GSA Bulletin: Tectonic Controls on Facies Transitions in an Oblique
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Tectonic controls on facies transitions in an oblique collision: The western Solomon Sea, Papua New Guinea Joseph Galewsky Earth Science Department and Institute of Tectonics, University of California, Santa Cruz, Eli A. Silver } California 95064 ABSTRACT 1986). The tectonic history of many ancient TECTONIC SETTING mountain belts has been unraveled by careful The western Solomon Sea is the site of a clos- analysis of foreland basin deposits. For example, The modern Bismarck volcanic arc formed ing ocean basin and an incipient arc-continent analysis of the flysch sequences in the Alpine when subduction of the Solomon Sea plate be- collision between the Bismarck arc and the front ranges has provided a wealth of information neath the South Bismarck plate initiated, proba- Australian continental margin in Papua New about the paleogeography and geodynamic his- bly during late Miocene time (Musgrave, 1990). Guinea. Migrated seismic reflection profiles tory of the Alps (Caron et al., 1989). The Bismarck forearc contains the relict Finis- and HAWAII MR1 sidescan sonar data indi- Some observations suggest that foreland terre arc, a PaleogeneÐearliest Neogene volcanic cate that sedimentation within the Solomon basins eventually reach a steady state in which arc that was part of the larger Outer Melanesian Sea basin is controlled by topographic gradi- the accommodation space in the basin remains Arc. The Outer Melanesian Arc was built above ents generated by flexure of the Solomon Sea relatively constant despite continued overthrust- the West Melanesian Trench in response to plate. Turbidites delivered to the basin by the ing of the orogen (Covey, 1986), but the role of Pacific plate subduction beneath the Australian submarine Markham Canyon extend farther inherited basement topography on the strati- plate (Robinson, 1974). Finisterre Arc volcanism eastward down the axis of the deeper New graphic evolution of a foredeep is not well un- ceased in early Miocene time, probably when the Britain Trench (north side of the Solomon Sea) derstood. It is well known that an oblique colli- Ontong Java Plateau collided with the West than they do in the shallower Trobriand sion will generate a time-transgressive facies Melanesian Trench and induced regional plate re- Trough (south side of the Solomon Sea). The progression (e.g., Crook, 1989; Silver et al., organization (Musgrave, 1990). stratigraphic record of the foredeep, in the 1991), but the links between tectonics and facies The continental margin against which the Bis- zone of arc continent collision, is controlled by progression rates are not well known. In order to marck arc is colliding is a mountainous, tectoni- the steep topography of the Australian conti- understand the relationships between tectonic cally active amalgamation of previously accreted nental margin. A long (1.5Ð3 m.y.) period of and depositional processes in collisional oro- terranes (Fig. 1). The tectonic history of eastern deep marine turbidite deposition is followed by gens, we must study modern orogens where the Papua New Guinea since middle Miocene time a short (50Ð100 k.y.) period of shallow-marine tectonic processes are still active. Furthermore, has been dominated by the docking of a large deposition and a long (0.5Ð1 m.y.) period of flu- it is important to study a variety of modern set- composite terrane, the east Papua composite ter- vial deposition. Comparisons between the fore- tings, because each modern case reveals some- rane of Pigram and Davies (1987), with the Aus- deep record of Taiwan and the Papua New thing different about the relationships between tralian craton. Recent shallow seismicity in the Guinea collision indicate that the steep topog- tectonics and depositional processes. The active New Guinea Highlands and the Papuan Penin- raphy of the Australian continental margin ex- collision between the Bismarck Arc and the Aus- sula is evidence for active tectonism in the Papua erts significant control over the evolution of the tralian continental margin in Papua New Guinea New Guinea continental margin (Abers and foredeep, and the Taiwan foredeep is more (Fig. 1) provides an excellent setting to study the Roecker, 1991). Present elevations in the New controlled by the dynamic link between the links between tectonics and depositional Guinea Highlands and Owen Stanley Mountains flexural properties of the lithosphere and the processes in a collisional orogen. Furthermore, are in excess of 4 km. orogenic load. the obliquity of the collision provides an approx- The collision between the Bismarck forearc imate time-space equivalency (Suppe, 1981), and the Australian continental margin is esti- INTRODUCTION allowing us to infer the tectonics and related mated to have initiated about 3.0Ð3.7 Ma in the depositional processes for most of the history of vicinity of Madang (Abbott