THE PORTLAND DAILY I'RESS, ENTERTAINMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS EDUCATIONAL day? Everybody knows that the twenty-fifth Powers of the British Fntiiuwd enn day (Sunday· excepted) bj the THE PRESS. Queen. is quarter-day —Christmas Day." "Not in The Queen alone can croate a peer, a barou- rOMTUND PIKU8B1KO co„ Bristol, your honor," said all tho attendant MISS MARGARET BRYANT, WEDNESDAY BfORMNUi DEC. 1. et, or knight, and confer privilege! up η pri- t τ*1. w ! t< uxo· βτ., rOBTUUni. lawyers in chorus. "Not In Bristol?" echoed rate per»,ne. She alone can ereot Dances! the amazed corpora- Tan mi : Ewkv UaUan a Year. To mail «uheorih- Contralto judge. "No, your honor," was Fraternity Vocalist, We do uot read tions, and raise and fleets and anonymous letted and corn m uni regnlaM armUs, are Keren Douera e Tear, U paid In advance. PORTLAND he : "in Bristel we FURNITURE replj make the FIFTH ANNUAL CO* cations. Ί be name and twenty- under such to COURSE. AND address of tLe writer are It though restrictions relating the ~ TEACHER OF VOCAL MUSIC. fitet quarter-day." And so it was settled, and THJR XA1SE~8T1TS PRE88 all cases indispensable, not necessarily tur publica- appropriation and spending of money »s make so on I found it was CITY lVoe. 4©, 44 &, 46 St. Ko. 8 Hanover St., Portland. tion bat as a oi inquiry generally under- it iMMMmrrllnauT HoRnxeit fft.60 · H ALL 42, Exchange guaranty good faith. impossible for her to exercise ber power 11 stood. Ting is but some of It in adranoe at fl.00 a year. Reference, Mr. W H. Dennett. oct8eod2m* We cannot undertake to return or com very ridiculous, my the jmr. paid Tkindijr Evening. Nor. 26, i preserve detriment of English liberty. She is the Tnfsday mumcations "tat are not used. readers may find it useful 10 know the fact Kit· or aot e*ti»tko : one inch of the Erratic. Dec. 14. bead of the church: she couveues and dissolves waaa, Friday Evening, PROFESSOR M. should they go to reside In Bristol. ot column, ouutitatee a "equare." SAUCIER, all laafU Dec. 81, Tuesday Evenings, Jan. The city is a favorite of mine ecclesiastical synods aud convocations, and woara, daily tret week; 76 eaaa «iar Pianist and Organist. Evskv regular attaché of the Paess is among cities, fl.60par Feb. furnished aid its residents are nek after; three insertion» or centiM- 11,26, 8, NEW FIRM! NEW of the kindliest, but they nominates to vacant bishopric* aud other lee*, «1.00; STOCK! the "Conservatoire of Paris*' recently with a Card ce» tiil«v*te Pullen ««wn other after ftret 60 cento. sigued by Stanley dncling with too obstinacy to their old day week, — great I* AID or THB — FROMfrom Montreal, will take a few to teach church offices. Sheseudt ambassadors to for- pupils Editor. All railway, steamboat and hoi el a while MMll aqaara. tkree luertlooj or laaa, Ti oeate; Piano by the method followed the Conservatoire manager* ways. Only little hack, as it seems— after. by will a eign receives ambassadors at eaeweek, «1.00: M oeate par weak ot Paris. confer favor upon us by demand!) g credential* bHt it is thirty years I find by the register—the States, home, Ipmal mu) third I For makes ziofKfli| Portland prices and other particulars, apply at No. 24 of every person claiming to represent our corporation decided that Loudon time should treaties and alliances, and declares Coder kaad of "ijreisaeri" and "àuctiq» Fraternity. Journal. Winter Street and at W. M. Furbush & Son, 435 not be kept by their clocks. The result was war and ta.00 par iqaare per week; three Inaer- peace, though her power re- Attractions ! Congress St. that innumerable mistakes arose, and trains -^Jiieeu tloaeor leee, *1.60. Ontral CmlKH. spects also ie In a Extraordinary Professor Saucier will accept engagement* to play were missed the large degree liiui df by the AdTerUecaaeata laaerted In the "*U»B Stats T. C. continually being good Hzbset, Eiq., President Fraternity. •Pi*no Solo" at Concerte, aud will take charge of STATE CONVENTION by of Faaae" which baa a circulation la etery Samuel J. peoole of the town, while with it was power Parliament to enact or reject »:ic'* large part Anderson, Esq., Vice PreaUhnt. an at nov24dlw* — — strangers •T the (or for tret organ any place. OF Stat·), 91.00 per eqaare taeertlon, Ε. A. No yes, Tranter. still worse, until the very odd phenomenon laws as may be necessary to inake it effective. aad 60 caate per eqaare (or each eaheeqaaat iueer- Hon. Geo, Mb. S Ε. was exhibited of Vuui, Spkino, Reform Olutoe. nearly every clock ineverv Previous to the revolution of ttML Ho». Α. Ε. Mb. I. P. Bargains! 1'itft, the Uinvetu- -tevbn», Unparalleled Fabbimqton, shop having three hands; one minute hand ill rmmmiflitw It Ho». Geo. P. M. The Semi-Annual Convention of Reform ment of Wbsoott, Mb. Oko.S. Hunt, C. M. Association. ;be Clubs showed the local, the other the England was mainly carried on by vir- PORTLAND PPBLIlUmfQ OO. Roh. Jacob H. N. —- of the State of Maine, » ill bold its session at railway time, McLellan.Mb. .'oîb, IN no small to tue of what was called the Hon. W«. L. Pctnam, Mb. Obo. W. FREE DRAWING SCHOOL. occasioning perplexity those who , Woodman, beheld the for the first time. Hok. I. Wa»hbcbn, Jr., Mr. Chai. McLauohu», BRUNSWICK, DECEMBER 1st AND arrangement It that is, by the King in pers hi, with the advice Mb. W. I. «vus really much such a as is ENTERTAINMENTS. Thom, Mb. John N. Lord, SIXTH YEAR. difficulty caused of Ministers Mb. Nathan Webb, Mb. J. X. Winslow, 2d, 1880. b.v Russia adhering to the old style appointed t>y himself, wno were This school will be on obstinately Mb. CHAH. E. José. Mr. J. Ρ opened Illaarfav Eveniog. and so ten or to their for Baxter, Medium and Common Nov Club should calendar, being always twelve only responsible sovereign Hie Mr. 8. T. Pullïn, Mm. O. W. Fine, 49, l*80. at 7Vfe. at Mechanics Hail, Every make extra exertion to be rep- the F»88BKDKN, and as it Is days behind rest of Europe in its dates. management of affairs. of there Mb. M. P. Emvry, Mb. Lewis will continue four months, fr*e of tuition to resented, evi Sent that the interest in our public CITY HALL, Pieboe, work of moral But Bristol hae yielded to the and Mb. F. Milliken. mechanics from an? part of the Sta'e. sunsiou is and we innovation, suits of tnat was W. ftag.irg, so revolution, however, the Two classes will be formed, one in "iMcchaai- must take some ·measures to wak« up cur brothers. some day will Russia. and 1st & OeMitMe ·■ Κ m Irr lai «me vu. transfer r>f the of the H·*. ttth, 30th Dec. 2d, cal" and one in ''Architectural" drawing. Arrangements have been made with ihe Railroads power State from the Fbkd R. Farrinoton, J. H. Drummo i>, .Tb., Pupils will be required ιο supply themselves with as follows: Grand Trunk, oue f»re for the round Crown to the Honse of Comuious. win ha pwanel under the atupioee of ffl. instead of SKNTKR, JB., Wï. H. CHUM ACHKR, FURNITURE! all the neceesàry implements a».u stationery. trip; Maine Central, one fare for the round trip; Do Our Own Work. E. J Keep Our a government there was th« a IT* POST, NO. S,G. A. K. C. OBI) AN, P. T. Gkixvin. Applications will be re eived until the day of Portland & Ogdensburg, oue f*r« for tt evening·, admitting NO REMNANTS OP OLID STOCKS ! AN OLD SI AND JOHN W. D. CABTKR, G. H. President. Gen len-an and FINELY LEFAVOB, whom all laws must emanate, Dram* entitled Ladle·, $6.00; to be obtained of the FITTED VP! Mechanics Hall, 621 Congres»· Street, E. H. HORH, Secretary. No American can be in England with- requiring ouly committee on THE LARGEST A«D MONT COMMODIOUS long Entertainment·. Evening ticket·, 91. ηονίδ eodtf the of as a WAREKOOMS TOWN1 A STOCK FAR out being involved in discutions the approval condition of Mule br Cbaadler'a Vail rill· Bead. DOWN MORE upon tUJlOTER BOY. Q··· their enactment. As is well known, the η ■w ΒΠΒΙϋΙ EXTENSIVE AND TASTEFUL ! ALL GOODS MADE Americ.m system of protection to home labor. Quo AND BOUGHT AT CASH ! SAINE WESLEYAN The Maine Vote for President. appoints her own advisers, of the Boeaery, Beautiful Tableau, Fine LOWEST· PRICES SEMINARY, Free trade with this country is au object of in- irrespective Yoeal Munie. AND The official wishes or approval of and h PENALE COLLEGE. rote of the State has been de- tense longing to all Englishmen, whether en- Parliament, thou, » clared, and it differs from the re- popularly the Is to materially gaged in conimercfl or manufactures, or wheth- Ministry supposed pom*** Kent's Me. turns Instead of α tmrry WellialtM^ The Firm and and Reliable. ECIU, already published. hand- the whole executive no Managers Responsible er landholders or >ns retired from power, important mea- ALM'B C1KLI mm May u. mr J· wausi m mm* wail rvarav·· pers business. W.lliagfai ROBES. an — y Vij ertj po io n*aoon*»«» *Λ «W« TORI BIHBFK mm P· The highest Garfield elector received All understand that 74,050 Englishmen open markets of W. Λ. BVCHHAa m l'ai. DrL»rar The term of this wil' commence this Parliament without her sanction ami Winter institution votes; was Otis Hay ford. The highest in the United States for appro- Dec. and continue thirteen weeks. their manufactures, val It Is eaeential ClAH^tn1· FCLL OBCHEITBi. WE SHALL JUS TO MAKE THIS THE "PEOPLE'S STORE." Monday, 6th, Hancock elector (Fusion) received 69,453: this oot, however, thai all net* F. A. would aud me ROBINSON, Secretary. was Charles R. Whidden. The Green- instantly revive all their industries and sures should be presented to Par!·» This le the Play of the Drummer Boy R. W. SOULE, Steward. highest oient Original ROBES. back elect ir received this was stimulate them to the through the chauinel of the John F. highest Our Ministry, that dtew eaeh Immense auaienoee In City Hall In Prices that Discount S Kent'a Hill, Nov. 17, 1880. no22d2w 4,480; activity. and Competition Turner. The Prohibitionist elector home market is Parliament ma; originate aud pass acts ut 1870 aad 1878, and the larger part of the cnarao- highest enormous, is constantly widen- Its received 93. There were pleasure, subject to the constitutional riitht ten will baeaetalued by the Kuue person». The also 127 scattering inv Avrerv rlav on il "ffiu» ••ι-» EATON FAMILY of the Queen to them her veto. Poet «tU (fare no labor nr expense to make tbli SCHOOL, votes. The total opposition vote, taking that nullify by The οt the Drummer the beet erer of the them the undisputed control of It Queen can convene Parliament aud terminate praeeetaUnn Boy FOB BOYS, highest elector on each of the tickets is glrec la thle ROBES. ι»sessions at will. Theie have been but two etty. OPENS TUESDÀO0VEMBER 23d I 74,143; total Republican vote. 74,056. Repub- Amor» many discussions upon thii subject TlekeW 2b oentt; Keeerred seat* 35 eenU. For lican Instances in which the Lords and Commons At NORIDOEWOCU, MA INK. plurality, 4.603; lacking of a that I have ■ale at Stock bridge », 166 Michanze itraet, for tb« majority, had in England, with Englishmen· have met by their own Boor, aad at .1. B. ft ESTABLISHED 185G. 197.—Augusta Special to Boston Poet. autaorlty. namely, pre- Stnrgti Co.'», Junetton Confrere wu one, the of whicb will show vious to the restoration of Cbarlee aud at and Free Street*, tor tfia no22dtd reproduction II., gallery· EXCHANGE BELOW A home with the The Poet's is the revolution in lt>88. Tbere is STREET, MIDDLE. pleasant ougU aiui practical iu- correspondent in error. The very clearly the interest that England hue in contingonoy, THE COLORED ORATOR TREACHER ! •tructioii. Address, Fusion ticket in however, upon which, under authority of law, H. F. this State was free trade with this and what the re" noTlfxllm' EATON, Principal. composed country, Parliameui meet without a It WOLF of may summons. Samuel Watts, Wm. A. suits of it would be to and to was Edward Walters Cromwell, John us, especially oar provided in the reign of Anne that in im« Instruction in and Class- there should be no English P. Donworlh, Solon Chase, Rithard A. working people. My interlocutor was a high- Parliament iu being at th« Hammond, $7.50, $8.50, $10.00 and $15.00. PORTLAND FURNITURE CO. time of the demise of the Crown, then the lust Savage ical Studies. Frye, Charles R. Whidden and George W. ly cultivated man, a Professor in one of the et Lexington. Kentucky, whoee thrilling appeal la no23 dtf "preceding Parliament shall immediately con- behaB at the General Confer Worcester. The great Universities, and was in vene and sit at oFku Raoe, Given to the subscriber. straight Greenback ticket thoroughly Westminster, as if the said Par- eace In carried Ml name private pupils by Cincinnati, earnest. liament had never been dissolved." Such a arenad the wotld. will deliver hie was composed of John F. Turner, Prof. We Parliament, however, a statute in the wonderful lecture, entitled Frank G. wonder how It Is that you Ameri- by reig» Bardin, Jonathan F. Hil- of George III., can only continue in existence J. W. cans do not see that Free Trade is the true "OUT OF COLCORD, ton, Solon Chase. Richard A. Frye, for six months, if not sooner dissolved. This, EGYPT," BUFFALO principle on whicb the interests of all com- then, is the power of the She L-A-D-I-E-S ! Queeu. may, Charles R. Whidden, George W. Wor- with the advioe of ber Ministers 143 Pearl Street. merce ought to be conducted, and that It pro- alone, as»«tn- $4.50, $6.50, $8.50, $10 to $16. cester. Thus It will be seen that Messrs. ble, dissolve and Parliament, declare and AU Kind* of Faacj Jan24 dtf motes the interest· of all natioes that it. prorogue CHEsmiiT sneïrâ. ep. We hnvft rer^ived ft Knprinl rnn«iirnnii»nt ffrnm tho Hfnnnfnpfnr^M of adopt war, confirm or disallow the acts of Colonial church, Chase, Frye, Whidden and Worcester were The trade and MISS BROWN, commerce of this country have Legislatures, give effect to the treaties, extend PORTLAND. o·. both tickets. Mr. been extended it. Whidden's vote there- greatly by the term ol patente, grant charters of incorpo- D. Yes; I see that. If I were Wednesday Evening, Dec. let. Teacher of fore 'epresents the Fusion and an English- ration to companies or municipal bodies, create straight man I should be a free W»k«N a*ly Itc. Door» open at 7 V· ; Lecture trader, because that ecclesiastical district*, regulate the Board of -- Greenback combined. does the noaimincia at 8 o'clock. SBVBNTY-PIVE strength Obviously policy promote internets of your coun- Admiralty, aud make appointments to offices oorSO d2t* French and to add try. You are in a posit on that enables to COE German, Mr. Turner's vote to Mr. Whidden's, you in the various departments of the Sta <>, create compete with the as h·* successfully manufactures new offices, and define the of Will receive at Post's correspondent is to of other qualification!1 PICBMre «ad Iastraetion. Second Con· Pupils does, coantries, consequently yon no longer persons to till the same, and declare the can «how the need to peri- mfitloul Ckmreh. a tut Large and Fine Aoortmet ef the count etraight Greenback vote twice. protection your own industrie*. But if ode at which certain acte of Parliament, the ear. above Goods. 