AMATEUR Published monthly by the American Amateur Astronomical Association

Vol. 3, No, 7 Aug. - Sept. Ten Cents FORWARD L. E. ARMFIELD, Organizing Chairman American Amateur Astronomical Association In the northern latitudes the summer ciation to establish the pay-as-you-go season is rapidly drawing to a close. plan as outlined in the paragraphs above. Bathing, boating, touring and week-end : The AAAA is indebted deeply to these vacations soon will be stored away until 17 members and our printers, for without another season. Thoughts will be turn- their general support the publication of ing to leisure time activities during the the magazine, Amateur Astronomy, winter months ahead. would have been reduced by necessity to six issues a or perhaps discontinued As an organization, the AAAA has entirely. In recognition of the faith been using the lull of the summer months which these members have expressed in for building the foundation of the finan- the work of the association it would be cial structure of the magazine, Amateur obtain our little enough for each member to Astronomy. Perhaps the members of one new subscriber to Amateur Astron- far flung organization are not aware of omy within the next few months. We it, but Amateur Astronomy has not been trust sincerely that our members will self-sustaining, and in many instances it take advantage of this opportunity for was only through the gracious tolerance contributing his or her bit toward the of our printers, the Schneider Printing establishment of the magazine on a firm Company, that the magazine made its financial basis. regular monthly appearance. We wish also to take this opportunity Through personal conversation, by let- for expressing our appreciation to the ter and telephone, we have received as- many faithful members of the AAAA surance from AAAA members through- who have devoted their talents and un- out the land that the magazine and the told hours of effort to the development association must carry on, for to carry of the association. Mere words of Com- on is only a partial payment of our debt mendation are entirely inadequate for to astronomy for the cultural benefits voicing the gratitude of the AAAA to received through the study of science. section leaders such as CoOke, Haas, In addition to these welcome expressions Martz, Matthias, Rosebrugh, Scanlon, of confidence, ten members have agreed Smith, Wilson and Wiegel for their ex- to contribute five dollars per month for cellent work in guiding the research ac- a twelve month period. The 50 dollars tivities open to amateur astronomers. It collected monthly in this fashion guaran- is impossible also, to compensate in tees the publication of 10 issues of Ama- praise or remuneration, the never end- teur Astronomy during the coming year ing labors of the publications committee, and provides the 60 dollars required to namely, Fisher, Grunwald, Halbach, cover the printing, postage and envelope Nickels and Wight. The regional organi- costs of each issue. In the meantime, zers, Andrews, Binney, Callum, Doolittle, all revenues derived from subscriptions, Scanlon, Simpson and Wilson have car- advertising and reservation of space by ried a tremendous load since the incep- the affiliated societies in the twelve tion of the movement for which the asso- month period, August 1, 1937 to July ciation is unendingly grateful. The ob- 81, 1988, will be deposited in a credit servers, investigators, optical workers, union. At the end of the year the instrument builders and lecturers who, money accumulated will be withdrawn through their efforts furftished the ma- and divided among the 10 contributors. terial for discussion and dissemination in They have agreed graciously, however, the columns of Amateur Astronomy, to take whatever loss may be incurred, have contributed immeasurably to the which probably will be between 12 and rapid success of the AAAA. 24 dollars. In a brief moment of calm reflection that the AAAA Donations received from seven other it is strikingly evident which were ac- is a vital living being, deriving its nour- members discharged debts the very lives of its mem- cumulated during the period January 1, ishment from thereby wiping bers. With its roots in such fertile soil, 1937 to August 1, 1937, (continued on page 1s1) the slate clean and permitting the asso-

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Page 116 Amateur Astronomy Aug.-Sept., 1937 A Peruvian Amateur Astronomer The Harvard University news office Dr. Menzel emphasized that it was un- recently released the following tribute usual to obtain such excellent photo- to a Peruvian amateur astronomer, graphs when the telescope is operated whose efforts are inspirational to ama- by hand. Romano's telescope had a 6- teur astronomers the world over. inch aperture, and an 8%-foot focal "A Peruvian amateur astronomer re- length. cording last month's total solar eclipse Romano also obtained four striking with his own hand-operated telescope of the corona as appears to camera, obtained notable photographs of pictures it the sun's corona. The negatives, just the human eye, its light unaffected by received at Harvard Observatory, are the polaroid. His measures of the bright- among the finest ever seen by the Har- ness of the corona made with a Weston vard observers, and will be of con- illumination meter are consistent with siderable scientific importance for future measures reported by professionals work- analysis of some of the mysteries of the ing elsewhere on this eclipse. His ob- bright solar halo," according to Dr. Don- servations were taken at Huangra, Peru. ald H. Menzel, Harvard specialist in A sidelight of the affair, it was re- eclipse phenomena. vealed, is that Harvard Observatory liad The amateur astronomer is Fernando made up its mind to take no observa- de Romana, of Arequippa, Peru, who tions of the June eclipse. But months acted as an unofficial and volunteer Har- ago Romano asked Harvard for advice vard observer during the spectacular in making photographs of the totality, eclipse of June 8. Using special polar- and his request led the astronomers to oid screens sent him from the Harvard entrust their valuable equipment to him. Observatory, he obtained four photo- The Romano negatives were especially graphs showing very clearly the effects welcome, it was pointed out, since addi- of polarization in the light of the sun's tional photographs were needed to sup- corona. plement the measures of coronal polári- Although this was the observer's first zation made last year by the Harvard- eclipse work, so far as is known, the M. I. T. eclipse expedition to Russia un- Harvard scientists have found his photo- der the direction of Dr. Menzel. The graphs so accurately standardized as to Peruvian pictures thus fill out the 1936 enable delicate quantitative studies of observations, which the Harvard astro- the coronal polarization. nomers are now analyzing. Variable Section D. W. ROSEBRUGH, Director A POPULAR Among the letters which have been re- observations of variable will be ceived commenting on this column there obtained by amateurs and submitted to have been inquiries as to its purposes the AAVSO and others who can use and aims. The sole purpose is to en- them best, In time these observations courage the active observation of vari- may help to solve the secrets of the uni- able stars by amateurs. It appears that verse. this aim can be achieved best in three The lists showing the number of ob- ways; first, by stimulating new obser servations made which have been in- vers to take up the work, second, by cluded in this column in the past have making the paths of all observers as been merely intended to interest other easy as possible by passing on sugges- amateurs in observing for themselves the tions as to time-saving methods discov- sights reported. However, as this mater- ered by others, and third, by securing ial appears elsewhere in more complete and publishing interesting facts with re- form, it seems better for the present to gard to variable stars which will make cease listing the number of stars seen the work of those who are now observing and the observations made. It is be- these stars more fascinating. lieved, however, that the comments upon This column is not intended to sup- the unusual actions of various stars are plant any work being done by the AA of sufficient interest to warrant continu- VSO or any other society or publication. ing this feature. If our readers feel The ultimate hope is that through the that this is the case the writer would efforts of this column more and better appreciate receiving many more coni-

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ments of this type. All that is necessary they occur entirely at random as they is a post card giving the data. To those would if determined by the laws of who have contributed observations in the chance. The following tabulation based past we extend our thanks and ask them upon data supplied to Dr. Sterne by to continue reporting on this new basis. Prof. Leon Campbell shows the irregu- Tt is hoped that a brief description of larity with which the dips occur. the popular star 154428 R Coronae Bor- ealis will further the aim of this column Length of time be- as described above for this star is an tween dips to below easy one for the beginner and the 7.5 mag. No. of Occurrences its vaga- O-300 days ries are also of great interest to ex- 28 perienced amateurs. 300600 days 11 600-900 days 9 R Coronae is located east of the middle 9004200 days of the 4% (including pres- well-known Northern Crown. It ent period to date) is visible during the evenhig hours from 1200-1500 about March days 3 to December and as it is 1500-1800 days 2 usually of about the sixth magnitude, Longer than 1800 any one can locate and observe it with 1 the minimum of optical aid. It is corn- mended to all beginners as an easy star on which to start and to ail eìperienced will be noted that there are fewer observers as a star which will lure them long periods than short ones and that out to observe it each clear night, after the decrease in number follows an ex- which they will most likely remain to ob- ponential curve as would be the case serve other more difficult stars as well. the length of the period is determined entirely by chance. Dr. Sterne draws R Coronae spends most of its life the placidly fluctuating about the sixth mag- conclusion that since the lengths of time between dips are apparently goy- nitude, but between Nov, 15, 1934 and erned Dec. 15 it dropped to the tenth inagni- entirely by the laws of chance the causes otiae dips themselves must dif- tude. It then rebounded to the, ninth fer from which it reached about Jan. 1, 1935. eac1tother. In other words the dip of 1934 mar have been caused Then it dropped precipitously to the one twelfth magnitude by Jan. 20. After a by circumstance and that of 1924 brief pause at the twelfth magnitude by quite another. the star brightened about Feb. 1 and Some ago t1 suggestion was reached the ninth maguitude by March made that the light of Roronae might 1. About April 1 it dropped again to be intermittently dimmed by the star's -the tenth magnitude but immediately passing behind clouds of dusin space. hereafter it staged a slow but reg\ilar If these clouds were distributed ban- reovery to the sixth magnitude which, dom in the space in front of the ta,r uf veached by the end of 1935 where it it is possible that they might give ir. has, remained ever since, regular dips of the type actually found, In 1924 R. Coronae also suffeied a though it seems probable that if such sinkirc spell to the eighth magnitude, in dust clouds exist they would be rep- 192.3 h the twelfth, in 1921 it dipped dared faintly luminous by the light of twice t( the eighth but it is necessary R. "Coronae itself and should therefore to go ba to 1917 beforé we find, such be' visible as nebulosity. Another fact a long m deep declivity as that of militates against this theory and that is 1934-35. ,?rior that the other variable stars of this at irregu intervals same type such as 191033 RY Sagittarii 'first attracted general type of spectrum, apparently regular inter- dips have pot òccurred at N tae stari. R Coronae has. These depths and character- ii -"a1 of carbon vals nor h,ve the No in cÑir atmospheres, istics of te minirnae been alike. timateÌ\the atmosphere of R. Uoi' whether or when R Coro- This' stamps it at once as one can forell 69% carblm. the nae will agaip toboggan. a 'very peculiar star, quite outside college Observatory Bulle- main sequence of M type stars which In Harvard draws the oxide, cal- tin No. 896 Dr. T. E. Sterne .have atmospheres of titanium R. Coronae is an "ideally cium and hydrogen. conclusion that show star'. That is, its dips interesting to contrast theße irregular ' ocurTing at regular inter- It is of the no signs of that thoughts with a tentative theory vals and in fact his analysis shows

