NEXT ISSUE: MAR 18 75¢ Periodical Postage paid, Glennallen, AK USPS # 022164 Vol. 33 Issue # 46 Published Thursdays Glennallen, AK March 11, 2021 email:
[email protected] * ph: (907) 259-4486 * fax: (888) 870-3167 12,000 Years Ago on Chistochina Fun Days: the Copper River Race Results Pg. 5 Allison Sayer - CRR Staff a PhD student at the Cen- ter for the Study of the First Archaeologists Lee Rein- Americans, within the An- inghaus and John White thropology Department at have successfully docu- Texas A & M University. mented people’s use of an Both Reininghaus and area near the upper Cop- White began their talks by per River over 12,000 years speaking about Ahtna, Inc’s ago. This is many thousands partnership. “First and fore- of years earlier than previ- most I need to thank Ahtna, ously documented sites in Inc for allowing us to do the Copper Valley. For con- this research,” said Rein- text, the earliest dated sites inghaus, “The shorelines found anywhere in Alaska of Lake Atna didn’t follow are estimated to be 14,500 any modern land boundaries years old. These are in the and they’re located through- Tanana River Valley. out the entire Copper River Reininghaus and White Basin. Most of the areas we discussed their work in two investigated and the sites we fascinating public virtu- identified are actually locat- al presentations last month. ed on Ahtna [Inc] lands. All The talks were part of the of the artifacts that we found WISE Virtual Science represent their deep tradi- Lecture series, and are cur- tion of connection to the rently available for viewing landscape.