cycad side 2. the nut of this tied to 2. disunited, on the other side strings and made to hum , a 3. each side in a game , bal l bull-roarer nau , bal l nla 3. tightly , lafi balbai pull 4. ro lala ba ibal lala two-edged, two sided tight ; or bal u i a i I bali a stupid , gwou ba lla baita big, great , loud , strongly , lustily , suala ba i ta or babalta balika to shut a door ; nla ba I I ka .. b I lake baka to press bakas I tr. of baka , press upon , balika bisi youngest female child cf. babas l, bT fafl , etc. bali 1. to talk of someone bala 1. to despise ; bala fafl 2. to be responsible for 2. white from scars , of the face or body balili wrongly , not following copy ; kede bal i I I 3. sp . of turtle 4. mid rim of ear, al lnga bala baliubuubua mumps 5. wonder , sign , marvel, kwal­ balana; balata, kwa lbalatana balu red hot , flowing ; of fire or a stone 6. sp . tree , Evodia Et teryana balubalua very strong and fiery bala to be faded , bleached, turn tempered man , hot , qui ck tem­ colour ( of leaves dying) , mana pered bala, non ina bala balufi to cause great pain, scold balabala i dani faint light of violently ; e balufl nau morning or evening , dusk bana = fana, child's word balabal� pale from sickness banara a bow - taumae balafai pandanus kau fe banga 1. gill of fish, bangana baleo (T) , kekena , breadfruit cf. 2. rau'ai to rise , of stars ; come into view over horizon , of canoe ; appear above water after diving bali 1. part , side, portion , half; bal ina this side , te' bal l bangali to rebuke i ma one-eyed ba Ii ' ana on the side of bango to come up , of a wind i bo l l 'ana bal i 'ana geni, 'ana wane bani 1. wall of a house (beu or bride 's people , bridegroom's faelang i) people 27

ban i 'ai the wall where fire- 10 . plaited cane armlet , bara wood is put obi; porpoise teeth worn round (ota) 2. to shape , cutting off pro­ forehead of high priest bara l rna jections 11. bara filifili or filifilia 3. deaf , al inga bani � boko repeated chatter of birds (e.g. 4. to pay a fine to relatives kw i si) as an omen of a dead man ; ban i rae - ba r i ; baniraea fine paid by a widow bara 1. a wedding feast ; tol l remarrying to relatives of sul i bara first husband 2. wife 's brothers and sisters ; husband 's brothers and sisters banitai 1. safe , secret ; to banitai , cf. babatai 3. relations on wife 's side (of 2. private , privately ; bae a man) , on husband's side (of a ban itai woman ), tal isi bara recite a genealogy bao 1. big; rake bao 4. wife or wives of a man's brother husband of woman 's 2. to stick fast , in ground or ; sister a crevice in rocks bar ala genealogy ; baral ana baoa stuck barala relatives by marriage barana ro wa i barana two baol0 banyan = abalolo brothers-in-law , etc. bara 1. a fence , enclosure, barafa a few . Used with verbal hedge nouns it means 'seldom' ; naugu 2. rays of sun across the sky barafe raoa I seldom work at dawn baraonga sp. of mangrove (koa ) 3. shelf for firewood cross­ wise (lengthwi se gwegwe la) barero sp . large climbing fern 4. company of people or living cre atures , hence: bari two kernels in one nut 'ae bara family , kinsfolk , barikoke wind returning to same gule bara family group , quarter wider than 'ae ba ra bara is a prefix toa collec­ bariraea fine paid by widow tion of men , relatives , marrying again, to dead husband 's animals, birds , fish (e.g. relatives = ban i raea kirio) of the same kind bara gam i wife and children bare 1. sores , a skin disease bare we la crowd of children , bare'ai , bare alakwa , bare 2. a flat rock in the sea dr, bare ruana , etc. 3. to block an enemy , to 5. flock of birds , bare (for protect bara i) manu, bola, gaula, etc. barobaro white clouds = babaro 6. herd, bare ku i, boso , etc. barobaro kekeroa red storm­ 7. pile of firewood clouds at sunset 8. a set of things bare kakau fingers ; bara ni 0 drums baru 1. a large canoe , generally with an isu; a ship 9. quiverful of arrows , set of weapons , bare io, sua , fote, baru 'aisu canoe ornamented 'airada , etc . with isu baru ba ita ab out twenty-two men 28

baru isua about twelve men bebero gwasu sp . fish baru kwaoa a fighting baru , decorated with lao, with bebsei 1. to crush , press white streaks of lime against ; tr. of bebe 4 baru ni geni a large canoe 2. to be close to , pressing on which women can use baru raku about eight men bebesi lato perineal T bandage , baru soro a ba ru with blunt or babas ilato; bebes ila tola end , about twelve men be1e female organ , bel ena 2. another ; te bar u'ai another thing be1efa sp . small fish, striped 3. to tie with rattan or ropes yellow and black a raft , wall, etc. ; e barua beli l. to steal , rob basi 1. a bow ; bas i ni mae war bebe Ii thievish bow, cf. banara , taumae be I i a stolen 2. curved leg bone , deformed be I i I a stealing , na bel i lana leg be I i I a theft 3. to shoot with bow and arrows ; 2. secretly ; tafi bel i fly or a gun ( usually 'ui); cf. fana secretly; saungi be l i murder sauagwana basila shooting; sores on lower leg, upper arm or shoulder , bee sp. turtle curved bones of shin , deformed with curved shin 'ae basila na beragwasu sp . small fish 4. a wart berakai sp . small fish basibasi sp . palm , used for bows berebere poor , not much good , bata 1. barb of spear; batana cf. we re sua berengi 1. to press round, en­ 2. bottom of net where sinkers circle (dadala) ar e, batana fura i 2. to support a person in a 3. shell money , ta fu l i bata; song , bereng ia mae bata length , point of thumb to wrist; toda bata rich beroko a small canoe with raised stern bau1e sp . tree, Ca ZZophy Z Zum inophy Z Zum besi to persuade , beseech beata calm , flat calm = u ni mo la beta to look after ; beta nia or beta sul ia bebe 1. sp . fish , Chaetodon 2. a butterfly beto leaf of alo used as cabbage

3. priest-king = manu q.v. beu 1. chrysalis , pupa = dui, 4. to keep paddles stiff in sea nui ; 'afu beu make a chrysalis to steady a canoe 2. house for men only (lu ma for ) bebeku sp . tree men and women beu ibu I. village sanctuary bebero 1. substance to whiten where sacrifices ar e made and or clean canoe priests buried = beu i agalo

2. star fish = takwanl berobero 29

2. church = beu n I foa 2. to be heavy (of the eyes ), beu fal lsl storehouse for food sleepy beu gwa rl empty house 3. to set up dracaena , crot on beu I a'ng I house raised on piles or weapons on a path to protect beu n I a I u d o storehouse = beu against an enemy , bibT maea , fa I 151 bibl fofl beu nl tela living house beu nla baru canoe house bibTliii n. beu nla boso pig's lair = nu l 4. beu n I a dudu I ant 's nest (but leaves wrapped up to stop ghost , to stop a ghost thus , fi sane white ant 's nest ) bibi faf la beu nla gwagwao mason bee's nest 5. a turkey beu nla karu crab's hole beu nla manu bird's nest bibi 'ala 1. to smoke , more usual beu nla nglngldua hive than bl 'ala; fe blbl 'ala a pipe : beu nla susul hornet 's nest afa ngla knock out dottel , bula beu tag I 5 I ornamented beu fill it , fe le poke down tobacco beu tala wane latrine (fafu ru , fl rl , safusafu q.v.), beu wewedua hive rau or fasaru light a pipe , bafu suck at it kas l beu or taba beu build a house 2. to hold in mouth with clench­ ed teeth bI 1. to cook in a stone oven ; bia bibi1a 1. spleen ; blbi lana 2. a bambooful of cooked food , 2. sp . of fish etc. bib ina 1. tender an d green , bi ala bamboo of cooked taro young and tender = kw lkwlna bi as l bamb oo of salt water bT boso bamb oo of pork 2. prematurely born child; bT gwa I bamboo of coconut oil we la blblna b i I'a bamb oo of fish bibinu sp . of edible echinus , 3. a packet , pa�cel , bundle many spines (ona) bi ma lefo roll of shell money bT mases box of mat ches bibira 1. to sprout , of trees b i ngal I basket of stored nuts 2. to climb over , of vines bra an ovenful of food, gefu bia 3. to stick to, as a limpet open the oven ; event ide bibiri crowd together; toa da bra fou bricks take blblrl people standing packed 1. biabia ' to sprout , grow ; cf. b 10, b I ra bibisi eaves of a house 2. sp . tree ,' EZaeoeal'pus sp . bibisu sp . bird , starling , Ca Zol'nis metaZZica bi ' a1a to smoke; fe bl 'ala a pipe ; blbl 'ala bibiu a baby infant , na blblu, we la blblu bibi to crush, weigh down , cf. baba, bebe ; blblngl tr. of blbl bidi to gird the loins kan l bibi 1. to be heavy , press on , bi1a 1. spleen ; bl lana weigh down ; a weight , b i b i fafla we igh it down ; bibing i 2. roe of fish , cf. lame i i i i tr. of b b ; matal b b 3. yolk of egg seriously ill or illness 30

4. stale , as long standing round and rou nd, as vine round water in bottle a knife handle

5. musty , of food bio to sprout ; blblo 6. body smell bloblola sprout ing 7. sediment in washing biotal (nl) sprout from tapioca bioru full of air, inflated , as bilake to shut a door = ba llk a a football

bilau sp . of large fish bira 1. to climb up and over , cling to , as a vine , blr a 'ana; bili 1. to be di rty , dirt ; to bib Ira bill refrain from washing, as 2. to hold fast , stick to , as a widow in mourning ; blllbl 11 oyster or limpet bi lla dirty ; smeared with 3. to sprout , of a tree = fasu; charcoal or seeds sown ; blblr a, blrablra bl l11a dirtiness , bl l11ana bl r a 'ala to stand up stiff , 2. to crush , crowd , cf. blrl as hair bll lngl tr. 1. to crush with sorrow 2. to weigh down an birabia a rough bit of sea oven with stones biri to be close together , cf. bilibili sp . tree, Theapeaia b 11 I, fir I populnea blrl la closeness; bl rllana bilongosi to stamp under water biriu black sand bilu sp . of large flattish fish biru 1. to put up a division in with yellow fins a taro garden , to mark out a garden , the fence dividing bilukwai maternity island u sections = labu blru bin a sp . bird , woodpecker 2. in manata bl r u; to forget manata bu ro blna I as l sp . bird blna ufl booby 3. a collar , blr u lifo collar of fi sh teeth bina ae to rise , to shine ; of the sun biru black sand = bl rlu

binabina 1. a Nggela canoe birubiru rough sea = blrablra 2. a flash of lightning ; flash­ bisi place of separation for ing = slnamaru women during menstrual period, 3. reflected light , to flash and in childbirth wi th a glass a I b I s I or ni b I s I a woman so separated binasi to tie together in a ballk a blsl , kwate I b I s I last bundle , tie up , blna sla, cf. flrl , kanl; blnlsl born in a family biteli 1. to blow on , bltel1a binofi or binufi sp . sea bird 2. to blast gardens with en­ binu to wrap , roll a cigarette, chantment blnua bito 1. to bud , sprout , as a yam binusi tr. of b I nu , to wrap 2. to come in to fresh air 31

bo 1. a wave ; bo i matakwa swell bobone a fat pig in the ocean 2. a sickness, swollen stomach , bobongi tomorrow , in the future , ma l akwas ia from breaking taboo , cf. bou bongi, cf. 3. sp . of house snake bobono closed, stopped up , thick with smoke , cf. bono , bobono bo 1. to support , prop , pillow fasia, 'oru bobono the head bobora bo gwou , bo gwoul a a pillow dark blue bou gwou bobora 1. bOla support ing, bolana dark blue , black ; maku bol a a prop bobora bride's dress bongi to support with logs as 2. faint ly seen, as distant a canoe land bongi la supporting, bongi lana bobore 'ai 1. 2. a stone edge to a path fireplough 2. a burning log = dunga boa a wedge 3. to make fire by rubbing bobo 1. spines or back fins of a bobore dunga fish , bobona nadi firestick, burning log ; dunga smouldering log 2. a ridge of hills , bobona tole boboro sp . shrub with clusters 3. log , lump , bobo e'ai , bobo of black berries do bobosi 'aha biceps , triceps , bobo si 'ae calf of leg bosu curve of arm ; bobos i 'ae calf 4. to shut , enclose mu scles

bobo i tl'. of bobo It. , con­ boboSU I = b o bo si; bobo su 'ae, 'aba strict , constrain , force ; fe le boboi to throng boboSU 2 bobosu i 'ai stump of 5. rub off corners , plane level , tree , clump , cluster , grove boboa bobota 1. great man , important = wane' inito bobo swelling under the skin person , master 2. to break one thing on bobo wave of sea another = bota , nia bobota ' ana teu boboa sacred square in the mi d­ bobotala dle of a yam garden breaking a coconut on return from a journey boboa with corners , awkward to boe 1. boela carry ; bobola, bobola fas ia fat , well , healthy ; fatness, boe lana ngal i lana rough for carrying boeboe la whole , sound, well , bobo1a 1. square in shape fat ; nia na wane boeboela

2. equal , enough , suitable , nia 2. toadfish = da l uma bobola boe i as i poisonous sp . toad­ bobo10 1. equal , enough , suit­ fish ab le ; bobolo fainia equal to , boe1a 1. enough of, suitable for mus cles of leg or arm , boelana or 'ae boe l a 2. a mole on the body 2. well forme d calf 32

3. to puff out , distend bola lnomae sp . that cries bola mumunggo sp . pigeon boera but bola rafo sp . pigeon bola rafu sp . white pigeon boerake to push out belly bola su sp. pigeon ; duck borake bole dream, used with teo sleep ; bofita divisions in a garden nau gu teo bo 1 i 'ana ruana nau bir u I dreamt of my friend teo bolea a dream ; teo bolela bogwou rest head on , to pillow , a pillow ; na bogwou nau e boli spathe of coconut Oro sarufia my pillow is burnt bogwou la a pillow bolo sp . of very small black fish , app earing for three months boko to stop up , close up or bolo i ma takwa inky black sp. over of bo lo bokos i tr. of boko bokos i la . being stopped up ; bomana prayer to agolo for fish bokos ila na it is stopped up to come ; 'may they comel ' bokota 1. tr. of boko 2. a plug , cork = guta bona to be silent , cease from boko ta stopped up , plugged, speaking or crying. bona corked 'omulu! bona 'amual shut up ! bona i gen i, bona i wane silent bokofu sp . garfish woman , man bokoi dull of hearing bonga 1. outrigger canoe 'aigarua bokomango to hold the breath 2. rollers for a canoe bokonu sad; lio bokonu a bukonu, bukono bongagi .. bonga 1 io bokonua sorrow na liogu e bokonu 'uria na bongara to crouch to spring ; pus i e bongara 'uria = kokosu, sasigu e mae I am sad lumi ; bongangara because my brother is dead bongangara susi to endure bokoru 1. cicatrice ( from burn­ bongara sus i to oppose ing) on woman 's shoulder bukoru bongi night ; days , in reckoning time 2. sp . of fish bobongi tomorrow bola 1. to be enough = bobola, one bobongi a name for June bolo, bobolo ubongi early morning 2. to suit , match, the same ; bono nia bolo fainia the same as it, 1. to spread over , as weeds enough of it or scrub = buru bobo la 2. closed bolafai (nl) 3. thick smoke bolangai (nl) comp are with , level with , kan i bolangai bonubonu sp . shrub on beaches 3. a pigeon (Carpophaga boola Ficu8 rufiguZa , Ivens ) sp. tree , sp. bola i Da i sp. pigeon bora black ; borala blackness , boralana 33

bobora dark blue boru to meet , of freshwater and borabora brown , blue , dark salt ; bor ui , boruborui, boru­ to bora a negro ; western borui kafo Melanesian (to bulu Mel�nesian to rne la Polynesian or China­ bose to support with a stone , man ) bosea borabora sp . mullet , cf. 'eda 'eda boso 1. a pig; bos�la piggish­ ness , bosolane, boson a pigs borake to stick out the belly ( collect ively ) boso 'ai 'ora un castrated bore 1. half, bore do boso 'ai rae castrated 2. a little left at bottom ; boso bibisu pig with large bore kafo , kao ; na bore kafo litter ku gwoufia na boso bobone very fat pig boso iola very long pig boro 1. black boso kwas I wild pig boso lalakwa ten o'clock , or boro s i gaoa black as ink ab out that time 2. bottom , source boso 1 ifoa pig with curled tusks 3. outside a thing , i borona boso ngore tekwa original bor o'ae heel native pig borona rna lau great depths in boso 'oka mi schievous pig the sea boso urne brown pig 4. although , even though , but ; fidabosoa slapping stomach boro introduces doubt ; boro'ana of pig to dedi cate it '0 ko dori lea rna 0 si lea go fou boso cooking stones although you wish to go you rneana boso smear on fore­ . won 't go head after homicide ngare boso sacrifice ; boro 'ana I. ( su i no matter or nga rebosola boro 'ana) 2. it makes no boso nl rnaorna 3. sacrificial pig; difference to be uncon­ boso ni bulogwoua cerned ab out boro rna but ; lelea wane ka 2. bosong i tr. of boso 2. ngal ia boro rna nau ku kwaea 1. to support from below if anyone takes it I shall 2. to urge on , incite kill him boro na perhaps ; nia boro na bosu mus cles of leg or arm ; this it perhaps ; diana boro? bosu'abe , bosu'ae biceps , calf all right? ta wane boro 'ana whoever; 'u r i boro nau ku lea bosu1i old pan danus mat (kaufe) I may go us ed for cover or packing = sui boro but , stronger than os u 1 i boro rna ; wela to'ou, sui boro nia ka lea small child, but bota lucky , fortun ate , blessed , he is going all well with one , well pro­ 'uri boro 'uri boro nau ku lea vided; botala, botala 'agu i bobongi I may go tomorrow ; everything go well with me uta ka aru 'uri boro nau ku botana he 's lucky l ( accent on lea although it rains I shall first syllable) , cf. 'oi lakia go botake stiff , of arm or leg boroi = boro and int roduces doubt ; nia boroi loko? that he over muscles there ? botana ( accent on second syl­ boroi rna but lable ) how can I tell? I 34

hope so, perhaps ; botana stamp , di g in he el , kick ; adel agu I don 't know what to do kwate bu demonstrate against enemy bote in fu ru bote intestinal bul i tr. of bu , stamp on , worms press with foot , kick bote ifu or bute ifu hair left b6 1. congeal , as blood; set , on temp les as putty or cement = bou boto 1. tail, if complex as bula congealed, set bird , crayfish (kukui of dog, 2. to be enla rged, of spleen pig, fi sh) ; botona (b I b 11a) 2. stick out , maboto eyes 3. sticking out to be hard and dry , of timb er 3. emphas is (in following com­ pounds ); boton gai (nl) 4. strong still , though rusty ; firm , though decayed bae botongai 1. emphasis , accent (n. or v. ) 2. glot­ bua to plan , invent , create, tal stop make an island (bua fe ra), bua to begin , do for first tim e , be boto furafura foam at mouth first to do , nia bual la sl 'al itafa (or al i tafa ) faoraia na tr. bou 1. banana; bouna all sort s bua 1 i of bua of bananas , bananas (collect­ bua newly made , invented, ively ) created ; alata bua bou anoasa sp . from Momolu buabua sp . vine used to tie Island, the Island of Ghosts thatch and for decorative work bou kes I kes I plantain with bamb oo bou llfoa sp . of banana bou oboobo a short vari ety buara to rise , of the sun bou rafua sp . red skin , orange flash bubu sp . of fish bou sas amo long variety bou sasao sp . red skin, yellow bub6 crotch, hollow of thigh , flash, fruit erect not hanging bubiina down b6b6 2. hunched, 'ogl bou a hunch� . to look , gaze back; gwe 'ogi bou bubu fanga 1. to cadge food 2. 3. bumpy , swelling, curved, a Evening Star , gwe bubu­ r 1 swell at sea, cf. bo fanga , cf. fanefu I, kwakwa i I 4. to be congealed, of liquids blibiing tr. of b.u.b u, gaze at , bu, clots of blood , salt on stare at , nau ku bubungla na rocks ola bubungi la staring 5. a log ; bou bolo seasoned bd.bii ngota to be in a tran ce timb er bubu tete look earnestly at 6. sp . of tree , Lacuma bu.b u usu stare steadily at Mac"Layana bububu1u sp . of fish boubou sp . small cockle ' bouboula thick bubue sp . tree , Pip turu8 incarnu8 bougwou pillow bou ruru kneel ; bou uruuru bubukwao sp. of fish

bu to put down foot firmly , bubu10 1. poisonous , of food or dr ink , cf. mamael la 35

2. sp. large tree with fruit bukoru = bokoru cicatrice like apple , not edible bula to turn , cf. abula, abule, bubulu 1. a star , fe bubulu, abuT i, abulo, bu le, bul I, bulo cf. bu lu all found with similar meaning 2. tattoo mark in form of a bu lasl tl'. o:f bula, turn star round , turn over ; to stir as = gagl 3. :firefly porridge bulatal J. turned , reversed , 4. bottle rolled over ; karo bulasi turn over , karo bu latal turn 5. bead round , over and over 2. bubulu tekwa a comet tangled up bulatal ( nl) to turn round , bubulua dark blue , black , in­ reverse, as a canoe distinct (distant land) bula keel of a canoe bubunga an island, cf. auaua , kokomu , ma laua , mama laua bulao spring up , grow , sprout , of plants bubungu 1. (in construct bubung i ) cluster , clump , grove , bule - bu la, bu lesl o:ften as plural : bubungi 'ai trees ; bubung i I a I ano bushes ; buli 1. white cowrie, ovula bubung i I uma houses; bubung i ovulum , ornament for canoes wane crowd, group of people and men

2. bunch; bubungu i ngal i 2. = bu la, bul lsi bunch of nuts buli tl'. bu , press down with buburaua mad , insane , stupid; :foot , stamp on , kick, tread buburoa down , pounce on (of hawk ) bubusu to put :flowers in hair bulita a :flock , company , group or armlets bulltana ; gera bu l lte wane adasu l i the group o:f overseers bubuula lumpy bulo 1. poison buira 1. after, behind; bu ira, 2. poisonous , intoxicated, c:f. buri giddy; to poison , etc. 2. back , back part gwoubulo intoxicated, drunk bu I ra 'aba elbow gwoubu lola drunkenness bu l ra 'ae heel 3. to turn , twist , cf. bula bu I ra beu , luma rear o:f house bul ra boso stern o:f pig bu losl tl'. o:f bulo, twist bu Ira faka stern of ship round bu ira fera I. behind the vil- bulosla twisted lage 2. lowland, be:fore 4. to cut through , buloa hills begin folosl bul ra kete back o:f head bu lra rna at the door 5. destroy by black magic bul ra ogu outside wall bulu bul ra we la placenta bulonga sp . o:f large fish bukofu bokofu gar:fish bulu 1. torch ; bulu ngali torch bukonu = bokonu sad , 110 bakonu of nut gum 36

2. phosphorescent fungus , stuck 2. behind, after, stern , rear in hair at night burl 'aba back of hand , or 3. lycopodium ; bu1u 1a1ae ni burlna'aba mota burl 'ae heel burlkwal 11u tomahawk with 4. black, dark blue , brown ; hammer at back bu1u1a darkness (colour) , burTwane younger son, or bu1u1ana; kwadi bu1u 1. one burl I we 1a • orenga 2. of two first men on Mala buriwe1a afterbrith presiding ghost of Lau Hades ; I burl afterwards 1ango bu1u bluebottle fly ; I burina in his ab sence to bu1u native ; wane bu1u Melanesian burlfa behind; burifana 5. indistinct bure 1. to rust ; go mouldy = 6. bass , low note in mu s ic bura 7. a star buroa rusty , mouldy ; buro1a 8. to destroy by black magic, 2. forget , usually with manata, cf. bu10 exercise magic on manata buro'ana, cf. buo , also b I ru bu1u baekwa , fuasa destroy sharks , crocodiles by magic buburo - buro bu1u ni teo1a cause enemy to buro1a, manata buro1a forget­ sleep by magi c, kamo l leaves fulness teo buro deep sleep burna sp . fish , sardine toto buro 1. to do nothing be idle 2. third finger bungabunga to spread over , as buronga , abu 10 buronga to1 I grass turn away from , avoid buros i tr. of buro, btiros la bungu 1. sp . shell , Triton or Cassis 3. neap tides 2. shell trumpet , conch ; ufi buru 1. to be close together, bungu blow the conch dense , of trees buni 1. to hide one 's tracks , 2. overgrown , of a garden or bun i fafi road 2. to calk a canoe , clos e up 3. to grow over; buru fifia cracks with saia buruburua thick with under- 3. to make a ball of clay with growth the hands 4.· the baCk , buruna • burl bunibuni to smear the body , with buru gwou knob at back of head lime or fou rafu ; cf. rafu buru 1ua back of neck 5. gum ; buru I nga1 I, cf. bu1u bue ignorant , uncivilised, pagan or heathen ; to n i buo busa 1. red earth for colouring buo1a ignorance , buo1ana hair , 'eda 2. sp . tree with scented oily bura 1. to enrage fruit used as ornament burasl tr. of bu ra to enrage busi semen 2. to rust = buro busu 1. to flow out , burst out , buri 1. the back , burlna, cf. bul ra be in spate , of a river 37

2. puff, explode , of gun D 3. crack , of thunder da 1. they , used as a relative 4. burst , of a boi l pronoun , usually after ge ra or 5. to trickle out , as pus to; to da rlkla da fl saea na from a sore the people who saw it , who then said it 6. to boil 2. them , as object after verbs busulangal (ni) to puff out or prepositions ; nla e sare da busu I I busu I. tr. of to he fed them burst out upon 2. to lance a boil 3. to explode and dada 1. smooth hit , of a gun busurl tr. of busu to eject , 2. blunt = fo force out , as a pump or fa dada make blunt busurla kafo spring ; 110 dada slow in the uptake busu ta I (n I) to send forth from , as water 3. to rub off, brush off; dada busuasi I. a wh ale = gwabusu faf la 2. a toy bamb oo pump for 4. to level , smooth over, as 3. squi rting salt water a cement ; dada fafla pump , football pump , syringe busu I gano a dust storm 5. to fade , be indistinct , as busu mourl ever running writing busu tafa I. to sprout , spring up from the ground dada sp. large lizard 2. to burst out ; busutafa asl dadaku 1. sp . tree , Ca LLophy L Lum inophy LLum ; baule, dalo, ko llo 7. a sandy shoal appearing at low tide; fafo busu on a shoal 2. ankle ; dadaku 'ae, dadakuna 'ae busua gwoubusua a hill dada1a 1. smooth 2. to creep , crawl , glide as a buta 1. to make a parcel, wrap snake up in a parcel, buta wa dadala sp . of house snake 2. a parcel, packet , roll ; bu te do (buta I do) 3. naked = dadara 3. a dead man wrapped up for 4. sp. cowrie , C. arabiaa burial� . butabuta - buta dodo lo; dadala keke roa orange cowrie, C. aurantia ; cf. bu l I, 4. navel , but ana - buto kolo 5. (mass? ) 5. cowrie sinkers on bottom of 1010 bubuta fierce big fire , net ; ka olongalnla fural conflagration 6. creeper , fibre , rope sate buta a large flowing beard dada10 1. twine , fishline , rope ; bute = buta made from fakaso Hibisaus ti H aaeus buteru a blister 2. to rub or roll strands on buto navel , butona = buta thigh , weave , twine dadaloa ropy , of hair butotoi to struggle with legs dalofl to roll on thigh , rub and srms , as in trying to get with hand, to mas sage , a footing in deep water dalofia; dadalofi 3 8

dadame sp. tree , Commersonia 3. to level, as cement ; dala bartramia fiif ia = dada dalafia dadangita1au 1. the spirit home smooth , smoothed of everlasting light in the 4. da lafi tr. of dala ( not centre of the earth ; no night used) to skin nuts and store there , or sleep , or clouds , them or fighting , or hunger , or sickness ; but good and inter­ da1afa 1. abundant esting work 2. to beat , hit , strike on, of 2. name of an artificial wind; tr. form nia dal afii island , Ata 3. fruitless 3. always lua dal afa when all rocks covered by tide dadani 1. by day , in daylight , rongo dalaga to take no notice cf. dangi , dan i usu dalafa wipe clean 2. daily da1i uri dal i tread underfoot dadao to go to sleep , of a leg , limb ; dadaola I. to go to da1inge an echo = kwalinga sleep, of a leg , limb 2. tired, lazy da10 1. sp. tree

2. smooth = dolo dadara naked ; dadara la naked­ ness , dada alana dalofi to roll fibre on thigh in rope making ; dalofia dadasa1a blurred, dasa da1u 1. they (trial, used of dadau catch , hold , seize; dau smaller number than gera) 2. them , of persons only ; object dae sp . tree , Gnatum gnemon ; or dai after verbs and prepositions

da1urna 1. sp . poisonous fish = dafe 1. pearl shell, golden­ boe lipped pearl 2. waist, middle 2. crescent ornament made from this dama 1. mate, fellow , corre­ 3. space below front of neck sponding part ; e to ka dama 4. breast bone 2. exactly like , the same dafu sp. tree , Terminalia dami to eat betel mixture brassii 'ai nl dami betel stick damila eating betel ; dami la, dai 1. to chop ; dai 'ai chop dami lana firewood 2. Gower Island damu to smack the lips 3. sp. of tree used for rope ; damudamu eat noisily like paper mulberry , or dae danga to put off ; danga nia da1a 1. a clam shell ornament worn on forehead dangalu 1. quite, completely ; diana dangalu; fale dangalu 2. stale , as a tune one is give all tired of; or a discussion, book , or teacher 2. to put down ; dangalua 39

dangi 1. day = dani danigi 1. day before yesterday 2. to be daylight 2. lately , recently , formerly ; i dan i i 3. weather 9 dango 1. a canoe for one man ; danita 1. bad weather s i dango 2. garden damaged by lightning 2. a club ; maedango wound from club danita1au daily dani 1. day , daylight ; fe dani , danitiu red clouds at evening fe maedan i, maedan i; .. dang i dao to arrive , reach ; dao 'ana 2. to be daylight rodo fi dao till night 3. weather dao 'ana until; ka dao 'ana ada fo l0 8-9 a.m. or lea ka dao 'ana arungana suangia 2 to 3 p.m. dao kwa i liu go past ; arrive begin cooking from all directions asua noon ; 'intona sato dao ni leala go on without boso lal akwa about 10 a.m. spell till you arrive dan i baita broad day (= la daos i tl'. of dao arrive , na) reach dao to dao tona dan i e dan ina ( sat0 r a ) sun - I. to visit ; 2. rise to find dan i f 0 I a day b r e ak ; dan i e dao 'uri gen i fetch a bride kwas ia mas i dao'uri genila aw ait dan i ilingia ab out 4 a.m. bridegroom egwefolo 3 to 6 p.m. dao1a 1. 'initona rodo midnight tired, lazy , listless; dadaola, daodaola kwai lafus ia du sk , di fficult also to see clearly , ab out 6.30 2. go to sleep , of foot p.m. ; also very early morn­ ing , ab out 5.30 a.m. dara forehead ; darana , madara, mae galogal0 faint light , mae dara people grope daral isi ma 1 akwa i dan i just before shaven round forehead daybreak , or just aft er fo dara frontlet of porpoise dark ; ofai dani teeth rodo dark , night dar� alakwa sato e su sunset a young man , cf. sato ka bango , buara, or tae darala youth , being young ; sun rise daralana in his youth sato kwailei sun horizontal dara ngado old bachelor sato 'onofolo about 5 p.m. ile dara , tarangado saulafi evening wane dara a youth teo abu 8 to 10 p.m. uarod6 , ubongt morning daranini 1. everywhere oi ; wa sinasina 4 to 5 p.m. lea daranini .. lea oi ; gwe daran ini dania of old ; idanla 2. every bit ; dara ninia danidani daily ; nau ku dan idan i I do every day = ku aidania dari 1. the furrow in chest or back danidiana fair weather 2. trough between waves 3. danifiri always ; sull danifiri hollow between rows in a garden 40

4. a channel for water 12 . far off = tau 5. chasm in a reef 13 . sp. creeper , round tuber cooked and eaten 6. furrow down turtle 's back darigwougwou a dry water dau 'ana hold in hand course dau aroaro to be calm ; dau eno daro 1. to divide up among people dau bonosi to stop daroi tr. of daro daudau 1. reduplicated form of daronga i 1. to divide ; daro­ dau 1-10 ngainia 2. to scatter, cause to disperse 3. to share out 2. a crutch ; daudauna food = to1 inga i 3. slowly ; lea daudau 2. to hit with a stick ( said to 4. not quite touching , as a be introduced Samoan word ) post in a house dare 1. they two , 3rd pel'. duaZ ; 5. thigh ; daudauna idaro daro lea both bent 6. open , of sea; 'atakwa daudau , 2. both of them , object of as i daudau verbs and prepositions dau fafi 1. hold fast , lay hands dasa 1. fog , mi st on 2. steam, smoke 2. confirm ( recent ) dadasa1a blurred daufi tr. of dau 1. to seize dasa ere smoke of hill vil­ 2. to stop , to be adverse to, lages, steam from oven act against dasa i ma 1au low lying mist , haze dau kulukulu to hang (intr. ) dasa 1 i1iu drift ing mist daula resting , holding , etc. ; dau 1. to be stationary , at rest ; dau1ana daudau 2. to alight ( of a bird ) ; stop , daula a rest , touch , etc . pause dau ngado to stand firm 3. to come to .nchor 4. to float ; daudau manumanu dau ngasi hold firmly floating daurai nia' ka dau 'abana 1. to hang up ; 5. to place ; daurainia 'ana mamu put his hand to your eye 2. to work at anything ; daurainia 6. to touch 3. to thatch a house 7. to turn a can oe ; dau a 1 a, to1 i daurai i'a bride price 8. to move a little along a canoe , or side of a ship dau ro ' aba to hold in both hands 9. dau to1 i to hang ; hang down dau sabo ku1u to1 i to hold carefully 10. to take hold , catch, hold, dau tafa 1. first fruits of receive ; daua garden 11. to work at ; dau 'ana 2. to offer first fruits 41

dau to 1. to handle ; dau tana dei = da i chop ; de i 'ai 2. to find dele 1. withered dau wao sp . of yam, long tuber 2. dry , of a coconut fera daudau artificial island 3. done , cooked; of food; lea daudau to go to sea de le na wane daudau one who stops a fight , gets between , peace­ derna flat ; demala flatness, maker , mediator demalana. dedema

dawo toothless (int ro duced word , demas i of dema to level demas ia Sa 'a), cf. kwanu levelled dematai to level fabobola. dematainia de 1. to lower , as a bucket into a well denge a freshwater prawn dela lowering ; del ana di di e 2. to fish with a net ; in alata, a singing in the ears ; tola al ingagu fe alata fishing ground a singing in my ears dea fishing with a net ; de la dede to fish dI 1. bladder wane de de or wane n i de 1 a a 2. fisherman gall 3. ro wa i dilana 3. edible hibiscus , leaves cross cousin; eaten as cabbage ; Hibisaus cross cousins manihot � rako dia a long handled club , 4. to explode , of thun der, rhombus-shap ed head kwanga de diadia 5. to cock a gun ; deaf nia dea sp . large fish 6. to break a twig; dea diana 1. good, beautiful ; often diena 7. to bring two ends together 2. proper , accurate dede 1. to fill a vessel; dedea dani diana fine wea ther ; 2. to stu ff a pipe with peace tobacco diana 'e'ete gorgeous , love ly , 3. to load handsome , delicious dianala 1. being good, beaut­ 4. to fill with blood or pus , iful . et c .; dianalana fe ra of a sore the best la nd 2. goodness , 5. a torrent , wat er course, beauty ; dianalana pit dianala goodness , beauty , accuracy , good things , choice , 6. to make ill; dedea 'cream of things ' fad iana 1. 2. dedeng i tr. of dede to flatter to dedengia filled, loaded show off; fad iana no ina manata diana well di sposed; dedea 1. a valley manata diana 'ana non i diana 1. to be well 2. a chasm 2. to rej oice over death of 3. slopes of a mountain high chief non i dianala good health 4. stone enclo sure for skulls rake diana to love ; raka diana fafia dederna flat u ni diana peace , peaceful times , prosperity 42

didi 1. to carve , engrave ; di1a 1. to slip didi a di ladlla slippery ; madi la 2. not ched, of axe ; jagged of a 2. bottle in vain dlla ngal didia notched, jagged, chip- to do vainly ped kwai dilangai to pass someone on the road without seeing , 3. to count food; didi alo, mi ss didiaalo 3. in I I 0 d I I a, sad 4. to break up small, reduce to powder, pulverise = dukwe dI1a sprained, out of joint 5. to adj ust di1a1a 1. striking with u 1 i I a I, didifai I. adjust ; dldifalnia ul l rT to protect from at tacks 2. to be careful with ; dldi­ by baekwa , et c. fa I n i a 2. ceremonial sprinkling 6. to take the place of; dldla I fui la 2 talana I fu lla di1anga to lower , set down ; di langa, dl langal , dllangainia didifui la inheritance ; gula nl didlfui la place or port ion di1i 1. green dracaena = didil i inherited 2. to be affe cted by magic didi 1. a cricket dinga1i 2. place with whistling noise sp . coastal tree , hard­ Lumnitzera Zittorea of gaga ni bT wood ,

3. cry out in pain dinga1u - dangalu quite , com­ dTdTla crying out ; dTdTlana pletely dingana baru dididiu fou chipped bits of front seat of canoe , ramo , stone where chief warrior , sits diodio didi1a 1. slippery sp. small frog 2. insecure diu 1. come in contact with , diu gwou i ramo 3. slop ing pound; strike warrior 's head didi1i dracaena, green leaf sp . 2. excessive , beyond; ramo diu, (cf. sango) diudiu, cf. mad iu, madiula 3. kwa leu didirne coconut leaf bed sp . fish ; diudiu dikidiki to chatter , of the give warning beats on a diudiua, 'ui 'ui teeth in cold or fear drum ; cf. do 1. a thing (with article na) diko to break = dikwa , only in mad iko broken 2. a person (with article a) ; so and so a do dikosa sp. bird 3. duty , do nau , and so: " I dikwa 1. to break , smash, break "I ought", must" a plate ; dikwa , dlkwe 4. to be , come to pass ; do ka do the thing happened 2. be wrecked on a reef 5. to do , nau ku do mad ikwa broken , smashed , cf. mad iko dola doing ; dol ana his doing it, done by him 4 3

6. to eat, of a chief only 5. innocent '0 do si do na

7. forms possessives , do nau d�fi to cook food; dof ia mine doko - dodoko 8. used where no word used in English ; r o akwala luma ma ro dokofi in dokof i 'ae sp. mollus c do twelve houses with spines , Neri ta brevispina do 'ana ta I. no matter, it - anof i 'ae doesn't matter , all the same 2. to be un concerned ab out do1a 1. to mix ; mixed, various sui boro 'ana dodola do 'ana tatala foregiveness do:lali 1. tr. of dola; dolal ia do gelo living creatures 2. among; ge ra diana dolali to ka gelo ge ra ta do ni alualu a pledge riki do rich 2. to melt , di ssolve = funu ro fe do , olu fe do etc. 3. to fade , of writing twice , thrice , etc . sai tama do wise learned dola among ; also dolada among them dodo 1. to cook in bamb oo dolalia mixed, me lted, faded

dodongi tr. of dodo , dodongia do1angai 1. to hide , overshadow ; dodongia cooked dolangainia 2. to sink in water 2. to steal dodoma i upset and sink a canoe ; dodomainia dole to delay = lea tu 'u doubt­ fully Lau word 3. to sit in a pool , or at 2. bottom of canoe in water fadole I. to delay to thwart = fakoka 4. deep dolo 1. to rub , massage , stroke dodoko call a dog with click of a dog , roll tobacco , rub in tongue liniment ; iron clothes = dalo dodo1a mixed, vari ous ; dola dolofi tr. of dolo, dolofia 2. smooth dodol0 1. sinker for a net ; dodolona 3. an eel 2. to mas sage , rub with hand, 4. sp . of clam stroke = dadalo dolofia massaged, stroked, etc . dodo lofi tr. of dodolo; dodof ia dolu to scrape off a bit of skin , cf. adolu dodoloa 1. e langi dodoloa not at all doma to press skin off a nut with the fingers ; doma dodolofia nothing whatever 2. straight doma sp . of nut

3. smooth donga 1. thing (name forgotten) ; gori dodoloa clean shave dongana its , what its name non i dodoloa smooth skinned 2. penis 4. pure , unalloyed; do taka� 3. belongings ; dongana tafu, f iiia taerau things in rubbish heap 4 4

4. fire stick = ladoa , cf. doru a flying fish duru , cf. dunga a i f u ru 5. to join ; donga dou 1. the inner part when the 6. to spread , circulate, make skin, shell , etc. has been a line , a pair removed, cf. sae 7. to follow ; donga sul ia douna 'ai tree with bark removed douna boso 8. straight on ; lea donga , carcase of pig Iiu donga douna i'a scaled fish douna kai skinned yam 9. together ; kan i donga , toma i si dou bit of the dou donga 2. sp . of fish 10. successive , continuous ; fabaita donga increase con­ du to push, move ; dua tinuously dudu intl'. dudu ma i , kouou , donadona joining , together, 01 i in series alu donadona in series , layers dU 1. to take vengeance , punish , donga 'atakwa go from one recomp ense, repay ; dua s i ta island to another 'ana do diana recompense evil kwate donga pass from one to with good another, as buckets in put­ ting out a fire 2. pay for a fault , or inj ury ; dua dora 1. be ignorant , not know , dula 1. paying back; du lana forget ; nau ku dora 'ana, 2. because of; dul ana I iodora forget , probably hill dOla word , not true Lau revenge , recomp ense, punishment 2. to curse , put a spell on , dli kou I. an swer; nia dua kou hurt by magic , poison ; dore , 2. avenge dorea'ani wane , dorea ani buri du mae avenge a homi cide i we la dli mana pay back du rau kwa idorai or kwa idorea a pay money back curse , spell 3. ride , top of a house ; duna (ridge pole gwaofa) dora 1. elder brother or sister dudu (of same sex as speaker); head covering of bark , dorana protecting limed hair dugwou I. head ornament , crown 2. elder brother in the clan 2. sunshade of coconut leaf in wider sense , e.g. elder dlina child of father's brother 4. pith of sago palm ; 3. brother, friend , in friend­ 5. leafspout , leaf drinking cup ; ly intercourse ; doragu ! duna na doraga ki our brethren dua to move backwards ; dua ma i , ote dora gi brethren , in kwou . 'ur 1 address to both sexes duala backward movement dorana , ro wa i dorana two brothers dua suckers , of taro only

dori wish for , desire , like , duara to push along , as beads love along a string , duara = usu; duarai , duarainia dori la wishing , dori lana dori la a wish , liking dudu kwaidoria love , affection to move position ; generally backwards 45

dudu aroa ro to twitch in dur� to come off easily , as sleep skin from banana or flesh dudu babarana walk sideways from corpse dudu fa iburi go backwards dudu fouburu crouch = kokosa dura 1. to leap in fear dudu kwa ima watch, as a sentry dudu nininia 2. to startle , cause to jump ; walk sideways du ra dudu 01 i retire dudu sifo sink down , cf. dodo 3. to thread , gather together dudu to 'o twitch in sleep on a string dudula moving; dudul ana dudula malau a subterranean duru 1. = doru flying fish river , channel ; dudula (small sp . sifuru) saegano 2. to push everything into a dudula movement , either to or heap , store , collect ; durua from, usual ly from 3. to heap up hastily and dududu an eddy in water, as in carelessly a hole in cha nnel durukwa lekw ale to gobble up ; duru meme , duru meme 'ana dudui 1. sp. large yellow ant in trees 4. a rest for shooting , as a branch of a tree , forked stick , 2. = du i etc. dui chrysalis, pupa, nest , cf. 5. to shut up , as a pig in a niu, beu hole with something over it ; du rua duke jagged , with chipped edge ; matau e duke , cf. dukwe dukwasi virgin forest = kwaena , E kwaena dii dukwe 1. to break , smash , split , e 1. he , she , it ; as subject c f. d i kwe , d i ko usually combined with nia; nia e diana 2. be wrecked on reef, break up , burst (inner part ) e alua wane nae that man was buried du 1i 1. penis e bobola'ana e farongo freana 2. to erect penis ; dul ina e langi no , none e nanisi lana it is sought dumu1i 1. tr . to seize , capture , e nia there is , there are lay hands on ; dumu l ia e ogu nia he was gathered (to his ancestors ) 2. to rape = kwa inamutai e sui na it is finished dumuli la seizing, raping ; e'uta how dumu l i lana uta e aru rain falls dunga 1. a fire of logs Ivens takes e to be a verbaL articLe ; in favour of this 2. a burning , smouldering log view is the use with plurals : kept in the house (usual mean­ gera e adea they did it ; ing) gera e dao they came . But 3. a firestick this us e is rare ; and e is never used with a verb in the dura ripe , overripe , rotten , first or second person . stage be yond ; kwaso 2. geni tive particLe ; the e may replace the last vowel of 46

a word: 'abe do ( 'aba e do) ; 'e'e1a 'ana lazy at , to dislike , perhaps umlaut 'aba i do, feel repugnance bobore 'ae ( boboro e 'ai ) fire plough , tolo e fera hill 'e'eno sp. reef fish = 'eno

3. voaative partiaZe ; e arai ! 'e'eo 1. to be crooked, cf. keo 4. artiaZe us ed with numerals 2. tr. vb . to' make crooked and fita; how many e fita1 e rua 3. mangrove roots 5. exaZam. disapproval 4. any curved aerial roots 101010, mokea � 1. exaZam. disapproval 5. to stretch , as the body , or es i tr. of e to find fault native money with , refuse to do , di sagree , 6. to wind ab out as a road disapprove ; es i 'oe fainia'o tala 'e'eo ko leka disapprove of your going 'e'ere 1. to bind, wind round, es ila finding fault ; es i lana wreathe the head , cf. 'ere 2. to bite the end of areca nut 2. to put through a hole in to open it the ear en i tr. of e; enia, esi , es ia 3. a leaf rolled up put in the ear , ornaments in lobe of ear ea that's true , is that sol you don 't say so! 4. a roll , as wire netting 5. winding about , as a road eba 1. to stretch = tagalangai 6. to coil a rope 2. to flatten out , as a heap of rubbish, or sand, or a pancake ; 7. to deck with ornaments eba laungi 3. a mat , of pandanus 'e'ere sa to yawn = mamakwea 4. a sail 'e'ete 1. di fferent , cf. 'ete, 'eda to colour the hair, usually 'ete'ete, 'e'etela difference , with vegetable dy es , or with queerness , 'e'etelana fena lime ; busa red dy e , koa 2. queer , odd , curious , unusual , yellow dy e , sasamo blue dy e no good 'eda ' eda sp . fish like mullet , 3. stranger , foreigner; wane yellow in colour , good eating 'e'ete 4. specially , extra; diana 'edu sp . wild caladium , grows 'e'ete extra good ten feet high 5. fine , fine fellow ; nia sasi 'e'efo 1. outer part , cf. 'efo diana acts well 2. cast skin 'efo 1. outer part of anything , 3. clothes , skin as opposed to the sae inner part = 'unga; 'efona 4. cover of book 2. skin , feathers , scales 5. leaf or paper of a parcel 3. wrapper , cover 6. scales of a fish 4. clothes 'e'egua hard 5. to pee l yams , etc. 'e'e1a lazy , tired; non i 'e'ela .. 6. to cast the skin , of a 'ela snake or crab 47

7. to remove wrapper, or cover e I e a I. j oy , r e j 0 i c ing 2 . joyfully 8. to skin a bird or animal elela joy; elelea 9. to scale a fish 3. to wriggle the body , as in 10 . to pluck a fowl joy, shyness , etc. ; elea non lna 'efo ' efo weak after sickness , 4. to jump ab out tired out , faint ; mae 'efo'efo 5. to dandle a baby ; elea egwafolo afternoon from 3 to 6 6. sato kwalfolo; to embrace , salute (not o'clock, elo, elet al , elet alnla egwefolo Ivens ); 'eli to dig; ' el I ngarea dig 'egwe to open out , spread out , the yam crop ; 'eI I a, 'eI I 'eI I as in reading a book ; 'egwea 'el I la digging ; 'el I lana 'egwes l tr. of 'egwe ; 'egwes la 'elila a digging , yam harvest 'el lnga l egwefafo to put in a post ; name of wind , E. to 'ellngalnla N.E.

'eli ' eli = 'aIi' a I i 'egwe la to set ap art , lay as ide ; 'egwela 'elingai fall asleep sitting , doze off, nod; 'el lnga inla 'eke 1. male opossum 2. to be ashamed, 'eke 'ani .. elo 1. sp . shrub , leaves used ida, ma in cooking or for drinking vessel, or booths 'ek ela shame 2. any leaf (generic term) 3. to be angry 3. a drinking cup ; adas i elo 'ekwa 1. to leave , let go , depart have a finger in the pie from 4. a booth 2. pay no at tent ion to , omit eloelo English tobacco I io 'ekwa 'ana satisfied fafu ru about rongo 'ekwa 'ana disregard 'elo 1. to wave 'ekwatai leave , ab andon , let 2. to swoop down go of 'elofl tr . of 'elo to swoop 'ekwatalnlla ab andoning; 'ekwatainllana down upon , as an aeroplane 'ekwatainla mangona lost his taba'elo a whirlwind life 'elu sp . small fish 'ekwe 1. shrivill ed, of a nut 'ena 1. in tara' ena today 2. unmarried man or woman 2. indecent word, to push out 'ela 1. lazy , tired, di slike privat es to tempt ; 'ena Hi na, doing = 'e'ela cf. 'erusu not considered indecent 2. clear , understandable ; 'elangal , e'elangalnla fuaga enia �f. e I. there is, there clear to us (of speech) are 2. to be , have ele 1. to desire ; 'ele 'uri e fit a do en ia7 how many are there? 2. to rejoice enla 'agu I have (shortened to en I 'agu) 48

enia nana that is so, it is so gele we la enia siada there was 7. to curl up , , as a a little child with them board 8. to surround, besiege ; 'erea eno 1. to sleep 'erea circular 2. quiet , still , calm, peace­ 'ere ' ere a coil, to wind ab out , ful ; enoeno , to enoeno round ab out faeno to calm , set the mind 'ere 'erea circular , round at rest 'eregwou a wreath , garland, crown 'eno sp. fish 'e'eno 9. a channel in the reef up which fish come 'eo 1. crooked 10 . f a Ii ' ere walk lame 2. to crook a finger; 'eoa 11. to send ere fire 'eresi tl'. of 'ere , 'eres ia ere abu sacred fire kwa i 'eresia commi ssion , mes­ ere alo a short time , long sage , command enough to cook this food; ere bou , ere i'a 'eri 1. " 'ere 11. ere boso I. sacrifice pigs 2. to stretch out 2. a death feast , no dancing ere 'ed u a good while , as for 'erisi tl'. of 'eri , 'erisia cooking, 'edu; gera faora i 'erisia sent , stretched suI i ere 'edu they talked some while eri 1. thus , that's the way , so ere 'ete = ere i:ibu; ere sua 2. to encourage , exhort , urge , ere fou oven stones in actual egg on use (gwa i lumu when not in use ), cf. fou ere iron erlsi tl'. of eri 2; erisia pyrites kwalerisia exhortation , en- ere mamao fu ni a fire burnt couragement , urging , command down , fi re of charcoal 3. introduces oratio obliqua ala ere 'ana set alight 4. so then fuana ere ashes fu li ere altar 5. in order that , that kwa i ere rub fire e ria! do it 1 meameana ere light a fire eria fasi! try and do it ! meana ere flame mo kona ere steam ero 1. lame , walk lame ; erola nanaona ere soot , charcoal lameness , erolana ogu ere make a fire ; ugu ere , ugumi ere, uguni ere 2. to b �re , as in making shell sasuna ere smoke money ; eroa siere a brand, embers 3. to dig in with a twist , as posts in a fishing stage , or a 'ere 1. to coil, wreathe , en­ gimblet , or heel into the circle ground 2. wrap round and round, fold over several times (lukumi 'erusu 1. push forward privates fold once) 'ena, but less indecent ; erusua , also 'e'erusu 3. a coil 2. to stretch money ; 'erusua = 4. a wreath 'e'eo 5. a circle eso to stir round and round, as 6. to wind ab out , as a road 49

in cooking, cf. buIes I, gagl , F I ro r I fa a noun suffix , forming nouns esu small sp . 'age ru areca nut ; from verbs , noun s and pre­ " ageru kwas l positions moko to smell mofoka; nunu shadow nunufa ; burl behind , eta 1. one bu rlfa rear ; mokofana. nunu­ etana first fana, burlfana, etc. 2. to do first ; eta bae be fa 1. a oausative prefix, also first to speak , eta I nao go faka and fafa . Besides making first , eta lea go first , begin causatives it makes: 1. tran­ the going sitive verbs from intransitive 3. to begin , originate verbs, and from adj ect ives and nouns ; rongo hear , farongo etala counting tell. 2. adjeotives from verbs ; etaml I. to count 2. to tr. mamagu fear , famanagu loathsome . lead ; etaml a 3. alters the mea ning of a verb ; etangl of eta originate , tr. ngu sing, fangu teach to sing begin, start ; eta ngia etangla originated, begun 2. rank , file of men play ing etan glla beginning , origin; pipes or dancing ; fa wane etangl lana 3. school , shoal of fish; fa e i'a, fii e baekwa , etc. 'ete 1. different , of another sort or kind; etela difference , 4. mate ; fa nau , fa naua my queerness; 'ete l ana mate 2. stran ge , foreign, queer , 5. give (hill word , not true odd , curious Lau )

3. various fa'a to put round neck (hill 4. alone , apart , for oneself word) only , keep food for oneself fa' abero ,oaus . to delay alu 'ete set apart do 'ete nau for me only fa ' aberos l tr. of fa ' abero , 'ete gwa 'ana do gi things for fa ' aberos ia him only 'ete nau go only I f��u oaUB . 1. to forbid, taboo 'ete'ete various ; 'et e'etela 2. to consecrate variety , 'ete ' etelana faiibua 1. an oath 2. to purge 'etea 1. various , changing; ma l ceremoni al defilement by a , e tea 0 f tide s, n gal i n i sacrifi ce or homicide; 'ana 'etea nut s of different sort s boso 3. money payment to obliterate an oath 4. a 2. to make a thing sep arate ; taboo put on something ; 'etea ere a fire made apart faabu la (for sacrifices) faabusu oaUB . to satisfy hunger , 'etenga to take up the whole satiate place , do to the exc lusion of all else; fl rula e 'etenga faada cause to see , aw aken ; tr. fera gla gl war is excluding faadus i all else in our villages fa" ado 1. to share out goods or food ; fa ' adoa 2. to provide food 50

faafa aaus . to initiate , cause faasila aaU8 . to flavour with to do for first time , as a salt ; f a a s i 1 a man to his first fight fababato aaU8 . to encourage , fa' afae aaus . to make bitter strengthen ; fababatoa

fa ' afe aaU8 . 1. to marry , of a fabaegaro aaU8 . to provoke to woman rudeness 2. to tie on maku susuru , formal marriage ceremony fabaita aaU8 . 1. to increase fa'afela marrying , fa ' afelana 2. to honour fa 'afe la marriage 3. to exaggerate

fa' afetai aaus . to make dif­ fabani aaU8 . to make mad , foolish ficult , embarrass fabasu aaus . to warn , frighten f�afora aaus . to enlarge fabebe aaU8 . to make a priest ; faafusi aaU8 . to sow seed bebe , manu

fa ' ago aaU8 . to heat food fabili aaUB . to dirty fa ' agofi tr. of fa'ago fabi lo aaU8 . to put leaf on faagwa aaU8. to hide water in vessel to stop it spilling = fasobo fa ' akwa aaU8 . to heal faboke aaUB . to puzzle fa' ala aaU8 . to sharpen fabokonu aaU8 . to sadden faalamoi aaU8. 1. to allow ; faal amainia fabolongai aaU8 . to comp are ; fabolongainia 2. to yield up , give over; faalamainia fabonga aaus . to silence , 3. the giver in marriage ; quieten faalama i fabu aaU8 . to recomp ense for faaofia or faofia aaU8 . 1. to wrong (faabu) appoint a priest , aofia; Uiaof i a fada to explain , show how to , do ; fada 2. to promote in rank fadami tr. of fada, fadami a 3. to exalt , honour fadamia explained

fa' ara a mark fadada aaU8 . make blunt ; fadada faarai aaU8 . to marry , of a fadafi aaU8 . heat up food man fadami aaU8 . to give a present faaroaro aaus. to calm , quieten to a girl , to flirt , make love , flirting = baekwa ima ni . 'osoa , faasa aaU8 . bind by a curse , cf. ruanala fasa fadani aaU8 . 1. to lighten fa' asi aaU8 . to cause to fall ; fa'asia 2. to set a net before day­ light 51

fadiana aaus . 1. to embellish f�f�1u aaus . to renew (falu) 2. to flatter fafa1uta fish in canoe for 3. to show off bonito , with line trailing behind f�dole l aaus . to delay fa ' abero, fama lawela, fatau fafana to hunt with bow and arrows , fana fado1ez to delay , be late (not 'cause' delay) fafanefuri 1. sp . plant 2. Jupiter faeba aaus . to flatten out faebas i tr. of faeba f�fanga aaus. to feed faekwa 1. small, unimportant , fafao sp . of green parrot , inferior different from fao 2. quietly , poorly ; a do na ka fafaorai aaus . make a person to tago faekwa so and so col­ talk lects little food, is lazy e faekwa ! exal. disapproval fafara to drag ashore a canoe or log ; fafaranga i, fafara­ faelangi a raised dwelling , or ngainia store house fafar� an altar for first fruits faeno aaus . to calm , soothe in village or beu fafa 1. to carry on shoulders , fafara asia brackish ; fafara pick-a-back , cf. fafo as i 1 a 2. to carry a bag round the fafaragwaegwae armpit ; fafara­ neck gwaegwaena fafa wide open ; anga fafa fafari scorpion or farifari fafa aaus . prefix = fa , faka fafasu to sprout , of stored yams , et c. , fa fa su i'a i fafabusu a pile of sand fafi to put leaves on oven in fadada sp . of pan danus , and cooking mat made from it , cf. kaufe fafi 1. on account of, because fafaekwa aaus . to humble of; ele fafi rejoice at , sasi famarabibi , fato�ou diana fafi to love fafafali aaus . cause to walk 2. upon , on , over 3. in addition to; fafi 'afe fafakafi aaus . 1. cause pain nia gi or annoyance to (doub le aausative) 4. to add to, add more , cf. fai 2. to weary , tire out 5. to help ; dau fafi help , sur­ fa rakehasu , faramo round 6. to accuse , impute fafa1a to mak e a hole in the lobe of the ear fafi la adding to , on account of , because of; fafi lana fafale produce abundantly , of garden ; fa 1 e fafi aaus . to weary , annoy , hurt = fakafT 52

fafila annoying , fafi lana fafu1u dirty , imperfectly cleared, as vegetables for fafigu caUB . to heap up cooking ; '0 ngalia ma ido fa fu 1 u fafo 1. the top ; i fafona on the top fafungu caUB . to fill 2. on , ab ove ; fafona on it fafunu caUB . to destroy 3. near , in the neighbour­ hood ; i fafona Savo sea near fafura caUB . 1. to corrupt Savo 2. to take off the newness of fafo asi foothills a thing fafofaka upper lip of fish fafu ra beu final feast for a fafo' i Ie beyond the reef, new house out side fafola in addition , extra; fafurongo 1. to listen , pay alu fafola put something at tention extra fafoma eyebrow 2. listener , follower , disciple fafongidu 1. space between nose and mouth 2. mous­ fafuru 1. English tobacco = taches eloelo fafon i the fourth day on ; 2. to fill a pipe ; fafurua i fafoni, cf. bobongi , f6k au , fuli! fafuta caUB . to beget fafo caUB. 1. to introduce a fafutala a generat ion guest or stranger fafuto to happen to a person , 2. to take a man on a first of a sign or portent voyage , introduce him to the sea; faf6a fagaro caus . 1. to mislead fafo1a caus . to open , to en­ 2. to deceive lighten , illuminate , purit,y 3. to waste , squander fafolal i tr. of fafola fagasu caUB . to cause to be fafo1i caus . to sell for money , corrupt = famoko cf. fol i'ani fageni caUB . 1. to put a man in fafo10 caUB . 1. to cross = lea the position of a woman , as fo lo regards taboo