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variation of R. Coronae stars as set on 660 just before it rose rapidly to 8.1 by Noah W. McLeod in the April on 670. S. J. Fairbanks, 1917 Kimball forth Waterloo, Ia., says that he has 1937 Popular Astronomy. This article Ave., the just resilvered and remounted his tele- states that there is no evidence that type star in R Coronae are acconi- scope. On 672 he found the light changes 081473 Z Cam at maximum of 12.9 panied by temperature changes. In oth- maximum indication that the while on 681 it had risen to a er words there is no of 10.4. S Vir 132706 was 12.5 on 681 star gets cooler and redder as the light faint. He has also pos- which is unusually fades. After discussing the two been observing T and UY Dra, 175458a sibilities that the light of R Coronae and b. These stars are so close together fades because it expands and cools off, that 150x is required to separate them, and that some change occurs in the in- and it is difficult to estimate their ternal construction of the star so that brightness for this reason. Robert Pe- its surface emits less light per square ters, RR4 Victoria, B. C., who is res- mile-and finding them both unacceptable ponsible for the monthly phenomena con- because of the foregoing fact-the fol- tained in the observer's handbook of the lowing tentative theory is advanced: Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, energy radiated has kindly sent in a list of the predicted At maximum light the those amateurs by the star is probably provided in minima of Algol. For Boron isotope of who have not yet seen this interesting whole or in part by which can be atomic weight 12 which disintegrates phenomenon the minima and leaves car- most readily observed for the rest of and gives off beta rays Time is bon. After a while the star has used 1937 are listed hereunder. up all its available Boron isotope B12 E.S.T. as much so that it can no longer radiate Date Time Date Time light as before and the center of the star July 21 1:20a.m. Oct. 17 10:30p.m. shrinks away from the outer portions 7:20p.m. leaving a white dwarf center surrounded July 23 10:10p.m. Oct. 20 the higher Aug. 12 11:50p.m. Nov. 7 0:30a.m. by a shell of gas. Under 9:00 a.m. pressures and densities prevailing in the Sept. 2 1:30 a.m. Nov. 9 the carbon in the star may Sept. 4 10:20p.m. Nov. 29 10.50p.m. dwarf stage Dec. 2 7:40p.m. be built up into Nitrogen N1 this in 24-25 Midnight particle leaving Sept.27 8:50p.m. Dec. 22 9:20p.m. turn gives off an alpha Xmas 6:10p.m. B12. The B12 is now available again to Oct. 15 1:40a.m. restore the star to its original bright- for ness, but this may take some time, STARS FOR BEGINNERS in the dwarf stage of temperatures and pressures the Bl2 may have to go Try your hand on the following stars through intermediate stages before it which probably will be above the eighth can break down, though as the center magnitude and should be visible witJ of the star expands and returns to nor- field glasses or binoculars sometime dur- mal conditions the breaking down pro- ing the late summer and fall. Th,Se cess becomes shorter and B12 can prob- stars are arranged approximately in the ably break clown directly into beta rays order of increasing difficulty. Read col- and carbon. The star then stays at nor- umns downwards: mal brilliance until it uses up its newly deve1oped supply of B12 when it fades 184205 193449 180581 213753 again. 154428 190108 154615 168266 At this point one may well wonder 021403 183308 200938 whether this process would not result cycles of approximately equal length, in out +inL _c1vd.. even though Dr. Sterne points X'oughkeepsje, N. Y. the cycles are of random lengt_- * *\ * e we left our true ser e last month in a heros readers glad to know that Zeta regained her pristine glory on J.D. 8673 after a lapse of 30 days. ERRATUM Waltêr Scott Housto sent a fine ser- ies of observations on the recent maxi- Please note that the nme of the au- mum of SS Cygni. He noted, as the thor of the article describing the Cook writer has occasionally, that SS dropped observatory in the June-July issue was suddenly from 11.9 on J.D. 656 to 12.4 misspelled. It hopJç be James Stokley.

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Aug.-Sept,, 1937 Amateur Astronomy Page 121 although shown as a broad double canal Solar Notes only as a broad by Lowell, photographed MAUDE S. WIEGEL single are; and so it appears visually to me. It is possible that the Nilo-Syrtis, An abundance oflarge spots and spot Hiddekel and Gehon canali are also re- groups continue on the sun. During the corded on the photographs, although for last few months faculae have been seen these a closer examination is necessary. plainly, especially near sundown, when The Fastigium Aryn or Forked Bay the 's atmosphere shuts out some of is clearly split into two short parts on the sun's bright rays. several of the 12-inch refractor negatives Any one not watching the sun as the and major markings such as the Syrtis, present cycle waxes is really missing a Acidalium, Cassius, Mare Sirenum, Mar- world of interest or rather a "sun" of garitifer Sinus, etc., are well defined and interest. Great clouds of dark smoke- clear. The scale of the original, unen- like streamers often hover near a group larged photographs ranges from a dia- of spots when spots are active. meter of 3mm. with the 6-inch and 5mm. On May 10 three spots forming a with the 12-inch. refractor to 1cm. with close group appeared and were followed the 60-inch reflector at the Cassegrainian closely by a large area of faculae stand- focus with enlarging ocular lens. Be- ing out plainly near the limb. An hour cause of the magnified effect caused by before sunset is best for observation of poor springtime seeing on the large aper- faculae; they stand high above the sun's ture of the 60-inch, the photographs have surface allowing the gaseous atmosphere not yet been as well defined as those tak- below to shut out some of the sun's the smaller apertures, although light. The next day, May 11, at 6 P.M. en with arid it is hoped that July will bring good the faculae had disappeared great for the large telescope. streamers of dark cloud-like material seeing conditions the three spots and a new- In the meantime, the two refractors are floated over more than was ex- comer which had appeared some time doing all and much earlier. pected from them. The Griffith Observatory The first half of May marked a slight Griffith Park lessening of spots. Rain prevailed over Los Anteles, Calif. western Pennsylvania, but on April 23, the sun shone out through a clearing sky and showed much activity. Three complex groups, a pair of spots and Forward three elongated spots forming a group (continued from pa.qe 115) were visible, some of these spots ranking the cycle. the tree of the AAAA cannot help but among the largest of present astronomy through its Five days of clouds and rain followed flourish and serve spot groups many branches. and on April 29 several the AAAA is a were visible, one of which was very In realization that three cornered structure composed only of its members interesting. It was a sincerely that each spot lying near the sun's equator and - and friends we trust to the equator person will take advantage of the leisure close to the margin next fall and winter months a brilliant white spot appeared over the time offered by the than the sun's for contributing to the association in any spot; it was much whiter Subscriptions, funds, ob- yellow or green as the shade glass shows form possible. sight and Was servations, ideas, descriptions of observa- it. This was a strange auxiliary equipment, probably a streamer of gas brighter than tories, instruments, the sun's surface. articles of general interest, news notes any other object on activities of affiliated so- The next day it was gone. Such pheno- accounting the the result of the pres- cieties and countless other things, if con- mena are probably tributed, will result in the growth of the ent active cycle. organization, expansion of the magazine Science News Letter, May issue, tells in size, quality and inclusion of photo- of a great magnetic storm on April 25, graphs, sketches, etc., and increase the unseen and unfelt except for telegraph organization's service to astronomy. and short wave radio; it was said to be Let us go forward and fill the niche in the greatest magnetic storm in years. astronomy in this the field of amateur issue contains several inter- country which has been vacant prior to The May American Amateur As- esting articles on this subject nd on the advent of the to sunspots. tronomical Association. its relation Observatory, 1410 N. Marshall Street. Twin Elms Solar Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Elizabeth, Pa.

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Page 122 Amateur Astronomy Aug.-Sept., 1937 Meteor Heights, Shower The Monthly Star Finder of 5-6, 1937 May Attention must be called to a new E. D. COOKE This is a report of the preliminary re- publication in the field of amateur as- ductions of meteor heights by the graphic tronomical literature. The monthly Star method from the observations of the Finder, edited by, James S. Andrews, Aquarids, lVlay 5-6, announced in Ama- official teur Astronomy, May 1937, p. 96. Of astronomer of the Observation three duplicate plots secured No. 2 was Roofs, Rockefeller Center, made its de- not in agreement and appeared to be but in June 1937. The magazine con- two different meteors. The other yielded heights as follows: tains a monthly star chart, notes, Beginning Ending announcements of astronomical interest', 1 95Km. 127Km. news notes of amateur societies and po- 2 63Km. 35Km. NOTE: No. i has the distinction of pular discussions of astronomical sub- beiflg the only known case of a meteor jects. The publication is issued monthly beginning lower than it ended. Both for the nominal subscription of $1.00 per figures are equally good based on the plots, and one can toss out whichever year. Mr. Andrews has served astrono- one looks the worse. my faithfully and diligently for many to The base line from Phillips farm years and the AAAA extends its sin- Milton is 67.1 Km., and the respective azimuths are 2500 49' and 70° 49'. cere best wishes for every success in 1182 Kavanaugh Place his worthy venture. Wauwatosa. Wig.

Occultations Section R. D. COOKE, Director The following table gives the reduction of observed in 1936 by mem bers Milwaukee Astronomical society. The reductions were computed by Sister Mary Felice, S.S.N.D., of Mount Mary College and R. D. Cooke.