643 the immediate effect of the assertion of Ceafiea, Bireal, Pearl. Congress Street. The correction of this error in the free operation of which has been left to the Q ieen one Post's trade in Pro*. H*pee and Morgan will give of their CHILDREN'S KILT octll dtf your country had been to cloce all and Council, shall be enforoed. With ird rj^ SUITS, reckoning gives Garfield over 4,000 majori- your mills.and to blow nut the fires of all to yonr the expenditure of money, it is expressly furnaces, and to turn out of ty· -doors without em- provided in the act of settlement, to which In from 9 1-S to β which we shall to our customers a BUSINESS all your in the whole a of A^e· Tears, offer CARDS. ployment people engaged these reference has been that, levied Lector·; followed by Seriee Wonder- would made, money fnl MTtcte m a \ COE The "Pea nut Club" is a works, yon consider the free trade for the use of the without of Dissolving iewi, Waetaaaelay New York in- Crown, grant Par- policy a good one for the countrv? BreakUi Aar. let. Subject—"A Tour Throngs stitution. The liament, is illegal. Thus the Crown is entire- the OWworM." intention of the club Prof. Without no. Ticket», Adult» 26e; Children HERBERT C. BRICCS, doabt, But free trade ly dependent noon Parliament for itq.revenues, 10». For eala at Donham'» Book sells Ladies' Hats far I.OO. is as had 110 such effect our HoytLFegg* Derby $ follows: Each member is ex- upon industries; on the but, though dependent, it has a direct control Store. nov29 d3t Boys' Winter 80 cents. Attorney at Law and Patent contrary it stimulated them Caps, Solicitor, to a wonderfully. over ail suppliée when raised. The Crown, Men's Winter " $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4. pected carry pea-nut about his person, D. Yes. I Caps, 40 93 Exchange Street» understand that, and know the acting with the advice of its responsible Min- " not a and whenever he meets another reason. I'ut free trade us 1880-81. «ems' Driving Gloves, 69 There Is single Salt In this lot but cost nearly doable the pr'ce member to adopted by wonld isters, is charged with the management of all " PORTLAND, MAINE. instantly all onr Fur Trimming, SO we ask. The goods are simply consigned to us with Instructions to take It out and show it to him. If the latter paralyze Industries, or the the revenues of the oountry, and with all pay- sell at some as the owners are P. O. BOX 638. most of tliein, and would deprive our of ments for the service. It makes known price, overloaded. does not forthwith produce his people public pea-nut and employment. Of that we are sure; therefore to the House of Commons its HB^AU kinds of Patent business and by anuual budget M. 0. M. promptly show it to the he we sen that a system that inter- Association, executed α3m challenger is fined $1, promotes your its necessities, and the House grants such tacts carefully eep3u es's, »ouM us. which sum Is in the greatly injure or supplies as these necessities require. The deposited club's treas- Prof. How c«n that be? FOR Free trade is Crown demands money, the Commons a eonne INSPECTION grant hare arranged tor of ury. When a sufficient amount based on sound TRUNKS of money prim-ip'^iof political economy, it, and the Lords and no cad be aseent, mouey has and therefore must the interest all accumulated a grand dinn r is indulged pruiûote of voted by Parliament for any purpose whatever We have a nations that adopt it. at the W· hare a fine Awortment of Trunk* and made special display In our large upper window and de- in. After a time except demand of the Crowu. Si peti- Trar*Un( a by-law was passed that D. Free trade cannot the sire to call parents' particular attention to the and t»rlces. promote interests tion even for any sum of money relating to the Bac·. Styles a of all nations, of FREE LEGTURES, only challenge pea-nut, made of ivory, irrespective their circum- public ser ije can be received by Pa*liamenr, stances and conditions, more than the should be with the owner's naine en- any unless recommended by the Crow».. O.i the used, 'ante drug can suit ■ad announce the liât of every patient irrespective other hand no person can lend mouey to the following §pubn. We Guarantee the Prices to be 50 eent graved upon It. Last summer one of the of his disease and per STEPHEN BERRY, constitution. Free trade Crown, or to auy department of State, without ν promotes your industries but members sa about a dozen others would kill ours. tbesauction of Parliament, and all money Mr». L. Palm Quo. W. Tbue enjoying LitVr in Eiitilaud is bat with eh, Esq. SILK HATS. below the Lowest. Book, Card and Job Printer, a bath at Manhattan very cheap, us transactions between the Bank of Ε inland " Beach. With fiendish labor is Bar. TmoMAS Bin. υ. D. Ε. H. Klwell; consequently your manufactur- and the are We charge only $1.00 1b other· $3.50 Treasury expressly forbidduu. The Krrtimi, NO. 3 Ρ LIT NI HTRBKT. delight he hurried and hired a er!, can produce goods so much than Boa. I. Wliiiru Jr. II. A. Blaxchabd Esq. for lame Hat·. Hoode Delivered to any part of the bathing suit, cheaper Commons, of course, have the power of with- we can that you could undersell us in our own Hon. Thuh.B. Jibed, F. H. F aimbit Ks«. V»k/ M WV VA VtUMgg. and waded out to them with his pea-nut and holding supplies, but only once (in 17K4) since markets and thus destroy all oar the revolution ol HiKS has Hon. CHARLES a Industries, this power beeu ex- Hatha* Webb. GRIMMER, dozen dollars found their way into the that yours would compete with. Teacher ef A lalia ercised.—Harper's Magazine. C. D. B. FISK uail ether Inlrnic··», ie Prof. Very well; I see that. Such woull & treasuty consequence. CO., of oourae I» the immediate of with a Concert. NO. 180 HUDDLE NTIEET. effect free trade CloelnK bu» in The Future of the Canadian Do- CÔE fiep25 dtf Boston PiK.t: Hold on hard! There's upon you ; tfine your condition would accommodate itself to the new situation, and Under Preble going to be a of the minion. F. E. Pbay, House, Congress Street. sj.lit political parties then you could bold your own in spite of the new British [Contempoary Review.] DRÏMiiTà7 mmm year. Wait and see. Ai.d befo e competition. M 0. Dow would that If ftnv arnm httlween < !.mafla nn*t îï.saâ.1 it comes we come about? dilDQte deel dlw say we are not sorry. There Prof. THE The prioe of a commodity in the mar- her Con nsellors-a have been great southern neighbor which involved t-Law, too many Irish-Americans on one ket depends upon the supply and the demand. she would and would side of the boat. In England the supply of labor Is to war, speedily succumb, ■ CENTENNIAL BLOCK, It left us nothing to ex ample uni IALL, PORTLHil. m .St Ail dumaniÎH ailH mnw»· flnnaennantlu î» be annexed to the United States. is pect from the other side, and the urn· 08 is wad we can Slxoliance Sit. cheap, produce goods cheaply. not sufficiently permeated by any vigorous sen- HATTER JOSLAJH a. voted with were so sure of us lliat F rue trade in jour would VBIDAT ΒΤΙΝΙΝβ, DEC. 3, Special DBUMMOXD. J081AH H. DKUMMOKO, JB. tLey country iuitantly timent o( to resist the no25 stimulate all our nationality powerful engagement of K. H. A. BBALB, « « ;ijii! t REAL ESTATE. glutted, and wages would drop to our standard, mauy linen-drapers. will be far other- Plaaitl m»ù Price of each in Fine way. and then They Acceaspaaiet. $3. ι i ii i $ it your favtori»* and would start Cloth1$2.50; Gilt, g ί i 4; Ε * forges I no The art Piano I1 ij§ ί»| il| htmi «*§ i)â| wise, have doubt, in time, and this un- following collection» of Utitic. L hp tin, and manufacturers Tickets, 76 cti., for sale M Stockbridge'a Music D R 0 S 8t SANBORN. W H Û L Ε S ALE & RETAI Ξ; Representative Pound of Wisconsin Hg your could com- ran CLUSTER OF CIBMB. 43 pieces of pete with ours. christian opinion of them have come Store. decldtd 1 λ» ii. Su to character. V .ïî.uû.uMjJI.-.ITJ!! 'i.É-i.fei..M will try secure the the high V ^JhLl, REAL ESTATE NOTICE. passage, duriug D. You understand that very well. You to nothing." Certainly this is a suffi- «EM* Of THE of the have described DANCE. 79 beat f i iliti coming session of Congress of the resolution cleariy the effect itwould have ciently ludicrous picture of the Ameri- of new danoe the moat celebrated jiii offer for sale lu or City Hall, Wednesday Eve'g, Dec. 8,1880. piece* moslc, by large small lots, all oar introduced him last upon us. But it is not our policy to cheapen in the same a by for cans of the day, who are composers. u>*U.\ \AIA\ WE property lieeriiig, being part Spring, providing labor. We wish to keep the wages of labor present diverging THIS WEBEB CLUB OF POKTLAKD. of the farm of the late lam *» a OB OF kTBAim 80 aplendld and bril- Μ -Ι, Deering. constitutional amendment, to extend the high; we meaeuix the of the coun- more and more from the who ml Μ This is the most valuable suburban prosperity English type, liant compositions. property in the 'he of labor. TBNOU. BASSOS. and will be sola law. Presiden ial term to six years. The resolu- try by price When It ig high have the beginnings of a new literature, and ntnOVOBTE OBMS. 100 select I.M I i-1·' r.i lit· !·&'*£ vicinity of Portland, very business is F. .James Watte, piano Plans and of the can prosperous, when wages are low, W, Hhaw, description premises be seen tion is now in in whom we can already detect the germs of Carl Weber, W. C. Lambert, pieeea. at oar office. pending the^House judiciary business is paralj zed. When wages are high John M. C. A1 an new national life. But it is Morgan, C. Pratt, ROnnniCLB. Vol. I. 170 easy p'a for o, building lots on Munjoy Hill, Congress, committee, and in its present form makes the working people have it iu their power to altogether H. L. William Houghton, Kelley, beginners. Deering. High, State, Mellen, Sherman, Qrant, an make liappy and comfoitable bornes. When mnch in accord with the actnal condition of P. P. Q. A. and incumbent of the Presidential office in- Perkins, Thomas, HOUR CIBCT.E. Vol. II. 142 of Portland, Wee; streets. are low pieces, which Vaughn wages they canuot do this, the Canadian who want J. B. Crifham, H. W. Pratt, To those to build or to invest in real es- to people, alike the gran- •It are for 4-hands. wishing eligible a second consecutive term. The and in old age, like work X. H, McMunn. T. J. Somen, tate, a rare is now offered. your people, Β opportunity 110 dear and dignity of the old nations of Thomas lion nelly, FA I.OB MUSIC. 2 Vole. 120 easy and pop second section also extends the terms of would have resource but in charity. Europe F. O. nlar pleeea. Whatever we want to make and the marvellous force and colossal euergy Tukey. To Let. members of the House of to happens high JtiHX MORGAN, ... Conductob. CBB1IIEDE LA CRBfflE· 2 Vola. 86 se'ect Representatives and the of labor. of the United States. Canada seems to lie Store No. 51 keep higiu wagee pieces of some difficulty, suite 1 to advanced playera Exchange St., chambers on Ex- three But we did not care stranded there the snows and ice of the Assisted by Mae. Marie Fogg Critieos. Soprano— DEANE & on years. suppose for this and among BROS. St. and Middle St. of Mlee FOCNTAI1* Of and SANBORN, change should alike from the historic cul- formerly Portland; Margaret Bryant, βΕΙΙβ. 97,easy popular adopt your policy. A considerable North, separated Mix of J. Contralto; Bertie Webb Portland, Violin- pieeea. The Largest and Best Stock of D. & F. FES8ENDEN, The English edition of time must elapse before we could our- ture of Europe and from the heroic aspira- ist—berArvt before the Her- Harper's Magazine adapt «ppearanoe publie ; VBLCO.HE HOnB. 70 easy and uov29 dOm 172 Middle Street. selves to the new conditions. In the mean- tions of America; sharing none of the precious Accompanist— popular begins with orders for that KotascUmar, pieces. MEDIUM and COMMOM 15,000 copies, time disaster must befall the traditions of aud untouched the will glre th lint of their eerie· of popular ooncerts FIIffE, inevitably great England, by number of the December issue been mass of our breath of M popular Admission Tickets 25c reeerred FEABL1 OF HELODÏ. 30pieces of mod- For Sale. having manufacturers and work people, democratic freedom which sweeps price*: erate Ieau 86e. For sale at "tockbrldge's Music Store. difficult)·. received. The edition and great financial embarrassment would per- through the United States. It is interesting HOUSES, at a bargain. Prices from English differs from The number of reserved seats Is limited. Those PIANIST'S ALBII». 102 Fine col- ranging vade branch of business. But now the materially to the British laborer and food-con- pieces. S $800 to ««,000. Apply to W. W. the American every them should deeldtd lection. CAKK, only in respect to the editori is it has not a shadow of desiring apply early. 1D7 Newbury Street. oetUdtf country more prosperous in all its industries sumer; intellectual sig- al for the All the books abore named are alike in slue, style, FURNITURE departments, which are conducted by and interests than any nation ever was before. nificance thinker. This may not be its 8AMARITAX binding and price. Why should we change all that? fault; it is, at any rate, ite misfortune—a mis- ASSOCIATION. and Mr. John Lillie, editor of the Houses House Lots for Sale formerly Prof. You have a boundless extent of most fortune which seems to remove it from the and treats of of Promenade Concert and Dance OLIVER DITSON k CO., Boston. to be found in the at prices that com- IN DEERING·. Galaxy, subjects particular fertile land, so cheap that any actual settler category of possible independent nationalities. nor 20 sr&Th&wtf State, defy interest to readers. It will be can have a farm without money. Your work It may be said that the United States are be- to English _ at — Apply CHABLEN RICH, people thrown out of employment could go ing oolonized now rather by stomachs than by petition. issued ten later in than at oelfitf 16 Exchange St., Portland Me. days England West and take up land. God has assigned brains; bat the United bi ites are a nation ΟΓΓIf TTATiIi, home, it being the custom of the English your country for agriculture. You oan pro- with grand traditions. The colonization of duce food of all sorts than we can; New England; the planting of Pennsylvania, 1·τ. TlAMmhfir Tth. 1 ββΑ. Nos. 183 and 185 Middle St. magazines to appear only ûve days ahead of cheaper aud we can manufacture goods for you, while the Revolutionary straggle, which, as repre- Prof. D. A. Rodgers time. you can produce food for us with which to sented in Franklin, Samuel Adams and Jeffer- Stoic hy haadler. pay fcr oar manufactures. son, was rather a development of the great ie now located at No. 3 Captain was permanently Deerlng Place, George Washington, who 1). We shall not intellectual movement of the h cen- off Deerlng Street. He has been tried, tent- probably agree as to the eighteen Ticket· 36 seat* or three for (1.00. For sale by chairman of the of Providence In relation than a mere contest the Hti ed, and found to be one of the last Democratic State Con" designs to as. At tury against Euglish Middle and W. E. Chandler, Mtu-io |j«*ler, 177 St., moet wonderful present we have protection to oar own indus- King aad Parliament; the auti-slavery contest; at the door. Cake aollelted. decl dtd veution of Tennessee, and who for stumped tries; the result of doing our own work instead aud, finally, the civil war—all these develop- CLAIRVOYANT his the recent NERVE FOOD PHYSICIANS, party during canvass, refuses of hiring others to do it as you suggest, is to ments of the great modern democratic move- hud abundant remunerative ment have made of America a laud of ROSSINI CLUB. hat bag ever visited thi* city. He ie now treating to follow the Bourbon lea·! rs any longer, employment for ideas, some of the beet citizens of Portland. uur people and to keep our at and have invested even the youug raw States declaring that "there are thii States money home, iy-eight instead of sending it to England as we used of the West with a halo of poetry and romauo·. Six Public REWARD Recitals, Xpwft Xvftroatw, $500.00 in the Union, and there will be fifty, per· to do. Under tuis system our country As compared with this, Canada has merely to has a in wealt'i and tell of a of re- ■ffiuiM Ttaralar. Dae. », ·> tlrrea Where I do not describe accurately every ache and hap*. For all national under tii· growth population, power century staguant provincialism, putposes, and more than lieved a third-rate insurrection. •Vlvck. ATLANTIC pain in the human body without asking a question greater rapid any other since only by of the patien Diseases of all nature treated aud Constitution, this is a nation, and with a the world «as. Why should we not conclude Tick·!