2. across , crosswise = fa ifolo 2. to conduct a ceremony to enable a woman to eat turtles 3. crossbeam of a house fagu 1u caUB . fafono to close up , comp lete, to weigh down round off faguni caUB . 1. to moisten fafonos i tr. of fafono 2. to soak , also fagunu fafuidada 1. dream of future fagwari caUB . l. to cool 2. bring news of distant 2. events; wane as i e fafiudada to make well sea snake has brought news 3. to comfort ; fagwagwari 1 i 0 (of death overseas ) or fagwari 1 i 0

fafu1ai caUB . to show forth ; fagwini caUB . to moisten fafulainia 5 3

fagwou aaU8. 1. to empty 2. to cause to rain 2. to make desolat e 3. let a canoe drift away , let a dog go free fagwou fi aaU8 . to give drink to; fagwoufia fai1angai remove , move , from one place to an other ; rawane fagwou rufi aaU8 . 1. cause to 10gi daro fa ila ngainia go sit , set 'adaro so that they miss one another 2. to place one thing on another fai rnadama to shoot by moon­ light fai 1. with , along with ; fa i nau with me , fai nia, fa inida fa inamae aaU8 . to bereave with them , fai 'oe 2. with ( accompany ing) ; kwa i fa inamouri aaU8 . to adopt fai lal i pull up by the roots , ramo fa i we la strong from fainia 1. and, moreover, besides having children that ; common with names of per­ 3. prefix to noun s and some sons : a H. fainia a N. M. an d N. verbs = fe q.v. ; faifalisi a 2. along with, in agreement year with , according to fai aaU8 . to add to , put more , fa ' inito aaU8 . to magnify , exalt , fill up ; fa ia glorify ; wane fa 'initoa exalt­ ed person , man of ab ility faiana aaus . to cause to be pregnant fainuinui in disorder , confusion, out of place faida 1. my friends ! children ! dora faida! my brothers ! fa isere , fa iseri , fa isori rna faida 'ae! my fathers ! aaU8 . 1, to revile , curse tai fa ida! who ( plural ) 2. contemptible ; do fa iseri 2. a large canoe for twelve something to despise oneself or more for , be ashamed of faida aaU8 . to make ashamed faisusu female cuscus (futo) faifafi to cover over faka 1. mouth ; fakana 2. at entrance , alongside; faifai sp. tree , XZainhovi a fakana mamu alongside the bait h08pita ; also 'aifuto fakana as i shore , beach faigarugaru 1. sp . of swimmi ng fakana funu V-shaped groove crab in mainp ost for ridgepole fakana kafo mouth of river; 2. to dog-paddle , swim like a or 'aena kafo beginner fakana 1010 edge of swamp 3. a bushman who can't swim fakana saru toothache 3. a ship , foreign vessel , cf. faigote to roll up carelessly , baru ; fak 'ana r'ai two-masted be hurried, careless , as in ship rolling up a blanket 'aena faka waterline faigwa aaU8 . 1. to cause to be 4. aaU8 . prefix , rarely found shed , poured out , of liquids fa ; like , as it were 54

faka' ato 1. deaf and dumb fakwaimanatai or famanatai caU8 . to make sorry , unhappy 2. to stutter fakwakwa 'o caU8 . 1. to whiten fakaf! 1. cause annoy a nce , worry , strife 2. to make clean 2. to weary fakwali caU8 . 1. to cause to fade fakagola mouth unstained with betel nut 2. to make old by use

fakakarua with scarred face fakwasi caU8 . 1. to make wild 2. to hunt for wild pigs fakakatu to stammer fakwekweto caus . to make , made fakakwao = fakakarua fala 1. to pierce lobe of ear , fakali harbour fa la fakarnoko bad smelling 2. a fishing stage , or plat­ form for dry ing nuts fakarnola 1. uninitiated, no 3. to show disrespect to ; fa la right to eat of holy things ma 2. heathen , pagan = to ni buo fala caU8 . to dry in the sun fakarnomonga causing nausea falado caU8 .' 1. to join together fakaso sp . tree , Hibiscus 2. to maintain , continue ti liaceus ; bark used for rope making fala' ate only , merely fa katu caus . to stop , cause falai bald; gwe falai a bald to be at a standstill; fa kau man fakoka worthless , of man or falake 1. an egg ; fa l akena , dog ; of no account , insig­ fe fa l ake nifi cant 2. seeds tied on legs in fakoka caus . 1. to waste , dancing squander ; fakoka 3. testicles 2. to thwart 4. sp . of tree 3. to be late for an appoint- fal ake ma iris of eye ment falake sao pupil of eye , cf. saobulu ma fakukulu caus. to cause to hang down falalao caU8 . cause to run fakulu caus . to hang up falangi caus . 1. bring to fakuru , fakukuru to shorten nought , destroy 2. to waste , squander fakurU caus . 1. to sink 2. to dro wn ; faku rua falaungi caU8 . to decorate faku ruma i 1. to immerse ; fakuruma inia 2. to duck a fale 1. give ; fa le fuana 3. person to sink a war­ 2. send , put ; fa le'uri send ship for ; falela giving , fa lelana 55

fa lea magical power ; sifalea fal0 daudau unsupport ed cross­ grace at meals ( Christian beam ( no post under it ) use ) fale'aba fiifi lay hands on falogosi caUB . to reduce the fale'ae a. pace , yard , cf. price · fa 1 i 1. fale fua feed; fale fuana fal ogos ia reduce in price fale fu i ngidu put to lips fa 1 e 1 a a gi ft f�lu new , fresh , recent ; arai fale langa give a portion , falu bride groom e.g. of a fish caught falenga food given by bride­ falua a fine sandstone , once groom' s relations to the eaten after , it is said, two bride 's relat ions months ' cooking falenga food at a wedding fa le mea to put out the falua caUB . to fish with a net tongue at high tide falea caus . cause to walk , as falula caus . newness ; falulana a young child faluma a cave falego sp . of fish, sucker fish faluta - fal ita q.v. faleke sp . tree , Boulagiodendron falutai c fal itai tetandrum fa lut ainia = fal itainia fa lutala = fal utala fali 1. to step , tread , walk fa fa 1 i famae caU8 . 1. to soothe fa i fa 1 i 1 2. to extinguish fali 'ere walk lame fal ifol0 step aside , walk famae 1 i tr. of famae 1. kill , across put to death 2. extinguish famael i la killing , putting 2. sp . fish, ray out ( a light ) 3. to take betel nut famael ilanala killing murder f�liodila caUB . cause grief to fa mafo caU8 . to heal f�lioto caU8. to teach fa mai caU8 . to fish with net at low tide , setting it at high falisi 1. yam garden (raku tide taro garden ) fa malaketa caU8 . to make a 2. crop of yams , harvest mess , put things all over the 3. a year ; fe fal isi place falita to paddle , a canoe fa malawe la caU8 . to delay fadole fa 1 ita i tr. form fa 1 ita i to take someone by fa maleu caus . to put to sleep can oe ; fal itainia fal itala paddling; fal i talana fa mamagu caU8 . disgusting, loathsome f�liu caU8 . 1. cause to walk ab out fa mamana caU8 . 1. impart power 2. to set at liberty , or 2. make successful , efficient fa 1 iIiu 3. to believe falo crossbeam in house , cf. 4. bear witness in court fo l0 56

fa manatai caUB . 1. to make bread or a pudding, or a boil ; sorry iibu ka fane 2. to punish 6. excited , angry ; rakena e fanefane fa manu caUB . to make a manu or be be q.v. fanea a movement in a dance

fa manumanu caUB . to cause to fane ala more and more float faneba caus . to level fa marabibi caUB . 1. to pacify fanefane = fane 2. to humb le fanefane1a prosperous , plent iful fa moko caUB . to cause to smell , be corrupt fane fur! sp . of tree fa mo 1a caU8 . to make common , fanga 1. to eat , have a meal ; take off taboo fafanga feed fa mou caU8 . 1. to terri fy 2. a meal , food 2. to reverence , respect ; 3. to bite , nibble , of fish fa moua 'ani fanga a feast fa moua reverence , respect fanga abusu overeat fanga bier i steal food to eat fa mouri caU8 . 1. to deliver , fanga bi la eat and not share save , heal fangala eating ; food fangalana; fangas i tr. of fanga 2. to be delivered of a child; fangala eating fa mou ri 'ana fanga lea share food with others others fana 1. to shoot with bow and fanga makwa not share food fafana arrows ; fangarua feast for woman after fanas i tr. shoot at ; fanas i a childbirth fanafunu shoot and kill fanga sasidiana share food fanga sas ita not share food 2. sp . yam, prickly , vine fanga simi steal food to eat twines opposite way to ordinary fanga ta not share food yam fa ngado caU8 . to strengthen fa nanai caU8 . to give rest to f�ngai 1. fa nanau caU8 . to knock down ; to train , teach fangainia by practice ; fa nau 2. to throw in wrestling, stamp fa naunau caU8 . 1. to make down round a post , fix firm proud fanga1u caU8 . 1. 2. to boast , show off , talk to break , as big sea in a tide rip (not tran� sitive ) fane 1- to rise up in sky , of 2. to trouble , disturb ; fa sun , moon or cloud ngalua, fa ngalungalu 2. high , as a hill fa ngalua broken , troubled 3. tall , of a tree or house water 4. long , of finger nails fanga1uda 1. make easy 5. to rise , swell , ferment , as 2. permit 57

fangari aaU8 . to sharpen faofu aaU8 . to gather together; fa ofua fangasi aaU8 . 1. to strengthen fa ogu aaUB . 1. heap up 2. to harden 2. gather together , join in a fa ngiri aaUB . 1. to make firm comp any 2. to make tight fa oko aaUB . to blacken the fa ng� aaUB. to warn a person teeth of danger fa oli aaU8 . 1. to cause to faol itai , faol itainia fa ngu aaUB . to teach singing return ; 2. to make a present to a per­ fa nonifI aaUB . to torment , son leaving, give a wife to cause pain leader of visiting dancers fa nonisa1a aaUB . to make fa' o10 aaUB . 1. to straighten ; happy fa 'oloa, fa ' , fa'olofia, fa 'o'olo fa noto aaUB . to quieten 2. to justify, also fa 'o'olo fanua 1. land, the earth, fao1osi aaUB . world ; s i fanua to put on oath 2. weather faoni aaUB . to make ineffective , fanua ' ago hot weather nullify fanua diana good weather faora fanua gwa ri cold weather worthy , suitable , fitting ; faorana fanua i Lau region of the Lau worthy of him , fits him speaking people between faorai 1. Langalanga in the west and to talk to someone , faorai Gwounaasi in the east of converse, consult ; fuana Mala fanua lama peace, no fight­ 2. to act towards , treat ing faoraia fanua rodo cloudy weather, conversation, con­ dark day sultation , plan faorai diana fanua sato sunny weather to treat well ; faorai diana 'ania fanua ta bad weather faorai faekwa fanua tau a long way off to be gentle to , qui et with ('ani) faorai inito fa nu1a aaU8 . to cause to shine to honour faorai mamasi to flatter, 'butter' fao 1. to weave = fau ; fafao faorai ta treat with contempt faol i tr. of fao, faol ia faora i tou treat gently faol ia woven fafaorai make a person talk 2. sp. of parrot , different faori aaUB . from fafao to increase , multiply , tr. or intI'. 3. to float , rise to the sur­ face = sasao, sasako fara beneath , under , underneath , i farana . faoa a raft below ; fara' aena underfoot fa 'odo a cave = fal uma fara beu fara fe ra under the earth faofao sp . tree , Bombax ma LabaI'i­ (or fare feral aum fara i se 5 8

farade a meteor 2. to stop by a curse 3. to cause to be defiled and farakesasu aaUB . to move to so fail anger fasiilii curse , defilement faramo aaUB . 1. to move to anger, provoke fasadi aaUB. to harden 2. to strengthen by a sacri­ fasafa aaUB . to initiate , start fice at new work 3. to compel by violence fasaka aaus . to jump 4. a riot to make a boy a warrior fa sakatafa aaus . to cause to appear faraD aaU8 . 1. to caU8e to work 2. to tame , make quiet fasako aaU8 . to cause to float , come to surface fararao aaU8 . to cause to stick , as stamp on letter; fiiraratai, fasarangi aaUB . to dry over faratai fire , as wet tobacco

farereba aaU8 . to broaden fasare aaUB . 1. to feed, suc­ cour , adopt into fami ly , take farigita aaU8 . 1. to make as dependent strong 2. to destroy 2. a ceremony for a boy to become a fighter fasaru aaU8 . to light a fire , pipe , torch faro scraper for grating yams made from fou ni sata, now fasasa1a aaUB . to make happy , iron or fanon isala

farodo aaU8 . to darken fasasau1i aaU8 . to purify fa rodo rna to blindfold fasata aaUB . to name faroi aaU8 . to talk , cf. faorai fasatofi aaUB . to expose to sun , faroia convers at ion dry in sun

farongo aaU8 . 1. to tell , in­ fasego1a aaUB . cause to fidget ; form ; fiirongoa 'ana fasegolii 2. to announce , report fasi 1. to plant ; fas ia 3. to confess fas i I a planting , seed time farongoa news , report , rumour 2. a little while ; alua fas i fiirong olii news , renown pres ently , wait a bit ; to fas i fou fii rongoa echo rock presently ; toto fas I stay a while farua aaU8 . to do twice, repeat ; fiiruii na adelana 3. please; 0 lea fas l please go ; al so si, lea 51 mo l please farufi aaU8 . to put body into come here clothes , i.e. put on clothes , 4. in order to , that ; nla fas i to cl othe na so ka lea bobongl rna ka langl fasa aaU8 . 1. to curse; fasii 'usi; cf. faasa 59

fasi 1. from ; fas i nau from me fasufiarua rough with sharp edges stone , ground, bark of 2. don't, refrain from ( with ; trees , etc. gerundive or verbal noun ) 3. to lose ; fas ia fa susu aaus . to suckle ; fa susufi , fasusula suckling fa sifa aaus . to sell , hire fata 1. to speak . ( used only in fa sifo aaus . 1. to lower , let compounds ) , cf. bae down fata ta to insult , be rude , 2. to put ashore rudeness fas i fo fu ra i us e net for 2. sp . of hardwood , Vi tax first time ; fas i folana aofassu8 fura i 3. hard and dry , of timber fas i fo langai to stretch arms straight down at sides ; 4. sp. mollusc , Troahus = fatu fas ifol angainia fatii aaU8 . 1. to insult fasikona disgusting , loathe­ 2. insulting language = fata ta some fata l i to spoil, defile , harm ; fasio flesh; fas iona - mar iko fatal ia fasiofa aaus . to curse; fasiofa fatae caus . 1. cause to embark 2. to recruit labour ( on a fasiufi aaus . to wash , bathe ; ) fasiufia recruiting ship 3. cause to rise up or grow , fasobo aaus . 1. to soak in to raise up liqui d fatae la recruiting; fataelana 2. to put leaf in a vessel to keep wat er from spilling fa tafa plainly fasoke aaus . to embellish , as fiitafai caus . cause to stumb le a tale fiitafanga measure , from tip of fasu to sprout , as tree cut thumb to elbow down , or seed yams for plant­ ing = bi rabira fatafi caus . put to flight fasua aaus . 1. to defile by fatai caus . 1. to tell ; fatai breaking a taboo nau. ma i 51 baea 2. to be in the position of 2. to show , manifest , make a a woman = fagen l sign or signal ; fatainia 3. clear , unimp eded fiisui aaus . 1. to end, finish , comp lete; fasuia omea end 4. to take a new canoe about fighting by mutual payment and show it to get money 2. to sat i s fy ; fa 5 u i a r a ken a fat aia a manifestation , sign , fasu i la signal completing ; fatai maea fasuilana an omen , wonder; cf. mangaafa, si fataimaea fasu1asi aaus . to convert , fiitake caus . to set up , erect ; turn fatakela setting up , fa take­ fasulasia turned langal , fatakelangainia, fatakes i 60

fata1ai aaUB . 1. to lead on ; fatowane aaUB . 1. cause to be fatalaia married 2. to provoke , incite 2. to carry off a girl 3. to marry off a relative fata10 aaUB . 1. to cause to know , inform fatowanea marriage 2. to be known , make famous , fatu 1. TroahuB = fatalola sp. mollusc, glorify; glorifying sifala, sifola fatara aaUB. to wean a child ; 2. magical powe r through stones fatara we la charme d and thrown into the sea over porpoises , bonito , sharks , fatare a herd ; fatare boso ; crocod iles , cf. fou , fau probably a bush word fau 1. to weave = fao fatau aaUB . to delay fauli tr. of fau , faulla fau l ia woven fate aaUB . 1. cause to run aground 2. a stone = fou 2. to run aground fa'u sp . fish , yellow at base of fins fatekwa aaUB . to lengthen fatekwa langai to prolong ; fauga aaUB . to tease a child; fatekw alangainia fauga

fa teofi aaUB. 1. cause to lie faukwai 1. sp . fish = ura ni down ; fateof ia bong I, matase, sTnu 2. to put to sleep 2. stone for breaking nut s

fato aaUB . 1. to confirm, make . fau1ita aaUB . unproductive good faunia or founia a sacrifice of 2. to adjust , correct , put first fruits burnt on fafara right fat5la confirming , correcting fa'uru sui aaUB . to do qui ckly and anyhow ; fa 'uru suia fato1arnai aaus. to instruct , teach ; fatolamainia, cf. tala fauta aaUB . 1. cause rain fatolamaia instruction 2. to pour down , of rain

fato1i aaUB . 1. to subdue , beat fauto1a of me dium height down a fire fawae1a aaUB . 1. cause to laugh 2. to reduce 2. to make fun of a person fato I i rake to rest 3. laughable , ab surd fatona aaUB . cause amazement , 4. to despise ; fawaela'ania startle fawaluda aaUB . 1. to make easy fato 'ou aaUB . 1. to belittle , humble , cf. site 2. to permit 2. to reduce size of one 's fawawa1a aaUB . 1. to belittle , house (so that guests will bring into disrepute not come ) 2. to put to wrong use , defile , desecrate 61

3. to ab use fe bebe small plant with white flowers fawe1a CaU8 . to tame a dog feda tired ngada fe 1. a prefix to : 1. manu bird, and all names of fedu curved, not quite straight , birds ; fe bo la pigeon , etc. as a pole ; also fesu

2. alo taro , and all tubers ; fefenu sp . tree fe ka i yam 3. bou banana, and all fruits fefero 1. mucus in eye and nuts ; fe fue sao , fe niu, 2. net-like covering of organ fe rakwana of the body ; v i v i ro 4. fal ake egg , and all sorts 3. upper lip of eggs 4. sore , of throat 5. fou stone , and all sorts of stones ; fe nagi flint , et c. fefesu to husk 6. gono heart , an d all inter­ nal organs ; fe bibi la, etc . fe1e l. to press , stuff tobacco in bowl of pipe with fingers 7. ka ron go shell , and all sorts of shells ; fe bul i 2. to feel with the fingers cowrie, etc. 3. to squeeze 8. periods of time ; fe asua noon , fe sinal i month , etc. 4. to lay hands on 9. some other nouns , including : 5. to massage fe agalo petition , fe 'au fish­ 6. to print a book ing rod , fe bibi 'ala, fe bubulu, fe football, fe To , 7. to bring ends of net to­ fe lobo , fe ma lefo , fe nenge , gether enclosing fish fe oso , fe rade , fe Lio , fe fe lengal applies to all the u rubo above meanings ; fe lengainia, 10. a state or action with ter­ fe let ai , feletainia minations la ( gerundive ) , la felesi tr. form of the ab ove ( verbal noun ) : fe adelana his meanings ; fe lesia doing , fe foal a prayer, fe fele boboi seize by throat iukala assent , fe kekerola red­ fe le bonos i hold hand over ness , fe kekerolana its red� mouth ness , fe 1 ang i 1 a denial , fe fele fafi press down upon langi lana its negation , fe fe le lumi fold and press tekwa lana its length fe lefe le hold between finger and thumb 11. with gerundives to express fe lesia pressed, sq ueezed, how many times; fita fe raolana printed how many times di d he work , ro fe adelana he did it twice felo 1. ble ached, of the skin, 12. verbal nouns ending in a, pale skin fe angia, fe lea journey 2. sp . hardwood used for clubs ; It can be combined with other fefelo, fe l ofe lo prefixes , or articles . fe1ofe10 young sago plant 2. to defe cate ; fea , fefe , fefea featai evacuate faeces ; fena 1. coral featainia 2. lime made from it feata anus of fish ; mana featana i'a 3. a gourd .container for lime ; cf. rada 62

fena du cont ainer with lid feroa I. lost , husky , of voice; luana e feroa 2. 4. to cover with lime ; fena watery , of yam fengi to accuse on suspicion ; ferude to turn inside out , as fengla, cf. alangl a bag or shirt fenu 1. to blink , keep shutting f�si water fouled by micturition and opening eyes ; fenufenu 2. to loosen something held fesu 1. curved, not straight tightly fedu 2. to fall from something feo to change direction feto flsu fera 1. land afesu fallen , as fruit 2. village fetei indeed, certainly ; bae 3. artificial island fetel a strong word , a com­ mand, 'oe fete l you un der­ 4. habitation , home ; fe ragla stand I our home ; wane fe ra gla one of us , native feto 1. to change direction = 5. spider web feo fera anoasa ab ode of the 2. to turn a canoe , turn heel; dead (some write 'anoasa) ; fetoa also fera nl anoasa, anoedo, bae feto urge , incite , worry , agalo said to be Momolu dare a person to do Island fera daudau artificial island; fi , ft 1. particZe showing a also fera I as I or kokomua second action follows immedi� fe ra fu mainland, solid land at ely a previous one : then , not island, the earth (late thereupon ; usually follows use) ve rbal particle but may follow fe ral ceremony of homecoming a pronoun nla dao ku fl Iisia of mother and new born child just now , for the first time , flufera edible ginger ku fl dao I have just come ; mafe ra hamlet , two or three it may give a future sense ku houses ; maefera fl lea I am going , about to go susufera first finger 2. trans. SUffix fere prefix to things owned, 3. every , all , f I do , f I 'aI possession in living things : of every sort (cf. al nl of birds , fish , animals , trees ; one sort ) fere kakaralkua fowl , fere 4 . .. fe , flu fl adela seven fonu turtle , fere boso pig, time s (seven doings ) f�re nlu coc onut 5. cluster, clump = fu I; f I kao Some use fere of land and clump of bamb oos gardens (probably wrongly ). fe re nau I own it fI 1. to perceive with �he senses , feel , expect , suspect ; fero 1. spider 's web used in fl mae lane expect his death , fishing kwalfi jealous 2. stuffed up , sore , of throat ; 2. to feel pain; fia pain , lua fero frl� being in pain , laona TrIana in her birth pangs 3. old, bad, watery , of yam 3. to hurt 6 3

fila pain , hurt , trouble , suf­ figua an assembly , gathering ; fering ; no n i fi I a figula, figula, figulana fitala fee ; a thing wrong , suspect , disbelieve fikakari plant full of ants ffto feel a thing right ,

trust, believe ; fitona fikoa dry = lalanga trust , believe him 4. to hiss , say 'hush ' fili 1. to choose , prefer ; 'ai f iIif iIi, f iIia 5. z f i f iIi5 i tr. 0 f f iIi, f iIi5 i a fida to slap , clap the hands ; f iIi5 i a chos en; al s 0 f I I i a ; tap, of rain on roof; fida­ fi lls i I a being chosen ; fida, fidafida 'aba clap fi lisilana hands , fida'osu slap thigh 2. in t a I f iIi, t a I i f iIi al on e fidal i tr. of fida, fidal ia only ; n i a ta I f I I i a fifesi to inf luence someone filia flashing , of lightning, agai nst his will cf. binabina, ganla, sinama ru fifi 1. bae fifi a command, fil0 1. to twist together, as law strands , twist round 2. fifi'oe look out ! to be f i los i tr. 0 f f i 10, f i los i a on one's guard fi losia twisted round 3. strongly 2. in comp ounds , probably meaning turn round and round fifi1a a white scar fi loa thoroughly , clearly ; fifilia beloved; we la flfilia ada filoa see clearly , nau my beloved son recognise ; saefi loa question carefully fifilu large sp. dugong, seldom fi lofa i di scuss , talk a thing seen on Mala, better known on out thoroughly ; fi lof ainia, Gela I io fi 10 wisdom fifingo a new scar, cf. karu , filu 1. sp . palm ; leaves some­ kida , mama 'abu times dy ed red, for decorations ; umbrella palm fifini 1. to pin , as leaf by 2. grasses dy ed red, decorating its st alk , fold an d pin leaf canoes for a drinking cup 3. leaf ornaments of warriors 2. to lift up an d carry dy ed red with klkl rl fifiro 1. sp . mollusc, Co tum­ finau or finou 1. a hook ; berra 'aberamo for bonito , gwanu for 2. end of bamb oo not yet in buma leaf 2. talon of a bird fifisi 1. tail of bird; fingita 1. to tie up in a leaf , fifisina, cf. biblsi pinning st alk of leaf = fifinl

2. leafage at end of branch 2. to lift up and carry = flfini 3. eaves of house fini to fold over a leaf figu to assemble , gather to­ gether, collect finisi blood money hung up 64

finita 1. ten , of root vege­ also tied at corners of a net ; tables , yams , taro , etc. ; flsl e as ia proverb of impend­ finit e ka i ten yams ing murder 2. to separate ; finita 2. the fronds of a coconut branch (kau ' aba whole branch ) finit� a group of �hings set 3. the top branch of a tree ; aside flsi gwouna; fisi kwau head of ceremonies fio 1. to husk a coconut ; fioa 4. dry coconut branch us ed as 2. to peel a yam , etc. torch fioa husked, peeled 5. small fish caught with 3. husk , peelings , skin of f i s i 1 yam, etc. , fiona 6. to strip a tree of all its bran c h es; f i s i a fio10 to be hungry fisi kwao - gwouna'ai fioloa hunger , famine, scarcity of food fisu 1. to fall from , cf. afisu, fesu firi 1. to twist round, coil 2. to pluck leaves or fruit ; round fifisu, fisua, cf. fefesu 2. twist tobacco; mlge flrl scrap of tobacco, ngae fl rl fita 1. how many ; e fit a, fitana dottel in pipe 2. to split , divide , cf. afita, 3. to tie up , tie up a door ; 'alafit a, 'inifita fl rl fiifia = blna sl , blnlsl , fit a tl'. fi t a, fi t al i a ; kan l I i 0 f to fi t alia to split asunder 4. to help , as sist ; flrl 'ania fital ia split (pa88. ) 5. to ab ide with ; fl ri 'ana fitai a woman 's bed (ifitai of 6. always , ab idi ngly , forever ; a man ) ; f i te i sul i dan i flri always , dai ly , to fir i fit ala to trust , believe , trust­ fi tona 7. to claim as a future pos­ worthy , faithful ; session, e.g. a woman ; nau gu fTtoa faith firi 'anla, cf. nau gu nau 'ania I own it ( already ) fitaru ulcer eating inside nose , firia penalty , fine ; flrlta cf. fitau firi s i tl'. 0 f firI j fi r I s I a fitau 1. a boring mollusc in mangrove swamps , 3 to 4 ft . firisia money given after long , Kuphu8 death 2. a nose desease, eats out firo to twist , cf. afl lo, fi lo, inside of nose floj f i roa fitaugwari earache

firu 1. tangled, of hair fitotomu fringe of hair left 2. to fight , dispute when shaving fTrua a fight , battle fiu 1. seven firulii war fiuna seventh fisi 1. dry branch of a coconut 2. a falcon = senge used for catching fish ( as a fence or net ) ; a bunch 3. ging er ; fiu fe ra edible sort , 65

fiu 'inito, fiu kekeroa , fiu 2. a round wooden dish rago (red leaf) various sorts , used in magic fofoda to dodge a spear fo 1. blunt , cf. fafo fofokila fear , dread fo 'ala to go south for first fofolo to visit a garden time 2. to bind fofologa 1. mottled, as a dog or cat foa 1. worship ; foala, fofea 2. prayer, to pray ; 'uri , 2. clean a fish by splitting 'usi petition , intercession; open with a knife = fologa fo 'uria, fo'usia, wane foa a minister fofori 1. to scrape earth from fodara a frontlet of porpoise taro shell teeth , a wreathe 2. the day before the market forake girdle , belt fos i tr. of fo 1 and 2; fos i foforla 1. time for pulling to pray to , worship , curse mature taro 2. preparat ion with agalo for a feast na foforia fos i la praying, worshipping , binding; fos i lana fof�ta 1. deny an accus ation ; fowane the end of an incan- fofota 'us I a tation naming agalo 2. make excuses when accused 3. blood money ; alu put out 3. take an oath to show blood money , alua foa , sului innocence earn it fota 1. a bundle 2. a prayer fofote sp . tree , Co Zona veZ utina foda 1. to shut , as a book ; foga to split , rend, burst, foda break ; foga 2. to put one thing on another ; pa88. split , rent open , burst foda fat i as under (as a bottle of yeast), broken on reef as a canoe ; 3. to come down on fangainia ka foga foe 1. to open , open up as a fog a 1 i tr. of foga, fog a 1 i a book or parcel (bute do) , cf. fole, ufoe foge - foga; fogea , kwanga e fogea salo foea opened up ; to foe a foela a division , schism foga split , bur st , rent foes i tr. of foe (pa88. ); foge a

2. to hang up ; fofoe foi 'ai split by rock or heat of foea bride price , strings of sun , of a canoe money hung up ; wa i fofoea bride price in bag foitau sp . very large ra t , MU8rex fofoe 'ai stone , of st one fruit fofoe do a bundle tied up fokao or fokau fifth day from fofoe la the hanging up of the the present , cf. fafon i bride price fofoe nga I i first fruits of fola 1. to split , break in two , nuts hung in bundles before tear in two = kari , cf. foe , beu fo le fora; geni to fo la harlot 2. to spread fofo 1. to weed with a knife fa i ll, kamu 3. to clear away , clear up , 66

stop ( of wind ) ; dani uta, oru 'egwe folo 3 to 6 p.m. e fo la weather cleared up , etc. fafolo crosswise; faifolo rarafolo at right angles ; folafola calm and peaceful , 'al rarafolo a cross after rough weather 3. to cross over ; 'ato folo 4. section of a tree, fo la'ai cross the sea, fa ll folo step across, lea folos ia kafo cross fola 1. calm , fine weather , a river , to folo go across sunny day folosi tr. of folo, folos ia 2. spread out 4. to cut across, sever 3. clear , clean , bright , pure ; light rakegu e fola; na fola folosl tr. of folo, folos la; the light ; folala clear light , folo ku r usl . cut short cf. gwal ifola 5. to make peace fola fonosi look after by folola peac emaking ; wane working for , serve kwalsusi peac emaker, cf. wane daudau folaola sp . large fish foloa a grave ; mok ia foloa make folata sp. fish a grave = kllu

fole 1. to split , tear in two ; folo 'aigwari split and cracked folea with cold, of feet and hands 2. to divide ; kwa lfole divided , fologa to split a fish with a asunder knife to clean it ; fol oga - fofolga foli 1. to scrape earth from taro = foforl fone add to; fonea 2. to buy , hire , pay wages ; fonela adding to; fonelana fo 1 i a fono 1. fol ifol i 1. to buy , hire , comp lete , fulfil; akwala fono complete ten, kokofono pay wages 2. to measure thick darkness fol i fone to pay for some­ 1. tr. prep . one , redeem , ransom ; fonos i of fono 2. over , against ; meeting fonos i fo 1 i 'us I na alafa fol ila buying , hiring , pay­ 2. to pay in full , settle a ing ; fol ila na debt fol ila wages , reward , cost fonoki to shut a door ; fonokla folifolia a measure fonokia shut (pass. ) f51iki to bar the door , fol iki fonu a turtle ; fere fonu turtle 'usia ma owned folo 1. to guard , protect ; sp . are : bala, beo, fonu l 'a; fofolo, folo'usl bu l onga ( large ) plates are called: bala ( on folo fonos i. to look aft er top , flat ) , gegere ( side) ; folola protection sidu ( at back) folos i tr. of fo lo, folos ia, folosila guarding fora to split = fola 2. across; sato e to folo to­ wards evening forake a girdle , belt 'ado folo 6 to 9 p.m. 67

fori to pull mature taro , cut fou 'asufe sp . mollusc, Pecten off tops = fofor l; feria fou bora magnetite fou boso volcanic rock such as foro to emerge , spring forth, basalt , used for cooking depart ; foro tafa fou bul I mu shroom coral , used to make cement f�rua an outrigger canoe , boat , fou dada polished stone cf. 'algarua, bonga fou dema flat rocks fou ere iron pyrites fota 1. a bundle ; fo foufa solid rock fou lu a rock whose shadow 2. a prayer falling on a woman causes 3. a lathe along which sago twins to be born palm leaves are sewn fou kakale jagged rock fou kwa l a hamme r fotai to reverse, turn upside fou la stony ; stoniness, quality down (for fo ltal?) of stone fou lana fou lillda echoing rock fotara 1. to tie to a pole by fou manumanu pumice the legs , as a pig fou nag l flint fou nl sata I. mu shroom coral 2. a pig (or man ) so tied 2. a grindstone fou 'ogo , fou ' oko rock for black fote 1. a paddle , to paddle ; paint , for blackening teeth fote I barl steering paddle fou rafu limestone , chalk fotela paddling , sound of fou rao I. coral 2. stone for paddles on a canoe breaking nuts; hard ringing stone , volcanic 2. shoulder blade ; fotena fou rereba flat stone for skimming water foto 1. to hit , hammer , fasten fou ruru undersea cave with blows fou sasako pumice 2. to blow hard , of wind; fou tafe flat rocks koburu e foto fou tatake a boulder 3. to strike the eye , appear 2. time ; tefou once, for all , large ; foto ma all , altogether ; ko rofou great grandfather, ke ulufou etc . 4. to leap upon , as a shark fotol tr. of foto to blow foufou cotton wool , cotton tree hard on , hammer ; ' fotola foufou1a serious , does not smile 5. to hurry , make haste or laugh fotora l to go swiftly , as with news of a death fousi to turn, reverse; fousla

6. a hundred yams foutai 1. reverse, capsize, turn upside down , foutalnla - fotal fotoa stones of oven in dwel­ ling house (Iu ma ) = al lal I 2. upside down fotou sp . very large rat , fu 1. to," towards ; fu I raoa to MU8 rex , cf. fo l tau the garden , fu nltel to whom­ ever, funltei f u nitel to each fou 1. a stone rock; fe fou , one ' 51 fou a stone , mlgefou a 2. to come to light ; fafulalnla pebble , cf. saefou liver disclose , show forth fou 'abua red quartzite 3. clump , bunch , cluster ; fu I fou 'ala sharp , jagged stone sane white ant 's nest ; fu I de fou angoango echoing rock 68

fu 1. hair above penis , funa fuana ta? why? ka moumouri fuana 'au ni firu 2. cont inuous , ab iding , solid, live by the sword strong lan gisi wa luda fuana etana ila na beu fu house built on solid not ab le to count it ground lui fafi nau fuana fa lelana fe ra fu the Earth forbid me to give it fou fu solid rock mae fuaga die for us funu fu post fi rm in ground ngado fuana trust him mango fu take a deep breath , saitama na fuana kuka to fi ri sigh know that I will stand firm mango fula a sigh sogon ia fuana fanga ge ra store tolo fu continent , not small it in order to feed them island 2. ashes , fuana ere fu fafi ghostly influence fuafua ab iding upon powder, finely powdered rock 3. stock , root , origin ; te fu fuala I. covered with ashes ni do one origin 2. turned to powder, as lime 4. sp . tree , Barringtonia or crushed rock asiatica 3. to carry , as a haversack , fua {usually fuea } 5. to put on , clothe ; fu fafi 4. fruit , nut , seed for plant­ fuf i tr . of fu , fufia ing , fuana; fufua futa clothes, dress 6. to cough , clear the throat ; fua 'ano or fuano place of fu e dukwe I iogu I am hoarse seclusion for women in child birth = bisi fu la a cough , coughing futai to cough up , futainia fuaka sp . shrub 7. fu kou down there a little fua1anga 1. calamity , catastrophe , fua 1. to , for {dative }, to his ruin , war , plague , incest , advantage or disadvantage fol­ murder , anything very bad and lowed by gu , mu , na; raoa ba ita overwhelming ; fualanga e liuf i fuamelu; fuagu , fuamu , fuana; gera calamity overwhelmed them fuaga , fuagolu; fuagamu or 2. (adj . or adv. ) excessive , fuamiu; fuada or fuagera out of reason , over the odds , 2. to , towards tremendous , enormous , dreadful (used also of good things , as 3. for the purpose of {fuana} we say 'dreadfully nice' ; like 4. in order to {fuana} ta'a bad in Arosi ); fanga fua l anga diana 5. to {with infinitive } gluttony , fual anga glorious 6. that " " 3. sin , in modern use 7. with " " fuaro 1. to whisper 8. by means of {with infinitive } fuaronga i to whisper at , bae fuana scold him fuarongainia; fuarotai, e 1 ea rnai funa suge 1 a came fuarotainia with deceit eta i nao fuana lead him 2. to speak clearly = fus i fana fuana non iga food for {perhaps fu 'ar o} our bodies fo l ea fuana give him fuasa 1. a crocodi le = mokotoro, fuana fa l angilana to destroy wane kafo it 2. a seahorse ; fuasa n i 'afu 69

fudi a banana (bou substituted fufusi 1. sp . of very small ant ; in recent times because fud l fufusl gwaubu soldier ant = occurred in name of a well­ 1010 gwaubu known woman ) 2. to pluck ( fusl) ; or fufusl fue to carry , as a haversack, 3. to leap from a height fuea (used as tr. of fua ) 4. to scatter , powder and scatter fufu 1. crop of a bird , fufuna - 1 ua fufuta to bore in wood or book , 2. to swell , distend body , of insects have swollen stomach fui cluster , clump ; fu lkao, 3. sp . fish swollen like a fu lda - fl football 4. bruised and smashed , as a fuila ab iding place , place of corpse on the reef origin, site , source , lair, bed, usual place , fu ila na ; sl llfu 5. a net for snaring pigeons fu llana do (fufu?) place of origin , cf. fu l I (metath. ) llfu; beu fu lla 6. to sharpen by cutting to 'abana wane house of human a point , as a pencil origin 7. to cut off , reap fula 1. to cover a baby from the 8. to pick fruit sun , fu lii; fula fonos la 9. a mason wasp 2. a spring of water , mae fu laf ula; fu laf ula 10 . a reliquary in the beu 3. the moon , but only in naming 11 . the noise of someone com­ a month ing , or knocking ; a te I '0 fufu ma l? fuful�, nla rongoa 4. leaf spout of kao (bamboo fufula vessel), cf. tenggwe ; fu l ana 12 . to set , of moon or stars fula 1. blood , liver , fat of pigs killed, collected in bamb oo fufu 1. a spider 's web = garo vessel 2. a spider = garo 2. a cough , coughing , ngal la fu la boso; or fu lal0, fu l aro fufua fruit , fufuana ; fufuae ano du st fulaal0 a rainbow ; ful aaro fufui eu agal0 name of dance fula ' abu sp . jelly fish which with indecent gestures exudes crimson liquid fufula 1. leaf spput of kao fu1angai to show forth, (tenggwe stopper) fu l angalnla 2. droppings of wood from white ants , fufulana fule 1. enlarged spleen (can be used for blla spleen) fufuli restless , continually 2. to pull apart , pull the skin moving about ; gal0 fuful I off nuts grope all about ; lla fuful I; ta fufu 1 I or no fufu 1 I rush fule the third day on , day after about in panic tomorrow , cf. fafon l, etc. fufll 11� in confusion , pan ic; alua fuf ll l1ii put carelessly fu1efule sp. creeper on the shore fufurua to sprout , bud ; of trees fuli 1. place , site, fu llna ; cf. 70

fu ila, lifu funga a bunch , funge bou , nlu, cf. fungu 2. part , portion ; fal fu li fuage , te fu l i furana fungao relation by marriage ; fu lT do inherited tendency fungao falu bridegroom , gen l fu lT ere or fua place where fungao bride a fire has been gen i fungao wife of main chief fu lT fafara place where a wane fungao son-in-law , man dies made taboo , or daughter-in-law where his bones lie fu li fera site of village fungo son-in-law, relat ives by fu li au dancing ground , marriage ; fungona , ro wa l play ground fungona; fungon ia, fungon ia nia fu li ere altar fu li kwala child bearing fungu 1. to bear fruit or seed, fu Ji ni 10 qu iver fruitful fulT usia market place when not in use 2. a bunch ; fung i bou a bunch of bananas ; fungi 'ota

fu1ina = talana ; to successful 3. to be full ; fungu 'ana kafo , fu l ina be successful wane full of water , men fu1inga ab out , ful ingana, fungula fullness fu l ingana kade manga about fungual ama full to the brim the time , fu lln gana ton i wane fungu I I tr. of fungu fill up about 1000 men fungul ia I. swollen = ubuubu (pas8 . of fungu ) 2. over­ fu1ingai to make , create, flowing originate, invent , cf. bua l I; funguma to be full of , funguma fu l ingainia 51 fera 'ana - fungu 'ana fungfungu elephantiasis fu10 1. clean , wipe clean , rub dirt off shoes , etc ., fu loa 4. a post for a house , cf. funu ( which is more correct ) ; fungu 2. clear away scrub i du main post , fungu riridi 3. a sponge side post

= fioloa 4. a famine funu 1. to perish, come to nothing , destroy utterly , be fu1ofu10 eddy in sea when a destroyed ; do ba funu na it was turt le dives , or ship sinks no use fu1u 1. ten , on things only , 2. destruction , ext inction ; funu cf. akwala; fu l i do 10 , cf. e lea sul la tangafulu 3. excessive , immense, excessive�. ta fuJ i'a bala 10 strings , ly ; 'an I funu eat too much, each one fathom fanga funu gluttony ta fu Ii'ae 10 strings , shell 4. post in a house, pillar money ta fu I iii fo 10 porpoise 5. complete, completed; ro fe teeth nga II funu su i 2 years completed

2. to clean , wipe , rub off fura to be rotten , leprous , mil­ dirt , wash away earth ( of dewed, decayed, moth- or ant­ fu lo, fu lua rain) eaten , cf. furo ; fura rotted, furafura ; fur-ala rottenness, funamanga uncovered; to fur alana; furala rot , corrupt ion , funamanga leprosy , mi ldew , decay

funau to instruct , teach , preach furabote diarrhoea with pain 71

furafura 1. to spring up , of fut� futa sui I gen l descent on water fulaf ula mother 's side ; wane futa all living men ; wane futa gi 2. to boil relat ives by birth 3. to gargle , noise in throat of dying man futai 1. to turn over , round and round, cf. fetai , futainia furai 1. a net , large fishing 2. to uncover , disclose net , fu rai ana dela; fura i fonu turtle net futo cuscus 2. pancreas furi to cut , slice tobacco , cut end off , shave off G furibaea consult together furi lato castrate ga 1. we , us (1st per. pz. ineZ. fu ring al i sp . large rat , suffixed to some nouns and Mus rex prepositions ) ; fuaga for us 2. trans. suff. to verbs , fologa furi sp. of tree 3. to tear = ka r i furo fura rot , decay , etc. ga la tear ing , gal ana furola corrupt ion gas i trans . of ga ; gas i gas ia torn furubote intestinal worm ga 1. to laugh furunamu mosquito gasi trans . to laugh at fusi to speak clearly 2. to tear gas i tr. of ga , gas ia fusi to pluck leaves, flowers , fruit ; to twitch off fruit gae 1. to persuade with pleasant with a pole words , gammon , 'butter '; gaea futa 1. to be born , originate, 2. to pull the string of a bow create , fa fu ta gae1a young of animals ; gaela i 'a futala being born , birth , a lot of young fish futalana futala a generation gafa 1. barb of spear or arrow ; futalanga i to beget , create , also gaua futal angainla; kwala futalgu my family 2. a pronged fish spear

futa fera nat ive place , home , gafe gae I, gafea one 's country or island ; futa feralagu my native gafu 1. indistinct , blurred , of place writing or distant object ; also futa nau my relatives by gagafua birth , to futa relatives by birth 2. mist futa 'ofu born of same gafugafula dim and distant ; father and mother tau asl ana futa rua I. born of same gafula dimness , blur father , different mother magafugafu faint , indistinct , 2. children of two brothers of writing or two sisters 2. to bore , cf. fufuta; maefuta gafuta 1. to throw into the air, a nail throw and scatter 72

2. badly ; rao gafuta gala 1010 bits of dir t ga le wane youth gaga 1. exaggerate, embellish, gala we la children , small child embroider news ; gaga gal� 2. make much of a little thing, nutmeg tree mountain out of molehill = safu galau sucker , of banana = ka lau gaga 'ai 1 stiff , not pliable , : gale 1. · gala; gale boso cf. olosla young pig; ga le firl bit of tobacco 2. crisp , of paper or a dry 2. kale leaf child , young child, cf. 3. to bluff , threaten but not gagafu to shout for no special do ; galea reason gagalo 4. to. make a demonstration , gagafua 1. indistinct dancing about arms waving 2. muddy 5. an egg with chicken in it

gagai to sting , as iodine on a galei to use only part of a wound , or a sore personal name , last or first part ; galeia (e.g. man named KwangafTa may be called Kwanga gagali 1. sp. plant = mago or FTa 2. to wander , move as planets gali 1 ••ga la, gale a bit , ga li gagal0 1. without meaning or do; ga ll ku l puppy sense 2. round , lea gal la (prep. or baegagalo talk nonsense, be adv . ) _delirious , cf. baegaro rude 3. rlgagalo shout without cause to curve as a point of land , from high spirits go round a corner 4. to watch for enemy 2. to grope = samo fufuli gal igal l gal lgal la 3. sp. tree , inedible fruit round ; gal lgal lnga i shake up and down , gallga ll­ gaganibi a worm that makes a as a rope or torch; ngalnla whistling noise at night gal0 1. gagara savage , ready to bite or to walk in the dark , or jump at , as a dog , cf. 'ala e wake in the dark tae gagara 2. to grope ; galog alo 3. t9 move silently in the dark gagaro 1. side of a person ; gaga rona in a canoe 4. eggs of crayfish or pra wn 2. ribs = karao (lama of crab; bila of fish ) gagaro Ttoa very emaciated gagaroa thin , emaciated , as galu a hand-net tied at corner in illness with cross sticks 3. split by sun's heat , as a galu aofia board bandolier of red and white shell money worn by a gagau to spread , of grass, etc. bride gama (intr. ); game , gagi to mix , gag la; also ganggl to scratch gamea with fingernails ; also gaml to tickle gala a bit , small thing; also gale, gal l, ge le, ke le 73

garnea sores from scratching ; coast hills gamia ganola dirty game1u we , us 1st pers . pl. gano1e sp. fish ; also ganale inol. of small number (old triaZ) , cf. gia; subject or gara 1. to scrape , grate, as a suffixed yam with fa ro 2. scratch with finger nail garnere we , us (dual) as sub­ ject , or suffixed to verbs garas i tr. of gara , garas ia and prepositions garasia scratched , grated (pass. ) gami we , us 1st pers . pl. 3. a parcel of pudding exo l. , cf. gamelu, gia; sub­ ject or suffixed garagara to shake (intr. ) garno 1. sp. of yam , hard garangi near , almost (prep. , 2. the bones of the neck adv . ) ; gara n 9 i a 3. portion of pork below neck, gar at a ringworm a delicacy garata having ringworm garno1u you 2nd pers . pl. small number (old trial); subject gari an octopus , some said to be or suffixed large enough to sink a ship gamoro you (dual ); subject or garo 1. a spider , house spider , suffixed ; gamo roa cf. fiifii garnu you 2nd pers . pl. subject 2. a spider 's web or suffixed 3. a caterpillar ganegane sp. bivalve mollusc, 4. to wander, err , be lost on rocks 5. to make a mistake , mistakenly ; alua na garo put by mistake gani 1. to beg , ask for , gan ia; gani fa ' abu ask for money for garogoro err , wander injury gar ola error , mi stake bae garo be rude , talk in ganila begging ; gan ila na sleep gan i la begging , importunity 6. a basket 2. to catch and wrap up souls of the dead , fishing for them sango ; gan i garomota molar teeth ; also with dracaena garomata , garumatai garumota� anoano'ania sango garomatana 3. to search for the soul , of an agalo garosu1a pleurisy or pneumonia 4. to challenge to fight , gan ia garu 1. to move arms and legs 2. to beckon ; kwa igaru 5. to seize, take hold of, seize and carry off , gan ia 3. to swim with trudge on stroke , arms out of wat er gania flashing of lightning binab ina; gania kobu ru 4. to dig in the ground with hands gano ground, earth , garden 5. to scratch plot 6. tangled ganoalu garden ground on low 74

7. to hollow out , as a gong gaula frigate bird or canoe gisi gaula W pattern tattoo garua hollowed out ; aigarua (wings of gau la) on face and outrigger canoe in plaited bamboo work garuma i move arms and legs , beckon , swim , dig, hollow gefu to remove , roll away , upset , out ; garumainia overturn , prise up with a stick garumi tr . of garu 2,4,5,7; garumia gefu bia I. opening of native oven for evening meal ; even­ garumia scratched , hollowed 2. out (pass.) ing 7-8 p.m. in the evening garutala to inlay with mother-of-pearl from reo reo gefusi tr. of gefu , gefusia Naut ilus gefusia opened (pass .) gefus ila being opened ; gasi to tear , cf. ga 2 gefus i I ana gas i a torn (pass .) gege 1. to go about ; i fa i nau ku gege gasu to smell , bad , stink 2. sideways gasula a stink 3. inclined , lopsided gata 1. to pound food in a ada gege look sideways wooden mortar ; gata i gegena beside 2. a pudding of pounded taro, gegema the other side , gegemana coconut , etc. , mashed and cooked in leaves gegere side plates of a turtle; gata da lisi one sort of gegerena pudding ; gata ragisi gegesola soft , as hair, wool , gau 1. careless, thoughtless , calico, blotting paper to gau ; langisi to manata, e to kaubara gegete rna look askance at , be jealous of gaula carelessn ess , gau lana gegema la illwill , malice , 2. to pull as in a boat , to­ jealousy wards oneself magete one-eyed; gwe ma gete 3. a captive one-eyed man gaula being captured; wane gela sp. large seafish gaulana, wane ni gaula a captive gele = gala; 1. a little bit , gaula captivity small ; geledo, gelewela 2. adv . 4. to hang by a string , gaua rather , somewhat (before its verb ) 5. to crook the finger , gaua

6. to hitch up a loincloth gelo to wave = afoafo with the fingers , gaua gelola restless , bothersome , Igau a crook = ikau of a child; os i gelola gelola restlessness 7. to take dirt out of the gelogelo to shake , be unstable eye with a rag or stick, gaua (tr. and intr. ); opposite to 8. to pluck fruit with a ng ilo throb , of pulse ; cf. bamboo or crook , gaua asuasu, sukesuke , wa riri ge logeloa shaken 9. female organ , gauna gelog elol3 instability 10 . to bind ; gaula bond rakegelogelo fearful , un­ stable 75

gelu to roll = geugeu , i 'oi '0; 2. short form of gia we , in gelug elu subordinat e clause nla fa lea fuaga gi adea gelugel unga i roll ; gelug elu- ngainia gia geluge l ungaila being rolled; we , us 1st pers . pl. inal. ge l ugel unga ila na subjeat , as objeat suffixed to gelusi tr. of gelu verbs and prepositions gidi knock with knuckles , gidia gemere = gamere kidl ; gidlgldl geni 1. a woman , wife ; gen i gigil0 to make booming sound on nau = 'afe nau ; dao'urigeni water with the hands go for bride 2. female (adj. ); geni 1a gil0 1. - glgl10 strength in women 2. a special method of singing geni 'afe or geni kwas l tola accompanied by bamboo gong married woman 3. to make a ripple in water , gen i fii lu bride people with a net gen i to fola or gen i to wane harlot gilofl tr. of gl10 3, gl lofla = gen i nao first wif�; gen i glto buri second wife ; gen i lal0 third wife gina the canoe preceding the ola geni sioko two women married fura l in fishing to one man an d always quarrelling gini to pinch off , ginla; glnl­ adegen i conduct negotia­ ginI tions for marriage adegen ila negotiations for giri 1. a dog (hill word) marriage 2. to notch an arrow , glrla geo brush turkey , megapod girigiri 1. to clench the teeth; glrlglrl lifo, glrlglrilifoa gera 1. they , them clenching of teeth 2. pl. artiale ; gera used as 2. America, gera i'agi to roughen, as a stick with notche� or iri m�king a file ger� sp. small bird giro 1. to twist geru sp. poisonous fish, 9 I roa sprained, 'aegu e 9 I roa variety of herring glrog l ro twist agl ro to limp gete only , in magete one-eyed 2. any post in a house geu to roll , rock = gelu, gito gil0, i 'oi '0; geugeu to make a ripple ka l I. renge geusi tr. of geu , geus ia geus ia rocked (pass. ) gltof l tr. of glto, gltof la ageu rock , capsize ( of canoe go 1. only , merely = ko ; often ageusi tr. of ageu cannot be translated in English nau go 'agua , nia lau go, to go gi 1. sign of plural , follow­ 'ana ing a noun , pronoun or phrase ; 2. expressed cont inuous action not used with pronouns in nau gu lea go 'agu , '0 o do nia gi , do oro ko t trial form ; diana 'amu gi , gera gi go 76

goa pale brown , yellow ; goala golo fa ' abua a killing party yellowness , goalana golu we , us 1st pers . pZ. of gwe goa fair skinned man small number (oZd triaZ) subject , or suffixed to verbs and pre­ gofala sp . large deep sea fish positions gogo 1. lift up in cupped gomo lu = gamolu hands ; gogo fafi 2. close fingers over gomoro gamo ro 3. grip, squeeze in hand gomu 1. to hold in the mouth gogoa 1. yellow 2. to eat with the lips 2. seed of breadfruit , also kokoa gona asi sp. tree , Buchanania 3. conspicuous white object gon� indeed; inia go n� (n�, hill far off ; do gogoa word)

gogoi sp . palm , slats used for goni 1. to gather , collect , gon ia flooring , 'abe gogo i n i n i u 2. to prepare , receive gogoli ankle , gogol ina; 3. adv . together gogol i'ae gonitai 1. to receive and gogoni stop in house and talk entertain guests; gonitainia in wet weather (oft en gonitei) gonitaila gonita ila na gogono gullet ; gogonona receiving ; gonitailii recept ion gogora wax in ear 2. in its proper place; to gon itai gogori 1. sp . bivalve mollusc , cockle go no 1. sp . tree with large 2. to scoop out inside of edible green fruit coc onut 2. heart ; fe gono, gonona gonoboso I. gogoro inside of' ear ; bile du ct 2. sheath- gogorona 'al inga ed leaf of coc onut gonu gogosi 1. bend a bow ; gogos ia to flirt , have a sweetheart gonuf i tr. gonu , 2. bend down , of man or tree of flirt with , 10105 i make love to 3. to draw towards one , as a gora gor e'ai chips of wood coconut to pluck, gogos ia ma i gore 1. sp . small frog gogou a knot in string 2. eat flesh food alone (Ivens ) gola 1. inflamed , of a sore ; gori 1. to scrape with shell or blue from a bruise sauka i, but not fa ro ; scrape 2. red inside , of a yam ; ka i off and out , cf. gara gola 2. to shave , cf. sufi go10 1. to look for , search gorigor i hungry , rakegor igo ri , for ; go I oa rakegu e gorigo ri , cf. fiolo, i ro i ro 2. to betray ; kwa igoloi 77

goro 1. we , us 1st per. ineZ. gu le bara family , near relatives dua Z subject , and suffixed to gu le toa a man's line of descent verb s and preposit ions gu1u 1. heavy 2. to be overhanging (only in tr. form ) 2. with child gorof i tr. of goro 2. I. to gu lua weight ; gulula heaviness , threaten rain , cloud over , gu lulana darken ; gorof ia maefera gu lufi tr. of gu lu, be heavy on , 2. to throng , press upon too heavy for gu lula conception goroi to hollow out , scrape 3. to hang a bag round neck or out white of coconut arm , hang up on a nail; gu lua gosa 1. to pluck unripe fruit , gosa gumu 1. to smash a brittle thing kumu 2. to act prematurely 2. to punch , hit with fist gosagosa unripe , premature 3. to pierce, jab and pierce gosi1e 1. wild semihuman gumul i tr. of gumu 1,2,3 beings in the mountains gumul ila being smashed , etc. 'aburu , 0, fafanga gumutala shoot at and miss 2. changeling ghosts guni wet = gwi ni 3. unborn children of women dying enceinte (Ivens ) gura to heal , in accid ents such as wound , bite from shark or gu 1. I = ku broken leg (from sickness agalo wane , heal a man) , gura , cf. 2. my , 'aba gu my hand aga lo (hand I) guramo1e phosphorescent , phos­ gugu to feel ashamed, cf. kuku phorescent fungus put in hair at night ; guramo lea gugura foam at lips guri a stump ; guri 'a1 gu1a 1. a man who often makes a mess of things he does gUta 1. to stop up , cork , guta = 2. a place; gu la 'oro every­ bokota; guguta where ; si gu la a place 2. a stopper , cork , plug ; 3. a part , part of the body ; gutana gu la non ina guta ma blindfold 4. an action ; gu la diana , gutafi tr. of guta , to ta , etc. persecute, gutafia 5. an occupation ; gu la nia ola gutafia persecuted (pass.) a fisherman gugutafi = gu tafi gugutafila being persecuted 6. cause or reason ; gu la nau my reason lio guta grieved , troubled 7. a share , of food gwa l 1. merely , only , cf. go , gu la abu a haunted place , or usually followe d by 'agu , 'amu , enlarged spleen (gula 'abu?) 'ana , etc . and oft en untrans­ gu la garo a mistake latable in English nia gwa 'ana , gu la kwa kwada a hole wane gi su i gwa 'ada gu la ni agaulana a ford 2. gwai. gu la ni alu wane prefix to nouns , cf. a cemetery gwe 7 8

gwa 2 open ; 'a1 I ngana ka gwa 4. ointment , oil ( Ivens ) 5. to anoint with oil; gwa ia gwa 1. wrinkled skin when a gwaila anointing ; gwailana boil has burst gwaila ointment 2. to get smaller and smaller gwalni tr. of gwai , gwainia as a boil; heap of yams , or gwainila being anointed ; crowd gwainilana 6. a heap ; gwa i do, gwa i nagi , gwae 1. to put one 's arm over etc. another 's shoulder ; gwaegwae 7. prefix to nouns , cf. gagwa i, 2. a tree-fern gwa , gwe , gwou

gwaegwae armpit , gwaegwaena ; gwa i 'aba shoulder , upper arm , faragwaegwae , faragwaegwaena money string reaching to shoulder gwaegwaea, geni gwaegwaea gwa ialata fishing ground bride (gwaegwae ngu sing , gwai 'al inga tip of ear = sings - Ivens ) gwouna' a I i nga gwaiari a target gwaesusu swelling under armpit gwail ima shoulder to tip of fingers , a yard gwagwai malaria 8. sp . tree , Cyathea barotu

gwagwa1ifo1� 1. clean , pure gwai do a skull ( of water) , calm , fo la gwagwa l ifola gwaifurai middle of a net where 2. wake of ship or canoe carved bird is (manu )

3. line of driftwood (rama ) in gwaikafo source of river the sea gwaikao knot in bamboo gwagwa1i1a cold , of wea ther gwai1a 1. pulling up a net ; gwagwango sp . small black gwailana gastropod in mangroves , cf. farababa 2. sp. of large fish

gwagwao hornet susui gwai1angai to pull fingers or limb s to stretch mus cles , pull gwagwari 1. to be cool , cold; someone up roughly ; gwa i langainia gwar i gwai1i sp. of fish gwagwaria cold (n. and ad. ); gwagwarila gwai1io inclined to murder or 1 iogwagwa ri refreshed evil u ni gwagwa ria cold weather , winter gwail iola inclination to evil

2. to be unwilling to do , e.g. gwai1iwane adult fullgrown , also go out in rain 'oe gwagwa ri gwa iwane, gwou l iwane

gwai 1. stalk ; gwa ina stalk of gwai1umu oven stones when not in pineapple planted use ; altar stones ( Ivens ) 2. stone of stone fruit = gwou ; gwa igwa i gwaingai chief , adj . before noun

3. head ; gwa i do head of a gwa1i an epiphyte , swelling on thing = gwou tree like ant 's nest 19

gwa1inge listen to, e.g. wire­ gwaora overhanging, as a tree on less ; gwal iiie sul i the shore gwa1u 1. tap root , gwaluna ; gwara sp. of large bonito gwagwa lu gwareo sp . of fish 2. anchor ; gwalu fou 3. to anchor gwari 1. cool , cold ; gwa r ila coldness, gwari lana gwa lu fou 'ana to bury the dead in the sea 2. empty , no one in the house ; lafu gwalu weigh anchor luma gwa ri 4. name of a month , July 3. recovered from illness , gwari na 5. to promise , make agreement gwalua love tryst gwarigwari sp . of river fish gwalula promising; gwalulana gwalula a promi se , agreement gwarirnabe gentle , qu iet ; humble gwa1u1a long poles lengthwi se gwaro 1. armlet of plaited cane in canoe on wh ich seats rest dyed red , on upper arm (obi lower arm ) gwa1usu nose ; gwalusuna 2. to plait with red dyed cane and yellow ad iadi gwa1ut� a sinker for a fishing line gwa roa plaited 'abe gwa ro plaited reed in gwana a large bag ear 'ue gwa roa plaited cane belt gwange gwangea � to twist ; 3. gwa rona 'ai giro the top of a tree ; gwarosuka creature in sand at low gwango 1. mucus in the nose water 2. a cold in the head gwasasu whale gwangoa with running nose gwangosu sniff with a cold; losugwango gwasi carry under the arm ; gwas ia gwangota i to blow the nose , gwangota inia; lafi gwango gwasu pudding of taro and coconut blow nose 3. sprout , shoot of fruit gwasu1e to go headlong trees and taro , top shoot of coconut , betel and dracaena, gwasusu to pant gwangona , cf. gwao ; gwango­ gwango gwata a sow (boso pig) 4. antennae of insects, cray­ gwau 1. top ; gwauna, igwau fish, cf. kona ; gwango na , gwangogwango 2. head , gwauna = gwou 3. a bundle; gwaugwau gwangosi sp. large fish gwaul iobi 10 rolls of dyed cane gwao 1. top shoots , cf. gwango gwaufa ridge-pole = gwaofa 2. grub that eats top shoots. gwaufu sp. large deep-sea fish gwaofa ridge pole gwe 1. to find flot sam or wreck­ gwaogwao = gwao age ; to pick up on the shore 80

gwefi tr. of gwe , gwef ia gwe l ifobu a man with protrud- ing teeth 2. to be fat , of stomach gwe l ifokwanu a toothless man 3. prefix to nouns , cf. gwa , gwe l iuilangi a squinting man gwa i, gwou , gagwa i gwe maboto a man with saucer eyes (1) a unit , one of it 's kind , gwemagete a one-eyed man cf. English 'five head of gwe ma reba a slant -eyed man , a cattle '. As such it can be chinaman used before almost any noun gwema rodo a blind man and before verbs and gwe mokofT a bad-smelling man adj ectives , making nouns . gwengaemoko a man who belches gwe 'afe, gwe arai , gwe baekwa , gwengaetufi a man with sores gwebarobaro , gwe bibiala, gwe­ on rectum boso, gwedan i, gwe fa li (a gwengorasusu a man with a narrow step) , gwefiri, gwe kafo , gwe nose ma i (a low tide), gwemaku , gwe­ gwe rumula a hairy man n�ae, gwe 'odo, gweola, gweoru , gwesasate a bearded man gwerodo, gwes inal i (a month ), gwesasatebuta a man with flow- and so on . But sometimes the ing beard meaning is altered by pre­ gwes asidiana a generous man fixing gwe : gwela a shelf , gwes asita a stingy man gwegwe la a bier (this may be gwe susuba ita a woman with reduplicat ion) . large breasts gwe teongas i a sleepy fellow (2) a descript ive prefix . Gwe gwetero describes an individual , his a lame man gwetobora a very dark man , a qualities and peculiarities , negro as wane describes a class gwe u a man with prominent ears from their actions , occuption or habitat , e.g. gwe falai a gwegwe to buffet , of wind , storm; bald man , gwegoa a fair­ salo e gwegwe gera skinned man , but wane dela a fisherman , wane ka fo a croc­ gwegwe1a 1. a stage , platform for odile , wane sala a vagabond , blood-money , a scaffolding in wane tolo a bushman . building a house The following are some of the 2. a bier more common gwe words : gwe 1a gwe 'abaku ru a one-armed man a shelf lengthwise in a house (crosswise bara ) gwe adangasi a wide-awake gweladau man for firewood , a shelf gwe ' aekok1 a toeless man in the house gwe 'aekuru a one-legged man gwe1e 'ai 1. gwe'al ingabani a deafman a number of trees partly cut through so that all gwe 'al inga mu a one-eared man will fall together gwe 'a Iinga tabataba a man 2. a talkative , restless child with prominent ears gwe angafafadonga a man with gwe1e niu an offering of a coco­ his mout h always open nut put in the bow of a canoe gwe faka 'ato a dumb man (baru kwaoa ) gwe fa lai a bald man gwe fangabusu a glutton gwero 1. mu shroom , fungus gwegoa a very fair man , 2. gwerona Polynesian comb of a bird , gwegwou l ingia a man with a gwigwia big head sp. red fish with spines gweku ruwa ne gwekurumusuwane gwigwira 1. a drop , clot ; gwigwir a'abu drop of blood , 81

gw igwi rana 'abu clot of blood gwouna'ai top of tree gwou na 'al inga tip of ear 2. liquid of an egg gwouna kakau tip of finger 3. saliva in the mouth gwouna rna lintel of door gwouna'ogu top of wall 4. baby with slobbery mouth gwouna tala end of road gwouna tanga gwouna gwinila hip; gwini 1. to be wet ; tangana wetness , moistness ; gwinilana gwouna uo top of hill 2. to wet , moisten ; gwinia gwounga 1. generation, head of family ; gwounge wa ne 2. kind , gw inia damp sort , olu gwounge rnige do 3. gw inigwini wet kinds of seeds gwi nila moisture , damp gwou rorodoa stupid gwou ro rongo disobedient gwiogwio sp . small fish gwousae girdle ; gwou saena gwou tasa 1 iu second finger gwori stump , gworina'ai; gwou tol i to bow , bend the head gwou ru , gwouruna 'ai ( Ivens ) gwou ubua high waves ; asi gwou ubua rough sea gwou 1. head , gwouna , cf. gwai, gwau fisi gwou crest , top foa ni gwou priest 2. lump , knot in wood or string 5. to drink; gwougwou 3. top , end gwou ba l ia to be intoxicated; gwou bul0 4. stump gwoufi tr. of gwou , gwoufia gwoua 1. with rounded top , gwou f i a drunk (pass.) as soro canoe or some gwoufila drinking ; gwoufi lana aeroplanes 2. boso n i ba 1 0 gwoufila drink gwoua an offering of pigs gwou to sip , taste ; gwou tona to ancestral ghosts by 6. empty , deserted, uninhabited chief 's daughter who is married away from her 7. to recede , of wat er island ( Ivens ) 8. to dry up The many meanings of gwou gwougwoua empty as a box will appear from the follow­ 'anogwou Ramos Island , home ing examples : of the dead gwou 'aba 1. shoulder ; dede gwougwou torrent gwouna ' aba 2. a yard fera gwou old site of village gwou 'ae knee once inhabited gwou ba i ta giddy ; name of gwou lelenge pass away , dis­ planting month solve , be dissipated gwou busua a hill gwou nengenenge qu ite empty gwoufT headache gwou fu tana founder gwo 'ua sp. large rat gwougwou 1. Adam's apple 2. husk of seed; gwou­ gwougwou 1. sp. tree , very soft gwouna wood, used for rafts gwoukwe stupid 2. with no flesh , watery ; of a gwou 1 i 'ai gi chief woman crab gwou l ingia big head too large for body gwougwouru sp. fish gwou liwane heads of families , also gwouri 'ai gwoumudu sp . fish gwou lo sp . of sea snake gwou lurnu stones of oven gwourada sp . small fish close to when cold and not in use gwai lurnu islands , sardines 82

gwourate sp . of tree i 1. to ask cont inually , impor­ tune , I 'ana gwouru 1. to sit 2. to follow a road, la tala 2. to stoop , kneel , recline , 3. a hand of bananas , I bou lie down (perhaps i bou ) gwourula sitting , kneeling , gwourulana ; gwou rula 4. no fat , lean and tough , of food; i 'a I, e.g. leto gwoutaga white hair Ia belly, in mokoi la lower breast gwoutai to be ap art , alone

i'a 1. a fish; also i'� �ny sea H creature , cf. manu , wawa ; I'a na all sea creatures (col­ lectively ) homu sp . mollusc, Chama , from which red shell money is made 2. porpoise teeth used as money , to ni i'a ra (Mota: som; Arosi: romu ) 1000 teeth : small, robo large, una bu lu medium moko I'ana lower breast 3. illness, swelling of groin i 1. used before names of place , 'ai ni T' a a tree planted in toaative preposition , at bae I'a bua sp . fish 2. used before adv . of place : I'a f i s i sp . large white fish i ala up , east , i fa i where , ita gwa r i sp . fish i se here ; often written as ita lae a shoal of young fish one word when commonly used i'a sasafa sp. of fish 3. used before nouns of posi- ria takwa dugong tion : ana, as i iana 1. pregnant , of a woman ; 4. used before nouns to make adv. nia e Tana 'ana na wane inao before , buri afterwar ds 2. enlarged stomach, of a man 5. used before nouns ; used as prep. : fafona on top of it 'ida 1. eat , chief's word but used 6. used before nouns of time : by old men ; 'ida ' ida eat i angita sometime , i rog i 2. to be shy , modest , bashful , yesterday ashamed; 'ida fas i 7. to , in order to; lea i da i 'ai 'id ala 1. being ashamed 2. go to cut wood , expressing pur­ bashfulness; 'ida 1 ana pose 'idala shame , shyness 8. of, joining two nouns 1 ifo 3. to sweat , cf. kikita; i 'a fish 's tooth = fi , 1 i, , ida' ida n i, r i, s i 9. used before pronouns ; i gia idalu they , 3rd per. pt. of we , i nau I, tai i 'aya one of us small number (old trial) , used as subject ; idalua 10 . instrumentat prefix , gau a crook idaro they , 3rd per. pt. dua t, 11 . tran8 . sUffi x to verbs daro , used as subject ; idaroa daroi 'idi 1. eaves of house; 'idina 12 . used before nouns' such as i 'aena because of, i dulana 2. stunted, of man , boy , tree on behalf of , i ' id i 83

