ISSN 2549-5607 The 1st International Conference on Language, Literature and Teaching ANALYSIS OF PAN AND KOSICKI NEWS MODEL IN CASE “PAPA MINTA SAHAM” IN ONLINE MEDIA MERDEKA.COM AND SUARAKARY.ID Siswanta Slamet Riyadi University Surakarta
[email protected] Abstract This paper aims to understand the news framing Setya Novanto (SN) in the case of “Papa Minta Saham” in the online media and By using the model of Pan and Kosicki framing analysis, some aspects highlighted by both editors was analyzed according to four structural analyses of syntax, script, thematic and rhetoric that have a better understanding about bias of reporting of both online media. Results of research conducted during November to December 2015 showed that and built reality constructed that SN as ethics and authority incumbency offender, SN as a broker of high profile, as Chairman of the House of Representatives had embarrassed the nation of Indonesia, and SN do not deserve as role models by other officials. Because of news, framing process conducted both online media bias raises the mass media, especially bias by selection of sources and bias by placement. Merdeka. com less wise in implementing the principle of presumption of innocence against SN, on the other hand dismissed reports facts that lead to evidence of involvement of SN the legislative and ethics incumbency offender. Keywords: Framing, online media, construction, reality, bias. 1. INTRODUCTION “Papa minta saham” was an issue that became trending news topic mainstream conventional and online media for approximately one month, mid-November until mid-December 2015.