· for the courae for iale the member*, by that Providence has suggested the of (Eudjioloç, Earl o( Beaoonsfleld.] dkel d2t A Care Ci un ran teed *r No bigN." policy Pay· ___ Iflutnal Insurance Co. protection to our own industries in order to Male Dinners. BO«gB If Doctor has failed to know such reaultî? an [A Sovereign Core in all forme of Ifervoaq yo'ir your diseases, A correspondent of the New York Tri- accomplish We have enor- Broken Donn OemtttnH send or come to me and 1 will give you full dia^n mous home market; the of Male dinners are In general not amusing. New Portland Theatre. Debility, in an article on the by keeping supply Heart •is in five minutes. bune, signal service, it our nions, vertigo, .Affection·, Nervous) OF NEW in own hands we stimulate When are formed, as of YORK, You h «ve but to hear me and be industry; they they usually are, nm CCRTU». .LESSEE AND MASAGEB. CURES convinced of the says the significance of the off-shore signals keen un the orieA nf khni·· αίνη amnlnvmant wonderful power God gives to man. Examination men who are supposed to pdssess a stron? a>-4 Bkeaauin, Neuralgia, Dipthcria, liits never been u> all our people, and induce skilled'workers §«n INSURE AGAINST Fee $1.00. correctly interpreted by the common Three Sight» and lUtinee, commencing Pnunla, Threat, Iaflamma- MARINE from other nations to come to us and sympathy—political, spotting, litera- and ilea and 11is Catarrh a Specialty· dtf establish Wystem, tories Fall Vigor ll·· ml Ike lup, Um la- nautical class. lliiuk it indicates a THURSDAY, DEC. 2nd. Back, They their trades lu re. This effect of is ry, social—tfijere is a mon- lamnallu »t Ike Ki ney·. Back protection military, necessarily RISKS ONLY. chance to while the in "now iu lull amd has been The Badaeal Tra|«4iaa, BoldbrallDrnMlit». 81 per boUlo-ffli bottles $5, Ac··· Pile», Η····μ·, Mara· good sail, original progress otony of thought and feeling, and of the mate- MEed to Sbiun a Msmot BtrUcrd, Ct., te Orosltr. •r Scald·, and all Iaflnm- .or many years. Manufacturers from Health is Wealth ! teution was to indicate danger. It works rials which induce and In a t^tJipe Dr. SCOTTSÏlver, Kidney,and Rhea ■m tary Ditnin. rbls Company will take risks at their offlcoa, New Kurope transfer their business and ma- thought feeling. matle on P1A8XKR· Eostiu the world. Price For all female complainte and weakneesee it lias York, Vessels, Cargoes and Freights, and issue like Lord Timothy Dexter's warming pans cnuiery 10 our and their work mile dinner of party politicians, conversation cento. ooantry, J.B. so equal. Subdue· local pall ·, givlug relief at once. open policies to merchants, making risks binding as Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treat also, on a scale. make [88 iu no peuple very large soon into what Is termed STUDLET, as Cuba, for They degenerates "i-hop;" soon purposes, Oar illamiuated Cards and Circulars sent water-borne. ment; a specific for Hvsltr inanulaciurers in that respect to great dis- eepl8 sent mail on of price. η Sale of Seate Tneeday, Nor. 30th. nor29dtd eod&wly dollars; by prepaid receipt th· Door. Th« statute Is 60 veais Old and .10 vantage. Under protection money has be- glimpses their talk which would seem to in- We guarantee six boxes to cure a y case. With Dividende to Holders on come abundant and more abondant—a timate that have another life Policy each order received by us for tlx boxes, accompan- has long been a dead letter. The poor cheap, they ou side the ied with five we will send the our 4>eat dea·—and mu :li cheaper- than ever ke- W. U. PEVNELL & Premiums Terminating In 1879 dollars, purchaser board of have undertak. Houses of Parliament. But that extenuuiug CO., written guarantee to return the money if the treat- Scranton, however, 'Ce. Formerly all our great enterprises, of Gilbert's circumstauoo doe s not to the Assemblies, —BKGDŒEB8 OF·- ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued by en to enforce It in that city. λ liatevt-r so. t, wire embarrassed for lack of apply sp irting all in Portland and 40 PER CENT. druggists everywhere. Jioney or by its high price, and we were com- dinner. There they begin with odds aud han- JOH * W PKKKINS & General Every Thursday GO., Agents. The Boston Herald does not tlio 11 pelled logo to Kuglaud for It, the Evening. septidcow&weowly ortland. put draining dicaps, and end with handicape and odds, and .untry bj the l.igli interest we were com- Tieketf admit Oentn wiih 75e. Tick- THE Losses Paid in most faith in It it is doubtful whether it ever occurs to tint Ladle·, CURATIVE CUP. Argus correspondence. say» to N.>w, we have abondant any et· for a oonree of 00. Thirty Days pelled pay. money Six Amemblle·, $3 with foam Is one Crowned the goblet, bat 'tie not Cham the "Occasional" letter, purpoi ting to conn >i home, at a low interest, for all our good en- present that there is auy other existing Plain and Fancy Dancing meet* pagne. and Dealers In After Proof. from has "jo of terpr ses that comuiaud the confidence of the combination of atoms odds and handi- Tuesday and Friday Krenings. dot29 dtf Souroe of headaches and heartaches, aud gastric Augusta, a.pearanco prili- except Oil money market ; aud we go to England for mon· distress; caps. A dinner of wits is a J. P. President. Vitriol, ability whatever." lor douutlul ana proverbially pal- Tie ti e 8ELTZKB Ateriest, a balm for the Steam, Gas, Water Pipe Fix- JONES, MURIATIC AND NITRIC oy only shaky enterprises— a -a f— it.-.—ii λ brain, ACIDS, ace of and the and hatred And a core for the evils CHARLES DENNIS. Vice President .ike the Emma Mine, and Contederate bonds. silence, envy which produced by excess. W. H. It tempers the blood, the clogged system tures, &c. H. MOORE, 2d Vice President, Glanber'a Salt Bad other Chemical·, Skckftaby Shekman is afflicted with too It is an old and wise saying, "Let well enough all literary men 'eel, especially when they are relieves, A. A. 3d Vioe President. Corrects the foal stomach, the liver contrels RAVEN, MASUfACiraED BY much brother-in-law. iloiie." Why should we change a policy that exchanging dedications of mutual affection, New life from the NOS. 17 4k 19 U^IION STREET. feb!7 dlmtTT&811m&w6w draught every organ achieves, ha* produced results so wonderful for good? always insures, in such assemblies the agreea- RARE CHANCE. And a eload fn>m the mind of the invalid rolls. Frnl. In MERRIMAC CHEMICAL England your protective tariff is ble presence of a general feeling of Such are the effects of Tarbaxt's Kfterves- We Are prepared to furnish and set in the beet CO., painful np regarded as unfriendly to our country, It not constraint. If a thing occurs ι» a fTENT Seltzer Aperient, the portable represen- manner and at abort notice all kinds of appliances Office 73 Kilby St., Boston. good guest, life eiaed Portrait at from to Conservatism Bun Mad. .tortile to because It affecte it his (26 Crayon $12 tative of the famoos Seltzer and the most for by M lea m er H*t Water. Also lor Blue it, our interests so he will not express lest neighbor, who is |16 to and Satisfac- Spring, Btsli·! mse. jcmb ravEBS' sale, Aqua Ammonia, Vitriol, Acetic A according style finish. agreeable and eSclent of alteratives. We hare some to which we would ask 1 be Year injuriously ; and for that reason, If for no oth- a novel iu number·, shall tion teed. specialties Acids, etc. nov!7WFAM3m [AU Round.] publishing appropri- guaaa SOLD BY ALL the attention of all interested. The or, we think we hare a claim that ate it next mouth, or he who has the DKUGGIST8, Duaning I once beard out In the conree of a just yoa hiuMelf, nov20 Magasine Bailer fur and tbe Hitcb- VETERINARY SALVE. brought should Sample* on exhibition at Studio, 8,Tu&T3w steam, modify it, if not change it entirely. same responsibility of production, be deprived iag*> magasine Bailer for hot water, are in· trial—if the ten minutes' be a trial—a D. It A pooitire cor* far! il win remove bearing seems to as an extraordinary sugges- of its legitimate Those who de- trodnoe^ as this and commend themeelve* SKATES! SKATES! appearance. 148 St., Portland. by year Hoof statement which much me tl eu tion that our domestio should be ar- sire to learn of the Exchange E. F. to all who of oar DiwstM, Hp iriat. very surprised policy something manœuvres at RIPLEY, understand the needs winter clim- Winn ate. in Mcratcheo, («nil·, and ranged to promote the interest of other nations the Russian and Prussian rot < r the Combination heating, or not water connec- Bun η LADIES' AND GENTS' SKATES. surprised me still more when I verifii d lews, lus Bore., m lie oi our own. V eterinarv tion with hot air which has nroved so *uc- iUuightlr Buncho, injury It would be a style last rumor at Aldershot or the clubs, Burgeon heating, Madule Gall·, I Ac. It to ALSO the assertion. I was in Bristol, and in military cessfai in this 8tate the nve λ will penetrates being of statesmanship that has never been in- will know where to tinii this feast of reason. Still continues to treat all the diseases our domestic daring pant ears, Cut. and Brulac., the will not blister yet still receive our careful attention. All work of thi? bone, GIRLS' AND BOTS' SWINGS. the court, beard a case decided where a tried of all in The flow of soul in animals are heir to, upon the most and never takes off any hair. eounty wuiioually anywhere, least Eng- these male festivals is, per- approved and kind gnatanteed to satis action. land. scientific principles. All orders left at N. Wilson's give perfect Londoner, who bad settled in the ancient France, Germany and Switzerland are haps. on the whole, more genial when found We are ed to undertake all kinds C. DAY & city, stable, ÎW Federal St., will be attended especially prepa No horse owner should be withont JR., CO., also affected by our tariff, not to so In a of promptly ef Sanitary work and wou'd be to furnish it, was summoned for a quarter's rent. His de- thongh society young gentlemen, gruluates to. aepll eodSm* free glad nothing to it hao ever been 187 MIDDLE STKEET. ^reat a degree as England. Bat we have nev- pf the Turf and Marlborough, aud estimates to all who may doeire our services. equal pre- nov24 dlw fence was that he had given due warning; tb er had a lrom elthir of them that aud it Winter Board for ocl6 d*m sented to the publie, the liest horsemen suggestion guided in their benigna stud- Hone·. in the landlord this, and theu the teuaut it M not wise, and within onr to ies the experience and the mild to br country hure it· A Good Rent. disputed clearly right, by gentle board E. S. Barnbam. β.*· fremunaa &. acknowledged oar such a LimineT «κυβ. arraug· domMtio polioy is manner wisdom of White's. The startling eoaiidal. the tes, co Bm of efficiency, six &e. West proved that he had given it on tb· 23d ot De- HOMB8 flpialfty bay. Alaise room·, ga«, Scbago, {furnace, λ» to Dromon our ova interests; and 1 do not and the shots afiurd Adrertlring A rent*, OF corner Onmbwlaod .and Hanover St·. Alio cember. "Whioh," retorted the "λ astounding leaps, amazing Price SO conta and $1.00 box. laad.ord, think will set the claim (or the moment a same what dis·' no- 1(M w. iwiiMi it., onicimrA*i. per ■tx room· at Ko. β Hixover St., brick hon*·, firgt England serioasly up pleasing For Sal. JAMES BALLET & CO. two days after quarter-day." "What," ex- that our tariff should be for bar ben- tmt when it Is that all them EWmatM Mr Send for by floor, ou, 9»bago, and fnrnare. WM. H. .TERRIS, arranged tion, disoorered K&igije Olrealar. apS (11 our own. "wvffl dlw· claimed the Judge; "two day· after quart®*- efls UitMd of K. D. habitual flim-flams are, general, the thy mnmu>AY auNumro. dec. i. MASSACHUSETTS LOSS OF THH8IMCOB. The Case of Rev. Pelham Dale. Bomiad Atoclf Jlarkel. 8teamer New Brunswick, Thompson, St John, In the case of Bev. T. Pelham Λ cler- Sa'esof the Br.«iter's Board. S"ov. 80. NB. via Kaitport for Boston. FINANCIAL. THE BUYERS GUIDE. Dale, Seta .lull* St John, NB—lumber gyman of the church of and Rector First OalL S, (Br) Mclntyre, England, I O'>s(ou 140 to Μ Ρ Emery. of 8t. Vedast, arres'ed Oct. 30th and impris- & Maine Hallroad creatures of exaggeration—that the scandal is Funeral of the Victims of the Btoughton Story of the Disaster Told by the Second (Jail. Sch Marysville. (Br) Hurdan, Frederi^kton, NB— oned in Holloway jail for the orders It R not true, tbe anecdote has no foundation, and disobeying Γ> Eastern liailcoad 33% ties to Bc^ron A Maine KR. TRADE CIRCULAR. Tragedy. of thj Ecclesiastical Court on Seta Η. Ν. that the feats of skill and strength are invested Survivors. by carrying 50· do 33 Chi lion. Pope, Boston. PINKHAM, Brockton, Maes., Not. 30.—The fanerai of ritualistic after Seta Stolla Boston. with the weakness of the practices, to-day, long argu- Lee. Brewer. organic tradition, Mrs. Littletidld and ber little sod Albert was Soli .James Boston—molasses to ments on an application for a writ of habeas Ni** 1'srli Mtsck and Nichols, Chllds. STOCK BROKER, Tngaries lose of the charm of nov- 01··«τ Msrkfl. W Η something held at East Stougbton this afternoon. Rev. a view to his release 011 Robinson. Jr. elty, and are almost as as claret from THE ENGINE ROOM BROKEN BY THE corpus,with tbeground (By Telegraph.) Sch & ineipid Ζ. T. Sullivan, of Brockton, conducted the of of the Polly Clarissa, Ball. Boston. 