'id imani last bit , very ifu 1. to uproot or be uprooted small thing ; 'id iman i si do by wind , ifua to fall , be filled ifua uprooted by wind idu 1. to count 2. to turn out , exile , ex­ 2. to read aloud (siro read commun icate silently ) ifuifu oru ifuifu idum i tr. idu, idum ia a squall ; of ifula idu mi la uprooting , turning out ; counting , reading ; ifulana idu mi l ana ifula uprooting, exile , ex­ idumi la counting, reading communication ifulangai 'idu (tr. intI'. ), uproot , exile; to move and ifulangainia; ifungai, 'idu ma i , move position ; ifungainia 'idu ko u = lili, du ; 'idulai , 'idulainia 3. hair ; ifuna , i du fas i nau! excuse me I ifula hairy , covered with , i duga rang i to approach cast hairs 'idu tau 'idu tu to put off ; ifu kaukau la lea'idu tangled hair ; to pass by ifu kokosu , ifu kwaifafia iei ! sorry ! , cf. is e r i , is i r i ka re ifu lock of hair kwage ifu single hair if a movement of bowels , of a 4. antennae of crayfish , feelers ; baby ifuna ifafo 1. above ; i fafona igarne 1u = gamelu; used as subj ect 2. near , in the region of; only ifafona Savo close to Savo ; igarnere = gamere; used as subj ect maedan i i fafo one day about only then

igarno1u = gamolu; used as subj ect ifai where only ifi 1. to make a bundle ; ifia igarnoro = gamoro; used as subj ect 2. a bundle; ifi 'ab ala, ifi 'ai , only ifi i do , ifi i sao igau a crook for fruit Or nuts , ifitai 1. to spread out , of bamboo open out , as cloth or a mat 2. a bed (mat spread out ) . igaua place at foot of tree where or ifitei nut s are thrown 'ifi 1. to open ; 'ifi ' ifi 1gera = gera ; used as subject only , if i ' if i a opened 'ifi la opening igi 1. to 11ft up ; i 9 i a 'ifingi tr. of 'ifi, 'ifingia 2. to incline a vessel, to pour 'ifingia opened (pass. ) 1 i 9 i 2. to move , of the bowels ; igini tr. of igi lift up , pour n i a ' ifi n i a ( followed by pr. iginia lift ed, poured , of subj ect ) inclined (pass .) iginila pouring ; iginilana ifiifi fibre ; ifiifina, ifi ifina niu 'igi 1. to shake ; 'igia ifi ifia 1. fibrous , stringy , 2. to be unstable ropy , as food 2. the open end of calico where strands 'igi ' igi to shake , wr iggle , be hang loose unstable , move about 84

'igila shaking ; 'igilana 'i'iri 1. a children 's game of , i gil a instability spearing sections of a reed 'igi langai to shake , stir up ; , igila ngainia 2. the small undeveloped fruit at the end of a bunch of 3. to beat , hit with a stick, bananas ; 'i' i r i bou rattle ; 'igia 'i'irila to shoot at a mark 4. a very little bit , very , i r i I a small 'i'isi 1. the end , top ; 'i'isin a igia = gia , is i igila hiccup , to hiccup 2. to be final 3. to finish food ; 'i' isia igile or inggile hiccup , to hiccup 'i'ito the crested hawk igiliu 1. to jump down 'i'itoa 1. emac iated with sickness 2. to fall down 2. stringy , fibrous , of food 3. to cross a mountain range such as fana or mango

igolu = gol u; used as subj ect 'ike to walk on the toes only fa l i'ik e to put on airs

igoro = goro ; used as subject iki stand tiptoe ; ikiki only

'iki 'to pour = kiki , I iki igwa l. to flow , be in flood 'ikila pouring ; 'ikilana 2. to be split 3. to drift , be carried by 'iki ' iki a sp . of frog tide , or current 'ila 1. a worked flint adze igwa a freshet 2. a knife (modern ) igwala flowing , drifting , 'ila salo steel knife or carried along chisel

3. to cut , 'ila = furi igwatai carry away , carry along; igwa ta inia; to da igwa 4. to let go ; 'ila'ani rnai immigrants 'ilala to discover by divinat ion 'i'i sp . bird 'in ala cast lots

'i'ida to sweat = 'ida , kikika ilal0 1. central , within (lalo) 'i'ida sweat 2. in between , neither one nor 'i'idala sweat ing ; 'i'idalana the other (good or bad ; red or 'i'idala sweat yellow) ; i lalona

'i'idi 1. stunted = 'idi ilangi 1. up , high (langi ) 'i'idirnani 'id irnan i 2. ashore (from the sea) eaves of a house = 'idi, r i rid i ilao within ; ila ona (la o)

'i'il0 sp . lizard ile 1. coral reef in qu iet water , to outer edge ; ifafo ile , i ' ini = 'in i 2 2. in layers , strata; i Ie fou = ta le 8 5

3. old , infirmed i1ingai to tell farongo , iling ainia ile dara old bachelor ile gen i unmarried woman ilisi to choose (especially of 'ai ba lta) ile sarI old maid ilisia chosen (pass. ) ile wane unmarried man �ili ubu bear malice against , i1eli to judge , choose from ; , iii ubua i 1 el i a 'il iubula malice ilelia bruised (pass. ) il11 i a I i10 1. oyster 2. large sp . of lizard (or ilo) iIi 1. a swordfish; basaula, ono, maml ito names for ilu to drink with a spoon , sup , stages of growth drink soup (gono if poured down throat as water) 2. to do , accomplish ; nau ku iiia na i I uf i tr. of ilu, Ilufia i I uf i a drunk (pass .) il i 'uri to learn ; il i 'uria fote, bibiala learn to 'ilu 1. to attract , win affection paddle , smoke 2. something put on armlet to 3. to do , like , copy, imitate draw affection of opposite sex; ilifai to like , comp are a woman follows a man with ' ilu with , ilifainia spell in armlet ilingi I. tr. to do , like , 'ilu ni geni attract a woman copy , iiing i a; to practise by such a spell by imitat ion 2. intr. to , i 1 u n i toda to succeed , be like 3. like , as ; prosper ; 'ilu ni dolii il ingia 4. about the number of il ingia iluilu ten pandanus mat s 4. to try im� outside (rna) il i fos i to try i 1 ito to try, tempt , test , im�na because of, by reason of; attempt ; iiitona imana bae fuagu because he said il itoa testing , temptat ion , to me trial kwaiilifai to mimic 'ime sp . mollusc, Tridaana , sp. kwai ilinga i 1. to contend , are abuabul i, dolo; also kikT; rival 2. to pass on gossip , article of diet ; rereSU the tell tales muscle , sae the flesh, wa ne n iii i do a servant tataka lade coloured flesh; the clam is said to 'unu hold fast I iIi to dig = 'eIi, 'iI i a ime i mother-of-pearl armlet iIi baea false rumours, gossip imo a woman (according to iliili angular , sharp , jagged J. Talofuila, an old man of (cf. i 1 e coral reef) Sulufou ; not modern use) iii iiia 1. angular , sharp , imola a human being jagged 2. bruised; Ililia = i 1 el i a imouli on the left , moul ina (mou l i); imomou l I iIi momoa to feel sickness coming on ina to fix the string on a bow , ina (gae to draw string) 86

Ina conceive , i ngota i to provoke ; 'ingota in i a

inadi sp. small fish with ingoingo 1. calm , of sea or river ; poisonous spines a sea of ripples, a ripple

2. to be in the wash of wave s = inagwou heaps of stones on tonga tonga reef to fence in fish ; 'uia na Tnagwou 3. rough , of sea or waves ingo i ngoa I. calm , with ripples ina1a 1. with bulbs or tub ers , only , cf. ma ringoringo 2. the many tubered , as fana or roaring of waves 3. an eddy kumara (not a yam) in a river 2. rooted (Ivens ), cf. ine 'ini 1. to pinch , pick or pluck 'ina1a decide by divination , 'ini 'ofa (betel leaf) ; 'ini'ini casting lo ts , rocking of 'inifi tr. of 'ini pinch off; canoe , etc. = 'ilala grasp with fingers 'in alii divination ; 'inalala 'inifia plucked (pass.) 'ini fafi to try hard to do ; ina1i a rope for climbing ; 'inifafia metath. of na iIi 'inifi kao to take 2. to tattoo , 'inia inarnae or inomae orphan , relatives dead , poor and 3. to carve , as a stick ; engrave unprotected 'inila tattoo, engraving , carving inarnauri or inomauri parents alive , prosperous , important ; inamaruki inia 1. he , she , it , emphat ic subject inarnouri 1. parent s alive , 2. that is so , that 's it prosperous , important 'inifa 1. feeling that some one 2. eldest son of a living is coming or present ; 'sense' chief (Ivens) a thing inao 1. before , formerly , of 2. conscien ce; 'in i fana old (nao ) 2. inaona 'inife1engai 1. to engrave ; in front of ; , inifelengainia eta i nao lead the way 2. vehemently , earnestly ua ma i inao from of old wane inao elder son 'inifita 1. to divide an obj ect , cf. fita ine to take root , form tubers 2. to separate, as large from 'ingo 1. to drink small yams 2. to give a drink to 3. to explain the meaning, show how to do 'in gof i tr. to give a drink to; 'in gof ia 'inifita explanation, demon­ strat ion 3. to beg of, bother with requests 'ini ' ini 1. to pinch 4. to calI on , beseech ; 'ing o 2. 'ana a cicatrix burnt on the shoulder 'in gola importunity 3. to hurt gr eatly (bodily pain ) , i ngos i tr. of 'ingo to intr. and tr. , 'ini' inia importune , bother, annoy with requests 87

'inikumerai to jump across 2. because of 3. to be the ally of 'inirnusi to cut with fingernail; , ini mu s i a Io 1. a war arrow , with barbs of human bone 'inirigita vehemently , earnestly 2. a bone point 'inite an elder 3. a sting , e.g. of fal i (ray ) 'inite 'afe old lady of 4. a poisoned spear (Ivens ; io importance ; 'inite 'ai a firestick) 'inite arai old gentleman of importance ; 'inite arai waro 'io to roll , rock , as a canoe gelu, geugeu 'inito 1. the middle , 'in i tona (cf. kwara'ae inoto) ioio to shrug the shoulders ; 2. to be in the middle , be 'io' io important , central , costly , notable ; 'inito'ana i'oe thou , thee , but usually subject of sentence , emphatic ; 3. to be great , glorious , also possessive after noun , renowned , conceited thine 'initoa greatness , glory , rule , kingdom 'iri 1. to chop , cut ; 'iria 'in itela middle , centre ; also 'iri maga to cut up small glory , rule 'iri musi. to cut off, cut hair , 'initona fera in the middle cut and break off = kiri , kote , of the land ole; 'iri ifu, 'iri firi 'initona gwou top of head in rake' i r I anger the centre 2. to spear , impale , 'iria 'initona rodo midnight 'initona sato midday 'iri ' iri 1. greasy of food , manata 'inito 'ana have a 'ani lana , cf. nutonutoa high opinion of 2. uneasy feeling after eating nau or nou ni initea to be too much fat ambitious sae ' in ito 'ana magnify , iro to look at fixedly , look for exalt , glorify iroa wane 'inito a chief irof i tr. of i ro look for , spy 'iniu1a a big sweat = 'in ula out , i rof i a; i ro i , iroia irof ia (pass. ); inc searched for to talk about cont inually , iroia to bore ; ino sul i dan i firi irogen i to look for a wife ino'ana to say the same iroiro I. search for thing again iro nunu photograph inof i tr. of ino to bore iro tetengai to look carefully with talk ; ino fia iro'uri search for , iro'uria wane iro a spy inokesi to persecute , seek to iroiro 2. to begin to feel kill , ino kes ia; also inakesi nausea, feel nausea coming on , to be nauseated by , iroiroa inokes ila persecut ion rake iroir o hunger = fiolo; rakegu e i ro i ro 'inu1a big sweat = 'iniula iroi r o 3. a translucent pool , still and clear inunufana 1. in the shadow of Iroir o (nunu ) 4. a looking glass iroi r o 5. pearl shell of

--- 88

nautilus , mother-of-pearl, ere by the fire i siena, lea pearl spoon = reo reo i sia na go to him , to i siana live with him iroi roa 1. iridescent , cf. guramole 2. reflected 'is i'ai a disease of taro light , dazzling 3. silver light of moon on white 'isifufuli to worry , fret clouds , moonshine 'is ufufuli ir� yesterday , a little while 'is ifura to be corrupt , rotting , ago ; irog i rusted through

iroma a stone adze , axe = matau 'isikame iguana lizard

irori to stir round = bu�as i, gag i 'isile to sneeze 'lsila a sneeze isai exat. of disapproval ; isari 'isimalau sp . tree , Peeke tio panax speatabi tis ise here ; ise gi , isena , ise nana 'isiofu a sp. of fish

is� loko these ; ise nae , ise ri , 'isire to sne�ze = 'isile isT r i 'isiri despised , contempt ible iseri ! 1. don 't do it ! ise ri , isori 2. a nasty mess , bad state of 'isofu sp. of garfish things

3. to revile ; ise ri 'ana or 'isori despised = iseri 'ani isu 1. to follow footsteps ; 'ai iseri or isiri or isori kwa i isu, isua grown up again a woman of no account 2. to look for second crop , isua isi a knife , a sword ( hill word) 3. prow and stern erections of a canoe ; i suna 'isi 1. end , top ; 'isina 'ai isu a canoe so ornamented; 2. to be final ola isua 3. to finish food ; 'isia 'isu to be unstable , moving a , is i 1 a 1. being last , as in little , out of equilibrium , cf. a race , 'is i 1 ana 2. last , i du 'isila 1. end , outcome 2. 'ai 'is u divinat ion rod placed last one on shoulder 'isinga 1. end , out come , 'isingana 2. last one 'isu fulfuli restless , fretting 'isia completely ; du 'isia, gwou' isia, rao' isia 'isifuful i , is i bu r i to be last , end 'isugwou to shake the head in ; 'isi bu ri 'ana 'isidangalu completely isuisu 'isi geni complete a mar­ sp. quick growing shrub in garden land , used for poles riage by tying susuru of bride. 'isu kou ! 'isi mango to die take that ! isuli 1. i su li isia to, at , with , by ; siana motion following ; nau aft er me , isuli rodo by night 8 9

2. following from that , in 1st and 2nd persons to ku , because of isulla ko; gera ka to aroaro ka siu when they were qu iet , nia ma i 'ita 1. from , since ka bae'uri he came and said 2. start ing point , origin , 2. imperative singular ; ka place whence rongo! hear l ka gwou 'amu sit , ita ma i i fa i? originated down where ? 3. prefix to nouns , ka rao 'ita ma i logo since then , from there kaba to crawl ; kabakaba 'ita na ma i lnao from of old kabara 1. mangrove roots ita1a by oneself , italana 2. sp . tree, Rhizophora mucronata 'ita1a to follow the coast , on land kabi to grasp between the knees , or with tongs , kab ia 'ite 1. a bag of woven coconut leaf ( square and eighteen kabi1ato 1. perineal T bandage inches deep) , like tanga but of pandanus leaf of coconut leaf 2. to gird up the loins 'it esi goro specially good kind of 'It e bag kabirai the Malay apple 2. section ; 'ite do kabora the red 3. to pull up vegetables in parrot a garden , 'itea kabou sp . fish 'ite ' ite use despitefully , hurt ; mala' ite' itea kaburu an unripe nut kada 1. 'ito 1. originat ing from , ita a part , portion of time or space; kade tala part of 2. crested hawk road

iu yes ; iuka 2. part , piece of something 3. fe iukala assent half 'ana ta kada by and by; te si 'iu twin ; ro 'iu twins kada kade 'aba a cubit 'iu aof ia twin boys kade 'ai a log ; kadana 'ai 'iu kwekwe ra twin girls kade boso piece of pork 'iu madomu boy and girl twins kade gu l agaro a mistake olu'i u triplet s kade luma a room ro' iu two kernels in one nut kade manga na now kade ' ogu part of wall kade sato an hour kade saulafi second half of K day , till sunset kade ubongi first half of day , ka 1. verbal article, inceptive , till noon when one action follows another kadakada in small bits, mo 'oi and so used chiefly in sub­ kadakada , cf. ng isingisi ordinate sentences and nar­ rative ; can be used in 1st , 4. to break off , lop off 2nd or 3rd person , with or branches , kada without pronouns gu , '0, nia; but the vowel usually alters kadi bulldog ant kakad l go

kado emac iated sio kakaba badly , with mistakes; bae , idu kakaba speak , read kaela young of animals , cf. badly ka le kakabara 1. in confusion ; to kaela i 'a spawn of fish kakabara , cf. kabara kaela kua brood of chickens kae la ku i litter of dogs 2. rude , noisy , talkat ive , of kaela we la family of children children ; bae kakabara be rude kakabara la rudeness kafa 1. comb 3. make up excuses for a fault 2. to comb , kafa kafa lelegu large plaited kakaboa sp. of fish; kakabua decorated comb kakada 1. large sp. of climbing kafara garment worn over fern like salu shoulders by aof ia (priest ) 2. a bunch of fruit kafe girl baby not yet named , 3. material for a nest , small si kafe (boy ku rafea) twigs , etc.

kafiro matter in the eye kakade ngali large intestine

kafiroa hair on end in fear kakadi bulldog ant kadi

kafisoro sp. of sea snake kakai 1. handle , cf. kakau , kaka ina kafo 1. water 2. claws of crab and crayfish 2. a stream, river kakaina, kakau kafo ba ita large river 3. stalk , stem; k�ka ina kafo kwakwa ta wat erfall 4. to pull out , pluck (weeds and kafola I. watery , wateriness flowers ), pull to pieces , strip 2. to melt = su lu from bones ; kaka ia kafo rna tears , kafona rna , kafo ruru kaka i sato sunbeam 'aena kafo mouth of river kaka1e a stone in the village for mae kafo a pool breaking nuts 3. to borrow and not return , ask for deceitfully, kafoa kaka1i sp . tree , Rubus moZuccanus

kai yam , cf. fana kakaloa a ditch to carry water , 'el i kakaloa ka i 'a i manioc ka i as i sp. of kumara , white kakama sp. large , coarse swamp flesh taro ka i rog i kumara (rog i con­ volvulus ) kakame to itch kaita term of endearment or kakamo 1. yaws , to have yaws pity for a woman ; te ka ita 2. old fana still in the ground kaka the break of a wave ; nafo with suckers , cf. kakamu 4. kaka breaking wave kakamoa 1. yaws kak� to frizzle , as dripping 2. birthmark in a frying pan kakamu 1. edge , fringe , tendrils kaka the white cockatoo of vines 91

2. eaves . ragged edge of flower , kakatana that ch 3. mortar , wooden mortar for 3. strings of a bag , wa i crushing betel nuts 4. young suckers of fana 4. feast for reception of a boy into the beu kakao 1. a broom kakatula lame , 'aena e kakatula, 2. half coc onut cf. katu kakara 1. inner skin of kakau 1. finger, toe , kakauna canar ium nut , kakarana sibering al i little finger 2. small fana for plant ing totobu ra third finger gotosa liu middle finger kakarae or kakarai sp. small susufera first finger fish, said to be young of mu ninitele thumb kakara bongare sp. of small gwouna kakau tips of fingers red ant luluna kakau knuckles

2. stem, stalk = kaka i, kakauna kakara i koa a hen ; kakara kua 3. legs of crayfi sh faleke kakara i kua hen 's kake pitted sore on sole of foot , eggs ; fe kakara i kua cf. tona kakarau to crunch, as a dog a kakea having such a sore bone , kaka raua , cf. karabota kako gulp down , swallow hastily , kakari 1. sp. fern? with long as hot food, kakoa broad leaves, Proaris pedunauZata kaku not do properly , be stupid, not listen carefully ; to be 2. to split , chip , kakaria conflicting , of evidence in court kakariabul0 to turn round kakua confusing , conflicting , kakaro 1. bamboo split and stupid woven , black and white, for walls of beu kala to practise mus ic , dancing or games 2. sp. brown , spotted b e che de mer ka la'au, ngu , mao cricket ; kala soldier to drill kakaru 1. a crab , usually a ( but iIi of other things; iIi land crab = karu 'uri fote practise paddling) 2. to scrat ch on the wall ka lala practice from outside to fright en

3. to tickle kalau sucker , of banana, etc. = galau , cf. kakamo , kakar� , dua kakarua green , unripe , of ka l auna fruit , cf. gosagosa, kokoru kale 1. to have children kakasa slack, loose 2. young of animals , cf. kaela, ka l ena kakasi to split open , cf. kas i rowa ikalena father and son kakata 1. handle of axe , wa ikale younger sister or kakatana brother of wife

2. stalk of betel nut or 3. a stone , rock = fou 92

kale a having a chicken form ed 2. to itch ; kakamu in it , of egg 3. sheath of coconut flower , kamuna kali to clasp round neck, ka li lua, cf. gal i 4. to weed a garden , kamua kal itai 1. to put arms kana 1. to hum round ; kal ltainia 'abana 2. to take round a canoe 2. to sing old songs , as 'ai 3. to plait ni mae , cf. ngii ka Ii'a i a creeper , climb ing kana babae to talk out a plant ( generic name ) matter thoroughly , cf. bae ka l ifi tr. to make a ripple firi or eddy in water , ka l ifia kana fafi to hum or sing a manata ka I i common sense lullaby to a child ka l itau rattan = 'ue kanasu to take off , strip off , kal0 to give presents to kanasua = tanasu bride 's party ka lola presents kani to tie, bind ; kakan i kan ia tied (pass .) kalu 1. a fishing net strung on kan i la tying , or being tied, sticks at tached to handle for kan i lana catching i'a ni ka lu = galu kanila aknot 2. to catch fish with such a kan i fafi tie up , bind round net kan imaiwane friendship , of men kan i ma l efo hang up a money 3. the splash of a canoe , to reward make a splash kan i ruana exchange presents 4. to splash another in water , to mark friendship as boys playing 1. to spread over , smear on , ka lufi tr. of ka lu, to splash as butter on bread , kanoa someone , ka lufia ka lufia splashed (pass .) 2. to claim as your own , work ka lufi la splashing , being done by another splashed , ka lufilana kano'ana raoa steal his work kanoa wane defraud a man thus kalua sp. fish, .white body , up to two feet ; young of ka l ua kanokano to wallow in mud , as called odo children kame 1. to scratch , kamea ong i game kao 1. bamboo , cf. 2. bamboo water vessel 2. the side of a thing , kamena 3. gullet , Adam's apple , kaona gwougwou 3. upper edge of a canoe , top plank , third plank kaokao greedy ; fanga kaokao

4. to sweep = sale kamoi sp. acacia, leaves used as bu lu to put enemy to kakao a broom sleep kaof i tr. of kao, kaof ia kaof ia swept (pass .) kamota an adze kaoosi interwoven bamboo pattern kamu 1. to chew betel nut , cf. dami ; kamukamu karabota to crunch , as a dog a bone , ka rabota = kakarau ' ai ni kamu limestick 93

karao 1. rib , ka raona kasa shell. for red money homu , somu 2. large bones of fish 3. small plate made of kasakasa slack, opp . ngiringiria coconut leaf (koko large plate ) kasana uncooked; 'ani kasana eat raw , as shallot s kare a few = ange , kare do kasi 1. to adze , chop ; kas ia karefo sp. tree , Piptadenia novoguineansi8 2. to build a house or village , kas i ta fera kari to tear , karia 3. to break , of the day ; dan i kas ia = kwasi kariabu10 1. to turn round 4. to knock a nut with a stone 2. to repent on another stone kas i ku ku ru karo 1. to crawl over , as a to chop off short kas i mag a to chop up fine vine over a post ; karo suI i kas i sate baekwa to cut one 2. to tie , fix to take several side turns of a rope round, to sad­ dle a horse = buta , kan i fafi , kasito to hop ; lea kas ito kaubuta kaso a fishing rod 3. the walls of a house kasukasu 1. coconut crab , birgu8 karoa sp . small creeper on Zatro tree trunk 2. a mythical hermit crab with karongo 1. anything collected no shell , lives in caves , said on the reef at low tide , such to be as big as a baby and able as shellfish , crabs , squids to break a man's leg or a knife . Believed to live in the hills 2. to collect the spoil of the reef kata a sharp prong of a tree that 3. a shell , marine or land strikes one ; kata e labu karongola spoil of reef , at katakata sp. tree , NephroZepis low tide ; ka rongola i ma i hir8utuZa Some seventy-five shells are named , of which the following katangai to be attached to , are examples : bu l i ovuZa katangainia = fatake , labunga i ovuZum, bungu tri ton tri toni8 and aa88i8, dadala aypraea katefolo to cross a range of arabiaa or mauritiana, dada la hills ; katefolo'ana uo keke roa aypraea auran tium ( orange cowry ) , dafi golden lip katu 1. to be stuck , hold fast , pearl , fatu troahu8 ni Zoteau8, as fishline in coral , cf. kau fou 'asufe paZZium paZZium, 'ime 2. to get in the way of; ka tu 'usi tridaana, ko lo aypraea te8- tudinaria, ku ru pZaaosty Zus and 3. to stammer ; faka katu papuina, lao aonU8 marmoratu8, ragota i Zambi8 Zambi8, sa I iIi kau 1. to be caught in , as hook turb o pethoZatu8 in mouth , or one tree falling on another karu 1. a scar , cf. fi la 2. to catch with a hook or 2. to eat unripe fruit crook , kaua karua scarred 3. to stick in , as 'airada in mud 9 4

4. to bind , secure , kaua 2. little bits ikau a crook for getting kes i gano a small piece of fruit land kaukaula tangled , as hair kesi ku ru i do kaula holding , being held ; kesi kwaena gi certain portions kau lana of forest kau la captivity ro ke fe ngal i two nut s to kau to be a slave ; to kau te kes i do only one thing fuana arai 3. verbal article, inceptive, wane kau lana or wa ni ni kau la variant of ka q.v. ( always used a slave with fi or the negative si , 5. Adam's apple , or kao hence the um laut ) ; na ' i sofu kes i tagisia, si do na kef i dao , te 6. kau 'ana to mend a net ; ma baea kes i funu fura i 4. sp . cockle , Pita:!' , used for kau ra t:!'. to mend , patch ; pulling out hair ( shaving ) kau ra fu ra i, moge K saunga i falu, tagisi k� darkness ; mae ke thick dark­ kaurala mending, kauralana ness kau 'aba a coconut branch (sara keba a man with a withered or of sago palm , 'aba the frond) crooked leg ; gwe keba kaubare 1. to deceive , mislead , kede 1. to cut , carve mislay , kaubarea 2. to wr ite 2. to spoil by carelessness , e.g. leave a knife in the 3. to tattoo rain , kau ba rea kedela tattooing 3. to lose kede la tattoo 4. not to pay a debt ; wane kedekede cut , carve , wr ite ; kaubare debtor kekede kedekedea striped , as a tiger kaubarea mislaid, spoilt , kekedea wr iting lost kaub arela keke de la writ ing , kekede lana ; deceiving , spoiling , kekedela losing , kaubarel ana kaubare la carelessness , Varieties of tattoo are : bubulu trouble star below eyes; fuae al ite lozenge on forehead ; gwa i rora kaufe or kauve 1. sp. pandanus head of sardine , lozenge ; sisi gaula wings of frigate bird below 2. sewn leaves of kaufe used temples , W. ; tale kokosu hermit as mat , umbrella , sail , crab 's path , on cheeks shroud , etc . kaufe rae human relic wrapped kefi 1. a headcovering , part of in kaufe formal dress of priest (aofia) kaufe ba laf ai, sp. of or (kef' i is not derived. from Eng. fafada , fouda i, kofitol i cap . ) 2. a hat ( modern ) kaumanu sp. hardwo od kefo sp . fi sh , sardine kauuru to mend , bind up kefora thin skin of kernel of ke 1. article ; a little , a nut , keforana piece of , usually combined with si and wr itten kes i kekate sp . tree, Planchonella aolomonenaia; also ketekete 95

keke cicada ke lasi tr. of ke la examine , ke 1 a s i a kekeda pale ke latai tr. of ke la examine ; ke latainia kekefe 1. small beads on arm­ 3. lets and leglets to turn round and round , ke lakela; slba kelak ela in 2. glass beads (modern ) husking a coc onut ke lasi tr. of ke la 1. turn keke10. a raft = faoa round and round , ke lasia 2. to find fault with , ke lasia kekena breadfruit = rau'ai (perhaps a hill word , but 4. qu iet and harmless, not used in Lau ) assert ive ke lala harmlessn ess , ke lalana keke 'o crookedly ; ke 'o, lea keke'o ke la'afe a qu iet , harmless woman ; ke la ka i ta kekerede to make a ru stling ke la wane a quiet , harmless man noise, as a lizard in that ch ke l awanea modest ke l awane la modesty kekero 1. a parrot ke1e 1. little ; smallness , 2. red ke lelana keke ro dear , to child , ke lewela small child youth or lover ; keke ro nau my dear ! 2. rather, almost , with adjs ., keke roa red or bright orange advs. and vbs . kekerola redness , kekerolana ke le rna l aakwa a little bit better kekerofa 1. to sight a fast­ nia ke le rnouri na he is almost moving obj ect , kekerofana well 2. to glance off , cf. kero 3. rnake le to stare (prob . for 3. perfectly , of sight ; ada kale) kekerofana see correctly ke l ewanea pit iable (Ivens ); to ni ke l ewanea kekerofai to be exact , also kerofa i. ke rofa inia ke10 stomach , ke lona rnou kekerofana fear without seeing anything keo 1. to put out an eye , blind 'uta na 'o si ke rofa inia why a pig with lime to keep it from did you not ascertain exactly straying , keoa 2. blind ; wa ne keo , cf. gau rna keketo 1. judge , distinguish blind but eye uninjured, ku ru between , divide ; ke to , kita blind from an injury keketola decision, division ke.'.oke ' o 1. crooked 2. sp. of crooked bamboo 2. foolish = keke 'o 3. sp. of smal l tree kerede sp. pandanus on the beach ke1a 1. Nggela Island ; also southern end of Guadalcanal , kero 1. a red pa rrot Marau Sound 2. to swoop , of pigeons 2. to look carefully at = ada tona , cf. rnakele 3. to roll the eyes , make a face; ke ro rna ke lafai tr. of ke la examine , ke laf ainia kerofai to make a swift deci- sion , kerofainia 9 6

kesi 1. to sc rape off burnt kia we , 1st per. pl. inalus . out side after roasting taro , gia kes ia, kes ialo kiboa kwalu ki lboa uneven 2. to strike a match , kes ia kes ialo shell for scrap ing kida 1. scar of wound or sore keu , taikeu fifingo , ka ru mama 'abu 2. sp. small sea crab near keta 1. to separate , keta ; to mangroves = kikida ke ta divided, separated, cf. keto kidau millipede , large sp. 2. horns of sisi beetle , ketana exudes yellow staining liquid dangerous to eyes kete head , skull ; i ketena on his head ; 'ole kete cut hair ; kidi to beat , strike 9 i d i, k i , kete fTa headache kid i kid i kete kete 1. to make a noise kidiriri to bang on a tin like a mouse in a tin kidu 1. to bore a hole , kidua 2. to nibble , gnaw , as a mouse or rat 2. a gimlet , drill 3. to rattle , as anklets in kidukome a wagtail = kikidulae dancing kikau sp . gastropod mollusc , kete kome shell armlets , leg­ Trochus lets kiki 1. to incline a vessel , to keto 1. to divide , separate , pour = 1 i k i; k i ki m ai , k i k i a ketoa , cf. 'ete, ke ta , kita mana pour into 2. to ju dge 2. to spill , be split ketola judgement , sentence klkiasi flavour with salt water; 3. sp . tree used for canoes , kikiam al i Maaaranga sp . kikila inclining , pouring , spilling ; kikilana keto1angai to worry with kiki13 pouring , inclination of requests , ketolangainia vessel keu 1. sp . bivalve mollu sc kikI 1. sp . bivalve mollusc, Tridaana 2. the shell used as spoon or scrap er 2. tail of a dog or fish (not bird) , kikTna i 'a a kikiu keu1010 sp . bivalve mollusc in mangroves kiki a small rat , young of 'asufe ki we , 1st per. pl. inalus. kikida small sea crab near short for kia; ki ka , ki si mangroves kI 1. to beat , to hit , kTa 0 kikidu1ae wagtail beat a gong , cf. gidigidl, kidi kikifiu1a sp . fish 2. the sound of hitting ; kT leula sound of paddles on the kiki1u to plant taro , ki lu side of a canoe ki la sounding , kTlana kikiri sp . tree , fruit size of apples pitted , with small white 3. to be startled, 110 kT flowers , dark lanceolate leaves ki la being startled , kTlana (Morinda aitrifolia , Ivens ) used in dyeing 97

kikirioboa a pool to catch fish kiokio a kingfisher in or bathe in, cf. lobo kirio a porpoise; ki roa kikirobo to dam with stones and form a pool to catch fish in or kirori sp. of parrot bathe in kiru Bp. red yam , ka i kir u kikirutai to wriggle , as a fish when landed kisikisi 1. a large green gras s ­ hopper kikita swe at = 'i' ida 2. to rattle , of seeds kikito to splash wat er with the kisikisila rattling hand kita 1. to separate , divide , cf. kikiu 1. to howl , of man or keta , ke to; kita dog = kiukiu 2. wild 2. tail of an imal or fish ( not bird ) , kikiuna kito to hit water with hands , splash kikoa sp . bird kiu 1. to root , of pigs ki1a 1. green parrot kiufi tr. of kiu; kiufia 2. stone adze , short club , k i u I i tr. of k i u; k i u I i a tomahawk klula rooting , kiula, kiulana ki laki la I. green parrot 2. 2. tail of animals , fish ( not long-handled axe for fight­ bird) , kiuna = kikiu ing , tomahawk on four-foot handle kiukiu to howl , of man or dog ki1ia thunder , cf. kururu , ko 1. verbaZ artiaZe in 2nd per. , loufia from ka q.v. , '0 ko lea 2. demonstr. there , in compound ki1ikili to tickle so as to loko make a person laugh , ki l ikil ia ko 1. leaves used for liniment , kiliwidi tarantula spider or koo ki1u 1. a hole , a we ll 2. grandparent , grandchild , ancestor , descendant , ko geni, 2. to plant taro ko nau , ko wane ki lula ki lula, plant ing ; wa ikolana 1. kilulana grandparent and grandchild 2. uncle and ki luki lwa with depressions nephew ki lu i kao hollow in front of 3. mother 's brother , sister's neck child ki lu i 'G hollow at nape of neck , or ki lu 'u; ki lu karu ko ro fou great grandparent , ki lu ka fo a well of water cf. fou ki lu kwas i deep hole , abys s; k i I u Iiu koa 1. mangrove , Bruguiera gymnorhiga kina be ignorant of, not know , koa n i 'an i a nau gu kina sp . of mangrove ; baraonga, koa i to lo, mamabusa kinetai to look after; klnetainla 2. to scrape the fruit , koa

3. a hen = kua kinu sp. tree , Barringtonia eduZis 4. sp. of black bird 9 8

koakoa a hen 3. sp . tree used in making the nat ive gong 6 koba 1. front and rear divisions of a canoe kok5 1. to call to a distant place , as one village to another 2. sunken, of eyes after ill­ ness , ma koba 2. grandparent , grandchild; mother's brother , sister's kobe buttress roots of a tree , child = k6 cf. gwalu, lal i k5k5 don't, a word used by kobi ten strings of money ; children kob i i ma l efo kokoa seeds of breadfruit kobu fat , well formed; kobu gogoa 'ana uta well formed from rain kokoba front and rear divisions kobukobu1a fat , of a man of a canoe = koba koburu 1. N.W. gales between kokodo to carry on a stick over October and March ; koburu ni the shoulder , kokodoa foto kokodola carrying thus 2. wind of gale force , tempest kokofi to cover a baby from the 3. the summer season when these sun , kokof ia winds blow kokof ia protected from the 'aena koburu first light sun (pass.) winds from N.W. , early summer kokofono 1. to close round, of kokofonoa , maerodo kodo 1. darkness ; to lose a finger or toe kokofono 2. maimed in such a way , gwe kodo 2. overcast , very dark and cloudy ; uta kokofono kofa1e to splash , of water in a koko1a a small octopus bucket

kokomu = auaua , koi1asi Semecarpus an island cf. sp . tree , komukomu koi10 sp . tree , Ca�ophy ��um kokomua round; fe ra kokomua inophy ��um artificial island koito 1. a dog ( hill word , but kokona 1. sp. shrub , the leaves used in Lau ) eaten cause temporary insanity 2. to catch fish with lice on 2. foolish, stupid line as bait kokoni to bark in unison , of koka worthless dogs koki with toes missing , 'ae kokoradoa black, deep blue , very koki ; gwe ' aekok i dark in colour lea'aekok i walk on the side kokori to shave , cf. gori of the foot kokoria shaven koko 1. old and feeble kokoro holes , chasms in a coral 2. coconut leaf basket with reef ; kokore fou handle , larger than luelue 99

kokoru young nut of the coco­ 2. thorn of an orange and nut similar trees kokorua green , immature , 3. antennae of insects , cf. unripe , cf. gosago sa , gwango; konana kakarua konare sp . plant with sweet­ kokoso 1. sp . fern , root eaten smelling leav es , Evodia ; leaves used in armlets 2. to wander through the forest kone a freshet , cf. afe kokosoa steeply sloping , of koni 1. to bark in unison , of hills dogs = kokon i kokosu 1. tangled, uncombed, of 2. to collect , gather together , hair as food , saliva in the mouth , kon ia 2. to crouch to spring , as a cat kori 1. to scrape , koria, cf. 3. crippled , bowed down , gori , sufi crouching 2. to shave 4. the hermit crab kokoria shaven tale kokosu chevrons in tattoo korikori 1. the itch kokou husk of a seed, kokouna 2. little sores from scratching k�lana cf. ko 2., 3. 3. a kind of pudding kol0 sp. gastropod mollusc, koro 1. goro we two 1st per. Cypraea testudinaria dual. 2. sores on anus , of a child koloa 1. bare of leaves 2. hairless, not needing to korokoro a black or brown night­ shave ; no hair round penis bird 3. fruitless koru stage in coconut , nut not quite full size ko1u 1. anus = me ro ; ko luna 2. vine of taro , cf. galo, koso 1. to go through forest off kwa lo; ko luna the track , not along a path; koso , kosokoso ko1usaga piles ( disease) koso to to find in the forest , koso tona kome 1. sp. conus 2. a sp. of fish 2. shell armlet 3. ring , of shell kosu 1. to pet a child, kosua 2. to bend the arm , kosua komukomu 1. to cut the hair leaving a knob uncut , cf. 3. to roll up , fold kokomu kosumi tr. of kosu 3, kosumia 2. a knob of hair on shaven kosumia rolled, folded (pass.) head 4. to come down , kosu ma i = slfo ma i komukomua round ; komukomu la kosu'ae on tip toe kona 1. barb in sting of ray , konana kote 1. to cut with scissors kotea 100

2. scissors (modern) 2. something empty ; kufi do, kufi kao , cf. kukufi kou 1. to lift up and carry ; ku fikete empty head , fool ! kou sasaore lift gent ly 2. away ; lea kou go away , sifo kufikufi hot , of food; fanga kou come down kufikufi 3. shrivelled, withered; kou = kukui , giri , 'ana ara kui 1. a dog cf. ko ito gwe 4. maimed in arm or leg ; mu i boso kou 2. a herd ; 3. to call a person at a dis­ ku 1. verbaZ artiaZe from ka tance (not from Au stralian) ; used in 1st per. sing. = gu ku ia ma i (ku may be itself the per. pron . I) kuko 'afuto sp. gastropod mollusc 2. used after a person's name kuku 1. leafless , withered, faded when calling him 2. to hang down , to wilt in the ku 1. to drink , cf. gwou sun ; kuku 'ana sato ku fi tr. of ku ; kufia kukua drooping kiifia drunk (pass.) 3. finger or toe , kukuna = kakau 2. to drown (to drink water) 4. to challenge to do something difficult , of children , kukua kua 1. short form of kuka , nau ku ka lea = nau kua lea kuku the call when a canoe or 2. a hen ; kakara i kua = koa ; ship is sighted kuakua = koakoa kukua or kukue elderly married kuafarifari sp. tree , Garainia man or woman , kukue wane , gen i kukua la kukuela, ku 'au ku ' auna being old, or oesophagus , kukuelana kukuala, kukuela old age kubau or kubou a staff for walk­ ing, walking stick , rod kukudu small , rough coconut basket , round bottom , boat­ kudo sp . house lizard , green shap ed and gold kukufi hollow , empty kudu 1. a hundred thousand coconuts , taro or yams ; kudu kukufi 'ai , tini hollow tree , alo; te kudu i kai empty tin 2. innumerable ; kud ii' a kukui 1. to howl millions of fish 2. a dog ku i 3. injury or punishment brought on by your own fault , kukulango mosquito carelessness or foolishn ess , e.g. bitten when patting a kuku1e 1. to swing , kukulea strange dog ; kuduna 2. to hang by claws , of a bat ; 4. to poke a person in the ribs ; kudua kuku leu kuku1i sp. poisonous fish kufi 1. the shell of shellfish or an egg , plates of turtle , kuku1u 1. a cluster; kuku l i do scales of a fish , outer cover­ a hand of oranges , etc. ing ; kufina .------.-�------��----�------�


2. to hang up , hang , kuku lua kurafea baby boy not yet named, cf. kafe , sikurafea kukunu a swamp = mamago kurakwa a tree fern = kwae kukura froth from lips = gugu ra ( ac cent second syllable )

kukura baibai operculum of kuru 1. sp. land shell , mollusc, Turbo pethoZatus PZaaosty Zus , also Papuina ; ( 5 al i 1 i ) its track 2. short , to be short kukuru short 3. a piece , section ; kuru do kuku ru la shortness , kukurulana 'aba kuru one arme d, gwe kukuru ba1u sp. large fish ' abaku ru 'ae ku ru one legged, gwe ku1a'aba sailing nautilus , 'aekuru Argonaut 4. to roar , the sound of thunder or surf ku1ango sandfly 5 i 5 i mi , cf. kuku lango kurula roaring , ku rulana nafo akwa lana ku1eu to swing kurula roar , sound maekuru clap of thunder ku1u ;1.. to hang 5. yellow and hard , of a betel 2. to hang up , ku lua nut 3. to lift up ; gau ku lua, kuru 1. to reverberate , as sound ku lu'ae fas iaas i of bomb or gun busu , 1010 ku lufa i to hang the head down , 2. to roar , as a waterfall bow ; ku lufainia ketena ku lufi tr. of ku lu 3. , ku lufia 3. to sink ku lufia lifted up (pass.) kuruma i to sink (tr. ), to 4. long and thick , of hair drown ; kuruma ida drown them; also ku rumainia sink it kumu 1. to pound = gumu fakuru to cause to sink , to drown 2. to hit with the fist , to box kurukuru ·to hold water in the kumu 1 i tr. of kumu ; kumu 1 i a mouth , rinse out mouth = 'uru'uru 3. pudding of pounded taro and nuts kurGmai to command. ku rumainia 4. lumps of pudding uncooked kurumusi a sp . of fish kunu 1. a mangrove swamp = kukunu , mamago kururu = ku ru 4. and kuru 1., 2. maekunu a creek in mangroves kusu to poke or tickle a man to 2. possession in = fere of all startle him , kusua things ; kunu i niu my coconut ( but lango possession in kusu to sink in mud animals , lango i ku i my dog ) kusungai to cause to sink , kusungainia kura betel nut = ofa kuta 1. to worry kuradI sp. of creeper kutaf i tr. of kuta , ku tafia kurafe sp. large lizard with 2. to light one stick from smooth, shining body another; ku tanga i, kutangainia 102

kutangai to feel water to see 3. to cut scrub , kwaea if it is hot , kutangainia kwae la hitting , killing , cut­ ting , kwae lana kutu 1. to jab, ku tua kwaernae I i to kill, injure , put 2. stomach , kutuna out a light kwaernusi strike and cut off ; 3. bole , buttress of a tree , kwaernus ia kutuna 4. to close a hole in roof with kwa 1. to be broken , break with thatch; kwae fa fi a noise , click 5. to pay one 's passage 2. to sound as report of a 6. to divide out food , kwaea gun or bomb 7. to disbelieve , kwaea 3. to crash with a loud noise, cf. akwa 8. a tree-fern , cf. kurakwa 4. to rise , of heavenly bodies ; 9. to sing , kwaengu or kwa ingu sato e kwa kwaela the singing of a song ; 5. to be open , of the eyes kwae I ana n, gu kwas i tr. of kwa 5., to keep 10 . to pull up a net open , kwas ia broken , of the 11. to beat out a fire , put out day (pass .) a light ; usually kwaernael ia kwakwas ila I. keeping awake 2. incantation for a new net kwaekakaro to make a bamb oo wall ada kwas i rna to be in a trance kwaekwae1ai shaken (pass. ) kwada 1. to have holes , spaces between boards kwae1angai 1. to turn up the eyes to look , kwaengainia 2. to be open , of a door 2. to wave , nod , wag 3. empty ; kwade bu lu, kwade do also kwaekwaelanga i 4. hollow ; kwadala hollowness , kwadalana kwaena virgin forest ; kwae ni kwadangi tr. of kwada make a masu hole , open out , hollow out kwad angia hollowed out (pass .) kwafota white cockat oo = kaka kwadi to whistle kwaga 1. to sprout , of taro kwad i la whistling 2. a single hair, kwage ifu kwadibu1u name of presiding kwai 1. another form of kwae I, agalo at Momolu Island , the 2,3,4,9,10,11 home of the dead, who was one 2. to pull out , pull up , weed; of the first two men created, kwa i fa i lali pull out by the the other being Ga l ifoa roots kwadili 1. a jew's harp 3. to extend , stretch ; kakaloa e kwa i i rnangatada 2. to sound like a jew's harp 4. a carrying stick kwadu a sp . of black bird, the 5. poles for carrying a canoe kiokio steals its nest 6. to groan ; kwaibaita groan kwae 1. to hit , kwaea ; also deeply kwa i kwaila groaning ; kwa i la, 2. to kill , to hurt , inj ure ; kwai lana kwae rnaelia 103

7. to call out in pain 3. sp. bird , night heron 8. reciprocal prefi� with kwaiasi splash of sea from waves nouns ; ro kwa i tola two living or paddles together 9. reciprocal prefi� with kwai�tai use bad words to a woman ; verbs. "The addition of kwa i kwailHai 'usia causes an enlargement of the action of the verb by in­ kwaiba1a a sign of something cluding the subject. "The ad­ pleasant , do kwaibalana ; dition of a transitive suffix kwaibalata , kwa ibalatana to a verb which is preceded by kwa i does not necessarily make kwaibibingi touching , cont iguous the verb transitive , and the obj ect of such intransit ive kwaiborotai to forget verb s is suppl ied by the possessive 'ana." (Ivens ) kwaibubungi to gaze at , stare A preposition precede s the ob ject. kwaidau a baler kwakwa i and kwa ikwa i also occur kwaidikerai to collide as the reciprocal 10 . spouse , husband or wife ; kwaidi1angai to miss one another ro maekwa ina husband and wife on a road

11. water = gwa i (probably a kwaidorea malice leading to hill word) practice of mali gnant magic kwai 'abitai go about together kwaidori to desire kwai ' adoi share mutually kwaidoria wish , will, desire , liking , love kwai ' adomi help , be helpful; kwai ' adomi fa inia kwaidu to revenge kwa i 'adomi l� help kwaidula revenge kwaiagi to curse person or thing kwaieresi to command (Ivens ) by suggestion of being dirty on him or it kwaieres ia a command kwaiagia cursing, reviling kwaif�fi 1. to keep the hand over something kwaia1ami be in correct style , fitting , becoming , proper 2. to shut up everything to keep out rain or sun kwaia1angai to name kwaifafia tangled, of hair kwaialanga ila naming kwafa1a1oi to have pity kwaiamasi to cr y for help kwaifalaloia pity kwa iamas ia mercy , pity kwaifamanatai chastise , give kwaiara 1. to hir e with food as severe lesson , teach , di scipline payment (if money , fol i ) kwafamanataila teaching , dis­ 2. to cook food for cipline kwa iarangai 1. hire out for food payment , cook food for kwaifamoui terrible 2. feed strangers ; kwa iara­ ngainia kwaifanei to vie with one another kwa ifane ila rivalry 104

kwaifeaga10 pagan witch doctor , kwaikwagi to hang up , festoon wizard , seer kwaikwai 1. drinking cup kwaifi 1. to be jealous , 2. kwaifT'ana sp . shrub , white flowers , long leaves 2. to be suspicious kwaikwai1a sp . tree, Do Zichandrona 3. to try one 's luck spathacea 4. to think ; nau kwa ifi aso '0 ko lea I think you wi ll go kwaikwaitafusi 1. strive with one another 5. a long while ; masi kwalfi wait a long while 2. bear with , endure kwaifTla feelings , thought s, kwai1a sunshine on hills , fine passions , jealousy , sus­ we ather after rain picion kwai1afusi not recognise kwaifo practice pagan witch­ craft , kwa i foa kwai1afusia time in evening when objects cannot be recognised in kwaifo10 cut up an animal , fading light kwaifoloa, cf. kwa i 3 kwai1ai horizontal kwaifosi 1. to take an oath , kwaifos la kwai1angai 1. to throw as ide , 2. curse a person throw off , kwallangalnia kwa ifos ila oath, curse 2. to wave about kwaige1ui to shove kwai1asi tree nettle kwaigo1a sp. red jellyfi sh , kwai1aui snatch from one another , eat en by turtles , cf. despoil one another kwairaba kwai1ei 1. shaken by wind, moving kwaigo1oi 1. to deny , forget , 2. to imitate someone profess ignorance of 2. perplexed; kwa igoloi 'ana kwai1ifai to mimic kwaigolola perplexity , puzzle- kwai1iu 1. reciprocally (used of ment , forgetfulness mutual action) , mutually kwaii1ingai to contend , rival 2. in all directions 3. everywhere kwaikada a section of a felled tree 4. puzzled; rake kwa i I iu 5. upset ; na liona e kwai liu kwaikafo to splash , of liquid kwai1iua humble , of low estate kwaiketo1a justice kwai101otai to revile , 'ana kwaikinai kwa i go I 0 i 2. kwai101otaia reviling kwaikudu be guilty, receive injury through one 's own also kwailo taia fault , guilt , injury , kwa ikuduna kwai1ubasi to divorce kwailuba sila divorce kwaikumu1i to box , fight with fists 105

kwaima together in company with , kwaioi to force pa yment by in ha rmony with , reconciled to; seizing debtor 's goods kwa ima fa inia; kwa iman i kwaio1itai to disagree and fatake kwaiman i reconcile answer back kwa iman ia with one accord to kwa ima kwa imani or to live kwaiolofi 1. make fun of , mock in harmony 2. to give something and take kwaimago1oi to be innocent it back again kwaima1a to wound kwaio1ofi to jump over one another , as fish in a net kwaimanatai to pity , be sorry , have mercy on , "I beg your kwaioroi 1. to impose upon pardon" 2. to covet kwa imanatai asi ana I'm very kwaioro ia I. imposition , sorry impertinence 2. covetousness kwaimangosi be unable to do kwairaba sp. red jellyfish = kwa igola kwaimasi 1. to await , hope kwa imasila expectation kwairaofi to cleave , to agree kwa imas i ngado to hope with , be amiable kwa imasi ngadola hope kwairarangi 1. to radiate heat 2. temporary ; to ni kwa imasi 2. to reflect light kwainai to bury , kwainaia . kwainaia a grave (in the kwairasi to compete , as in games house if on artificial island ) or a race kwainamutai 1. to wrestle kwairaui to hold one ano ther 2. kwa imanatainia to rape , kwairomi to approach one another kwaingatafi to rebuke , curse kwaisaga1i to stir up strife , rebel , revolt kwaingengei to dispute , answer back kwa isaga l ia rebellion , revolt kwa isagal ila stirring up ai ngenge i ' tree whose rebellion , kwaisagal ila na branches rub one another and creak kwaisarei to adopt kwaingiri to wre stle kwaisareia adopt ion kwaingofi to become very dark kwaisate 1. bivalve cockle to with lowering clouds pull out hairs 2. to pull out hairs of face kwa'ini ' ini intense pain , be in great pain kwaisaui to meet for a fight kwainonoi to press noses , to kwa isaungi to fight , kill one kiss (m odern) another kwaisaung ila fighting kwai ' odui to urge , incite kwaisuasuafi to meet , encounter kwa i 'od uila exhortation , provocative speech kwaisuge to entice , deceive , pull one's leg , kwaisuge la kwaiofeia a free gift , grace 106

kwaisu1i 1. about the same age kwa itoda ila a meeting 2. to cut off victim's limbs , kwaitO one by one , cf. kwa i 3. a yoke kwaitOi 1. apart ; alu kwa itoi kwaisungi to coil a line 2. opposite ; daro to kwa itoi kwaisurafia filthy talking kwait01a man and wife ; ro kwaisusi 1. to oppose kwaitola 2. to sacrifice , by way of kwaito1i substitut ion or propitiation to be qu iet , at peace wane kwaisus i sacrificing kwai 'ui to begin to throw stones priest kwaiusu1i 1. ada 3. a peacemaker , mediator to copy ; kwaiusuli kwaisusia a propj tiatory 2. sacrifice to come late for fi shing kwake kwaita a stranger ; to ni kwaita, cabbage , greens wane kwa ita kwakio sp . bird , osprey kwaitafai cause to stumble kwako sp. tree , TerminaZia ZatiaZak kwaitafusi to compete, as in a race kwakwa a drop , bit kwaitaga to scatter , to vanish kwakwe dan i a drop of rain (of mist) kwakwe do broken bits of a thing kwaitakofa1ea each leaving the kwakwe 'udu drip from eaves of other to do it house kwaita1i to threaten; kwaitalT kwakwa 1. intense heat ; rara faf i a k�lakwa kwaitalTa a threat 2. the name of a month kwaita10fi to make known kwakwada a hole ; mae kwakwada kwaitarnadiu 1. overlap , proj ect kwakwafarerea or kwakwaforerea beyond clean , pure , white 2. crosswise kwakwaforea white, as linen cloth kwaitao leaf for baling can oe , kwakwa1a baler, or kwaitau line , row , strat a in rocks kwaitarangai 1. to couple a kwakwa led6 in lines , rows , woman 's name with a man , strat a kwa itarangainia kwakwa1e 2. to reproach for ingratitude kwa le 1. thornless cane used for dyeing kwaitari to drive , chase 2. a figure in a dance kwaitaui separated, apart , with kwakwa1i Morning Star ; kwakwa li space between , to kwa itau i dan i kwaitodai to meet , encounter , kwa itoda i fa inia 107

kwakwa lifola 1. stretch of calm of a large number of things , sea = gwagwa l ifola kwa lengainia 2. patch of clear sky kwaletore nat ive wild raspberry , kwa letotore kwakwanga lightning = kwanga kwaleu sp. of fish kwakwao white = kwao kwakwaola half-caste, light kwali 1. be old , worn out ( house , brown net , etc.) wanekwakwao la Polynesian 2. descendant , kwa l ina kwakwara female 's organ , kwalikedea banded in different private parts , kwakwarana colours , as a snake kwakwarangadi sp. of fish kwalikiboa rough country, steep hills and valleys kwakwaria 1. tasteless , with­ out savour kwalimanga open space 2. cleft , fissure in rocks kwalinga echo , kwa l ingana, cf. kwala 1. to curse , use bad dal inge language , mention human dung kwalo a vine of yam , sweet kwalala bad language , swear­ potato , etc. , kwa lona (galonaal0 ing oku l onooko) kwalangi tr. of kwala curse , swe ar at , use dirty lan­ kwalo ' ara sp. white , edible cater­ guage to , kwalangia pillar kwalangia cursed, sworn at (pass . ) kwalofuka sp. tree, Durandi a 2. give birth , beget , of man paHida or woman , or animals ; kwala we la have a child kwaloolita succession from father to son , kwa lool itana 3. lay an egg kwa lafa 1. offspring , kwala­ kwalosa sp . bean growing on beaches fana 2. family kwalafutala family , kwa la� kwalu 1. eight ; kwau lu or kwou lu futalana eighth 4. line , row , strata in rocks ; 2. every , each , all ; all as the kwa le kekefe string of beads sum of individuals ; kwa lu si do ni raola all the work ; kwalu'ana 5. a verse of a song do everything , everyone of the things ; kwa lumo la every ; kwalakwalaalinga a mythical kwa lumo la wane monster with many heads and = kwa 1 ukwa 1 ua 1 i nga tails kwalu 'ae shell money , eight strings kwale sp . cane used in tying kwalubaba shoulder blade , when thatching ; used also kwa lubabana dyed = kwakwa le kwalubebe sp . tree round whi ch kwalekaukau sp. thorny creeper white butterfiles swarm , cf. kwoukwou kwalekwalea side by side , cf. kwala 4 kwalukedoa pale green , yellOW , orange ; pink kwalengai carry some at a time of a large number of things , kwalu kwalualinga = kwa lakwala- al inga Ivens writes: 'legendary 108

person slept in one of his kwaratore wild nat ive raspberry , ears and covered himself with edible , cf. kwa rafifi ; also the other ." kwa retore , kwa retotore kwa1utafa to emerge kware 1. to cut , as a boil to let out pus , kwa rea kwana be in doubt 2. to incise, inlay with kwanaf i tr. of kwana ; naut ilus shell (reoreo) , kwarea kwanafia leala in doubt 3. to castrate , kwa rea about the journey kwarela cutting , incising , kwanga 1. lightning or thunder ; kwa re lana to flash , crash, bang kwaru 1. shoal water kwangafi tr. of kwanga I. flash upon 2. crash, 2. to project , stick out , as bang suddenly upon rocks in the ground kwanga sifo forked lightning 3. a place of jagged rocks kwangakwanga I. flashing sinasina; I ifona kwanga kwa rula stony meteorite 2. to throb , of kwa rukwa rua jagged , of rocks pulse or baby's fontanelle kwasasu a whale = gwasasu 2. be dazzling , gorgeous , as a brilliant bird kwasi 1. wild , of animal s or plant s, boso kwas i, ka i kwas l; kwangareo to fall on , as a or an unowned ghost agalo kwas i shadow , and frighten one kwasi la wildness , kwasi lana kwangeo red flowering plant , 2. uncultivated, unkept fruit eaten , cf. otaota 3. very , excessively , ba ita kwanu 1. gums , kwanuna kwa s i; fanga kwas i ove reat , cf. as l 2. toothless 4. a sp. frog kwao 1. white ; arai kwao a 5. a woman carried off by force white man ; to kwao white race kwas ila stealing a woman 2. a woven white ornament worn kwas ila ngai to run off with a in a bride 's hair girl , not paying bride price , 3. a wh ite mark on a board , kwas ila ngainia marking a high note in sing­ ing kwasit51a = kwaitola man and wife , woman properly married kwaola whiteness , kwaolana kwaoa white , clean ; also kwaso kwakwaoa ripe and soft , of fruit kwasu ; kwasala baru kwaoa ripeness , decorated canoe , kwasolana with white Ovula ovuZum (so-called cowries ) kwasokwasoa soft to the touch kwara 1. to fall in a thin kwate to give , give up , hand stream, of liquids over , present 2. to pass wine kwatela giving , kwatelana kwa tebu to stamp foot in kwarafifi wild nat ive rasp­ derision berry , edible ; cf. kwa ratore lal i kwate to make an orat ion (hill word) kwarafita bamboo split in centre and not at the ends 109

kwati flame , kwatiere kwerete to re sound kwato a digging stick in kwesu 1. to flame planting yams 2. to set alight , kwe sua kwau 1. the head , kwauna, cf. 3. a torch , kwesukwesu gwou kwesua a flame fisi kwau 1. the top of a meamea e kwesu light of fire tree 2. a chief's head kwesufi tr. of kwe su to light , set a light to , kwesufia 2. sp. of tree with scented kwesufia lighted, lit (pass .) leaves kwesu to to take a light to see something , kwesu tona kwaula eighth kwou la; kwa lu kwi brush turkey , megapod kwe 1. = gwe an artiaZe a, the kwe afe , na kwe i 'a gi kwikwI sp . bird, snipe 2. to be foolish , foolishly , ade kwe kwikwina plump kwea folly kwikwiri watery motion of bowels, aga l0 kwea a ghost causing kw i r i madness kwikwisa to leak , of a canoe kwe to squeal kwikwisi 1. sp . small green kwekwe half , kwekwe do parrot kwekwe sinal i half a month 2. indigestion after eating too much pork , etc. ; rakena e kwekwera ro ' iu kwe kwe ra girl kw ikwisi twins kwila 1. a sign as when a man kwekweto to be silly , mad fishing finds a turtle and sticks up something to call his kwele to be surprised, wonder , fellows kwele'ana 2. a flag kwele aroaro to make silent 3. a cross , used as sign of a signs of wonder Christian kwelela being surprised , kwelelana kwisi 1. to splash , cf. kalu; kwelela surpri se, wonde r tr. and intr. kw isia kwe le sitalo unable to express surpri se kwi sila splash ing , kw isi lana 2. sp . of bird kweo 1. sp . water bird 3. movement of bowels of a baby , 2. large white grub in rotten cf. kwikwisi wood kwokwo sp . tree , Tournefortia kwera to stretch limbs , mouth , argentea kwe ra kwou 1. to li ft, kwoua, cf. kou kwerangai to feed, kwe ranga inia = kwa iarangai 2. to carry in the hands , cf. 01 i against chest , tabe on kweratani sp. mollusc forearms , tolu on shoulder 3. to give tongue , of dogs kwere sp. frog hunting 110

kwoukwou sp . shore tree round 3. health , to be in health , which white butterflies safe , sound; to I a gather = kwa lubebe non i la safe and sound, cf. nonilau kwou 1a eighth = kwau la, cf. kwa lu 4. sp. vine used for wrapping up parcels L 5. name of constellation "Southern Cross" 6. 1a 1. adj. sUffi x 'ae leg ; 'aela hand net tied on two cross legged sticks