* ** Observers Stars 1)ate 1936 GCT x x -p e' - h m ç O , C 99 Tauri Mar 28 3 08 53.5 148 2 59 40 +2.8 C 42 Librae July 1 4 04 45.0 140 3 40 49 +2.4 C 199B Sge Sept. 25 3 44 19.5 99 52 21 31 -1.7 C 72B Aquaril Oct. 25 0 48 6.0 115 34 46 37 -6.1 C 186B Pisc Nov. 25 1 35 16.0 48 3 -20 19 -0.5 * C=Cooke ** Star positions (no.t shown) are from the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. We have a letter from Franklin W. Smith of Glenolden, Pa., reporting that he has computed the reductions of 17 occultations of 1935. If any other members of the AAAA are participating in this work we should like to be advised in order that proper credit may be given in this publication. 1182 Kavanaugh Place, Wauwatosa, Wig. AAVSO Nova Program Notes L. E. ARMFIELD We welcome initial observations from Arthur T. Hewlett, 52 Raymond Place, Hewlett, N. Y., and John Sharp, Jr., 1834 W. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, nl. Your scribe wishes to express his appreciation to all nova programmers for the unusually fine report received for May and June. Edwin E. Friton, Neil McNabb, Jr., and Bert Topham deserve special mention for reviewing their regions down to the 8th and 9th magnitude, a painstaking task to be sure! A brief review of the columns below will readily reveal that a pleasingly large

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Aug.-Sept., 1937 Amateur Astronomy Page 123 number of our members are employing low-powered finders for this splendid re- spouse to our pleas for instrumental aid in perusing the regions. The following observations for the months of May and June are gratefully acknowledged: Magnitude of faintest Total star easily visible Night Observer Location Region 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Balihaussen (May) Scarsdale, N. Y. 12 ------i 2 2 5

.. 55 ------2 ------. 4 6 57 1632315 (June) 2 1 -.. 3 2 2 2 G 57 3 1 1 1 G

Diedrich (May) Milwaukee 43 ------G 2 1 . 9

(June) 43 ------5 .--- 1 . 6

Friton (May) St. Louis 9 7 1 ------1 . 9 10 --. 7 1 9 Hanna (May) New York 62 ------5 ------5 (June) 64 ------4 1 5 Halbach (May) Milwaukee 71 ------2 1 3 99 ------1 ------1 (June) 99 ------1 8 .. 4 Hiwlett (June) Hewlett, N. Y. 39 ------10 1 . 1 12 10 1 1 12 44 ------4 ------4 Inouye (Mar.) Tokyo, Japan 35 ------1 i 80 ------1 1 (Apr.) 85 ------8 3 8G ------i 1 (May) 85 ------2 1. 3 8G------1 Keuziah (May) Milwaukee 15 ------2 12 ------14 (June) 15 ------20 ------20 Kirkpatrick (May) New York 61 7 1 2 ------10 Loreta (May) Bologna, Italy 17 ------1 3 4 (June) 2 ------2 (May) 105 ------3 3 6 (June) 3 4 '7 McNabb. Jr. (May) Acton, Canada 8 ------3 ------3 58 103 ------13 72 .... 623 ------11 (June) 8 21 ------3 58 31 ------4 Moore (May) 2G 1 2 9 1 1 14 (June) 26 1 4 5 8 4 17 Northcott (May) 9 ------2 2 (May) 71 4 . 3 7 Rosebrugh (May) Poughkeepsie 1 2 2 2 1 1 8 52 ------1 1 (June) 1 3 1 ------4

Seely (June) 58 ------8 . 3 Sharp, Jr. (June) Chicago, Ill. 88 ------5 8 5 13 89 ------535.... 13 Smith (May) 38 ------1 1 Thomas (May) Cambridge 3 ------6 1 7 (June) 3 ------4 2 6 Topham (May) Toronto, Can. 16 ... 1 1 ------2 75 11 ------2 (June) 16 2 ------2 75 1 ------1 19 Observers 38 regions 3800 square degrees of sky reviewed. The following observers used low-powered telescopes or binoculars: Ballhaussen, Friton, Hanna, Hewlett, II, Inouye, Kirkpatrick, Loreta McNabb, Jr., Moore, North- cott Rosebrugh, Sharp, and Topham. 1410 N. Marshall Street,

Milwaukee, Wie. -

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Page 124 Amateur Astronomy Aug.-Sept., 1937 The monthly publication of Calendar of Events official GEORGE DIEDRICR American Amateur Astronomical Association Publication Headquarters AUGUST, 1937 1312 E. Curtis Place, Milwaukee, Wie. (All times C. S. T.) Wed. 18 at greatest elonga- tion east, (27° 25') Affiliated Societies 21-23 Eta Aquarid meteors. Amateur Astronomers Association of Pittsburgh, Sat. 21 Full at 6:47 P.M. Pennsylvania. Omicron Draconid meteors Astronomical Society of Rutherford, N. J. 22-23 Guild of Jamestown, New York. 25-26 Pegasid meteors. Astronomers Gamma Chicago Amateur Astronomical Association. Chi- Sat. 28 Last quarter at 5:54 P.M. cago, Ill. Eastbay Astronomical Association, Oakland, Calif. SEPTEMBER, 1937 Long Island Telescope Makers, Wantagh, N. Y. Wed. 1 Conjunction of Venus and Louisville Astronomical Society, Louisville, Ky. 3° Madison Astronomical Society. Madison. Mis. moon at 9:06 P.M. Venus Metropolitan Astronomical Society. New York. 42' N. New York. Sat. 4 New moon at 4:54 P.M. Milwaukee Astronomical Society. Milwaukee, Wis. of Mercury and Missouri-Southern Illinois. St. Louis Mo. Sun. 5 Conjunction New Jersey Astrophysical Society. Woodbrldge. the moon at 11:02 P.M. Mer- N. J. cury 29' north. Norwalk Astronomical Society. Norwalk, Coon. 6-8 Epsilon Perseid meteors. Optical Division of the AAA. New York, N. Y. Tue. 7 Chi Perseid meteors. Fri. 10 Quadrature of Mars and the sun. Editorial Staff P.M. Miss Elizabeth Wight. Editor Sun. 12 First quarter at 2:57 Mrs. A. K. Fisher Miss Carolyn Nickels Conjunction of Mars and the E. A. Halbach H. L. Grunwald moon at 12:26 P.M. Mars 3° Advisory Editors south. Prof. Leon Campbell - Variable Stars. 20' Prof. Charles 1°. Olivier - Meteors. Tue. 14 Inferior conjunction of Mer- Prof. George Van Biesbroeck -Asten.ids, cornets. cury and the sun. Conjunc- and double stars. tion of Jupiter and the moon at 11:32 P.M. Jupiter 3° 37' south. Ten cents per copy, $1.00 pci year. Membership in AAAA, $1.00 per year. Mon. 20 Full moon at 5:32 A.M, including subscription. Autumn Thur. 23 un enters . Send all communications to the above address blows in at 5:13 A.M. Fri. 24 Opposition of Saturn and the sun at 11:00 P.M. Sun. 26 Last quarter at 11:43 P.M. Tue. 28 Alpha Taurid meteors. Wed. 29 Mercury at greatest elonga- tion west. (17° 53') 4-INCH OCTOBER, 1937 BUILD AN INEXPBNSIVE ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPE Fri. 1 Conjunction of Venus and the moon at 10:28 P.M. Venus 6° 39'N. KIT FOR 4-INCH MIRROR Mon. 4 New moon at 5:58 A.M. $1,50 POSTPAID Draconid meteors. (AMS) Sat. 9 2 suitable glass blanks, all Delta Piscid meteors. IncludIng Mon. 11 necessary abrasives, rouge, pitch, Tue. 12 First quarter at 9:47 A.M. Quadrature of Jupiter and the HCF, and Instructions, sun. Tue. 19 Full moon at 3:48 P.M. J. F. Loepfe 15-24 Orionid meteor shower. Max- imum on the 19th. (AMS 2135 South 57th Street Shower.) MILWAUKEE, WIS. 3331 W. National Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.