50 Exchange Sti-eet. which the has invalidity proceedings, Queen's Nkw Vork, Nov. 30-fcve nng. -Money market Sob Abbv bonqaet evaporated. services, which were peculiarly and without Was*on, ix>rd. Sac-o. impressive HEAVY BEA8. Bench division, expressing an opinion very light, rate ranged from 6 per aruum and Vi Sch Port affecting. Mr. Littletield's condition is Brilliant. Wheeler, Clyde RETAIL TRADE to-day upon a raised, granted the writ asked for, commission, dosing 6; prime mercantile paper 5@ Sch Elizabeth. Dun ton, Boothbay. to be mnch worse. point 6. Mary Stocks aud Bonds uud Stories of Parish Clerks. reported returnable Monday uext, and also Sterling Kxchange weak at 478%n478% for Sch Sullivan for Boston. bought granted and Angola, Dyer, rules the to long 480% @480% for short. Governments sold on commission or [Allthe Tear Konud.l Orkin fc-ji'KD, Ont., Nov..TO.—Steamer Man- calling upon prosecution prove for Cleared. for cash of the steady 6s, but and ys lower for other issues. which arrived the the validity proceedings against Dale. — When a clergvman has gone to take the du- NEW YORK itaulin, to-night, brought State bonds Louisiana consols 51 Vs. 'Hie stock Barque Samuel Β Hale, Haven, Buenos A y res—R carried on a reasonable margin. chief mate, first engineer, wheelman, fireman Rochefort's Bravado. market closed quiet. Lewis & Co. OF PORTLAND, ME., ty for a friend and was leaving the he The Orders for stocks on Boston and church, and deck hand of the steamer Simcoe which to the Times from Paris transaction» at the Stock K*eh:inge aggregat- Barque Eliza White, Wotton, Ponce, PR—Nutter, A despatch says:— ei looked at the sky ai.d made a remark to the fouudered on 396,700 shares Κ imbail & Co. N. If. stock exe- The Times Sued for the 31th inst. The Simcoc left M. Rochefort has invited signatures for an ap- boards, promptly $5·,000. iiw ioilowmg are to-«iay's cl»>SiA»r quotations of Barque »J R Lopez. Leland, Wiscasset, to load for clerk as to the w eather on tbe Chicago, Not. 18, and experienced continued to the for a site for a parish probable New Nov. were served on plication municipality Government securities Cuba-Pbinney & .Jackson. cuted. York, 30.—Papers and severe on when the clerk gales the Lake Michigan, accom- monument to the Communists killed in 1871. Uwted States Sch Ε G Willard, G morrow, replied, "Ah, sir, G< orge Jout-s of the Times Counsel 6's. 1881. leg 104% Simonton, Philadelphia—Ε Stock obtained on re- today, by panied hy heavy snow which she mere but nited States Willard. privileges FOR 1880. do that for Josh of storms, This is, of course, bravado, it shows «'&. 1881, coup. 104% HOLIDAYS, they say the hypocrites can discern the Hart, publisher Tr«ith, claiming weathered. on Alice Earl; the of the 24th, of the extreme United States new r»·#. .. 101% Scb Dean, Watts. Pembroke—Ν Blake. liable N. IT. at lowest rat^s. 850.000 for libel. The srticle ou which morning the present temper party. reg.. houses, faoe of tbe specific while on the south niteii States new Sch Franklin Stinson. Ellsworth—Waldron sky," Another parish clerk apol- side of Manitoulin Island, the Jews in Fvn. coup. 1<»1% Pierce, duel eodtf action is based appeared in the Times Nov. U, Persecution of Germany. U i'ed & True. ogized to a church who had been the sea broke over her so heavily that it broke States|uew 4%'s. reg 110s,4 diguitary and brought iu Hart's name with 30.—The Voss Gazette violent- nited >taie> new Sch Helen M, Cherrytleld—Ν Blake. unpleasantly through the çngine room, putting out (he fires. Berlin. Nov. 4Mi's, coup 111% Bray, «ammoned to take service at a small those of the in tbe Morey German Gazette for try- rnited States'uew Sel» Mary Snowman, Oliver. Batb—Ν Blake. village alleged purjurers The ship became perfectly and ly attacks the North | i's,reg 111% unmanageable nited states ne^ 4'»· .. 111 Sch Arrival, Farnbum, Chate. The Trade Circular la "I am to have Chinese letter case. No suit bas been brought to the of the Jews- Vs Boothbay—D following respect- ®juroh, sorry, sir, brought remained in the trongh of the sea, taking in ing palliate persecution P*e>tV.'H of 95 by Hart against the Tribune. The Voss Gazette expresses the opinion that .130 SAILED—Barque Flora Ρ Stafford; brigs .losefa, Mr. Woodburv been admitted fully presented by the nndersigaed Bé- each % gentleman as you to this little water until noon when she sank. The *ve having poor the North German Gazette on The following were the «Ψκηης quotations of F H .Jennings; scbs Maggie Dalling, Carrie Belle, tail Houses of Portland, with a view to Marrying for Money. survivors succeeded in into a life boat the articles in to the of the Boston Steele A worse would have done if we had getting It Fannie Flint, and others. membership plaoe. who and made unsuccessful the are inspired. says:—' TheGov- we are to execute show the extent and variety of article· Mrs. Theresa Reineuschnieder. aged 28. attempt* to eave some question Rock aland 122% Exchange, pre pared known where to find him!" ornuieut are a game, and they and the names of thoae only is alleged to bave married fourteen differ nt of the others. When the hull went down the playing paltry dnois 119 FBGjI OUR CORILE8POXDEKT. orders at that Exchange at the same handled, large throw out the card of Jewish dealers who make this It is said of a clergyman who so forgot the men for the purpose ot robbing them, has been rest of the crew, with the captain, second merely persecu- C dcago & Alton .138 Wise ASSET, Nov. 24—Sid, sch Albert Daily, rates of commission as those charged by City the best tion in order to strike at civil as 'tiieaiso ac Alton arrested. mate and two women, twelve in liberty, they preleiret 140 Goldthwaile. Norfolk. of market and trade centre for the proprieties of his office that in reading tbe numbering socialist C. B. A Boston Brokers. Daily people were and no did with the agitation." Quincy 171% Nov sch Anna far Port au quotations Dont Give the Evidence? all, standing forward made appar- New 20—Sid, Bell, Conary. the are us of Maine. service to a of he altered Why They Verk rentrai .. 14' leading stocks lelegiaphed •burohing lady title, ent effort to save themselves. Those in the Immense Damage to Shipping on the Prince. not to Hall to- Lake Shore ..... 3»"Parties prepared visit Port the words "save this An address issued by Tammany 120% Nov 27— Ar, sch Buena Vista. Thurrell. Portland. inoruiug and afternoon, and η ill be bul- woman" to "save this life boat then made for Providence Bay and Volgra. i « mar order night states that the sub-committee to in- lugan etniaf Ill Nov 28—A r. schs D L Sturgis, Gould, Boston; Sa- letined at our office for the benefit of the land, goods from the follow· which took the steamer Manitoulin for this port. 30.—The Prie lady," upon the courtly parish clerk vestigate the frauds,etc., at the recent election St. Petersburg, Nov. ire in the 44% die Corey, do. WOOIlBURf k MOULTOX. lag classifications with perfect reliance has broken at Krie referred 77% Sid, scb Charleston. public. promptly made the very natural' respouse, is in possession of evidence which clearly dem- Volga suddenly Nijni Novgorod B«nj Courtney. Baker, that their orders will be at· Sortit western. Nov scbs Κ va C Corner Middle & Exchange Streets. promptly was enor- in consequence of the warm weather. Five 127V* 30—Ar, Yates. Yates, Boothbay: "who her trust in Thee." onstrates that the Republican vote INTERNAL REVENUE. Northwestern » «referred. deel (J lui tended to. Satisfaction or patteth ladyship's steamers and were 142% Maria Louisa. Dickinson, Boston. guaranteed mous.y increased by systematic colonization, thirty barges destroyed Milwaukee Λ St. Paul li>K money refunded. The Rev. Prebendary Jackson, in speaking >>f and of grain, and Sid, sobs H«»pe Haynes. (new) Gamage, New York; unblushing bribery and the most cowardly in- large quantities naphtha S Pau' preferred 121 Hattie Ν Gove, Turner, Charleston. Berkshire clergymen within his own recollec- timidation of workingineu. The address in- iish lost. The damage is immense. New Jer*e\ entrai 7<»% Annual Report of Commissioner Raum. Dion vites all who are to com- vs. Greece. Pacific 98 Nov sch Gard- tion, says, oouoerning a village church where coguizaut of frauds Turkey EASTPORT, 17-Ar, Abby Weld, Washington, Nov. SO.—The report of the Western Union Tel.

DRAMA. THE THS SOBI8NBB Ο ABB. MUBiO AN U THE EMu 8- Goff. NEW PRESS. It beoomes our painful duty to chronicle the ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION SAL Eh. death of Ellas S. Goff, of The Respondent Files an Answer. THE DBtJMMEB BOT. Esq.. Representative WEDNESDAY MORNING, DEC. 1. the towa of Qorham in the Legislature of 1880. The Drummer Boy was repeated last even* He died at his late home iu Gorham yesterday. ing to another large and enthusiastic audience. THB PRESS It will be remembered that D. W. Scribner, Mr. Goff was born in the town of Gray June Great Sale of The various features were received with :—IMMENSE—: Holiday Goods at the Periodical Ladies' be obtained of M. G. ap- M*y Depots whose expulsion from the Cumberland Bar 1811. Ho was of stock, his ^'rtwuden, Marquis, A Arm· the careful drill of 26, Revolutionary Co., Andrews, was plause and showed both BY P. recommended the committee, was or- was killed on the field of battle at I AUCTION.ν ιχοιιδ,Ο)!, We&iwerth, tiodsdon, Hayden. W. by grandfather ·> Mo» ooruer and Fore welander. principals and subordinates. We should not ru>, Exchange St.; dered to file an answer to the committee's re- Monmouth, N. J. He inherited those manly fiof «m & Maine L>epot, and Chisholm Brew., on all fail to the both Mies Success the returnable and show mention singing by Alice Attends Sale of Commencing Wednesday, Dm. 1st ran η that run out of the city. port, yesterday, cause, if virtues which distinguished his early aucestors. Winter Wlllard Small & Co. Carle and Miss Greely, which forms a delight- Alburn, any, why he should not be expelled. He was a man, and honestin whatever At 10 o'clock a. il.» and Ajusta, F. Pierce. ful portion of the entertainment. We must positive Mr. Kangor, J. H. Babb & Co. Yesterday Scribner Sled his answer, in again enforce upon our readers the necessity of course of action his judgment induced him to of J. 0. Shaw. he Y Bath, which denies that be has violated his pro- securing seats before the evening of perform- follow. He au education at the com- ΙΌΝΊΊΝΤΊΜί ΕΥΚΗ DAY, P. M. Burnhaa. acquired Biddeford, ance or will be DONGOLA ·♦ fessional or they probably BOOTS been of disappointed. Jellerson's Bookstore. oath, guilty professional mon schools and developed the disposition and Cloaks I 4 Τ Store corner of Middle and 'temple Street*. le not it is a fact. Daniel Dickeo·. This "taffv;" The ami Uridfton, misconduct. He says in answer to the first to on but largest finest stock of New and De- the ability work the farm, afterwards sirable Novelties Btuusmck, H. O. Deumson. MONTE CHKISTO. and S ta le Holiday Goods we have that his written contract with ever (mm»· rland F. A. Verrill. charge Theophi- the trade of a wheelwright, he con- j offered. City ami dealers to Mills, Both from a scenic, as well as an learning Country wishing Djunarlaootta, K. w. Dunbar lus. B. was to the laws of acting point purchase are invited to attend. Morgan according structed many mills, and at a later period was are the Best Boot Freeport, W. A Mitchell. of vi' w, a capital opportunity will be afforded They Walking yet made, F. O. K. C. Harmon. New York, and related to matters that made in in Maine and New BULGY & CO.. liir-tioiMM'i*. Fryeburg, the of New Portland engaged lumbering noν 29 Gardiner, Palmer & Go. him answerable to the tribunals of management Theatre to diiw that State He became a resident of Gorham nice and easy Gurh*m, J. irisii. make a "ten-strike" in the of Mon- Hampshire. being water-proof, fitting, and not to those of Maine. The contract was production EASTMAA Avftisufc'N Hale of Venarl'·. C. in has been the BROS. & Hallo well. L. and for thirteen years Spauldlng. te Christo. The dungeon in the Chateau 18U7, OF Chaud 1 r Λ Estes. not or d'Jf, neat and INNOLVfcM'V, Lewiatoti, corrupt repugnant to the laws of New senior of the firm of Goff & Pluramev, durable, do not turn or Republican, & MKW AuVMl*ii»HijKH£MTS Tu-DAY PALMER. ter Garments, consist- ^iUiANUiS HgNSHAW CO., Auctioneers lessly. Just prior to our centennial exhibition Ed- ways to make sacrifice for the suc- AIX·— ready any decl dtf In answer to the I will sell at public auction, on ENTERTAINMENT OOLCMN. third charge Mr. Scribner ward King, the versatile correspondent of the cess of his He was a true SATUKI'AV, party. temperance of DEC. 4. 1880, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Boulai Club Six Public claims that the ing Ulsters, Have- Kecitale two sums of $25 and $15 re- Boston Journal gave a graphic description of man by example and He was a con- salesroom of F. U BAlI.EV & CO., Exchange M. ■ M. precept. AMoclatiou—Free Lectures. street, iu 1 he city of PoRl LAND, Vs of tbe Sill Ρ Samaritan spectively were used as intended by Mr. Mor- the Hungarians who were creating a great sen- scientious and and the towu AMoclation—City Hall. upright citizen, J. P. KUOWN of Port laud, buUt in Kow>nl to his locks,Cloaks, Dolmans, 1,550.«on*, Hall—Reineiifi. gan, pay (Scribner's) expenses to New sation In Paris by their music, swaying the of his adoption has met with au 1874, being uart of the separate estate of said Bail—TUe Weber irreparable City Club. the mu TV. λ wi and of the Κ s York for thA imwntinn nf multitude at their will. Hè also wrote of loss. His Thompson, Ve S V Μ ΗI Ρ, being part health has been failing for several GRAND TUMBLE Jackets and of the M 8CELLANE0US NOTICES. Circulars, separnt estate of said Titcoinb. oelpt for the $15 was dated instead of the who and after a tedious Fur her informai ton «β tr» ti.u si.inmo» >"> *«»»·« December Hay Remenyi, great Hungarian violinist, months, sickness lie has let. 1880—Fitzgerald. in lrnv mtuliiim ourl Me.-srs. J. S. Wiusiow & her Steamer Francnnla. Jane by mistake. He also states that be filed entertained the as n· one has since the naseod aorav lootrirm ΚαΚΐηιΙ η «η .1 ... ..