2. prep. in = lao; i la within; 1aba 1. to play , trifle, do as we la la tala a bastard one likes ; laba fa inla to play 3. sUffix making ordinals ; ou la with third = na laba la play fulness , laba lana, lalaba 4. sUffix mak ing past parti­ labalaba I. ciple pass. laulana captured, playing , trifling , lau seize following one 's own sweet will 2. a toy for children , toy 5. sUffix making transitive boat , aeroplane , etc. verb s fanga , fafangala, nia I abas i tr. of I aba 1, to play fafangalada with , play the fool wi h, labas ia 6. sUffix making verbal nouns spoil , injure , harm , labas ia (pass .) niki la, niki lana its colour injured, spoilt labata playground, open space, 7. sUffix making gerundives ade courtyard ; lalabata do , ade lana his doing of it lalabala playing the fool , l e a 8. abstract nouns keke ro red, ni lalabala follow his own keke rolana its redness ; tau wishes = lea ni waela or lea ni al ifila far , taulana its distance 2. laba ni la of 4,5,7,8 can be taken as a field, fold, sheep a preposition of association , 3. to pull tight , taut adelana should then be written laba l aba I. ade lana 'do belong him' , etc . tight , taut , pulled 2. The se forms can be active or tight , to pull taut to au laba l aba pass ive , if added to the tran­ stick in; speed sitive form of a verb they and stick in , of an arrow laba labai usually have a passive sense. taut , pulled tight 9. to chop , cut down la'ai 1abenga coconut leaf plate , lab engana 1a 1. 8uffi x making verbal nouns ; bae , baela speak , speech ; iuka , labu 1. to strike , hit with a iu ye s, iuk ala assent blow , strike down , labua Often added to compound forms 2. to spear , throw a spear , 'ani , 'anilana, 'anilanala; pierce with a spear , I abua famae d a ro la the killing of 3. the two to set up a fence, put in a post , labu biru, sakal i 2. light , shining , sunshine , brilliance , sunny weather; 4. a fortification of logs set lala, lalana up labua tr. of la shine upon , lafia a blow , hit kwa i la brightness 111

labungai to set up , erect , laefi tr. of lae to summon to labunga inia a feast or war , laefia labu Gnu a form of divination laela a herald , proclaimer of news lada 1. to go into , as a bone lalaea making an oration into flesh , lada i laona 5. to cohabit , tr. and intr. , I adaf i tr. of I ada to enter , laelae pierce , ladafia laea wane sodomy , nia adea ladanga i enter , pierce, laea wane ladangainia 6. sp . bird, wagt ail = kidukidu 2. the flower of the nga Ii lae nut 7. a lump on elbow or knee 3. to flower , of the nga Ii laefa 1. a pole to climb a tree, 4. to push , shove log to cross a river , bridge , 5. to struggle under a load ladder 6. to wriggle , be cont orted, 2. gangway , ferry , wharf ; convul sed , of body lalaefa 7. death struggle lae ni mate liquid in bamboo ladalada lada 5,6 kaolae 8. to fall down , prostrate , lafalafa I ada fiH i a mana spotted calico, cf. kekedea small spots or marks 9. stones used for cooking food lafe 1. praise , sing praises of, cf. lae 3,4; lafea lade 1. = I ada 2; I ade wane 2. to show off , give oneself male flower airs 2. bran ching coral , ladelade baelafe to praise , baelafea 3 • . deep wat er inside reef , lafela praising , lafel ana lade ma i, lade la ma i = laf ela pride , boasting rereto lafetai ' to praise aloud , lafetai I ingega 4. small stones of ovens lafi 1. to pull , draw , draw a lado 1. to join , connect , add tooth , pull a string , lafia a port ion to, kan i lado , ladoa 2. to drag , pull up , cf. lafu 2. a contact , join 3. to drag in singing ladol a a join , joint 4. to give birth to, woman or 3. to pass on news , I adoa , anima ls , lafi wela ladolado ; farongoa ladolado , lado kou , 'uria ta'o ko ladoa 5. to lay an egg ladoa continuous lafu 1. to draw out , as shell 4. a firestick = donga money from a bag , lafua 2. to pull out , pull up , as lae 1. to go or come , lae ma i, weeds , lafua lae al ial i ma i lafugwalu to pull up anchor 2. to run , race ; lae fafia to run after 3. to remove , take away , deliver , lafua 3. to run round dancers shout ing lafutai lift up and thrust away , lafutainia 4. to make an oration , pro­ claim news , preach (modern ) 112

4. to lift up , lafua lagua spoil , loot 5. to be worn out , old , lafu 2. to divide up and take a dead i do man's belongings , lagua lafue maku old clothes 1agu1agu to put things together lafu mou completely finished , hastily , gather up anyhow , in done for a hurry 6. to be ignorant , only used in tr. 1agwa 1. sp . fern , braken fern lafusi I. tr. of lafu be lagwa ba la sp. with long ignorant of , not know , nau leaves growing in dry places ku lafusia 2. to forget , 2. a spider , cf. gar o also lavus i 3. spider web lafus ila his ignorance or forgetfulness, na lafusilana 1agwabu very heavy rain

1afu1afu to throb , as a boil = 1ai 1. verbal sUffix mangomango 2. sp bird , fantail, cf. 1 ae 1aga 1. to work hard = langga 3. to lie horozontal ; sato 2. to leap and play , as kwailai near sunset porpoises , bonito = langga 1a'i have sexual contact , co­ laga e sau school of porpoises hab it , cf. lae or bonito 3. a long bamb oo vessel lake 1. tail of a fish, 1 akena 4. surprised , wane laga man 2. cross handle of a paddle , startled in sham eful act lalake lagatai I. to start with sur- 1akeno a pudding of taro and pri se or shame , lagatainia grated coconut 2. to shudder , have one's teeth on edge 1akwa 1. = lagwa I. sp. large 5. to throw down , throw away ; yellow spider and large web laga 'ania 2. scum , film on sea, lakwa 6. to poke duru lagan i tr. of laga to poke 3. qu ickly out joints (gwougwou) in a lakwa l akwa quick bamboo ; to make a drinking lakwa l akwa qu ickly vessel lagan ia lakwa lakwas i to be too qu ick lagan ia with joints poked out for , not wait for , lakwa­ (pass . ) lakwas ia 1 akwa tai 1. be surpri sed by , 1ago sticky, viscous , pasty as startled at , lakwa tainia badly cooked bread , to stick 2. to do prematurely , pre­ in a hole mature lago l ago sticking 4. pains in joints , arthritis

1agotai 1. to throw the body 1akwa asuasu small sp. of spider ab out , lagota inia 1akwadora to trip , stumble 2. to dandle a baby , lagotai­ n i a 1akwafi 1. twisted rope = angofi 1agu 1. to carry off as spoil, 2. bowstring cf. 1 au 113

1akwa utauta to work imper­ 3. more or less open country fectly , roughly behind the shore

1a1a 1. to tie up four legs of 1alanga 1. dry , cf. ateate , a pig fikoa; lalangala dryness , lalangalana 2. to swell , of penis 2. to be without coconut cream, 3. to erect penis , lala of puddings 1a1a openly ; gwou ru lala sit 3. un leavened, of bread with others lalanga on credit , ngal ila nga 110 lalanga thirsty 1a1aa' ia'i tightly , lafi I a I aa' i a' i lalangania good

1a1aba = laba I. lalao to run 1a1aba 1. play , romp , playing 1alato sp . tree , Xy ZoaarpU8 the fool granatum 2. time about sunset 1a1i root , small root s, I a I ina, 1a1abata = labata cf. kobe 'ai lal i 'aia with many roots , full 1a1ae to make a speech as a of roots , as ground chief (walking back and lal ina salo iron forth) lal ifu I. tap root 2. deeply rooted, strong , firm 3. bot­ 1a1aefa = laefa tom; fou lal ifG solid rock 4. bottom part of a post 1a1afa small , rough oval coconut leaf basket 1alikwate to make an orat ion 1a1afi to pull , lafi lalo 1. within , i lalo lalago to cling , sticky, lago ; 2. the cent re , middle , as of a also lalako garden , lalona ; central , inner i lalo (lower part 'aena , top lalagua booty , loot , lagu gwouna) 3. inner room , yard , court , 1alakwa to be unwilling to do , enclosed space lazy ab out � non i 'e'ela 4. between two things , not one lalakwabusu very lazy or the other (e.g. between black and white) lalakwatai to reject , refuse , lalona fe ra shore side of is­ lalakwata inia land wa l lalo a bag with strings lalali artery , vein , tendon , sinew , lalal ina laloi tr. of lalo to pity , laloia 1alamoa 1. person killed by lalol la pitying , being pitied, violence laloilana 2. corpse of murdered man kwaifalaloi to pity kwaifalaloia pity la1ano 1. small scrub (not big trees growing up ) lama 1. a pool at low tide in the reef 2. a place where there are no big trees 2. a flock of birds , lama e manu 114

3. herd of pigs or dogs e langi 'ana there is none e langl 'ana 'oe apart from you 4. property in birds , lama i lang i aeku e manu , cf. amu , as i, fere, kunu, Ui Ui if my leg lango were not bad ; 'oe '0 langi '0 si doria you won 't like it 5. to cut down at one stroke e langi ku si lea I won 't go e langi lau e langi lamas i tr. of lama 5, lamas ia no more ; si langi lau lamas ia cut down (pass .) without doubt ka langi I. don't 2. or if 6. to flame , flare up not = langi til lamalama lang i i do nothing ; nau lang i i do I have nothing 7. to pay back , revenge , take lang i I doa lacking = ore a life for a life langi '0 si angi you mu st not lamas i tr. of lama 7; nia cry lamas ia maelana wela'oe he langi til or langita •.•la ng ita revenged your child' s death neither ..•nor lan gi 'asiana nothing , none at lama a taro garden for a woman all , none , no one ; e langi in seclusion 'asiana ta 'ai 'ada not one of them lame 1. to sharpen , cut sharp , lan gila nothingness , negative lamea quality , lan gila na lan gila negat ive , negation , 2. to spawn , of crabs denial ; fe lan gila 3. eggs of crab s (galo prawns , ma lang i or not , in qu estion bi la of fish) te fe dan i s i lang i continually 2. lamea with eggs to be lost lang ia lang ia na 4. sp. of tree , Pithaca Zobrum lost ; 3. up , above ; l ang i lami = lame 2,3 4. high , tall lamoa sp. of bird , dove , fe fae langi house raised on piles I amoa ; I amua langia 1. a pestle lamulamua fierce and wild , of 2. man or animal , cf. labu sp . of tree lango 1. lamusi to walk with long strides withered, as yam vine when mature lana suffix to nouns of 2. a fly , a mosquito, cf. kuku­ relationship; ro wa ikolana lango grandfather and grandchild , langobulu ro wa itelana mother and child common fly , blue-bottle 3. pack , herd , of dogs , pigs , langa 1. dry lalanga I ango e ku i, boso 2. a debt 4. property in dogs , cats , any lango fa t i langa pay a debt animal except a pig, ku i langa on credit ; nga I i I anga lao 1. Conus buy on credit a shell , any sp . 2. decorations of conus shells , langi 1. no, not ; or e langi it round plates is not so; e lang i nau ku lea 3. ornament worn by ota on top I am not going of head , a round shell disk si can be added; nia langi si sai tamana he doesn 't know it 4. a canoe decorated with conus shell 115

5 • in I 1 a 0, 1 a 0 n a;' 1 a 0 dan I 4. again , also , afresh lao rodo by day by night lau go and also 6. am ongst ; lao gamu am ongst ta do lau another one you 5. whole , entire , complete, all ; Su I lao name of channel be­ bae fTfT laulau whole law; tween Big and Little Mala , laulau = loulou Maramasike sinal i laulau full moon 6. lasi 1. to cut with a knife , qu ick sharpen a stick , lasla laulau qu ickly ; laulau! hurry l 2. a nettle , gwal last 7. to make a nest or lair , of bird or crocodile , 1 aua , 1 au 3. altar outside beu abu where nu l chiefs and priests foregathered 8. to decorate , adorn 4. to interrupt , talk out of turn ; nla lasl , '0 51 last laung l tr. of lau 8, laungla laung la 1. adorned (pass .) 1 as I! don 't interrupt I 2. bodily ornaments 1 aung I d I ana well dressed lasu penis (foreskin ngoungou , laungl ta ill dressed inner part dul I), lasuna 9. to cross over , cross water lata 1. a nut ; late nlu a coco­ or a log nut ; late do laungl tr. of lau 9, laungla lata ekwe pale coloured nut laua shore grass = loua 2. skull, latana , lata I gwou lau baea take blame on oneself lato 1. testicles , latona for another 's fault 2. male of pig , dog or rat lau buta to spread over , of grass lato oga swollen testicles ; bebes l lato hold a club in laufi sp . mollusc, Turbo pethotatu8 crotch , squatting on ground (Ivens ) lausi sp. tree , leaves used for rheumatism, Ce tti8 Nymanii Lau 1. name of peoples of art i­ ficial islands of Taetagoon , N.E. Mala , also Lou lautai 1. twist and roll ab out , lautalnla non lna 2. north , open sea to the north, or lou 2. sp. crab , claws used for bait fanua I au 1 region of Lau lautasi loot speakers , Ata to Walulu Island Ie 1. to go ; Ie I sara , I fera; 3. to snatch , seize , carry off nau gu Ie I am going , cf. lago, by force , kidnap , laua lea, leka 1 aua seized (pass.) 2. if; ma Ie I langl nau gu fl laungal to grapple with , kedea and if not I will write laungalnla wrestle , 3. until; Ie ke dao till he laus l lau sla to compel , come , lele lausla forced (pass .) bae lausl 4. 1 e I ma I shellfish at low lauagalo to exorcise a tide ghost lau ano e do fish for souls lea 1. to go , come ; lelea after death lea to go on a journey ; nau gu lea 116

leafai bring ; nia leafai oa 1edi to question , ask , ledia brought them ledlla a question leafi tr. of lea 1. to move the bowels 2. to summon to ledifeto to tire , weary with a feast = laefi questions or talk , ledifetoa leala moving , lealana ledi 'uri to ask ab out , ledi leali 1. a journey 2. a her­ 'uria ald = laela soe ledl enquire about ki leala qu ick sound of paddles on gunwale of canoe 1egu 1. a leaf cup ki laelll 2. to make a leaf cup , legua lea'ana bu i ra go backwar ds lea fa i bring , go with; nia e leka to go (hill word , rarely fa ida siana he brought them used) ; lek a'al i'al i! hurryl , to him cf. lae, lea lea i suli to follow lea kas ito to hop lekuleku to flap , of a sail lea ke 'oke'o to ramble lea kwa lekwa lea go in file lekwesi brim ; lekwesi 'ana titiu lea lau goodbye , said to someone leaving lelefe roughly woven coc onut lea lid ul idu to crawl leaf plate = karao lea ni go for ; lea ni sisiu go for a swim , etc . lelegu kafa lelegu large comb lea nininia go sideways decorated with red and yellow lea rabi walk in line plaiting lea tekwa walk with long strides leleko sp . fish , dark , tough lea'uri go for , get , fetch, flesh lea'uria lelelea go on and on 1elenge 1. giddy; gwou lelenge 2. if ; lea ka ba ita if it is 2. qu ite empty of water big; lelea'o do dor ia if you wi sh le1eo sp . of sea snake 3. until; lea ka ma i na until lelete skull, lel etena he has come 4. when ; lea i'initona rodo leleutai sleepy , cf. maleu when it was midnight , lelea ka sui when it is finished leo speech; but only in names in genealogies 5. good ; fangalea share food ; generous (not only in food) leto 1. sp. fish with tough , brown flesh , coarse eating 1ebe 1. to shiver , shake 2. an old bachelor 2. to be weak , tremble lebel ebe shiver , shake , Ii 1. genitive preposition con­ tremble with weakness, lel ebe necting two nouns , written as lebeleb ela shivering , trembl­ part of the word , gwaul iwane ing elder , ma l imaea enemy , ma l itakwa lebes i cause to tremble , as a 2. tr. suffix to verbs , mae , ghose causes rod to tremble mae 1 i in divination , lebes ia 1 ebeta i cause to shake , Ii to make ornaments with shell lebetainia money beads , ITa lelebela ague , lelebeta 3. tail of fi sh , lebena, 1ia 1. to change appearance, in lelebe colour or from wearing different 117

clothes or beard or hat ligiligi kidneys , Ilgll lglna 2. to change in appearance ligiligia mae IlgI IIgia like a chameleon and some fish bruised ; a bruise or stripe fr om beating 3. to change nature , a throw­ back in plant s liki - I1g1 1 and 2 lla unrecognisable llklsl - I1gls1 Ilkltal - Ilgltal 4. the neck , lla na - lua, bu rl 1 lana nape of neck likotai hastily , hurriedly lialia all about , around , ada 1 I a 1 I a likwa a hole , cavity in a tree lili 1. to change direction , of liba llba'oko the sling for wind carrying a load on the back 'okola, 'oko re reba 2. to one side , from side to side ; gwau I II i head on one side libilibi to drum for a dance 3. to turn to one side ; 1 Ilia ola turn canoe lidu 1. to crawl on hands and knees 111 leba change sail, tack 2. a cripple 4. side posts , I il Ina, 11 I Ina ma 3. to come , go , 1 Idu ma l, kou 5. to taboo , 1111'us l, 1111'usla n I u 1 Idul Idu crawl 6. to squint lifo 1. a tooth, 1 I fona lilia sp. hardwood used for spears lif o bu protruding teeth My rtu8 lifo kwanu toothless and axe handles , sp . llfona kwanga meteorite lilibou stones round oven glrlglrl lifo gnash teeth; nglnglt a lifo lilifa food for dancers ; 1 I I ' au te gwe lifo one tooth; garo­ mo ta molar tooth lilima the side , II I imana tala = 2. a tusk nlnima

3. porpoise tooth used as lilingea hurtful , poisonous , of money , lifo I'a food ta fu 1 I 1 I fo ten porpoise teeth lilingi giddy from too much betel chewing

lifotangi sp. fish = fa 'au lilio ten , of breadfruit lifu 1. place , ct. fu l la, fu l I lilita very lazy , cf. 1 Ita 2. matter , affair, sl llfu 3. to travel along the coast liliu to go for a walk by sea or land liliufi to traverse , go through , ligi 1. �p . redwood , also llkl tr. of 1 II I u and 1 Inggl , Pteroaarpu8 indiau8 lima 1. five 2. to pour by inclining a vessel , pour into = klkl , likl I I mana fifth I1gls1 tr. of Ilgl , Ilglsla 2. to kill, lima Ilglsla split Ilgital to spill , capsize , linge sound, voice , Iingena Ilgltalnia ngatala 118

lio 1. heart , mind , soul , 5. about , around ; ada 110 look desire , wish, Ilona ; soe ledl ab out , in all directions ; Ilo na ask what he want s 1101 10 - Iialia 10 sad , 110 dl la I bokonu lisi to cut short , cut finger­ 110 dada slow in the uptake , nails , Ilsla, cf. furl , kware, stupid ole, masl, slglll 110 diana sincere ; 110 dlanala favour , graciousness , ada 'aena Iisl horizon tona 110 dlanala found fav­ dara IIs I I. to shave hair off our brow and forehead 2. to saw, 110 fTa anguish , mental pain cut off smoothly (not hack off) ITo gwagwa rla calm , comforted, at peace lisu knob of wood on bottom of 110 kal I wise canoe on which lusu rests 110 kwall lu astounded , stun­ ned lita 1. to alter a path , I Ita, Ilo lago.1 ago without appetite , cf. I I a I lone lagol ago 2. to alter name of person or 110 lalanga thirsty thing after a man's death I 10 m�be peaceable , qu iet , meek 3. to be unwi lling to do or help , 110 mae stupid, with no sense unhelpful with , lazy at , I Ita; 110 maelalanga thirsty III Ita very lazy 110 momonga nauseated 4. waist , Iitana 110 nl oea impure thoughts I Io n I saunga I steadfast lite do belt of the ota in I 10 rodoa sad; I lone rodoa ceremonies 110 rorodoa ignorant , pu zzled lit e 'obi dyed cane belt round 110 sasaul la pure minded, a girl's waist I lone sasaul la 110 sasu angry lite pupa of lice in the hair 110 SI hoarse, cf. leo 110 teof l cherish a grudge liu 1. to go , pass by, move about against , Iione teofl 2. to endure , not give up , go on 110 to wise when tired 110 tol l I. calm , soothed, comforted 2. dismayed (Ivens ) I I uf I tr. of I I u I. to come 110 tol la comfort upon , come across a person , 110 tora wis dom Ilufia 2. to visit a place , ro S I I 10 undecided , double­ traverse a region , go through , minded Ilufia 3. to go beyond, excel , te sl 110 to decide , make up win , overcome , Ilufia one 's mind I II lu go for a walk , stroll 2. voice , cf. leo; only in com­ about pounds Ilu ala tekwa for a long time 110 SI to be hoarse . yet 110 ugulu to mutter , mumble Ilu 'ana to go past I iu donga to go all the way 3. to see Ilu Ila ngi to squint 110 ba lta to look hard at , Ilu na kademangana long past stare = ada ba lta the time I 10 f I 10 I. to examine , I 10 Ilu tafa di arrhoea f I loa 2. to recognise, I 10 I iuto to meet in travel, liu f I loa tona 4. to hang , strangle , Iloa liu fai cause to go elsewhere Ilufltal to pass by and leave Iiola hanging, llolana (doub le 8uffix ) Ilufltainla 119

I iulana near by , in the re­ 2. to tie up a pig safu gion of , liulana asi 3. Iiunga i to take in passing , hang down I iungainia lobol obo hanging down , 'aba I iuta i I. to pass over , pass lobolobo , lobong ia by and leave , I iutainia 2. to knock over in passing , lodede 1. to crackle , of fire I iutainia 3. to carry ab out , 2. to crash , of falling tree liutainia fungu I iufia fu ll and over­ [lodo carve (Ivens , in Saa Dict. )] flowing gen i to Iiu spinster lofa coconut oil sinal i ka I iu moon in dark phase lofo 1. to jump talo liu famous 2. to fly wane to liu bachelor lofo fafi to fly with 3. to go beyond , excessive , to I ofo i tr. of lofo I. to pounce exceed on , as a cat on a bird , lofoia I iula an epidemi c 2. to assault , attack , lofoia I iulana excessive lofol ofo flying ; ba ru lofo l ofo aeroplane ; lolofo 'inito I iu high maj esty lofotai to carry off , carry ka tasa liu excessive , better away , of the wind, lofotainia than , farther than mae liu lana very low tide 3. sp . of tree with red fruit tolo I iu very high hills , 4. flat on top of a hill , brow , mount ains lofona 4. very ; diana liu best 5. underside , of boot , shirt , loincloth , basin, lofona 10 there , cf. logi , logo , loko ; so Ivens , but logo, loko may 6. palm of hand , sole of foot , be for lago, lako lofona 7. backbone ; ribs of pork , lofona 10 1. a boil , ab scess 8. front of body ; outer part of 2. to avoid somewhere where belly in dividing pork , lofona you have had an acc ident , avoid someone , loa 9. in the neighbourhood of, environs loa names of months 10. over against , opposite ; loa gwari cool month i lofona fe ra opposite the loa tete r e January village lofona fera rear of village loba a crowd of warrior 's lofona sale concave expanse of besieging a place sky loba sp . of red fish logaloga deep blue , purple lobi to draw towards one , as a loge to grab (Ivens ) branch with fruit , lobia = gogos i logeloge to writhe lobo 1. a pool in the reef, or logo 1. to be narrow , of path or in a river, a pond = lama , house namu 2. to be contracted, as between lobong i tr. of lobo to dam a handle and blade of club stream and make a bathing pool , lobong ia 3. to huddle up with cold 120

4. to collect , bring together, 1010bubuta 1. a large fierce fire logoa , cf. figu, kon i 2. a scraggy beard

5. there = loko ; bal i logo the farther side 1010butabuta to champ food

6. next = i lea go ' ( MN frequent­ 1010 eba pull up sail ; lolosi eba ly uses words meaning 'go' to express 'over there ' ) 1010gata to wriggle

10gosi to reduce in price, 1010gosi to hang down , be bent logos ia, lokos i cf. down , as branch overladen with logos ia reduce in price (pass .) fruit

10i 1. a carpet snake 101ogotai to struggle , as a fish in a net , or a captive 2. to bend a branch with a loia stick in getting nuts, 10101i 1. mangrove roots , bending 3. to pull rafters onto the roots of trees , aerial roots ( roof with a rope they are tied 2. a curve in pairs ) , loia

10i bu r i name of month: 101010 1. bend February-March 2. rubbish loi nao name of month : January-February 3. crossbeam of house ; 101010 loi gwouna a sp. of fish 'ana beu

10ke sp . of large eel ; smaller 10101ua necklace of 1000 porpoise than ii teeth for a bride

10ko 1. a logo , over there i se 1010mai to immerse , dip , insert loko into, lolomainia 2. a small yam for planting 1010si 1. a sponge 3. to talk , discuss , consider , 2. to fish with a net = de la tr. and intr. lokoa lolosi ang iang ia burst into tears 10kosi to bend, incline , lokos la 1010u reverberate , resound; 10ko sua the corner of a house loloula reverberating , loloulana

lola to choke ; to be drowned 10mu 1. to pound; lomu memea pound small 1010 1. small sticks , leaves , 2. blunt ; to lomu bits of dirt , bits of tobacco , shavings of pencil , ga la 1010 10si 1. to wring , squeeze , milk 2. small scrub a cow; kau losila na milking cow; losla or li5sia 3. a swamp ; fa kana 1010 edge of swamp losila squeezing , being squeezed 4. a sp. of ant 2. a sponge , or losi 5. to bend; 101010 bend 3. a plant which fruits in N.W. season , asparagus-like , eaten lolosi tr. of 1010 5, bend down a tree or man ; lolosia - gogos i 10ta 1. to egg on , urge , Iota 6. bou seasoned, timber , 1010 2. to express contempt for , belittle ( Ivens ) , cf. loto 1010a thick shell armlet , the sharp cutting edge used in fighting at 10to 1. to treat an important close quarters 121

person as an equal ; nia lotoa 6. excl. of surprise Bishop lua 1. 2. to suck up moisture , as a space outside a house , luana beu sponge , let moisture seep in 2. luana loto asi to leak , of a �ew the neck , canoe , water seeping in 'aena lua front of neck bui ra lua 3. to rinse in water , as back of neck lua fero dishes ; soak in water , as sore throat clothes to be washed, or food 3. high tide lotof i tr. of loto to suck 4. unusually heavy sea, big up , soak in water lotof ia waves lotof ia soaked (pass.) lua ba ita full tide , big wave lotoloto soak in water lua kwakwa lala spring tide , very high tides lou to bend, to double over ; lua ngado full tide lolou loua a bay lea'ana 'aba ' aba going out , louma double , loume do si 'aba ' aba e tau slowly loumi tr. of lou to bend ebbing loumia bent (pass .) lua rodo spring tide (mai louna 'aba armp it rodo neaptide ) louna' ae kneepit nanae lua coming in 5. to flow in , of tide loufia thunder , cf. ki lla luafi tr. of lua, to flow over , loulou 1. whole = laulua; week luafia loulou entire week lualua breakers lua ni odu a big swell 2. sp. small shrub with white lulua to flow flowers , used as a broom lulua rough , of sea 3. land gastropod 6. ( see examples ) lousu length of thumb luanga i to throw away a lot of things , luangainia lu the contraction of olu 3, I uanga i fou 'ana stone a person used with trial pronouns , dalu, ( Ivens ) etc. I ubas i tr. of I uba I. to loose , draw away 2. to divorce a lu 1. coils of intestines , cf. wife , lubas ia lou lubas ia divorced (pass .) 2. instep; lula, lulana luda 1. to carry in a canoe , lulana 'aba inner bend of carry as cargo arm = luta 2. to load a canoe or ship lulana kakau knuckles lulana tala cross road ; branch 3. plentifully , of a coconut road ruana tala fungu I uda 3. to carry away one 's be­ 4. a coconut loaded with fruit longings luda cargo , salungainia luda 4. to remove one 's habitation unload cargo ; luluda ludai luda i nia ua carry cargo ; I a removal to another place ludal anga nau kafi I a lulana blame , debt ; ii I removing , moving , to luda l anga fafoga fuana lu fas i baea an argument 5. to barter one thing for Iii fas i omea a fight another , luda 5. to be in flood 122

luda lalo to go betwe en two I ukes i tr. of luke people luke la loosing , allowing ; e lang l lukelana not allowed ludangai ni ere set stone to luke Ini allow , let go , luke i n i a ; strike fire from luke 'ani ,lu ke 'ania luelue coconut basket with luku 1. to wrinkle , crinkle , cf. handle , like koko but smaller lugu , nuku 2. faded , of leaves, etc. lufa reject , let go , reject bad money , lufa 3. lean , of meat bae lufa reject 4. kept too long , of food 5. to bend the arm lufi pouch of marsupial , lufina 6. to warp lufu lop off 7. to be slack , of a rope , cf. lufusi tr. of lufu 1. lop off kakasa branches , strip 2. to let luk ula down a sail, strike sail 3. wrinkling , warping , lukulana to deprive a man of rank , lukula = nukuta degrade a wrinkle lukluku I. wrinkled 2. slack lugu 1. to warp , cf. luku , nuku of a rope lukumi tr. of luku to fold, as 2. a sickness in which a man's clothes , to rumple , lukumia body shrinks lukumia folded, rumpled (pass. ) lui 1. to forbid, to taboo , luia; lukungi luku lui fafi , nia lui fafi nau fuana tr. of to fold , lukungia falelana he forbade me to give it 1u1a 1. poles in canoe for seat 2. to take away rests 3. to re fuse, deny what is 2. an outrigger asked for 3. to fill a vessel , bOX , etc. 4. to command; lui fafi . lui with anything , fill a pipe fafi nau 'uri eri ku ka to masia lula to be abundant , mult iply ; filled, bibiala lula filled luila a taboo , refusal pipe lui agalo to take away pro­ lulafi tr. of lula 3. spread tection of aga lo so as to over , overwhelm , grow over kill the man lulu 1. to be damp , clothes , hair , luka 1. sp . of hard yam feet 2. to leave , let alon� 2. to curl 3. to loose , untie 3. to assemble together , throng , lukasi tr. of luka to leave , crowded; gera lulu fafla let go = lugas i 4. a crowd , flock; lulu I wane lukas ia let go (pass .) lukatai I. to give up , let 5. coarse grass and weeds go , lukatainia 2. allow , 6. a sp . of mollusc lukatainia 3. loosed, re­ mitted 4. well , not sick 7. to heal a sick man by charms (arua ) ,lulua luke = luka : lukea release, let 8. to bark in unison , of dogs , go , untie , loose; manata luke lulu kon i forg ive (modern ) 9. to search for , lulu'uria 123

lulu 1. du ll of hearing , cf. M bani , bokoi ; 'al ingana lulu 2. a ground orchid rna 1. and, but , or ; ma langi or not . At end of sentence or lulua 1. basket of coconut leaf phrase, it means so and so , etc.; with handle = luelue; lulue manu ma birds and so on 2. a breaker, cf. lua ma ta but lulua rough , of the sea 2. noun forming sUffix from verbs ; I II ima side , maoma dance luluge yellow and black grass armlet , or all black 3. prefix , originally verbal ; forms verbs , adj ective s and luluka 1. yaws in adult ; sometimes nouns : maroto qu iet , kakamoa in children masubu to grow, matai to be ill, matanga the midd le . Also forms 2. = luluge past participles passive , mabota broken , and expresses a state or lulurnu moss , lichen , growth on condition , madila slippery a ship 's keel 4. prefix of reciproci ty ro ma lurna 1. a family house , house kwaena (Ivens ); ro ma I kwaena for married people , cf. beu ; probably lalo inner room ; nare, raudoa , suangia out er roo m rna 1. prefix forming adjectives 2. luma ano foundat ions of a eye , face , ap erture , mesh house 3. door , porch , gate , mouth luma eba a tent ; luma ni ta i I a 4. point , edge , spout of a jug (the part that does the work : 2. an internal organ of the point of pen , edge of knife) ; body (aorta? ) gwou point of knife 5. bo w of a ship lUrni to crouch to spring as a cat, cf. lu; lumia crouch at , 6. operculum of a mollusc towards 7. hand , wrist , mana'aba , ef. ma 4. lurnu 1. moss, growth on tree , lichen , weeds on keel ; lumu­ 8. time , season ; rna I lea'ada lumu the time of their going 2. stones for oven , gwa l lumu 9. scrap of food , ma n I fanga

3. to hamme r = gumul l, lumu a 10 . outside , i rna 11. because of , in return for , lusu 1. thwart of canoe , curved I mana like U, cf. lis u 12. to eye , to stare at , nia ma 2 • ribs ma l tr. of ma 12, ma la to stare 3. ribs of pork at 4. first fruits, gwa lusu aba ma i takwa landing place on art i­ ficial island, opening luta a bend rnaI a I. tr. of ma 12; ma I a I. to lutana' aba inner bend of elbow , stare at , look at 2. to wait cf. I u 2. for m� la 2. staring lutana 'ae inner bend of knee m�nl tr. of ma 12; man ia 1. to watch , look at 2. to imitat e someone who can do a thing well 124

mas l tr. of ma 12, to wait 2. broken open , of egg when for , ma sia, cf. makw al i chicken comes out 13. one , a ( a unit ) , usually 3. rough and choppy , of sea mae ; si ma ni do maboto saucer-eyed, round-eyed 14 . father , vocative form of maka mabubu careless , lazy , not help­ ma 'ae father! mama fu l ma rua father's brother oi ma 'ae excZ. of regret or mabulobu10 reversed, cf. bulo surprise, astonishment mabusa 15. and , in count ing , one more sp. of tree with blue eta ma rua flowers = raba madakwa to madakwa ma 'a 1. bright green light , but stand out of the light , stand 2. raw , unripe away , cf . to fol a with same meaning ma 'ai beaut iful ; wane ma 'ai madakwa la I. shining 2. well ma 'ala rawness, ma 'alana lighted, of a room mada1aba maalingai sleepy red hot oven , wood burnt down maangiangi crying , tears in mada1anga eyes open , not shut in , gula madalanga maasia shame madama the moon mabala sp. bivalve mollusc , Tridacna madami 1. to feel, perceive , madamia mabala ineffectual ; rao mabala 2. to be anxious , have a sense of enemy present , madamia mabe 1. soft , easy , pliable madara madarana mabela quietness , mabelana forehead , 2. willing , obedi�nt , peaceful madaso sp . mollusc 3. effectual at all kinds of m�diana 1. work , expert beaut iful 2. mad iana 4. smooth , shining , as glass to look carefully , 'ana or flint mad ian ala beauty mabea gentleness, willingness , expert knowledge or ability madiko split across, cf. diko mabesi tr. of mabe I. willing at , tactful in , careful of, madikwa broken , cf. dikwa mabes ia 2. to take care of, mabes ia 3. to tame , mabes ia madila slippery , cf. dila mabibi eyes heavy with sleep madiu different , other, another, diu mabibila sleepiness cf. mad i ua excl. of surprise, scorn , mabila musty wonder mad lula different time maboko born blind madomu boy and girl twins ; ro 'iu mabota 1. broken , smashed , cf. madomu bota 125

ma-d�-na 1. or mae sifol ia death from being 2. so and so (of male) ; ma-ni­ touched by a rainbow , cf. do-na of female mae 9. mae sulufol0 an ac cident mae 1. to be without motion , maetarafia sudden death from still vomiting on approach of a rainbow , cf. mae 9. 2. to be unco nscious , numb , 'afe mae woman dy ing in child­ paralysed birth , changeling ghost caus­ 3. to faint ing paralysis fataimaea omen of death or 4. to die ; also mamae di saster 5. to stop , of a clock ; go out , ful i maea demonstrations of of a light joy at death of a chief (to forestall his enemies re­ 6. to be eclipsed, of sun or joicing) moon non i mae paralysis 7. to be tired out , weak , very omaea mourning after death ill , ready for rest 8. war maea death , sickness agal i mae 1. ghost of war mae 1 a 1. danger , mae 1 ana 2. something huge , strange , 2. dy ing, death , maelana ominous ; agal i mae na faka 3. death feast , mae la aini mae death songs , war songs , mae la accident = mamaela ghosts of war , weapons mae 1 i 1. to kill, cause death , bas i ni mae war bow tr. of mae ; mae 1 if i 01 oa die dO mae revenge , life for life of hunger 2. long for tau mae war bow mael i bibial a 'dying for a fu l aaro smoke ' 9. a rainbow , cf. mae l idami longing for betel 10. a noun prefix before objects nut , and many more such covered by the meanings of ma words ( mae ) ; pointed, edg ed, rounded, kwa ima el i killing , hit and front , times, seasons , etc. The kill ; kwa i hit following are examples of its use , mae l igwou thirst use , but it is impossible to maelila cause of death , classify consistently . mae l i lana maemaefa an epidemic 1. tools , one of a series or maemae la an accident class: maes i tr. of mae die of , maefinau a hook maes ia maefote a paddle maes ila dy ing of, maesi lana mae ' i 1 a adze , knife maeta 1. an accident , also mae iroma an axe maemaeta 2. feast aft er mae kikidu bit and brace death maeu iui a chisel mae efoe fo dy ing of hunger 2. round objects and times : mae fua die and be lost to maedami one , as a pet , mae fuana limestick maedara madara mae funu die outright forehead , or maelonga one who dies sud­ maedan i a day denly, e 10nga mangona maefera village , town maefofota mamae to die a large bag maefou a dark heavy rock mae mou ri to faint mae fu ra i a net maemu enmity , state of war , maefuta a nail person excommunicate from maegalogal0 time just before having killed someone daybreak maen iula enmity , as two dogs maegano clearing , no trees fight ing 126

maei 'a a fish maemaea powdered , in small parti­ maekafo a pool cles , broken up fine maekekede a pen maekiki riboa pool made by a mafa 1. to remove spiritual power , dam desecrate , mafa maeki lu a well 2. to curse maekumu an anvil maelobo a pool in the reef mafafo a covering maemamago a swamp maemunomuno a spot , of ink , mafa1u to conceive a child etc . maenanagi stone for pounding mafana to wat ch for bonito nuts maeone grain of sand mafera village = maefera maeotota a stick mae rodo a night , darkness mafo to be healed maesaga I. a gateway 2. a step 3. a stile mafo I ki lu incurable maesua a spear maetafa an opening in the maf� a new chum ; 'ai mafo , wane reef mafo maeu ra I. a crayfish 2. a hole in the sand mafol! beautiful maewa I a bag mafu 1. to close the eyes 3. marks or wounds : 2. to blindfold , mafua maeal afono blow from alafono club mafula sleepy maebaekwa woun d from shark 3. sp . of small red fish bite maedango I. blow from club mafulafula a spring of water 2. cut from a knife maedo mark from a blow mafule an evil spirit , smelt but maefa l i sting from a ray not seen maekikila cut from an axe maeku i bite from a dog mafusi maelifo wound from a bite fallen off , as a branch maenaisele cut from a knife maga 1. broken to bits , smashed , maesalo tuberculosis with split blood spitting maes isiau woun d from treading 2. to break , maga on a sharp shell maga la breaking magalana maesubi wound from subi club , 3. seed, magana , magana 'al 4. a sudden sound , with la suffix of verbal noun : magafugafu faint , of writing maeangi a cry maebula a step , in walking magali 1. white feathery clouds maegumula a blow of the fist in a full-moon sky mae lofola a jump 2. maeotola a poke sp. of small fish maetaba la a chop magaru to wink mae'uila a stroke of a chisel 11. re ciprocar prefix ( Ivens ) , magefa sp . of acacia, shoots cf. ma i eaten ; also mageva maelafu sp . of fish mage sp . of plant , seeds cause constipat ion maeloelo to doze, nod and fall asleep magu lu sleepy 127

magwari exalam. all right , any makwa1i to wait for , makw al la, time you like cf. mas i mai 1. ebb tide mala 1. the name of the whole island , Wa la in Lau , Mwa la in ma l bal ta three days neap the south tide s ma l ka ma l na tide is out ma l aba lta the central mass of the island 2. reef, dry reef malaita the north end , 'original 3. to ebb , ma l ka ma l Mala ', I ta original ma lato'ou the southern part mal buro 01 101 I very low at separated by Maramasike Strait 6 a.m. ma l llu lana very low tide , 2. to wound, harm out of malice ma l nl ii nl fa llsl ma la'ana ma lol la or aslol la two fishings ma la fal to persecute , ma la in one day fa lnla ma l rada low tide qui ckly mamala injure ma l rereba very low tide ma l ruruta rapid ebb 3. poor , inferior , wild , of trees , ma la'ad o'a, ma la ngal l, Ie I ma l shell fish at low etc. tide 4. to try and have no success , maka 1. father , maka nau fail; prefix to verbs and verbal noun s olu wa l makana father and sons wa l makana fathers mal abaela try to speak and fail malade fish and catch none 2. soon , of future , before ma lalabu la try to spear and verb mau maka lea, perhaps fa il ma + ka recently , of past malara ola ko maka rao bad work ma l a'ulla un successful bomb ing makafukafua early dawn , cf. 5. weak and ineffectual , poor in magafugafu quality ma laara weak trades makanu putrid ma lafa l lsi poor season ma l akoburu weak monsoon make ripe , of nut (kwaso of fruit) 6. depreaiatory prefix to verbs ; close in me aning to mala 7. make1e 1. to look for , under or ma ladalafa fail to do , forget round ab out makelea ma lafal I make a false step , try 2. to stare at , make lea and fail to walk mala' ItI 'It I cause suffering make lea looked at , admired , ma l aketa make a me ss , put things admirable , fine rao makelea all over the place ma lake tala trouble makeso weak ma l akwe make a fool of makesoa weakness mal al la 1. change for the worse in appearance , unsuitable , un­ maku cloth , clothes becoming 2. disguise ma l al lu go with di fficulty maku bobo ra light blue cloth ma l angare spoil in cooking tied round bride ma langlsl destroy , also malan glslla makubea decrepit ma laslo fa make poor ma lata spoil, malatal I makusu soft wet ground ma la 'ua despise , ma la'uana ma la uru scream in a passion 128

7. like , as , as it were , after malasai sp. tree , PZanahone ZZa sp. the manner of malatangai judge , mal atangainia mal afal i go very fast ( kwara 'ae: ma talangai) ma lafunu 1. take a long stride 2. a span , length of foot or malau 1. a deep hole , depths in extended fingers the sea ma laketa separate, divide malal iu overcome obstacles borona i malau bottom of a ma l asau a kingfish pit , in the depths ma l awela 1. behave like a child 2. to mock , ma lau'ana; malau'ana 2. be slow or late lana the mocking of him 8. as , ma la e diana fuamu as you wish ; ma la ba koro faorai su lia malaua 1. an island = auaua , bubunga , kokomu ; mama laua 9. long ago , ma la na; but not so long ago as , tau na kou 2. to grumble , grumbling , 1 io ni ma laua mala 1. sore, ulcer , having sores , ma la ka saru sore breaks out mala'uli sp. tree , PZeiogymum papuanum 2. wound, be wounded , alu ma la having a sore or wounds malawela destroy , cf. also ma la 7 3. to stare , ma malefo red shell money ; any money , mala 'afia sp. tree , Gyzygium native or foreign samarangensa kob i i ma lefo ten strings of red money malafelo sp . tree , Sahizomeria sp. te si mige ma l efo one disk of the money malafo to give a sign malafoa a mark sign , cf. faara; malenga a coconut ; si ma l enga also mama lafoa bit of coconut malaga cracked by sun maleu sleep ( hill word) malagona sp . tree, Buahanania maleua the day of preparat ion for saZomonensis ; also ma l akona a feast , the day before the feast malakwa dayspring ; ma l akwa i maleutai sleepy dani daybreak malifu sp. of fi sh, red in malakwai grey shell money colour , good eating malakwasi 1. tomorrow malifua a year 2. some time , soon malimaea enemy , mae malania rather , ba ita ma lania malisanga betel nut = 'ofa malanunu sp. tree , NeonauaZea malitakwa a landing place , cf. ma i takwa mala 'oe make a fool of, deceive , ma la'oea malo 1. a sea snake mala'oni only 2. sp. bush snake malasa 1. sp. leguminous creeper malu cool spot , ma luna kafo cool on the shore spot by a river

2. badly , not firmly , dau ma lasa malugu shout , ma lugu ma i come shout ing 129

ma1u1u 1. a hugh crowd , vast mamafua sp. hardwood , used for number , malulu I wane , I'a, 'ai, house posts klu mamafue sp. shrub , small pink 2. countless, innume rable flowers ma1uma a porch mamaga a broken bit , mamagana ma1uma1u dusk , saulafi ma lumalu mamago mud = mamanggo , mamako evening du sk mama goa muddy mama lu to cast a shadow mamagos l tr. of mamago , to make muddy ma1uta 1. way , custom, manner , ma l utana fashion , mamagu 1. to speak slightly of , 2. matter , bus iness , ma l utana disparage , bae mamagu 'anla 3. character , ma lutana 2. to loathe , despise , mamagu 'ana 4. ma lutana rule , law , mamagua shame , di shonour mama sp . freshwater fish mamako = mamago mama = ma , father (voc. ) mamakola muddy mama 'abua sea crab with scarlet mamakwa sp . tree with strong­ eyes scented leaves mamab i1a musty , stale , stagnant mamakwea a yawn , yawning = momokea mamada sp . of fish mama 1a 1. ill-treat , mama la fa lnla 2. to serve , mama la fuana mamadi1a slippery 3. a paring , slice , mama lana kal , mamae 1. a sore = mala bread , etc. 2. a small fragment , fine mama1a a1akwa medicine of cooked particles leaves for massage mamaea fine , broken up small mama lade sp . tree Alangium 3. gone down , of wind , mamae, javanicum oru mamae mama1a 'o'oni merely , only , solely mamae1a danger , sickness mama1e 1. itching , ticklish mamae1ade small blue jelly fish mamal on dead coral = kwalrabu , kwa igola 2. burning the tongue mamae 1ia 1. poi sonous , of food mama1i = mama le 1,2 or drink mama1ito sp. long narrow fish 2. dangerous to go near or with pointed wh ite snout touch 3. very taboo , wane mamael la mama10 1. to pant 2. to rest , have a spell mamaeta danger , sickness mama loa rest u nl mamaeta plague mama longai to rest a burden , mama longalnia mamafu 1. to blink the eyes 2. dazzled mama1u to cast a shadow 130

mamamu 1. sp. river fish , white­ mamasa 1. light work , not have bait much � o do , nau mamasa, raoa mamasa 2. bait , to entice fish with scraps of food 2. to be in doubt � manata rurua 3. to be in awe , afraid, going mamana 1. efficacious (of into a taboo place medicine ), spiritually or magically powe rful mamasaua soft , of cooked food 2. grow well , of trees osooso

3. be good , of news mamasi sweet , mamasla 4. be prosperous , lucky , in good health mamas oro to handle carefully , as something breakable , mamasoroa 5. be true , come true , be fu lfilled mamata smell , characteristic mamana to impart spiritual or odour , moko mamata 'ana i 'a magical power , mamana mamana spiritual or magical mamatai very ill power mamanala I. good health , good mamataila to feel fever coming luck , prosperity , success on , have a sense of illness , 2. truth feel out of sorts manata mamana to belive manata mamanala faith , belief mamatalea branching 6. truly , that is so , you are mamato to shoot straight right do mamana that 's true mamu 1. scraps of food thrown to fish to entice them , bait 7. business , mamana Inla his business 2. to entice , as fish with bait , or woman with love charm , mamanala I. business , mamana­ mamua lana his business 2. truly , really mamamu - mamu 1, 2 mamananga fertility mamula sp . fish = 'eda ' eda mamanga firmament , upper air, heaven = kwa llmanga mana used with numerals, 14 tal akwa la mana fa l mamani wait , ready , to maman l wait for an order or gift mana because, I mana

mamanu to float - manumanu manata 1. to think; thoughtful , careful , to man ata; manata 'urla mamaOa slippery , smooth , polished think about him 2. mind, will , understanding , mamaofi to yawn intention , manatana mamarakwa pale green , pale blue 3. sensible , understanding 4. qu iet , tame , civilised mamaroto 1. qu iet manata thought 2. mamarotoa to qu ieten, manata afu to have common sense , manata akele mamarufa sp . tree Gyzygium manata bal ta I. be suspicious deaipiena . aflo, asl rufa , cf. of , 'ana 2. respect , honour malafio, rufa manata burl to see one 's error 131

manata buro to forget manga 1. time , occasion , mangana, manata faekwa I. be un concern­ cf. mamanga , si manga the time ed about = tago faekwa 2. when , si kade manga , si manga careless , lazy uta what occasion manata fafi be forgetful 2. space manata fal i be anxious , worried manata i I. tl'. of manata, to mangaafa omen , portent , marvel remember , manatainia manatai la remembrance , mangata 1. the middle , mangatana , manataila na cf. ma tanga , matonga 2. to pity , be sorry , manatai 2. amongst , i mangatada nau pity me rnangeo sp. of sea snake manataila pity , mercy, sorrow mangi cracked (not come apart ) kwa imanatai to pity , be sorry , kwaimanatai mangisingisi broken in pieces 'asiana I'm very sorry manata ka I i to be wise mango 1. to breathe manatala disposition , nature , mangof i tl'. of mango , mangof i a of men , plants, animals , manatalana breathe up on mangola breathing , mangolana manata labuto be hopeful , mango la breathing optimistic manata luke remit , forgive 2. asthma , bronchitis manata mae have no sense , be 3. pulse , beat of heart , mangona stupid about , manata mae 'ana manata mamana accept as true , 4. fontanelle , rnangona believe 5. lungs = saeng isu manata mamanala belief 6. mangoedo, manatanga life , soul , spirit , thought mangona manata ngado trust, manata ngado i fafona 7. wind , breath manata ofu have common sense 8. mangola manata 01 i manata to rest , have a spell , to repent , mangolana 01 i ta i resting , manata 'o'ofi be patient mangoabusu stifled manata 'o'of ia be patient mango ateate dry mouth with mangoba ita to sigh, groan manata rao too busy to eat mangofas i to wait manata ruarua to doubt mango fu to sigh , mangofGla manata sa i to be always think­ a sigh ing of, manata saia mango fua to breathe upon , manata teo to be always think­ mango fuana ing about , manata teo 'ania mango kukuru to have difficulty ma nata to I. to understand , in breathing , gasp manata tona 2. to consider mango I iu dying 3. to rememb er mangosasala I. weak , faint manata toe to desire greatly , 2. breathless, or mangosala manata toea mangosu i to die manata to fu l i to be undecided, mangotafa I. to spring up , of manatana to fu l i winds 2. almost dead manata to li to think earnestly mangotutu I. to be slow , late manata tutu to be nervous , 2. to be weak afraid to venture , cf. mango mangounga shortwinde d tutu too slow , slow at mangouto 'asi mango to pant maneba sp . jelly fish , cf. kwa irabu 1 32

9. to come into sight , cf. bango manumanu to float mangof i tp. of mango 9 to come fou manumanu pumice on unexpectedly , startle , mangofia, mango fua , mango manunu to peer down into a pool fuana to see if one 's dress were in order , etc. , to look at one 's 10. to rise , of heavenly bodies, reflection 5 i na 1 i e mango = bango 11. to emerge , after , during manurabu frigate bird mangomango to appear , come manutori into sight , al so mangamonga to snare ; a bird snare ; other kinds of traps called bosotori , fuasatori, kui tori , mangoda drinking coconut = aruga uratori ( pig , crocodile , dog , mangosi to be tired of, mangos ia and crayfish traps ) mao to dance mani l. native shell money , 'ae n i man i a string of shell money maoma a feast , feast and danc­ or porpoise teeth ing maoma ni gen i a woman 's feast 2. ( ) English money modern maoma niu 3. a bit , piece , man i i 'a maomao la pertaining to a feast mani l. to wait for , watch for , maolaola insecure , unstable man ia maole to grunt , sob , of turtle 2. to help or pig kwa iman i to be friends with , kwa i ma n i a, c f. kwa i ma maongila watering of eyes maniula to be at enmity , ma maosi sp. of fish , large sardine , like buma manu 1. a bird, any creature that flies ( bee , beetle , etc . ) , mara 1. red , of dawn sky man una all creatures that fly 2. dawn ( collectively ) 3. a sp. of fish 2. a sacred person whose fun c­ tion was to preserve peace mara disgusting , foul ; as animal among the Lau people ; also cal­ passing water on a bed led bebe and tafoa. He must be an orphan lad , and was rai sed marabibi 1. small to Manu rank with thirty strings of red money and one thousand 2. peaceful , quiet , steady , not porpoise teeth . He lived alone , talkative , rao ma rabibi work his food cooked by old men only steadily in the bae ; he ate first of 3. quietly , bae marabibi speak things sacrificed; his body quietly shook when possessed. Ivens mentions that his body was 4. beginning to heal ; easing of slapped if war were declared pain and he was asked to grant a victim. He never could marry . marabua stinking , full of pus , of ulcer manu 1ibu an eagle marago - matarago manuito to tie loosely, so that tying becomes undone maragwa light green or blue ma rakwa 133

maragwai glow red , of sky , turn masi1ea with a wh ite film over red at dawn , alu maragwa i eye from eye disease maragwe 1. red and ready to masimasi slippery as en eel's burst , of a boil body 2. a blister masinga a scrap , masinge do marasikafo bird's nest fern mas inga in small bits , cut up fine mareba slant ey es ; to ma reba Chinese masoro to deal gently with , cf. mamasoro, masoroa maremare a sp. of fi sh masu 1. scrub , low-growing bushes mariko flesh, marikona , si ma riko - lalano 2. retiring place for women marlkoa fleshy masua a plain , where small maringoringo ripples when a scrub grows stone is thrown in the water masubu to spring up , grow , as marodo sp. tree fern yams , grass - fafasu marodo blind, gwe marodo masu1i to look through, as barrel of gun , or telescope , ma masul ia maroroia with bad eyesight , peering masu1ia twitching , starting , in sleep maroto quiet , cf. mama roto masu1ua a sp. of fern maru 1. to flash, torch , lightning or sun off glass masusua1a to hate , strive against , reject 2. to wink sinamaru a flash of lightning matafana to matafana I. to under­ stand, appreciate , digest a masa to bind on a woman 's apron subject , matafa na'uria 2. know at marriage the whereabout s of masango sp. mollusc, turbot matafu handle of axe before being fixed to the axe , matafuna masao 1. replete , from food matai 1. mamatai 2. keep feeling taste of to be ill , or something eaten mamataila out of sorts mataia illness, mata inga masara abundant mata i afeda 1 i fever matal lana mae a ill from a known masara langai I. to make fruit­ cause ful, plentiful , masara­ matai I inito ill from an unknown langainia 2. to give plenty cause of food to everyone as at a feast The following are the names of some illnesses : masi 1. to wait for , mas ia 'abutafa dysentery 2. ready for , masi 'amu ready 'ada or 'adas i tuberculosis , for you without blood spitting afuridolo sunstroke , headache 3. while , till , mas l '0 ko ma i over eyes till you come 134

alakwaga diphtheria matarago in Lau story the name of bal iubuubu mumps a girl who cried for the moon fi tau gwari earache when it was much nearer the fura leprosy earth . Gau Madama caught the garo sula pneumonia moon with a crook (igau). and gwagwa ri malaria called Mat arago to hold it ; but kakamoa yaws the moon jumped back where it is ketefTa headache now . with Matarago holding on luafero sore throat (rago) . an d she has been there luitafa diarrhoea ever s � nce; the 'man in the moon ' luluka yaws also ma rago maesalo tuberculosis with blood spitting matare dri fted ashore . sao ni mimi daudau I. unable to pass matare water 2. blackwat er fever non i buterua measles matasi sp . of fish og i fia lumbago ononag i sore throat matau an axe . perhaps Fijian suI ifta rheumat ism wa l ifo toothache mate to give a slight deprecatory cough , to show one is there 2. a oompound suffix ; ala, alamatai mato to peep at . matona matakwa 1. the open sea, cf. mato 'afe1a ma i takwa to make an effort to rise 2. foreign , ni matakwa matobi 1. fallen across. of a 'ai ni matakwa pawpaw , i.e. tree foreign tree 2. to curl and fall over . of a mata1a 1. a relic , anything that wave belonged to a dead man : hair , bag , letter , belt , etc. , si matonga 1. middle = matanga , cf. matala, matalana tofunga 2. alone . only , merely . cf. 2. trunk of a tree , or man tala, te fe we la matala merely a child. or an only child matii slow. late . cf. tu'u matanga l. forked maua full grown ; ripe . of ngal i nut = moua 2. to spread the limbs or fingers maua fa lu ripe . of fruit . cf. kwaso, make 3. the legs of a frog . matangana 4. the branch of a tree mauga1a 1. to cry . begin to water . of eyes 5. a branch road 2. maugala mangatana , to mock at (Ivens ), 6. the middle . cf. 'ana mangata , matonga

mau1i left hand . maul ina = moul i; matanga 1. branching mamaul i 2. growing together . of two or more things mawa sp. tree . Amoora sp. , mawa 'abu , mawa kwailasi 3. a starfish mea 1. tongue of fire . flame . matangai to jud ge . make a mea e ere, mean a decision . matangainia. cf. ma l atangai (kwara 'ae matalanga i) 2. light of torch or fire . mea e kwesu , meana 135

3. to shine , of fire 4. to squash, squashy and soft , crushed, rotten; meme la 4. the tongue , meana squashiness, meme lana; meme'ia 5. to lick with tongue , to rotten. fish ; uri memea tread and lick as a flame squash 6. blade of a paddle , meana memea I. fine , powdered 2. fote smooth and squashy , crushed 3. a piece of taro chewed and meala licking , mea lana given to a baby 4. splintered mea I i tr. of mea 5, mea I i a meamea I. the tongue , gwe meme a mouthful of food meameana 2. to lick , of lomu me me pound up , pound tongue or a flame small meme'al sawdust , or meme e 'ai meana boso a smear on fore­ memedc3 a splinter head after homicide (made meme sale iron filings with red betel mixture ) to memea broken in pieces , meato to taste , meato na; or to meme the taste of bae mea kodo to stammer; gwe memena fair, light coloured, bae mea kodo a stammer reddish meamea sp . small fish in sand , menamena sp. small flat fish with flatfish blue dorsal fins medo 1. the yellow stain on meo 1. ripe but not soft (kwaso) teeth or hands after eat ing of banan as , etc. , cf. make; fruit meola ripeness ; meolana 2. clean , of teeth or hands 2. of course ! from fruit mere we , let per. duaZ excZue . mekwesua red hot = balu, cf. gamere kwesu mero anus , merona me 1a 1. light brown , reddish brown ; to me la Polynesian mi 1. we , let per. pZ. excZu8 . short form of gami which it gano mela brown reddish clay follows , gami mi 2. sp . fish 2. tr. suffix , ala, alami me la pink , brown me lamela mela 1. mia us , ours , excZue. , fuamia for me lamela - me la us , ng idumia our lips me1eo rarasifou sp. sea snake in midi 1. midrib of coconut frond rocks 2. to lick , midia, midi tona me10 to flash the eyes in anger , miga 1. a seed, cf. maga; miga na nia me loa mana seeds (collect ively) me1u sp. shrub with red flowers 2. a grain' 3. a crumb meme 1. to masticate food , chew up small, memea; meme 'ana we la 4. a drop 2. scraps , bits, crumbs , chips , mige 'abu I. a drop of blood, or sawdust , cf. mae; memena niu mlngge 'abu 2. drops of liquid, coconut scrapings small pool , mige mimi pool of urine 3. to be in small pieces 136

mige alo crumb of taro, mige modea patched ka i, n i u et c . mode la a patch mige asi drop of spray 4. a stone sinker for turtle net mige do a seed mige firi scrap of tobacco modomu sp. large fish , cf. madomu , mig e fou small round pebble mudomu (found in pairs , Ivens ); mige kafo drop of water 'iu modomu boy and girl twins mige kekeke a bead mige lifo i'a single porpoise moga : moga langa i to spit out , tooth strung moga langainia, cf. moa mige ma l efo a disk of shell money moge hand net used in shallow mige ngali half kernel of nut water , also mongge mige one grain of sand = mae one 'ai ni moge a party of men mige uta drop of rain , before fishing with moge surrounding shower begins , spot of rain a shoal of fish mimi 1. to spurt , of blood and moi broken liquids moki 1. to cover with vegetable 2. to urinate putty (saia); mend a canoe mok ia 3. pig's bladder 2. to cover over with earth mimi spurting of liquids , moki foloa fill up a grave m im ira mimi daudau I. unable to pass moko 1. to smell , stink, cf. gasu water , painful passage 2. blackwater fe ver 2. a smell , mokona famokof i to cause to smell misi 1. to smack the lips moko 'abironga bitter smell like 2. to call a dog with sucking blood sound moko diana sweet scent mokofa a smell , mokofana 3. to flow out , of speech, mokof i tr. of moko to smell e bae ka m is i na hi s words something , mokof ia flowed out mokofT stink moko'iroiro smell causing misifanigore sp. of fish nausea mokola smelling , mokolana miu pZ. you , follows verbs and mokola stink , corruption prepositions , fuamiu mokona ere steam , or momokona ere mo mone , mo ne in for mokona sasu I. smell of smoke 2. stage over a fireplace moa 1. momoa to vomit , moko ta unpleasant scent 2. vomit , moana food vomitted moko to to sniff at , moko tona (Melan esians identify by smell moas i tr. of moa to vomit on , rather th an touch . They first moasia sniff at an unknown object.) moasia vomitted on (pass .) momoko to smell , a smell moatai to vomit out , moata inia mokoi breast , below ruru , part that rises and falls in breathing , mode 1. old and patched, as a mokoi iana; momoko- ia, momoko mat iana 2. torn , wrinkled , creased, worn out mola 1. very many , a large number ; na mo le do all things 3. to patch , mend , modea 137

2. abundantly , fafuta mo la momOsua day before a feast (kwara'ae mo 'osu sleep ) 3. ten thousand , mo lai ka i, mo le do momota 1. to scrat ch , cause pain 4. real , true and itch, of leaves of some trees 5. common , uncon secrated, not abu 2. to feel irritation on the skin 6. only , merely , diana mola all right momoula afraid 7. u n i mo I a de ad calm momoura 1. giddy , di zzy fakamola make common , un­ consecrated , a pagan 2. afraid, mou ( modern ) famola make common , remove mone so , perchance, indeed ; taboo follows verb , cf. otomone , mo kwa lu mo la agol i sui every- where mo 'oi broken , cf. 'oi , for ma 'oi kwa lu mo la wane everyone molaagal i the world of the mor� alive , real ( hill word) , cf. living , natural world mo I a, mou r i mo lala ordinariness mor iki to recover from illness, mo r iki na mole 1. decayed , mouldy , gone bad or sour ; mole beu decayed mori2 house ; mo lea moringa share , portion especial­ 2. mo le fungus growth on food , ly at a feast si do ' ana fanga moringi tr. mori2 to give out portions of food at a feast , moli 1. orange , lemon mor ingia 2. round moro 1. you two , 2nd per. duaL mol imol ia = komukomu la round gamoro ( short form ) molu you pL. = gamu 2. sp . freshwater fish momo 1. call a sucking pig , say morodau to sit silent , stand fast , 'umph ' with a spear