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sistant at the University of Pittsburgh telescope in the world. It is eight inches Seismograph Station. in diameter and has five components. A large group attending the last reg- We are greatly indebted to the Bond As- ular meeting of the season on June 11 tronomical society and the Boston Tele- heard Dr. Frank C. Jordan, Director of scope Making society for their help in Allegheny Observatory, present an inter- making our trip a success. esting and instructive talk on "The Ex- Mr. Thylstrup and Mr. Tous who are panding Universe" from the standpoint regular "field trip" attenders declared of man's increasing penetration into the this trip the most successful one we have depths of space. By means of larger ever made. For once the weather be- and finer telescopes as well as by scien- haved. tific methods for measuring stellar dis- Society members have become Rich tances, man has gradually been extend- Field crazy, (not forgetting that they ing his concept of the magnitude of his At our last meet- of the were already crazy). universe. With the completion in one hour twelve 41/4 inch pyrex 200-inch telescope the boundaries of the ing is farther blanks were distributed and the crowd s'ky will again be pushed back for more. into space. still yelling The June meeting was concluded by 1510 White Plains Road, a general discussion of plans for the Bronx, N. Y. summer. Many expressed a desire to repeat last year's pilgrimage to Oglebay Milwaukee News Notes Park in Wheeling, W. Va., where stars M. N. FIShER, Correspondent are stars! At a recent meeting of the board of Valley View Observatory, directors it was voted that the by-laws Pittsburgh, l'a. be changed to provide several new class- es of membership. Shortly thereafter, Optical Division through the efforts of George A. Mori- Dr. Stanley J. Seeger in ob- OF THE son and director of ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION taming Dr. Otto Struve, AMATEUR Observatory, as the guest speak- HAYDEN PLANETAItHJM, NEW YORK Yerkes further public LOJAS, President er at an open meeting, LEW interest in the work of the Milwaukee Over the Mémorial Day weekend the Astronomical Society was aroused. members of this society visited the Har- The society heartily welcomes the fol- vard College observatory with the Ama- lowing persons to its membership: teur Astronomers Association. The Mr. R. W. Baird, 7029 Milwaukee Avenue excursion train Mrs. F. W. Dickey, 7219 Milwaukee Avenue main party left on the Mrs. E. G. Kearney, 1839 N. 74th Street from Grand Central station, but Messrs. Mr. Robert A. Uihlein, 285 W. Galena Street B. Whitnall, 2942 N. Dousman Street Lojas, Hanna, Grosswendt, and Grant Mrs. C. Woodstock St. at Mr. D. E. W. Wenstrand, 2227 E. went by car. We arrived in Boston The first three are residents of Wauwatosa, the 5:30 a.m. and like all good astronomers latter of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. and telescoie nuts forgot the astronomic YM- the nearest restaurant The Minikani Observatory of the and headed for CA summer camp on Lake Amy Belle to satisfy- the gastronomic. At 9 a.m. Obser- will be directed this summer by George we assembled at the Cambridge Knott who will succeed Scott Houston, vatory to examine the instruments and for the last few of the who has been director to hear a lecture on the history years. Knott has been one of the out- Harvard College Observatory. After standing members of the Junior Auxi- lunch we visited the Oak Ridge station liary and is well qualified to take over of the Observatory located 26 miles from the task of directing the difficult job of Cambridge. The main instrument here astronomy for the younger boys. His is a 61-inch reflector built by Fecker for equipment will consist of an observatory spectroscopic work. Dr. Harlow Shap- with a 13-foot dome, a 6-inch reflector, 1ey personally took eiery one for a ride a 4-inch reflector and, later on, 10-inch observers' platform, and as his and 4-inch instruments as well. Camp on the of 100 nimble fingers played upon the control Minikani, with an enrollment telescope obediently turned boys, is one of the few camps in the box, the large this project, and in R.A. or in Dec. Also present were country which offers Cannon, noted American George Knott will have a splendid op- Miss Anna J. knowledge of the astronomer and Dr. and Mrs. Donald portunity to further Menzel. Every one, astronomers and science. alike, spent extra time 836 N. 14th Street, telescope makers Milwaukee, Wie. around the largest Ross photographic

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor AMATEUR FI! I S VI 4 Published monthly by the American Amateur A stronomcal. A ssociat ion Vol. 3, No, 8 OCTOBER, 1937 Ten Cents

Double Star Work at thé Flower Observatory By CHAItLES P. OLIVIER One of the very few places in Amen- number of the Carte du Ciel catalogues. ca where visual double star work is As these average faint' and few of them actively carried on is the Flower Obser- are close, he adds other stars which he vatory. The excellent 18-inch ±efract&r, considers specially worthy of measure- with lens made by Brashear, is about as ment. The observing list of Olivier is large an instrument as the climate of largely made up of the pairs discovered eastern Pennsylvania would permit us by Aitken, Hussey, Jonckheere and Es- to use efFectively. With it the late Eric pin, and when possible those in the Doolittle made an enviable reputation in southern sky by Innes and others. Many double star astronomy. Therefore on the well-known binaries in rapid motion are writer's appointment as director, it was also included. For poorer nights stars most natural to continue it as he himself of all varieties, which, however, stand had worked very largely in the same in need of a new measure, are some- field both at the McCormick and Lick Ob- times observed. With all our desire to servatories. At present about one half increase the percentage of pairs under of the available time of the 18-inch goes 1" separation, seeing conditions keep to double stars: S. G. Barton devoting this much under one-fifth of all meas- all his observing to them, the writer about ured. As to practical details, the writer 60 per cent of his. Also while R. H. usually makes four independent settings Wilson was here he had largely used his in position angle and four for double time in making a series of most inter- distance, which adds up to 12 in all. In esting and accurate measures with an angle, he has of late found it more ac- interferometer, which he had made. In curate to place his wire perpendiculair fact, his measures with this form the to the line joining the two components, one satisfactory series of any length se- rather than trying to bisect them. Pub- cured up to date by anyone in America. lished results depend on from two to at The more usual type of measures by the most four or five separate nights' work. rest of the staff are made using a filer Three is the more usual number. Well micrometer by Warner and Swasey. This over a thousand pairs have been fully now has one fixed and two movable wire. measured since our last publication, and illuminated by a small electric light, used are now ready when funds are available with a green shade glass. The powers for printing. Both Barton and Olivier usually employed, in order of frequency, have discovered a certain number of are: 212, 423, and 700. Because we double stars when using the telescope. have city lights within one to two hun- Special efforts are made to measure these dred yards of the dome, because we are promptly, and, for such stars found also only six miles from the very center many years ago, to secure accurate re- of Philadelphia, and are 'in the middle measures for possible motion. However, of a large suburb, the transparency is due to the systematic surveys made since cut down by smoke, dust etc., illuminated 1900 on all the B. D. stars. it is now by the various lights outside. Also the difficult to find a new double among steadiness of the air is seldom excellent, them, and only with the fainter stars is and these combined handicaps cause fain- there much chance for new discoveries. ter images of stars, as well as blurred As the Naval and Yerkes Observatories ones. Hence the 212 is the only power are the only other places in America that can be used for many objects on a where double star work has been prose- distressingly large percent of our nights. cuted of late, we feel that we are ful- Keeping these points in mind, it will be filling a real need in astronomy by con- seen that an observing program at Flow- tinuing it here. er Observatory cannot contain so large Few amateurs are able to measure a proportion of very difficult objects as double stars due to the lack of a good would a similar one, for instance at the micrometer. Yet many have telescopes Lick Observatory, for an 18-inch tele- sufficiently powerful, as fine work can scope there. be done with an 8-inch, and better sfilI Actually, Barton works so far as pos- with a 12-inch. There is a cheaper form sible upon stars selected from the 2200 of. micrômeter known as the double pairs he has found by examining a large image. This might be tried with suc-

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cesa. But for some who have the proper telescopes and are able to purchase a AAVSO fllar micrometer, double star work is 26th Annual Meeting strongly advised both for its interest and October 15-16 its importance. It should be added that Harvard College Observatory a driving clock is essential for its suc- Cambridge, Mass, cess, but certainly some of the better Members and friends of the AAVSO and telescopes have this accessory. As Am- the AAAA are cordially invited to attend erica was, due to Burnham, Aitken and this meeting for it offers the finest oppor- others, the leader in double star astrono tunity to meet both amateur arid professional my for a certain period, it would be too astronomers, A fine program, astronomical- bad for it to be neglected now, mostly ly and socially, awaits you at Harvard. because of present interest in astrophy- Tentative plans indicate that a large dele- sical lines of research. is hoped that gation from midwest will be attending the It meeting. There may be someone in your this brief account will enrourage at vicinity who is going by auto and looking least a few to take a part in this truly for a travelling companion. Transportation interesting field of observational astro- may be arranged by communicating with nomy. L. E. Armfield, 1410 N. Marshall St., Mil- Flower Astronomical Observatory, waukee, Wis. Upper Darby, Pennsylvania May we meet you there?

Editorial Note : Ama- grown to well over 150, and the well di-. ,- teur Astronomy takes pleasure in presenting rected energy of our friend has baena this fir t of a series of large factor in this development. One of biographical sketches of prominent living his outstanding characteristics is the Ékmateur Astronomers. common sense method he uses in . ap- Any one who proaching a problem. By means of let- e ters and questionnaires he gathers all , has taken an ac- tjve part in the available information and makes his plans , .. amateur telescope on that data andhis own knowledge. He making movement has made many fine mirrors, flhts, and knows well that it . other optical equipment. Valley View _____ has called for a which lot his time Observatory, he and his brother . , of and energy. His Larry built at their home, has a dome reward, beyond and a fine 10-inch telescope. It is visited seme pei onal development, may seem by hundreds of interested persons every small, but on consideration he will find year. His article on observatories in that he has become acquainted with some the new A. T. M. A. is filled with prac- fine congenial men. The friendship of tical information and should certainly be read by any one contemplating the con- half a dozen good telescope nuts is re- struction of a dome. One of Leo's im- ward enough for any man. No one is portant activities is the collecting and in the A. T. M. activity long without arranging of A. T. M. exhibits; he has becoming acquainted with Leo J. Scanlon had many successes in that field. The of Pittsburgh, and it is the writer's exhibit at the 1934 meeting of the Amer- pleasant duty to present a short biogra- ican Association for the Advancement of Science in the Mellon Institute attracted phical sketch of that eminent gentleman the attention of Dr. Albert Einstein and and astronomer. we have a photograph. of that great sci- Leo is about 34 years old and built like entist in conversation with our great a good telescope mounting-not too long amateur. Leo is a regional director and for his width. He is a plumber by voca- member of the council of the AAVSO, tion and a a member of the American Meteor So- telescope nut and amateur ciety, a member by invitation of the astronomer by avocation, or vice versa. American Astronomical Society (the pro.- He became interested in telescopes in fessional organization), and one of the 1929 and is one of the charter members leaders in our own association. of the astronomy section of the Academy By Wm. Callum, of Science and Art of Pittsburgh. This 1319 W. 78th Street, section, beginning with four persons, has Chicago, Ill.