«J Co., ship'·» husband, or people of the assignee in the Clerk of FINANCIAL COLUMN. the U. S. Circuit Court's office days of Ole Bull. Wilhelmj and Remenyi both adopted daughter, who have the sympathy of (F. Ο. BAILEY & CO., Auctioneers.) for The above sales will be of the entire H. N. PinVbMm- Slock Broker, Southern Kew York a bill and supplemen- came to this country verv near the same time, the entire community. The funeral exercises fine proportion* FROM FORMER PRICES ! goods. of said ships as above stated or in smaller tal bill in in reference to and while the one beld the attention and com- shares, equity Morgan's busi- will be held at his late residence at North Gor- as sbaii be deemed to be expedient at the time of NEW Ai)VEKTltiKMBNTH. manded the iutense respect and admiration of In sale. that «u -1—ι order to a ness; Mr. Davis, Clerk of the U. 8. Cir- v... ki. J 1 ham on Dec. 2d, at a. m. Immense—M. Ο Palmer. Thursday, 104 supply Kennebunk, Nov. 22, 1880. Won ouit Court in this told him erfnl Christmas >t. Kichoi&e—Scribner & Co city, the proper Kemenyi carried hie houses ss'by a whirlwind. nov24 did JOH f»ANE, Vssignee as aforesaid. Tu Investor· —H. B. & Co. over The Inauguration. demand for Frye charge therefor would be $7.50; that Morgan For five years he was violinist to Queen low-priced Art Notice—Stabbe Bros. and this he has Col. White of the Maine militia hag received I. O. BAILEY A tOM paid him 87.00, but as Scribner decided after- Victoria, throughout country been received with crowded audiences. The the letter fro η Mills of Wash- we are sell- wards that it was u nadvinable to take out sub- following Major Garments, Vnetloiipers and Coram Isslen Merchant* Steamer Franconia will leave for New York following wilt be the programme at Kossini ington : $10.00 Fancy Cassimere Suit Reduced to I hie afternoon at 4 o'clock. poenas that he kept the 87.00 untouched, and Hall, Friday night: Striped $5.00. HaifurMiu If» £ichHO«t »·. "The ceremonies the 4th a never Sonata inaugural upou of ing Nobby refused to account therefore. Beethoven Rough F. O. BAILS Y. 0. W. ALLKA. Dkhbek 1st, 1880, finds Fitzgerald open Mr. H W. A. Beale. March next will be unusually attractive and Bespondent claims he has never refused to "La will be iu crack and ready (or business with an entire new Caprlccloea" Blumenthal participated by rery many Jacket at $4.75. Regular sale of Furniture and General Mproh» to Mite from all over the account Morgan for moneys advanced. That Clara Poole. regiments country. Should dise every Saturday, at 10 o'ci.00 the money was for that "Angels at the Window" Tours preferred t go into camp. Should you con- mined faithfully spent pur- ΑΙΤΤΙΟΛΕΕΚΝ, (and oar position justifies) to satisfy the Miss Poole. template such au excursion for your command, poee, and also he paid out of hie own pocket moat exacting in prices and of goods. And&'ugian and Love the earlier you make arrangements the better. · $6.50, $6.75, $7.00. quality for Chi r a tt two trfps to Boston, and Morgan is really Duet Kemenyi Under such circumstauces I would be to 6. J glad HORSE and CARRIAGE 1ART, Reform is the Order at the Day. indebted to him for SIS iu Ια. Liberty Hymn J serve in and all υ mull These are spent prosecution of E l^uard you any ways possible." φι.υυ Union Bea- but lets soap that old Brown Windsor will Kemenyi. JTclIlb, Morgan's business; and further, that the ser- "Where is Heaven" Martin Plnm Street, Portland Me. never be removed from the toilet of the fash Mr. De Celle. STATÛJ NEWS. vices he has rendered are worth trim- Morgan $300, a· ver,yery prettily tollable world. The purest and most violinλ lOlin Rolnaooloe I "Longing" Itomenyl Λ net ion Sale Every Su turtle) at 10 A. 11. fragrant which he does not expect he will ever pay him. j b studi() Pagaulni all Reduced to is that of the old London firm—J. & Ε. Atkin- Edouard lined, $1.00. and as In answer to the fourth Kemenyi. nice fit- oharge respondent la OXFORD COUNTY. med, Agentiifor theCelebrnted ('«ucord Ilnrasea· βοκ. Duett—"SI stanchezxa'V ...... Verdi decl-W&S he is not and ■ays guilty, that tbe affidavit was Miss Poole an l Mr. De Celle. Frank Thomas of Andover has promised to as our better Bale's Hoket of Hoarhound and Tab left with the justice of the peace, the affiant KOTES. put 1,500,000 feet of spruce lumber into Ellis ting the most liver at North Rumford the everpewers troublesome oough with- ordered to go and execute it, and some time Kelt forenoon the Kossini Club coming winter, in hours. Thursday from the Lane land, so called, aud it is said Cloaks. forty-eight after give the first of a series of six recitals at re«pondent received the affidavit from public John Staples of will into said Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one minute. their hall on street. The concerts Carthage put the magistrate and turned it over to the Exchange river 1,000,000 feet of at South Andover JUST R£€KIV£D ! nov27 dflt prin. will be on the first spruce following given Thursday from said laud. ter, believing it had been properly executed. of each month. Thirty yean' experience of an Old Keazar Falls is a The answer is sworn to before W. H. Motley, The Boston papers speak highly of "Lieacon to have woolen mill. 810,- A large involo* of the colebrnteit Nurse. MHS. WINSLOW'S 800THING Crankett" to be in this next 000 have already been subscribed aud work Justioe of the Peace, and the case will produced city SYRUP is the prescription of one of the best proba- week. has begun. It will be run by a Mr. Taylor of female physicians and nui>es in the United bly be tried at the January term. Portland. States, and has been used for thirty years with Boating Notes. SOMERSET COUNTY. ALL WOOL «11 CLOAKS, suoceas millions of Personal. There are Weber never-failing by mothers for two well clubs W. > organized rowing Mrs. J. Spollelt of Palmyra village has a Men's À11 i-i ·''·*·· their children. It relieves the child from The Unitarian of has ex- Wool Pants Reduced to pain, Society Bangor In this city, known as the Cnion Rowing As- very mischievous monkey which she chained $2.50. at $8, $9.50 and $10 we omn and diarrhœa, in the tended a dysentery griping unanimous call to Bev. β. J. Stewart sociation and the to a chair, one day last week, aud during her bowels, and wind-colic. health to Cumberland Rowing Associ- consider excellent Bar- By giving to beoome their absence for au hour, he dragged the chair the Otid H resta the mother. Price pastor. ation. The former has for notable rowers For Twenty- within reach of a stand, on which was a $7.5», $8.00, $8.50, $0.00, 110.00 and $12,00 We find dif Kranich&Bach five Cents a bottle. Bev. Melville of Portland has it very nov278MW&w6mo McLaughlin Davis and Kennedy, single and double scull tobacco cutter and tobacco. On her return gains. a call to accepted officiate as rector of St. of New she found the stand overturned, a of the an ficult to on hand Da. C. W. Benson's Cklkry and Chamo- champions England, while amongst plug We Display Immense Assortment of keep ASD Matthew's cburoh, and will enter tobacco mangled, a piece of the tail mile Pills are prepared expressly to cure Sick Hallowell, the rowers of the Cumberland Association the uioukey's full line of the de- his work on the floor and the monkey, himself, minus sizes, Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic upon next work. Bev. Mr. Flack, most notable are Conwell and O'Brien, who, the tip of his tail, mounted on the chair, mand is so Headache, Neuralgia and Nervousness, and the former ie at in large for them pastor, present Bocheeter, on several have beaten the best chewing a quid of tobacco aud the blood will cure any cape. Price CO eta., postage free. occasions, pair drip- MEN'S WINTER Ν. Y., but has received a from from the end of his the OVERCOATS. From the above our & flattering offer oared crews in ping tail, upon carpet pri- Raisons, Banqs Co., Wholesale Drug- America. Buckley, who won below. Wheelock gists, 117 and 11!) Middle street, Me. a large parish in a Western city. the ces Portland, champion cup presented by the city of YORK ΟΟL"STY. up to $30. General Hon. Oeo. D. range Agents. octl8eodtf Bisbee of Buckfield has had Boston last Leaders we Have Fourth of July, also the winner of A man by the name of Hunt belonging iu lone, Followers j an on his arm Dr. IVfany. operation performed by the first Kennebunk, suicide in a barn at- PORTLAND POST OFFICE. prize (a gold watch) at Lake Marano- attempted Qreene at the Maine General Hospital, which tached to the hous3 one in oook regatta, and it is believed a occupied by Batch, it is by great Somesville, so PIANOS Oku 18, IS NO. hoped will prove successful in relieving called, Thursday morning. many that be is the coming man. Conley, Hunt has been in the Insane OFFICE HOURS: him from the serious Asylum three effects of a wound which who won the first times and had prize in the open Fourth of just returned and was C.D.B. Τ visiting FISK& ASP HI a. m. to 8.30 Dolmans. From 8.00 p. m., Sundays excepted. Mr. Bisbee received when in the at the Batches. for army. July regatta a Lowell, the They proposed to take him CO., Carriers and General Mass., present Sunda)·, open Delivery year, which from » to 10 a.m. Congressman has gone to home proposition he did uot like, and Vrye Washington. and who has now taken T. F. Burke as a $6.50 will bny a neat Blark part- to the barn he attached a to The late Cecil son going directly rope Tlie Ait RIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAIM., of the late Hon. ner in the double scull Union Reaver with modest trim- to represent the associ- his neck aud mounting a box, was just on the Cloth.iers, Bitten and intermediate offices—Arrive at 12.20 Phinehae of this in- ! Barnes, formerly city,was ation the season at poiut of when he was discovered aud #60.00 the finest French SMITH AM. ORGANS m. Close at 8.15 a. 12.30 and 9.00 m. coming regattas and match jumping mings, p. m., p. sured $10 000 with the Mntual taken care of. UN DER Boston and the West—Arrive at Life Company as it is said ηον2υ PREBLE CONGRESS STREET. 12.20, 6.10,8.10, races, double scull will be HOUSE, dtf Beaver, trimmed. At mw,A 11 1Π M (Ίηο ■» U 1 R η — in OA Ο Art racing elegantly of New York. The had run The Biddeford council an order Also *\ lull line of policy only the lead feature at all next city passed thu and Κ .00 p. m. ing regattas season. at their last popular prices of from $12.00 about one meeting raising the salaries of Α- ΛΛ" itA » Intermediate or Mail*, via year. W. Ο Connell is a Way Boston A Maine also progressing young oars- teachers to the amounts which WITH niviil ttrinr IV Φ*ν.υν UUl iisounuinui UitllllU' Railway—Arrive at 12.20 and 8.10 p. m. Close at W. C. Williamson of Chief Belfast, En- man and a match race for the cham- to the reduciiou in 1878. •.16 a. m. and 3.p. m. junior be gineer Hannaford of the Grand Trunk and THE surpassed. Piano Stools, Covers & Instruction Books. Great Southern St Wee tern—Arrive at 12.20 6.10, pionship of the harbor, to come off in the Λ meeting of prominent business men of LARGEST STOCK 8.10and 11.10 p.m. Cloee at 8.16a.m., 12.30, Hon. Tobias Lord, Jr., of were at was held a few and CLOSING OUT Standish, Kennebuiikport days ago 3.00 and 9.00 m. early spring, is talked of between Stewart of OF We have the lowest an a. a. Cloee at 8.U0 a. m. attend, at the following places:—Saratoga, N. cle; and 34 years constant use has proven the W.M.Farbush&Son LewlMon at the letter's house. ever offered at Retail in has is a success. We are show- and Auburn—Arrive at 2.06 and 9.00 a. gether There is littl® T., Silver of Dr. Bull's Portland, great m. and 1.06 6.30 and Lake, Mass., Maranoeook Lake, Me. great efficacy Cough 8vrup; it jumt been received from New p.m. Cloee at 11.30 a.m. doubt that at this interview Gen. Garfield York, by i gihe Garment in a variety of 4.36,and 9.00 p. m. has no superior. Portland. Deer W. tendered to Senator B'alne SO Gros» Farrin^ton Block, Castine, Isle, Sedgwick, S. Harbor, Mt. first tbe position of Andrew J. Nichols. Fancy Buttons β cts doz Cloths, costing from $12.00 to nov2B dt< Desert. Jonespnrt, Macbias, Machiaeport, Eaat Ma- 5o " » « " " F. A. ROSS & Secretary of State; second, that of Secretary Yesterday afternoon Mr. D. W. Fessenden it CO., $25.00. chlas, Millbridge and Bar Harbor, via each steamer NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. lOO " » ·' 18 " " —Arrive at β a. m. Cloee at 9 m. of the Treasurv. both of whir.h Mr. Rl&ina Λα. received a p. telegram from Na'.ick, Mass.,stating 500 doz Neck and will be sold much Eaatport, via each eteamer—Arrive at β .00 a. m. clined. Ruching dozen cheaper that Col. A. J. Nichols of the Ocean than can b* Cloee at 6.00 p. m. House, 300 yds Fine Lace £d?e Ruehintr bought elsewhere. died Foreign malle, via HewYork, day previoue to «ail- Inspection of the Fire Department. very suddenly in that town yesterday The Wonderful 12 cts per yard ing of steamer»—Cloee at 8.16 a. m. 200 and the Au alarm palled from box 19, about 3 m. morning. yds Crepe Lisse Knelling 25c The are Beautiful. Kxpreee, Augusta, Bangor East—Arrive at p. One Styles Ulsters. a. m. at m. Col. Niohols left for large Box Keiimants 'Ham- Z.06 Cloee 9.00 p. yesterday, followed quickly by two others Natick only a few days Sknwhegan, intermediate offices and the north- a and burg;* at prices to elose out AT from the same box, caueed a ;o was seen in his usual health in Boston· Arrive at 1.06 p. m. Close at 11.30 a. m. general stampede- CHRISTMAS "SI. NICHOLAS." ONCE. uv iinu wen Bargains, Bargains! Skowbegan also close· at 9.00 p. m. towards the corner of Lincoln and Pearl Mkvuwnj. auWJOOt liU 11UUU1Ό Willi 1 Piece We have Specialties in intermediate Black Silk Velvet, 90c F. A. ROSS & Canada and office·, via G. T. R.—Ar- his head bat big " " « streets. The on coun- death was caused by 1 " CO., rive at 12.4 p. m. Cloee at 12.45 p. m. disgust expressed many neuralgia $1.85 these that are not found » « S ο va Scotia Prince Edward's at tenances was of the heart. He had resided iu Portland some |.4» « have also made and Island—Close very apparent when, after reach- A special Holiday number, designed for large additions to One case double-fold Brocade Dress 11.30 a. m. and 9.00 p. m. (oar the 1 " Velvet 2.00 their stock of in any other store in town ing the spot where it was supposed a serious years, and, daring season, kept the boy* and girl» everywhere, wheihn regu- Fancy Stripe Good·», nfw designs and best shades, sel- Swantoh, Vt., and intermediate offices, via P. & 0. 1 lot Colored Silk K. R.—Arrive at 6.06 m. Close at 7.45 a. was Ocean House at lar readers of the or Velvets 1.50 at ι'ά cents. This is p. m. conflagration became known that Cape Elizabeth, which he magtizine not;—the » " ling rapidly the best and intermediate via P. & 1 Flush 50c Fryeburg, Me., offices, it was an alarm merely to call the owned. Last season Mr. Thomas Means was bent, and, by reanou of it* immense edi- bargain in the market. Ο. K. R.—Arrive at 11.20 a. m. Close at 2.30 p. m. department 5 pieces Extra Quality Silk DRY AND FMCr GOODS, the ch« a One bale, extra all wool Red oat for associated with him in ■ tion, 103,000, pent Christina* quality, Worcester, Mass., and intermediate office·, via P. inspection. the management. Col and Chenille l iiiiiio AR.K. R.—Arrive at 1.20 m. at 12.45 book published· Price 30 cent*· $l.OO yd TwHIed Flannel, we will .>ell at 25 cents p. Cloee The entire Nichols had been in business for the 100 until ever)- Department con- GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER. m. department responded promptly govern- A About dozen Towels at very We ask examine. p. biilliant Holiday cover; superb pictures by the tains the most With an per yard. only you to N. and intermediate via P. and were on the Hook ment in California—where he had been con- low prices. desirable experience of over twenty Rochester, H., offices, spot very quickly. best American a The cold weather is coming. Ladies' tILR. R.