2. a young pig morodo 1. sp . tree momoa vomit , moa 2. high ridge of mountains behind Lau , the part first seen by the momoga to rinse , hold liquid in Span iards in 1567 , mountains of mouth and spit out Malaita ( north Mala) , also called Mota momogas i tr. of momoga , rinse out , momogasia, cf. moa , moga To i Morodo an earlier race of people before the present momoi broken = mo i people , said to know no arts or crafts, like the Masi of momole armlet of grass on upper San Cristoval arm morotoko a crocodile , metath. of momolu the island of the dead mokotoro , cf. toro ( Tuhilangi Island off Ysabel) , cf. feraanoasa morua smooth , of hair momonga feeling of nausea, moa morumoru 1. a parcel of food , cf. mor i 2 138

2. broken in pieces 2. to cease, be discontinued, e langi si mu'ana'adomilagu fou morumoru crushed rock you never stopped helping me mosela reddish purple 3. separated, severed mu sl tr. mu 3 mosu 1. smack the lips of to tear, tear off , separate, sever, cut off, 2. kiss (modern) break off mus ia torn off , severed (pass.) mota = morodo 4. broke n off , torn off motekoro crocodile , cf. mo ko toro mu ra i to tear off , break off , mii r ainia mou 1. to fear , be afraid

2. to be impotent , of ghosts mudomu sp . fish = madomu , modomu or women (found in pairs , Ivens ); 'iu mou 'ani afraid of, mou 'ania mudomu boy and girl twins mou l§ fear mui moumou la or momou la afraid to smile moumoura or momoura I. afraid mu i I iii a smile 2. dizzy mu imui to smile , mu imui la smil­ moungi tr. of mou to fear , ing moungia mu i alakwa mou tai I. afraid 2. afraid dimple on youth of, moutainia mu i sari dimple on maid muki cover over , block with earth, moua full grown 2 maua dam ; mukia, cf. moki mou 'a sp. large flattish wh ite fish , good eat ing mu le tr. mu lea, mu lea'ai to shape wood mouli 1. left hand ,l mou Iina mu letai to shap e wood , muletainia mau l i; moumoul i mulu mu luna 2. to be left -handed buttocks , mou l ilana north of west , mumu 1. to close the lips moumoul i lana 2. to close over with a scab , mouri to be alive of a sore moumou ria, momou ria living 3. to shut down on , close with mou ria life finger , as a pipe in filling , mouri la life , soul , nia lugasia mumu bibiala mouri lana he died 4. to stop , mumu fafia si ang ia mourisi tr. of mouri , to sur­ or mumu ni angia; mumu fafia, vive , escape alive from mumu we la mourisia 5. to wax old , an old thing mu 1. you , 2nd per. pL , gamu mumu i wa i old bag short form , used alone or follows gamu as subj ect 6. sp. tree Mastaxiodendron Smithii 2. thou , after prepositions 'amu , fuamu , and noun s, 'aemu mumu rotten mu 1. sp. of white fish on reef, mumudi a fragme nt , portion , good eating mumudina wane portion of the men mu ni fura i a variety of mu mumudu 1. a fragment , portion 1 39

2. crumb , scrap , chip , mumudu mutaia 1. single , unique , sole , i do only 2. ceased, broken in its force , mumugo 1. the comb , crest , of a lull a pigeon 3. desolate, friendless, help­ 2. sp. of pigeon less munamuna a spot , mark on a fish , etc . N muni to hide , put out of sight , mun ia; mumun i na 1. the , a; na non ina his body , do mumun i secret plan to na ku i a dog , na ku i gi dogs murder (sing . & pz. ) 2. he , she , it, him , her , after muno a catepillar nouns and prepositions , usually called a possessive pronoun . munomuno 1. alternate strips of It follows some verbs with no different colours , red and possessive sense . It is written black, etc. as a sUffix: 'abana his arm , 2. spot , as of mi ldew ilito try , ilit ona try it 3. added to cardinals to make munumunua = munomuno 1, 2 ordinals : rua, ruana mae munumunua I. a strip or 4. suffixed to make a aolleative 2. band in decorat ion a plural: bosona, ku ina pigs , dogs spot 5. suffixed with collective nouns muri 1. to pluck a bird, muria of relationship : wa isas ina brothers 2. to pull out weeds and gras s, muria 6. this, these, kada na this time , nau na I here muru = muri 1, 2 (murua) nan a that , those , do nana murua we eds and grass 7. follows verb to show completed action ; also na; nia lea na he musango form of trial , ordeal , has gone , sui na finished sango by tearing off leaves of 8. belonging to; na i fera be­ musango to try by this ordeal , longing to the place musango tona 9. prefix to possessive pronouns; na go lua our's = na 1; with the musi 1. to make sucking noise meaning also , for our part , na musi with lips , smack lips ; or daroa for their part 2. ( ) mosu to kiss modern , cf. 10 . used as a re lative pronoun : do na '0 kwatea thing that you mu su 1. = musi 1, 2 gave him musula smack the lips 11. adjeatival sUffix: babala, 2. sp . fruit worn as ornament baba lana = busa 12 . suffixed to the first of two nouns to show a genitive rela­ muta last , mutana kaso wane last tion : gwouna wane head of the man of the line , mutana lea last of 13. liogu ka na the party , cf. mu 2 to be satisfied, fuana , na fua mutai single , unique , mu 2 14. to instruct , teach, initiate , in , na , na si dO'ani nia 140

na the more usual form of na 7 naka: nakari t�. of naka to roast on nadi 1. male organ of a pig , nakaria; nakas i, nadina coals , nakas ia 2. sp. fish with poisonous nakas l a roasted (pass .) spines nakasila roasting , nakarl la nae 1. that , those , do nae ; naki 1. to be ashamed nae of something nearer than nakitai ashamed of , nakit ainia nana ; i se nae there , 'uri nae like that 2. a rock for breaking nuts , quartzite 2. used as a relative pronoun , tan i toa nae ka lea ma i those nalu 1. to scoop up , as in a net , people who come nalua naegono Kava plant , perhaps 2. to bale a canoe, nalua Fij ian mispronounced nalufi t�. of nalu scoop up , bale nalufia nafo nafona surf, wave of sea, nalufla (pass.) as i baled out nalukafo a dragonfly nafoa stormy , of the sea nalula baling , nalulana naluogu to cat ch Palolo in the naga to spoil, destroy , waste season naga , also nangga; nag a spoiled, destroyed, wasted namo the lagoon inside a reef, near the reef (the deep) pools nagi flint , fou nagi towards the shore , bobo) nagi bora magnetite ; nagi bu lu namu to flog , thrash with a stick namula flogging , namu lana nagu 1. to come and stay after death of mutual friend or in al namunamu rod, cane for time of trouble , nagu fa lnia thrashing nam uri t�. of namu , nam uria 2. to wail for the dead nagula I. wailing for the nana 1. that , those dead 2. a death feast 2. for his part nai sp . of creeper 3. pus , matter nanala having pus , full of pus naibu1ubulu burial place, cemetery 4. nana ado wounded man (Ivens) naifuli 1. to stay in one place , nanado a basket = koko wane na iful i a man who stops in one place nanae the coming in of the tide , flowing in , nanae I ua (nana e 2. abiding place , where one lua?) lives , home , naiful ina, cf. nanai nana£u a crumb , nanafuna naili 1. to plait , nail ia nanafuna ere ashes 2. a rope of three strands , nanai 1. to rest thick rope = al iolu nanaia rest nai lila plaiting , nal iliana nai lis alo a chain 2. to nurse , look after , nanaia naisele a knife (Fijian) ; na nanalukafo - nalukafo dragonfly , naisele in Lau also tatara kafo 141

nanamu mosquito = furunamu naona wane a chief nao tala to lead the way nanamutai to turn hither and to nao thither , twist about naonao 2. former, earlier , na naonao fioloa the former famine nananga1i a sp . of fi sh naonao 'ana to be over , over­ nanani to search for nanania, see nanani 'uria naonao 'an i to ' run the show' , take over leadership nanao 1. charcoal neneo naonao wane elders , seniors naonao e wane an overseer 2. charred skin of roasted naonao la oversight taro 5. to steer 3. dark skin of ngal i nut ; dark , of a nut naof i tr. of nao, to steer towards , naof i a nanara a sp . of fish naof i I a steering , nao f i I ana nanara au red variety nau 1. I, me nanara bulu small black sp. nanar a fouboso black variety nau 'a emphat ic form of nau nanar a kwao white variety naunau I. self assertive , egotist = nounou ; naunaula nani to look for , nan i 'uria selfishn ess , naunaulana 2. strong and violent , of a nanisi tr. of nani; nanisia person I. to look for 2. to choose naunaua violence , or nounoua nanisi to to find , Ilia ade naunau to disobey author­ kilu ma nan i tona ka fo try ity , or ade nounou a well and find water ade naunaula rebellion bae naunau to boast , bae nanga 1. to let go , nanga 'ania naunaula boasting = luge iIi naunau to be aggressive , iIi naunau la aggression 2. to hit with something , as lea naunau to be bold , lea a stick naunaula boldness 3. to blow hard upon , as wind nau sata to own , nau gu nau nangasi tr. of nanga 2,3 to 5 a tana I own it , c f. 'aeng a i hit , blow upon , nangasia 2. in compounds , meaning 'given fera ( the wind) beats on the to' , 'mind for', perhaps 'child village of' nangatai to knock down , nanga­ ta i n i a nau n i ba i ta headstrong ; nau n i ba itala headstrong character nao 1. face , naona nau ni diana given to pleasure , selfish = nou di diana 2. in front of , naona nau ni dianala love of pleas­ 3. before , i naogu before my ure , selfishness time nau ni foa . devout ; devout 4. first , eta i nao go first , character go in front nau ni' initoa ambitious , naun i 'initola amb ition naonao I. naonaona the first nau n i toua childish; nau n i naoa the first toula childishness ; and so on ; naoe l ifu the first place many compounds can be made naofa a leader naofe �ane Leader , Du ce , ne 1. that , those Fu ehrer , Prime Minister 2. is that so? do you think so? opposite to ea 142

ne 1. that , those , to ne those and adjectives : nl buo ignor ant , men nl 'etea various 2. to speak , open the mouth to 5. tr. sUffi x to ver bs , follow­ speak ing verbal suffixes : ai , fa l, ma l, nal, ngal , ra l, ta l, and 3. nene ; to be still , silent , making a compound tr. sUffix bae nene reduce to sil ence with these nena that one , Inla nena 6. personaZ articZe of female gender used with per sonal names nena out sider , of no acco unt , and some common nouns (but not poor, commoner , nena wane used with gen l and 'afe ) nl do so and so (woman ) neneba 1. flat , smooth , level nl Mary rereba nl te nau my mother 2. full , of the moon 7. prefix to pronouns to strengthen and emphasise nenge piece of bamb oo lit at the fire , fe nenge nlfel where n I n i a he nengenenge completely , gwou n I te I whoever nengenenge completely empty 8. he , she , it neneo charcoal = nanao ; sl neneo nl diana it is good nl e mourl he lives neneola black from fire nl nau this is I, it 's me nl 'ua there is still some neri that (hill word) 9. sUffix added to ta , te to nete distinctly , clearly; form plurals nete l angal, bae netel angalnla tan l wane some men speak di stinctly 10 . a neuter pZuraZ sUffix in ni 1. of, belonging to, fote nl such forms as raolani working fera native paddle them (raolana working it ) 2. in order to , for 11. said to be prefix to names of trees , nl ngal I etc . (perhaps do nl moula'ana a thing to n I 6) be afraid of lea nl lalaba go to enj oy 12 . nl fal where = I fa l oneself 13. used like nla to express mabe nl lea willing to go possession , cf. nla 2 nau gu 'ote nau nl lea I don 't want to go do sui e nl 'amu all you have sl llf u nl lea a place for = e nla going to 14 . there is , there are , e nl 3. according to , in the matter sara there are some ashore of , with nI 1. to slip , of land, gano e ni gera mou nl 01 I they were afraid to return 2. to open up , divide , e nra lea nl ma lawela go off 3. to break something soft , n I a; childis hly nTnT to nl buo pagan , uncivilised to nl rakedlanala be of n in he 1 e thumb goodwill nia 1. he , she , it , him, her 4. forms adverbs : nl elea joyfully , nl lalaba playfully , nlana that nl mae la (ang l nl bitterly 2. there is , there are , e nla maela) , nl ramo boastfully ; gwa 'ana there is some 143

3. used to express possession , niniu1a fat Engli sh 'have ' nitei or nitai whoever, anyone ; e fita do e nia'amu how many 'nitei ani gamu whichever of you have you? e nia'agu I have niu 1. coconut tree 4. for : beu nia boso pig 's 2. fru it of tree lair ('h ouse belong him pig' ) 'ade niu ten nut s beu nia bebe chrysalis niu ma r akwa unripe nut gula nia ola a fisherman si niu nu i nia manu bird's nest white of nut niuniu1a niania to deny , repudiate , tasting of pork or e niania'ana coc onut no 1. bird , opossum (hill word) nifa rancid, mu sty , as a pudding no abu eagle nifai or nifei where ; which , 2. to be , remain to what in English oft en trans­ lated by nifai : do nifai no fufu 1 i l. to be restless which or wh at thing 2. to rush about in a panic ni10 1. noanoa mild and gentle , of wind nilosi t:r. of nilo, to crush , ara noanoa soft S.E. breeze squeeze , nilosia koburu noanoa gentle breeze nilosia crushed, squeezed from N.W. (pass . ) nilosi la crushing , nilosila na nofia dead , nia nof la 2. to be jealous of , usually nofo to stop , stay, dwell sexually nofos i t:r. of nofo nil os i t:r. of nilo to crush, squeeze , nilosia noi body , no ina = non i nima five = 1 ima nokororo ashamed and speechless , nini 1. sp. shrub , stems used as when discovered in a fault , in thatching caught in the act 2. a thin sliver , nini i'au noni body , form , shape , non ina 3. baran ini non i bute rua measles non i dadaola 4. cf. dara nini , dara nlnia lazy everywhere non i diana 1. in good health , to non i diana 1. to be well • T nini a pair, tai nlnl 2. deck oneself when a chief dies 2. safe and sound 3. at ninia sideways , nininia peace nonldianala peace ninima side , edge , ninimana ; noni'e'ela lazy ninimana beside , alongside noni 'e'elal a laziness nInIte1e thumb noniele to rejoice non i elea joy niniu 1. the fat of a pig = ra ranga; niniuna nonifT to suffer, feel pain 2. sp. of palm , split for ninifTla pain nonigolo to be active flooring = gogoi 3. quart z, fou niniu nonlgolola activity 144

non igulu to be weary , tired nu i tr. of nu 1, 2; probably only in transit ive form nonigulula weariness, nu ia in confusion fat igue nonila safe and sound, well, nu 1. the coral reef where it nonilau juts out , seaward part of reef non i mabe willing non imae paralysed 2. flat ground near the shore non isara to rejoice nue foolish ; dumb non isarala joy, gladness nonitala period after a death, nuela folly , madness no one can make a fire in garden or cut wood , period nugu wrinkle of unhappine ss (opposite to nugula a wrinkle nonidianala) nui 1. a nest , nu ina manu nono l 2. a chrysalis 1. to rub faces (greeting ) 3. body , form , shape no i , 2. to kiss (modern) nu ina kwa inonoi put nose to nose in nu i nafera coastline greeting nono i tr. nono nono ia of 1, 2; nuku 1. wellgrown nonoi la kissing , greeting by pressing noses 2. a thicket ; nuku i 'oko thick clump of vines 3. to sniff 3. to choke , of undergrowth, nonomoko to sniff, smell e nuku faf ia nonoz to rub the body with hot 4. wrinkle = nugu leaves, to mas sage nukuta 1. a thick clump , as nonola massage , ab ortion bamboos 2. a wrinkle nonom i tr. of nonoz 1. to massage , nonomia 2. to nula handsome , well dressed , cause ab ort ion , nonom ia decorated and adorned, beautiful , cf. diana , mad iana nonosi to retract foreskin , nonos ia nuni a verandah , nun ina luma nonos ia (pass. ) retracted nunu 1. shadow , shade , nun una noru because of , i noru; 2. a likeness , photograph , i noruna; mae noruga die on picture , image , nunu i do our behalf nunufa shade . i nunufana 1. in the shade of 2. because of note to refuse by clicking the 3. under the rule of tongue nunuf i 1.· tr. of nunu . to shade , notof i tr. of nota to suck , nunufia sip, drink in moi sture (as nunufia shaded (pass .) 2. blotting paper) notofia cloudy , shady

a 1 u nunuf i I ana shade one­ nou nau self with gu la nunufi shady spot nounou = naunau 3. cf. arununu anopheles mosquito nu 1. to make confusion , to disarray , nuia nunufa handsome , welldressed, cf. nlila 2. to talk a foreign tongue badly , confuse sense 145

nunuguta a thicket ngal I la taking , getting , carrying , ngai lia na; ngai lia nunu1i tr. burn off . singe hair of pig . nunu 1 i a ngal I baea to carry a message wane nga 1 I baea a messenger nunu1u wither ngal l ba lta 'ani to take offence at nuto 1. a squid ngall fefesl to take what 2. smooth. as a squid; 51 another should have nuto a smooth thing nga l I langa goods on credit, cf. ludal anga nutonutoa greasy . oily ngai lia nga to buy on credit; ngai lia nga 'ani, ngailia nga 'o'onl ngai lia ngaia to buy on credit , credit nga sUffix making verbal nouns : fe ngal I a year , cf. fa 1 151 fa le, fa l enga 2. canarium nut or tree Canarium mehanbethena nga 1. sUffix making verbal nouns fou ngal l a hard nut ngal I kakero red sp. 2. a duck ngal I nanau sp. red skin feda ngada 1. tired nga1u di sturbed, in commot ion , 2. a few . ngade do - ange do make a comm otion ; ngalungalu

3. spaces . divisions = blru nga lungalua 1. commot ion , dis­ turbance , uproar 2. noise of ngada in pain a market , shouts in a fight , cheering 3. a rough confused ngado 1. firm . fixed. lasting ; sea to ngado 1. be permanent ngalula uproar 2. stay qu iet sua ngalua cross seas in a tide rip ada ngado see clearly ngadola ngadolana ; foundat ion . ngamu to snap at , bite , eat ngadola voraciously like a dog , ngamua 2. to trust , ngado I fafona ngangade 'ai 1. dead branches of 3. bottom . ngadona; I 'aena trees ngado at the very bottom , kutuna ngado the bole of a tree 2. driftwood ngae 1. dung . ngaena ngangara serrated, jagged

2. rectum . bottom . seat ngangara rough of surface ngae flrl dottel in a pipe ngangare do sharp projections ; ngae moko to belch ngangare 'al ngae tufl sores on rectum 'al ngangara thorns ngai 1. droppings of fowls , birds , insects, ngalna ngangarea rooted but showing no leaf ngalna wewedua honey 2. a tr. suffi x to verbs : sau, ngangasi a lime stick saungal ngangata 1. rough , of a road nga1i 1. to take, carry , bring , 2. not slippery , opposite to get , ngal la d 11ad 11a 146

nganunganu to shake , cf. anuanu, nge 1. to cry , utter , voice wanuwanu 2. say you can do what another nge fafia ngara 1. a bunch , ngare niu has done , bunch of four or five nut s ngela a threat 2. a propitiatory offering of ngeda a coconut on beu abu to twist off, as claws of a crab alu ngara to make an offer­ ing , sacrifice , of nuts; nge1angela to stick out , proj ect , dedicate coconut tree to as a harpoon in a whale agalo tafu ngara reliquary (Ivens) ngenge 1. to dispute , contradict , 3. to creak , of trees rubbing disobey , argue with , refuse , ngengea together , ngangara disagree with ; kwa ing enge 'ai ngangara a creaking tree argue , dispute, dis- ngangarala creaking , obey , disobedient ngangaralan a'ai ngengea dispute , argument ngengebaea denial , deny 4. bongara oppose, withstand , cf . 'usi; bongangara 2. to creak by rubbing against , 'ai ngenge ngari 1. sharp , of tooth or 3. to stick close together, as knife shark and pilqt fish , or man ngari la sharpness, ngarila na and unmarried daughter ngengea 2. sharp and long , of finger cohesion , sticking nails together 3. bunch 4. usiei ngenge to put too high a price (Ivens) ngari niu bunch of coconut s ngengede sp. fruit-bearing tree ngaru 1. mucus in eyes , ngaruna ngengesoa 2. sore eyes straight , of hair , like that of a Polynesian ngaru ni ma blindness ngeo to tear up by the roots , ngarungarua rough , of a rock or ngeoa bark ; cf. fusungarua ngeongeo loose and shaky , as a ngasi 1. hard , firm post ngasila hardness , ngas ila na ngetungetu 1. soft , of cloth, cf. wetuwetu 2. vigorous , strong , stern 2. ngas ia hardness , strength weak , of a baby ngas ingas ia hardness , strength, ngi tr. firm , hard , strong suffix to verbs ngI ngata to speak sternly , strongly , to break , divide , as something ngTa rebuke , scold, ngata soft , ngataf i tr. of ngata to scold , ngidu 1. lips of a man , snout of prohibit a pig , ng iduna si ngata a prohibition 2. edge , rim , ngiduna ngatu ngidu ta foulmout hed ngidu tafa harelip ngatufi bite , nip ; of pig or dog , ngatufi ngi1ingi1i to call out in sleep , teo ng ilingil i 147

ngi 10 1. to squeeze , to wring ngofi sp. insect in bush ng I los I tl'. of ngllo; ngi losia ngofi to darken the sky , of 2. hard , tough clouds , e ngofla na 3. firm , strong , of a house kwa ingof l becoming very dark ngilo 'ana to be envious of ngo1i 1. top shoot of a plant or tree , ngol i 'ai ; used in ngingidua 1. a bee , cf. wedua abortion nonomi la 2. honey 2. to pluck shoots, tops in planting , ngol la ngingisi inner kernel of a nut when inner skin remove d ngol ila top shoot ; plucking ngol i lana ngingisu 1. spittle , ng ingisuna 3. to cut down fruit trees be­ 2. to spit longing to a man when he dies, ngol l mae lana 3. froth , scum 4. wake of a canoe , ngingisuna ngongo to hoot , of an owl , afuto nla ngongo ng ingisula frothy ngongo1a long , of hair ngingita to clench the teeth , 'ala ng lngita ngongo1au shoals of fish arriv­ ing , i'a lae (Ivens) ngiri 1. to stick , stick in something ngongora 1. nose, ngongorana 2. to hold body stiff and 2. point , headland , cape taut , arms folded 3. tight , as a shirt ngongosa 1. to bud , put out new leaves kani ng iringiria pull it tight , opposite to kasakasa 2. a bud , new leaves, bou , nlu; ng iringiri 1. tight 2. crowded ngongosana 4. to pull tight , ngiria ngonorafiano sp . of large kwaingirl to wrestle scorpion ngisia chips , ngisingisi ngora 1. nose , nostrils , snout , ngorana ngisu 1. spittle , si nglsu 2. cape , headland 2. to spit ngorabulutaofa , phrase for boso, ng isufi tl'. of ng lsu to spit pig upon ngora susu narrow nose ngisula frothy 3. to snore , growl , snarl , roar ng i sutai 1. to spit out , nglsu- ta i n i a 2. to clear the throat ngorala snoring , growling, snarling , roaring , ngoralana ngo penis , ngona ; cf. du I I, ngou ngoro K ngora 3. ngoda 1. to break taro tops ngosa 1. to bud , put on leaf , carefully ngosana 2. to dislocate 2. a bud , new leaves ngoda dislocat ed , out of joint = girog iro; ngodangoda ngou penis , ngouna , cf. du I i 148

ngoungou to yap , of dogs o

ngu reef stretching out to sea o exclamation = tetea '0 thou , 2nd per. sing. , short ngu 1. to hum , chant , sing ; form of i'oe , 'oe kwa i ngu chant 2. a song , chant , humming o 1. a changeling ghost ngul i tr. of ngu hum , sing , 2. excl. of dissent ngul i a ngu 3. to perch, of bird's ngul ila humming , singing , ngul ila na 4. to hover over , as a butter­ ngul illi singing fly over flowers ; e 0 gal ia ngu gwalua songs in praise of ofi tr. of 0 3, 4; of ia perch ancestors , cf. 'ai ni mae , upon , hover over 5 iIi 5. to spread the legs, 0 'ae nguda sp . of land crab with 6. to curdle , of coconut milk black body 7. to have the teeth on edge , as after eating sour pineapples ngudu 1. to mumb le 8. to burn off a garden ngudungudu mumble , mew 5fi tr. of 0 8, 5fia 2. to mew 5f ia burnt off (pass .) ngunu 1. 9. a wooden gong made from a tree trunk , hollowed through ngunungunu to be envious , narrow slit by burning jealous ; rakena e ngunungunu ngunungunua envy , jealousy 'oa to share in rakengunungunula envy , oaga to dance jealousy

2. to murmur , wh isper - fuaro oa1angai to di stribute, 'oalangainia ngunungunula a murmur , ngunungunua whispering ; 'oba 1. a landslip , slide of a ngunu ta i to murmur at , cliff ngunutainia 2. a parcel of yams in a nguru : pandanus mat

ngunguru short = kukuru 3. to separate, as two wrestlers , ngunguru maimed 'obadaro nguru kwanu first teeth 4. apart from ; i'obana ; 'obada = alu t5ketada or alu kwa lt5i nguto a squid = nuto obe to give freely , no return ngutu : (now obsolete, cf. 'of e) ngutungutu to crunch the teeth , obela a free gift , grace of pigs obi 1. to dye ; ob ia 2. sp . tree , gives strong fibre to tie beam s with

'obi 1. side ; 'obina fa l uma 2. close to; i 'obina sara 149

3. an armlet on the lower arm , 'odu 1. seaworm , Palolo cf. gwaro 2. to send , comm and , order , 4. belt of red cane 'odua ; 'odua agalo (Ivens) S. strips of cane dyed red oel 1. foolish , mad 'obi lua bride 's necklace ; oe 'aia folly , madness , of a bare 'obi armlets of bride woman 'obinigwou I. head ornament oewanea folly , madness , of a of porpoise teeth 2. diadem , man ; or oewane crown (modern) oewela folly, madness , of a 6. to plait , as a basket , 'obia child 7. to cover food with leaves 2. adultery , to comm it adultery when cooking a 'o'obi; 'obia or forn ication ; oea , oe la, oeoe obi 1. to muz zle , ob ia fakana sp . tree , Glochidion 2. to cook in a native oven 'oe 1. thou , 2nd per. sing . i 'oe (used as subject or ob ject ) obo to develop and come to matur ity , of the breasts; 2. to sna p off , 'oea oboobo oeawane commoner 'obu drinking coc onut oeba1ia to sprawl on the ground 'ode 1. to become ill , of a baby oedo a poor thing , cf. oe 1. 2. to infect , 'odea - sigifia oewane 1. to waste, oewanea 2. to use bad language odo 1. to come out , as from a dre ssing place to a dance , 3. to have no money nia odo ma i 4. to be unprotected by a chief 2. (see examples) S. folly odoodo to go in a direct line , straight oewanea 1. foolishness , in a man odof i tr. to be in a line with , straight opposite , 2. foolish talk , baela oewanea odof ia; to reach and touch, 3. to sprawl on the ground as a beam of sunlight on a hill or valley , odof ia 4. to waste , oewanea 'ana

'odo 1. a prawn , 'odo i kafo � 'ofa 1. betel pepper » kura , denge ma Iisanga 'odorao large sp. of prawn 2. just before; 'ofa i dang i just before daybreak 2. to overshadow , making in­ fertile , as a large tree in a 'of ana I. soon ; 'of ana nau ku garden , 'odoa lea I'll go soon 2. near , to 'of ana 3. black and louring , of sky , overshadowing ; rain approaching , ofa to be great with child, 'ofa uta 'odo ma i nll 'odoa the side of a hou se , wall ofe to soothe , as a crying baby , 'odoa kukuru end wall ofea 'odoa tekwa side wall 'ofe 1. to give freely with no odonga to try , midi odon ga � return mid i to 150

'ofela free gift , grace ofubaeatala evil plans , plots ofu ru to sieve (ru go down ) 2. haply ofurula a sieve 'ofe na name of month , 4. whole ; fera ofu whole people February 5. a bundle , ofu si do 3. to force one 's way through long grass 'ofu 1. brackish water ofi to burn in the fire , of ia 2. to cook in a wooden pot by putting hot stones in the water, 5fi 1. to screen off , as a 'ofua sickbed, ofia 3. to boil (modern ) 2. to embrace, put arms round neck 'ofudukwe of things ferment ing (cau se to burst ) 3. to put on a loincloth or T bandage 'ofu ' ofu with cavities , as bread 'ofisi tr. 'ofi 3, 'ofisia or limestone rocks , honeycombed gird on oga 1. small intestin es , ogana 4. to work at a garden ready for plant ing , rao of ia ogabu du odenum ogasasu sulky , angry 5. to speak when uncertain , ogatai to gut fish , ogatainia bae ofi or ov i 2. swollen ; lato oga swollen 6. to be pat ient , manata of i testicles of i a pat ient of i I a patience oga na asi 1. open sea 2. horizon 'ofo: 'ofola rej oicing after a 'oga 1. to eat raw, of pigs , cf. chief's death by his own 'oge people before his enemies 2. to break into a garden and can do so; also 'ovola destroy crops , of pigs 'ofoto1i to descend , cf. tol i 3. to bind, usually with debt , hold in debt ofotol ia descent , declivity 'ogan i tr. of 'oga 3, make a ofu 1. sugarcane man a debtor , 'ogan ia 'oganga something to be repaid, 2. to be together a debt ofu baea to confer , or bae 'oga 'ana to be one 's duty; ofu 'oga 'amu your duty ofu diana be good fr iends , consort with one another 4. (see examples ) of ute live together 'ogan i I. to prize , to treasure , lea ofu go together 'ogan ia 2. to lay up treasure , hoard, 'ogan i 'ana 3. to pile up , amass 'oganila hoarding , ' 0 rgan i I an a ofua a mass , lump of dou gh 'oganila treasure , a hoard ofula gathering together ; oful ana fera 'ogan i 'ana mangona to save ofula I. a bun ch 2. a group his life of people ; take ofula stand 5. to worry , annoy , 'oga; in a group e 'oga nau annoys me ofungai to take a number of things together , ofungainia; 151

'oge 1. to eat raw , of men , 'ogu ere make up a fire 'ogea , cf . 'oga of pigs 'ogumana ere cover over fire eating to keep it alive 'ogela eating raw , 'oge lana 2. front and back walls of a house ; 'oguna 2. to break up , destroy - 'ogo ; 'ogea 3. to wall in , build a wall

4. seaworm , Pa'lo'lo - 'odu; 'ogi 1. a bone , 'ogina nalu'ogu collect in nets 'ogu 2. the back , 'ogina oi 1. to bend , oia; oi luana 3. the out side of a thing, 'ogina bend his neck 2. an ad ze made from Tridaena 'ogibou a hunchback, gwe 'ogibou ; og i boua shell 'ogigarofou collarbone 3. to adze 'ogigwou 'aba scapula oia adzed (pass .) 'ogila a needle 'ogimana ' aba humerus , ulna 4. everywhere , lea oi ' o g i 'og i I. bony 2. thin 'og i r � ru breast bone ; 'og i 'oi 1. to break off , 'oia, cf. ruruna mo '0i ( for rna ' 0 i ) 'ogisal afa humerus , ulna, 'oia 'ogisalafana a taboo , a branch broken off and thrown down 'ogisasafa thigh bone , 'ogisasafana 'oi 'ana to taboo in this 'ogisul i backbone , 'ogis ul ina manner; 'oi faf ia 'ogitekwa backbone , vertebra 'oikada a section of a thing , broken bit , piece 'ogo to break up , destroy 'oila a bunch of leaves thrown ('ogoa not used) , cf. 'oge down as a taboo 'ogos i tr. of 'ogo; 'ogos ia 2. a length of sewn that ch 'oia ten pieces of sewn that ch 5�o 1. to blacken the teeth ; ogoa 3. to make a fool of, 'oi lana, cf. oe 2. pigment for this , a mixtur e of fou ogo and milky sap of 4. excZ. of surprise, wonder , arego ( sp . of breadfruit ) sarcasm ; nonsense! 'oi rna , 'oi ma 'ae 3. black, of the teeth 'oigo a sp. fish ogorua the second plank of a canoe 'oilaki to be strong , with spiritual powers , efficacious , ogotou the middle , I ogotouna '0i I ak i fua strong for ; also ogotouna ' aba forearm 'oi lake ( Ivens ) 'oi lakia I. fortunate , all well 'ogu 1. to collect , heap up , with one , well protected with heap together , (intr. ) gather spiritual power 2. lucky ; together , cf. figu; 'ogua 'oi lakia fuana; modern Lau 'ogu la heaping , collect ing , laki 'oe na ( after English collected; ' ogu I ana 'lucky ' ) or lakea , lakla 'oi lakitai I. to help = 'adomi , fangale'ogulana food col­ firi , sufi 2. to deliver by lected force, might 'og ula a company 'ogu l angai I. to heap , gather oka wild and mischievious , in together ; 'ogulangainia boso oka a pig that gets into 2. simult aneously gardens and does damage 1 5 2

okala mischievousness, okalana oladola to chaff

'okasa raw, unripe , 'ani 'okasa oladola a jest , joke , to play , laugh with , flirt with mae 'okasa die without feeling ill , sudden , unexpected death ole : maoma 'okasa a feast with raw food distributed oleole to groan , start , twitch in sleep , teo oleole 'oke to bind, 'okea 'ole 1. a black beetle with 'ok e'ai bundle of firewood powerful stink

'oki = 'oke 2. to cut , cut with scissors ; 'ole kete cut hair (head) ; 'ok i I a a bundle 'olea

oko to swallow , cf. 'ag alu, kono 3. to fix a day by making cuts okom i tr. of oko; okomia 4. to betray , 'olea okom ia swallowed (pa88. ) 'oleala betrayal okom i la swallowing ,okomi lana 'oleilalo to be a hypocrite , okolo to eat greedily - fanga false , deceitful kaokao ; okol oa 'oleila lola hypocrisy , deceit , 'ol eilalolana 'oko 1. a vine , creeper , string , strap , flat rope for burdens - ale property in yams , fana , kai; 'ako ole fana my fana, cf. fera , kunu 2. to carry a load on the back , 'oli 1. to carry against chest , tied on , as women do with fire­ '01 i a wood, cf. fua 2. to hold a child in one 's arms ; 3. a burden so carried with a nurse a child , 'ol i we la fl at rope 3. to go back , come back, cf. 'okofolo horizontal strap ga Ii 'okola the broad band for carrying 'ol i la a return , coming back 'okorereba the sling for 4. to give back carrying " lib a'oko, 'okola 'okotake vertical strap 'ol ifai return something bor- rowed, 'ol ifainia oku to eat or drink from the 5. back (adv . ), again same vessel , cf. ogu 6. to come short of , 'ol i 'ana ola a Canoe built of planks 7. to change , exchange sewn together. The keel is bGlu, from that are built up 'ol ia a return ; ma i 'ol ia neap ogorua nest to keel , then kame tide , two fishings daily side plan ks , then taufafo and '01 i la returning , '01 i lana last isuna ola '01 i '01 ita in the place of , heir; successive , succeeding ola ni wa ne canoe for four to '01 isi tr. of '01 i 1. to an­ six men swer, 'ol isia 2. to change ola tou canoe for one or two 3. to interpret , 'ol isi baela men '01 isila an answer ala 1. a taro garden , any '01 ita in the place of , heir , garden 'ol i tana 'ol ital 1. to turn , 'ol itainia; 2. to burn a garden returned (pas8. ), converted 3. to share , ola 'ana; moro ('ol ltai) 2. to restore , ola'ana you two shar e it 153

'ol itainia 3. to change , fun of , laugh at , mock 'ol itainia 3. to measure , cf. '010 5. manata 'ol itai or ol itai 'oloto to measure ; 'olotona manata repent 'olotoa I. a measure 2. an 4. to answer back , 'ol itainia example , pattern 5. to c omb b a c k, '0li t a i n i a 'olotol a an example, pattern , ifu measurement , measuring dau'ol itai inherit 4. to appoint , arrange , settle wane'ol itai heir 'olosi tr. of '010 4. , 'olosia 'olikukuru come short , be short 5. straight of, 'ana 'olofi tr. of '010 5, to go 'olisusu 1. to argue , di spute, straight to; 'olofia contradict 'olo'oloa straight 'olosi tr. of '010 5, to 2. to refuse straighten; '0I os i a 3. to get in front in racing 'olosia I. straight ened (pass.) (thought to be conceited) 2. levelled 3. stiff , of a dead body '01 isusua argument , dispute , quarrel ; 'ol isusula '0'010 straight ; '0'010 fuana straight to him 'olitoli to grow less and less 'o'oloa straightness 6. right hand 010 1. to land on the shore oto '010'010 right hand; 'o'lolana 'olo'olola right hand; 2. to nod , bow the head , be 'olo'ololana sleepy 7. to agree to do 010010 I. to nod , bow the head , be sleepy , mana e 010010 na 8. top , slice of a yam , cut off 2. wave in the wind, as the for plant ing tops of trees , or long gras s 9. top of a tree , when cut off ; teoa 010010 deep sleep or flower cut off (7 010(10) 10 . an arrow olofi tr. of 010 2. , I. to bow , genuflect , make obeisance to, �10 1. deep olofia 2. to adore olos i tr. of 010 • to bow olola depth , 'ololana down 2. to sink down , cf. dodo , kuru, olosia bent , bowed (pass .) as a stone sinks in water 3. to deceive oloma i to immerse ; olomainia olofi tr. of 010 3, olofia boro ni 010 depths 4. to lie in wait for 510a premat ure birth , ab ort ion olofi tr. of 010 4. , olofia

5. to come , go , 010 ma i, 010 olofa underneath, olofana = kou farana

'010 1. to utter a cry , threaten , 'olofita to cut through , fruit , frighten etc. , 'olofita 'olosi tr. of 010 I.; nia 'olofol0 to cross ; 'olofolo i olosia rTlana tolo cross the island over the 2. to make fun of , jest hills 'olofi tr. of '010 2. , make ma 'olofolo a window or door 154

o1oo1ofa 1. at irregular inter­ 'ona to squat on the heels vals 'ono; 'o'ona 2. very tall one sand; mige one grain of sand o1u three (third ou la or oluna) one biriu grey , mixed white 'omae to lament for the dead and black sand one bulu black sand 'omaea a gathering to mourn for one kwao white coral sand a dead man one la sandy

orne sp. tree used to rub fire oneone sp. tree , Heritiera ZittoraZis 'orne to suck at a pipe , 'omea bibi 'aI a oneone fau sp. tree , Brownlowia argental omea 1. a fighting party , a troop or company of soldiers onga black pigment (Ivens ), cf. oko, ongo 2. weapons of such a party 3. fighting , war 'onga 1. the single call of the bird kw isi omea la belonging to war ; suluna omea la its juice 2. to cry at the breast makes warriors (Ivens ) 'ongatal to vex, annoy , ade omea to make war ; mae 'ongatainia ornea 3. to snatch

'ome 1a 1. voice = lin ge ; rongo 'ongaonga to snatch; ngal i suI ia 'omelana listen to his 'onga 'onga voice 4. to be premature , do premature­ 2. cry , shout (Ivens ) ly; 'onga 'onga 3. advice , suggestion , opinion; 'ongatai do prematurely; ledia'uria'omelana ask his 'ongata inia lafulana take out advi ce prematurely (bread from oven) 'omela wane I. news of what ongaonga 1. beam, of sunlight ; one sees people doing and ongaongana sato saying , gossip 2. a parable , story, cf. tarifula 2. rich and pleasant ; moko ongaonga delicious smell 'asi or tos i ome lawane speak in parables 'ongi 1. to draw out water , pump 'ome l awanea in a parable , out , as kerosene from tin , parabolic 'ong la 'omi to suck , 'omia, cf. 'orne 2. a bamboo 3. a section between knots, ona 1. hard si 'ongl or si 'abe 'ongi 2. hard part at base of a 4. coconut cream; shredded palm , onana coconut mixed with saltwater and 3. spines of echinus or cray­ squeezed over food fish , onana 'oni 1. fou ona very sharp coral im­ to eat food together , boys and girls, at bridal party possible to walk on 'onlla eating together 4. stake in a hole to impale an enemy 155

2. to defecate , of men or 'o'01i 1. str aight , cf. '010 children 2. right hand , 'o'olana 3. naked 'o'oloa straight 'onibisi menses 'o'oni 1. merely , only onifi to possess a man , of 2. of no use ; 'ai 'o'oni a weed agalo; e on ifia 3. temporary 'onikale embryo in womb 4. empty 'o'onikale 5. idle 'onionga to mock , jeer at , jeer­ 6. naked ing 'oniona'ana; e ru ma i'uri 7. different ; wane 'o'oni not 'onionga l agu came to jeer at me the person you think 'oni 'oni sp. tree , chestnut 'o'onika1e embryo , 'o'onikalena ono 1. six 'o'ono squat on heels = 'ono onona sixth 'o'oro l. many , cf. 'oro 2. to swallow , swallow whole 2. sp. of grub onoml tr. of ono 2, onomla 'o'oro kwao white grub that 'ono to squat on heels , 'ono ants eat f ii f i 2 'ona 3. shoot of coconut = bol i; 'onof i tr. of 'ono to sit on 'o'orona 'onofia 4. overgrown , with bushes or 'onofolo to squat opposite ' grass 'onoto to ponder , reflect on future or past , 'onotona 'o'oroba ticklish 'orobii 'ono kG to hiccup 'o'oru a frog 'onongisu to water , of the mouth , 'ora a pig not yet castrated at sight of dainties ore 1. to fail , lack , fall 'onosulu dr aw in breath with short of clenched teeth 2. to be without ; nau gu ore onowane a constellation , sui na I have none left Pleiades 3. to be left over ; 'ani ore eat and leave some '0'0 1. to stretch the legs , or 6 orea fallen short , fall and not reach ground 2. to burn off a garden , or 0 orefanga to fast '0' 0 I i tr . of '0' 0 2, '0'0 I i a orela remainder , remnant ; '0'01 ia burnt off (pass.) orelana '0'01 ila burning off, orenga I. remains of food , food '0'01 i lana left over 2. afterbirth oreta remainder, remnant , 'o'oba temporary shelter , booth , oretana shed = 'obala ' pudding like gata, but with 'o'ole noun of possession (yams) no nuts in it ori to prop up a sick man , oria cf. bonga 156

oro 1. to order about , lord it swollen stomach over , dominate , oroa osi to pull to pieces , as a 2. to treat ill , be a tyrant , house , os ia hard taskmaster 3. to bow down , oro fafia; to 'osi a pool in a tree trunk or lean ; also 'oro , cf. 010 rock, small pool; gwe ' os i • mae 'osi oroa bowed down orooro stoop down osiosia 1. striped 1 io oroa doubt ; 110 oroli 2. splashed with colour , varie­ gated , as taro leaf 'oro many 'o'oro 'oroa a crowd , large number ; 'oso 1. to deceive , 'osoa 'or ola 2. to annoy , bother , beg of 'orola plent ifulness , 'osoa , cf. ingo 'orolana 'osola deception 'oroba 1. to tickle , as an ant 3. to flirt with, make love to, walking over one 's body 'osoa

2. ticklish = 'o'oroba 5so food for a journey, osona 'oroi 'oroia to covet , osoli food for a journey kwai 'oro i to covet , covetous- ness osooso 1. soft , as cooked food, cf. gegeso li 'orokwao a white grub 2. loose oronga coal of a fire , 3. too small for an opening orongana ere 'osu buttocks, backside , 'osuna 'oro ' oro weeds , grass , anything 'osuna boso ham small growing up

osu1i old pandanus mat = bosul oru dew , orutolo = sifotolo 'osu1i to lie down 'oru widow or widower; gwe 'oru ; 'oru gene widow , 'oru wane ota a few ; otana si do , ote si widower do a few things

oru 1. cold , coolness otaota 1. a few; boso otaota a few pigs 2. a sp. shrub 2. wind with long leaves and large orula windiness , orulana white flowers , on swampy ground, cf. kwa ikwa i, kwangeo 3. to blow , of wind , e oru ma i 3. a leaf cup from this shrub orua damp orufi tr. of oru , to blow upon , 'ota 1. high priest , comp ared with orufia an archbishop , his full dress was oruisalo N.E. wind kafara over his shoulders held oruitolo land breeze at night by litedo round his waist , lao on oruorufa a breeze ; fleecy , his head , mae 'aba on arm , tia on white and very high , of clouds ; leg barobaro oruorufa 2. arec a nut 4. a cricket 3. to spear , throw at with a spear , 'ota 'ania 'oru bobono a woman or sow no longer bearing young , with a 157

'otari a sp. of palm oto mone it may be , possibly

ote 1. pZ. articZe , ote'ai , 'oto ' oto 1. to prop up with a ote wane gi trees , men , stick ote we la! boys ! 2. uprights of a wall 2. to be disinclined , not want to do , unwilling to do ; nia 'otouo porpoise teeth ornament ote nau I don 't want to, nia inserted in nose ote nia he refused oufena sp . tree (Evan thamum ? ) 3. to be tired of, disgusted by oula third, olu C5te a valley ouou to bark, of dogs otefolo a plain ououla hilly ( for uouola) cf. oto 1. to keep straight on uo otofana opposite , facing otof i tr. o to opposite , facing , take otof ia R oto fua , oto'uri point straight at , oto fuana 'uria otoi tr. oto 1. to go straight ra 1. noun SUffix, mimi to for spurt , mimira spurt ing otola keeping straight on , 2. adj . suffix, mou fear , otolana moumou ra 2. to land = 010 3. verbal suffi x, dua push , duara ; kau , kaura 'oto 1. perhaps , it may be so after noun or pronoun or at ra 1. sunlight , cf. rara ; end of a sentence rl!idi 2. to poke , thrust , jab rl!ir l!ila bright light , glory , 3. to pierce , insert radiance 'otoma i to plant cuttings , 2. to climb , as a tree poke in , insert into difi tr. of ra 2, rafia 'otom i tr. of 'oto 2,3, 'otomia, also throw at 3. 'ageru ra a hard nut ('a geru) 'otonga i 1. to poke , 'otonga i 4. i 'a ra small porpoise teeth fafia, 'otongainia 2. to ( i 'a) taboo by setting up a pole 5. up , on up ; ra kou further up 4. to dam , 'otoa 'otoa a dam rabi to be contiguous , along­ side to rab i 'ana; gwou ru rab i oto 1. shoal sit close together otooto shallow ; ful i otooto rabia contiguous , touching ; gwa 'ana it 's qu ite shallow kant rabia 'aeda tie legs together 2. a school of porpoises, oto n i k i rio raboa a large wooden bowl , large teu otoboso a long plain spear rabu to beat , hit , flog ; oto gagal0 to grope raburabu , rarabu

'otolangai to remove , rabus i tr. of rabu , rabus i a 'otolanga inia rabusia beaten (pass .) 158

rabus i la being hit or hitting , rafu 1. to smear with lime or rabus ila na powdered rock , limestone or rabutai to be shaken by wind , soapstone , rafua or rava rabutainia; si rarabu a whip 2. to lime the hair

rabua sp. tree = mabusa 3. white , from lying in ashes , non i rafu rada 1. a creeper , bearing a rarafua I. white from immersion gourd used as limebox in sea, encrusted with salt 2. a sp. of fish 2. white stained; rau 'ai rarafua breadfruit stained 3. to thrust , with finger or wh ite hand fou rafu limestone rock for rade a reed; fe rade whitening rade gwaroa ear stick raga fat , of an animal , grease ; cf. ragosa, ragufa , raranga rae 1. the corpse of a man (sila of a pig ) dy ing naturally ; tae rae exhume a corpse ; tola rae ragafa fat , of an animal , conveying skulls to Walulu grease Island ragi 1. to snat ch and make a tatafe rae a relic of a dead small sore on leg or arm , rag ia man 2. to ba rk a tree , bark one 's 'ai rae 2. a boar skin

raemae a sp. of fish 3. a blister = buteru

raerae1a promiscuou s sexual ragisi 1. dry nut s ( on stage , intercourse , fornication where smoke dries them) 2. moisture on rafters after rafirafi sheltered, behind fire is lit something else 3. undersize of that ch ( Ivens ) rafita 1. sheltered by , in the lee of; rafi tana fera the lee raga to stick , be sticky of the island, behind the ragorago = lago lago ; ragola island stickiness , ragolana 2. behind rago fai to stick something , as a stamp on a letter ; rafitai sheltered, hidden by ragofa inia something else ragof i tr. of rago ; to stick to ragof ia rafa 1. fully developed , of a ragof ia stuck (pass.) child at birth ragasa grease 2. ripe , but not squashy , of fruit ragufa fat , grease , ragufana 3. mature ragusa to sizzle , of fat in a alakwa rafo an unmarried man , pan ( Ivens ) bachelor 4. a palm slat on which that ch rake 1. stomach , rakena is tied 2. womb , rakena 5. bo la rafo a sp . of pigeon (bola) 3. metaphorically : heart , mind , seat of affections , rakena, cf. 110, sae 159

rake angoango to be angry rama 1. sp. of tree rake angoangof i tl'. rake­ 2. flotsam, gwe ramo angoangof ia rarama rake angoango 1a anger rake baita swollen stomach ramo 1. fierce and violent , rake boko constipated, rakena 'him want fight all time' , e boko of man , woman , dog , ku i ramo , rake bokonu sad = 1 io bokonu opp . to efoefo rake diana to be kind and ramo1a generous ferocity , ramo1ana raked iana1a , gen­ 2. professional killer , wane ramo erosity rake fane fane impetuous, in 3. to be strong , a champion wane ramo a hurry warrior , hero , rake f i 1. stomach ache 2. to ramoa 1. might ily , might , ade ni be annoying , vexat ious ramoa do with strength 2. a 3. rake fila 1. stomach ache warr ior food given to 2. a cause of annoyance warriors by priest ramo i tl'. of ramo to do vio­ rake fufu distended stomach lence to, ramoia rakege1oge 10 to be worried, ramo1a being strong , strength ; disturbed bo 10f ainia ramo 1agu accord­ rake gwari to be appeased, ing to my strength mollified, rakena e gwa ri ramo1a strength , violence , rake ' i r i to be violent , angry aggressiveness; rakeramola rake i sa 1 i depressed stomach , opp . to rakefufu rao 1. to work , rao'uria, 'usia rake kakua stupid , slow to work for , raoa , rao'uria work learn at ; rarao rake moumou 1a timid , afraid raoa 1. rake ramo fierce , violent work , action , doings 2. a garden for food rakaramo 1a violence , fierce rao1a = raoa 1, 2 anger wane rao a workman rake sasu to be sulky raonga tools , implements, rakesasua anger , sulkiness weapons , etc. = raunga rakesasu i tl'. to be sulky , angry with , rakesasuia 2. tame rakesasu 1a an ger faraD to tame , faraoa rake 'ue belt of cane 3. to scrape skin off vegetables ( Ivens ) rako to fix fish on a stick, 4. to cling , cleave to , touch , thread , rako'uria i'a; rarako be close to, cf. 1 ago , rage raku part of a garden being 5. to be immovab le , intractible , used for food , of taro or obstinat e, of the mind kumara (kairo gi ) raom i tl'. of rao 4, always go about with ; raomia = romia rakwana sp . of tree bearing rarao cling , cleave to , close large edible fruit ; also to rakwane , Pal'al'toCal'pUB raraofa close up to , rarao- invoZ.ucl'ata fana rao 'ana rakwanunua ready to lance , of to abide with , of a boil influence of a ghost 6. raorao side , raoraona = gagar o 160

rara 1. a pig fence rarago go fishing rarala a boundary , rara l ana fera raraku taro garden ready for eating 2. to shine , cf. ra rarakwakwada allowing light to rar ala light , brightness , come through glory rarang i to shine upon , tr. of rara 2, rarang ia rarakwadakwada shining through holes in thatch roof rarangia flooded with light (pass. ), glorious rarame1a b e che de mer , cooked 3. to be hot , warm and eaten rara fifi to be hot , to make raramo 1a courageous , aggressive , hot , heat ramo rarala I. warm ing , warmth, ra ra lana ere 2. flame raranga 1. fat of animal s, rarangi tr. of rara 3, to rarangana heat , rarangia rarang ia heated (pass.) 2. marrow 4. hot to the taste , as curr y raranga fat , well flavoured 5. withered, of yam vines rarangi cf. rara 6. sp . tree with scarlet leaves, Ery thrina fasca rarao 1. clinging close 2. steadfast , of mind rara a playing field 3. 'abo rarao cat's cradle rara boldly , bae rara rar ala raraofa 1. close up to, boldness raraofana rara au fence of stakes used 2. the roof of a house , in we ather magic raraofana

raraba1a wh ite, of teeth rarasi to shrivel, fade raras l 'aila inert and slow, rarabi two kernels in one nut , rabi opp . to mabe rarata rarabu a whip skull raratai adhering , clinging rarabu to arrive , reach , make a landing to rarata i continuous rarabu la arrival , landing rarau 1. to light a pipe , l amp , torch , raraua rarafi sickness , rarafi ka toea 2. to spread , of a use or rarafo10 1. at right angles , custom , as using matches lea rarafolo 3. to collect shellfish in 2. crosswise crevices , insert hand 'ai rar afolo a cross 4. rough , of a burden , as a lump of coral rarafua streaked with white , brown body exposed to sun , rau 1. to grip , grasp, hold , rafu seize, catch , cf. dau 161

raula grasping , catching , rebefou a stone slab raulana rau r i tl'. of rau I, stoop rebeta wide and pick up , rauria rebo 1. to talk , discuss, repeat 2. rau fiifia to rape , cont inually , tell old stores rau la rau lana act of raping , 2. an old man 3. to insert hand and collect ma rebo old age shellfish in crevices 4. the foliage of a tree, refe thin , of skin or board ; rau ' ana'ai refe refe raua leafy , with thick referefea I. thin 2. brittle, foliage ; raula easily broken

5. light a pipe , torch, lamp , rego sp. of plant ('o ta 'ota) raua with red flowers 6. money collected for bride price regweta to spread out , open out , as a mat , regweta rau 'ai breadfruit regwe ta spread out , as mat or book opened raua1ite sp. of fish regw etal opened out rau fafi seize hold of , rape renge raumeda sp. tree , Elaeocal'pus renges i tl'. to disturb , to flol'idanus make a ripple on water , rengesia raunga weapons , vessels , im­ renge s i a rippled (pass. ) plements, harness, tools , etc. , also raonga reoreo 1. sp. mollusc, Nauti lus 2. the pearl shell of this used rau ngado hold firmly ; rau ngasi to inlay with raurau sp . tree, WO l'mia ingens 3. inlaying ; ga la reo reo cut­ ting or filing the shell rauraua thin rere dry . of grass , thatch, rauta1afi try to catch and miss, wood , do e rere rautalafia rere to eat , of chiefs raut5 try to catch ; rau tona succeed in catching rereba 1. flat , re rebala flat­ ness, rerebalana reba 1. flat , wide 2. wide 2. full, of the moon rerebo 1. to sit and talk to­ 3. pieces of wood carved in gether = faora i form of birds , for dance 2. to repeat again and again , 4. flat piece of wood held in as fairy tales to children hand in dance ( Ivens ) , cf. rereba rerede large gravel, lump s of coral rebe coral shingle; rerebe reredu lying at an angle , lying rebe 'ai a flat board on its side , as a canoe on logs 162

rerere 1. to be dry , of the ridi to pull tight , ridia teeth , re re re lifo rido 1. sp. of large fish 2. to die ; '0 ko to i se nae na lifomu ka rere re if you 2. nut kernels cooked in a stay there you wi ll die bamboo reresu large mu scle of a rige a plant on the hills like Tridaana New Zealand toitoi reri to incline , cause to slope , rigita strong , rigit a fas i to re ria overcome reringai to hold one end and rigitala strength , rigitalana lay on the ground , as holding rigitangai do powerfully, child by shoulders , rering ainia rigitangainia rero to plan , bring to pass by riki 1. to see, rikia planning , reroa j rerero 2. to have , possess , rikia rete to feel about inside a riki do rich thing , as a bag rlkila appearance , look , colour , shape , r i k i I ana ri 1. demonstrative partiale, neri ( hill word) , tari rikwarikwa to resound 2. trans . suffix to verbs : rau , kwairikwarikwa resounding rau r i rina 1. to decorate a comb with 3. prep . connect ing two nouns : ad. ad ; r ina gwouri 'ai stump yellow 2. decorated , plaited ; of a ri 1. a sp . strong smelling comb , kafa r i na shrub used for bows 3. occurs in many names of suna rT harbour from whence women came the foreigners who introduced fighting and riri very small , of the moon magic and food plants ( Ivens ) riridi 1. the beam over the 2. sp. of coconut with sweet side posts, long and thin skin 2. spaces between eaves and this beam 3. to shout , cry out rTfi tr. rT of 3, to exclaim riridia tall and thin , of a man at , rTfia rTla shouting , a cry , shout rirukami sp . tree , Zizyphu8 ris i tr. of ri 3, to shout to inermis and call , risia ma l; to shout rTsia sinal i at , to shout at risi to glance off , of an moon during an eclipse ar row ; r i r is i ritai I. call out at seeing something 2. shout news about , ro 1. two , with nouns , r o wane as a ship arriving , ritainia and pronouns as a suffix, gamoro ; not used alone. Used ria 1. a hard boil or swelling, also with relationship terms without pus ro wa i telana mother and child; 2. poles for a fishing stage , ro wane! exal. boys l hullo ! or 'ai ria of surprise, am azement ; by men or women , ro here is pl. prefix 3. sores caused by magical use of ginger ( Ivens ) 163

2. the second hand , in a roiroa sing ing , songs ; not old system of count ing ones but freshly made and sung in canoes 3. to be unab le, occupied abero , ro' a nia rokasia crosswise, across, kwa i 4. to hear ( in compounds only ) , rokasia (pass. form ) rosu 1 i roketa plant with scarlet pods ro 1. yesterday , ro used in soup or curry to make food hot 2. stop with , consort with , ro 'ania, cf. rao rokiroki to speak like a rom i tr. of ro 2, stop with , foreigner , mispronounce , leave consort with , romia out glottal stop roki r ok ia bae roa such speech , a spoon of mother of pearl rokirokia robo 1. oesophagus , robona rokitai to unravel , turn over, 2. large size porpoise teeth rokitainia 3. occurs in many names of roko four tattoo marks , two men strokes inclined to left and two to the right \\ 1/ rodo 1. night , fe rodo; mae rodo , darkness roma sp. of large fish 2. a day as a measure of time , Melanesians say : 'do many rami approach , come near , visit , nights ' follow always , romia rodoa dark ; rorodoa wane rom i nau my mate 1 i 0 rorodoa ignorant , puzzled rongo 1. to hear , listen to , rodoabu about 7 p.m. ron goa 3. blind, mana e rodo 2. to perce ive , to smell ; rongoa mokofane perceive its ma rodo blindman , gwe ma rodo smell rofi to sin� a child asleep with rongofT cause annoyance by a lullaby , rof ia making a noise rof iwelala a lullaby for a rongofTla annoyance caused child by no ise rongola rofu sp. tree with yellow hearing , perceiving , rongolana leaves used for lumbago rongo la hearing , perception rongo sa i tama rogi sp. plant , convolvulus , to hear and Ip omea understand , rongosaita mana fafurongo 1. to listen rog i bora sky bl-ue conv olvulus , morning glory 2. to hear , disciple rog i kwao wh ite convolvulus rongosul i to obey , agree to rongosul ia ka i rog i kumara (ka i, yam ) , do , so called from its flower rora 1. dazzling , cf. rara ragi yesterday , rog i = ro 1. 2. sp. fi sh , sardine gwe rora rogotai sp . mollusc, Lambis , a tattoo chevrons between tal ekokosu shell with spines 164

roro 1. to stay still rurua undecided , manata rurua ; rua rua 2. to glide , swoop , fly with­ ruana I. out movement of wings , aero­ second 2. alternat ive 3. plane e roro branch , of a round, ruanatala 4. again ; nia 3. bent , curved, to curve ; ruana soea he called him again fu lar o karoro rainbow curves 5. a friend , closer in rela­ tionship than English friend, rorobasi to struggle a close bond , presents ex­ changed , perhaps names. Their rorodoa dark , dark in colour children may intermarry . ruana nau 6. lover 7. to be roroia 1. coming in , of canoe friends with , be in love; or ship daro ruana the two are in love; 2. peering with drawn brows , ruanala friendship , love S. maroroia wife 's sister 's husband; futa rua children of two brothers , roroto float without moving ma rua father's brother , step­ wings , of birds , cf. roro father , te rua father 's sister , stepmother rosuli to obey , rosul ia, cf. rongosu Ii rua the feast that follows the entry of u mother with her new roto anklets of dyed cane baby into the house ruala ru 1. to enter , ru ma i or ru a lullaby 2. two , ru wau ( pigeons ) ruba 1. to cut into sections; ( Ivens) ruba ruba sao, rube ru 1. to come into, ru ma i 2. a section ; alo, rube sao 2. to pier ce , dao ru , lea ru rube'ai a plank 3. to get into clothes , put on clothes , dress rube to mis lay ( hill word) rufi tr. of ru I, to go into , rufia 2. to dress, put on , rufiluma ceremonial entrance of rufia bride elect into house of ruf ia clothed (pa88. ) father-in-law. Return home of ru la I. entry 2. clothing mother and child after child­ rungai to insert , rungainia birth ( Ivens) rutafa enter and go through , rutafa rufo sp . of tree with reddish leaves , used for posts, 4. the inside , runa beu Gyzygium Zauterbrachianum , cf. afio, asirufa , malarufa , 5. inside of roof , runa beu also rufa rurunga inside of roof , ru rungana rukaruka to boil = furafura 6. to change the place of , as money from one string to rUmasu to wander in the forest another , to thread rumu 1. to be hairy 7. entrance ; ru ni baekwa en­ 2. trance for sacred shark to his weeds under keel altar 3. small ferns , moss , on tree trunk rua two 165

rumu la 1. hairiness , rumu lana s 2. hair on body , rumu lana non ina sa 1. noun sUffix rumurumu = 1, 2, 3 rurumu hairy , mossy ; rurumua 2. noun prefix, safila centipede , rurumu la hairy or adj . sakafu muddy , or vb. sako , mota sakau ruri seed pods tied to legs to 3. per. article now obsolete , rattle in a dance found in sama father, sa si younger brother ruru 1. to sing a lullaby , ruruwela 4. = so, if ( hill word probably , but used) 2. to roar , throbbing sound rurula roaring ; rurulana or sabe 1. to bar a door; sabe'usi rururulana aeroplane sabesi tr. of sabe ; sabesia rururu I. to roar , throbbing sasabe to bar a door sound 2. a roar , rururuna ra ra 2. red cane for girl's belt , 3. to heat in fire , cf. sabena rurunga heat of fire , rurungana ere sabo 1. to go empty-handed rurungi tr. ruru 3, of sabo'o'oni rurungia empty-handed 2. strongly , firmly , saboa , ruru 1. breast , bosom, chest , dau saboa as when climbing a ruru na; rarely heart , mind tree 2. to swoop , of birds , cf. tagwaruru sabo1e 'o sit with legs stretched out 3. to fall out , of a number of things , as seeds from a tin , sada a woman 's grass skirt ta na e rurii? sadi hard , tough , too hard to 4. tears , ruriina bite 5. to trickle sae 1. the core of a thing , rurusi l. to lower a sail, saena = dou rurus ia I. carcase skinned , feathers 2. slip ; bu rurusi slide on wet removed 2. meat of an egg 3. path peeled yam or orange , sae kai , sae mol i 4. kernel of nut , ruruta 1. to change money from saenga Ii one string to another , ruruta malefo , ruruta 2. to say, tell , name , summon , send for , and so on , saea ; 2. to pull off ornament s, ruta saea nia tell him 3. to pull down vines 3. think , suppose sae ba ita honour , sae baita rusu rusua to push alon·g , 'ana saefatai explain , make meaning rut a l. a barnacle clear , interpret , saefatainia 2. to pull down vines , rutatol i saef3taia explanation, inter­ pretat ion rut a to recede , of tide ( Ivens ) saefi 10 to question , saefi loa saela saying , telling or being told , etc. , thinking , etc. ; sae lana named 166

saetana said (pass. ); nia safu 1. lime , used in magic , saetana it is said, cf. cf. rafu baetana 2. to smear with lime , safua = (oratio 4. i. e. , that safua ob tiqua) ; nia doria sae 'o 3. to tie up a pig , ka lea he wished that you go , 4. to help , assist , strengthen nia baea sae ruana ka lea he a statement , safua said th at his fri end should go 5. top of head , safuna i 'a saebu1isi'ai sp . mollusc, 6. the brain , safuna Verme tuB safua discoloured, of water saefera barren, of land safusafu nat ive tobacco (first saefou liver , saefouna obtained Savo Islan d) , cf. fafuru , firi saegano flat on ground, pros­ trate, belly to ground (sae = saga 1. to go out , come out , go belly) away on a journey = saka mae saga a gate saekake internal sore , swelling sagatafa I. to go out , come of kake out from ; sagatafa 'uria raola go out to work sae10 core of a boil sagatafala going out , saga- tafalana saengisu lung (0010 and maul i right and left ) 2. to adopt a child of a mother dying in childbirth , cf. sare , safa sp . tree plant ed at land­ sulu; saga 'uria ing places , yellowish leaves sagala adopting , sagalana eaten as cabbage sag ala adoption sasafa I. sp . tree planted at landing places , yellowish 3. full of people , in full force; usia e saga leaves eaten as cabbage 2. market going strong , in full swing name of a river in Lau saga1i to trouble , of enemy , safa1i to begin, safalia = safol i kwa isagal i safalia beginning ; safalila safa I i I a beginning ; safa I i I ana sagasaga1a standing up straight its beginning sagatae a stream safao a grub that eats sago palm sa ao sagatafu to dirty , muddy the water , sagatafua safau I. a grub that eats sago palm 2. sp. shrub sage 'oni bamboo rod for fishing safi1a centipede (cf. Ge la Ilua) sai 1. thing ; ta sai anything safita 1. the mi ddle , safi tana 2. duty ; sai gera their duty do gera 2. between 3. bit , piece , portion ; falea safo1i begin = safa l i sa i 'ai f u a na g i v e him a pie c e of wood safolo division in a garden 4. saingi tr. throw dirt up , safolo i 'ae saingia gano = sal ingi safo 10 i gwou 167

5. saingi ornament , deck limb s sakasi - sakai ; sakas i morodo - or body , saingia; saingi la sakai morodo adorning , saingilana saki 1. to be caught in a crevice , 6. look for, sai sul ia or saia catch fast in a crevice , sakia saia 1. ready sasaia 2. to seize with tongs , sakia 2. wait a wh ile , a long time 3. to grip , as a vice or giant mas i kwa ifT clam, Tridacna sakia 3. sp. tree, Parinarium sako 1. to catch , in hands or gZaberrimum mouth , sakoa 4. the nut , and vegetable putty 2. to lift up ; sasakoa made from it to caulk a canoe 3. to float , swim on surface as saifa 1. wife of woman 's brother , a crocodile , cf. fao , manu saifana 4. emerge on surface, as an 2. husband of man's sister island; sasako saili 'i sp . tree , Samadara sakosia sp. tree , Timonius indica sakwadola 1. a man with no living saisai to pant , come in gasps , relatives of breath , mangona e saisai 2. a tree without branches saitarna to know ; saitamana 3. in bulk, not wrapped in a know it , saitama nia know him parcel (Ivens ) (also saitamana) sakwal0 a bat , flying fox saitamadoa knowledge , wisdom sai tamala knowing , sai tama lana sakware sp . of tree with dark sa i tamana cle arly ; rongo serrated leaves and edible sai tamana black berries saka 1. to stretch out the arm , sakwari a fish (hill word) sak1i 2. saga sakwasakwa smooth , without branches , as a bamboo sakafu muddy sala 1. light , not heavy sakai 1. bamboo tongs 2. buoyant , unsinkable 2. name of constellation of 3. clear of anything , up high six stars manata sasala put little trust sakai morodo tongs not made of in, think lightly of bamboo sasala light , buoyant sakaini grasp with tongs , sakainia 4. a stranger, traveller ; to sala travellers sakala mouth of a river , 5. formless , chaotic saka lana 6. sp . tree, paper mulberry , sakali 1. a fence round a garden, used to make bark cloth beaten labu saka l i out 2. to lie on one 's back , teo 7. desert saka Ii sala to show off one 's ornaments sakal0 under , inner , of skin , unga sakalo 168

sa1afa humerus , upper arm , sama 1. mixed salafana 2. sama i tr. to pair , fit , samaia sa1i 1. to protrude ; saI l mea protrude the tongue samata i I. to put things in order, samatainia 2. to 2. beat to bring out gong and spread a covering , as on bed it or table , samatainia 3. to sa I I ng I tr. of s a I I 2, lay out in order, as a stone sal ingia pavement , samatainia samatala a covering , as a 3. up dirt , cf. sa i to throw tablecloth , or sprea d to put sal ingai throw up dirt , things on sal ing ainia samataido double sal ingi tr. to throw up dirt , samataila the laying out of sal ingia things , samata ila na

sa1ia coconut s offered to agalo sarna father, samana; pel's . art . and put in beu abu sa + ama (the vocative is ma ) applied in play to a child sa1i1i sp. mollusc, Turbo (Ivens) petholatus samasi to stroke , samas ia sa1iona fierce, wild (Ivens ) samo 1. to touch , feel for with salo l. the sky fingers, samo'uria 2. storm samof i tr. of samo 1, touch and spoil 3. iron samos i tr. of samo 1, to touch saloa stormy with fingers , catch hold of, salob ulu black rain clouds samos ia salo fou banks of clouds with samos ila being caught , little movement samos i lana salo ma rakwa blue sky samot6 test by touch, samotona 4. to sweep, clean up 2. sp. of fern tr. sa lofi of salo 4, salofia samoHi pride salofia swept , cleaned up (pass .) samota 1. a sp. of tree , with sasalo a broom rough leaf used to smooth things 5. to smooth , make level 2. to smooth with this leaf, salofi tr. of sale 5, salofia samotii salo fia smoothed, levelled 3. sandpaper (modern ) (pass. ) sasalo smooth , level sane the white ant sa1u 1. to get ready , gather fu i sane nest of white ant ; things together also fT sane sanea eaten by white ant salunga i gather together ; salungalnia unload cargo , sanga a sp. of reef fi sh sasalu put ready , prepare to go , sasalu agau sangai giant caladium = edu 2. sp . tree , Casuarina equisetifolia ; salutolo C. sanga1u to rejoice, of a crowd nodi flora of people , gera sanga lu 3. large climbing plant 169

sango the red-leaved dracaena; sara 1. shore , land above beach ; a sacred plant , planted in sara ashore bae and now in cemeteries 2. garden land on low hills; Ie i sara go to gardens sangogwaila 1. an orchid (generic term) 3. to warm oneself at a fire 2. sp. plant , like maras i kafo sarala warming oneself but with beauti ful flowers sarangai to warm oneself; saranga inia sangoni to feed , nourish sarangi tr. of sara 3, to heat , sangon ia, to fatten sangon i toast at fire boso sarangia heated at fire (pass .) sangon ia fed (pas s. ) 4. limb , member , sarana 5. branch of a tree , sarana sao 1. sago palm sasara limb , branch 2. leaf of the palm as thatch 6. shallow water; sara 1 3. sago , the pith of the palm prepared and eaten 7. glad , happy , non i sara 4. dried up , like dry thatch sarai 1. to rejoice , sarai la rejoicing 2. to open the saona dried up , like dry eyes , to wake that ch 5. a sp. of tree with yellow sarafa person brought by a shark scented leaves; also sao to the shark altar momoko, cf. bou sasao yellow banana sare 1. to give , sarea 6. yellow , of leaves ready to 2. to feed regularly , nourish , fall bring up , sarea 7. to float , cf. sako 3. to adopt , sarea , a child regularly fed is legally saofa 1. to be hungry , rakegu adopted e saofa sarea regularly fed , adopted 2. diarrhoea sarela adopting , adopted, sarel ana saol0 bae sp . tree , planted in wane sarea member of house­ hold saolu an egg ; also saoolo and saulu 4. to have a child, bear a child, sarea sao ni matare sp . of sago palm with small leaves sarenga over and above ; akwala ma sarenga ten and some over saore gentle ; ade saore 'ana do sa renga odd number (do fono, deal gently with , be careful of even number) sasaore gently , humbly sari unmarried girl , maiden , bae sasaore speak respect­ daughter , cf. alakwa fully I io sasaore meekness , sarofaia slowly , steadily ; lea humility saro faia go slowly to sasaore be subj ect to , obedient , humble sarofana slow , qui et , gentle , harmless saoro 1. a bird (hill word) 2. an opossum (hill word) sarofi 1. to treat gently , 170

pacify , forbear , sarof ia sasa1a' ani dani about 5.30 a.m.