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor October, 1937 Amateur Astronomy Page 129 Planetary Report No. 24 Mars, 1937, HI E. P. MARTZ, JR., Planetary Section Director

1937, May 39, 1924, Sept. 15 5 30m G.C.T. 14h30m G.M.T C. M.: 203°.3 C. M.: 205,2

ASPECT OF REGION TRYLE I AND II, ON TEE PLANET MAIlS, IN 1937 AND 1924. (Cloud or fog in latter.) Drawings by Latimer J. Wilson with 12-inch aluminized reflector, and 250X from Nashville, Tenu. THE POLAR CAPS-Planetary Re- tire opposition unless some quite unusual ports, Nos. 22 and 23 indicated that seasonal change and early melting of the since early May of this year we have snow caps had occurred. not been able to distinguish clearly either It is therefore of importance that we the north or south polar snow caps. It determine whether the snow caps actual- was between April 17 and 20 that I last ly have been absent since May or, if they observed a small but brilliant white north were truly present, whether we did not snow cap on Mars from the Lowell Ob- recognize them because of veiling by servatory with Clyde Tombaugh's 12.5- Martian atmospheric haze or other cans- inch reflector. At no later time during es. As previously mentioned, my own my work at Mount Wilson and Griffith set of more than 450 photographic imag- Observatories in Southern California did es of Mars, obtained with the 60-inch I observe or clearly photograph by red reflector and 12-inch and 6-inch refrac- or yellow lights, obvious snow caps at tors, do not appear to show either snow either pole. cap ; nor do the yellow and mfra-red The white polar and limb spots and photographs of May 22, made with the areas I photographet1 in green and blue 36-inch Crossley reflector at the Lick lights, and those that were visible through Observatory, and which Prof. William a blue-violet filter, are believed to be due H. Wright has very kindly sent to me. to Martian clouds and atmospheric scat- On the red and yellow images of Mars, tering and reflection, and not to snow. both north and south poles appear of the Therefore, I was led to believe that no same shade and of the same relative snow has existed during the present intensity as the desert regions of the apparition at either Martian pole since planet; if the snow caps were present, early May. This belief was further we should expect them to be much bright- strengthened in a letter from the Rev. er than thc rést ûf the disk. T. E. R. Phillips, of the British Astrono- However, Dr. E. C. Slipher of the mical Association, which appeared to cor- Lowell Observatory has pointed out to roborate these observations. While ad- me that on the panchromatic and ortho- mitting that observing conditions have chromatic plates used for the red and usually been very poor in England dur- yellow photographs the white polar ing the present apparition, Mr. Phillips snows and the yellow of the desert re- writes: gions of the disk of Mars will both pilo- "What has rather surprised me has tograph as a white of very comparable been the complete invisibility of the north intensity, this due to the yellow-red spec- polar cap. There usually has been a tial selectivity of the filters used for whitish area in the polar regions, but I these long wavelength photographs. believ.e it to have been cloud or mist. This consideration seems to raise a I consider that I have not seen the snow question as fo the actual validity of the cap at all." interpretations suggested in the previous Though the southern cap itself is paragraph. Further doubt on the ac- turned away from the earth during the tual absence of the polar snow caps is present opposition by the tilt of the axis indicated by visual observations of the of Mars (the Martian season is late planet made by Latimer J. Wilson, Wai- winter), some of the polar snows should ter H. Haas and Hugh- M. Johnson and have been visible to us during the en- sent to us. Wilson and Hans are already

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Page 130 Amateur Astronomy October, 1937 well known to the readers of these re- repeatedly by Ross, Wright and Slipher ports, but Johnson is a new acquisition to since 1920. the ranks of our planetary observers. During a conversation, Dr. E. C. Sii- Ile has been observing from Des Moines, pher of Lowell Observatory, indicated Iowa, with 7-inch and 8-inch reflectors. to me that he feels both polar snow caps Drawings by these three observers shew to have been present throughout the op- white areas with definite borders in the position, althugh in reduced intensity- region of both poles. largest and most apparently due (among other things) to pronounced being at the south pole. Mr. veiling by the Martian atmosphere. Johnson describes this latter as being a Furthermore, he believes that a very "dull white" and as varying little in minute northern cap, and a more exten- shape during the period covered by his cive southern one, have been recorded observations. As previously suggested, on long wave length photographs of the this white area may have been due to planet taken during this apparition at frost; and indeed this explanation seems Lowell Observatory. more likely than that of polar clouds Before leaving the Martian polar re- which I have considered, as clouds would gions, there are two individual observa- hardly remain unchanged for periods of tions of interest which should be con- several weeks. Although, as previously sidered. The first is that made by Hugh indicated, it seems to me rather unusual Johnsonon June 26. He observed a light that I saw no such white polar regions sky-blue color extending on the disk over during the opposition after April, except a large area around the north pole of when a blue-violet (Wratten 47C5) filter Mars, near Martian longitude 300°. The was used for viewing Mars. following night this blue color had dis- ¡ am still inclined to interpret the blue- appeared. The night of June 25-26 was and photo- one of the best nights I had from Mount white regions thus viewed, the opposi- graphed in blue and green lights (3700- Wilson Observatory during tion. My blue light photographs of that 5200 A. U. and 4800-5500 A. U.) as date, made with the 60-inch reflector, being Martian nolar clouds-haze and show a brilliant white area, very promi- light scattered by an atmospheric sus- nent around the north pole of Mars in pension, probably dust particles, or even 270°-360°. scattering by an excess of carbon dioxide longitudes molecules, but not surface snow or frost. As these photographs were taken on A later communication from Mr. John- blue-sensitive plates with a 47C5 blue- son, and a talk with Mr. Haas, indicate violet filter, the light which was trans- that they are neither certain that the mitteci was blue-violet, only and, in re- white polar areas they saw were true cording, blue regions on the planet ap- surface snow caps, because their dullness, pear white on the positives; as indeed do as though veiled by haze, was striking the north polar regions on these images. throughout the opposition. Photographs Conversely, on yellow añd red light pho- and drawings of Mars by Mr. Wilson on tographs, the blue light does not regis- May 30, near 5" 30m G.C.T., show a def- ter; thus blue regions appear dark as no inite white south polar cap, which he light coming from them is recorded on apparently interprets as being surface the plate. snow. His photographs were taken with This is exactly what occurred in the a 12-inch aluminized reflector on East- north polar regions on the red and yel- man panatomic film without any filter low light photographs of the above date and therefore record the blue as well taken with 60-inch reflector and the 6- as the red light from the planet; thus inch refractor coincidently with the blue the bright area in the south polar re- photographs. Therefore, Johnson's vis- gions might be interpreted as being the ual observation of blue in that region blue-white polar cloud cap noted above, on Mars is abundantly confirmed by my rather than as a surface snow cap. photographs. As noted above, these blue- However, Mr. Wilson's visual observa- white areas are undoubtedly' clouds or tions of this region the same night and atmospheric haze suspensions. So far as his reputation as an excellent observer, I am aware, this observation of Johnson's seem to uphold his own interpretation- is the first visual observation of this par- that the cap was truly surface snow. ticular type of polar clouds. It was made Undoubtedly, then, there are two Mar- without the aid of a dark blue filter, tian polar caps: the surface snow cap used to increase the- contrast of the visible sometimes and occasionally photo- clouds with the disk and to cut down the graphed by red and yellow light, and bright yellow-red obscuring light from the atmospheric polar cloud and haze the surface of the planet. His detection halo or cap, visible when viewed through of this hue indicates that his eyes are a blue-violet filter and photographed by undoubtedly unusually sensitive to the green and blue lights. Of course, these blue end of the spectrum and probably differentations have been pointed out deficient in the red.

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The second observation is that of Wil- Irradiation, because of its brightness, son on May 30 concerning the south probably explains why its thickness (the polar cap. Prof. William H. Pickering snow cap) at times reached northward has kindly sent me the following excerpt to about -50° and southward almost to from a letter Wilson wrote to him : the edge of the disk. As well as T can "On May 30, between 5 and 6 hours determine the position, it was in south G.C.T., when seeing was rated 9 on a latitude 55°, with two major centers in scale of 10 (as perfect) , there appeared longitude about 190° and 212° that the a series of brilliant flashes across the flashes occurred. I used my 12-inch out south cap of Mars about midway be- here; seeing eatimated 10, which is ex- tween the northern edgé of the cap and cellent and 25X. the southern rim of the planet. The "Two others here, my nephew and my flashes spread across the cap from about brother-in-law, also saw the flashes. They longitude l8O to 2500. I estimate the were very real and about a magnitude latitude about -5°, 2OO being the cen- brighter than the rest of the cap which tral meridian of the disk. had itself appeared unusually bright "The largest flash was in about 212° since May 24, I tentatively identified the This region corresponds with region as the northern border of Thyle longitude. I and II. (Fiammarion's map, Popular Thyle I and II, I believe . . . . Two others here saw the flashes. A tentative ex- Astronomy, Report on Mars No. 15- planation is that the northern edge of Pickering.) I believe this region to be Thyle I and II is perhaps elevated and a plateau, as also Electris and Eridania. was covered with ice which reflected the If so, Mare Chromium may be a deep solar rays as rotation brought the pro- impression and possibly the northern es- per relation of angles. Clear sky must carpment of Thyle I and II has steep have prevailed in that area at the time. slopes which on May 30 were ice-coated, As this region will again be in view in thus reflecting direct sunlight because of the latter part of June and early July, the clear sky at the time in that section. though the planetocentric latitude of The rays should reach maximum inten- earth will be higher in value-bringing sity in a limited region of earth, would. the region nearer the rim of the disk- they not? This might explain why no a repetition of the flashes will one else (outside of Nashville) saw perhaps them. They did not appear during the occur. July apparition of this part of the planet, "I have long suspected that this area but the angle was not the same. I of Mars is slightly elevated and cut by should like to know your opinion, and if deep gorges, Mare Chromium being a you have had any other reports concern- depression. The flashes were estimated ing the matter. I have never seen it to be about a magnitude brighter than before, though I have seen isolated the rest of the southern cap, and my im- twinkling flashes in the snow caps at pression was that there was a movement times. My photographs. secured during from an opposite direction to that of the the interval, are not good enough to settle planet's rotation. It is the first time that the matter, but images of the cap are I have seen so extended a line of pris- different in intensity during the brief matic light, like fire, running across the time photos were made." polar cap." In a further communication, Mr. Wil- me that Professor Pickering writes son continues: " . . . To me the Southern he and Lowell, observing in 1894 from Cap was brightest along a line about the Lowell Observatory, saw this dame ('or less than), one second of arc, (meas- phenomenon, confirming Wilson's obser- ured on drawings), in from the Southern vation very satisfactorily. This former Limb. For a time, about 5:15 to 5:30 observation is described in the "Annals hrs., the brilliant flash aspect occurred of Lowell Observatory" and in Lowell's frequently. I estimate that I saw at book, "Mars", p. 86. In a personal letter least eight (flashes); and my brother- to me, Wilson also speaks of this strange in-law and nephew saw severaL When phenomenon he observed and at the risk no flashes occurred, a line of small bright of some repetition, I will quote him spoth stretched across the cap, as shown again verbatim: on my drawing. Suddenly, some of these "One of the outstanding observations seemed to run together, and to swell into of Mars secured here was on the eve- a spot that reached to the Southern May 30, during the interval white, it changed to yellow ning of m Limb; from 4h 35m G.C.T. to 6'° G.C.T. Slightly and then red-yellow, and murky, and less than one second of arc north of the finally to a tiny white spot; the descrip- southern rim from estimated longitude tion "prismatic" is best; though distinct 180° to 250°, a series of brilliant flashes blue or green were not noted. It was a extended across the southern snow cap. 'sharp' light compared even with the I have projected this graphically and find whiteness of the small white spots. After it to lie along about south latitude 55°. the flashes had ceased the string of

