
arXiv:1709.00840v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 4 Sep 2017 0 where inpntae h ape hti,a rqece above ( at is, radia- plasma that the electromagnetic sample, the the penetrates where tion frequencies at served oei ecie yteeuto [11] equation the semiconductors. by in described magnetoplasma observed is cyclotron mode CR collective the the of frequency to This The similar [4–10]. effect very higher depolarization a is magneto- a to of collective shifted because is the frequency which observe mag- , would cyclotron a plasma in one placed field, (2DES), netic system dimensional cyclotron Azbel’-Kaner observed 3]. [2, called phenomenon (AK-CR) is resonant resonance condition The a back such return layer. under synchronously skin afterwards the and to CR bulk, the the the circulate in which in field , electric pushes oscillating layer incident skin of The electromagnetic orbit cyclotron carriers. the the over the the of inhomogeneity near large a layer has The skin field electro- thin the surface. a screening, sample in decays electron radiation high magnetic of because where, sosre nVitgoer tfrequencies CR at the geometry metals, Voigt in in contrast, homogeneous observed By almost is an field. in electromagnetic move electrons conductors, rmgei aito rpgtsaogtedrcinof direction field the elec- magnetic along when [1], semiconduc- propagates geometry In radiation Faraday in tromagnetic observed different. is quite CR semicon- are tors, in metals configurations and excitation ductors CR structure met- However, and band semiconductors als. energy in study properties carrier to charge spec- and used CR widely physics. is matter troscopy condensed in phenomena cant usol o n es flgtcrua oaiainwith polarization the circular to of sense respect one for only curs ∗ ohatoscnrbtdeulyt hswork this to equally contributed authors Both . 067 asn lcrmgei aito hog two- a through radiation electromagnetic Passing ylto eoac C)i n ftems signifi- most the of one is (CR) resonance Cyclotron ze’KnrLk ylto eoac naTwo-Dimension a in Resonance Cyclotron Azbel’-Kaner-Like m ω 0 c sa ffcieeeto asi as,and GaAs), in electron effective an is = eairpit nfvro h igepril Azbel’-Kan edg single-particle the the at of localized favor is in and points shif geometry, Faraday behavior depolarization the plasma in absent collective is the of follows signs precisely no that revealed resonance investig observed was we technique modes, near-field mon a by excited erostructure eB/m eoatmcoaeasrto fatodmninlelectr two-dimensional a of absorption microwave Resonant B B nti emty Rasrto oc- absorption CR geometry, this In . ed nti ae h Ri ob- is CR the case, this In field. ∗ ω steccornfeuny( frequency cyclotron the is 2 ω > ω .V Andreev V. I. = nttt fSldSaePyis A,Cenglva 1424 Chernogolovka, RAS, Physics, State Solid of Institute ω p 2 + p 1.Teeoe nsemi- in Therefore, [1]. ) ω c 2 , ∗ .M Muravev M. V. , Dtd coe ,2018) 6, October (Dated: ω < ω m ∗ (1) ω = p p , ∗ .N eynn .V Kukushkin V. I. Belyanin, N. V. , eahdtesaeo DSds fdiameter of disc 2DES sample a The of 1. shape Fig. the of in schematic had depicted A is mesa geometry surface. sample crystal located the the was underneath which nm well, 480 quantum single GaAs/AlGaAs in observed metals. resonance cyclotron simi- gate some Azbel’-Kaner has with metallic resonance larity discovered the high- the nonuniform Therefore, near locally edge. field a single-particle of electromagnetic the region the the frequency in that in absent shown excited is is is resonance CR It the that geometry. out Faraday excita- turned magnetoplasma It cyclotron collective tions. single-particle with new along this a Using resonance observed technique. developed we excitation we technique, plasma research, 2D present near-field the a In in experiment geometry. the Voigt mimic could excitation near-field ever, ttemperature at eprtr etn.Teeoe h nerlo h ab- the of integral the Therefore, result- heating. The 2DES temperature microwave-caused reveals camera. spectrum