2. slowly (before the verb), sasa1e to rustle , as a lizard in sarof i lea go slowly the thatch sarofi Litsea sp. of tree , sasa10 1. smooth off, level domarensis 2. sweep saru 1. to make a hole in rock , 3. a broom as an eel or fish saru i tr. of saru 1, saruia sasa1u get ready , get together , prepare for a journey , pack up 2. to burn sarufi tr. of saru 2, sarufia sasamo a plantain sarufia burnt (pass. ); nia sarufia it is burnt sasara limb , branch , sasarana sarufila being burnt , sarufi lana sasara growing together , as two trees 3. to break out in sores ; gwouna e saru sasarai1a wakeful , quick to wake sasabi to bar a door , sasabia sasasu 1. smoke

sasafa 1. sp. tree = safa 2. to spout up , of water in a blowhole ; to blow , of a whal e 2. thigh , sasafana , sasafana'ae 3. sp . tree , Cryptocarya sasafoloa hollow between two medicinaZis rows , cf. safol0 = alofoloa , da r i sasate 1. chin , jaw 2. beard; gwe sasate a bearded sasafua muddy man sasagoni make a pet of, make sa sate buru unshaven for some friends with , cherish , days sasagon ia sasau1ia pure sasagore sp. small frog sasi to do , work , act , sasia sasai to make ready ; sasai 'ania sas i alafu to work hard sai make ready for him; sasi 'asia too much sas i diana to be generous , to sasaia ready love ; sasidianala generosity sas i dila to be stingy sasako 1. to float sas i fanga to cook 2. to catch sas i ga li 1. to surround 2. to persecute 3. a ball made of leaves for play sasigal ia persecution sasila doing , sasilana; sasakua luggage sasilada their acts sas i naunaua selfish, egotist ic, sasala 1. faint with hunger ; without thought or respect for mangona e sasala others sas ita stingy ; gwe sas ita stingy 2. desert fellow 3. to lig hten a load sasi 'uri try hard for , desire manata 4. light , not heavy ; sasi brother , sister , younger sasala despise than one self and of same sex (for sa as i) 171

ro wa i sas ina two brothers or 8. to press upon , beat on , of sisters a storm or flood ; sata'ana, wa i sas i 1 a brethren , brother­ sata fiifia hood 9. to rub , rub down , sharpen by wa i sas ina brethren rubbing = sate, tata saso 1. mischievous , of child, fou ni sata grindstone agalo kitten , 10 . sp. of climbing fern used 2. to spoil by mi schief, sasoa for tying canoes sasu 1. smoke ; sasula smokiness , satamela sp . of reef fish sasulana sate 1. to rub . down , grind, 2. to smoke sharpen on a stone , satea 3. saru to burn , of fire , cf. fou satea grindstone sasubi li soot sate ma l efo grind down money sasufai to smoke (tr. ), sasu- disks fainia satea grinding , sharpening sasuf i tr. of sasu 2 to smoke , 2. chin , jaw; satena = sasate sasufia sasuf i a smoked (pass .) 3. beard; satena = sasate sasui tr. of sasu 2; sasu ia 4. gable of a house; satena I. to smoke 2. to be angry sasate with ; rakena ka sasuia he is angry with him sato the sun sasu ia smoked (pass .) sasula smoky satofa i I. expose to sun , satofa inia 2. exposed to sun gwa i sasu a whale satof i tr. of sato to warm , mo kona sasu smoke of a fire , burn , to shine on, of sun ; plat form over fire satofia rake sasu sulky , angry satola sunny 4. steam; sasuna ere sato dea a sunny day 5. gall bladder sato fane up till noon sato fifi I. unpleas antly 6. ink of cuttlefish hot 2. sunburn sato' ini fierce heat of sun sasusasu to be hot , of food , cf. sato sifo after 1 p.m. sasu 3 sato u ngelengele exact noon sata 1. name , satana; atei satana asua noon what is his name (who ) sau 1. a bonito fish ; a'o sau 2. namesake ; sata nau ! fish for bonito in special 3. friend ; sata nia his friend small canoe; inamouri gwa i sau (friends sometime s exchanged chief with bonito head , proverb names in ruanala) of empty honour (Ivens ) 4. to own ; sata fainia, nia 2. to wash away , cf. tau wash sata 'ana he owns it clean 5. my ; boso satagu my (sacrifi­ saufi tr. of sau 2, saufi a cial) pig 3. to become , change into , 6. to be very close together , sau'ana ; sau'ana baekwa be­ sitting tog�ther, touching one come incarnat e in a shark another 4. to beat ; pound 7. to urge strongly , sata' ana saukata to pound in a mortar 172

saungi tr. of sau 4, saung i a scraper on which a man sits and scoops out white of coconut 5. to injure , do harm to, kill sau bai ta injure seriously , sau1a 1. fellow , mate ; sa old sau ba ita'ana personal article now obsolete sau be l i murder , secret killing 2. each of a man'a two wives saukwada pierce with a spear calls the other saula nau saukwadang i tr. , saukw adang I a 3. each of the wives of two sau mae I i to cause death, kill , brothers calls the other saula saumael ia nau sau ma la to wound fatally , sau mala'ana sau1afi evening sau ma lwela to torment , sauma l awelii saulafi ma lumalu dusk saung i tr. of sau 5, saung i a saulafla eventide saungibel i to murder saungibeli la murder sau1u egg , or saolu, saool o saungi la killing , being killed, saungilana saurna1a 1. as much as , like to sau n i fiiiibu to murder the same degree as , of such a kind as ; bae saumala nia speak sauni fiiiibu lii murder like him; 'oro saumala right sau ni gen i cause to be killed quantity by a woman , 'ana sauto attempt murder , sautona 2. granted that , even supposing sauto'ou injure slightly , sauto'ou'ana saungai 1. to do , make , create sauwane commit homicide (intr. ) sauwane la homicide 2. to construct , build, carve , decorate 6. to blow , of wind saungaia handiwork saul angai to blow off , blow saungaila making , constructing , away , saul angainia etc.; saunga i baru laga mak­ sau Ii tr. of sau 6 to blow ; ing canoes for us sau I i a saungainia tr. of 1,2 sausau a breeze sausau la windy , breezy sawea 7. moisture se 1. privates , of a man , cf. sauf i I. tr. of sau 6 to blow siga upon , saufia 2. tr. of sau 7 to wet , saufia 3. to wrap up 2. excl. of disapproval , disgust and conceal , saufia se here, there saufia wrapped up and hidden (pass . ) se here , here it is, in this place saufi ni arua sp . coleus used in segi here , here it is , in black magic (Ivens ) this place se na here , here it is, in

saufini 1. to hide , tr. and intr.. • this place saufinia se ba there , usually out of 2. hidden sight se 10 there , in that place, 3. secretly that's the place saufinila a veil se l o ko there , further off , out of sight , over there saukai a three-legged coconut se nae there , in that place , that 's the place 1 73

segosego sp. long thin fish variants ke , ko , ku (article and pronoun ) as above . It may seia 1. = sa ia vegetable putty be used in a negative imperative '0 si lea don 't go . 2. a long while 3. of; belonging to seka to tear , rend, seka 4. if , as , supposing ; with seka 1. torn , rent to pieces sentences of purpose or inten­ 2. very small tion it introduces doubt , cf. aso, ata, so; si ka lofo i salo seseka = seka supposing it goes up to the sky sekeseke to throb , of the pulse , 5. that , nau manata si ka dao cf. asuasu, ge log elo, wariri I think that he will arrive 6. whether , or ; si do na si do senge 1. living coconut frond loko whether this or that sara 7. it may be the equivalent of 2. dead and fallen frond a relative pronoun , e langi ta 3. torch made from de ad fronds , do si ka to saufini nothing or bundle to kindle a fire that will be hidden 8. a short form of fas i please , seri 1. to take up in handfuls, lea si ma i please come , luge se ria si ma i please let it come 2. gather rubbish , clean up 9. trans . sUffix the place s1 1. carcass of an animal , serosero 1. sp . spider slna 2. its web used for catching 2. a piece of, slna boso bit garfish of pork sese1e a harlot (said to be Santa 3. curly , of hair Isabel word - Ivens ) 4. hoarse, of vo ice, liona Sl he is hoarse si 1. an indefinite article , a, any ; more part icular in meaning 5. to belittle , express con­ than na and often meaning a tempt for part or piece ; its use may thus alter the meaning of the word it sia at , with , to , towards ; precedes , as it refers to a part pronouns suffixed siana with of the whole : 'au a bamboo , him s i 'au a sliver of bamboo ; baea a word , si baea a particul ar siba 1. to husk a nut , to skin, word ; si do na that particular siba = sibe thing ; kada time , s i kada a s i ba husked, skinned (pass .) particular time . It may be siberi tr. of siba husk , skin , preceded by na, na si do , and siberia used with gi in plurals , si do siberi ngal i the fourth gi the particular things. finger , used in skinning nut s 2. not , negative particle ; 2. to graze and glan ce off , as precedes verb and is joined to an arrow or bullet prepositions , kus i doria I don 't want ; it may be preceded sibato to charm a spear to kill , by langi not , without altering a spear so charmed , kills if it the meaning , nau ku langi si merely touches and glances off, doria I don't want , or e langi e siba tona grazed and killed kus i dor i a. It is joined to the verbal article ka and its sibo10 to desire something tasty , 174

as fish, prawn or pork , 9. to rise quickly , of sun siboloa and moon siboloa a relish with vege­ s i 9 Ifi tr. of s i 9 I 6, s i 9 i f i a table food , fish , flesh or sigila going off, of alarm fowl clock , spring , trap , etc. , sigilana sidu plates on back of a turtle , sigilangai to show clearly , siduna appear clearly , sigilangainia sigili tr. of sigi 7 to reject , sie = sia cast off , infect , pull down , fall off , fly off , s i gi l i a sifa to buy or sell , to trade , sigir ai to cast off, free barter, sifa'ana oneself from , sigir ainia sigi tafa sifa'an i to sell, sifa'ania to rise , of sun , sifala bar ter , sifal ana moon or star madama sigi second day of sIfanua earth , world (Ivens ) moon sifiu sp . bird , sandpiper siki : slkifi sifo 1. to go down to strike one thing on another, strike a match 2. downcast , of face siko 1. sifolii descent a grasshopper sifolangai I. to lower 2. to 2. to tempt a child or sick load cargo ; sifolangainia person with delicacies , slkoa sifol i tr. of sifo to let down , s i f 0 1 i a sikwa nine s i foto 1 i to subside , of water sikwana sifotol ia declivity , sub­ ninth sidence sila sifotolo I. dew 2. cold land corn (introduced word) breeze down a river valley sIla = luafero at night fat of a pig siga privat e parts of a woman , sile inflammat ion of eye , white sigana film over eye sigaru 1. to rub off , brush off , sili 1. to sing in praise of, sigarua praise in song or set phrase , ancestral songs = ainimae , 2. to flip away ngugwa lua, silia silalii sigi 1. to come apart , depart song of praise from silama praising in song , s i 1 ana 2. to jump as a spring or trap 2. to enter, be inserted 3. to bounce s iIifa i to insert , as finger 4. to drop off , as bits of egg­ into ring , si lifainia shell sil inga to mend a roof by 5. to fly off , as an axe from inserting a fresh piece of handle ; as a spark from a fire thatch , sil ingii silin gai to enter into , 6. to infect , by jumping from sil ing ainia one to another wa 5i Ii sao sp. worm in 7. to rej ect , throw away thatch 8. to pull down vines , pull off 175

sime to touch lightly to call singo : a person 's attention , slmea singori tr. of singo to rain simes ime to touch lightly to upon , singoria call a person 's attention singos ingo to dri zzle = tagarafu simi sandfly sino10 1. ten packets of fi sh simo the barb of an arrow , 2. simona ten bunches of betel nut 3. ten large garfish sina 1. to shine , give light sinu a sp . of fish s i naf i tr. of sina 1 to shine on sio 1. to waste away and be­ sinafia sunburn come thin , as from tuberculosis sinal itai to enlighten (com­ pound sUffix) , sinal itainia, or black magic cf. sinal i 2. to shrivel up , of a branch sinas ina 1. to glow ; wa sina­ sio fa miserable , enduring sina glowworm 2. to move hardship and suffering as in ab out a brand to give light war sinas lna bright , light , lit up sinas inala shining , sinas ina­ to siofa be miserable , hard lana put to it , enduring suffer­ ing 2. a meteor siofa la mi s ery , hardship, suffering sina ' abu red glow siola wasting away sinaba1a golden glow over land­ 3. to blow on or blow down ; scape , sunlight between showers koburu e sioa beu na the storm blew down the house sinabo1e phosphorescent guramole sirafua white with spray , of the body sinado sp. flowering plant , variety of otaota siri 1. to peel , as a kumara, siria, cf. sul i sina1i 1. the moon madama a 2. sp. small bird word in rare use 3. 2. a month siri 'abu dy sentery sinali dikwe quarter or half sinali falu new moon sinali kwekwe siribeku finger or toe nail, half siribekuna; siribiku, siribuku sinal i laulau full moon s i na I i reba full moon siru 1. sp . long-tai led bird sinal i ri ri new moon , when first seen , or rl ri la 2. to wander about sinal i sigi second day of moon s i rus I ru I. to jump ab out 2. to wave things ab out , as sinarnaru lightning weapons after a homicide, sirus i rua sinarno1e phosphorescent sis! 1. sp. very large beetle sinatai to get rid of, send off in banana plants, which undesirable people, sinatainia destroys them singeo sp. bird , starling , or 2. generic name for beetles s iweo and insects 176

3. a child 2. unopened leaf of coconut sisiafufu sp. mollusc sisinatai get rid of people , sinata i sisiba sisionga 1. a number of small sisibaranga1i little finger; sores sisibi ringal i 2. peeling off of burnt flesh sisidai sp. small blackfish sisiri to peel , siri sisifa 1. to barter sisiri ngena straight , of hair 2. pay , reward sisiru sp. bird , swallow sisifiu sp. bird , sandpiper 5 i f i u sisiu 1. to bathe , siu 2. be conceived sisifu1ua hair rising , goose­ flesh sitanu eat haphazard ( Ivens ) , fanga sitanu sisiga 1. spark from a fire , sisigina ere site 1. to eat haphazard , not 2. to give off sparks care what one eats , fanga site 3. to be infectious 2. to di s parage , libel , sitea

4. = sigi 1,2,3,4,5,8,9 3. a creature on the reef, broad and flat , with spines sisigau1a W tattoo , wings of frigate bird conventionalised siu 1. to bathe , to wash stand­ ing in water sisigi1a 1. active and playful 5 i u f i tr. of siu to bathe like a kitten siufia bathed (pass .) 2. alert and qui ck , elastic 5 i u I a bathing 2. to be conceived in the womb , sisigwa rows of rods decorating of a child the eaves of a house , tale sisigwa so 1. if, supposing that , ab out or likely to , provided that ; a sisiki 1. pig's dung , sisikina partiaZe used with a sentence sisikila dirty from pig's dung expressing purpose or intention; garangi si manga so ka fa tainia 2. operculum of a shell , sisikina laufi near the time he was ab out to appear ; so ni 'oe tari as to you no dou bt ; so i toto provided sisile 1. barnac les that 2. sp . very small mollusc; 2. whether ...or ; so ni nau so small shells ni 'oe whether I or you, cf. si sisimago to itch after being 3. expresses 'may ' and 'should' muddy in English speech; so na satamu na fabulana may your name be sisimi sandfly , gnat honoured (fa abu) ; so nau kuka lea so'oe ko lea I should go if sisimidi sp. bird , honeyeater you would go

sisina 1. to go about with a so to ga ther , collect , so niu firestick 177

sofi tr. of so collect , find, sogon i la harvest sOf i a sofia dri ftwood, flotsam and sokesoke conceited jet sam = gwe sof i 1 i to pick up , sofll ia sono 1. to jab, prick 2. the name of a game in which sobo 1. to steady a canoe from a pattern is made with stones. turning over The same game and name in San sobongi tr. of sobo 1, sobongia Cristoval . 2. to gather , waiting for good 3. a song (Ivens ) weather, for a journey soro 1. a canoe with blunt ends , 3. to rest on a journey no Isu at prow ; sorosoro soe 1. ask for , or about , cf. 2. to hold carefully , so as sae; soea , soe ere ask for a not to break or spill, soroa light (for pipe) , soea satana soroa carefully , dau soroa ask his name 2. name , call , soea soso sorcery soela asking , naming , calling , 'ai 5050, wane 5050 sorcerer soe l ana soela a call, a vocat ion sosoe ask , call soefatai interpret sosoko a tuft of hair longer soef ataia I. interpretat ion than the rest = tutanaa (hill of a dream = saefataia; word) bol ofainia na soefataia according to the interpre­ soso10 a food plant with tubers tation like potatoes on its stalk , cf. 2. Church (Ecclesia) , modern arakai soe fafo 1. give away and ask su 1. su-buri last born ; breast someone for a similar thing susu 2. ask for what you already 2. to cover , as an umbrella or have , soe fafona charm (at sulufou hu) sufa I. a covering , protection , soe fifirisi enquire careful ly as a charm su fafia which protects from agalo 2. an soefi10 make a full , careful umbrella, nat ive or European enquiry (used in a neighbouring lan­ guage at Malu 'u for 'Saviour ') soegeni ask a woman for sexual sufi tr. of su 2; I. to cover intercourse over , as a canoe with branches ; ata sato ka satofia lest the soe ka1ita examine by questions sun 'sun ' it 2. to protect ; aga lo sufi nau! soe 1edi enquire ab out , catechise, sula a covering catechism (modern) 3. harbour , anchorage, bay, soe to ask about , soe tona passage in mangroves, inlet of sea sogo : 4. to burn ; susu sogon i I. tr. of sogo gather sung i tr. of su 4, to make a 2. collect , sogon ia look fire , to burn ab out for food as fowls or sungia burnt (pass. ) cattle (intr. ) 1 7 8

su boso to sacrifice a pig sua ill when giving birth subosola a burnt sacrifice of through un faithfulness to a pig husband 5. to set , of sun , moon and 4. a sp. tree stars 5. a spear sula setting , sulana suangia arunga ni suangia late 6. to dive , swim under water , evening sink sufi tr. of su 5, to dive for sua ngalia cross-current sula diving suasua heap of earth thrown up 7. to shout by crabs , suasua e'ano sungi to shout (tr. and intr. ) sungila shout ing suba to plant , suba , (hill word) su ni mae wail and lament for the dead subelubelu sp . large spider 8. suna corner , elbow , subi 1. a knot in WOOd , subi 'al susu susunaj corner , elbow, susubi a knot in wood susu , susuna 2. a knotted club , diamond­ 9. suna the temples , shaped head and short handle 10. to endure , persevere ; susu subu 1. to be the first to do , sua 1. to encounter, knock or make , the first to make an against , as foot against a island, subua sua tree, subua the first made suafi being opposed by , to 2. to begin to compose a song compel by words , suafla suala being opposed by, to suburi youngest son , cf. su 1 push a canoe with a pole (canoes in Lau lagoon are suesue 1. floodwater poled) , sua 1 a 2. pools of rain water sualala pushing off, poling sualangai to push off , pole sufa umbrella, cf. su 2 a canoe , sualangainia suali tr. sua 1 of to go sufi 1. to anoint with oil, against , meet with ; sual ia sufia afe go against 2. to shave with a razor , to sual ila being opposed by , cut hair sual i 1 ana sueli tr. of sua 1 to go sufi la anointing , being against , meet with ; suel ia anointed, shaving , cutting na maemaeta meet with· an hair , suf i 1 ana accident sufi l� act of anoint ing suang i tr. of sua 1 to strike fire sufi = su 2,6

2. to encounter ceremonial sUfou the brain defilement , to fail, e.g. catch fish in a net owing to someone 's sufu 1. to leak neglect of a ceremony , or some fault 2. to make a hole, sufua 3. to be defiled ceremonially , sufungi tr. of sufu 2, to in fault ; defiling make a hole in , as a drinking cup 179

3. through ; uri sufu or uri suku bamb oo pipe s (musical) of sufungia tre ad on and go different sizes as in a pipe through band 4. to mention privat ely and sukuta a bamboo mus ical in­ quietly, sufu 'ania strument sufu lobo large basket made of sula 1. a sp . of tree coconut leaf 2. to crawl on one 's stomach , suge to lie , deceive , fool with as a worm or snake a joke; sugela deceiving , 3. sugelana sulanga i to make out something suge fafi bear false witness , hard to see , as a pig 's track lie to or about , suge fa fia in long grass , sulangainia suge fafi la bearing false 'aena boso witness , suge fafilana susuge to lie , deceive , fool su1a 'ai a woman newly married with a joke su1aka to push back hair with sugi to pierce , sugia hand or comb , sulaka sui 1. to be finished ; sui na su1a kako completely husked, it is finished, enough , stop ! of a nut sui la the end; sui lana fe ra end of the village su1a wadeo to wriggle, go like a snake; sula wakeu 2. then , thereupon , after that ; being a sentence su1e 1. to husk a coconut , 3. all , the whole , both ; su lea game re sui both of us 2. after, following , cf. suI i; suiboro'ana it doesn 't matter , lea sulea 'aena go in his all the same , no matter , no tracks difference 3. sp . tree, Triahospermum sp. suita well then , that being so , however , but then su1e sasai a nut with a soft ma sui then , next , after that husk 4. to shove , push , su ia suli 1. to follow , go after, sul ia; susul i suka 1. a heap of stones or shells gathered together , in sul ila following, sul ila na lagoon 2. prep . after, according to, 2. to push something in , and alongside of (space or time) , extract , as a thorn in the sul i, sul ia, i sul ia flesh lea suI I nia follow him 3. to lever out suI ia maedan i 'oro for many days sukai tr. of suka 2.3 ; sukaia suI ia malut ana according to sukaia extracted, levered out his custom (pass. ) 3. for , on account of, because susuka shell used as gimlet of; sul i 'ce on account of you susuka i to bore (a hole) , susukaia 4. to peel , as potatoes or frui t, suI i a sGke1i a two-cornered bag 5. name of a month , April 180

6. the back , su lina 2. to point out , to accuse , sungainia 'aninia suI ifi I. rheumat ism or lumbago 2. the wild betel 3. to proffer, put forward , nut shove oneself into a matter 7. a bone , sul lna 4. to suspect , sungainia 5. to feel , perceive ; sungainia su1itala 1. innocent , free , safe mamana feel the truth of it 2. freedom sunga ni nga1i a yam with a su lobo a large wooden bowl double skin

sulu 1. liquid, oil , juice, sap, sungia burnt , burn , cf. su 4 suluna sunirnae lamentation for the sulua watery dead , shout ing at death suluna I. green, of timber, opp . to ago dry , seasoned sura 'abu sura menstrual flow 2. melted, running , liquified 2. to melt , intI'. and tI'. , surafaifai a burrowing sp. of sulua cricket 3. to lift up , lift up and surake to urge on , incite , bae carry , as a canoe up the beach surakena 4. to adopt , sului we la surake sp. of parrot that eats sului tr. of sulu 3,4, su luia flower of coconut suluia lifted up , adopted (pass. ) surarafolo a two-cornered bag sulutai lifted up (pass .) 5. to do by the power of magic, suru 1. too old to eat, of sago agalo palm 2. small sp . of reef fish su1ufolo 1. port age for canoe 2. sudden , unexpected; maea surubeku finger- or toenail, sulufolo sudden death surubekuna, cf. siribiku, etc.

sulufou 1. a stone wall to keep susi 1. to oppose, hinder, sus ia the tide out 2. to encircle, besiege , sus ia 2. a fortification 3. to protect , guard, defend, strengthen ; take susia guard sulu i rna tears him sulu i su1i to follow susila opposing , encircling , protecting , sus i lana sulu i uta rain at the end of a 4. on behalf of, used of move­ storm, the end of the storm ment towards or round , friendly or hostile sUmabo the sacred square in the mi ddle of a yam or taro garden 5. against ; bae susia accus e him 6. since , of time ; olu maedan i sumai to force a person to do susia three days ago = 'usia what he doesn 't wish to do , sumainia susu 1. to point sungai 1. to force a person to 2. the first finger , or susu do what he do esn't wish to do , fera sungainia 181

3. to prick susua fee to priest , in por­ 4. to impale , pierce poise teeth for sacrificing a pig 5. to pick out , poke out with a stick susu 'ai a rope bridge from tree to tree, cf. ba ' ato 6. to sting 7. to darn susuala 1. against , in opposition or anger ; bae susuala, to 8. to accuse susuala susui tr. of susu 1,3,4,5,7,8; 2. to be angry , wrathful to­ susuia point out , etc . wards , opposed to , to counter susuia 1. the string , as of a with fi erce words wasp 2. stung , pricked, impaled, accused 3. quick-tempered (but not susu i 1 a being stung , etc. , 'sad' , Ivens ), cf. sua 1 susuila na susula accusation , susulana susu 'au sp . mollusc, limpet susungai to pierce, susungainia susubarafa rings of red cane on 9. the breasts , milk , susuna fingers and toes of a bride , 10 . to suck the breasts susubarafana susuburi youngest child 1. sub i suburi susubi a knot in wood , susufa i tr. of susu to suckle , 2. a dry branch susufainia 3. susuf i tr. susu the horn of an animal , of to suckle , susubina susufia 11. to be whole susubu 1. a cockroach 12. to be firm; fou susu solid 2. growth, swelling on a tree , rock susubu i'ai to susu to persevere susubula a tree having a tosusula perseverance swelling 13. to hiss susufai suckle , cf. susu 10 14. crowded; t o a susu a crowd susufi 1. going bald , sufi 15. to stretch; susu'aba stretch out hand 2. to suckle 3. to call a pig susu 1. to burn off a garden , susua susuge to lie, deceive , befool 2. to endure = susu susui 1. cf. susu 1,3,4,5,6,7,8 3. answer back , retaliate , quarrel, di spute , squabbl e, 2. a wasp = gwagwao 01 i susu susuka 1. sp. mollusc susu 1. to oppose , disobey , be 2. the columella used as a obstinate , refuse to do , susu 'asia gimlet , a gimlet 3. a projection , spine on 2. to endure shell , horn , susukedo susua endurance susuka i tr. of susuka to bore , 3. corner, elbow , susuna susukaia susua corner , elbow susukofi narrow , of a room (logo of a path) 182

susuku 1. rectum, susukuna ta ka lugea he is about to lose 2. the end of the songs , ta nla ka lea he is ab out to o i susuku go susu1i 1. to follow , care for , 4. it may express doubt : ' look after, susul ia '0 manatataka uta you think it will rain , is about to rain susul ila stewardship , or sususul i la 5. when used with ka it is common in narrat ive to express 2. to know , be aware of , one action following another , susul ia or used alone : ta bae'uri and 3. to peel, susul ia said so 4. to push or poke the soft 6. a certain , some ; ta ni or white flesh out of a coconut te ni some , ta ni wane some with one 's finger , susul la men 7. it may have a 8ubjunctive susungai to pierce , make a hole , force : kasi diana ta ngal la susungainia not good, he (or they) should t ake it ; n i a k a d a 0 m a ita'0 susunirnae to warn or be warned falea do na fuana when he of impending danger ; susunimai come s would you give him this susunimaea or susun imaia a 8. added to langi and sui; warning langita but if not ; sulta thereupon susuru 1. black belt worn by a married woman ta 1. what , whatever ; ta na 2. sp. tree with black seeds what is this? ; si do ta what­ and spikes , SynotrochU8 axi ttari8 ever , na ta, si t�; te si ta anything 3. beads made fr om these worn as ornaments , black beads tafa what , whatever ; tafa na? what is this? susurufaifai sp . of b �own , 2. a, an , one ; ta akw ala, burrowing insect tafulu a ten , ta kes i do only one thing suta 1. a wooden comb 3. one , another , a certain one ; sutakwa ia a decorated comb ta bal i 'aba one hand , the other 2. to comb the hair hand 3. a bamboo with not ches used in 4. only ; ta fe uo every hill , making nets ta I ima only five , ta ro wane only two men 5. with ma , but ma ta T 6. bad, evil tala evil, badness ta 1. a 8uffix forming nouns : tal i tr. of ta 6. I. to spoil, fea , feata; fe , fota injure , hurt , agitate, tal ia 2. to be grievously ill of, 2. a tran8 . 8uffi x to verbs : ta I i a fingi, fingita tas i a tr. form , used as adv. ; 3. a particte used with verbs badly often ex pressing what is ab out 7. poor , a term of co mmiseration to happen ; comes before the pronoun ; if no pronoun precedes ka ita poor dear ! (woman ) ka ramo ta poor man ! waeta poor lad! 183

ta' a1u a shoal , shoalwater tadi1i to strike with a stick taba 1. to chop , cut down (taba tado sp. vine with edible potato­ chop down , toto chop up ) like tuber = dau taba Ii tr. of taba , taba I i a tae 1. to rise , ascend , get up , 2. to build a house, taba beu , climb taba luma 2. to embark , tae lao faka , 3. to destroy , remove , taba ' ola an ia tae donga to hitchhike in 4. to spread out , of the big canoes , to travel by suc­ toe and thumb cessive canoes 5. bubulosi taba a cyclone 3. next ; unbongi tae next morning taba sp . of tree 4. to lift up , tae gwou , tae ma tabae10 a water-spout 5. to exhume 6. tae i buri stand aside ! taba1i 1. to go aside tae ngado sit firm 2. one side , the other side taela rising , getting up , embarking ; taelana sato tabani to throw aside tael i tr. of tae I. to em­ bark on a ship or canoe , tabao sp. grub in breadfruit tael ia faka 2. to possess tree or sago palm , edible a man , of agalo, nia tael ia tatae '" tae tabara! sp. of bird, swallow tataea a rising , hillock , small hill tabareo 1. to stagger 7. the outside part of a thing , 2. to throw crookedly as sae is the inside , taena is the shell of an egg ; or a tabe 1. to carry on forearms ; mollusc, the skin of tubers or tabea lift and carry fruit , the husk of a coconut tabe la carrying , tabe lana tatae - tae 7, tataena 2. to lift hindleg of pig and so upset it , upset a pig ; taefata shallows where shell­ tabea fish are got ( Ivens ) tabi 1. to branch taekeu a shell spoon tabi kafo, tabi tala branch taengai to put a portion of road , stream food in a bag for someone 2. tatabi forked; taengaia a portion of food 3. to break off , as a branch , in a bag twig or leaf tae 'ota husk of areca nut 4. name of a forked sp. of taro taerau a rubbish heap tabi1i a cupboard in a house for storing things taetae flooring of a canoe tada taetafu re fuse heap of oven tadafi tr. to cook on charcoal , leaves tadafia taeumari pearl shell ( implement ) 184

tafa 1. to flow , as blood or taferai to put thatch on a faeces house , taferainia; taferangai, taferangainia tafaugatafa small sores on body tafi 1. to flee 2. out , clearly ; sina tafa tafl la flight shine out tafisi tl'. of tafi 1 to flee tafala, 1 io tafala understand­ from ing taf i taf i to flee tafalangai 1. out , plainly , 2. to pluck shoots , tafia clearly ; bae tafa 1 anga i, sae tafalanga i acknowledge , admit tlifi 1. to lop off 2. confess, tafa l angainia tafa ngi through ; lea tafangia 2. to take off midrib of sago go through it palm leaf tafangia through tafas i tl'. of tafa 2 to open , tafiri to carry across shoulders make a gap , open out as a bandolier , tafiria tafasia opened out (pass. ) tafo 1. to raise , lift up , as 3. what = ta ; tafa gu la what ends of bamb oo in interweaving , part , tafamu your what? what raise limestick to lips , tafoa part of you? 2. to catch fish tafa l. opening in reef 3. to buy and adopt a child; cf. 2. pass in mountain range sare, sulu; tafoa 3. out , openly , plainly 4. to bring out the gongs , tafo 'ana 0; tafo te bal i 'ana bae tafa speak plainly o beat gongs continually as dau tafa offer first fruits sign of a murder or trouble 1 i u tafa diarrhoea tafol a adopting , tafolana tafai to stumble , takes same tafola adoption pronoun after as before ; nia tafai nia he stumb led tafu 1. scraps , rubbish, rubbish heap tafai la a stumb le maoma su tafu feast for burn- tafli1i1i 1. to avoid, tafa l il ia ing betel nut skins 2. away from 2. to brush off , brush against 3. tafe 1. a platform , shelf to leave behind, as a knife in the garden 2. scaffolding in building tafu i tl'. of tafu 1 to knock 3. steps up to a house against , as limestick on lime tafuia tafe ' aba back of hand box , tafus i tl'. tafu 1,2 tafe 'ae top of foot of to brush away , leave behind and tatafe = tafe 1,2,3 forget , tafus i a tafe kakau group of fingers tafus ia (pass .) spread out , cf. ta 1 ekakau left behind tafe lalo floor of house 4. to exceed, surpass foutafe flat rocks kwaitafus i to contend , com- pete , race 4. simult aneous , simultaneously , tafula before its verb , tafe baela surpassing , win , ex­ ceeding , ahead of 5. to salute formally in set tafus I tr. of tafu 4 to out­ words , cf. sili strip , leave behind in a race or competition 185

tafulu 1. ten in counting , 2. to drive , of rain taful i i 'a fish or pigs , or bamboos of cooked nuts, cf. tagi 1. to clean up , put in tangafula; cf. 'ada , finita, order firi gwou , i lui I u, kob i, lama , tag i 'ana to do a thing proper­ lango , I ilia, usu ly , give one 's attention to 2. sp . mollusc it tagisi tr. of tagi 1, 1. to taga 1. a flower , tagana clean up , put in order , tagisia 2. to clear away 2. to flower , bloom obstructions , tagisia 3. to 3. to stretch out the hand , correct , punish , tagisia taga tagisia I. cleaned up , put in order; tag i suI i to take care taga su I i to stretch along of, guard , look after; kwa i­ 4. to be over, lord over, taga tagisi clear creepers from a tree 2. to deck, ornament , 5. to lay out , spread , taga tagisia; tagisi or tagisia 6. to scatter, disperse, throw ornamented, beu tagisi away , taga 'ania 2. the ornamentat ion of a canoe tagara i I. to shake out , as a or house tablecloth , hands after wash­ ing , tagara inia 2. to shake tagidi1i to strike , hit ( Ivens ) off, tagar ainia 3. to sprinkle tago 1. unreasonably , without 7. to stand up with cold or purpose or cau se ; usually be­ fright , of the hair fore verb 8. to quiver with cola or fear ; tago s�ung i to kill an innocent non i taga quivering person , murder , tago saung ia or sau tago 'ana tagabola to devastate , lay waste tago sunga i to accuse without proof tagofa in confusion ; to tagafu ( they ) are in confusion 2. to think tago faekwa think lightly of , tagaikao sp. of plant with be unconcerned about , 'ana = beautiful flowers manata faekwa tagoma i I. equipped, ready tagala 1. to be scattered, dis­ for use , as new net ceremon_ persed ially ready and complete 2. to be lost 2. to do carefully , think what one is doing, tagoma inia 3. scattered, lost (adj. ) 3 . to travel without anything , tagala scattered (pass .) no luggage tagalai to scatter, drive away , cause to be lost , tagalainia; tagu to collect food from the tagalam ai , tagalamainia; garden , tagua tagalangai, tagalanga inia tagudoa preparation , gather­ 4. irreverent , improper , bae ing food tagala tagu faekwa collect little , be lazy tagaloloa untidy , dirty, of room taguma i to gather up , collect , or path pick up , tagumainia tagarafu to drizzle = singos ingo maedan i n i taguma i do day of preparation tagataga 1. to spurt up , splash tagum i tr. of tagu , gather 186

food in readiness taita1i sp. shrub , hibiscus tal ita II tagurnia gathered (pass. ) taka 1. a flower , to flower = tagwai 1. for no reason or pur­ taga tago 1 pose, in vain 2. ta and ka , verbal particles , tatagwa i for no reason or usually joined in narrat ive purpose, in vain where one action follows another , or with subjunctive sense fito tatagwa i believe in vain 3. to cut off, slice off bits rarao tatagwa i work to no for planting , taka 'aba purpose takarl I. tr. of taka divi de , 2. freely ; fale tatagwal give slice ; takaria fe 'ota alo; freely = 'o'oni takadila to shove with the foot ; takafill only , alone tagwara 1. the tail of a fish, taifi li; taka mas inga cut into tagwa rana small bits 2. a mango (takari I cf. taka 3) 2. tip of a leaf , tagwarana takasafua to become muddy with tai 1. ta i a do one , only ; only rain, of a stream so and so; tai nau myself only 2. to sew , t a i a takataka drifting rain entering a house , uta takataka taila a sewing , a seam maetaila a seam take to stand , cf. tae; tatake 3. sUffi x to verbs , making a takela standing transitive verb or participle , take langai to set up , place , '0Ii ta i take langainia 4. children 's word for yam (kai) take fafo east wind (Ivens ) take sus i to withstand , take susia 5. who , whoever , often tei; take tefou to stand still e langi 'ana tai take 'usi to guard, take'usia taifaida or geratai pL of tai takesi to clean up , put in order tai one = tagisi; takesia taifi1i alone , only = takafil i, taki custom (probably Kwara 'ae takifili, tal ifill word ) taifi I i 'oe you only takifi1i only , alone = taifil i taingai 1. to take special care tako to lament (Ivens ) of, taing ainia tatako to lament 2. carefully 3. important takomi to act in a friendly way towards , receives kindly , taing aila valuables ; do ni takomia taingai la something to hold valuables takosia sp. tree , Octome les 4. to lay by , store up , sumatrana taing ainia takwa tail of fish, takwana = taitai cleft for the lusu in a takwa ra canoe 187

takwa ni abeabero toy windmi ll talala missing the mark , error , of coconut leaf sin ; fanatala shoot and miss 11. precedes verb with sense of takwa ni berobero starfish = failure or doing amiss: tala fakwa n I bebero and takwana fe rofero alangla call by mistake , tala fTto distrust. Many verb s can be made with this depreciatory takwa lao sp . reef fi sh ta I a. takwara tail of fish, takwa rana 12 . the Milky Way 13. a series , rows , strata, tala 1. path, ro ad , talana usually tale 2. opportunity ; langl 51 ta la 14. of one 's own accord , by him­ no opportunity self, talana; precedes verb ta la as l way by sea tala rao 'ana, or , with i fol­ tala bono wat er closet , w.e. lows it i tagagu by myself tala gen l women's retiring ma tala only , alone ; te fe we la place , w.e. matala an only child talal tr. of tala, to lead , talala tala sp . tree, nutmeg tala toll as c ent , descent ta la tolo inland tracks tala 'ana of his own accord , at tala wane men 's retiring all place , w.e. 3. to begin; tala taferal begin talae to begin , talaea thatching talafa as like , talafana; 4. to scratch , of fowls , talatala talafagu like me , cf. alafa 5. to be able , suitable , proper , talafi sweep , shed light on , worthy , tal ana cf. tala 6,9 gamoro kas I ta I ana mae you two talagali follow coast by land can't die I ta I a kas l talana lulda can't re­ strain them talai lead , cf. tala 1 kas l talana salta mana can't understand it talal la leading , talal lana talana mae worthy of death talami to answer , talamia, cf. 6. to sweep alaml , bae talamla ta I af I tr. of tala 6, talafla talafla swept (pass.) talange a hundred, in compounds , transposed form of tanga lau 7. to succeed someone in his work or position , in the place talatala 1. scratch for food , of, ta lana ct". tala 4 8. rao the place of, site ; 2. rao talatala, talana fal lsl badly , cf. get ready the site tala 10 of the garden 9. to shine , of sun or moon talau 1. to go straight on talafl tr. of ta la 9 to shine 2. to cross a stream on a log on , enlighten , light up , talafla talaurangai to introduce a thing , talala shining , talalana talaurangalnla 10 . to mi ss a mark , fail; amiss, tale 1. cast a line and draw it wrongly 188

over surface of water ; taletale 2. to be talked of, renowned, famous 2. a series , a row of things , strata taloa news , fame , report , reputat ion 3. a verse of a book talofi tr. of talo to spread tale fou layers of rock , through , of news or fame , strata , in a cliff talofia tale karongo a string of talola spreading of news , shells on forehead fame , talolana talongai cause to be known , tale kokosu chevrons in tattoo cause news to spread , talongainia tali 1. to cut undergrowth , 3. a shield ; to shield, ward clear a garden, especially for off, taloa taro , tal ia ta I of i tr. of ta I 0 3 to shield, 2. to mark out a taro plot talofia 3. to go round, compass 4. a sp. tree, bark used for tali la going round, talilana shields or cerement s 4. seasoned, of timber 5. cerement 5. heart of a tree, tal l'ai talu 1. naked = kara l 6. tali sul i cramp in swim- 2. to mimic, copy , talua ming 3. to pass, surpass , talua agalo tal i a shooting star 4. to avoid, dodge , escape talifili alone , only = talfili talula mimicing , avoiding , talulana taligwe a pimple on the face 5. to go ashore on top of a tali1i to escape scot free wave , on surfboard or in a canoe , talu nafo talinga to divert a stream, talu as i tal inga outrigger of a canoe 6. to sprinkle, talu fafia talingai carefully , clearly , perfectly ; bae talin g ai. rongo tama 1. saitama to know tal ingai 2. tama na do gami 9 j our things ; tama na golofa ' abua talisi to pick out , choose, the robbers tali s i a tal isi bara recite genealogies tamani to talk on and on , be a talisi ba ra la recitation of bore genealogies unu tal isi recite in detail tameD a fighting weapon , axe talitali hibiscus = taital i ta mone perhaps ( at end of sentence ) ; yes , yes it is so, talitO 1. only , merely , solely , it is done tal i tona tamu to prepare tops for plant­ 2. properly , rightly, correctly ; ing , tamua sae tal ito 'urinae say correctly so tanasu to take off or down , push up and down as a ring , tanasua talo 1. to spread , of news or fame tanasula taking off or down , tanasul ana 189

tanga the V-shaped groove in a 8. a deep square bag woven mainpost from mata , sp. of pandanus ( ' ite from coconut leaf) tangafulu ten ; tatangafulu tangafulu'ana tenth tara 1. a child who can only crawl , baby, cf. tara 3 tangalau a hundred; in construct 2. drifted ashore (pass. ), cf. tangale, talenge tara 4 tangale do a hundred fish ; 3. indiscriminately , not in other objects talenge one 's own set , fanga tara tangasi 1. to splash , sprinkle , taraede sp. small bat wet with rain , tangas ia tara 'ena 2. to go against wind , tide , today current , tangas ia tara ' ene by and by (hill word) , tangatanga drifting rain enter­ after some days ing house un der eaves = taka taka tarafi 1. drag , cf. tara 3 2. to scrat ch a mark on the tango to praise, tangoa ground, tarafia tangola praising , tango lana tarakaukau = torakaukau tangola pride , conceit a bramble tara ngado tani some an old unmarried man tao 'aitao wooden bowl used only tarangai to dismiss, refuse to fuana for special religious ceremonies feed and send away , taofa 1. temp orary shelter , lean tarasi to burn off the hair of to an animal , skin off an eel, taras ia 2. porch , verandah tarau 1. 3. to build a porch or verandah continuous , contin­ uously , cf. talau taoro sp. small crab in sea near 2. traditional , in order mangroves ; tataoro taraungai cause to spread , make tara 1. to crawl out of water continuous , establish , taraungainia 2. to approach the shore , reach shallow water , of a canoe tare to be over, more than 3. to drag , pull along , tow, tara tarenga one over , cf. sarenga tarafa i to tow, tarafainia tari 1. to keep straight on tarafi tr. of tara 3 drag , pull 2. taria along , taraf ia to steer, 3. taria 4. to be driven ashore , as to drive , chase, bonito fish, drifted ashore , as tari logs , cf. ma tare perhaps , possibly , indeed, truly ; at end of phrase or 5. draw out of, as knife from sentence sheath , ta ra taria 6. today , tara tara 'ena take it ! tatari 7. sp. of small reef fish take it! 190

tarifu1a to tell someone else 's 2. all on one side story , imitate his manner, repeat his characteristic tatabia growing together , forked teaching , speech , sayings , = matanga, sasara tari f ula 'ania tatabi 'ota a line of areca nut s tarifu1a a well-known remark of on stem , plucked off someone , proverb , pithy saying , illustrative story , parable tatabo green vegetables such as cabbage taru 1. to hang (intr. ) tatabu1obu10 over and over, head tarufai to hang up on nail or over heels , to revolve peg , tarufainia tarufi tr. taru 1 to hang tatae 1. the outside part of round neck , as a bag anything : husk of nut , involucre , 2. a porch , verandah , lean to , shell of egg or of mollusc, cf. taofa , or tarii shell of turtle when flesh is removed, etc . = tae, tataea tasa 1. to be in excess, too much , more than ; tasa 'ana more 2. to rise , ari se , get up ; to than it , ba ita tasa too big raise, tataea 2. makes superlatives tataea small hill or knoll ( precipice, Ivens ) tasala excess tatae la rising , getting up , ro fe tasala twice as much tataelana tasal iu in excess , exceedingly tataela a rise tasakou go on tatafa ' abu dysentry ; or 'abu­ tatafa , tafa tasatasa straight on = donga tatafe shelf, platform , scaffold­ tasi to husk , shred, crumble , ing , raised bed, tafe tasia tataga evilly , cf. ta tasisi sp. plant in swamp , leaves baetataga revile , blaspheme used for thatching ; Sairpodendron baetataga la blasphemy , evil sp. talk taso = tasa, go straight on ; tataga1a abundantly, in abundance , tasotaso to tataga la, cf. tagala tasu malaria, fever; tasutasu, tatagwai freely ; merely ; fa le tatasu tatagwa i give freely tata 1. prefix to verbs , tatai 1. numb with cold tatabulobulo 2. asleep , of leg 2. to scrape , to sharpen by rubbing , tata 3. bitterly , of crying ; angi tatai sob violently tat a husk , skin , tatana 4. to shake , as a dog coming out of water, same pronoun be­ tata 1. scattered in all direc­ fore and after nia tatai nia tions , as garfish in flight tatai gwou to �hake the head 2. a water fall in dissent tatabi 1. fork , forked tataka1ade sp. of mollusc, Tridaana , with coloured flesh 191

tatake standing , fanga tatake tatasu malaria, fever, to have a high temperature ; tatasua tataku to receive hospitality or give it , welcome tataurnae true tatakuf i tr. to welcome , tau 1. tatakufia to wash , to clean , cf. sau ; tau ' aba wash the hands tata1a 1. strata in rocks , tiers , 2. to steep , soak stories of a house , line , verse, taufi tr. tau 1,2 fou , tafe , tata1e of a series , cf. tauf ia 1. do to wash, cleanse 2. to draw water 2. a broom made of midribs of 3. to do , put sago palm frond tau'ae to set one 's foot tata1ai 1. of the same gener­ tauwe1a to spoil ; tauwe 1a or ation , futa tata1ai tauwe1a'ana 2. in a row , line , take tata1ai 4. a long way , far off 5. a long time , always ; gw ini tata1au stepping stones over , or ka tau always damp , to katau a log across, a stream; a bridge for ever tata1e 1. to uncover , reveal , teo te tau lying not far off tata1ea te tau a little way , not far 2. to look again for something taufafo planks of canoe above hidden , tata 1 ea kame and below isu tata1i 1. to cut off , adze off, taukai three-legged coconut chip off, as old putty from scraper = sauka i canoe , tata 1 i a 2. to take a thing to pieces , tau1a to announce beforehand, to mend it , as a watch , tata1 ia foretell , prophesy wane tau1a a prophet tata1u nafo surfing on a board taulangai 1. to curse, revile, tatarna pudding of coconut and tau 1 angainia taro 2. to persecute , tau1angainia tatangai carefully ; nani tatangai 3. to waste , tau1angainia look for it carefully taumae a war bow tatao to lie on the back , lie teo, flat on the ground, cf. taurnanga teteo a pudding of taro and coconut cream; taumonga tatara 1. skim over water taurai to fix the bait on a hook , tatarasi tr. of tatara skim cf. tau 3; taurainia a stone , tata ras ia tauta lame permanently 2. dragonfly , or tatara kafo = nana1u kafo te 1. one , a, any , a certain , the same tatara bebe sp . tree , Adenan thera 'ana te mae dan i on a certain tatare with uneven ends , as a day mat 'ana te si gu1a in a certain place 192

do te do singly tegwera to spread out flat , te do ma te do one thing at a tegwera time ten i some , every , each tei 1. who = tai , a tei te si do something tel fa lda who pz. ; gera te i te si kada sometime , by and by te si na do gi everything 2. anyone; e langi 'ana tei there is no one 2. rather ; te ba ita rather big , te to tau rather long while teingai = taingai 3. used with collective nouns : te ' ai 'ana ngal i, te lama saoro tekwa long , tall , high te ' ade niu ten coconut s tekwala to stretch out , te sinolo ten packets of fish tekwala 4. equivalent to 'ought ' tekwe 1. stopper of bamb oo water te dO 'oe, te sa i 'oe your duty vessel 5. only ; te gera they only , 2. to fold a leaf to get a te inau ka langi except me , drink te taifil ia inia go he only te1e 1. to keep well ; not go bad, te 1. mother , ni te , te nia of food telana, ro wa i telana mother 2. roasted taro , keeps to fol­ and child lowing day 2. big , do te ba ita 3. nini te le thumb 3. to go aground , strike a reef, temai to count , read , temainia strike

telai come in contact with , tenge thigh , tengena = tang a te lainia tenggwe stopper of bamboo water 4. alone , only ; te nia ka vessel tekwe lang i ... unless he ... , � ni ti of the same sort teo 1. to lie down , cf. tatao 5. mother , only 2. to sleep tea to make a speech , cry aloud teoa lying down , sleeping , ( Ivens ) , probably S. Malo nodding and feeling sleepy teo adaada lie wakeful , keep tede fixed, stare fixedly , mana aw ake tede 'ania teo bo le to dream teobolea a dream ; teobolela te fe one , only teo buro sleep sound teo fadala sleep outside, as tefou all , completely , once and when nutting for all , together with , at one teofa i c ause to lie down , time , always , the whole teofa lnia fas ia ngal i lana tefou don 't teof i tl'. of teo to lie upon , take the lot teof ia lea tefou go once and for all teo gege to lean from the per­ take tefou stand still pendicular to tefou be together teo kokosu lie with legs drawn wane tefou all the men up teola sleep tegu pearl hook for bonito teo 1 iu sleep sound 193

teo ngangara lie with knees 'oe to ma i ifai where do you raised, arms behind back come from teo ngas i oversleep ; gwe to na enough ! let it be ! teo ngas i sleepy fellow teo nininia lie on side 2. to go , come to rest , come teo re reba lie on back 3. stagnant , of water , kafo to teo reri incline on elbow teteo lie down , sleep toa stepping , a halt I. teteo la sleepy , heavy-eyed tola living , staying , tolana 2. condition , state of health , 3. terengai to pull up a canoe on tolana behaviour , char­ the beach , terengainia acter , tola na 4. to suit , fit tero 1. a person with sores , tropical ulcers , gwe tero tola suitable for , tolana tol i to be suitable for , fit , 2. lame t�l i a teroa having ul cers 5. to hit

teru a comb , a fan tonga i to stub one 's foot , tonga inia te ruf i tl'. of te ru to fan , 6. terufia to be successful ; na lealana tete ru a fan ka to his journey will be suc­ cessful

tete skin, bark , tetena = tata 7. to be hit , wounded by a weapon tete stare fixedly (Ivens ), cf. 8. tede to mark 9. to try, used after verbs and tetea 1. to subside , of the water followed by gu , mu , na; iro to of a rive r na try to see 2. to dry up , of a river bed, 10 . to succeed in doing , used cf. 'ate ' ate after verbs and followed by gu , 3. reef stretching out to sea mu , na; dau to na touch and ngii find 11. to possess ; do gi gera to na tetengai carefully , iro tetengai things they possess , cf. toda 12 . teu half coconut shell used as people , persons spoon or cup ; a cup (modern) toa people, persons ; gu la toa teteu half coconut shell used sect ion of the people as spoon , cup , chalice (modern ) 13. a di stributive : to te do at a time , to ten i some , to te ti 1. who , intel'rog. s tai , tei wane one by one , to te wane 2. whoever , anyone talana each for himself 14. to start , begin , conceive a tia red cane anklet worn by high plan , design idea, to plan , priest when officiating plan a fresh place , toa tikwa = tekwa tall , long toa conceived, planned, de­ signed titiu = teteu 15 . to conceive a child, toa ; to'ana we la be pregnant tiu oval wooden bowl for pounding taro = raboa 16 . to appoint , toa 17 . to teach, fua , toa fuana to 1. to be , live , remain , stay 19 4

18. to measure , toa to ngado be fixed, settled, firm, permanent 19 . toa tala to guide , show , to ni buo uneducated person, 20. a sp. of tree, Cerbera pagan , the pagans , heathen manghas to nunufi to be in the shade to rab i be contiguous , to rabi 21. soon , ana to'ana I. to desist , give up to rodoa or rorodoa to stand in 2. since , to ' ana maedani nae the light , obscure since that day 3. be preg­ to suli since , from that time nant to'ana we la (to 11) to susu to endure , persevere to bi l i to daub with black till to tae try to embark , not sure a death is avenged if there is room to bora a negro , the negro to ten i some , to ten i wane people to usi name of eighth month to bulu a Melanesian, the to wane I. to marry (of woman ), Melanesians (to gen i is indecent ) 2. to to fas i goodbye , to one remain- have a husband ing ada to to see , ada ton a to fas i to refrain from dau to to find to f i 10 to perceive fTto feel , perceive , trust, to fi r i always , for ever believe to fo la to stand out of the gwou to taste (drink ) light ilito try, attempt to fo lo I. to cross a stream 110 to wise in a canoe 2. to look for a ma I i to taste 3. man's tracks in the road manata to remember to lie across the track , as samo to feel and touch a fallen tree 4. to incline , slna to shed light on of the sun soe to enquire about to g o a a Polynesian , the Polynesians toa 1. halt , people , plan , cf. to i as i sea people , coast to 1,12,14 dwellers to i t o lo hill people , inland toa susu a crowd , many people dwellers 2. area ruled by a chief; to ki t a to distingui sh , separ­ dominion, kingdom = alafala ate, judge 3. conceived, of a child ; tokitala a judgement , opinion , designed , planned verdict to kwadangi to pierce, tobi 1. to enclose, surround, as to kwadang ia fish in a net , tob ia to kwa iusul i I. to proj ect beyond 2. to come qui ckly 2. to store in a room = ba ita one after the other 3. a room kwaififi to kwao a white man , European , tobina sp . edible yam , but hard the European race and not good eating to lau goodbye , to one remain- ing tobosulu coconut cream added to to laulau be in good health food, gravy , soup (modern ) to I iu old maid, bachelor lomu to blunt toda 1. to meet , come upon , toda to lua carry on shoulders to ma i from , come from kwa ltoda l to meet , come upon to matafana to know 2. to have , possess , get , to memea broken small acquire , tOda; gamelu toda 51 to na to na 'uria ready ; fanga? have you any food? ready for him 195

toda do rich tofungana wenu genuine soup toda dola profit , gain , some­ 4. a piece , bit , tofungana thing acquired toda fera people of the village , tofuta near relatives by birth , to'ada fera on both sides, father 's an d toda mal efo rich by trading mother 's, wane to futa nia toe 1. to hit , strike , toea tofutala birth, tofutalana tofutalii kinship, origin 2. metaphorical , as we say 'struck by an idea' togo place of separat ion for 3. be guilty ; �ome hom� , of an women during menstrual periods accusation ; toea toi to hang up , as food in a 4. to pierce basket , toia 5. to perceive , mana e toea toitoi a shrub with yellow 6. manatana e to want , desire ; flowers , like a daisy , Wede lia toea he longed for it biflora tofa ni geni mythical island of toka bad , kept too long , of taro women only , all male children = were born were killed toko women 's retiring place, w.e. tofe 1. tofea to say no, refu se , (hill word ) 2. to deny , deny an accusation tala 1. condition , state of tofelana tofela denying , health , tol ana , cf. to 1 tofela a denial 2. behaviour , character, habits, tofi a log (Ivens ); tof i 'ai log tolana , cf. to 1 of wood 3. suitable for , tolana , to 4 tofoto to be at liberty 4. to live , be ; tola sasaore be gentle ; or tola tofu 1. to peck , pick up food 5. persons of same age , two tofua as fowls , brothers , two sisters , man and tofula pecking , tofulana wife 2. to chop , tofua 6. fellow , one of a pair ; tolana a cup , a saucer tofunga 1. the middle , centre , tofungana to1afa character , tol afana