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white spots remained; but they had faded him concerning the matter, he seemed considerably by 6hrs.Oin.; and when Mars uncertain, and as no records had been reached a position over trees observati'n made, said he would talk to his brother was discontinued shortly afterward. If about it and let me know. After con- the seeing had been poor I would have ferring with his brother the conclusion thought the phenomenon a result of this, was reached that what they had noticed but during the maximum interval the 'was the contrast between the (bright) seeing was remarkably good. I believe Southern Cap and the rest of the disk." the aspect real; and as nearly accurately described as I am able to describe it. Mr. Wilson also sent a fine drawing An impression of movement from left and photographs covering the period of toward right, contrary to the rotation his observations and illustrating it. He of Mars, was noted." (L.J.W.) observed from Nashville, Tena., with his It was early thought that these flashes 12-inch reflector. described by Mr. Wilson, had been seen Unfortunately, I had cloudy weather at another observatory in Nashville. with on the night of May 30 in southern Cali- a 12-inch reflector on the same date. fornia so I could not observe Mars and However, in this regard Wilson Writes no observations for that particular night further:-". . . Mr. J. H. De Witt short- have yet been sent in to me by the' ly after May 30, said that he and his other associated planetary observers. brother were looking at Mars during the Dr. E. C. Slipher tells nie that he was period I mentioned and that he had no- observing" Mars with the 24-inch refrac- ticed the unusual appearance of the tor at Lowell Observatory during the South Polar Cap, and thought he had time interval covered by Wilson's obser- seen the phenomenon that I had described. vations on May 30, but that he may Later, when I saw him and questioned (continued on page 1RX)

Variable Star Section W. D. ROSEBRUGH, Director It is hoped that the last two articles under favorable conditions. However a dealing with Zeta Aurigae and R Coro- word of editorial caution should perhaps nae Borealis have whetted the curiosity be given; after a great deal of experi- of prospective variable star observers so mentation the writer, who is very short that some of our readers have been in- sighted, has found that nothing but wide spired to start work on the variable stars. angle, 7X, prismatic binoculars with 32 To assist these newcomers it seems best mm. objectives, with which he can see to pass on a few further valuable tips 8.°'O stars under good conditions, are of as to methods and equipment which have any use to him for this purpose. just been furnished to the writer. Next Miss Bailhaussen's telescope is a 3- issue we will turn again to the study inch refractor of about 24-inch' focal of individual stars and will discuss the length (f8 instead of the more usual f15) most popular star in the sky, namely equipped with 20, 40 and 60 power ce- SS Cygni. lestial eyepieces and a 40 power terres- The writer has recently had the op- trial eyepiece and rack and pinion focuss- portunity of inspecting the telescope of ing tail piece. The telescope is held on Miss Louise Balihausseri, 1 Gilmore Ct., a fork type alt-azimuth mounting sup- Scarsdale, N. Y. From opinions which he ported on a sturdy tripod with extensible has heard voiced by several of the ex- legs. When in use the tripod and tele- perienced members of the AAVSO dur- scope can be carried on the shoulder ing recent months he believes that Miss from place to place. The tout ensemble Balihaussen's telescope represents an packs in a neat traveling case about 10" ideal instrument for those of us who square and 40" long which can be placed have to make our few dozen monthly ob- in a car or can be carried like a suit servations whenever the weather- trees, case when travelling. The telescope with engagements and even travel will permit. the 20X lens and a field of between 2° A brief description of her telescope is and 3° acts as its own finder. The high- therefore being given as it may prove er powers are used for observing faint helpful to those who are building up stars when their fields are located and their observing equipment. Miss Ballhaussen has been able to ob- For brighter stars such as R Coronae serve 12.°'1 stars with this light portable Borealis she uses good quality opera telescope. With it she finds it possible glasses, probably costing around $10 to make observations when it would be with objectives of about 32 mm. in size. impossible 7m5 otherwise because time might These she finds will show her stars not be available to swing a larger tele-

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Page 133 October, 1937 Amateur Astronomy permanently tree and he wag compelled to obtain a scope inth action, or a in mounted telescope might be masked by complete set of the AAVSO charts trees, and of course when travelling a order to have stars available to observe larger telescope cannot be conveniently at all times. In general he uses a comet transported. ocular which gives him a field of one charts, degree. This is a Ramsden eyepiece of Miss Bailhaussen keeps her 1.5-inch e.f.l. and it has a field lens two blanks, and monthly predictions in a feels. loose inches in diameter. Mr. Houston waterproof folding cover like a that these eyepieces should be used more leaf book without rings, in which the star observers than they are. charts are held in place by rubber elas- by variable ( Parenthetically the writer might re- tic so that they cannot blow away. When mark that his limited experience with she sallies forth with the chart cover indicate that and two such eyepieces seems to under her arm, a flashlight opera those who must wear glasses even at the glasses in her pocket and her telescope any ben- to start telescope eyepiece cannot derive over -her shoulder, she is ready efits from such wide angle eyepieces and observing whether in the backyards of might as well use ordinary 1.5 or 2.0-inch Scarsdale or the mountains of Connec- move the eye. observed eyepieces, because glasses ticut. When a star has been too far back for the pupil to intercept for the evening its chart is transferred wide angle of cover the full cone of light leaving a from the right hand side the eyepiece. More data on this point from where it has lain face upward in order the face other observers will be welcomed by of R.A., to the left hand cover writer and by all who are very myopic down. and astigmatic like himself). For 13m Walter Houston, 807 E. Otjen St., Mil- uses 1-inch and become the ace to 15'' stars Mr. Houston waukee, who bids fair to 14 -inch oculars or 8 to 34 powers per observer of the AAVSO, has kindly fur- upon inch of aperture. nished the following information finder the use of reflectors, which upplenients Mr. Houston uses a 11/k-inch the May with a Kellner eyepiece and a field of that given by D. F. Brocchi in of a issue. 6°. He emphasizes the importance really good finder which will bring out Mr. Houston has a 10-inch aluminized faint stars. At present he uses a diago- Newtonian reflector of 88-inches focal finder so that the eye- on a 4-inch nal prism on his length mounted equatorially pieces of the finder and the main tele- pipe pedestal. He says that this should be to each other of the scope come out parallel a 6-inch pipe however. The tube about eye distance apart. This he finds telescope does not rotate in the cradle convenient desnite the fact that the field and the eyepiece is brought out parallel by the prism. the tele- of the finder is reversed to, but on the opposite side of He says one soon gets used to this but scope tube from the axis. to add another prism following he hopes eventuafly This is very convenient for the to the finder diagonal so that he will reasons: The "d" chart can be mounted have a non-reversing diagonal as re- in a holder on the telescope tube along- cently described by Mr. Brocchi in the side the eyepiece with the long direction observers. length publication of the Texas of the chart at right angles to the Mr. Houston does not use finder charts of the telescope tube, and the south end but instead plots the location of the of the chart at the upper side, that is, variables on the AAVSO atlas preparod nearest the sky. Under these conditions by Brocchi. He lec'ates the general the stars seen in the eyepiece will be field with his 6° as neighborhood of the exactly at the same tilt or angle finder and then uses the main telescope those seen on the chart. When the tele- final location of the the with its 1° field for scope is changed to the other side of field. He finds that the new AAVSO pier, as when one has been looking low well designed for this pur- look low atlas is very in the west and now wishes to pose and commends it highly. in the east, the chart for the new field should be placed with the S end upper- The AAVSO cha"t committee consis- most and the chart and stars will still ting of Prof. S. A. Mitchell, H. B. Webb, lie at the same angle. If one's reflector F. Hartmann, curator, and Mr. D. F. rotates in its cradle. instead of being Brocchi, chairman, just issued a list of solidly attached like Mr. Houston's, Mr. revisions to the charts. This is dated Houston points out that the chart must April 1937 and completes the extensive be rotated in its holder by an equal vevision of the charts commenced some amount and scales should be provided years ago. The chart committee is cer- both on the tube and the chart holder tainly to be thanked and commended on to make this adjustment possible. These the successful completion of this work. comments are very valuable for all who Many new comparison stars are given, use reflectors. especially for the white "c" charts is- Mr. Houston is much handicapped by sued two years ago. The "b" charts for