CCD differential ing nitrogen-cooled liquid spectrometer a a with using collected without were this and radiation In with microwave spectra radiation. luminescence microwave 2DES incident technique, of by absorption recom- caused heating 2DES the the the tech- on of This spectrum sensitivity luminescence high bination the 13]. on based [12, is detection nique absorption microwave technique of optical non-invasive a employed we excitations, ietasiso ie lcrndniyi DSwas 2DES in density exci- Electron the waveg- n line. to coplanar transmission transferred impedance-matched cryo- an and uide the via cable, into gate coaxial guided tation was a GHz with 40 stat to 1 from with frequencies radiation Microwave [19]. geometry) (quasi-Corbino ain icsae aeo osdrbysalrdiame- smaller considerably ( of ter exci- con- gate plasma ohmic disc-shaped 2D a axisymmetric perimetric tation, near-field a a by make To grounded tact. was which mm, 1 rmfe pc ln the along 2DES space by the free excited through from passing is radiation mode electromagnetic magnetoplasma the cyclotron setup, Faraday experi- the quasioptical prior when the All in conducted frequency. were ments plasmon dimensional the is s h xeiet eepromdo 25-nm-wide a on performed were experiments The How- 2DES. the for defined well not is setup Voigt The 1 = d .W hwta h icvrdC mode CR discovered the that show We t. rntr ftedsoee resonance. discovered the of nature er td ln ihcletv magnetoplas- collective with Along ated. 0 = . 0 fteectn ea lcrd.Such electrode. metal exciting the of e and position (CR) resonance cyclotron × . nsse na lasGA het- AlGaAs/GaAs an in system on m a arctda h etro h mesa the of center the at fabricated was mm) 1 10 11 T cm 1 = − 2 . 2Russia 32 ihmobility with .T eet2 lcrnplasma electron 2D detect To K. 5 B lEeto System Electron al fil direction. -field µ 5 = × 10 6 cm 2 D / V = · s 2

are shown in Fig. 1: (1) a single 2DES disc of diameter D = 1 mm, excited via rectangular waveguide in Fara- day geometry; (2) a 2D disc of identical geometry with a concentric d = 0.1 mm gate, excited in the same con- figuration; and (3) a D = 1 mm disc with a perimetric grounded contact and a concentric d =0.1 mm gate, ex- cited via the coaxial cable (quasi-Corbino geometry). In Fig. 1, we present typical microwave absorption depen- dencies versus magnetic field measured on these three experimental setups at 16 GHz. To understand the na- ture of the plasma involved in our investigation, the experiment of Fig. 1 was repeated for a large set of microwave frequencies. Resultant magnetodispersions for observed resonances are depicted in the inset of Fig. 1. There is only one resonant peak for a single 2DES, excited in the Faraday geometry (green curve in Fig. 1). The magnetodispersion of this peak shows the typical cyclotron magnetoplasmon (MP) mode behavior that has been observed on many occasions in quantum dots and classical discs (red circles in the inset to Fig. 1) [4, 14, 15]. The MP mode approaches the cyclotron resonance (solid line) but never crosses it. The measured spectrum agrees well with the theoretical result for the fundamental MP (solid line in Fig. 1 inset) [4, 16]

ω ω 2 ω = ± c + ω2 + c , (2) 2 p 2 FIG. 1: Dependence of microwave absorption versus mag- r   netic field for different sample geometries and excitation tech- where ωp is the plasmon frequency for B = 0 T. The niques. Sample schematics are drawn next to the correspond- frequency ωp obeys the 2D-plasmon dispersion [17]: ing curves. The excitation frequency is f = 16 GHz for all curves. Fundamental magnetoplasmon (MP), screened mag- netoplasmon (SMP) and cyclotron resonance (CR) magnetic 2 field positions at f = 16 GHz are marked by labels and ver- nse ωp = ∗ q, (3) tical dashed lines. MP and SMP modes are excited in both s2m εε0 Faraday and near-field geometries, whereas CR is excited only in near-field geometry. The inset plots magnetodispersions of where ε = (1+ εGaAs)/2 is the effective per- MP (red circles) and SMP (blue