2. real , true , finest , best , to1amai 1. to set a thing out the thing ; used with nouns , not clearly, give orders , tol amainia adj ectives , especially of food and dr ink 2. to share in 3. in southern part of Lau it is fatolama i to teach ; a teacher used with adjectives : tofungana diana very lovely , etc . to1angai to explain , compare , illustrate , to l anga inia tofungana fanga real food tofungana i'a a splendid fish tole 1. to carry , carry out , tofungana kafo lovely wat er tol ea tofungana ka i a fine yam tofungana mamana I. real truth 2. to build the roof of a house, 2. almighty (modern ; southern tolea , tole beu . luma usage ) 3. to take with one , conduct , tofungana we la true son bring home a wife , tolea . to le gen i 196

toli 1. down , downwards 2. a large canoe with high prow and stern but no isu, holding 2. i to I i north , thirty men ada tol i look down fo la tol i flat calm to1u to carry on the shoulders , gwou tol i low tolua Ii0 tol i be discouraged tolua a burden 3. to fall, prostrate oneself; tol i fafia prostrate oneself toma sai torna to know before toma sp . large tree wi th edible tol ia ro fe tol ia, pro stration ; fruit or fi tol ia two prostrations , genuflections tomai 1. to divide up , torna i 4. to lay down , put down , tol ia fuana 5. to di stribute , set out por­ 2. to know accurately , tornainia tions at a feast , tol ia; tol i (Ivens ) 'an a'aena, tol i sul i bara tomatafa 1. to know by exper­ tol ia (pass .) assigned ience , comprehend, tornatafana naonao tol ia a chief's portion 2. to be conscious of tol inga a port ion tol ingi tr. of toli 5 to as sign , 3. to hurt slightly a�portion , distribute , food or goods , tol ingia tona 1. internal sore on sole = kake (hill word) tol ingi la a distribution 2. to start in surprise, as at , tol i agalo agalo prayers to short toIi fanga to fast tonaf i tr. of tona 2 to startle , tol igangala a fast tonafia tol i fote to strike paddles in unison on side of a canoe when 3. to change one's mind suddenly paddling 4. never ; a strong negative 6. leafless , of a tree prohibition e diana fuana wane na so kes i tali tol ia, to be suitable for , tona futa gwa 'ana good for to 4 cf. that man if he had never been born to1i 'asi 1. to cease from a thing , tona ade lana do na never do tol i 'asia desist from doing , that 2. to give up eating certain foods t�na1� rnanata tonala thought

to10 1. mountain, hill country , tonga sap, juice , a stain , interior of island tongana 'ai toloa belonging to the hills , tonga I i tr. of tonga to stain bushman , can't swim , paddle , with sap or jui ce etc. ; a term of derision tangai 1. to stub one's toe , gwe tolo a hill ; tolo e fera tongainia to or toa i tolo people of the hills , of the interior 2. to dip tolol iu the far interior , centre of the island tongatonga foam on the sea, wane tolo a bushman 'white horses ' at sea 197

tonga tonga where seas meet and toto l. to sink into ground , of break , as in a tide rip liquids totof i tr. of toto 1 to suck tongi 1. to pack , put in a box, up , totof ia etc. , tong ia 2. to run out , leak 2. to dress, clothe , tongia 3. to pay a fine tongo to flow , of tide 4. to arrive , of fish in their season toni a thousand : men, animals , vegetables , porpoise teeth; totola arrival of fish, ton ii' a totolana 5. to chop up , chop up a log ; to 'ou toto'ou small, little ; split into planks (Ivens ), totoa manata to 'ou think lightly , 'ana toto 1. to remain on lips , of totou ' i ' i d i microscopic red betel mixture to 'oula to'oulana youth , 2. by and by , soon , presently ; before the verb ; toto kafi dao tora 1. a woman 's apron (Ivens ) he will soon arrive 2. tora dikwe bust (Ivens) 3. when; toto 'o ko dao when you arrive torakaukau sp . thorny creeper , cf. kwa let otore so i toto provided that 4. body smears aft er homicide , toratora 1. to bubble up , of a stains spring 2. to boil , of water totoburo 1. one who does no work 3. to spurt , jet out , a jet 2. third finger of the hand of water totoe 1. to hit , strike , totoea tore tore sp. of small land king­ 2. sharp fi sher totoe la sharp ; do totoe la tori 1. to snare, trap , toria something sharp 2. a trap , snare tot� fasi to put off , desist boso tori pig trap from fuasa tori crocodile trap kui tori dog trap toto gosi cramp in fingers or manutori bird trap toes uratori crayfish basket trap toto ike sp . tree , Athyrium toro 1. a woman 's ap ron (tora, escuZentum Ivens ) totokwaikwai sp. small bat 2. to put on , toro'ana maku (hill word) totoli a landslip torotoro to froth totolingi landslip , fine broken earth tosi 1. to throw away , tos ia 2. to quote , illustrate with totoloa hill , hill country tos ia ome lawane quote a totome sp . black and yellow proverb , illustrate with beetle a story 198

totonga 1. sap, juice , totongana 2. to lift up , set on end, = tonga erect 2. to be making, of tide 3. to lift , hold up (Ivens ) 4. to stand (hill word) , cf. tua totongai strongly ; bae totonga i speak sternly 5. the maternity island

6. to stop , to be = ua totonge 1. to smart , as iodine 7. a unit of time , season , 2. first , totonge nao period do totonge nao first fruits ii n i 'abusua season of plenty wane totonge nao eldest son ii ni 'ai nut season ii ni 'aitaga fruit season tototo to wait some time U ni diana good times , peace ii ni dianala totou small ; totou'i'idi tiny, peace ii ni do crop of similar things microscopic ii ni fal isi 1. yam season 2. age , years totowako sp. long-legged insect ii ni fioloa famine ii ni fii cough epidemic tou 1. sp. bird, crane ii ni gwagwa ria cold weather , 2. far off = tau winter ni mataia 3. a long while ii season of sickness , epidemic ii ni mo la tou1a surface , tou lana asi a dead calm u ni ngelangela sato noon n i te tua dwell , remain , stop (perhaps ii the same sort ni wane from kwara 'ae but used in Lau) ii a generation of men u ni we la chtldren of about the same age tufi ngae tufi sores on arms 'u a louse , flea tuni a thousand = ton i ki lu'u nape of neck tutu sp. mollusc, Area , used for 'ii rao sp. under armpit cutting vines ; tututu ua to stop , be , cf. tua , u tu 'u 1. soon , by and by 'ua 1. 2. a little (adv ) still yet langi 'ua ki tu 'u turn down a little not yet nia'ua ma i he is still to come (a lamp ) (ki mae I i a turn out , olu maedan i 'ua extinguish ) in three days ' time tu'ut u'u 1. = t'u 1,2 2. slow , si kada 'ua ma i time in the late future 'uago i ubongi still dark 2. eczema u 3. how 'ua na do anyhow , slapdash ' U to throw 'ua na si do a common thing ,- 'ui tr. of u throw at , pelt 4. old; I uma ' ua old house 'ui I an i to throw away 5. of old, already ; mae 'ua na already dead ; 'ua ma i from of u l. a species of sea eel , old, 'ua mai nao ii bora one sp. of u, cf. loke 6. rattan = 'ue 199

ua 1. yes, opposite to langi 'ubulu to mumble , mutter 2. a crab , cf. al imango, karu , 'ubu luta i to mutter about ; nguda 'ub ulut ainia 'ub ulula mumbling ; 'ub ululana ua fou sp . large sea crab ua su very large reef crab , udalol0 good eating sticks tapped giving different sounds 'uaboko swellings on a child's 'ude bamboo blackened by fire head 'udu 1. ( ) 'uali to prevent , as from keep­ to drip, drop of liquids ing an appointment 2. a drip, drop of water, 'udi do 'uana 1. to spoil or lose by 'udua dripping , from caves carelessness , 'uana, cf. bagaro , kaubare 'udung i tr. of 'udu to drip on , drop on , as a bed; 'udungia 2. by , only in oath ; 'uana 'udu 'udu cont i nual dripping mour ila na by his life ! 'u'udu to drip

'uarodo early morning 'ue rattan , fe 'ue mae 'ue plaited armlet or anklet 'uasi to bewitch by fragments of 'ue gwaroa a rattan belt , dyed food , hair, finger nail par­ red ings ; 'uasia

'ueli 'uel ia � uasifo to be adverse to , marrow 'ua Ii uauala timid , anxious , scar ed; ma uauala 'ufasi to curse by charms and incantat ions , ' ufas i a ubae to speak like a foreigner, 'ufasila being cursed, with foreign accent ; to speak 'ufasilana a language badly ; ubaea ufi 1. to blow with the mouth , 'ube sp. mollusc, Ha Liotis ufia 2. to blow a conch or panpipes 'ubongi morning ; 'ubongi to­ morrow morning ; 'ubongia 'ufi 'ani to breathe into , inspire ubu 1. to swell of rice , pud­ 'ufi 'au to dance dings (gata) , etc. = fane 3. to fill a vessel, dip and 2. to rise , of bread fill , get water in a vessel , ufia 3. to swell , as a boil 4. to pour liquid , ufia 4. a swelling , boil 5. to sew thatch ; ufia, ufi sao ubua swollen ubu nafo swell caused by a 6. to darn , mend a net ; uf ia, fi sh rising ufi fura i ubunga a small swelling ubung i tr. of ubu cause to ufol0 a piece of pork kade boso , swell , ubung i a tofunge boso ubuubua thick , fleshy , in good condition 'ufu 1. to blow with the mouth , ubuubu i as i a sea swell = blow a fire , puff as i gwouubua 'ufu fa f i to breathe on , 'ufu 5. 'iIi ubua mali ce , malicious fafia action 200

'uful i tr. of 'ufu , 'uf ul ia 7. to set an ambush ; 'ui gwe 'ufu mae l i to blow out , teoa , 'ui teo 'ufu mae l ia 'utiteoa an ambush 2. mixed fresh and sea water in 8. to throw down , as surf throws the lagoon a boat , 'u i a 'uga 1. to mak e up a fire 9.' to call by name ; 'uia satana 'ugami tr. of 'uga 1, 'ugamia 'ui an i to throw away , 'ulania 'uidikwe to throw and break 2. to spill , as lime 'uila pelting , cracking nuts , 3. be washed ( Ivens ) shooting , bombing , etc. 'uilai to throw away , cast, 4. to envy , be envious cast off , 'ui lainia 'uga la I. envy 2. grumbling 'u i tataras i to skim a flat 'ungan i tr. of 'uga 4. I. to stone along the surface of envy , 'ugan ia 2. to, com­ water plain about , 'ugan ia su lia uka 1. a sp. creeper used for 'uga1a 1. to lift poisoning fish 'ugala sasala to lift up 2. to poison fish , uka clear 3. to make a feast with chiefly 2. rna 'ugala downcast , sad raw food before a death feast ; look ukauka or ukauka okasa uka Ii tr. uka 3 ugu l. long swell after a storm of to make a feast for , ukal ia 2. to pull , drag , ugua ukauka baita faf i the third and last of these feasts 'ugu l. to start a fire 4. uka l i to share out to others 'uguni tr. of 'ugu 1, 'ugunia not including oneself (tol ingi oneself included ) 2. to pull down , as a rope 'ugumi tr. of 'ugu 2, 'ugumia uku 1. children 's word for taro 2. ukuna ugu1a 1. sp . tree with rough a tune , leaf 3. ukumi tr. lay hands on , ukumia 2. the leaf used for smooth­ grasp , grip, ing , sandpaper ( modern ) ukuka food shared out 3. to smooth with sandpaper, or leaf , ligula ukuuku to hang down , as vines

'ui 1. to throw at , pelt with a 'u1a to be at en mity , mutually stone , 'uia hostile , not speaking to one a n i 'uI a 2. to hit with a mi ssile , another ; rn arrow , shot , etc. , 'uia 'ulala hostility, friction 3. to break a nut with a stone , 'uia u1a 1. sp. hardwood impervious to white ants 4. to play a piano, beat a 2. gong , ring a bell, 'ui a tired out , ready for bed 3. 5. to shoot , to bomb weak 6. to build with stones, 'ui 'u1afu sp. large fi sh , up to one stone on another ; 'uia six feet long , brown or blue sulufou spots, groper 201

u1afu 1. to work hard, labour 'u1u 1. to rot , of taro wet with salt water ulafua hard labour ulafusi tl'. of ulafu 1 to 2. old and bad, of taro work hard at , ulafus ia; also lafus ia u1ufi to annoy , vex = ulafi , cf. unufi ; ulufia 2. to cause ment al pain , vex , trouble , worry u1ui to chisel , hammer down , cf. ulafua hard labour kasi ; uluia ulafus i tl'. worry , ulafus ia u1ukwa10 sp . tree , AgLaia 3. to sprout up from a stump Goebe Liana , also DYB oxy Lum aau Lostaahyum 'u1ao sp . very large frog , Rana guppyi u1u1ua 1. in leaf , leafy u1i 1. to turn down , as the 2. with plenty of hair wick of a lamp , ul ia u1unao first born , elder , senior ul i mael i turn out , extingui sh ul i tu 'u to or turn down a u1uu1u topmost branch of a tree , little uluuluna 2. sp. fruit-bearing tree 'umari 1. sp . mollusc, black­ 3. to take the skin off a lipped pearl creeper in making a bag , ul ia 2. to peel taro with this shell 4. to blacken with charcoal uli neneo to paint black on a 'ume 1. sp. black flattish fish white surface the size of mullet , good eat­ ing 5. small branch , stem and leaves , twig or branch with 2. shell of tridacna for pig's leaves ; u Ii'a i drinking trough u I i do twig .. umu oven , native oven ( hill word) u Ii rl twig , small branch 6. to look for una thus ( hill word ) ; unae; unari ulitai search for stones , to una to stretch the arms bui ld an island , get stones for it , ul itainia; ulitai unabu1u middle-size porpoise fera teeth used for bride price and 7. to chisel = ului blood money

'u1i skin , of pig , 'ul ina unafa 1. to scale fish, unafa 2. scal es , unafana 'u1ita to have bad luck wane'ulita an unlucky man unao to boast , unaona

'ulou sp. frog 'ulao unga 1. an arrow tipped with bone of a dead man u1u to wade 2. panting ; mango unga pant ulufi tl'. of ulu to wade to , ulufia 'unga 1. the outside part , ulufolosi to wade across 'ungana, cf. tae , tatae ulutai to get stones for 2. skin building an island = ulitai ; .. ulutai nia ful i fe ra 3. shell of egg or mollusc 202

4. flesh , 'ungana non i sul i unu to find a criminal by following a ghostly light 5. cover of a book

6. crust of a loaf unufa 1. to scale fish = unafa , unufa ; unuunufa; unuunufe do 7. bark of a tree 2. scales of fish , unufana 'unga akasa inner skin or bark 'unufi tr. of 'unu, 'unufla 'ungaba1a 1. tortoise shell 'unufia worried, vexed (pass .) 2. a skeleton ununa 1. a few unga to clear undergrowth, clear for a garden , ungala 2. bits of wood sticking up when planing a plank unga i to c 1 ear , 'un 9 a i n i a ununu s � . fish , small garfi sh ; 'unge 1. to skin , to shell , _ or unuunu remove bark , etc. , 'ungea 'ungela skinning unuunu 'abua wails from being thrashed 2. to shed skin or change shell as a hermit crab uo 1. a hill, fe uo ; or uo unge do leather , skin, bark uola hilly ; uouola unge i'a scale 2. the top of a net , uona 'unge1ete a leather belt , girth 3. the float for a net for a horse 4. 'oto uo a nose ornament uno to burn ura 1. a crayfish , cf. denge 'unu 1. sp. large lizard , like ura gwaubu sp. in rocks iguana ura la ni one small sp. in 2. sp . of tridacna, holding on sand strongly to coral 2. to stand ( perhaps S. Mala ) 3. to worry = 'ula 'ura to brui se , rub the skin off unu 1. to tell , tell a folktale , gagi folklore , a story , tale urai uraia; 2. to spy , spy on , to gossip , talk , slander ; uraia fera unuunu wane urai a spy unua folk story unu' ana gossip about , slander urangai 1. to lift up , urangainia unuunua folktale , story ; gossip , slander 2. to introduce a thing Gnu su 1 i 1. mention someone in talk , unu sul ia 2. to tell uri 1. to tread , tread on, uria a tale uri fafi to trample down unuta i 1. mention someone in uri la treading on , uri lana talk , Gnutainia 2. to backbite uri la a tread unutal isia history uri mae l i to trample to death, unutalisibara fami ly history as a prisoner captured, bound 3. a torch of dry coconut and trampled to death by the leaves tied together children uri sufu labu Gnu tread and go through to practise divin­ uri to unu to touch with the foot , ation by uritona 203

uri ru i tread 2. sp . very large green and uri ' uri to feel for with the black crayfish on outer re ef, foot , uri 'uria red antennae

2. not = si only used in urunga 1. singular ; nau uri saita mana a wooden prop for the I don 't know ; or 'uri head , pillow (modern) 2. to prop the head , urunga 'uri 1. towards, for , at ; fala 3. 'uria send for , lea'uria go a door for , ngal i 'uria take to , rao 4. to shut out , urunga'usia 'uria work at , 'uri'agu to­ 5. wards me to stick into the ground, stick spears into ground , 2. in order to, for the pur­ point downwards ; urunga 'ai pose of 6. to prop up , as a banana with 3. that , introducing explan­ a pole , urunga at ory clause : lan gisi rongo­ 7. suli'uri teo fa inia did not to rest one 's head on a agree to lie with he r girl's shoulder, prop oneself with one 's hand, urunga sarT 4. like , thus ; 'uria na u runga i saungila na in order to kill I. to put the point of urungainia him , 'uria si do na like this a thing downwards , 2. to recline the head thing urungainia 'uria like , just us if 'uria lau go likewise , just so uruuru the knee, uruuruna; gwou 'uria na because since uruuru 'uria ta why , for what reason 'urifai whither 'uru'uru to hold water in the 'uri na like th is; 'urT , do mouth , rinse out the mouth , cf. baita urT such a great thing , kuru 'ur ini 'uri na boro nevertheless usa10 1. light of rising sun or 'urinae like that , in that moon manner , that way ; 'urinana 2. sun or moon shining fro m be­ uri now , at this moment , nau gu hind clouds mae uri usi 1. to string , usia 'urifera1a ceremony of bringing 2. a string of things month-old child into the village usi bubulu a string of beads us i do urobo to stake yams ; taba urobo string of flowers, etc. collect yam stakes 'usi 1. for , on behalf of, mae uroboa I. a stake for yam 'usia vines to cl imb up 2. a man 2. around, protecting , over; who remains in beu during baita'usi 'oe lord over you planting for ceremonial reasons 3. against ; 'us i na i against me 4. throughout , over; ru'usia 'uru 1. leprosy enter and go through , ru 'usi 2. a leper daro'ana clothe them with it 'urua suffering from leprosy 5. to stop ; fa 5 i a 'u5 i I a 9 u don 't stop me , nia e'usi nau he uru blunt stopped me 'usi la stopping , 'usila na urugwou 1. noon 204

6. to encircle , choke , of vines, kwa l 'ai usu divination by e'usia means of a log slung over two men 's shoulders 'usila choking , 'usilana 7. to control ; 'us i mea bridle 'usu midrib of coconut frond the tongue usu1i 1. to follow along , be­ 'usia na 1. 'usia na because ; side , usulla nau rigia mana because I have seen his face 2. therefore 2. to copy , usul ia 'usia na si tii why 3. to take after , resemble , usu I i a usi 1. to barter, exchange , as taro for fi sh usu l i Iii copy usul i sara follow coastline in 2. to buy a canoe usia a market , fish and salt from sea people exchanged ususu weak and ill for taro from hill people us ia etae market is over uta 1. rain ; uta e toe nau rain is hitting me , uta ka 'aru rain fu li usia empty market is falling , it is raining place mana usia market in full 2. to rain; e uta, uta ka to , progress , full of people uta ka uta usiai to put too high a uta famae steady rain at end price , over charge ; of a blow , beat ing down the 'usiai ngenge sea usia ka usi market in full utala rainy swing utangi to rain on , wet with us i 'ani to sell rain , utang i a us ila 1. barter , exchange , uta'odo threatening to rain , usila na 2. cost price , rain gather ing usila na uta singos lngo drizzle usil� bargaining uta susu pelting rain uta takarafu first few drops usu 1. to rub , wipe , rub off , of rain usua magana uta a drop of rain usuas i bowsprit 3. core of fruit , utana; utauta 2. to sew thatch , usu sao ; usua 4. uta ngasi soft unripe betel nut or corn 3. to net , usu fur ai ; usua 4. to string , as flowers or 'uta how , in what way , of what shells = us i; usua sort usufi tr. of usu 4, usufia e'uta what is the matter? usuf i a strung (pass .) 'o'uta how are you? usu ka rongo string of shells nia ka fi 'uta what will he do? si manga 'uta what time is it? 5. to push usu i tr. of usu 5, push a uta1ibu1u kidneys 1 i gi l i 9 i stick through , impale , usu ia 'uta na because of usulangai to shove , push away , usulangainia; usungai, utauta lakwa utauta do imperfect­ usungainia ly , work roughly at , 'ana usuusu 1. to push 2. clam shell nose stick through ute sp . small plant with white or septum violet flowers growing on the rocks 205

'ute 1. to rub down , to file , wabeabea 1. very thin 'utea 2. very weak and small , as a 2. to scrape yams , 'utea very young child; we la wa beabea

uto core = uta 3 wae 1. to dance uto regular , normal , good ; 2. to clap the hands in dances mangona e uto breathing becomes regular waela dancing , clapping wael i tr. of wae to dance to , 'u'u maternity island u at , representing something , wael ia na au

'u'udu = 'udu to drip 3. a man , male , cf. wane 'u'u madu to be peevish waeta poor fellow , used to child (Ivens ) 'u'usu 1. midrib of sago palm 4. to laugh , smile (in com­ frond pounds ), to rejoice 2. a twig waela to laugh or smile ; waewae la waela 'ani laugh at , about ; waela gal i w wae lasi tr. of waela laugh at , about , waelasia (a doub �e w stands for ngw; it only oc curs transitive sUffix) with the vowels a, e. The waewaela laughter , a joke southern Lau speakers pronounce it as w. waena sister to a man , brother to a woman wa prefix a to verb s an d adj ec­ wa iwaena sister-brother tives relationship wa 1. snake waenu soup , cooked in wooden 2. worm , maggot bowl with red-hot stones wa la full of worms , maggoty wafeafea soft , as ripe bre adfruit; wawa a generic name for all wafelafe la creatures on or in the ground , i 'a as is for all creatures wagi to eat only fish in water (e.g. starfish ) and manu for all creatures that wagila diet of fish fly (e.g. mo squito). wawana land creatures (co llectively). wai 1. prefix to a class of per­ sons : wa ' a 'a 1 a or 'a' a I e sp . black venomous snake wa i alafa chiefs wa dadala sp . snake wa i ramo fighting men wa gilau earthworm ; wa gi loi wa i we la children wa mamago a mudworm wa i sas i nau my brothers wa salo sp. snake wa i sasila brothers and wa sil isao sp. thin phosphor­ sisters escent millipede wa sinasina I. a glow-worm 2. prefix with relationship 2. time of glow-worms , early terms , na being then suffixed evening wa i barana I. wife 's brother 's wa sito sp. black millipede wife , to a man , they are w�warialo sp. caterpillar , wai barana to each other 2. alo destroys (taro ), cucumbers , husband's brother 's wife , to etc. a woman 206

wa i dorana I. brothers wawa la timid, tame , of animals ; 2. ortho-cousins wawa la wa i ko lana grandparent- grandchild wa1ifo 1. toothache , thought to wa i ma lana father-son , child be caused by a worm wa i telana mother-child 2. sore gums wa i waena sister-brother cf. wa i fungo parent-in-law ­ wa10 coral reef child-in-law wa i ka le a man's wife 's wa1uda 1. easy, possible , ab le , younger sister or brother can , nia wa luda it is easy , can wa i sasila brothers and be done sisters 2. soft , gentle = wadau wa i saula I. wife 's sister 's husband 2. husband's wanasia sp. tre es , AZphitonia 8p. brother 's wife sister-brother wa i wane wane 1. male ro may be pre fixed : ro wa i wanela virility , manliness , barana , etc . wanelana 3. sp. tree , fibre used for 2. a man ; human being making bags wanena mankind 4. a bag 3. exaZ. you there ! wa i ala a four-cornered bag wa i ma lefo a bag for money fo wane invocation to aga lo wa i mas imasi a fringed bag ono wane a constellat ion - wa i 'oro large bag for the Pleiades market ro wane 1. boys ! (pz. not dual ) 2. pointers to 'Southern Cross' 5. soup cooked with hot stones ; to wane to marry , be married, wa inu or wenu, cf. ilu, inu of a woman 6. pounded taro and yam (Ivens ) to wanela matrimony u ni wane a generat ion waifofoeu bride price 4. prefix showing a person 's wai ma1efo to be rich (Ivens) occupation or status : wane 'ana firula warrior, sol­ waiwai coconut oil dier (modern) wane aruaru sorcerer waki eat flesh food only , cf. wane as i I. sea folk , fi sherman wagi 2. a sea snake waki la diet of flesh food wane aso steersman wane 'ata fera foreigner wa1a 1. a person wane be l i thief wa ne dara youth wa la'ae I. you there ! 2. exaz' wane erisilana messenger of surprise, or to draw at­ wane fa lu bridegroom tention wane fatol ama i a teacher 2. the Lau name for the island wane faa priest 's assistant Mala , so named in songs wane folo a spy wane garo a vagabond wa1awa1a 1. afraid, timid; of eel , wane gura a healer, doctor pig, fish , crocodile (modern) wane'inita a chief, ruler 2. tame wane Iro a spy fa wawa la cause an animal to wane kafo a crocodile be timid, shy , afrai d to wane kan i lana a prisoner approach 207

wane kwa ita 1. a newcomer 2. 3. the waves of motion of an a stranger 3. a traveller earthquake , pulsation , vibration wane 1 au 1 ana a slave wane lauwane 1. a slave trader wariwari to be catching por­ 2. a recrui ter poises , or netting fish ; wane ngali baea a messenger wawa r i wane n i foa a priest , minister wawaria catching porp oises , wane ni 'ilido a servant fishing with a net ; wawari la wane ramo 1. a hero , war leader , champion 2. a ruffian , bully , ware 1. to be old killer wa ne rao a servant , workman 2. an old man or woman , wa ro wane ni sulu a pagan doctor wane or wane wa ro, waro geni wane sala a vagabond waro kasa 1. bedridden 2. wane sas i naunau a lawless man , slack self-willed man wa rola being old , wa r olana wane saunga i a servant wa rola old age wane siramo a boaster wane 5050 a sorcerer wasaga sp. shrub wane tol0 a hillman wane urai a spy wasa10 1. sp. snake wane usul ia ab le man wa ne wa ro an old man 2. skin disease , with spots on skin as on the snake 's body wanea to be ab le , have common sense , discerning wasanga joyful , joyous wawanea 1. abl e, have common wasangga sp . shrub , a weed with sense , di scerning 2. ability , white flowers, used for brooms judgement , common sense 3. conscience wasi 1. to rub , was ia to ni ke le wanea be in a 2. to wash (not English) was ia pitiable condition was i la rubbing , washing , wane baita full moon ; wawane was ila na ba ita was i 1 a rubbing wa siwasina shining wanuwanu to shake , cf. anuanu , nganunganu wata sp. plant , amaran thu8 wao sp. creeper used for string watoutou 1. weak 2. elastic wao1oo10 1. a very tall man 2. to swing in the breeze , of wau sp. pigeon , used in a system top branches of a tree of enumeration waowao 1. feeble , weak wauwau1010 sp . beche de mer 2. bending , as a branch with a wawa fat of turtle , wawana man hanging on it 3. to undulate wawa cf. wa warade a meteor wawaki sp . octopus wariri 1. to be agitated, quiver , wawa1a = wa law ala timid, tame , vibrate , as pulse , cf. sekeseke of animals 2. to convey movement , cause wawa1a refusing to bite , of fish vibrations , wa riria 208

wawane sp. mangrove , its long tau we la 3. slow , late fruit (usually w not ngw) niu wewelala young coconut wawanea ab ility, wanea 4. husband 's younger brother or sister wawao = waowao we1u to boil in a wooden vessel wawari 1. to spend a season in by putting in red-hot stones , another locality, visit another we lua place wenu 1. to boil in a wooden 2. go fishing in another place vessel by putting in red-hot stones , cf. wa inu wawaria a visit , expedition 2. soup , usually yam soup , the evening meal wawata = wa ta were 1. we poor and bad , kept too long poor , bad we re i 2. stale , of taro or any food = toka wedua 1. bee 2. honey werewere sp. of mollusc, a Conus we1a 1. child wetewete feeble , fr ail, flabby 2. son or daughter , we la wane , wewe sp. large grasshopper gen i 3. a person wewedua .. wedua a we la rna ! exaZ. to call at­ tention to an elder a we la na! exaZ. to call at­ tention to a child or friend, ni we la na (fem. ) ote we la! lads ! children ! we la'ae! exaZ. to call atten­ tion to a child or friend , or anyone when no name is used we la abu very young infant we la'ana rna child of the house wela bibiu infant we la gen i daughter we la inamae orphan we la la tala bastard we I ana rna image in pupil of eye we la sarea adopted child we la tara crawling child we la having a child , wane we la we lala 1. childhood 2. suc- cession of children , 01 iwelala we lawela grown up but youthful wewelala young wewe la ni wane child able to sit up gala we la children ma la wela 1. behave as a child, childish 2. to spoil , as a child does , 'ana, or ENGLISH INDEX


A advance arutoro abcess 10 adverse 'ue Ii abide firi , fu , fuila, wawanea advice 'omela ab Ze wa luda , wanea adze 'ila, iroma , kamota , kasl , klla, 01 , tatali abortion oloa affair I ifu ab 0 u t f u lin 9 a, 9 e 9 e, I i a I i a, I i 0 affe ct d i I I above fafo , ifafo , lan gi , sarenga affe ction , i I u abundant dalafa , masara , mo la, afraid momo u la, momou ra , mou , ta tagala wa law ala abuse fawawa la afresh lau acacia kamoi , mage fa after bu lra, buri , sui, sule accomp Zish iIi afternoon abal i, arungana , suang ia, egwafo lo accord ni , tala, tala'ana again lau, lofo , susi, susuala, account faf i, su Ii tangasl , 'usi accurate diana age kwaisul i accuse 'alan gi , fafi , sungai , susu aggressive raramola accus tom afaafa agi tate wa r i r i across fafolo, fo lo agree gwalu, kwa lraofi , '010 act arenga , faora i, sas i, takom i action gu la air mamanga active sisigila aZert sisigila add fa f i, fa i, f 0 n e, I ado aZight dau , kwesu addi tion faf i aZive mo r1 l, mou ri adhere rarata i aZZ 'ae, aful , 'afuta , 'ai , fi , sui , tefou adjus t didi , fato aZZow faa l amoi adopt fa i namour i, fasa re , kwaisarei, saga , sare , sulu aZZy inunufana adorn lau aZone gwoutai , ma tala, tai fili, takiflll, tal ifi li, te adu Zt gwai l iwane aZong fa inia aduZtery oel aZongside faka 212

already 'ua aperture ma altar fafa r a, lasi appear fa sakatafa , I i a alter lita app le kab irai although boro appoint '010, to always dadangitala u, danifiri, apportion a I a Ii firi , tau appreoiate matafana amazement fatona approaoh kwa i rom i , rom i , tara amomum 'age apron tora , toro amongs t lao area toa anohor dau, gwalu, sG areoa 'ageru anger angoango rake , 'eke , fane, fa rakesasu, faramo, susuala argue ngenge, '01 isusu angle rarafolo arm 'aba , 'abakuru, baba, bobos i, fafaragwaegwae, gwae , gwaegwae , angu lar iIi iIi salafa ankle dadaku , gogol i armlet bara , bubusu, gwaro , imei , ke te kome , kome , loloa, luluge, ank let roto, tia momole, 'obi announoe farongo , taula around I i a I i a, I i 0, 'u5 i annoy fafakafi, fafi , fakafT, arrange ala, '010 'oga , '050, Glufi arrive dao , ra rabu, toto anoint gwai , sufi arrow 'ara 'ara, To , '010, unga another 'ai , baru, mad iu artery I a I a Ii answer kwa i ngenge i, kwa i 0 Ii tai , susu, talami arthritis I akwa ant dudu i, fufus i, kad i, kakad i , asoend tae 1010, sane ashamed 'eke , faida, gugu , 'ida , antennae gwango , i fu , kona nak i, nokororo anus ko l u, me ro ashes fua anxious 'abera, 'abo, 'a'abo , ashore fa silo, ilangi , talu mada mi , uauala aside 'egwela, tabal i any te ask T, ledi, soe , soe fafo , anyone tei soegen i, soe to, sosoe apart abaaba , afaafa , afoa , askanoe gegete ma 'egwela, gwoutai, kwaitaui , kwaitoi , 'oba , sigi as leep tata i 213

assemb le figu , lulu batt sasako assist bai , firi bal8am 'ai as thma mango bamboo 'aga , anga , 'au, 'aufa su, bi, flflro, kakaro, kao, keketo, astonish 'arefo kwaraflta, 'on gl , suta, 'ude attach katanga i banana bou , fud l attention 'agarere , fafurongo band kwal l kedea attract , i 1 u bandage kab lla to aunt aia bando lier galu aof la author 'ae bang kldlriri , kwanga avoid 10, tafa l ili, talu banyan abalol0, baolo awake faada bar f 0 I i k I, sabe , sas a b I aware susu 1 i barb bata, gafa , kona, slmo away ba , kou , tafa l il I bare ko loa awe mamasa bark kokon i , kon i, 1 u I u, ouou , ragi , tete , 'unga , 'unga akasa axe iroma , matau barnacle ruta, sisil e

barren 'amara , saefera B barter luda, sifa , sisifa, us i baby bibiu, gw igwi r a, kafe bashful , ida bachelor leto basket garo, kukudu , lalafa , luelue, lulua, nanado, sufu lobo back baba , bu ira, buri , buru, dari , 'ogi , 'oli, sul i bass bulu backbone 10fo bat sakwa 15, taraede , totokwa ikwa i backside 'osu bathe sisiu, siu backward dua bay su bad fero , gafuta , kakaba, bead bubulu, kekefe , susuru ma lasa , ta , talat ala, tele, toka , 'ulu, we , we re beam ongaonga , riridia bag afoga , anga , gwana , 'ite , bean kwa losa sGkel i, surarafol0, tara � wa i bear afu , fungu , sare bai t mamamu , mamu beard 1010bubuta, sasate , sate ba ld fa lai beat dalafa , fatol i, 'igi , ki, bale kwa idau , nalu kidi , mango , rabu , sau 214

beautifuL diana, ma 'ai, mad iana, besiege susi mafola, nula best tofunga because imana , inunufa na, isul l, ma , mana, su Ii, 'uta na bete L dami , fakagola, fa li

beche de mer kakaro, raramela, betray go lo, 'ole wauwaulolo between ilalo, lalo, luda lalo, beckon alofi , garu safi ta

become alu, kwaialami , sau bewitch 'uasl bed didime, fitai , fu ila, tatafe beyond diu, I i u

bee ng ingidua , wedua biceps bobos i 'aba

beetLe 'ole, sisi, totome bier gwegwe la

before inao , nao, 'ofa big ba ita, bao , te

beg gan i , , i ngo bind 'e'ere , faasa, fo , gau , kan i , kau, kauuru, masa, 'oga , 'oke beget fafuta bird a, 'amar ia, bibisu, bina, begin 'ae, al i, eta, safali, bino fl , dikosa, gaula, ge ra , safol i, subu, tala, talae, to 'i'i, ki koa , koa , korokoro, kwadu , kwa iara , kwak io, kweo, behaLf arenga , susi 'usi kw ikwi, kw lsi, lai , lamoa , manu , manurabu , no , saoro, siful, behave abulo, tol a singeo , siri, siru, sislfiu, slsimid i, sisiru, tabarai, tou behind buira, bur i birth kwala, lafi , oloa beLieve fa mamana , fita la birthmark kakamoa be LittLe fato 'ou, fawawa la, si bit gala, ge le, 'igi , kwakwa , 1010, be LLy boerake , borake , i mamaga , man i, me me , tofunga

beLong 'ana, na , ni , si bite 'a'ale, 'ala, 'ale, fanga , ngamu , ngatu, wawa la beLongings donga bitter 'afae , fa ' afae, tatal beLoved fifil ia bLack bobora , bora , boro , bubulua, beLt forake , 'olu, rake 'ue, bulu, fa oko , kokoradoa , 'odo, susuru, 'unge lete <5go , ul i

bend gogos i, kosu, loi , lokosi , bLadder di , mimi , sasu 1010, lologosi , 101010, lou, luku , luta, oi , ro ro , waowao blade kwa lubaba , mea

bereave fa inamae bleach ba la, felo

beseech bes i, 'ingo bless bota

beside abe , fainia, usul i blind keo , maboko , marodo , rodo 215

blindfo ld 'afuma , mafu bosom ruru blink fenu , mamafu both sui blister buteru , maragwe , rag i bother , i ngo bloak baro , muki bottle 'agara , bubu lu blood 'abu , fu la bottom 'ae, 'ai ano, bata, boro, ngado , ngae blow aru, bitel i, foto, nanga , oru , sau , sio, ufi , 'ufu bounae s i 9 i blue bobora, bobora , bubulua, bow banara , basi , ma , 010, oro , bulu, go l a, logal oga , taumae mama rakwa , ma r agwa bowe l ade bluff ga le bowl raboa , su lobo, tao , tiu blunt fadada, fo , lomu , uru bowstring lakwafi blur aruku , dadasala, gafu boy kurafea boar 'a i rae braakish fafara as ia board 'ai ano, baba, bababa , rebe 'ai brain safu , sufou boast fa naunau , unao bramb le tarakaukau boat forua branah afoafo , fisi , kau 'aba , mamatalea , matanga , ma tang� , body bi la, noi , noni , nui ngangade 'ai , sara , sasara , susubi , tabi , ul i, uluulu boil busu, furafura, 10, 'ofu, ria, ruka ruka , toratora , wenu breadfruit arego , ba leo, kekena , rau 'ai bold rara break abo ta , afal i, afoga , afuraga , bole kutu babas i, bobota , de, dldi , diko, dikwa , dukwe , fangalu, foga , kada, bone baba , basi, gamo , karao, kaka , kasi, kwa , mabota, mad ikwa , 'og i, su Ii maemaea , maga , man gising isi, moi , momoi , mo 'oi , mo rumoru , mu , boni to gwara mOtaia, nT, ngi, ngoda , 'oga , "oge , "ogo , 'io, tabi , "ui book 'ae breaker lulua boom ato, gigi 10 breast 'ad o'a, dafe , mokoi , ruru , booth elo, 'o'oba su, susu booty lalagua breathe mango , 'ufu bore fufuta, futa, kidu briak liia fou born futa, s u , ulunao bride daura i i'a, gwaegwaea borrow angital , kafo bridge laefa , susu'ai , tatalau 216

brigh t fo la, la business 'ae, ma luta, mamana brim 'alama , lekwesl busy 'abarua , 'abero bring fafuldada , logo, ngal l, butterfly atoatolau, aukwa l, sal I, tafo, tole bebe broaden farereba buttocks mu 1 u, 'osu bronchitis mango buy fo i l, slfa, tafo, us l broom kakao , sasalo, tatala brother 'aua, bara , dora, ko , c sasl, waena , we la brow lofo cabbage kwake brown goa , me la caladi um arlngo , 'edu, sanga l bruise fufu, gola, Ilel la, calami ty fual anga llgl l igla, 'ura calf boela brush slgaru, tafu calico 'abemaku , lafa l afa bubble arlngo , toratora calk bunl bud blto, fufurua , ngongosa , ngosa ca l l ' a I, 'aI an 9 I, a r a, a r I , dodoko , ku l, kuku, kwal , mlsl , buffe t gwegwe momo , ngilln gl ll, 'onga , soe sosoe , susufl , 'ul bui ld kas I, saunga I, taba, taofa , tole, 'ul ca lm beata , dau aroaro , eno, faaroa ro , faeno, fol a, Ingo l ngo bulb Inala cane kwakwa le, kwale, sabe bulk sakwadola canoe afoga , 'al garua , 'al Isu, bunch bubungu , fu , funga, fungu , ato, baru , beroko , blnab lna, kakada , ngara , ngar l, slnolo bcnga , dango, dau, dlngana, falda, fa lgwa , fal lta, fatal , bundle fota , gwau, I f I, ofu forua, gina, lao, ola, soro , tolo buoyant sala cape ngongora , ngora burden 'oko capsize ageu , foutal burn 'afuafu , boso , mamale, nunul I, 0, of I, cia, '0'0, sasu , captive gau su , sungla, susu , tarasl, uno capture dumu 1 I burst busu, foga carcass sT bury alu, aluwane , ano, kwalnal care manata, susul I, talng al, bushman fa l garugaru tal Ing al , tatangal , tetenga l care less falgote, gau , mabubu 217

carry angai ( ni), ari , bobea , channe l darl , 'ere fafa, fatowane, fua , fue , gwas i, igwala, igwatai, kokodo , chant ngu kwa lenga i, kwou , lagu , lau, Iii, luda , nga l i, 'oko , 'oli, tabe , chaotic sala tafi ri , tol i, tol u character ma luta , tela, telafa carve did I, 'in i, kede , I odo, saunga i charcoal nanao , neneo

cas t 'e'efo , 'efo , mamalu, tale charm sibato

cas trate 'ai rae, kware chase kwa itari

cat abararao chasm da r i , dedea, kokoro

catastrophe fua l anga chatter a IIfT, d i kid i k I

catch dadau , dau, ganl , kalu, cheek baba Ii, babanga kau, ko lto, rau , saki , sako , sasako , tafo, wariwarl cherish sasagon i

caterpi llar garo, kwalo'ara , muno chest 'ad o'a, da r I , ruru

caulk 'aratai chevron8 tale kokosu

cause gula chew kamu , meme

caustic 'ago chief 'ae, alafa , ara, aral , gwa ingai cave fa l uma , fa 'odo chi ld fa lda, gale, gu lu, gwel e'ai , cavity likwa , 'ofu'ofu ka le, ko , efa , singeo , tara , we la cease mu , miita ia, tol i'asi childbirth bisi , fua'ano cemetery naibulub ulu chin sasate, sate centipede safila chip afe su, kakari, meme , mumudu, centre ilalo, lalo, tofunga ng isia, tatal i

cerement talo chisel 'ai 'ui , ul i, ului

ceremony fagen i, farigit a, choke lola, nuku , 'usi 'uriferala choos e f iii, i I el i, iiis I, t a lis i certain te chop dai , 'iri , kasi , la, taba , chaff oladola tofu , toto

cha llenge ganl, kuku chrysalis 'afu beu, beu, du i, nul champ lolobutabuta chum mafe change afol , 'etea , feo , feto, church soe I i a, 1111, 'oil, ru , ruruta , sau , tona 218

cicatrice bokoru , bukoru, clump bubungu, fi , fu , fu l , ini ' ini clus ter bubungu , fi , fu , fu i, cigarette 'afu kukulu circulate donga coal oronga civi lised manata coarse lulu claim kano coas t 'ae clam abuabul i , dolo cock de clap fida, wae cockatoo kaka , kwafota clasp ka Ii cockle araba , ke , kwa isate claw kaka i cockroach susubu clay bun i coconut abenga , 'ada , afu , bo l i, kakao, koru , kudu, luda , malenga, clean afulo, 'ara , fakwakwa 'o, mangoda, niu, 'obu , ri, salia, fofologa , fol a, fulo, fulu, tobosulu gwagwa l ifola, kwakwafarerea , medo , salo, seri , tagi , takes i, cohabit akeake , lae, la'i tau coi l al i, al ifiguda, 'e'ere , 'ere , clear 'ela, fat ai , fol a, fola, kwaisungi , lu fu, fulo, nete , sa la, tafa , talin g ai , 'unga co ld gwagwal ila, gwagwari , gwango , gwari ,oru cleave kwa iraofi , rao co leus 'agasa , 'asaga , saufi ni cleft kwakwaria, t a ita i arua clench 9 i rigi r i , ngingita co l lar biru climb bib ira, b ira, ra co ZZect duru , figu , goni , karongo, kon i , logo , 'ogu , rarau , so, sogo , cling I a I ago , rao , raratai tagu close babas i, bebsei , biri , co llide kwaidikerai bobono , boko , bono , buru, fafono , gogo , kokofono, kwae , co lour 'eda mafu , mumu , 'obi , rarao, raraofa , sata co lume lla susuka clot gw igwira comb afi , gwero, kafa , lelegu , mumugo , suta, teru cloth maku come lae, lea, lidu , mango , odo , clothe 'e'efo , 'efo , farufi , fu , 010, roroia, ru , saga , to, toda maku , tong i comfort fagwari cloud babaro, barobaro, danitiu, maga Ii command fifi , kuruma i, kwa i eres i , lui , 'odu club afui , afusi , 'ai dia, dango , dia, ki la, subi common fa mo l a, mola 219

oommoner nena, oeawane oontempt ausul i, f� isere , lis I r i , Iota , 51 oommotion ngalu oontend kwa i 11 ingai oompany ba ra oontiguous rabi oompare fabolongai, tolangai oontinue donga , falado , fu , tarau , oompe L are , faramo taraunga i oompete kwaira si , kwaitafus i oontraot logo oomp Lete 'afu , lana, dangalu, oontradi ot ngenge , 'ol isusu dingalu, fafono, fasui, fono , funu , nengenenge , tefou oontribute ari oompose subu oontroL I us i oonoeit sokesoke oonus kome oonoeive Ina , maf alu, sisiu, siu, oonvaLesoent akwa to, toa oonverse faorai oondi tion tola oonvert fasulasi oonduot tole oonvey war iri oonfess farongo oook lago , bl , dele, dodo, dofi , oonfirm dau fafi, fate kwa iara , ob i, 'ofu , tada oonfLiot kaku oooz fagwari, gwagwari , gwari oonfusion fainuinui , kakabara , oopy il i, kwa iusuli, ta lu, usu l i nu, tagofa ooraL fena. 1 ade oongeaL bii oore sae , sae 1 0, uta, uto oonneot lade oork giita oonsoienoe lin i fa , t om a t a fa oorn 5 11a oonseorate faabu oorner boboa , loko sua , su, susu oonsider loko oorpse lalamoa , rae oonsort ro oorreot fato, tal ito oonspiouous gogoa oorrup t fafura , fagasu, fa moko , oons te L Lation la, onowane, sakal I isifura oons truot saunga i oost lato oonsuLt faora i ootton foufou oon taot diu, lade oough laga rere, fu , fula, mate oontainer fen a oount didi , idu, ma , tema i 220

countZess malulu creeper 'abe , 'ai 'afae, dadala, dau, fulefule, karoa , kuradi, country kwal ikiboa , lalano , tolo, kwa lekaukau , ma lasa, na i, 'oko, tot oloa rada , torakaukau , uka, wao courageous raramola crest mumugo coupZe kwa itaranga i cricke t didi, oru , surafa ifai cours e dede crinkZe luku court lalo crippZe kokosu, 1 idu cousin di crisp gaga 'ai oover 'afu saku , 'afu tagu , crocodi Ze fuasa, mo rotoko , 'e'efo , 'efo, faif§fl , fena, motekoro fula, kokof i, ma fafo , moki , muki 'obi , su, 'unga crook igau covet kwaioroi , 'oroi orooked 'e'eo, 'eo, gau , keke'o, ke 'oke 'o oowrie bul i, dadala crop fufu orab al imango , fai garugaru , kakaru , kasukasu, kida, kikida, cross agau , 'ai rarafolo, fafolo, kokosu, lautai , mama 'abua , fo l0, igiliu, katefol0, kw i la, nguda , taoro , ua lau , 'olofo l0, ta lau craok 'alafoa , busu, fo lo crossbeam fafol0, fa l0, 101010 'aigwar i, ma l aga , mangi crosswise kwa itamad iu, rarafolo, crack Ze 10dede rokas ia cradZe abararao crotch bubu cramp toto gos i croton 'ala'ala crash kwa , kwanga , lodede crouoh agwa , anomu , bongara , kokosu, lumi craw Z ango, dadala, kaba , karo , lidu, sula, tara crowd afui, bibiri, bili, 10ba , lulu, malulu, susu orayfish ura , urugwou crumb meme , miga, mumudu, nanafu creak ngara, ngenge crumb Ze ta 5 i cream 'on gi , tobosu lu crunch kakarau , karabota , ngutu crease mode crush bebse i, bibi , bi Ii, meme oreate bua , fu lingai , futa , saunga i crust 'unga creature gwa rosuka , site crutch daudau credit I anga cry akwa , amas i, angi , didi, kwa i amas' i, maang i ang i, mauga I a, creep ango , dadala nge, 'omel a, 'onga , ri, tea 221

culprit alu aga lo daughter sari, we la cup elo, gogo , kwa ikwa l, legu dawn makafukafua, ma l akwa , ma ra cupboard tabi ll day bong i, dadani ,. dangi , dani, danigi , fu le, ma leua , momosua , curdle 0 rodo curious 'e'ete, 'ete dazzle kwanga , mamafu , rora curl al i, 'ere , lulu, matobi , si dead bu ta, nof ia current afe , sua nga l ia deaf 'a'amu , bani , faka 'ato curse dora , fasa , fas iofa , deal masoro kwaiagi , kwa ingatafi, kwala, ma fa , taulangai , 'ufas i deb t langa curtai l a I i bu r i de cay fura, furo , mo le curve ari , fedu, fesu , gal i, deceive kaubare , kwa isuge , 10101 i, roro ma la'oe, 010, '050, suge , susuge cuscus fa isusu, futo decide 'inala, matangal custom 'ala'ato, maluta, taki de ck 'e'ere cut afa , bulo, fo lo, fori , fufu, de corate fiilaungi , lao, lau, rina, furi , 'ila, 'inlmu sl , 'iri , saunga l kede, komukomu , kote, kwae , kwaifolo, kwaisul i, kwa re , la, de crepit ma kubea lama, lame , lasl , I isi , ngol i, 'ole, 'olofita, ruba , sufi, deep dodo, ma lau, 010 taba , taka , ta l i, tatal l defe cate 'on i

defend susi D defi le fasa, fasua , fawawa la, sua daily 'aidania, dadani , danida nl, de lay 'abero, dole, fii' abero, dan italau fiidole, fa ma lawela, fatau dam kiki robo , 'oto de liver fa mou ri damp I u I u demonstration ga le dance au , fufu i eu aga lo, mao , denude d ataata oaga , wae deny fofota , kwalgoloi , lui, dandle lagota i niania, tofe danger mamae la, mamae lia, mamaeta depart 'ekwa , foro , sigi dark farodo, ke , kokoradoa , dependent fasare kwa i ngof i, ngof i, rorodoa descend 'aru, futa , kwa l i, darn susu , ufi 'ofotol i 222

desecrate fawawa la, mafa discipline kwa ifamanatai de sert gwou , sala, sasala disclose fu , futai design to, tea di sco lour safua desire dori , ele, kwaido ri , di scover 'ilala kwaido ria, I io, sibolo, toe discuss I oko , rebo desolate fagwou, mutaia disease , is i 'a i, wa s a 10 despise aefara, bala, fawae la, 'isiri, 'isori , mamagu di sgust fa mamagu , fasikona, mara , ote des troy bulo, bu lu, fafunu, fa langi , fasare , funu , dish fofo ma lawela, naga, 'oge , taba dishonour mamagua de vastate tagabo la dislike 'e'ela 'ana , 'ela develop obo , rafo di slocate ngod a dew oru di smiss tarangai diarrhoea furabote , saofa di sobey ngenge , susu die atala, mae , rere re disorder fa inuinui different 'ai , 'e'ete , 'ete , mad i u. '0'on i di sparage mamagu , site difficult 'a'ato , 'afeta i, asa , disperse aranunu , taga , tagala 'ato , fa ' afetal dispute ngenge , 'ol isusu, susu dig af i, as i, bu , 'ell, garu , 'iI i di srepute fawawa la digest matafana disrespect fa la dip lolomai , tenga i dissolve afe, dola diphtheria alakwaga distend boela, fufu dire ction afeto, kwaillu di stinct nete dirt bili, fabi li, fafulu, gau , di s tribute alai i, oal anga i, tol i sagatafu , tagaloloa di s turb fangalu, ngalu disagree kwaiol ltai , ngenge di tch kaka loa disappear ano dive su disapproval isai di vert ta Iinga dis be li eve kwae divide daro, fita, fole, 'inlfita, discern wanea , keketo, ke to, kita, kwae , lagu , nT , ngT, toma i 223

di vision al ite, angefe, biru, drip 'udu, 'u'udu bofita, koba , kokoba, ngada, safolo drive afu , ba l, kwaltari, tagataga , tara , tarl divorce kwailubas i drizzLe tagarafu di zzy momoura drop gw lgwlra, kwakwa , mlga, slgl , doctor kwa ifeagalo 'udu dodge fofoda, talu droppings fufala, nga l dog afiafi , giri , ko ito, ku i, drown fakuru, ku , lola kukui drum I I b I I I b I dominate oro dry 'ate'ate, 'atela, bu , dele, dominion alafana , toa fa la, fasarangl, flkoa , gwou , lalanga, langa , rere , re r ere, door baba , ma , urunga tetea doub Le lou du ck 'aranga , nga doubt kwana , mamasa dugong f IfI I u down dangalu, dilanga , foda , du H I u I u foutai, kosu, mamae, sifo, tol i dumb 'amu , faka 'ato , nue downcas t 'ugala dung ngae , sis I k I doze 'el ing ai , mae loelo dusk balab ala I dan I , ma lumalu dracoena babani , didll I, d I I I, sango dus t afufu drag fafara, lafl , tarafl , ugu du ty do, sal dragonfLy nanalukafo , tatara dwarf ad l draw gogos l, lafl , lafu , lobi , dwe LL fae lang l, nofo , tua 'on gi , 'onosulu, tara dy e ato, 'eda, ob i dread fofokl la, fua langa dy sentry tatafa 'abu dream bole, fafu l dada dress nula, nunufa , tong l E dried sao eagLe manu abu drift Igwa , Igwala, matare , tara ear 'al lnga , bala, 'e'ere driftwood ngangade 'al earnestLy 'Inlfelengal, 'Inlrlglta driH kldu earth ano , fanua , gano , sifanua , fagwo ufl , gwou , Ilu, 'In go , drink totol lngl ku 224

earthquake anoano, anuanu embryo 'onlkale, 'o'onlkale ease aro, marablbl emerge foro, kwalutafa , mango , sako easy 'alafoa , fangaluda , fawa luda , mabe , wa l uda empty fagwou , gwar l, gwou , kufi , kukufl, kwada , lelenge, 'o'oni eat akabusu, 'an 11, do , fanga , fura , gomu , gore , 'ida, ka ru, encirc le al i, 'ere , susi , 'usl ngamu , 'oga , 'oge, oku , 'onl, rere , sltanu , site, tol l 'asi, enclose bobo wagl , wakl enclosure dedea eaves bib I s I, f I f I s I, 'Id I , kakamu encounter kwa itoda l, sua ebb ma l encourage erl, fababato echinus blblnu end fasul , flflro, gwou , 'I'isi , 'isl, sulu I uta , susuku, tatare echo dal lnge , kwallnga endearment ka lta ecl.ipse mae endure kwa ikwaltafus l, llu, su, eczema 'ua susu, susu eddy arlngo , dududu, fu lofulo enemy bibi , ma limaea edge ba1 I, bo , kakamu , kame , rna , engrave didl , 'Inl, 'Inifelengal nlnima, ngldu enlarge bu, faafora eel dolo, loke , U enlighten faf ola effi cacious mamana , 'ol lakl enmity maniula effi cient fa mamana enormous fua l anga effort mato'afe la enough abusu, bobolo, bo la egg fa lake, gale, ga lo, ka lea, lame , Iota , saolu, saulu enquire soe flfl risi, soe fl lo, soe 1 edI eight kwalu, kwau la, kwou la enrage bura elastic slslgila, wa toutou enter 'ala, lada , ru , sll I elbow su , susu entertain gonltal elder aral , 'Inlte, ulunao entice kwa isuge emaciated 'I 'it oa , kado entrance faka . ru, riifiluma embark fatae , tae envy ngunu , 'uga embarrass fa 'afetai epiphy te gwa 1 I embe llish fad lana , fasoke , gaga equal bobo la embrace ele, ofl 225

equi Zibrium , i su extra 'e'ete

erect dul i, fatake , lala, u eye ma , mab i b i, mab oto, ma reba , ngaru err garo eyesight ma roroia escape tal i Ii, ta lu estabLish taraunga i F evening saulaf i, suangia face ma , nao every 'afuta , dara nini, fi fade bala, dada, dola, fakwa l i, everywhere daranini , kwai l iu, 01 kuku , luku , rarasi eviL ta, tataga fai r 'ato, ma la, ore, ta la exact keke rofa i faint bobora , 'efo 'efo , mae , magafugafu exaggerate fabaita, gaga fair memena exa lt fa 'inito fa Lcon flu examine soe kalita fa LL � a'aru, afoda , afufu, afusi , exceed tafu � gOSI, agota, aka , amuri, amuru, � u, aruru, atas i, 'el lng ai , diu, fua langa , funu , � . excess fa aS l, fesu , fisu, igil iu, kwas i, liu, tasa kwang� reo , kwara, lada , mafusi, matobl , ore , ruru, tol l exchange '01 i, us i fami Ly 'aebara exci ted fane famine fulo excuse fofota , kakabara famous fatolo, talo exhalt faaof ia fan teru exhume tae far afoa , dau , tau, tou exi Le i fu farewe LL alu expedi tion wawarla fashion ma luta expert mabe

fa t boe , fula, kobu, kobukobula ' fada , 'inifita, tolanga i .. .. exp Lain nlnlU, nlnlula, raga , ragufa , raranga , sila, wawa exp Lode busu , de fa ther ama , ma , maka , mama , sama expose fasatof i fa thom abala extend arara , kwa i fear fofoki la, mou extinction funu fe as t 'a'ama , bara , kakata, extinguish famae ma leua , rua , uka 226

fe ather 'efo final , i ' is I , is i fee susua fi nd daute fe eble waowao , we tewe te fi ne bariraea , 'e'ete , tofunga fe ed fafanga , fasare , kwe rangai, finger afe toa , kakau , kuku , sangon i, sa re sisibarangal I, susu, totoburo fe el fele, fi , 'inifa, 'iri 'iri , fi nish fasul , 'lsi , sui kutangai, madami , mamata ila, rete, samo , sunga i fi re 'afuto, bobore ' ai , dunga , ere, lolobubuta , mea fe llow saula, tela fi refly bubulu female gen i fi rep lough bobore 'al fence afisi, ba , bara , rara, rara au , sakal i fi restick bobore dunga , donga , dunga , lado, slslna ferment fane, 'ofudukwe fi rewood 'ab e'ai fern 'adi , 'ari 'ari , · barero , gwae , kaka da , kaka r i, kokoso , ku rakwa , firm fa ngiri , nga do, ngas I, susu kwae , lagwa , ma ras i kafo , marodo, ma sulua, rumu , samo , sata firmament mamanga

ferry laefa fi l's t nao, subu , totonge

fever mamata ila, tasu , tatasu fi sh abeabe , 'abekoa , afa , afa Ii, afu , agwaagwa , 'ai fatarao, 'ai few ange , babarenga , barafa , furu , 'ai niniu, 'ai niu, 'akwa , ka re , ngada , ota akwaakwa , 'akwango , a I akwaga alasa, 'alauo, al ia, 'al inga , fibre dadala, ifi ifi, 'i'it oa alosa, 'alulu, alusa, amera, a'o, 'arere , au , ba 'a, baba l I, fidget fasegola babalu, bebe, be lefa, beragwasu, berakai, bibila, bi lau, bllu, fi eld al isislu, laba boe , bokofu , bokoru , bo lo, borabora , bubu , bububulu, bubu­ fi erce 'ala, lamu l amua , ramo , kwao , buko fu , bu longa , buma , sa l iona daluma , diadia, diu, dou , 'eda 'eda, 'e'eno , 'elu, 'eno, fi fth fokao fafa 1 uta, f a Ii, fa I u a, fa ma i , fa 'u, faukwa i, fisi , folaola, fi ght fTru, kwa lkumul i, fo lat a, fufu, fula'abu, ganole, kwalsa ui , omea gela, geru , gofala, gwai Ii, gwangos i, gwareo, gwarigwarl , figure kwakwa le gwaufu , gw igwla, gw logwio, gwougwou ru , gwoumudu , gwourada , j'a, ina dl, 'isiofu , 'is ofu , kabou , kakaboa , kaka ra bongare , fi ZZ al ial ikl , dede , fafungu , kakarae , ka lua, kefo, kiki fiula, fafuru , lula, ufi koso, kukul i, kukuru ba lu, kurumusi, kwakwa rangad i, kwaleu, fi lm lakwa , masl lea leleko, leto, 1 ifotangi , loba , lolosi, mae lafu , mafu , magal i, fin bobo ma lif u, mama , mamada , mamalito, mamamu , mamu 1 a, maos I, mara , 227

ma remare, matasi, meamea , me la, flock abu, I ai, ba ra , bu Iita , menamena , misifan igore , modomu , lama , I u I u moro , mou 'a, mu , mudomu , nadi , nanangal i, nanara , 'oigo, rada , flog namu , rabu raemae , rarago , raual ite, rido, roma , rora , sakwa r i, sanga , flood afe , I u, suesue satamela, sau , segosego , sinolo, sinu, sisidai , suru , takwa lao, floor taetae tara, uka , 'ume , 'ulafu , ununu, wawa r i flotsam gwe , rama fi ssure kwakwaria flow busu , igwa , igwala, lua, misi , sura, tafa, tongo fi t kwaialami , t6 flower afuraga , lada , lade , taga , fi ve lima , n i ma taka fix fangai, ngado, 'ole, rako , fly lango , lofo , roro, sigi, tafi tau ra i, tede flying-fish doru f7,abby wetewete foam al ltafa, boto , furafura , f7,ag kw i la gugura, tongatonga flame kwat i , kwesu , lama , mea fog dasa flap afoafo , lekuleku fo ld flfini , fini, kosu, laba , tekwe flare lama fo liage rau flash binabina, filia, gan ia, kwanga , ma ru , me lo fo llow donga , T, isu, lsul i, , ita I a, r 6m i, sui i, su i i i sui i flat baba , babala, babanga , susul I, talag ali, usuli dedema , dema , eba , faeba , lofo , neneba, reba , rereba , saegano fontane lle 'aru, mango flatter fadiana food arefo , fanga , lilifa, oso, ukuka flavour faas ila foo l ma la'oe, 'oi , suge flea ' u- foolish faban i, ke 'oke 'o, koko na, fleet ala kwe , nue , oe l, oewane, oewanea flesh fas io, ma r i ko , 'unga foot 'ae flight fatafi forbear sarof i flint nagi forbid faabu , lui flip sigaru force are , kwaioi , 'ofe , sumal , sungai flirt fadami , gonu , ola d ola, 'oso forehead dara, madara float afe , dau , fa manumanu , fao , fasako , mamanu, manumanu, foreign aluigigena , 'e'ete, 'ete, roroto, sako , sao, sasako, uo matakwa , nu 228

forest dukwas i, kwaena , koso fruit afu, afuafu , dau tafa, fua , fufua , lusu , musu fo rete II tau1 a fruitful fungu forever fi ri frui tless da lafa, kol oa forget buro , kwa iborota l, kwaigoloi fu lfi l fono

fork ma tanga , tabi , tatabi, fu ll fungu, neneba , reba , ' saga tatabia fun fawae la, kwaiolofi , '010 form i n e, non i, n u i fungus bulu, guramole, gwero , formerly danigi, inao mo le