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Page 134 Amateur Astronomy October, 1937 many stars are revised to conform with tions made is published elsewhere. How- the "d" charts so as to show the same ever, comments as to comparison stars as unusual phenomena the more detailed observed will be appreciated as it is be- 'd" charts down to the limit of the "b" lieved that chart. Mr. these cumments will serve Hartmann says that this is to stimulate the interest of all observers, done so that those with 3-inch telescopes especially can use "b" beginners. All observers are charts exclusively and do invited to contribute such comments as uot need "d" charts. the following: A much needed new chart on 201437b DQ (Nova) \v & Hercuis is fading slowly. Cygni is announced. A chart for a It is now about 8.4 new field which is approxi- 224049 RV Lacertae is also mately a magnitude fainter than it was listed. This looks like a good star for last year at moonlight this time. At this rate it nights as it is fairly bright, should remain visible in small instru- u.0 to ii.4 and is well removed from the ments for . some years longer. The corresponding finder chart R is number 1GOA. Scuti took a sudden dip from 5.9 Improvements to the finder charts, on 8740 to 7.1 on 8750. catalog, and atlas arê also listed. RY Sagitarii, the An article by Miss Shirley Patterson type star, seems to have pretty well re- in the May-June 1937 Journal of the gained its normal brilliancy. It rose Royal Astronomical Society o Canada from 8.3 to 7.3 between 8725 and 8746. ucacos that seven of the amateur mem- Nova Lacertae is fading slowly but bers of the Toronto center of the RA. much more rapidly than Nova Herculis. are undertaking variable star and On 8747 it appeared to be aboùt 10.6 or uova search work. We hope that these 8 magnitudes below what it was a year amateurs will enjoy this hobby as much ago. as the rest of us do and we wish them SS Cygni, which we hope to discuss in every success in their enterprise. the near future underwent a maximum of We wish to thank Messrs. William about 8.3 on 8726. Beginners should try Callum, Ferdinand Hartmann, Neil Mc- their hands at this star which will be Nabb, jr., and Franklin W. Smith for favorably placed all fall. their reports which they submitted dur- The regular fall meeting ing the last two of the AA or three months, on the VSO will be held on Oct. 15-16, at the number of stars seen and observed. As Harvard was College Observatory, Cam- explained in last month's article it bridge, Mass. All are welcome whether seems best to discontinue this feature members or not. as the complete summary of all observa- Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

AAVSO Nova Program Notes L. . ARMFILD This section is deeply indebted to Hideo Inouye of Tokyo, Japan, and S. Kaneko of Tokyo-Tanasikiyokuku, Japan, editor of Amateur Meteor Observers, a Japanese publication similar to Amateur Astronomy, for their in bringing the AAVSO Nova Search Program to the attention of amateur stronomers in Japan. A recent issue of AMO devoated an entire page to the nova search program ing a typical example show- of region assignment ; the column headings used on the monthlyl report blanks, reference to the publication of observations in Amateur Astronomy and a brief explanation of the program in general. This fine spirit of cooperation on the part of our Japanese friends is gratefully appreciated and we trust sincerely that we may find an opportunity to return the favor. We take pleasure in introducing to the readers of these columns the following new contributors to the nova search program: Allan Karl, 2836 Lealand Avenue, Chicago, Ill.; Claude B. Carpenter, Secretary of the Detroit Astronomical Society, 34624 Chestnut Street, Wayne, Mich.; Mary Ellison, 400 Park Road, Webster Groves, Mo.; Franklin Lewis, Director of the Lewis Observatory, 278 S. Glenwood, Columbus, Ohio; Jack Scovel, 1261 Rosedale Ave., Chicago, Ill.; John Swensson, 2200 Bennett Ave., Evanston, Ill,, and Nicholas Waitkus, Pittsburgh, Pa. We are happy also, to receive observations again from Roy A. Seely, 16 Sutton Place, New York city, who is a member of the nova search committee and one of our charter contributors. Miss Louise Balihaussen, who has been forwarding her reports regularly from Scarsdale, New York, will be located during the academic year at Oxford, Miss., where she will be head of the science department of the University High School. We hope that she will be able to sell nova regions to interested amateurs in her new location for participants residing in southern lati- tudes are seriously needed.

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Ottober. 1937 Amateur Astronomy Page. 135 Magnitude of faintest star easily visible Total Observer Location Region 9 8 7 6 5 4 8 Nights Carpenter (July) Wayne, Mich. 13 ------5 ______5 Diedrich (July) Milwaukee 43 ------12 6 2 2 o (Aug.) 43 ------9 1 2 1 2 Ellison (Aug.) Webster Groves 1 1 2 Friton (June) st. Louis 9 2 4 2 8 (June) 10 2 4 2 (July) ...... 8 9 6432 ------i 5 (July) 10 6 4 3 2 ------i 5 Halbach (July) Milwaukee 99 ------1 5 2 8 (Aug.) 99 ...... 2 5 2 g Hanna (July) New York City 11 ...... 5 1 ...... 6 (July) 62 Karl 152 1 9 (July) Chicago 13 . 2 4 10 2 2 2 2 2 (July) 14 .. 2 3 11 2 2 2 2 2 Keuziak (July) Milwaukee 15 ...... 26 2 6 Kirkpatrick (Aug.) New York 61 ...... 1 2 3 Lewis (Aug.) Columbus 0. 2 ...... 1 4 4 9 (Aug.) 42 ...... 2 2 (Aug.) 46 ...... 1 .... 1 2 (Aug.) 73 ------1 1 7 9 Loreta (July-Aug.) Italy . 17 1 6 6 i 3 (July) 105 ...... 3 3 ...... 6 McNabb, jr. (Aug.) Acton, Can. 8 1 4 5 (Aug.) 58 ...... 1 3 ...... 4 (Aug.) 77 ...... 5 ...... 5 (Aug.) 78 ...... 5 ...... 5 (Aug.) 86 ...... 5 ...... 5 Moore (July) Milwaukee 26 ------4 10 3 1 1 8 (Aug.) 26 ...... 11 10 5 2 6 iRosebrugh (Julr) Poughkeepsie i 6 2 4 i 2

(Aug.) 1 i . 2 ... i 4 52 (Aug.) ...... 11.. i -J Scovel (Aug.) Chicago 24 ...... s 3 ...... 8 27 ------3 ______8 39 ...... 53 ------8 Seely (July) New York City 58 ...... 6 2 8 (Aug.) 58 i r:: ::: ::: i: ï: i Sharp, jr. (July) Chicago 88 ------5 9 4 i 8 (July) 89 ...... 94 i 8 (Aug.) 88 ...... 10 4 3 .. I 7 (Aug.) 89 ...... 10 4 3 i 7 Swensson (Aug.) Evanston, fI. 23 ...... 1 6 1 8 25 (Aug.) ...... 17 2 i O (Aug.) 26 ...... 2. I O .17 o Topham (July) Toronto, Can. 16 *2 .... 1 ...... o (July) 75 *2 .... i ...... 3 Waitkus (July) Pittsburgh 7 ...... 4 ...... 4 (July) 25 ...... 5 ...... 5 (July) 26 ...... i ...... 1 (July) 42 ------3 ...... 3 (July) 43 ...... 3 ...... 3 (July) 62 ...... 4 ...... 4 (Aug.) 25 ...... 82 i o (Aug.) 26 ...... 8 ...... 8 (Aug.) 43 ...... 3 2 ...... s (Aug.) 62 ...... 7 3 i o 16 Observers-31 different regions-3100 square degrees of sky reviewed. Diedrich and Keuziak have originated a feature which is greatly appreciated b your scribe for a very selfish reason: it saves a host of work in compiling th s monthly report. On the back of their report blanks they summarize their observs fions for the month in accordance with the tabular form used in the columns abov Such a summary does not entail a great deal of extra time on the part of eac individual contributor, but it is a great timesaver for yours truly, and it would b e much appreciated if others could do likewise. Thanks. 1410 N. Marshall Street, Milwaukee,. Wie. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Page 136 Amateur Astronomy October, .1937 Tri State News Notes The official monthly publication of AMAL'ETJR ASPRONOMERS' AssocwrioN American Amateur Astronomical Association OF PITTSBURGH Publication Headquarters WILLARD A. MacCALLA, Correspondent 1312 E. Curtis Place. Wis. During the months of July and Au- Milwaukee. gust, although no formal meetings of our association were held, several "get-to- gethers" and inspection trips were made Affiliated Societies Amateur Astronomers Association of. Pittsburgh. by the group, and a considerable amount Pennsylvania. of individual activity was carried on. Astronomical Society of Rutherford. N. J. Of course the sweep of Finsler's comet Astronomers across the skies was Guild of Jamestown. New York. watched by every- Chicago Amateur Astronomical Association. Chi- one who had access to a telescope. Var- cago. 111. iabie star and. nova observations were Easthay Astronomical Association. Oakland, Calif. made regularly. Nick Waitkus, who has Long Island Telescope Makers. Wantagh, N. Y. recently joined the ranks of nova sear- Louisville Astronomical Society. Louisville. Ky. chers, has been busy equipping his ob- Madison Astronomical Society. Madison, Wis. Metropolitan Astronomical Society. New York. servatory for camera patrol work. New York. Five autos packed with amateurs from Milwaukee Astronomical Society. Milwaukee, Wie. this region made the 60-mile trip to beau- Missouri-Southern Illinois, St. Louis, Mo. tiful Oglebay Park, Wheeling. W. Va., New Jersey Astrophysical Society, Woodbrldge, on the week-end of June 26 and 27. N. J. After the campfire ceremonies on the Norwalk Astronomical Society. Norwalk, Coon. first evening, we climbed to the hilltop Optical Division of the AAA. New York. N. Y. observatory, together with about 50 camp guests, to view Mars, Jupiter and Editorial Staff other objects through the 84nch Ogle- Miss Elizabeth Wight. Editor bay telescope and an excellent 7-inch Mrs. A. IC. Fisher Miss Carolyn Nickels Cassegrainian representing the work of E. A. Ralbach H. L. Grunwald Brownsville, Pa., amateurs. Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Souther played Advisory Editors host to our group at their new home in Prof. Leon Campbell - Variable Stars. Perrysville, Pa., on Aug. 18. This date Prof. Charles P. Olivier - Meteors. Prof. George Van Aster.jids, comets, was selected because of the favorable and double stars. - opposition of Mercury, buI the weather was unkind. Before the evening ended, Ten cents per copy, $1.00 per yem. however, we succeeded in penetrating Membership in AAAA, $1.00 per year. the haze with Dr. Souther's 6-inch New- Including subscription. tonian. Among the Z5 guests was Z. Send all communications to the above address, Daniels of Allegheny Observatory, dis- coverer of three comets. Our worthy vice-president, Fred Gar- land, has been making a fine contribu- ning was spent as guests of Walley Ev- tion to the cause by conducting clasms erest, at in elementary astronomy and Pittsfield, Mass. Mr. Everest constella- was the first to develop- the honeycomb tion study every Monday night during lap. August and September at the Wissahick- Following the on Nature convention, the local del- Cabin at Riverside Park. egation spent two days in Boston seeing There are nearly 100 in his class, in- historical points and visiting the Har- cluding many teachers and scout leaders. vard College Observatory, where they Several new astronomy enthusiasts were were entertained by Dr. Shapley, Prof. won in Scottdale, Pa., according to Wil- Campbell, and others lard MacCalla, who gave an illustrated of the staff. Af- talk at ter leaving Boston, the quartet spent the Rotary club of that city on several days in New York meeting the Aug. 30. The projector and slides were Amateur Telescope kindly loaned A. Makers, group and by Warren Donaldson, visiting the Hayden Planetarium. Phila- past president, who made the slides with delphia, with his own its planetarium and Cook equipment. Observatory, was also on the itinerary, An interesting 10 day trip was taken Leo Scanlon reports by Leo and Suso- that equipment at Larry Scanlon. Frank the Cook Observatory has doubled since vec and Charles Frost with the primary his visit object of attending two years ago. the annual conven- At our Sept. 10 meeting, reports of tion of the Springfield Amateur Tele- summer activities were featured and scope Makers, on Aug. 14, A large plans prepared for constructive programs group attended, including most of the for telescope well building and observing. known figures in amateur astrono- Valley View Observatory, my. The Pittsburgh party's first eve- Pittsburgh. Pa.

