EASTERN HORIZONS • SEPTEMBER 2003 3 ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT High Potential of Alternative Development in Drug Control
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EasternUnited Nations Office on Drugs and CrimeHorizonsHorrizons News on the fight against drugs and crime No. 15 in East Asia and the Pacific September 2003 Vision Extends from the Hills of Thailand to the Mountains of Afghanistan: Sharing Good Practices Drug Manufacturing Picks Up Away From Home on Cambodian Borders The UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime Film Review: ‘Lilya 4-ever’ A Dark Look into Prostitution and Human Trafficking Controversial Film about the Realities, Perceptions, and Politics of Trading Women and Drugs. A Film by David Feingold. SPECIAL FEATURE Community Drug Training Series: Module 1 of 9 Message from the Representative The criminal attack on the UN office in Baghdad on 19 August 2003, will be remembered as the worst day in recent UN history. I share the deep grief of the families of : Sergio Vieira de New Public Service Announcements for Human Trafficking Mello, Rick Hooper, Ranillo Buenaven- tua, Nadia Younes, Jean-Selim Kanaan, Fiona Watson, Christopher Klein-Beek- man and other colleagues who became unnecessary casualties of blind terrorism CONTENTS after working night and day to help the Iraqi people regain control of their own des- tiny; to build a future of peace, justice and High Potential of Alternative independence. 3 Development in Drug Control We shall miss them sorely together with the 1828 UN staff from 100 countries who Heroin Smuggling in South- have died in the line of duty since 1948, 7 including 91 colleagues in 2002-03, the East Asia via Container Cargo first year that more UN civilian personnel have been killed than military peace keep- 10 Trading Women: Sex for Sale ing colleagues. At the UN we are all shocked and Curbing ATS Manufacting: dismayed at the attack and the loss of so 12 Project Prism many colleagues’ lives that were devoted to human rights, development, and the long- Myanmar’s Opium Levels standing mission for peace. We shall strive 13 Descend to be worthy of them all in our daily work, which will continue with dedication and Drug Manufacturing determination, more than ever before, to 14 Picks Up Away From Home win over the mad furies of the dark side of globalization, and the indiscriminate hand The UN Convention against of international terrorism. 18 Transnational Organized Crime Sandro Calvani Joint UN Regional Task Forces 19 on Drug Use and HIV From the Hill of Thailand to 21 the Mountains of Afghanistan 2 UNITED NATIONS OFFICE ON DRUGS AND CRIME CORRUPTION The Fight against Corruption in Asia-Pacific is On By: Fumio Ito, UNODC, Bangkok to enhance integrity. GPAC has chosen to Earlier this year a UNODC team, com- start with small pilot projects in which its posed of staff members from Vienna and The Need to Fight Corruption new approaches and anti-corruption tools Bangkok, visited Jakarta to discuss issues Some people say that corruption is part are tested. The pilot projects have already with prospective stakeholders of the GPAC of Asian cultures. It is true that we often taken place in Nigeria, Hungary, Romania, pilot projects. During the national seminar express our gratitude to someone who has South Africa, and Uganda. GPAC is now in June, update efforts for the GPAC proj- provided kind help for us by sending small expanding its activities in Asia-Pacific. ects preparation was also pursued. The presents. However, we have been never told Pilot projects to enhance judicial integrity UNODC team received a welcoming feed- that we may pick someone else’s pocket in in Indonesia are being prepared also. back from the Indonesian government and exchange of doing a favor. Wherever you GPAC collaborates with UNODC Regional agreed to make further efforts to imple- are from, you must have been told that you Centre to follow up the corruption matters ment projects. must not steal from others. in the region. The region is swiftly getting In the last week of May 2003, the gov- Though our cultures do not endorse involved in GPAC projects and now is part ernment of the Republic of Korea organized stealing, corruption does exist in our region of the UNODC team against corruption. two significant international conferences and, unfortunately, is rampant in some on corruption issues. The 11th Interna- countries. Some are too pessimistic to take tional Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) any action to fight such heinous systematic was held from 25 to 28 May in Seoul. The type of stealing, because it is too widely IACC, which fosters the participation of practiced, in many cases, by those with civil society stakeholders as well as gov- power. However, natural feelings of injustice ernmental stakeholders, is now recognized would not let us keep silent while innocent as the most significant venue for discus- and powerless people in developing coun- sion and debate on corruption issues. It tries are being deprived of opportunities for was attended by more than 800 partici- development – what they truly deserve – for pants from 104 countries, emphasizing that the sake of greed of the powerful. It is not whatever cultures we are from, we all share only people in developing countries who the value which never tolerates corruption. suffer. Corruption also deprives taxpayers in Soon after the 11th IACC, the Global developed countries of their money, which Forum III on Fighting Corruption and may have been more efficiently invested Safeguarding Integrity was held in the same and utilized. We are all forced to pay for the venue. The GF III was a closed-doors con- greed of a small number of corrupt elites in ference for official delegates and invited foreign countries and sometimes in our own Governments take action experts. Many informative presentations nation. It is no good to acquiesce to such Efforts to fight against corruption are sin- were given and active discussions on cur- unfair practices any longer. Maybe the time cerely pursued by governments in the rent significant issues in fighting corrup- has come to stand and fight against corrup- region, too. On 12 and 13 June 2003, the tion were made. About 850 participants tion. Department of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia from a total of 148 countries and offices organized a national seminar against cor- attended the GF III. UNODC takes action ruption in Bandung, West Java. About 100 The Global Programme Against Corrup- participants from more than 30 governmen- It is now time for bolder action tion (GPAC) of UNODC leads UN efforts tal agencies, private companies, and uni- It is often said that the expansion of the to facilitate international cooperation to versities attended the seminar and actively global economy would not allow corrup- eradicate corruption. GPAC has three discussed various issues, such as domestic tion to survive. In the new era of economic main components: action learning, tech- anti-corruption systems, international coop- integration, we will need more transparency nical cooperation, and evaluation. GPAC eration, and the upcoming UN Conven- and accountability. It is symbolic that the has conducted several pilot projects in tion against Corruption. Participants came financial crisis in 1997 and 1998 inspired selected countries. Many political leaders from various provinces including: Band- social changes and awareness on corruption have called for a fight against corruption ung; Jakarta; Yogyakarta; North Sumatra; issues both in Indonesia and the Republic on many occasions. However, most of such and Kalimantan. The seminar also invited of Korea. Now there can be no excuses for efforts have not worked out, because of a international experts from China, Malaysia, corruption to remain rooted in our culture. lack of real will to fight leaders or of too Republic of Korea, Singapore, Asian Devel- The time to take bolder action is now, how- much interference against sincere efforts. opment Bank, and UNODC Headquarters. ever limited opportunities might be seem, Calling for a fight is not enough. There is A staff member from UNODC Regional and to pursue this endeavour as a regional a need of a new comprehensive approach Centre also attended the seminar. joint venture. EASTERN HORIZONS • SEPTEMBER 2003 3 ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT High Potential of Alternative Development in Drug Control By: Christoph Berg, Drugs and Develop- ment Programme (ADE), Germany he problems associated with the pro- duction, trafficking and consump- Ttion of illicit drugs are currently a major obstacle to progress for many development cooperation partner coun- tries. Alternative development projects can help reduce the illegal cultivation of opium poppy. Alternative development however, is dependent on the national government’s firm political commitment to drug con- trol, and requires favourable economic and social framework conditions. The concept of ‘alternative develop- ment’ is based on the assumption that drug problems are closely linked to development problems, and that effective development policy measures can bring about a sustain- able reduction in drug cultivation. Alterna- tive development is also a response to the low impact and effectiveness of one dimen- sional measures to combat drug trafficking. In the 1980’s the Federal Republic of Germany launched the National Drug Con- trol Plan. Its chapter on ‘International Coop- eration’ created the basis for the German Government to step up its commitment to reducing illegal cultivation of drug crops through bi and multilateral international development cooperation. Almost 100 mil- lion euros in funding for drug and develop- ment programmes has been targeted towards alternative development since then. Ger- many has been one of the major donors to UNODC. In the field of technical coopera- tion, the first bilateral project which focussed “The advantage of alternative development in on alternative development: the Thai-Ger- man Highland Development Programme drug control is that it helps to improve living launched in 1981. The Drugs and Develop- ment Programme (ADE) was established in conditions for farmers and communities alike.” 1990 and is implemented by GTZ.