—Close at 6.60 a. m. artists; capital acting operetta for goods to be and we years, and with our increased facilities and Ladder No. 2 reached the box in nected with the militia of that state—and also found, hand-made nice tit- Carriers' deliveries are made ex- jast children, "The Land of with words and shall for Cardigan Jackets, dally (Sundays in Nod," not allow any- manufacturing, we are confident we tn the buelnees of the at three and was followed Augusta in this state. He was for the ting and warm, marked at cepted.) portion city 7.00 minâtes, by Steamers ageut music; a splendid story by Washington Gladden, body to under- call ofter inducements in this branch of only $1.00. and 10.00 a. m., and 1.30 p. m. In other sections Walcott estate in a tick A new of Ladies' Felt 5, 2,1, Hook and Ladder Ko. 1, Steamers 4 Ν and had been a mem- •Ά Christmas Dinner with tiie our supply Skirts, at 8.00 and 11 45 a. tn. 2.30 m. Collections are Max- in the sell us. business which caunot be fonnd p. ber every and color. Flease come and made on week at and 11.00 a. and 3 This is the official order. of the Union Lumber Co. in that the illustrations of which Moore & style 7.00 and The Co. elsewhere. days m., hose place. Moon," rival Do-é's; Oweii,novl8 see them 3.00 and 8.00 m. On at m. dtt yonr«eIf. p. Sundays 6.00 p. were all on Daring 1 he war he was 1st Lient, of ••King Arthur and nis carriages hand in a few minutes. Co. B. 2d Knights," by Sidney German Turkey Bed Damask at 58 cts. Such as did ensue to some of Maine Cavalry, and when the was at Lanier; one of Frank It. Stockton's inimitable Superior Court. delay the later regiment We challenge our many patrons to do was Thiboudeaax was Fairy Stories; the "Treasure-Box of Litera BEFORE JUDGE BONNET. companies owing to the horses being en- acting Assistant Quarter- better. tore." on master on the staff. Col. a etc., etc.;—m all, thirty-three departments Cloaks and Dolmans! Onr The November term, by adjournment, comes in gaged the streets, This delay, with the Nichols was mem- F.A.ROSS&CO., specialty. ber of the and contributions. Our to Ladies will tne this (Wednesdty) morning. An assignment of Court present arrangement, by which the same Loyal Legion, also a Mason and bargains satisfy Gents' Underwear. most «••ce CLOAKINGS, exacting. will be made for the December term. horses do duty for both the street and fire de- member of both Boston and Portland Com- A Gvaiid Holiday Gift Book of 100 Pages Cor. & Brown Sts. seems manderiee. He was aboat 40 old on tinted illustrated with scores Congress Municipal Court. partments, inevitable, unless it is possi- years and printed paper, of octl5 eodtf leaves a widow and for STUDLEY, 253~ MIDDLE ST. BEFORE JUDOS ble to the horses within short s adopted child. A sister charming picture*, only 30 cents. Ask for the KBIQHT. employ distance nol7 Mr. Christmas St. Nicholas. eod&w Tcbsday.—Michael Dooley, James Neary, Chas. of the engine houses It is highly creditable married D. W. Fessenden. (December) Four edi- MILLETT&LITTLE tions of last year's number were demanded. Flynn, John Colley Michael Flaherty, Jos. Towle, to the department thet out of 110 officers and Holiday John Salvador and Miohael Ward. Intoxication. Building- Plans. For sale everywhere after November 30th. Sub- men, all but two offioern and thirteen men Fined $3 each and costs. Mr. C. H. Kimball, the has drawn scription price, $3.00 per year. Will In at 1st. PREMIUM on architect, Nov. CHRISTMAS were hand at the CARDS fire. were The rolls call- Open Large — 27th, Variety, — E. for a three AT George Brown alias Geo. E. Chandler, Joseph plans story brick block, with press- Scribner &Co., 743 Broadway, Ν. Y. O I Pl.! ed, establishing this fact. The chief and his 25 doz. Norfolk and New MoGmre, Augustine Elchlep. Intoxication.fined 96 ed brick front and free-stone to be decl dit Bruns- are I88O. assistants were trimmings, We now prepared to show ri iV/Ca. Portland, each and costs. present promptly. Hooks No. wick Underwear, in Sizes 34, 36, rupuicti erected by Neal Dow in the spring opposite our St Ate 1870. 2 should be specially noticed for the fine 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, at a price less large assortment of Fair, Bridget Hagerdon. Intoxication. Thirty days ap- block a two Motley ; story brick honse for Dr. TO than have ever Ν. Ξ. la House of Correction. pearance of the men, who were all dressed and INVESTORS. they been offered Fair,1877. Evans on New 8tate street; a two wooden offer for at in It is story sale, State and County Rights for retail. equipped good style. evident that the oue of the best hoase for John Doughty on Grove street, and WE Brief Jottings. la in most efficient department order, and a three CHRISTMAS CARDS Colder 18° story hotel (or Mrs. Pillsbury at Old yesterday. Mercury at satirise· the Committee on CLOTHES pleased Fire Department, * Orchard. He is a over ever WASHERS,Also a SEAL SKL\ 30° at 25' at sunset: wind patting gymnasium invented. noon, north, north- who made a strict observation of all feature· MILLETT & LITTLE PLUSH, Lamson Fraternity Hall. He also announces that the weet and west. of the inspection. CORN SHELLER comprising the choicest designs of Don't the lectare Mr. contracts on the new school lieuse, besides 227 Middle forget by Hammond for which, in the quantity and quality of its worfc, Street. At and M. those ηονϋΠ rtlw $9, $12.50 at Chestnut street church to-night. Y. C. A. already published, have been given as we challenge competition of the owners of any shel- The Pkbss has mentioned follows: ler now in use for a purse of $1ιΚ)0. Also for sale, L. PRANG & There are 3613 licensed Maine a the fact that a Painting, William Gray; plastering, CO., Artist vessels with other late and valuable inventions. would be the Devine & $15.75 Photographer, total tonnage of 608,729 tons. Maine beats all reoeption given members and Kilby, Ward; granite, John B. Parties having from $100 to $ 10,000, will find it DE LA per yard. feu1 their interest to call us RUE and the State· New York. donors of the T. M. C. A. at their hall to- Mioix; plumbing, James Miller; slating, Syl- upon before investing. Opposite Falmouth Hotel, except We want an agent in each state who is an ex- night, when Mr. W. F. Seward van us A small boy was knocked down by a rapidly will read. Bonrne; galvanized iron, William D. pert in the negoiiat ng of State and County Rights. Gilbert, Crandon & Co.'s MARCUS WARD The will be: steam Send for illustrated circulars. MAINE. driven team on Fore street Monday evening programme Ames; heating apparatus, Portland PORTLAND, Addreea IX. B. FRYG & and bruised. Mark Twain ou European Guides. Company. CO., W l'p Onr Flight Only. badly dee lead 2 w tt'i Su J bury Bouton. Horatius at the Bridge. Si., LADIES' uu Λ new lodge of Knights of Pythias is to be Lord FRANK B. SLITS, at EXPRESS, Dundreary Brighton iud the riddle The Skating Rink. CLARK, formed in this city on the 28th of January. he made there. — BETWEEN — The committee on public grounds have de- 515 St. A team owned by Mr. Holloway ran away Mr. Seward is highly recommended the Congress Flannel by cided that the building to be erected at the ART NOTICE. Boston, Portland, Rockland, Castlne, no22 d2m Suits, Colored lait cveuiog and collided witu a jigger, break- professor of oratory of William* and College rink should be constructed by and under the Deer Isle, Sedgwick, 8. W. Harbor, Bar in* Uw jigger. by the directors of the With our Fine Line of Art we have a College of of c >ntrol Goods, Harbor, Ma- Cashmere Black Oratory of the city. It Bhould be a building Choice Lot of MillDridge, Jmiesport, Suits, The Garfield and Arthur Glee Club wil1 New York oity. The readings will be inter- chlasport, East Macbias and flfachias. FINE SHOES. tome fifty by thirty (eet in size, with such con- give & dinner at the Preble House Friday eve- spersed with choice vocal and instrumental Cashmere veniences as we have mentioned, and they PRANG'S and IMPORTED |Ey From Portland by St amers Le wist on and Suits,Hand- We have the and best assort- ning. music. The public are cordially invited. City of Richmond. largest will p.obably ask the city government (or an ment of Boots, Mioe* and Rubbers to be The 8amaritan Association will give a prom- kerchief Suits. The Marine a ipronrlation of about $300, (or the unristmas OFFICES· CALL and SEE louudiii>hn State. Call and exnmiite enade concert and dance at City Hall, Tues- Hospital Fnnd. purpose. The Overseers o( — and — 10—Saturday GAS FIXTURES. chanoe of reoovery, the weather is states he has attended to evenings from 7.45 to 10.30. Admission—Day, though 130 cases in seven which — stood at the track limit. The was OF 15c; Eveuing, 25o; Tickets of very mild at In view months, 16 animals plow me and Poultry Package 5, SI.00; present. of the light- have been killed, 7 having knocked against the big buntinz with Skate Checks, 10c. and post ships buoys being taken out of the river contagious diseases. There foroe enough to break it off like a stem. DRESS MAKING ! Examination and J. have been 6 prose- pipe Juvenile Session Afternoon* — KINSMAN, The snow went off the track and In their Saturday harbor, oommission tugs will tbe cutions and β one plow made Season. Admission, 10c; Skate 5c. aooompany convictions, case still pend- room for iteell Children's work a specialty. Prices very low. Checks, Peruvian and His through the fence. The for- of Free Dominion to open the to ing. reproofs and ward gy checked free to all. any of Street, opposite way suggestions have been wheels of the engine went off. The Your Orders to Room No. 6 Brown'·· Block, t'on- Clothing comparison Point Levi and be of assistance if heeded. snow Telephone necessary. plow suffered slight damage and little greMM and Brown BIiwim. VSUCMSNE LALinE, Kilborn's Carnet Store. harm was done the •IttM. A. LOKINGt nov29 do m the above solic- Portland District. Associated. by accident. None of the .Hanuger. goods ape / Charities. train people were injured. »i>21dtf dtf_ Tbe following vessels have been The office of this constructed nociety will «pen today R. H. PARKER EVEKOKEEX CEMETERY. ited. ' me la this distiiot tbe in the past year: City Building, same entrance as that of The French woman who was burned to PRIZE MOJSTEY DTPLTT'' Karnes. Superintendent's Office, Nov. 13,1880. Where built. Tous. the Provident and death recently in Linooln left eleven Association, the Secretary village Cor. Free & Center Sts. of lots in Cemetery and having for eapture of New Orleans. Ship Wtina, FTceport, 1,483.38 > •bildren to mourn her 0611 eodtf pariies Bark Carrie will e in attendance from 11 to loss, xbe father lett OWSEKSlote in charge who desire special care of same Wlnslov, East Aerfna, 048.75 1 o'clock each the tome time Bohr Sarah ·< country ago. The eldest child for the season of 18» I should notify the Superin- BOVNTf KUen, 642.06 day. The publie will aid not MONEY, " greatly the being m oiroumsiano» to take of ai. c. m. a. teudeut or Trustees al as a special care of kivple, 81.47 purposes car· the once, for and destruction of floe* " of the must capture enemy's vessel· fe*nr Estelle, society by sending the names and younger one, the condition ol the latter if A STATED Meeting of the Malm.· Charitable lots should Include dressing, whleh be placed by a & CHEST k LUNG PHOTECTÛR rési- on Bros. 08.40 snow. iarragnt's fleet tlie Mississippi In collect- The came J\_ Meobanlc Aaeoetatlon will be held Is tbe Lib- upon such lots before covered with 1362, Bancroft, Will Iftft » life time. Beet lu the Wor'd. It fe dences of all persons to pitable. family from Fort Kent, ed by Total applying them for aid Mechanic» BnQdlsa, on THCBSDAY Pel- order of Trustees. als<· » Feriect Undervoet. tonnas·. to the Northern Aroostook county, some or rary Room, »,099.11 of three at 73*0 PATRICK DCFFIY, Superintendent, Ζ. K. UAMOK, Centennial It at IT. ΙΓΛΥ Λ "Secretary Associated Charities." four yean ago. EVENING, December 2nd, o'otoak. Block, 492 and 494 St. Call and fé« it. UoV, .lujicrton dta Β. ηοΐθ dtf ι Congress '·* ηστβΟ κ. β WITT, Secretary. 02- .'J Eirhasff d!hv&-»· novia i

How to Fowl· Healthy· Keep Th· Cour*© — Mineral Water— Rabblte— An man thrust his into u 1881. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF Dr. A. 8. Ilea 111 a read before inquiring lingers | FOR lb, paper Church Affairs—How—Here and There tlie Farmer's Club, New Tork city, taid : horse's mouth(tu see how many teeth it had, j CANADA. < Central eee Maine "The reaaoa eitiht or ten fowls about About the Town. and the horse closed his inoulli to how why i the house of the meih-inic, the gardener or many finders the man had. Tim curiosity of On and after Monday, Oct. 18th, both whs the laborer are more profitable is because of fully satisfied. 1880, passenger train* will leave Par- RATLROAD. betler feeding and less crowding, better TUFMDAY, Νβν. 30. lant I, a*. follow*: roost. Ex- Bath lament the tact that the conditions of and sportsmen "What Is that are WHOLESALE Auburn and u. sanitary yard decoration you wearing?" To Lewiniou, MO αι., li.ti « 0.\ AFTER OCT. 19. I890, tent for fowls Is more im- is on to-morrow. and 5. 5 ρ ιιι· AND of grassy range game law said an Austriau sergeant to a new recruit. for AND To Montreal and Quebec, *..'IOp. tu. portant tha·· provided food, here they The ice went out of the but is far gut yesterday The man blushed deeply and responded : 'It To Lawiatou «Junction, mixed, 4.Oil p. m. fa»«ravcr Train» leave FertlaeJ Ban- ebtaln not air aud food, but also insect Waterrille only re-forming. is a medal our cow won at tho cattle show." To Norway, So. Parie and Gorhain, M.I3 u. m., Dexter, Reifuai and u which is the essential nitrogenous 1.30 and llA ρ na. for,2.30. 12.40, and 11.16 P. M. food, was The Phi Kho «ale of course tickets at 12 12.40and 11.16 f .m. element necessary for egg production. ABUI VALU. Far Mkawbegun 30, successful. & World of Good. NIANUFACiURING INTERESTS Var Aaguala, Hnllawell, t.ardieer to extensive quite Equally important grass rang From Qorhani. So. Pari*, & Norway, S.ilO a. us. Brunswick at 7.00 a. m., 12.40, 6.16. and aud or sheus. A schooner coal laden for arrived to- One of the most popular medicines now be- I ui. are clean airy roosting houses Hayden and £.30 p. 11.1 π tu. fore the American is ρ Tue houses should have doors ou the ground day. public Hop Bitters. You OF ME. From Lewinton and Auburn, Μ..ΊΟ a. u>., Far Rackland and ail stations on Knoi A Lin- see it everywhere. People take it with rood PORTLAND, 3.1.) p. tu., 6.INI p. eu. coln Κ. aud for L«wi«ian and Furuaingtaa to be left opto in the summer, and at least The Creedmore makes her last for the K., trip effect. It builds them up. It is not as pleas- From Chicago, Montreal & Quebec, I *i. JO p.tu. via Brunswick, at 7.04) a. in. and 12.40 p. m. two side—lat ventilators should be provided. From Lewtot<·!! Junction, mixed, O.Jo a. tu. 12.40 and f».16 m. season to the mouth of the rivei to-day. ant to the taste as some other Bitters, as it is Far Batb at 7.