formless sa la furrow dar i

forsake 'akwas i

fo rtification labu , sulufou G

fo rtunate bota gab le sate

fo undation 'ae gale koburu

fox sakwalo ga ll dT

fragment mamae , mumud i, mumudu game , i ' i r i

frai l we tewe te gangway laefa

free sul itala, tagw al , tatagwa i gape afanga

fresh fa lu garden abuabu , afuafu , ali sisiu, alu, ano, baebae , bitel i, danita, freshet igwa , kone fal isi , gano, lama , ola, raraku

fr et 'isifuful i, 'is u fulful i gargle 'aga . furafura

fr iend 'adofai (ni ), dora , fa ida, garment ka fara sasagon i, sata gas tropod gwagwango , loulou friendless mutaia gate ma fright 'agara , fabasu, '010 gather afu , dura , faofu , fa ogu , fringe fitotomu , kakamu figu, gonl , lagulagu , 'omaea, salu, seri, s�, sobo , sogo , fri zzle kaka tagumia

frog diodio, gore , 'ik i'ik i , gaze bubu , kwa ibubungi kwas i, kwere, 'o'oru , sasagore, 'ulao, 'ulou generation tatalai

front inao , lofo , nao, 'ol isusu gentle gwarimabe, noanoa , saore , sarofana , wa luda froth al itafa , kukura , ngingisu, torotoro 229

get ru , tatae grab loge ghost agal lmae , agolo, 'al nl grace kwa lof ela mae , gos I Ie, 0 graft 'a I I ado giddy 'afa , bulo, lelenge , I I I Ingl , momou ra grain mlga gift kwalofela grandchild ko gi ll 'al I nga, banga grandparen t ko gimlet susuka grant saumala ginger flu grasp kabl , rau , uku gird 'af I , bidI , kabl lato gras8 abangau , fl lu, laua, mu rua , 'oro'oro girdle forake gras8hopper klslklsl, slko, wewe girl sari grave fo loa girth 'ungelete gravel rerede give alu, fale, kwalolofl , kwate, obe , 'ofe, sare , soe fafo , graze slba to I I 'as I grea8e 'Irl 'lrl, raga , ragosa , glad sara ragufa glance agelu, kekerofa , r I 5 I great ba lta, 'Inlto glide dadala, roro greed abangau glory fa ' I n I to, ' I n I to green akasa, akasala, kakarua , kwa lukedoa , ma 'a, mamarakwa , glow slna 'abu , slnabala ma ragwa gnat slslml grief Hi l lodila go '11a, lada , lae, Ie, lea, grind sate leka , Ildu, I II lu, Ilu, luda lalo, nanga, saga , taso, to grip gogo, rau , sak I, u ku gong 0 gri t I a i good diana , lalanganla, lea, groan kwa i , ole mamana , uto grope gagalo, ga lo, oto gagalo goosefle8h slslfulua ground gano, makusu , nu gorgeou8 kwanga group finita g088ip I I I baea , unu grove tanga gourd fena grovel aflafl Gower I8 land da l 230

grow ad i, biabia, bulao, buru , happen ade, akele, fafute fatae, lulumu , lumu , mamana , masubu , matanga , maua , mo le, happy f a nonisala, fasasala, sara moua , nuku , 'ol lto li, sasara, susubu, tatabia harbour faka l I, su grow l ngora hard 'ato, bu , 'e'egua , fangas l, fasad l, fata , kuru, ngas l, ngllo, grub gwao , kweo , 'o'oro , ona , sad l 'orokwao , safao , tabao hardwood kaumanu, I Ilia, mamafua, grumb le ma laua lila grunt 'agarere , mao le harlot sesele guard fTfT , fo lo, sus l harm ma la, sau guide te harm less sarofana gui lt kwalkudu , toe harp kwad I I I gu llet gogono , kao, robo harvest sogo gulp kako has ti ly Ilkotal gums kwanu, wa llfo hat kefl

hate masusuala

H have alu

hawk afa , 'l'lto, 'it o habit tela head afu I, afus I, gwa I, gwau , hair afl , bote , bubusu, busa , fu , gwou , ke te , kwau , tatabulobulo gwou taga , ifu, kaflroa , koloa, kwaga , rumu , slslfulua, ululua headache afuridolo half bore , kada , kwekwe headcovering kefi halt tea headland ngongora, ngora hammer afusl, 'al foto , foto, headlong abu l i, gwasule lumu , ulul heal agolo, fa 'akwa , fa mafo , hand 'aba , afl , afoafo , ao lo, T, fa mour l, gura , lulu, mafo , kwate , ma , mau l I, mou l i, '010, ma rab lbl '0'01 I, ro , sabo , serl health boe , la, mamana handle dau to , kakal, kakata, lake , mamasoro , matafu heap duru , flHlgu, gwal, Inagwou , 'ogu , suasua , suka , tae rau , handsome nula, nunufa taetafu hang dau , dau kuluk ulu, daural , hear bokol , ro , rongo fakukulu, fakulu, foe , gau , gu lu, kuku , kuku le, kukulu, heart gono , 110, rake , tali ku lu, kwa i kwag l, 110, lobo , lologos i, taru , toi , ukuuku 2 31

heat fa ' ago , fadafi , kwakwa , hoarse si ruru hold ao , bira, bokomango, dadau , heathen fakamola dau , dau 'ana , dau fafi , daula, dau ngas i, dau ro' aba , dau sabo, heavy bibi , gulu gomu , kurukuru, kwaira ui , ngi ri , '01 i, rau , rau ngado, soro , U, hedge bara 'uru'uru height fautola hoZe 'e'ere , fafala, ki lu, kokoro , kwada , kwakwada , likwa , ma lau, help 'abera , 'ado , 'adofa i ( na) , saru, sufu , susungai ba i, fafi , firi , kwa i 'adomi , man i, sa fu hollow alofo loa , dari , garu, goroi , kukuf i, kwada, sasafola helpless mutaia home fe ra hen kakara i koa , koa , koakoa , kua honey ngingidua , wedua herb aoria2 honour faaof ia, fabaita herd abu , bara , fatare , ku i, hook 'aberama , 'ae, f I nau , tegu lama, I ango hoot ngongo here ise, se hop kasito hermaphrodi te aufasu hope kwa imas i hero agal imae , arai horizon 'ae, oganaasi hibisous de , ta Iita I i horizontal kwa i lai hiooup igi la , igile, 'ono ku horn ke ta , susubi , susuka hide ago , agwa , baba ta i, bun i , dolangai, faagwa , muni , rafltai , horne t gwagwao saufini hospitaZity tataku high fane , i lang i, I ang I, tekwa hosti le 'ula hill ououla, totoloa, uo hot 'a'ago , 'ago , balu, kuf iku fi, him a mekwesua , rara , sasusasu hinder susi house babala, beu, luma hire fol i, kwaiara hover 0 hiss fi, susu how 'ua, 'uta hit dalafa , daro , foto , gumu , howZ kikiu, kiuk iu, kuku i 'igi, kl , kito, kumu , kwae , labu, nanga , rabu , tagl dili, to, huddle logo toe , totoe , 'ui hum kana , ngu hitoh gau human imola, wane 232

humb Le fafaekwa , fa marabibi , impossibLe 'afetai fato'ou, gwarimabe , kwail iua impotent mou humerus salafa improper taga la hundred tal ange , tangalau inoest fualanga hungry fiolo, saofa inoise kwa re hunt fafana, fakwasi inoi te 'ai , fatalai, kwai 'od ui , hurry foto, 1 i ko ta i sura ke hurt fafi , fi , 'ini ' ini , inoLine gege , gwail io, igi , kiki , 'it e'ite, kwae , lilingea , lokosi , re ri toma tafa inorease faba ita, faori husband saifa indeoent 'ena husk fefesu, fio, kokou , siba, sula kako , sule, tae'ota, tasi , indeed fetei , gone tata, tatae indigestion kwikwisi

indi soriminate tara

indistinot bubulua, bulu, gafu, gagafua idLe 'o'oni individuaL 'ai ignorant buo , dora , kina, lafu ineffeotive faoni, mabala, ma la iLL dede, j'a, mae , mamata i, ma t ai , 'ode , ususu infeot 'ode , sigi, sisiga iLLuminate fafola inferior faekwa , ma la iLLustrate tolangai , tos i infirm i 1 e image nunu infLame gola, sile imi tate iIi, kwa i lei , tarifula infLuenoe fifes i immense funu initiate faafa , fasafa , na immerse loloma i injury kudu , kwae, kwa ikudu , sau immovab Le rao ink sasu impaLe 'iri , susu inLa y reoreo impart fa mamana in Let su imp Lement raunga inner dou , sakalo important inamauri, inamouri , innooent dodoloa, kwa ima, sul itala tai nga i innumerab Le kudu, ma lulu impose kwa ioroi 233

insane buburaua J

insect anufe , ngof I, susu rufa I fa t , totowako jab gumu , kutu, 'oto, sene jagged dldl , duke , iii I 1 I, insecure dldl la, maolaola nganga ra insert lolomal , 'oto, 5 ill jaw sasate, sate inside gogoro , ru jealous gegete ma , kwalfT, nl lo, ngunu insignificant fakoka jeer 'onionga instep Iii jellyfish kwalgola, kwairaba , instruct fatolamai , funau , na mamae lade , maneba instrument sukuta jerk ao , 'ar I insult fiita jest olad ola, '010 intention manata jet toratora intercourse raeraela join donga , fa l ado , fa ogu , lade interior tolo joke oladolii interrup t 1 as I journey ato interval oloolofa joy wasanga intestine kakade nga 1 I, u, oga 1 judge tiel i, keketo, ke to, ma l atanga l, ma tanga i intoxicate bulo juice sulu, tonga , totonga introduce fiHo , talaurangai , uranga I Ju ly gwa lu inven� bua , fullnga i jump afola, dura, ele, fasaka , Iglliu, 'Inikumeral, kwalolofl , invoke 'ai sata lofo , sigi iron sale junior 'a I bur I irreverent taga la Jupi ter fa fanefurl irri tation momota jus tice kwa lketola island anuta, auaua , bilukwal , justify fa '010 bubunga , dadangitalau , dai, fera , kokomu , ma l a, ma! au� " momolu, tofa nl gent , u, u u, wa la K itch kakame , kamu , kor lko ri , mamale, momota , 515 imago keel biila

keep kwalfafi , luku, tari , tele, toka , we 234

kerne l babar i, bari , ngingisi, land ano, fanua , fera , 010, oto , rarabi , rido sara kick bu lands lide afuafu , afufu , 'oba , totol ingi kidney 1 i gil i 9 i , utal ibulu language oewa ne ki ll kwae, 1 ima, ramo , sau large afu i kind I ai , saumala last muta , ngado king aofia, bebe late dartigi , fakoka , kwaiusul l, kingdom alafana , toa ma tu kingfisher kiokio, tore tore lathe fota kiss 'ale, kwa inono i, mo su , laugh fawae la, ga , oladola, wae nono1 law fifi , ma luta kite afa lay alu, dau fafi , fele, i Ie, knead akwo kwala, lafi , taga, tagabol a, ta ing ai, tol i, uku knee uruuru lazy daola, 'e'ela, 'ela, kneel gwouru lalakwa , lalakwabusu, 1 i lita, mabubu knife 'ae, 'ila, isi, naisele lead fatalai , talai knob komukomu , lisu leaf 'aba , 'abatekwa , 'abekaufe , knock 'afangi , fangai , gidi, 'abekoa , babata , beto, du, 'e'efo , kas i, sua 'e'ere , elo, fabi lo, fafi , fasobo, fifini , fifisi , kaufe , ko, kuku , knot gogou , gwa ikao , gwou , subi , kwa itao, ngongosa , ngo sa, sao , susubu i sisiua , tol i, Ligula, ul i, ululua know 'ai ni talo, fatolo, leak kw lkwisa, sufu kwaitalo fi , sai tama , susul i, tama , toma , toma i, tomatafa lean babatai (ni), i, luku

leap dura , foto, fufus l, laga

L leave 'akwas i, alu buri, 'ekwa , luka , tafu ore lack left imou l i, ore ladder laefa leg 'aba , 'ae, 'aekuru, agau , akwera , kakau , keba , matanga lagoon namo leg let ke te kome lair fui la, lau lemon mo 1 i lame 'ae'ato , kakatula, tauta, tero length fatekwa , 10usLi, 'oi lament 'omae , sunimae , tako 235

lengthwi8e little bore , ke , ke le, to'ou, tu 'u lepro8y fura , 'uru live to, tala level dada , dala, neneba liver fula, saefou lever suka lizard a, dada, 'i'il o, 'ilo, libel site 'isikame , kudo, kurafe , 'unu liberty fal iu, tofoto load dede , luda liahen I u I umu , I umu loathe mamagu liak mea , mid i loath8ome fa mamagu , fas ikona lie al i, Hi teofi , gwouru , lai , loak arlfu 010, 'osul i, reredu , sak ali, suge , susuge, tatao, teo lofty afaafa life mango log 'ai bir u, bobo , bobore'ai , dunga , laefa , tatalau, tof i lift agau , angai(ni) , ao , 'au, fifini , fingita, gogo , igi , long fane , kulu, ma la, ngongola, kou , kulu, kwou , lafu , � ako , tekwa , t i kwa sulu, tabe , tae , tafo , u, 'ugala, uranga i look abulo, beta, bubu, go lo, iro, isu, ke la, kinetai , mad iana, light babala i dani, fadan i, makele, man unu, masul i, nani, fasaru , kuta , la, madakwa , mea , sa i, sogo , susul i, tatale, rarakwadakw ada , rarau, rau , 'ug ala, ul i sala, sasala, sina, usalo loop a Ii ligh tning kwakw anga , kwanga , sinamaru loo8e afoda , aluke , fenu , kakasa, luka , 050050 like alafana, dori , iIi, ma la, nunu, saumala, tal afa , 'uri loot lalagua , lautasi li ly arakao lop kada , lufu , tafi limb sara, sasara lop8ided gege lime fena, rafu, safu l08e baga ro , fasi, garo, kaubare, kodo, lan gi , tagala limp agiro loud ba ita line dadalo, gwagwalifola, kwakwa la, kwala, tatala, lou8e afui , 'u tatalai love dori , fadami , kwaidoria, '050 lip fefero, ngidu lower de, dilanga , fa sifo, rurus i liquid gw igwir a, lae ni ma te , sulu luak bota , kwaifT, mamana, 'ul ita li8ten fafurongo , gwal inge , luggage sasakua rongo 236

luH muta i a mark fa 'ara, kwao , munamuna , roko , ta Ii, to luHaby ruala market fofor i lump bobo , bubuula, gwou , kumu , I ae , rerede marrow raranga , uas ifo

lung ma ngo , saeng isu marry 'afe , fa 'afe , faara i, fatowane, kukua lurk ano massage dodolo, dolo, fe le, non02 lusty bai ta mas t 'ai ly copodium bulu mas ter arai , bobota

mas ticate meme M mat bosul i, eba, iluilu, osul i mad babal i fwa , bubura ua , faban i, match bol a kwekwe to mate dama , fa , sau la maggot wa material kakada magic fatu matter kafiro, lifu, ma luta, nana magnify mature rafo magnitite nag i bora meal fanga maiden sari measure 'ai 'u, fa tafanga , maime d kou , nguru fo l ifol ia, '010, to maintain mediator kwaisus i make ade, fakwekweto, fu Ii nga i , medi cine mama la alakwa totonga , 'uga , uka meet boru , kwa i sau i, kwa i suasuaf i , Ma la wa la kwa i toda i, toda malaria gwagwai , tasu , tatasu megapod geo male lato , wae , wane me lt dola, sulu malice 'iI i ubu , kwa i dorea , Libu member sara man arai , dar a , gula, kwaitola, mend kauuru , mode , tatal i, ufi kwas ito la, rebo, sakwadola, tara ngado , wae , wane , waoloolo menses 'onibisi mangrove 'abekoa , baraonga (ni), mention ala, sufu koa , wawane menstruation bisi manner ma luta mere fa la'ate, go , gwal, mama la many fita, mo la, 'o'oro, 'oro 'o'oni , matala, mo l a, 'o'oni , tal ito, tatagwa i 237

mesh rna mabala, madaso masango , reoreo, rogota l, saebu , 151 'ai, sal 111, mess fa ma laketa, Iserl slslafufu , slslle, susu'au, susuka , taful u, tatakalade , tutu, meteor farade , slna, warade 'ube , 'umar l, werewere mew ngudu moment ur I middZe daluma , gwa lfural, 'Inlto, money 'abe , al lfoa , 'alu'alu, lalo, mangata , matanga , bata , flnlsl , flrlsla, Hi , galu matonga , ogotou , saflta, aofla, kwalu'ae, mal akwal , tofunga ma lefo , manl, oewane , rau midrib midi , tafl , 'us u, 'u'usu mons ter baekwa , kwa lakwalaal lnga mi ld noanoa month kwakwa , loa, slnal l mi ldew fura moon fula, madama , sinal I, usalo, wane ba l ta mi lk losl, susu more fane ala, tare, tasa Mi lky Way ta la moreover fa lnla mi l lipede kldau morning 'uarodo , 'ubongl mimic kwailifal, talu mortar 'al saru , kakata mind 1 10, manata, rake mosqui to arununu, furunamu , mi schievious oka , saso kukulango , lango , nanamau mis lay rube moss lulumu , lumu , rumu mislead fagaro , kauba re mother te miss kwaldllangal , tala motion ato, kw lkwl rl mist dasa, gafu mottled fofologa mistake garo , kakaba mouldy mo 1 e mix dodola, dola, gagl , sarna mound anobota mock kwalolofl, ma lau, mauga la, mountain tolo 'onlonga mouth anga , faka , fakagola, rna , modest , Ida saka la moisten fagun I, fagw I n I, gwl n I, move a r I r I 'au, dau, du, dudu , raglsl, sau fa lla ngal , fanea , galo, garu, , I du , I fa , 'If I, 'Isu , kwlsl , mole bobolo 1 I u, sus I mo llus c dokof l, fata , fa tu , much tasa flflro, fltau , ganegane, gogo r l, homu , 'Ime , keu , kTkau , klki, mucus fefero, gwango , ngaru ko lo, kuko'afuto, kukura ba lbal , kweratan l, lau fl , lulu, mud gagafua , mamago , sagatafu , sakafu , takasafua 238

multip l,y faor i nes t dui , lau, nui mumb l,e ngudu, 'ubulu net afatai (ni), afu , fadan i, fele, fufu , furai , galu, ka lu, kau , la, mumps bal i ubuubua moge , wa riwari murmur ngunu nettl,e kwailasi, lasi muscl,e boela, bosu , reresu never tona mushroom gwe ro mus ty bila, mabila, mamab ila, next logo , tae nifa nibb l,e fanga , kete kete mutter 'ubul u niece aia mutual,l,y kwalliu night bongi, rodo muzzl,e ob i nine sikwa

nod 'el ing ai , kwae langai , 010 N noise alakwea , al ifeo , fufu , kakabara, ketekete , mu si nail, siribeku , surubeku nonsense gaga lo naked 'aukama , dadala, dadara , , on i, '0' on i, tal u noon urugwou name 'alan gi , fasata, galei , norma l, uto kwaialangai , matarago , sae , sakai, sata, sisi, soe , sono , north lau, tol i suI i nose fitau , gwalusu, ngongora , logo , susukof i narrow ngora nausea fakamomonga , momonga notch did i, 9 i r i ku la'aba nauti l,us nought fa langi buta , buto navel, nourish sangon i near 'ae, fafo , garangl -, ifafo, now Ii r i romi numb mae , tatai neck 1 ua number afui , 'ai , ma lulu, mo la, lololua neck l,ace sisionga 'ae, fafo neighbour numeral, mana neighbourhood lofo nurse nanai neither i lalo nut 'ad o'a, afisu, 'ageru, 'ara , ba ibai , doma , doma , esu , fal i, nephew aia fua , kaburu , kokoru , kura , lata , 239

ma lisanga , ngal i, 'ota, ragisi , operculum ma , sisiki saia, tatabi 'ota opinion 'omela

opossum 'eke , no , saoro o opportunity ta la faolos i, fofota , kwa ifos i oath oppose kwaisu si, kwaitoi , sus i , susu, susuala obey mabe , rosul i opposite lofo obstinate rao, susu orange kwa lukedoa , mo l i occasion manga oration lae, lal ikwate occupy gu la, ro orchid lulu, sangogwa ila ocean 'at akwa ordeal musango octopus gari, kokola, wawaki order 'ai , fas i , n i 'odu, oro , odd 'e'ete , 'ete tag i, take s i , 'u r i oesophagus ku 'au organ bele, fefero, gau , kwakwara , luma , nad i off akari, atari , ba , danga , duriti origin 'ae, fli, fu ila, futa, 'it a, , ito offer al i, alungara , dau tafa, gwele niu, ngara ornament dafe, dala, filu, kwao, lao, Ii, 'otouo, tagi , uo oil gwai , lofa , sulu, wa lwai orphan inamae ointment gwa i other mad iu old dania, fakwa l i, fero, ile, kwali, lafu , suru , 'ua, 'uI u, out aka , akas i, tafa , tafa wa ro outer 'e'efo , 'efo , lofo omen mangaafa outrigger 'ai garua , bonga , forua , omit 'ekwa I u I a once tefou outside boro , ima, ma , nena , 'ogi , tae , tatae one eta, ma , tai , tai , te , te fe , totoburo oven lua, mada laba , umu only fala'ate , go , gwal , over sarenga , taga , ta re , ma I a ' 0 r i, ma t a I a, mo I a , '0'on i , tatabul obu lo, 'usi ta i, taifili, takifili, ta Iif iii, tal ito, te , te, te fe overcast kokofono open ada , afanga , afoga , akwa , overgrown buru , 'o'oro daudau , 'egwe , fafa, fafola, foe , gwaz , 'ifi, kwa , kwada , overhang goro , gwaoro lala, madalanga , ne , ni, regweta, tafa overlap kwa itamad iu 240

overripe dura parrot abora , fafao , fao, kabora , kekero , ke ro , ki la, ki r o ri , overs hadow dolangai, 'odo kw ikwisi , surake overthrow babas i, babatl part ba l l, dou , ful i, gu la, kada, ona, raku , siga , 'unga overturn gefu particle afuafu , mamae ow l 'afuto party 'arua , omea own 'ae, 'aenga i, sata pass do, kwara, liu, tafa , talu oyster 'i10 passage su

pasty lago p patch kwakwa l ifola, mode pacify fa marabibi , sarof i path ta la pack lango , sasalu, tongi patient of i packet sinolo pattern kaoos i paddle bebe , fa igarugaru, fa lit a, fote pause dau 'a i afaafea , 'ai kafoa , pagan fakamola pawpaw 'ai ni matakwa pain ba lufi , fafakafT, fa nonifi, kwa'ini'ini, lakwa , ngada , ulafu pay bani, du , fonD , kwae , lama , sisifa, toto paint ba i payment alu fafi pair donga , nini peace aro, eno , fo lo, mabe , mar abibi pale ba lab ala, felo, kekeda peacemaker kwaisus i palm bas ibas i, filu, gogoi , lofo , niniu, 'otari, sao, sao ni matare pearl dafe pancreas furai peck tofu pandanus 'abekaufe , 'afita, av i, 'efo , fio, siri , sisionga , ba laf ai , fadada , kaufe , kerede peel sisiri , sul i, susul i, 'umari pant gwasusu, mama lo, sa isai , mate unga peep peer manunu , ma roro ia, roroia paper 'e'efo peevish 'u'u madu paralyse 'abamae , mae pelt 'u i parce l 'abatekwa , afuraga , buta , gara , morumoru , 'oba peni s donga , dul i, lasu , ngo , ngou pare mama la people Lau , to, toa 241

pepper 'ofa pi l.l.ow bogwou , urunga

perceive fi, madami , rongo, pimp Ze tal igwe sLingai , toe pin fifini perch 0 pinch gin i, 'in i, 'in I ' ini perhaps 'oto , ta mone, tarl pink kwaluk edoa period Ii pipe 'afang i, suku perish funu pit dede permit fangaluda, fawa luda pith du perp l.ex kwa igoloi pity ka lta, kwaf alaloi , persecute inokes i, tau langai kwa imanatai

persevere su pZace alu, ato, dau , didi , Higwouru fi, fua 'ano, fu ila, fu J i, persist anau gonitai , gula, igaua , kwaru , lalano , lifu , ma l i takwa , masu , person 'ai , bobota, do, lalamoa , naibulub ulu, na iful i, tala, togo , sarafa , tero, to , tola, wa la, toko we la pZague fualanga pestl.e l ang i a pZainZy fa tafa , tafa persuade besi , gae pZait gwaro , nai li, 'obi , rina pet kosu , sasagou i pZan bua, rero , to, toa phosphore scent guramole, sinabole, sinamole pZane bobo photograph nunu pZank ogorua, taufafo pick fufu , 'ini , susu, tal isi , pZant 'ai , aorial , fafanefuri , tofu fasi , fe bebe , felofelo, fikakar i, gagali, kiki lu, ki lu, konare , picture nunu kwangeo , los i, mago , naegono , rego , rige, rogi, roketa , salu, piece abolo, ku ru , mani , nenge , sangogwa ila, sinado, 505010, reba , sai , si, tatali, tofunga , suba , tagai kao , tasisi, ute, ufolo wa ta pierce fa la, gumu , 'oto , ru , sugi , pZantain sasamo susu, susungai, toe pZate gegere , karao , labenga , pig bobone , boso, fotara , momo , lelefe , sidu 'ora pZatform 'al i 'al i, fa la, gwegwela, pigeon bol a, mumugo, wau tafe pigment ogo , onga pZay laba , laga , lalaba , oladola, sisigila, 'ui pi l.e bara, fafabusu, kolusaga , ofu 242

please fas i, ongaonga post af isi , 'aga , fungu , funu , giro, III i plenty 'abasua , afu , fanefanela, luda pouch lufi pleurisy garosula pound diu, gata , kumu , lomu , sau pliable mabe pour 'aga , fa igwa , fauta, igi , 'iki , kiki , ligi , ufi pluck 'aga , aka , amuri , 'efo , fisu, fufus i, fusi , gau , gosa , powder maemaea 'ini , kakai , mu r i, ngol i, tafi power 'ago , sulu plug guta practice kwa ifo plump kwikwina practise aru , ka la pneumonia garosu la praise I afe , tango pod rur i prawn denge , 'odo point io, ma , ngongora , sunga i , susu pray 'al sata poison bubu lo, bulo, mamae lia prayer agolo, bomana, fota poke kudu, kusu , 'oto , susu , preach funau , lae susu I i prefer fil i pole 'ai ria, gwalula, gwaofa , gwaufa , kwai , laefa , lula, ria pregnant faiana , iana polish mamaoa premature bibina, gosa , 'onga pool kikirioboa , lama , lobo , 'osi, prepare gon i, sasalu, tamu sue sue present fadami , fa 01 i, fasi, poor berebere, faekwa , ma la, nena , ka lo, kwate, toto ta, we , we re press baba , babas i, baka , bebsei , porch ma , ma l uma , taofa , taru berengi, doma , fe le, kwainonoi , sata pork game prevent 'ua Ii porpoise kirio price wa i fofoeu portage sulufolo prick sono, su su portent mangaafa pride samola portion 'aba , abala, ba l i, fu l i, gamo , kada , mumud i, mumudu, sa i , priest aof ia, bebe , fabebe , 'ota taenga i print fele possess fere , firi, kunu, on ifi , r i k i , to, toda prise gefu possible oto mone , tari, wa luda private ba nita i , se, siga 243

produce fafale mango

proffer sunga i pump 'ong i

project kwa itamad iu , kwaru, punch gumu ngelangela, susuka punish du, fa manatai, kudu promise afo , alangai( n l), alualu, gwalu pupa du i, lit e

promote faaof ia pure dodoloa, fo l a, gwagwa l ifola, kwakwafarerea , sasau l ia prong ka ta purify fafola, fasasu l i prop or i, 'oto 'oto, urunga purp l.e loga l oga , mo se la proper diana, kwaialami , ta la, tal ito purpose tagwai, 'uri property 'amu , arenga , asi, lama , pus nana lango , ole push boerake , du , duara , lada , prophesy tau la rusu , su i, suka, su lak a, susul i, tanasu, usu prosperous fanefanela, inamauri , inamo uri , mamana put 'aga , alu, ato, fa le, labu , of i, ru, sungai, tau , tol i, tongi , prostrate lada toro , toto fas i protect folo, susi putrid ma kana

protrude sal i putty sa ia, se ia proud fa naunau puzzl.e faboke , kwail iu proverb tarifula provide 'abasua , abusu , fa 'ado Q provoke fabaegaro, faramo , quarre l. susu fatalai quartz niniu prow isu queer 'e'ete , 'ete pudding aba, gata , gwasu , kor ikori, kumu , lakeno, 'ori, question ledi tatama , taumanga quick 'al i'al i, fa 'uru su i, 1 akwa , pUff boela, busu lau, sis I gila pu1. 1. ' a b a, a fata i (n i), 'a9 e , quiet aro, babato, eno, faaroaro, akwal, fori , fu le, gae , gau , faekwa , fa noto , gwarimabe , ke la, gwailangai, 'ite , kakal, kwai, kwaitoli, mamaroto , manata , kwaisate, kwa isuge , lafi , lafu , marabibi , ma roto , sarofana lalafi, loi , 1010 eba , mur i, ngi ri , os i, ridi , ruruta , ruta, quite dinga lu sigi, tara , terenga i, ugu , 'ugu 244

quiver bara , taga , war lrl rea l mo l a, mo rll, tofunga quote tos l rear bu rl

reason 'ae, g� la, tagwa l

R rebe l kwalsagal I

rebuke bangal i, kwaln gatafi, race lae nga ta radiate kwalrarang l recede gwou kekelo raft receive goni, gon ital, tataku rafter 'ate recently danlgl , fa lu falgwa , fauta, lagwabu , rain recline gwou ru singo , su lu I uta, takataka , tangatanga , uta recognise kwaila fu si rainbow fu laalo, mae recompense du, fabu fatae, tafo, tatae raise recover akwa , gwar i rake afl rectum ngae, susu ku rancid nifa red 'a'abua , gola, kekero, ma ra , maragwai, maragwe , memena rank fa reduce dldl , falogos l, fatol i, dumu l i, kwa inamu ta l, rau , rape fato 'ou, logosi rau fafl reed 'ai 'au, rade 'afeta i, 'ato reef ma l, nu, ngu , tetea , wa lo raspberry kwaletore, kwa raf lfl, kwaratore reflect kwa irarangl rat fo ltau , fotou , gwo'ua , kTkT refuse 'ato , lalakwa ta i, lui, noto , ngenge, 'ol lsusu, susu, ma lanla, te ra ther taranga l, tofe , wawa la rattan 'al ob i, 'ua, 'ue regu lar uto 'Igl, kete kete, klsiklsl ra ttle reject lalawa tai, lufa , masusuala, s I 9 I raw ma ' a, ma 'ala, , okasa rejoice ele, sangalu ray bara reZation ba ra , fungao , fungo, reach dao, rarabu tofuta i du , tema i read relic ma ta la ready agau , mamani, masl, re Z iquary fufu rakwanunua , sa la, sa lu, sasal, sasaia, sasalu, ula re lish 'adaml 245

remain to , toto , tua revolt kwa isagal i remark tarifulii revo lve akele, tatabulobul0 remove 'efo , fa ila ngai, gefu , reward sisifa 1 afu , lu, mafa , 'otol angai, taba rib ka rao , 10fo , 1 u s u renew fiifiilu rich ongaonga, wa i ma l efo renowned ta l0 rid sinatai , sisinatai repay du ride du repeat fiirua , rebo, rerebo , ridge bobo , morodo tar ifula right ta 1 ito repent kariabu l0 rim ng idu replete masao ring kome , susubarafa report kwa ringworm ga rata , garatii reproach kwa itaranga i rinse ku rukuru , 10to , momoga , resemble usu l i 'uru ' uru resound kwerete, 1010u, riot faramo rikwa rikwa ripe 'alii, 'alasaka , du ra , kwaso, respec t fii mou make , maua , meo , rafo rest abe, bogwou , dau , duru, fii ripple 'arara , gil0, gito, nanai, mamal0, ma ngo , nanai , ma ringor i ngo sobo , urunga rise 'a'agora , banga , bina ae , restless fu fu 1 i , ' i su fu 1 fu 1 buara , fane, fao , kwa , mango , sigi , tae , tatae , ubu retaliate susu rival kwaiilinga i re tract nonosi river 'ae, kafo re turn fa 01 i, ma road ' a e, tal a reveal tatale roar akwa , ku ru , ku ru , ngo ra , ruru revenge kwaidu, lama roast naka reverberate ku ru, 1010u rob be 11 reverence fii mou rock ageu , ba ro, fou , geu , '10, reverse fotai, fous i, foutai, ka le, naki mabulob ul0 rod a'o, ka so, sage'oni revert afoi roe b 11a revi le ise ri, kwailolot ai, tau langa i 246

roZe abu l i, abulo, dadalo, s 'e'ere , fa igote , gefu , geu , 'io, kero, kosu , lautai sacred bae , boboa romp lalaba sacrifice 'afuafu boso , faun i a, kwaisusi roof raraofa sad bokonu , bukonu , fabokonu room lalo, tob i safe banitai, su l itala roo t ' a e, 'ae I a, 'e'eo , f ii , gwalu, inala, ine, ka bara , kiu, saga 'ai ni mae kobe , lal i, 10101 i, ngangarea sago felof elo, sao rope afuraga , al ima, dadala, dada lo, da i, inal i, lakwaf i, sai Z eba na i li, 'oko saZiva gwigwir a ro t dura , fura, fu ro , 'is ifura, meme , mumu , 'ulu saZtwater ' ama Ii, as i ro tate abuab u losi sa Zu te tafe rough 'ara 'ara, fasiinarua, same dama , te girigiri, ingo i ngo, ma bota , ngangara, ngangata , ngarungarua , sand biriu, birii,one ra rau sandfZy ku lango, simi , sisimi round aga l i, al i 'ere ' erea , gal i, komu komua , mo l i, tal i sandpaper samota row kwakwa la, kwala, sisigwa , sands tone fa lua tala, tatalai sap su lu, tonga , totonga rub 'ai ere , alofi, 'ara, asa , bobo , dadalo, dodolo, dolo, sap Zing ba 'ato fu lo, fu lu, nonOI , non02 , sata , sate, sigaru , 'ura, usu , 'ute satisfy f�ab usu, fas ui , na rubbish 101010, tafu savage 'a'ala, 'ala, gagara rude kakabara save fa mouri ruin fua l anga say bae , sae ru Ze ma luta , toa scaffo Zd gwegwe la, tafe , tatafe ru Zer aof ia scaZe 'e'efo , 'efo , unafa , unufa rumour iIi baea scar ba la, fakakarua , fifila, fifingo, ka ru , kida run anngwa , falalao, lae, lalao, toto scarce 'afeta i ru s t bur a, bu r i, 'is I fu r a scare uauala rus tZe ke kerede , sas ale scatter afus i, fufusi, kwa itage , taga , taga la, tata 247

sahool fa , oto seed fal ake, fua , gogoa , kokoa , miga saissor8 kote seek Inokes i saold ngata seize dadau , dumu 1 i , gan i , lau, saoop gogor i, nalu rau , rau fHi, sa k i saorpion fafa r i, ngonoraf i ana sell fafo 1 i , fa s i fa , sifa sarap ma , mamu , maslnga , meme , semen bu s i mumudu, tafu semihuman gos ile sarape alasi, 'ara, dolu, faro , fofor i, fol i, gara , gorl , goroi , send 'ere, fa le, 'odu , sae, kes i, koa , kori, rao , saukai, sinatai tata, tau ka i, 'ut e senior 'ai nao , ulu nao saratah as i, gama , ga ra , ga ru , kakaru , kame , momota , tala, sense 'inifa, man ata, wanea talatala, tarafi separa te 'etea , finita, 'iniflta, sareeah iikwa keta , keto , kita, kwaita ui , mu , 'oba sareen of i series ta la, tale, tatala sarub lalano , masu serious foufou la saum lakwa , ng ingisu serra ted ngangara sea asi, 'atakwa , blrabia, birubiru, lua, matakwa , ora na serve fol a, fonosi, mama la as i set ala, bara , fagwourufi, fufu , seagu ll 'an akwe labu, SU , tolamai , tol i, u, 'ui seahorse fuasa settle fono, '010 searah afui, gami , golo, lulu, seven flu nanani sever mu season abu sua , 'ago , ko bu ru , 1010, ma , ta l i, u severe afuridolo seat dingana, ngae, rake sew ta i, ufi, usu seaweed 'afu , 'alaga , 'ama shade nunu sealusion fua 'ano shadow inunufana , nunu searet ban itai, bel i, saufini shake aforanga i(ni), 'aga , 'agara , anu , anuanu , ariri , garagara , seation fo l a, 'it e, ku ru , 'igi, 'Is ugwou , kwaekwaelai , kwa ikada , 'ongl, ruba kwailei, lebe , nganunganu , tat ai, wa nuwanu sediment bila shallows taefata see ada , 1 i 0, r i k i 248

shame maas ia, mamagua shout gagafu , ma lugu, 'omela, ri, su shape ban i, noni , nu i 8hove kwaigelui, lada , sui share 'ado, fa 'ado, gula, sunga i kwa i 'ad oi , 'oa, ola, tol amai , uka 8how fad a , fad i ana , fafu 1 ai , fatai, fulangai lafe, sa la, to shark baekwa 8hred tas i sharp 'ala, alasi , au , fa 'ala, fiingar i, fufu , iliili, lame , shrivel 'ekwe , kou , rarasi, sio lasi, ngari, tata , totoe 8hrub 'ago , 'ai, boboro , bonu­ shave fu r i, "gor i, kori, 1010, bonu , elo, fuaka , isuisu, ko kon a, sufi kwa ikwai, 10ulou, mamafue , me lu, nini, ri, ta i tal i, to itoi , sheath kamu wa saga , wa sangga shed 'amari , amuri , faigwa , shrug ioio ta lafi , 'unge 8hut ba lika, bilake , bobo , duru , shelf bara , gwela, tafe, tatafe fenu , foda , fonok i, kwaifa fi , mumu , urunga shell afisi, bungu , dafe, karongo, ka sa , kuf i, kuru , lao, reoreo, shy 'ida taeumari, ta tae , teu , 'ume , 'unga , 'ungabala, 'unge 8iak bo , il i momoa , lugu , mamaela, mamaeta , rarafi shelter 'o'oba , raf irafi, taofa side baba , baba ra , bal i, gagaro , shield tal0 kame , kwa lekwalea, 1 iii, 1 i 1 ima, ninima, 'obi , 'odoa , tatabi shift al ilo 8ideways gege , ninia shine binaae, fa nu la, la, mabe , mea , rara , rarakwadakwada , sina, sigh atamango ta la, usalo 8ight keke rofa shingle rebe 8ign ba la, fatai, kwaibala, kw ila, ship faka ma lafo

8hiver lebe 8i lent bona , fabo nga , morodau , ne

8hoal ba barenga , busu , fa , kwaru , silly kwekwe to ngongolau , oto , ta 'alu 8imu l taneous tafe 8hoot ala, basi, fa i madama , fana , gwango , gwao, 'i'iri la, mamato, 8in fual anga ngol i, 'o'oro , 'ui 8inae 'ita , susi 8hore sara 8ing 'ai , di , gilo, kana , kwae, short fakuru, kukuru, kuru , nguru, lafe , ngu , rofi, ro i roa , ruru , '01 i ku ku ru s iii

8hou lder fote 8inge nunul 249

single autania, mcrta i, mcrta ia sliver nlnl sink amuni, dodo, fakuru, kuru , slope dedea , dldlla, kokosoa , 010, toto re r I sinker dodolo, gwaluto, mode slow daudau , matcr , sarofana , sarofi sister 'aua , bara , dora , sasi, waena, we la smack damu , mlsl, mo su sit dodo, fagwouru fi , gwouru , sma ll faekwa , gele, gwa , 'Igl , rerebo, sabole'o 1010, ma rablbl , 050050, rlri, to 'ou, totou , wabeabea site fu ila, fu l i, tala smart totonge six ono smash dikwa , dukwe , fufu , gumu , sizzle ragusa mabota skeleton 'ungabala smear bun lbun l, kano , rafu , safu , toto skim tatara sme ll fakamoko , fa moko , gasu , skin 'ab eota , adolua , 'e'efo , mamata , moko , rongo 'efo , ka kara , kefora , nanao, siba, tata , tete , ul i, 'ul l smi le mu l, wae 'unga , 'unga akasa, 'unge smoke bl 'ala, blbl 'ala, bono , skirt sada dasa, sasasu , sasu skull gwa i do , kete , 1 ata , lelete, smoo th dada, dadala, dala, dodoloa, rarata dolo, mabe , mamaoa , mor ua , neneba , nuto , sakwasakwa , sa lo, samota, sky sa lo sasalo, crgula slab rebefou snake baekwa , bo, ka flsoro, leleo, 101 , ma lo, mangeo, meleo, rara­ slack kak asa , ka sakasa , 1 uku slfou , wa , wasa lo slander crnu snap ngamu , 'oe slap fida snare 'a i 5 I 9 I, manutorl, tor i slat gogo I, rafo -snarl ngora sleep 'agarere , dadao, daola, snatch kwa I 1 au I , 1 au , 'onga , rag l eno, fa ma leu, fa teof i, leleutai , maalinga i, mabibila, sneeze ' 1511e magu lu, ma leu, ma leuta i, teo sniff nonOl slice fur i, mamala, '010, taka snore ngora slide agelu, 'oba snout ng I du , ngora slip atari, didila, dila, madlla, mamad ila, mamaoa , maslmasi, nT, soak faguni , fasobo , tau ngangata, rurusl soar aro 250

sob maole spawn lame soft gegesola, kwaso, mabe , speak 'ama 'ama , arenga , babae, mamasaua , ngetungetu , osooso , bae , fata , fuaro, fusi, mamagu , wafeafea , wa luda ne, ngata , of i, rok,i, roki , ubae, 'ula sale mamala'o'oni, muta ia, taI ito spea2' 'ai ni Gao , 'ai sua , babatai( n i), gafa , io , 'iri, fu labu, 'ota , otoboso , sibato , sua some tan i speaiaz.z.y 'e'ete son inamouri , suburi , we la speeah lalae, leo, tea son-in- law fungo speeahless nokororo song 'a i n i mae , sono spend wawar i soon maka , ma lakwas i, to , toto , tu 'u spidel' ada sato, fufu , garo, kiliwidi, lagwa , lakwa , lakwa soothe faeno, famae , ofe asuasu , serosero, subelubelu s02'ae2'ess 'ai aruaru , 'ai soso spi z.z. 'agoma , kiki, 'uga s02'ae2'Y soso spine bobo , ona , susuka s02'e afora , baro, fefero , fero , spi2'it agalo, dadang italau, gamea , kake , kor ikori, koro, kwad ibulu, mafule, mango mala, mamae , ria, saekake , tona, tuf i spit moga , ng ingisu, ng isu

S02'2'y fakwa imanatai, fa manata i, splash ka lu, kikito, kofa le, i e i , kwa imanatai kwaiasi, kwa ikafo , kw i si, os iosia, taga taga , tangasi S02't 'a i, 'uta spleen bibila, bi l a, fu le soul ano , lio, mango babas i a sound 'ai , angi , lin ge , mae split af ita, afole, akar i, ala, soup waenu , wa i wenu aligi, dukwe , fita, foga , fo i 'ai , fola, fole, folo 'aigwa r i, fora , SOUl' 'afae gagaro, igwa , kakari, kakasi, mad iko sou2'ae 'ae, fu ila, gwa i kafo spoi l bagaro , kaubare, naga , saso , south 'ala 'ua na sow afus i, faafusi, gwa ta , 'oru , sponge fulo, lolosi , 10si bobono spoon roa , taekeu spaae afa , kwada , kwa I i manga , lua, manga , ngada , riridi spot munamuna , munomuno spa2'k 5 i s i ga spouse kwa i 251

spout fufula, fu la, ma , sasasu , stammer fakakatu , katu tabaelo stamp b i 1 ongos i, bu , fanga I sprain dila stand dau ngado, Iki , sagasagala, spraw � oe ba l ia, oewa nea taga , take , tatake , cr,ur a spread afetoa , bono , bungabunga , standsti�� fa ka tu donga , 'egwe , fo la, fol a, gagau , kano , lau buta , matanga , 0, star bubulu, bu lu, kwakwa l i rarau , regweta, taba , taga , ta lo, taraunga i, tegwera stare ke le, kwa ibubung i, ma , makele, ma la, tede, tete spring fula, furafura , mafu la­ fula, masubu starfish bebero , matanga , takwa n I berobero sprink�e dilala, talu, tangasi start ma s ul ia, ole, to , tona , 'ugu sprout ala, biabia, biblra, blo, blr a, bito, bu lao, fafasu , fasu , start�e 'agara , dura fufurua , gwango , kwaga , ulafu state Ise ri , tola spurt mimi , tagataga , toratora stationary dau spy urai stay nagu , na I fu 1 i, nofo, roro, squabble susu to

steadfast rarao square boboa , bobola, suma bo steady marablbl , sobo squash meme stea� bel i, dol anga i squat 'ona , 'ono, 'o'ono steam da sa , sasu squea� kwe steep tau squeeze fele, gogo , los i , ng i lo steel' nao, tari squid nu to , nguto stem kaka I, kakau , u 1 I squint 1 I 1 I step fa 1 I , tafe stage fa la, gwegwela stern bu r I, i su , nga 5 i stagger taba reo stick 'au, bao , bibira, bo to , fararao , kau , kubau , kwai, kwaru, stagnant mamab ila, to kwato , lago , lalago, ngangasl , ngelangela, ngenge, rago, stain medo, tonga udalolo stake ona , urobo stiff 'ato, botake , gaga 'al sta�e bila, dala, mamab lla, were sti�l aro, eno, mae , ne, roro sta�k ango , gwal , kakal , ka kata , sting 'ago , 'ala, gagal, To , susu kakau 252

stink ma rabua, moko strife fakafT

stir eso , iro ri , kwaisagali strike alofi , dalafa , dilala, dolo, foto , kesi, kidi, labu , stock fu samas i, siki , tad i 1 i, tagidil i, te, toe , totoe stomach bo , I 'a, kelo, kutu, rake string 'abe, 'i' itoa , Ina, ka kamu , kob i , 'oko , usi, usu stone dididlu fou , fau , faukwa i, fotoa , gwai , gwailu mu , kakale, strip fisi, kanasu , munomuno , 'obi ka le, lada, lade, 1 il ibou , ludanga i ni ere, lumu , ta talau stripe osiosia

stoop agwa , gwou ru strive kwa ikwaitafus i, masusuala

stop 'abera , babasi, bobono , strong ba ita, ba lub alu, bu , boko , dau , dau bonos i, fa ka tu , far igit a, flfT , fu , ngas i, ngilo, fasa, guta , mae, mumu , nofo, 'oi laki , ramo , rigi t a, sabo , ro , tekwe , tenggwe , tua , li,ua , totonga i 'us i struggle butotoi , lada , lologota i, store duru , fae langi , ta lng ai, rorobasi tobi stub tonga i storm sale stuck ka tu story 'ai ni mae, tatala stuff dede, fe le, fero straight afedu, dodoloa, donga , fa 'Qlo, ngengesoa , '0'01 i, oto , stumb le fatafai, kwaitafai , sisiri ngena , ta lau, tasat as, 1 akwadora , tafa i taso stump guri , gwor i, gwou strand al i stunted 'idi, 'i'idl strange 'ete stupid ba lia, buburaua , kaku , stranger 'e'ete , kwaita, sa la kokona

strangle 1 io stutter faka 'ato

strap 'oko sty le kwaialami strata ile, kwakwa la, kwala, subdue fatol i ta la, ta t ala subside tetea streak rarafua succeed ta la stream kafo , saga tae success fa mamana , ful ina, to strength fababa to , fa ngado, fangas i, faramo, safu , sus i succession kwalool ita strenuous , ago successive donga stretch eba , 'e'eo, 'eri, 'erusu, succour fasore kwai, kwakwal ifolli, kwera , '0'0, saka , susu , taga , una . 253

suck bafu , fa susu , loto , 'ome , 8weet mamasi 'omi , susu, susufi 8weetheart gonu sucker du3 , ga lau, kakamu , ka l au 8wel.l. bobo , fane , fufu , gwaesusu , sudden sulufolo gwal i, i'a, lala, oga , ria, saekake , susubu , 'uaboko , ubu , sugarcane ofu ugu suggestion 'omela 8wim alof oi , 'aranga , fa i garugaru , garu suit bobolo, bo l a, faora , ta la, to , tola, tal i 8wing ku k ule, ku leu, wao loolo

8ummon ara , sae 8WOOP 'elo, kero , roro , ruru

8un sato , Gsalo 8word isi

8unken koba 8wordfi8h iIi

8unlight ra

8unny fola T sun8hine kwa i I a, la taboo abu , 'ala'ato , faabu , fageni, fa mo I a, I iIi, lui, mamae I i a 8unshower aruku , arusato tai l. bo to, fifisi , kikT, kikiu, sun8troke afuridolo kiu, lake, lebe , tagwara, takwa , takwa ra 8upport bereng i , bo , bo se take 'is u kou , lui, ngal i, tanasu , 8uppo8e sae , s i taria, tol e, usul i

8urf nafo, tatalu nafo taLk bae , ba Ii, fafaora i, faora i , faroi , ino, kakabara , kwa i­ 8urface fasako, tou la sur afia, loko , rebo , rerebo, ta lo, taman i, Gnu 8urpa8s talu taLl. fane , langi , oloolo fa , 8urprise kwele, laga riridia, tekwa , tikwa

8urround a Ii, lere, tobi taLon finau

8u8pect sGnga i tame farao, manata , rao , wa la­ wa la, wawa la 8uspicion fengi, kwa ifi tangLe firu , garu , kokosu , swa LLow 'ag alu, kako , oko, ono kwaifaf ia

8wamp kukunu , kunu , 1010 tap f ida

8weat 'ida , ' i'ida , 'iniula, taro alo, au , ka kama , tabi , tele, 'inu la, kikita u ku , wa i

8weep kao , salo, sasalo, ta la, ta8te masao , niuniula talafi 254

ta8te re88 kwa kwaria thin rauraua , refe, riridia, wa beabea tattoo bubulu, 'ini, kede, sisigau la thing 'ai , do , donga , oedo, sai , tofunga taut laba think kwaifi, manata , sae , tago , teach fa l ioto , fa nanau , fa ngu , tonala fatolam ai , funau , kwa ifamanata i, na , to third fule, ou la tear afal i, akari, fo le, ga , ga , thorn kona gasi , ka r i, mu , ngeo , ruru, seka , sulu i ma thoughtres8 gau tease faunga thou8and mo l a, toni, tun i terr bae , farongo , fatai , thra8h namu ilingai, sae, tar ifula, unu thread dura temper ba lubalua , susuala threaten kwaitalT, '010 tempera ture tatasu three olu temp re ba banga , su throat lala, 'aga temporary kwa imasi, 'o'oni throb lafulafu , ru ru , sekeseke tempt siko throng 1 u 1 u ten akwala, finita, fulu, lilio, tafulu, tangafu lu through 1 iIiu f i , su fu tender bibi na throughout 'usi tendon 1 alaI i throw bab asi, baba ta i, fanga i, gafuta ,.kwa ilangai, kwai 'ui , tendrir kakamu laga , lagota i, 'ota , sa l i, taban i, taba reo , tosi, 'u', 'ui terribre kwa ifa mou i thrust 'oto , rada terrify fa mou thumb lousu, ninitele testicre falake, lato thunder ki l ia, kwanga , loufia thatch 'abesao , daura i, tafera i thus una , 'uri then su i thwart fakoka , lusu there 10, logo , se , su i tickLe au ra , kakaru , kil ikili, thick ku lu kusu , mama le, 'o'oroba , 'oroba thicket nuku , nunuguta tide abaaba , afe, bu ro , lua, ma i, nanae thief 'abaro tie ar i, ba ru , bina si, fa 'afe , thigh daudau , sasafa, tenge fingita, firi, fotara , kan i, 255

ka ro , lala, lobo , manu ito, safu tough T, ng llo, sad l · tight afata i(n l), ba lbai, fa tow tara ng l ri, laba , lalaa'la' l, ng lrl towards fu , sla, 'uri ti H mast toy abuabu lo time I a I aba , ma , manga, tau trade slfa timid uauala, wa lawala, wawa la Trades ara tip tagwara traditional. tarau tire ade , daol a, 'e'ela, 'efo 'efo , , e I a, fa f a ka f T , feda , mae, train nanau mangos I, ngoada , ote, ula trap 'al slgl, tor i tobaaao 'abeflrl, fafuru , safusafu travel. al Ide, Ifu, tago today tara sala toe 'aekodo, 'aekok l afe toa , kakau , koki , kuku traverse I I I I uf I together afu, de, donga , kwal' tread f a I I, uri ab I ta I, kwa lma, lagulagu , ofu , sasalu, tefou treat faora l, loto , mama la, oro , sa rof I tomahawk kila tree 'a'ase , 'adanu, 'ad o'a, 'afa , tomorrow bobongl , ma l akwasl aflo, aflsu, afu , 'afuto , 'ai , 'al abaabala,· 'al aslla, 'al bu , tongs saka I 'al dla, 'ai furu , 'ai futo , 'al karongo , 'ai lallal , 'al lal l, tongue 'aga , kwou , mea , nu 'al ma lua, 'ai mama le, 'al me la, 'ai momoko , 'al ngenge , 'al nl tool.s raunga Gao , 'a I n I I'a, 'a I n I Ko r I , 'ai niniu, 'ai rade, 'ai sikl­ tooth 'adl, 'aga, garomota , 'T'a, slkl , 'ai subu , 'al sula, 'ai lif o, 0, robo , unabulu su l la, 'ai susubeu , 'al taga , 'ai wane, akama , akar l, akwa , 'akwasl, toothaahe wii l ifo al lnanai, al ite, 'alu, 'ama , 'ama 'ama , 'arakoko , 'ar akwana , toothl.ess dawo, kwa ru arangal I, ararame , 'arau , areko, asal, 'au, 'aurlde, ba 'a, ba ' top fafo, gwaro, gwau , gwou , aba 'a, ba lbal, bala, baule, 'i'lsl, 'lsi, . '010, safu , uo bebeku , bebero, bebero gawasu, blabla, bl l Ibll I, boola, bubue , torah bul u, kwesu, senge , unu bubulo, busa, dadaku , dadame , dae , dafu , dai, dalo, dlngal i, fa lfal , torment fa non lfT fakaso, fa lake , faleke, fane furT , faofao, fata, fefenu , felo, torn mode fofote , foufou , fu , furi, gagalo, ga la, gona asl, gono , gwal, gwele torrent dede 'ai , gwougwou , gwourate , 'Isi­ ma lau , ka b ara , kakal I, ka refo , touah dau, daula, kwaiblblngi, ka takata, ke ka te , keketo, keto, rao , samo , sime k I k i r i, k I nu , ko i I a s I, ko I 10, 25 6

kuafarlfa rl, kwa lkwalla, kwako, bulo, dau , ferude, feto , fatal, kwalofuka , kwa lubebe , kwau , fous l, foutal, futal, Ifu, kwokwo , kwou kwou , lalato, lame , ka karlabulo, kar labulo, ke la, lan gla, lausl , llgl , lilia, kwaelangal , 1111, nanamutal , lofo , ma busa , ma la'afla, ma la­ rokltal , ul l fe lo, ma l agona , ma lanunu , ma lasal , ma la'ul I, mamafua , turtLe ba la, beo , fagen l, fonu mamakwa , mama lade , mamarufa , mawa; mo rodo, mumu , ngal �, tusk 11fo ngengede , ob I, oe 2, ome , oneone , oneone fau , 'onl 'onl, oufena , twice farua ra'bua, rakwana, rama , rara , raumeda , raurau , rlrukaml , rofu , twig u 1 I, 'u'u su rufo, safa , sa la, salll'l, sakos la, sakwadola, sakware, twin 'iu, kwekwera , madomu sa la, sa lo, samota , sao , saolo, sarof l, sasa'fa , sasasu , sua, twine al I, dadalo sula, susuru , taba , takos la, tala, talo, tatara bebe , to, twist af io, ageu , bulo, fllo, flri, toma , toto lke, iigula, ul I, flro, giro, gwange , lautal , ulukwalo, wa l, wanasla nanamuta i, ngeda tremb Le lebe "twitch masu l la, ole tremendous fua l anga tl1JO mo ro , ro, ru , rua triaL miisango tyrant oro trickLe busu , ru ru tridacna 'unu U trifLe laba uLcer fltaru , mala trip lakwadora umbre LLa siifa troub Le fanga lu, saga l I, ulafu unabLe ro trough dar I unborn go s lie true mamana , mol a, tarl , uncas tra ted 'a I 'ora tataumae , tofunga unconscious mae trunk ma tonga unconsecrated mo la trust fTtala, ngado uncooked kasana try Ill, odonga , rautalafl , to uncover afanga , funamanga , futai, tuber 'ae, Inala ta ta 1 e tuft sosoko uncuLtivated kwasl tune u ku under fara , sakalo turkey bib! , geo, kwl underneath fara , olofa turn abulo, akele, anobota , bu la, und'erside lofo 257

under8ize rag lsl uproot akwai, Ifu under8tand 'ela, manata , matafana up8et gefu , kwall lu undeve loped 'alakwa urge 'ai, erl, kwal'od ul , Iota , sata , surake undulate waowao urinate mimi uneven kI,boa , tatare U8 'aga , 'ag olu, 'agoro unexpected sul ufolo u8e 'o'onl unhappy fakwa lmanata l utter nge , '010 unimportant faekwa uninhabited gwou v uninitiated fakamola vain tagwa l unique mut al , muta la valley dedea , ote unit u vani8h kwa ltaga unkept kwasl variou8 dod ola, 'ete, 'etea unleavened lalanga vegetab le tatabo unmarried autanla, 'ekwe vehemently , I n I fe I enga I, unproductive fau l Ita 'Inlrlglta unprotected oewane vein I a I a I I unravel afllo, rokltal vengeance du unrea80nable tago verandah nuni, taofa , taru unripe ka karua , ma 'a, 'okasa ver8e kwala, tale, tatala un8inkable sala very Hu un8tab le afo , 'Igl, 'Is u, ve88el 'aga , faka , laga , raunga maolaola vex u I a f u, u I u f I, 'un u f i a untidy tagaloloa vibrate wa rirl untie luka vie kwaifanel until Ie, lea vigorou8 ngasl unu8ual 'e'ete village fera , mafera unwi lling gwagwarl , I Ita, ote vine 'ad lo, buabua , ko l u, kwalo, up 'ala, Ilangl, lan gi, ra I a, 'oko , tado upright 'oto' oto violence 'anlramo , ramo 258

viscous lago wa sp fufu , su su i visit fofolo, romi, wawaria waste fagaro, fakoka , falan gi, naga , oewane , oewanea , sio, voice 1 inge , 1 io, nge , 'omela tau langa i vomit moa , momoa watch ga 1 i, mafana , man i voyage water fesi , kafo , kwai, kwaru, lade, maong ila, mauga la, 'ofu , 'onong isu, sara , suesue, 'ufu

w waterfaH tata

watery fero , gwougwou wade ulu wave afe , afoafo , bo, bobo , 'elo, wagtait kidukome , kikidulae, lae gelo, kwaelanga i, kwailangai, lua, nafo , wa riri wait nagu , unuunu 'abua waver afo waist da luma , lit a wax gogora wait makwa l i, mamani , mani, masi , sa ia, tototo way katu , ma luta, tau , 'uta wake ada, gwagwal ifola, ng ingisu, sasaraila weak 'efo ' efo , leb e, mae , makeso, ma la, ngetungetu , lila, ususu, wa beabea , waowao, wa tou tou wa t k fa f a fa 1 i, fa 1 i, fa 1 i u, ga l 0 , , ike, 1 amu 5 i wean fatara watt ban i, ka ro, kwaekaka ro, 'ogu , su luf ou weapon 'ae ni mae, omea , raunga , tameD wattow kanoka no wear 'ai 'adea , kwal i, lafu , mode wander gaga l i, garo, kokoso , rumasu, siru weary fafakafT, fafT, fakafT weather dang i, dan i, dan i diana, want toe danita, fanua , fola, gogon i, kwa i la, 1 a war agal imae , fua langa , mae, omea weave dadalo, fao, fau warm rara , sara web fera , fero , flifli, lagwa , akwa , serosero warn diud iu, fabasu , fa ngo 1 wedge boa warp 'ere , lugu , luku abangau , 'ai 'o'oni, amu , warrior ara i weed fofo, kamu , kwai, lumu , murua , 'oro'oro, rumu , wa sangga wart basi weigh bibi , fagu lu wash fasiufi , ful u, ingo i ngo, sau , siu, tau , 'uga , wa si wetcome tataku 259

we ll aia, akwa , boe , fagwari , wink magaru , maru k i I u wipe fu lo, fu lu, usu wet gun i , gw ini wish dori, kwaidoria, lio whale gwasasu , kwasasu wi ther 'ago , dele, kou , kuku , wharf laefa lango, nunulu, rara when lea, toto within I I a I 0, i I a'o , I a I 0 where i fa i without ore whether si witness fa mamana whiah 'ai woman 'ai, geni , i mo , kwa 5 i , kwasitola, 'oru bobono, sula'ai whi le kwaifT, mas i, se ia, tou womb rake whip ra rabu wonder 'arefo , ba la, kwele whisper fuaro, ngunu wood 'ai whistle kwad i word atai, kwaiatai white bebero, fakwakwa 'o, kwa kwafarerea , kwa kwaforea , work dau , dau r ai, farao , laga , kwakwao, kwao , rafu , rarabala, lakwa utauta , mamasa, of i, rao, sirafua sasi, ulafu whitebait mamamu world fanua , sifanua whole 'etenga , loulou , ofu , su i worm bote , furubo te , gaganibT, su su 'odu , 'ogu , wa wide afoga , afola, reba , rebeta , worry fakafi , 'is ifuful , ke to­ rereba langai, ku ta , 'oga , 'unu , 'unuf la widow 'oru worthless fakoka , koka wife 'afe , , a i bu r i, 'a i nao , 'ai sata , bara , fa ol i, gen i, worthy faora kwaitola, saifa, saula wound kwaimala, ma la, ma la wild fakwasi, kwas i, lamu lamua, oka, sa l iona wrap 'afu , binu, 'efo , 'ere wi ll kwaidoria, mabe , manata wreak dikwa , dukwe , gwe wi lt kuku wrestle kwa inamu ta i, kwaingiri wind 'ana'au, ara , babala, wriggle ele, kiki rutai , lada , ba rikoke , 'e'eo, 'e'ere , lologata , sula, wadeo egwefolo, 'ere , mango , oru wring losi, ng ilo windmi1.1. takwa ni abeabero wrinkle gwa , luku, mode, nugu , wing 'aba , 'aba 'aba , afoafo nuku 260

wrist ma wri te kede writhe loge loge wrong ba l il i, f�wawa la

y yam �ba , 'afae , aoria2, 'arakai, dau wao , fal isi , fana , foto, gamo , ka i, ki r u, loko, luka, sunga ni nga l i, tai, tobina, wa i yap ngoungou yard lalo yawn 'e'ere su , mamakwea , mamaof i yaws kakamo , kakamoa , luluka year fa l isi, ma lifua yellow goa , gogoa , kuru , kwa lukedoa , sao yes ua yesterday i ro , ro , rog i yet 'ua yield faalamo i yoke kwa i to yolk bi la you 'agamu young 'a1 akwa , ba 1 i ka b isi , gaela, kaela, ka le ACKNOWLEDGMENT

When compiling the present Lau Dictionary I made extensive use of the Vo cabulary of Lau published by my friend , Dr . Walter Ivens .

(Vocabulary of the Lau Language , Big Mala , Solomon Islands . Polynesian

Society , Memoir 11, 1934 . Reprinted from The Journal of the Polynesian

Society , vols . 41-42).

C. E. Fox . Fox, C.E. Lau dictionary, with English index. C-25, vi + 266 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1974. DOI:10.15144/PL-C25.1 ©1974 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative.