Books Available in the Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies Reading Room
Books Available in the Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies Reading Room (updated on April 11, 2019) Abramov, S. Zalman - Perpetual Dilemma: Jewish Religion in the Jewish State Abrams, Judy & Felsenburg Marx, Eva - Retenue Par Un Fil / Une Question de Chance Abrams, Judy, & Felsenburg-Marx, Eva - Retenue par un fil; Une question de chance Abrams, Judy, & Felsenburg-Marx, Eva - Tenuous Threads; One of the Lucky Ones Abuelaish, Dr. Izzeldin - I Shall Bot Hate, a Gaza Doctor's Journey AbuKhalil, As'ad - Bin Laden, Islam & America's New "War on Terrorism" Achcar, Gilbert & Warchawski, Gilbert - guerre des 33 jours - La guerre d'Israel contre le Hezbollah au Liban et ses consequences Adler, Amek - Six Lost Years Afek, Yishai - Israeli Humor and Satire Agar, Herbert - Saving Remnant Agassi, Yossi, Agassi, Yehudit, & Barnes, Moshe - Who is an Israeli (Hebrew) Aharoni, Sara & Meir - Israel - Economy & Society 60 years Aharoni, Yochanan - Way and Sites (Hebrew) Ailon, Galit - Global Ambitions and Local Identities, an Israeli-American High Tech Merger Ajami, Fouad - Arab Predicament: Arab Political Thought and Practice Since 1967 Albion-Dror, Rachel - Tomorrow of Yesterday (Hebrew) Albright, William Foxwell - Archaeology and the Religion of Israel Aleichem, Shalom - My Life (Hebrew) Al-Haj, Majid & Mielke, Rosemarie - Cultural diversity and the empowerment of minorities Allegro, John M. - Chosen People - a Contraversial History of the Jews Allon, Yigal - Making of Israel's Army Allon, Yigal - My Father's House Allon, Yigal - Shield of David, the
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