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor October, 1937 Amateur Astronomy Page 137 Milwaukee News Notes Approximately 30 of us won't soon for- M. N. FISHER, get the good time we had at the annual CorrespoCdent get-together of the Chicago and Milwau- Edward A. Halbach, former treasurer kee groups. on Saturday, Aug. 7 at J- of the Milwaukee Astronomical Society, seph E. Boehm's observatory on Lake was elected president of the society at Geneva. (See Chicago news notes.) the fifth annual meeting which was held And at least 40 of us won't easily forget Sept. 16 at the Milwaukee City club. our annual picnic Aug. 28 at Lake Gene- M. J. Phillips was elected vice-president, va. A tour of Yerkes Oliservatory at Miss Pauline Royt, treasurer and Lu- Williams Bay was made during the verne Armfield, secretary. Herbert Cor- afternoon under the guidance of Dr. nell was appointed assistant secretary Ebbighausen and later, on the lake shore. by the secretary. Messrs. Cornell, Par- Dr. Ebbighausen, Dr. and Mrs. Vañ kinson, Cooke and Armfleld were chosen Biesbroeck, Dr. and Mrs. Storrs B. Bar- to succeed themselves on the board of rett and Miss Mary Calvert joined us at directors. a picnic supper. When the stars came T. R. Hedengren was chosen to com- out many of the members wound up the plete the unexpired term on the board of evening at Joe Boehm's with a swim and directors caused by the resignation of a bit of observing. 817 Arthur F. Boyd, who has left the city. N. 28th Street. - Mr. Phillips acted as toastmaster at Milwaukee, Wis. the meeting. Speakers included Cooke, Ilalbach, Armfleld, C. B. Whitnall, Cor- Optical Division nell, Diedrich. ofthe The Society welcomes the following AMATuUR AsmON0MIcAL to AssocIATIoN persons membership: HAYDEN PLANETARIUM, NEW YORK Dr. John A. Ball, A. R. Ball, John D. LEW LOJAS, President Johnstone, Mark Kindt, of Kenosha C. N. Kindt, Paul Sommer and E. B. Heck- On Friday the thirteenth, the 40 mem- enkamp. bers of the optical division gathered in the optical workshop, and, defying the thousand and one elements of superati- tion, began the long task of grinding a tant secretary of the society, a member 21-inch mirror. Prof. William H. Bar- of the AAAA and of the publications ton, jr., associate curator of the Hayden committee of Amateur Astronomy, is Planetarium, poured on the first charge studying at the University of Wisconsin of carbo and Charles A. Federer, jr., this year. The society will miss her supplied the water. The vice squad, in greatly and is looking forward to her the persons of Leo Mattersdorf, second return next summer. vice-president of the AAA and Robert G. Cox, vice-president of the optical di- vision, had the honor of making the first Work on the society's observatory lo- strokes across the big disk. Mr. Lojas cated on the Phillips' farm in Wauke- and Professor Barton massaged the disk sha county is progressing rapidly. At with a little carbo under a 12ti-inch tool. present the fabrication of the dome is Members of the optical division followed under way. in turn. Immediately afterward, the rouge E. P. Marts, jr., and Walter H. Haas bottle was fetched and the thumbs of the were welcome visitors in Milwaukee on members polished for the long trip to Sept. 2 and 3. It was a pleasure for the annual telescope nut hot air conflab society members to meet Mr. Marts after at Springfield, Vermont. The represen- his interesting summer's work in the tatives from New York in order of their west and to meet in person Mr. Haas arrival were: Messrs. Grosswendt, Cox, whose lunar work we have long admired. Froehly, Mehling, Howland, Hanna, J. W. Simpuin, of the Missouri-Southern Brown, Lojas, Mrs. Lojas, Stoy (who Illinois group, stopped off in Milwaukee came all the way from ), and and attended the society's picnic at Lake Paul Luce. Mr. Grosswendt had the Geneva Aug. 28. The following day Mr. distinction of being the first member of Simpson and a group of Milwaukee ama- the optical division to sign the register teurs wert to Chicago for a visit with on Mt. Porter. Two richest field tele- members of the Chicago Astronomical scopes were brought by the members; association. It is a pleasure to have an their performances - was most commend- interchange of thought between workers able in the clear and steady atmosphere in various parts of the country through at Stellafane. letters, but we like much more to meet 1510 White Plains Road. our correspondents in person. Bronx. N. Y.

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Page 138 Amateur Astronomy October, .1937 NAS Star Notes Chicago News NORWALK ASTRONOMICAL SocIETY CHICAGO AMATEUR ASTRONOMICAL LEWIS L. DOOLITTLE, Corre8pondent ASSOCIATION Il. Again the Norwalk Astronomical So- C. TORREYSON, Secretary ciety is pleased to have its notes in Ama- On Saturady, July 10, about 30 mem- teur Astronomy after a bers of the Association journeyed to Wil- lapse of some liams Bay, Wis., months, due, to to inspect the telescopes events which occurred at the Yerkes Observatory and to enjoy thàt necessitated a "quiescent period." an outing at Lake Geneva. After listen- However, activities are now again in full ing to a very interesting lecture by Dr. swing. For the Mofi'itt about the world's largest refrac- first time, the Society ting telescope, inaugurated summer and being conducted on meetings this year a tour of the grounds and buildings by in the form of outdoor picnics and in- Dr. Morgan, the gang gratefully accep- formal stargazing parties. And the pro- ted Joe Boehm's invitation to visit the ject was met other side of the lake and take a swim with great success, for and motorboat there was a ride at his cottage. How- capacity attendance at each ever, disappointment ruled for a while picnic, on June 28, and August 21. At later in the evening when, owing, to the first affair the Society furnished all cloudiness, we were unable to "observe the the food and soft drinks for a ham- observers observe" through the big burger roast. telescope as per schedule. After that it was, "Each The meeting at 1319 West 78th Street man bring his own lunch, the club fur- on July 16 was well attended. Several nishes coffee." The New Haven Astro- telescopes were in use and the sky was clear nomical Society met with Norwalk at the excépt for an occasional cloud, so July meeting to everyone was busy observing. It was swell the attendance and one of the best observing sessions that enthusiasm. Plans are now under way the club has had in the city for some for the third annual convention of the time. NAS, the tentative date of which has Saturady, August 7, was the date of boon set at the annual get-together of the Chicago September 18. The and Milwaukee groups, and Joe Boehm's is trying to secure Father Paul McNally, cottage on Lake Geneva was the place. famous astronomer and director of the During the afternoon, swimming and astronomical department of Georgetown motorboating were enjoyed at the won- University, as derful beach of Lake Geneva. Cameras guest speaker for the ban- were continually snapping. It is hoped quet. - that many of the informal snaps will Early this summer the writer had the make good prints. If so, they should pleasure of making the acquaintance of certainly he worth the money. With the an amateur astronomer, Harry'H. Has- coming of darkness, telescopes began to kin, of Stony Creek, Connecticut, who, be in evidence everywhere. It is be- for the past three years, has been work- lieved that everyone had ample oppor- ing on the mathematical calculations of tunity to observe his favorite celestial the oft looked for planet Vulcan, with object. About 65 persons were present. the assistance of a member of the Yale 3738 N. Richmond St., Observatory. His results have been Chicago, Ill. startling and thought-provoking. A tran- sit was predicted for August 10, but gen-' eral sky conditions and the unsuitable time made it impossible to see anything here in the east. A transit, much more Mars favorable as to time, is predicted for January 14 of next year; in the near (continued from pusge 13r) future a full report of Mr. Haskin's work easily have will missed the flashes observed be published in Amateur Astronomy. by Wilson while taking photographs or A complete bank of clouds, at least changing the camera and plates. here in Connecticut, prevented both the Any coincident observations or infor- New Haven and Norwalk groups from mation bearing on the several phenomena doing any work during the week of the discussed in this planetary report will be Perseid meteor shower. It is hoped greatly appreciated by us; we hope plan- that other sections of the country met etary observers will be kind enough to with better success. communicate the data as soon as possible. P. 0. Box 341, 726 N. Elmwood Ave., South Norwalk, Conn. Oak Park, fi.

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apr.It rc The i2lwuee JcLrfl$I

This photograph shows the construction progress. The building is 16 x 16-ft., with a 14½-ft. diameter dome. The building in the left background houses Mr. Tabbatf s reflector.

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