circles) modes for a disc sam- mittivity of the surrounding medium and q = 2.4/d ple of D = 1 mm outer diameter and d = 0.1 mm concentric is the vector for the disc geometry [18]. From central gate. Solid curves correspond to the theoretical de- our experiment, we measured zero-field plasma frequency pendencies. CR magnetodispersion is also indicated. fp = ωp/2π = 13 GHz, which coincides with the value obtained from Eq. (3). There are two resonances for a 2DES disc with a concentric d = 0.1 mm top gate, ex- solute value of the differential spectrum could be used cited in the Faraday geometry (blue curve in Fig. 1). The as a measure of microwave absorption by the 2DES. magnetic field position of the fundamental MP mode re- In our experiments, we used a 780 nm stabilized semi- mains almost unchanged. However, a second MP mode conductor with 4 mW net output power to excite arises at larger values of B-field values. The magnetodis- 2D luminescence and a single-grating spectrometer with persion of these two modes is summarized in the inset of 0.25 meV spectral resolution to analyze the luminescence Fig. 1. The second mode (blue circles) also follows the spectra. All the experiments were carried out in the liq- magnetodispersion law predicted by Eq. (2), but with a uid with a superconducting magnet at temper- lower plasmon frequency of fp = 8 GHz. This mode cor- ature T = 1.5 K. The magnetic field was directed per- responds to the screened magnetoplasmon (SMP), local- pendicular to the sample surface and swept in the range ized beneath the gate. The SMP frequency is described 0 − 0.5 T. by the following formula [20]: In our experiments, we compared spectra of microwave 2 absorption in three different 2DES samples, excited in ′ 2 nse h 1 ωp = α11 ∗ , (4) Faraday and near-field geometries. Sample schematics s m εε0 d 3

B-field position and becomes more pronounced. Unex- pectedly, a new resonance emerges at the exact position ∗ of cyclotron resonance Bc = ωm /e. The important fea- ture of the discovered CR mode is that it is observed only using the near-field technique, when the central gate is directly wired to the microwave generator via the coaxial cable. The resonance is absent in the Faraday geome- try, when the radiation is incident on the sample from free space (Fig. 1). The discovered CR resonance is thor- oughly studied in the remainder of this paper. In Fig. 2(a) microwave absorption is plotted for a few different radiation frequencies f =9.5, 15, 20.5 GHz. Ab- sorption curves are offset vertically for clarity. The curves reveal from one to three resonant peaks. The origin of these resonances is best identified by plotting their magnetic-field positions versus the incident microwave frequency as in Fig. 2(b). The strongest resonance arises at the frequency range f > 19 GHz. This mode corre- sponds to excitation of the fundamental dark magneto- plasmon mode (MP), i.e., a standing plasma wave with an antinode at the center and a at the grounded circumference of the disc. This mode has been well studied elsewhere [19]. The second mode that starts at f = 8 GHz is the screened magnetoplasmon (SMP), lo- cated beneath the central gate. The third mode, marked by arrows in Fig. 2(a), has a number of distinctive prop- erties, and, to the best of our knowledge, has not been observed in prior art. Its magnetodispersion with high accuracy follows the CR position and reveals no signs of a collective depolarization shift. Such a behavior is to- tally unexpected in a 2DES of finite size, and points in favor of the single-particle nature of the discovered reso- nance. The obtained results allow us to suppose that the CR FIG. 2: (a) Microwave absorption as a function of the mag- mode is localized in the near-gate region of the 2DES, netic field measured for a series of microwave frequencies where excitation takes place. To prove this, we applied (f = 9.5, 15 and 20.5 GHz). The sample had a quasi-Corbino a DC bias Ug to the central excitation gate, geometry with microwave