(JO a. m.. and p. Kunnlug water is a most desirable and easy not a This circular is the un- For Uaanaath, Wimkrap, The water from Gen. artesian well whiskey drink. It is more like the old presented by Faruaingian, means of wa:er With this water Hyde's Rea«l tiel«i, Weal Water* ilia and W a ter- supply. fashioned boueset tea that has «lone a world derpinned, Wholesale Ικ-alers uml Manu- PASSENGER OFFICES has been Prof. Carinichael and is ril !♦* via Lewiaton at 12.30 p. m. supply, without care or labor the food sup- analyzed by of eood. If you don't feel facturers of I'ortl.nid. The Merchant jnst right try Hop ; Far Waterrille, 7.00 a. m. be convenient and labor found to be the same as that of the and 74 EXCHANGE STREET ply may equally nearly Bitters.—Xunda .Wire. Manufacturer will here tlnd conven- The night Pullman trains ran each way. erery savi ■§. Drive four stakes into the ground Centennial Spring of New Gloucester. The iently classified n»d indexed, general -AND— night Sundays included. to as to leave them two leet above the sur- «•ercli amUse and well yields 40 hogsheads per day and is used A Galveston poet came into the sanctum supplies of every de- DEPOT AT FOOT OF INDIA ST. face and fix Inches apart, and upon these scription, which are offered to the For LewiNton and Anburn. for p«wer at the foundry and on the Sagadahoo hurriedly, with a copy of the News in his hand sail two boards so as to make a table largf Trade IIrum whose facilities, at need Hates ! Paanenifer Train* leare at 12.30 and 6.06 p. a. House table for It is said and to the editor remarked: "I did by experi- Tickets Sold lied σ. ha* a fowls a around drinking purposes. going up ence The train tearing at 11.16 p. also pa—en- enough to permit the footing and enterprise have given this City .Tillν to not KID^flOE^ i« hivhlvrocomiii<,iHl(t4l nn,l nuMH-pn^eil for WEAK, «r FOUI, KIT*· To i'uunda, Detroit, ('hicag·, anbec, ger car attached, at Branawirk with a nail in the covered a wide possess great medicinal qualities. notice iny little poem on the "Golden an honored connecting keg center, by NBV·, OKOPMY, GRAVEL. KB «HT DINEA«K, LON* r E>I R V !*· (* positiou anion* the Whole- Cincinnati, Ml, I.oui*, Omaha, ^«g· a passenger train for Lawtatan. The 11.16 p.m. Tints of «' board and weighted by a large flat stone. Dr. Bibber's yacht Lettie recently purchased Expiring Autumn.' I su pose it was TOV- DF "II I I'V o.· any Omni R IT ION*. nri»i..v from KIDNEl'or HLA ODER sale Markets of the country. innw, §t. Puni, Mall Lake 1 ily» la the Νiaht Express Train with Pullman sleeping crowded out." it was Mau Franrinco, car attaclicd cioee connection at Tkit keg may be filled with com or by Capt. Geo. Alexander set sail for Florida "No; crowded in." "I I>I8EA*JEM. AlMofor BLOOD autl KIDNEY POISO.^INC!, iu infected ui.ihiria Denver, making Bnngar don't st-e It." "Look in the waste-basket. Meciiou*·· all in the for ail stations on toe Bangor A Piscataquis ft. K,. craeked eorn, aud having three or lour au- and (Mint» to-day. where was the Κ. & Ν. A. Railway, and for (It. Jakn and That's it crowded in."—Galveston the distillation of a FOREST LEAF with JUNIPER Berries and BARLEY MALT we have dis- Implement». Meed» ger holes near the bottom it is self-feeding. J^"By & Nortliwi'Kt, WeM anil SouHiwest. Halifax. Ht. An· A took down the for Minott's News. covered Κ11 »NEGEN. which act» on the and AOKII'VLTIBALKKNDALI. WHITNEY, Market Square Hanltan, Wnadetack, sloop rigging sp ifically Kidneys Urinary Organs, removi· g deposits in the Ht. Prsdci What runs out Is lodged upon the table; it in JOSEPH HlCKSON, General Manager. drew·, Ntephea, Ulan, Part new at Centre from this b adder and any straining, smarting b- at or'rritation the water passages, giving tbem strength, vigor I RA I, iinil Oairr Impie- aud secure rats ship Phipsburg place W. J. SPlCKlt, Superintendent, Fairfield and t nriban. is kept clea and dry from Some men and cans'ng a healthy color and ea ν flow of urine It can be taken at all iu all climates without ACRICn/rmen·». UEO l'.LANCHARD & 11 Silver are called muffs because they are times, BKO., ocl8dtf Train» arrire in Pnrtlnnd aa and other vermin. This is a to-day. injury to the system Unlike any othe· preparation f«.»r Ki it has a pleasant and PaMenger cheap, 3imple ueed to keen Λ fllrt.'o hand in —Bnffuln HniiMer hiey difficulties, very J and C'ooprraKe *t»ck. follows:—'J"be trains from Gar- agheeable taste and flavor. It cm tains positive diuretic and will not morning Augusta. and manner of keeping fowls, Probate court next Tuesday. properties xauskatk. La- KARRKIE. S. II.4 AIL EN, 140 Com'l St, 4 240 Fore St. Bruuswick and Lewis ton at 8^36 and labor-saving dies especially will like it, and Gentlemen will find KlDNfc-GEN the best Tonic for its diner, Bath, most Beverage pur- tinker* a»©OT8 Shoes, Λ: Finding*!. COMMENCING "OCT. 17th, Express train at 1.60 a. m. carriage QUART SIZEBOTTLFS GENERAL AND FAMILY USF. 1 1 .1 WAI.RI-'R Am 1K9 o,.,l!itw,)i» ο» should half a Mr. Oliver of Hunnewell's this PAYSON TUCKER. Sup*t be fumigated by burning point year If not found at your Druggist's or Grocer's, we w'll send a bottle and to the nearest gathered and 200 barrels of first class pamphlets prepaid BOOTS and Shot·*, Leather Finding*· Portland. Oct, 17. 1880 Dound of sulDhur everv s rine and fall. packed ■When You Go To Boston, Exprès» office to you. Price $1.00 or »ix bottles for S5.00. Ρ octl3 cranberries. 1 A. F. COX & SON» Manufacturera I while the fowls are out for the day, and Officers Reed and Tibbetts recovered Sunday and Nhoen, lflanfrs. and Jobber·. should be well aired before roosting time. LAWRENCE & BOOTSCHASE, KNIGHT & CO., 52 and 64 Union St a coat stolen Saturday night from the store of Visit Oak Hall MARTIN, PBHANCH^o?CBBAKCI.AY, ST., New York. Μ ΚιΑ 1*1 IMtrv Vol more than twe ty or thirty fowls leather and Mr. John Klippel. A man named Camell For Men's, Youth's and Children's Suits. flOOTS, Shoes, Finding». should be allowed to roost in one house; Sold in Portland by all Druggists. I J Β. Β FARNSWORTH & CO.. 133 Middle St was locked up but discharged Monday for the Cheapest place in New England. Write for novl be erected in eod&eowlyr 4G OOT8 Λ iUtre. bu. two or more houses may lack of proof. Sample· and Rules for Self-measu renient. Shoes, Ladies' Λ MiMee' Portland Fine Shoes. Train» Leave Haine Coin the or range, it is large In Gohs & are two frames out L I »l Β SHAW. GOD1NG & CO. Steamship pan j. pasture provided Sawyer's yard *4 a. ua. Express from for be OOTS and lflanfrs. and Jobbers Daily (Night Bangor) enough. In this case the feeding may and a keel being laid. Shoes, Saco, Portsmouth. Nowburyport, Sa- WANTS. TO LET. Β JOHN P. THOMAS & CO Biddeford, S«ml-Weeklj L1d« to Sew York. the same, only a barrel may be used Instead Mr. Joseph Upham on Saturday shot in the lem, Lynn and Bocton. A special Pullman Sleep- West Bath woods 11 rabbits which he sold at ΟΟΈΜ & Leather & Findings. Car will bo for In Portland •f a keg to save trouble. Shoes, ing ready occupancy Β B. F. WHITNEY & 222 Middle St. at 9 m. and at Stnamere Eleanora and Franeonia the most 50 cents per pair. CO., p. (Week days;, The largest liberty and generous Salesmen Wanted. To Lei. and will be attaohed Will until further notice leave Frank lu· Rev. Win. W. DeHart on Traveling Stationery and Room 11 p. m. Sundays, Wharl, observance of Sunday preached corner Papers. MONDAY and at 6 feed! g, with an cleanliness, Federal and India Sts*. Also rooms BOOKS,BAILEY & NOYES, & 72 St to this train. Passengers have a night's reat Portland, every THURSDAY, his tirst sermon as rector of Grace churoh. He 68,70 Exchange P. and leave Pier East New will secure the best of eggs and the Two active men who are STOREat No. 72 Federal St., bath room supplied and ai rive in Boston at 6.30 a.m. in season for M., 88, River, York, yield is much liked and he is a of smart, & Room is journalist ability. with Lot and cold wâter. nov3(>otf Stationery Papers. all morning trains South and West. every MONDA Y and THUltSDA Y, at 4 P. M number of healthful fowls. This well with tlie fancy BOOKS,LURING, SHORT & 208 Middle S with tine largest Bishop Peck of the M. Ë. Church at Wesley acquainted HARMON, £.45 a. ui. Daily except Sundays. For Boston aad These steamers are fitted αϊ» accommoda- the to secure the of the immedi- for this a conveuieat way largest profits church to morrow. goods business. Apply Blank Books and Stationery, way stations, ν ith parlor car arriving at 1.16 p.m. tions passengers, making very To Let. and comfortable route for travelers betweei. New poultry yard." Mr. Frank Palmer with a gang of riggerp ately to HOOKS,mtKSSER. McLRLLAN & CO., 47 Exchange l.OO p. m. Daily excent Sundays for Boston ana York and Maine. the summer months these left for the Centre to-day to rig Mlnott's new JOHN F. KANP, pleasant front room in Congress Square. ΟΟΚΝ Town Good· and β. M. Nupplie· way stations, with parlor car, arriving at 5.30 Itaririg and Wood. in eeasou for anil Kali connections steamers will touch at Haven on their oas- Qrean Dry 96 €"Όμ SI. Portland, iflaine A Inquire at tfOG Congress St. novôdtf Β HOYT. FOGG & DONHAM, 193 Middle et. p.m. Sound Vineyard ship. South aud West. eage to and from New York. Passage, can be more to a wo- November 27,188o. nov29 dtf including Nothing provoking Mr. Edward Perrin has in his Centre street RCHII M F lin.. Paim, WkiHwaak.ftc. State Room, #3, meals extra. Goods destined TO LET. For Portland, leave Homcou, beyond mau than to have to burn green or wet stable a silver plated horseshoe worn by Rarus H D. WHITE & SONS, 127 MUldle St Portland or Ne* York forwarded to destination at was The " tenements on St. water and 7.30 a. πι. and 12.30 and 7.00 p. m., arriving once. For further Information to wood, and nothl· g opinion goes so when the quick time of 2.13J made. "EVERY DAY SUITS for children —Wit,ter High Tobago RITtUIl Jlfr'»., P»iit, Wkltewmh, ftc., apply iuaour Furnaces in celiar. Stable for one tene- in Portland ai :S and 11 m. — Gas, 12.06, p. HENRY General Portland. far convict the farmer of shiftlessness as shoe was plated and presented to Mr. Perrin Suits for Gowns — BUSINESS DIKECTOKY. TWO Β TRUE BROTHERS, For. St. FOX, Agent, to gentlemen English Dressing ment to VV. H. 304 Com- 'lhe m. train runs — SIMONTON, I daily. J. F. Pier P. R. New York. by the driver, Mr. John 8plan. Blanket Bath and Ap^ly DlliblcIll nuil mfr* of Fin- ρ AMES, Ag't, 38, to an abundance of Wraps Driving Walking mercial >t. oot27dtf ticket» to all ri out!· and can be eglect furnishing good, — Throagb pointu Tickets and State Know* obtaiued at 99 Dr. Packard Mr. T. Foot Balls Leather Jackets— « Β ish." RUBHOWS οογ. Fore & Cro»s eu farmers contend thai accompanied Harry Gloves—Rugby BHmS., Wext at lowest rates at Depot Ticket Office, Com- Exchange street. From Dec. 1 to no dry wood. Some Uniforms. worn men or May 1, pas- Morse, th'· ship builder, to-day on bis trip to Bicycle Everything by Accountant end Notary Fublic. A « IN ET Xikrr·. Fine Fnrnilurf· mercial street, J. M. French, Ticket Master, and will be taken this line. 'taoftdt! there 1· a 1 green wood with be at OAK HALL. To Let. sengers by laving mixing Nnw York where he will be treated by the toys—can bought OIO.C. Ofllct* No. I»4 Itliddlr C DKANE BROS. & SAN Β >RN, 183 Mld le St. at the Union Tickét Office, Κ. A. Waldron, Agt., because th»t it lasts CODlTIAN) dry, they s.y longer; best medical advisers. After a few C. W. & eir«et. Portland. corner Congress and Chestnut streets. and Papfr 40 Rxchange street. the from stopping SIMMONS SON, Unny but the reason for this is that sap days in New York Mr. Mors· will visit his OAK STOIIEHas beeu occupied ior the past 12 years by CARHETlN1>gMARRETT, BAILEY & CO.. 190 ft 192 Mid Pallman C'ar Ticket»* (or Heaie and CLYDE'S HAT.T., as an store. 1 his is Berth» «old at Depot Ticket OOlce. the green wood has to be evaporated before sister in Fall River and afterward go to Che 82 to 44 HOETH MASS. Samuel Rolte, Esq. apothecary Γ(ΛΒΡΕΤΙΝ6Ν and 0«>d·. STEEET, BOSTON, Real Estate au location for a or Pro- Uphol»tery LUCIUS TUTTLE, Sl New It will aDd this of sap ab- South where be will the winter. Agents. excellent Fancy Grocery vy W. T. KILBORN & CO.. 2* Free 8t Philadelphia burn, evaporation spend vision store. General Passenger and Ticket Agent. so that a There was a little on JOHN ». PBIHTKB, No. 9» Λ .tlfr·. Λ sorbs the heat from the dry wood, rumpus Commercial 1B28-1880. UxchHHge A so. to be let on and after Nov. 1880, the Nlei«h Dealer·. D. W. SANBORN, .Master Transportation. litreet. 1st, England certain amount of dry wood has to be burned street in the saloon formerly occupied by Boarding house corner Fore and India streets. This CARRIAGEMARTIN, PENNELL& CO., Kim & Cumberland oclS dtf Madam in the for a STEAMSHIP LINES In order to consume the green. This may Kiug. Bottles flew around lively and is one ot the best locations city lodging and Nleigh mfr*. Jk Dealer·. the interference of the police was mane neces- The old Vegttable Pulmonary Bal nam. and vietualing house. Has been oocupied by the CARRIAGEZENAS THOMPSON, JK.. 34 to 38 Union St Norfolk, Baltimore & Washington he classed ο e of the wastes upon the farm. " Book Binders. FROM BOSTON Best Cough Medicine in the World/ tenant ior the past 15 years. sary by the row. present and Hardware, with OLD It i· very unpleasant for the farmer's wife nu. A. Βμ· Printer»» Full regarding the above can be ob- Maddlery ΜΤΕΛΠΜΗΙΡ In connection COLONY BAIL. The police have been kept on their heel tape Small old style, 35c. qiIINCÏ, It, particulars CARRIAGEJAMES BAILEY & CO., 204 Middle S LINE, ROAD. to have to to the wood and bring i No. Ill Street. tained by applying to the subscriber. go pile since Saturday. five of the Cctler Bros. & Co., Boston. Exchange Exehange Fink and Veer table·. out a snow Yesterday gallon* JOHN B. CUBTIS, Meat·, F J rat Clam Nicim hip·. BOSTON TO THE SOUTH, wet wood, or have to dig it of oh be were seized at saloon. PORTLAND PACKING 221 Commercial joyful Parshley's oc21 dtf Corner Fore and Deer Sts. CANNED CO., ΙΊβμ. L«w bank, which is not unfrequently the case. Services at Grace church W. H. OHLER. Machine Repair- Real-WNkl) LI··, Qalclr Friday evening. Sowing manufacturer and Imp.iifr JOHN HOPKa S. WM. CRANE. Bain, Pn^mM I·» vm. at a ex- 4 Iflarie'H Terrace* in the Rear ot 'iiM l>tp«l Λ shed might be co structed slight Mr Freeman Morse, formerly of this city er, To Let. CIGARM.F.RN KSTO PONCE, cor. Exchange and Ml.Idle WM. D. H. MILLER. Coocitnm Street. tny24dly LAWRENCE, Freight received and forwarded daily to FALL In which the farmer could not only now of will vixit Bath next how G. M. in and Good". pense England, year. store occupied by Bosworth, Furniabinc Prom Bo»too direct every WEDN ENDAY RIVER, there connecting with the Clyde llMai be- over both the M. Nov. 1. J. & 14 St. store his wood after it was cut but also Freights C. Railroad and THEFree St. Block, No. 4. Possession given CLOTHING T. LEWIS CO., f Middle and HIATiJRDAV at 3 P. .71. fr», oalliaa rvrn WELN1»SI)AY and SATUR- so or K. & L. Railroad are Fo terms, at the office of H. J. LLBBV & CO., Λ DAY to direct, M fore cutting, and large enough that he good. apply manufacturer· Jobber· Freight forwarded from Norfolk to Washington and Philadelphia connecting HOTELS. over First National Bank. sep30dlwte.jdtf 229 and β with Olvde Steam Line· to Charles man work in it on M'. Henry Hall, formerly on the New York CLOTHINGALLEN & CO., Middle Temple SU Alexandria steamer of the Lake and Philadelphia bis hired might s.ormy by Lady H. D. Tribune, is the author of a valuable essay on Carload. rates given. I·a, C., WaailigMa, C., Ourjn. In aaeh a shed the whole of the wood Wboleoale, by t'argur through D. and all Rai day?. the causes of the decline of American RANDALL & MCALLISTER, 60 Commercial St forwaraed to Petersburg. Richmond and all laws, C., Alexandria, Va., be cut without with ship- To be Let. COAL, Freight ■nil Water Lines. might interfering any He is at the Points South and Southwest via va. and Tenn. Air be ping. stopping Sagadahoc,gather- the by the Cargo. Carload or Ton· Through Kate* named and Bill· of Lading Ira regular work. All that would necessary statistics tor the United States of Oil anil after Oct. 1. 