et al., 1994b). This The evolution of a foreland basin from deep- the collision. In this study, we show how the age is based on dating the sandstone provenance marine deposition into fluvial deposition has flexural deformation of a closing ocean basin shift from continental-orogenic sources to an arc been documented in many ancient mountain controls the stratigraphic evolution of a precolli- volcanic source, interpreted to represent the up- belts. The flysch to molasse transition observed sional turbidite basin. Tectonic and depositional lift of the relict Finisterre arc in response to colli- in the European Alps (Allen et al., 1991) is an ex- processes in the Papua New Guinea collision are sion (Abbott et al., 1994a). The collision has ample of this evolution, and analogous transi- also contrasted with those of the active arc- propagated to the southeast through time, and the tions have been observed in Taiwan (Covey, continent collision in Taiwan to show how geo- modern collision tip is located in the western 1986), the Himalayas, the Appalachians (Graham dynamically similar settings can lead to greatly Solomon Sea (Fig. 1). East of the modern colli- et al., 1975), and the Apennines (Ricci-Lucci, different stratigraphic records. sion tip, the Solomon Sea plate is subducting be- GSA Bulletin; October 1997; v. 109; no. 10; p. 1266Ð1278; 14 figures. 1266 Downloaded from by guest on 01 October 2021 TECTONIC CONTROLS ON FACIES TRANSITIONS Figure 1. Tectonic map of Papua New Guinea. Inset map shows study location. Rectangle shows lo- cations of Figures 2 and 3, A and B. The modern collision tip is at the juncture of the Trobriand Trough and the New Britain Trench. neath the New Britain Trench at about 90 subaerial deposits in the ancient record were de- the assumption of steady-state collision and sim- km/m.y. (Johnson, 1979; Taylor, 1979; Schouten scribed in Crook (1989), Liu and Crook (1991), ple geometry; the wide range of results is proba- and Benes, 1994). Slow convergence (~6 and Silver et al. (1991). The foredeep that has bly due to departures from these assumptions km/m.y.) between the Solomon Sea plate and the formed in response to this collision between the (Liu and Crook, 1991; Silver et al., 1991; Australian continental margin is accommodated Bismarck forearc and the Australian continental Kirchoff-Stein, 1992). Nevertheless, these rates along the Trobriand Trough (Kirchoff-Stein, margin occupies the subaerial Markham Valley provide valuable constraints on the rate of colli- 1992). The modern collision tip is defined to be (Abers and McCaffrey, 1994) and extends off- sion progression and associated progression of the location where the frontal thrust of the shore into the Huon Gulf. collision-related facies (Crook, 1989; Silver et Trobriand Trough enters the New Britain Trench, Central to developing our understanding of al., 1991). Because of the obliquity of the colli- long 148°30′E (Fig. 3B). This intersection marks tectonodepositional processes in the western sion, the temporal evolution of the arc-continent the initial point where the Bismarck forearc over- Solomon Sea is the concept of time-space equiv- collision translates to an equivalent spatial evolu- thrusts the Australian continental slope. The Fin- alency (Suppe, 1981). Suppe (1981) defined this tion; that is, moving about 150 km southeast isterre Ranges (Fig. 1), rising more than 4 km, term to refer to a steady-state collision (Taiwan, in along the modern Bismarck forearc is equivalent have formed as a result of this collision. The Fin- his interpretation) in which the structure observed to moving about 1 m.y. back in time in the evolu- isterre Mountains are producing so much sedi- 90 km spatially along the collision zone is equiv- tion of the collision. ment that the streams issuing from the range have alent to going back in time 1 Ma, where the rate of created large alluvial fans that prograde into the propagation of the collision is 90 km/m.y. The PHYSIOGRAPHY Markham Valley, pushing the Markham River to Papua New Guinea collision is oblique because the far southern part of the valley (Loffler, 1977). the Australian continental margin is oriented The western Solomon Sea (Fig. 2) consists of This progradation has caused the development of northwest-southeast, and the Bismarck arc is ori- a central basin (the Solomon Sea basin) bounded marshlands at the mouths of the major highlands ented approximately east-west. The southeast- on the north by the New Britain Trench and on tributaries, in which much of the sediment load of ward rate of collision propagation was assessed the south by the Trobriand Trough. South of the the highlands rivers is deposited. The Markham by Silver et al. (1991) and Abbott et al. (1994b). Trobriand Trough is the Trobriand platform, a Valley is therefore filled mostly by sediments On the basis of purely kinematic considera- broad shallow shelf that narrows to the north- shed from the rising Finisterre Ranges.