radiation guided directly to the cen- while keeping the perimetric contact grounded. The tral top gate. Curves are offset vertically for clarity. (b) bias voltage was negative to deplete the region under The magnetic-field position of the dark axisymmetric magne- the gate. Fig. 3 shows curves of microwave absorption toplasmon (MP), screened magnetoplasmon (SMP), and cy- clotron (CR) resonances versus excitation frequency. (f = 16 GHz) measured at different values of gate bias. Both SMP and CR modes are clearly discernable in the signal. We found that with the depletion of the two- dimensional electrons under the gate, the SMP and CR ′ ≈ ′ where α11 1.84 is the first zero of the J1(x) Bessel resonances diminish in a very different way. The SMP function, and h = 480 nm is the distance between the mode is highly sensitive to the gate bias and abruptly dis- 2DES and the top gate. In our case, the theoretically appears between Ug = −0.55 V and Ug = −0.9 V (inset calculated fp = ωp/2π = 7.6 GHz agrees well with the of Fig. 3). We note that the gate bias, which corresponds experiment. It is noteworthy to mention that the same to full depletion of 2DES under the gate is Ug = −0.9 V experiment was repeated for the same sample with an (dashed line in the inset of Fig. 3). Such a rapid fadeaway array of gate discs (N = 19) evaporated on top of the of the SMP mode is no surprise. Indeed, the SMP plasma mesa. In this case, the structure of the magnetoplasmon wave is associated with the of charges over the modes remained the same with no extra resonances. whole 2DES area underneath the gate. By contrast, the The situation drastically changes when we guide mi- discovered CR resonance responds more weakly to the crowave radiation directly to the central top gate. In this gate bias. There is still a distinguishable resonance at the near-field excitation setup, SMP mode stays at the same CR position even at Ug = −2.0 V, which is well above the 4

tric field inhomogeneity over the cyclotron orbit. This condition is easily fulfilled in metals. However, in our ex- periments, the field variation distance is of the order of h = 480 nm, which is comparable to rc and insufficient to detect the CR . Observation of CR harmonics in 2D plasma is an interesting task and will be a topic for our future research. In conclusion, we discovered a new resonant mode, which exactly follows a single-particle cyclotron reso- ∗ nance ωc = eB/m . The CR mode (1) reveals no signs of a collective depolarization shift, (2) could be excited only using a near-field, but not Faraday, configuration, and (3) is localized in a narrow region near the edge of the ex- citing gate. All these features make the observed mode similar to the Azbel’-Kaner cyclotron resonance in met- als. These experiments pave the way for research in the field of interplay between collective and single-particle phenomena in 2D plasma. We thank S. I. Gubarev and V. B. Shikin for useful dis- cussions and comments. Further, we gratefully acknowl- edge financial support from the Russian Science Founda- FIG. 3: Microwave absorption versus magnetic field measured tion (Grant No. 14-12-00693). at different values of gate bias (f = 16 GHz). The CR po- ∗ sition Bc = ωm /e = 38 mT is marked by an arrow. Inset: Plots of the normalized resonance amplitude vs. gate bias for dark axisymmetric magnetoplasmon (MP), screened magne- toplasmon (SMP), and cyclotron resonance (CR) modes. [1] G. Dresselhaus, A. F. Kip, and C. Kittel, Phys. Rev. 98, 368 (1955). [2] M. Ya. Azbel’ and E. A. Kaner, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 30, full depletion level. This experimental finding confirms 811 (1956) [Sov. Phys. JETP 3, 772 (1956)]. 103 that the discovered CR mode is localized at the edge of [3] E. Fawcett, Phys. Rev. , 1582 (1956). [4] S. J. Allen, H. L. St¨ormer, and J. C. M. Hwang, Phys. the exciting gate. Indeed, a pronounced weakening of 28 − − Rev. B , 4875 (1983). the CR mode between Ug = 0.9 V and Ug = 1.2 V [5] T. Demel, D. Heitmann, P. Grambow, and K. Ploog, corresponds to the full depletion of the near-gate outer Phys. Rev. B 38, 12732 (1988). region of the 2DES at distances of 0.2 µm (see Supple- [6] S. A. Studenikin, M. Potemski, A. Sachrajda, M. Hilke, mental Material I). This distance is comparable to the L. N. Pfeiffer, and K. W. West, Phys. Rev. B 71, 245313 size of a small region with an extremely strong electric (2005). field gradient situated at the circumference of the gate. [7] G. C. Dyer, G. R. Aizin, S. James Allen, A. D. Grine, The size of this inhomogeneity region for our structure D. Bethke, J. L. Reno, and E. A. Shaner, Nature Pho- tonics 7, 925 (2013). geometry is dictated by the distance from the gate to the [8] I. Grigelionis, K. Nogajewski, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtow- 2DES, h = 480 nm [21, 22]. This region plays a simi- icz, M. Czapkiewicz, J. Wrobel, H. Boukari, H. Mariette, lar role as the skin layer in the Azbel’-Kaner cyclotron and J.Lusakowski, Phys. Rev. B 91, 075424 (2015). resonance (AK-CR) effect in metals [2, 3]. Specifically, [9] Q. Shi, M. A. Zudov, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West, the gate oscillating electric field in the inhomogeneity re- J. D. Watson, and M. J. Manfra, Phys. Rev. B 93, 165438 gion pushes electrons, which circulate the CR orbit in the (2016). 2DES (r ≈ 1.4 µm at the magnetic field of B = 38 mT), [10] G. L. Paravicini-Bagliani, G. Scalari, F. Valmorra, c J. Keller, C. Maissen, M. Beck, and J. Faist, Phys. Rev. B and afterwards, synchronously return back to the region. 95, 205304 (2017). This mechanism is analogous to what happens in a cy- [11] A. V. Chaplik, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 62, 746 (1972) clotron. [Sov. Phys. JETP 35, 395 (1972)]. Despite the apparent similarity of the discovered CR [12] B. M. Ashkinadze, E. Linder, E. Cohen, and Arza Ron, mode with the AK-CR effect, there are a number of dis- Phys. Stat. Sol. 164, 231 (1997). tinctions. The most significant feature is that unlike in [13] I. V. Kukushkin, J. H. Smet, K. von Klitzing, W. Wegscheider, Nature (London) 415, 409 (2002). the AK-CR effect, we do not observe resonances at the ∗ ··· [14] D. C. Glattli, E. Y. Andrei, G. Deville, J. Poitrenaud, and CR harmonics BN = ωm /eN (N = 2, 3 ). We ex- F. I. B. Williams, Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 1710 (1985). plain this experimental feature as follows. The necessary [15] T. Demel, D. Heitmann, P. Grambow, and K. Ploog, condition for CR harmonics observation is strong elec- Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 788 (1990). 5

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FIG. 1: Electron density distribution calculated for several gate bias voltages Ug = −0.9, −1.2, −2 V. The x-axis is directed outward the gate perpendicular to the gate edge. The x = 0 is located at the point exactly under the gate edge. the unperturbed level only at the distance of x ≈ 0.5 µm. This distance is comparable to the size of a small region with an extremely strong electric field gradient situated at the circumference of the gate. The size of this inhomogeneity region for our structure geometry is dictated by the distance from the gate to the 2DES, h = 480 nm [2, 3]. This region plays a similar role as the skin layer in the Azbel’-Kaner cyclotron resonance (AK-CR) effect in metals [4]. Specifically, the gate oscillating electric field in the inhomogeneity region pushes electrons, which circulate the CR orbit in the 2DES (rc ≈ 1.4 µm at the magnetic field of B = 38 mT), and afterwards, synchronously return back to the region. This mechanism is analogous to what happens in a cyclotron.

[1] I. A. Larkin and J. H. Davies, Phys. Rev. B 52, R5535 (1995). [2] S. A. Mikhailov and N. A. Savostianova, Phys. Rev. B 74, 045325 (2006). [3] S. A. Mikhailov, Phys. Rev. B 83, 155303 (2011). [4] M. Ya. Azbel’ and E. A. Kaner, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 30, 811 (1956) [Sov. Phys. JETP 3, 772 (1956)].