1880, Line. C. Ρ Gaither, Agent, 240 Washington street. ing report ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, COAL·, S. ROUNDS Λ SON. 3U Commercial St from an; point In New England to Philadel) hi a F. O. To all of North and South Carolina and be- would be to have year's stock in advance; American premises now occupied by points rate· of and other te shipping. on the European Plan, Dealer In Special Coal·. via Atlantic Coast Line Waldo A. For Freight, Information, apply wood could then be had and easy Λ Co., λο.'» 35 & 37 Ex- yond Pearce, D. D. C. *rj always ALBERT H. BU.TIKë Bailey COAL·.HENRY L. PAINE. 267 Commercial 8t No 229 Washington Street. MINE. Agent, waste on Proprietor to Agent, 196 Man •f access, cutting off another great change St. Apply "lOAL·. White Ash and Cumberland. Ami to all in the West Baltimore & Ohio Washington Street, Roaton, nthίΑΙΛβύ Wei mu— Temple Street, Portland, Ule. Lehigh, points by Va. P. * 0«fierai the farm. It is a wise old which says: HENKV DEEK1NG, D. S. WARREN, 162 Commercial S R. M. W. Davison, -219 Clyde C'a., Managers, adage c R.t Agent, Washington No. 12 So. Delaware Ave., will Formerly part of the old Adams House. street. Philadelphia. "Take care of the cents and the dollars Ko. 3? Exchange St. Wholesale by Carload or Ton. fahe Tills House will be all hours of the art via Seaboard Air Line to Charlotte, take care of themselves." It is taking care open night mv27 COAL·. CHARLES H O'BRION, 236 Com'l St Ship Raleigh, office up one Spartansburg, Greenville, Atlanta, the Carolina# the farm which Night flight. Roaster· and Grinder·. 1HTESKAT10SÀL STEAMSHIP CO. of the cents every day upon Furaisbed or Unfurnished Rooms to let, with or Mpice *nd Georgia Points. A. H. Torricelli, Agent, 290 Wei De J H. H NKVKNS 4CO., 184 & 186 Forest lays up the dollars at the end of the year.— Meyer's without board. mayl9dly To Let. CIOFFEh Washington St. Through bills of lading given by the F FEE», Cream Arc attove Darned •iMrl n·., Calais, Me., Τ ai aaeath, American Cultivator. or two pleasant rooms suitable tor ladies or Spice·, Tartar, agents. β. β». J N. V ROLLINS & WHITTEN, 260 Fore S to Norfolk and Baltimore if. aha, H., Baillai. en. Enquire at 4 PKOSPECT S1. CIO PaMage including ONEgentlem Berth and Meals, 1st Class, $9. 2d Class. $7. Hi β.. Charlatlelawa, P. Β. I. A Famous Old Plan for Curing Meat. my 1 'J dtf .Tliht» A Produce Dealer*. For freight or passage to Norfolk. Baltimore, Wash- (^OmmieeiONJ THOMPSON & HALL, 163 Coiumercinl St KALL AHKANOKMKNT As the season has arrived when curing ington, or other Information apply to plain & Fancy mfr meat is in order, we republish, as of old, E. SAMPSON, Agent, ConfectionaryL. J. PERKINS, 489 Cougreee at. noSdt.f Central Wharf. Boston. TWO TRIPS PER WEEK. oar famous for recipe curing beef, pork, MTOCK Exporter·. as follows: To one UtHHJ&WOW ■uttoa, hams, etc., gal- Catarrh COOPERAGEGEO. S. HUNT & CO., Ill Commercial St On >nd after Monday. Not 8th., lon of water, take one and one-half pounds and Gla» Ware. ■the steamers Falmouth, L'apt. D. RE. ihe moat important S. and New of salt, one-half pound of sugar,one- Ou Unquestionably CROCKERY,C. E. -lOSE « CO., 140 ft 142 Middle St Hall, Brunswick, medical since vacoination. A iCapt. J. Ihompson, will IraT· alf ounce of one-half ounce of disoovery remedy GUm and Plated Ware. Eaunds saltpetre, FALL & WINTER A RR Α ΝΜΚΙΠΕΝΤ. Railroad Wharf, root of State street .every Monday which assimilates with the mucous membrane and 242 Middle In this ratio the irkle can be in- CROCKERY,HAYES « DOUGLASS, St. and at β m.. (or and potash. Commencing October 4th, IMMO. Thursday, p. Kaatpon creased Uy any quantity desired. Let these Window·, Blind· and Fixture*. 8t. John, with connections for Calais. Kobblneiea. .1. A. LKAVITT ft SON. 250 Commercial St S· Anarewp, Houlton, b« boiled until all the dirt from the cure at any Btage. One package generally suffices. JAMBA'S DOORS, Until further notice trains Pembroke, Woodstock, together passenger υ rami M en Blind· and Fixture·. will run as follows: an, Itigby, Annapolis, Yarmouth, s agar rises to the top and is skimmed off. Delivered by Druggists or by I). B. Dewey & Ου., OORS, Window·, UHAS.S. FARN11AM ft CO.,292 Commercial St Windsor, Halifax, Aioncton, Newcastle. Amherst, it into a tub to and when 46 Ν. Treatise and D Hai Then i>our cool, Dey Strait, Y., $1.5υ complete. LEAVING PORTLAND Pictou, She«iac, burst, Dalbousie, Char- Painter· & mfr·. Sapplie. lotte» Fori and cold, pour It over your beef or pork. The remarkable statements by the cared, mailed free. own, «-airfield, tirand Vail·, other DKCGG1MTS,W. F. PHILLIPS ft CO.,134 to 138 Middle St a. m —For all station running through to station* on the New Brunswick and Canada, Inter- seat must be well covered with Dickie and The afflicted can refer to: a vKCGM, Chemical· 4k Drng'ta Hundrie·. Biwantoa. Vt.. connecting with all White colonial, Windsor, and Annapolis, V\ eetern Coun- should not be put down for at least two S. Lewis, 220 Pleasant St., Boston; < Ill VI PKKK INS A <»>.. 74 Λ 7T1 Si Mountain Resorts, and at St. Johnsburv with ties, and Prinoe Kdward Island Ball Roads, it Day Express on Passuwpeic R. R. for New- and Koutee. days after killing, durl· g which time Η. Λ. Choatk, Kevere House; This medicine wa» discovered a RVtiS. iU«dicineii, Paint» and Oil*· Stage by gen- port and Vlontreal. received until 4 o'clock m. should be sprinkled with tleman who for fifteen had 1) PARSONS, BANGS & Co.. 117 & 119 Middle Si Freight p. slightly powdered B. F. Bhadbdky, Washington St.; years suffered 3.00 p. m—For t-abyan'· and Intermediate Fo* Circulais, with Excursion Routes. Ticket*, which removes all the surface Chein Fa in Ac. saltpetre, Geo. C. Goodwin, Hanover St. ; constantly from Rheumatism, and could RUOe, cal», t», Oil·, stations. State KooiiiB and furthei information aj,pli at the meat fresh and clean. D E. L. S IAN WoOD & CO., Market at 40 UUt- blood, etc.,leaving W. Geragbty, 51 White St., Lawrence.; obtain no relief. At last he began ARRIVING AT PORTLAND: Company's Office. fcxcbangr St., T. C. experi- BY and Good». and or to * R. Some omit boiling the pickle, and find it to and Good», Woolen», Fancy 11.05 a.m.—From and intermediate e lté Kc Bound Brook Route. counterfeits. Its and all kindred diseases. .11 Y Sam'l Benedict. .Jr. 697 Broadway, N. Y„ etc. KB WH^EI.8, Drain Pipe, Garnet* BETWEEN Orchards. great success brings out dangerous imita- It is and can be taken aetionary Health Lift. Ε ooider. J.W. STOCK WELL, 1 W. Promenade Ho Top Dressing A real cure of Catarrh for purely vegetable, Wharfage. $1.60! but is γΛ From Looi 8 tions, PEARLINE the only safe article and Dealer» in 8ali. New Trenton & _ Whart, Boston, p. This should never be performed with perfect safety. everv man or woman i" every walk of life. It fur. l/ISH, Dry Pickled, York, Philadelphia· operation octll M.WSFly 17 DANA & Co.. 124 Commercial St <-frv From Pine Street Whart, Always bears the name of James Pyle, NewTork nishes an exerc se which may, an-1 should be Intro antes· really needed. A young orchard, Pickled auil Suioked. Philadelphia, at 10 a. m. duccd iu ο every house; which may be at 1 Dry, ^11 /Ifcsirlè fast will not Jy d2awF&M&eowm28 practiced & CO. STATION IN NEW YORK Inaurance one-half the rate oi already growing quite enough, all neasons, in all kinds of of I.1I8H,G H.O.TREFETHEN 6Conimercial Wliaf «£Λ!ΐ«&. iluHUlE^ It 3E2 l·"1 Ε R 1 Ν* C Λα weather, by persons •eWee·»'galling vetwel. need mauure. There are very few, how- both sexes, all ages or of or weak- Provi»ions and Grocerie» îlost decrees strengt' Staple Central Station In Philadelphia Freight (or the West by the Peau. R. Β-, and South too are not I have suffered with head ness, alone or iu No one c 1» too Til ,/MAS. BACON & S6 Commercial St ever, that are luxuriant. Many Just received, Neuralgia in my company. say FLOUR, CO., bv conrectlng Hnee, forwarded free of commtaion. since earliest recollection. muchi η praise of it, and 110 one cao .ft'ord to do Philadelphia Ac Heading K. w. enough so. The owner of an orchard ought ENGLISH a new impo· ta- my At times, my and Gioceiiee. "«if Kiathl Dellara. Haiaad Trip III, without it. All who investigate th«>r use it, 1 its and what it lion of Choisy temples would and I would be Jghly, V\ & 59 NINTH AND UBEKN HT Β Κ ΕΤΗ, Meal? and Room inoltuled. to know exact condition swell, nearly and consider it invaiuab'e and indispensable. It is ITIJLOUBILL1AMS, PULSIFEK CO., Cora'l St. l e Roi, Havil- distracted with — never able to out in For Freight or Passage apply to really needs. He may now ascertain easily, pain, go the safe-α, simplest, cheapest and most efficient Grocrrie» and Provi»ion»· AND THIRD AND BKKKS 8T8. and's Limogee, the cold or wind without for af- β. Β. A mal, suffering days medicine ever discovered. No claim is set for E. C. HERSEY & 93 α 95 NAlPKON, the leaves having mostly fallen and laid the DUPLEX • oki, » >wari, up Î^LOIIB, CO.. Com'l et. <1e3"> to I.··, Wkxrr. Vmm. terward with my head. Several weeks since, it which is unscientific or shoots bare and visible. Go and other rare impracticable. .■λΒΜΤ aud Produce, "Wholesale." one-year I commenced Rheumatic and Neu- Creu**ral. It is the best of rest. It is Double Stone Ballast how potter es, de- taking your perfectly JD HODGDON A SOU LE, 101 Commercial Si Express Trains, Track, through the orchard and measure long and before the contents safe. No harm ever came from its use. It strains signed for Par- ralgia Remedy, taking nUBNITIJBK IJIaufr*. Fine A Common Be »nre to buy ticket» vat any railroad or steam- these shoots are. If not over afoot, the of one I found have suffered no no portion of the system. It dire- is the vital iorcef lor and Read- bottle, relief, WALTER & Free boat office in New England) ria to the affected parts. its use the health is easily I; COKEY Co., 2S St TOURISTS' ground needs atop-dressing. If three feet ing Lamps. since, and have been able to out in the By STEAMBOAT LINE pain go maintained. The of a Litter 4LVANIZED Gutters & Cornices. hare Theee return. purchase Reactionary IRON, BOUND BROOK ROUTE. long, you may omit the stimulus. We Lamps coldest weather without having the pain is the best kind of The convenience of II. 31 & 33 are fitted with economy. ClIT W. SCOTT. Mire., 29, Uuion at never seen an orchard !n grass that I hope all who have suffered from the same di» one in is Str. grew MOW- the Du- having the house very great. i Λ RAIN and Receiver» Ac Dealer» Minnehaha seen Knglish ease will not fail to this Remedv. mind and Brain.- it and Feed, Oa aad sflrr ©« T. fast enough. We have scarcely ever plex Burner, try great invigorates strength- VJ KENSELL, TABOR & CO., 11 Central Wharf lllrt, Mrs. ens the and renders it more active and effi- will leave tbe East side of Cua- a cultivated one that too fast. Au- which affords a ADDÏE FLATIÏER. brain, grew cient in all its FLOUR AWD FEED. torn House for to to Nashua, Ν. H., March 17, 1877. operations. Wharf, Peabe, tumn or early wl ter is the best time light equal is the and C1BAIN,J WALDRON & TRUE, 4 & 6 Union Whart New York and and Lulls ING four Stud eut Mleep.—It simplest safest narcotic. Philadelphia JLoan, aad Grsat the manure. trees are re- It is the most natural and means { I«laad»i apply Bearing lamps and far probably the beet Flour and Provi»ion». Chebeagar and the fruit is of inducing sound and sleep. W. & C. K. Milliken, 107 & 109 Commercial St β 45 A. M. markably Improved by it, to that refreshing GBOfEBIES. HEW ·* superior Nerrre.—It is a Wonderful tonic to the whole EKTULAND AGKINCY, 11.15 for Peaks finer. Even a f*w loads to of gas. Parsons, Bangs & Co., Flour and Provi»ione. only. nearly always nervous system. It is a most efficacious in 2.30 p. m. ex- remedy GBOCEBS.COUSENS & TOMLLNSON, 217 & 219 Oom' 910 Washington Street Boston. the acre, spread over the whole surface, HHPS. WHOIiKSALB DBl'GGUTS, paralysis, if taken in time. Return immediately after each trip. / H. P. erts a decided be efit. The error of Throat and Voice.—It ι BOCEBU, Spice Grinders & Cotfee Roaster» BALDWIN, ocl8 dtf apply- Attention i invited to a fine Une of Lnngs, gives special Gen. Paw 0. H. R. of N. J. particularly 117 and to the en- U TWITCHELL, CHAMP LIN & CO., 176 Com' mli26dly Agent the mannre in at the foot of the and Cloi* »nne mounted AND 119 MIDDLE STREET, expansion greater mobility chest; ing heaps Longw\ Ware, elegantly the incre-ises the volume of ROt'EBM. should be Gen- and fitted with the celebrated Burner. larges lungs respira- trunks avoided.—Country Moehring and the voice moi e fully under control. W CHAS. M «LAUGH LIN & CO.. Central St. Portland, & Machiae These lamps form a rare combination of and PORTLAND, ME. tion, brings C. Romford Falls & BucKiield Bangor tleman. beauty As a preventive and cure of lung diseases it has no utility, without which no house is complete. BOl'EBH, STEAfflBOAT CO. GEKEB1L AG NTS equal. & tiJT SAWYER, fOSS DEERING.1 Centra Wlirf — Qlaaningre. Exerciee.—It is the most perftct exercise for —roe Gas Fixtures a BOCEBIES and Provision». we are of our vast of Specialty. mm or woman, furnbhing the best form of physi- For leave Canton 4.20 ROCK 1· AND. SIT. MIL· While proud exports JT CON AN Τ & 153 Commercial St Portland, DEHERT, cal culture ai d development in the safest, ea>-iest, CI RAND, >nd 9 30 a. 5.15 HBIbCIE and HACMU*. wheat and corn, of beef and pork, md of Send for IUustrated Circular. m.; Bucktield, and most thorough and expeditious manner. It is bet- Flour and Prori»ion«. 10.08 h. m. the Vail Arnuieaeit, 188·. this Immense overplas of food crops in ter than the gymnasium, and free from its daugers; r FLETCHER & 169 Commercial St For Cure G1ROCEB1E8. CO., Canton and Backtleld, leave Tin than the saddle; less laborious thin Trip** per Week ■■lU farther attic* United States, there is a reflection that we cheaper boating BOCEB1E8, Flour and Proviaioa»· Portland 1.10 p. m.; Lewiston, 1.57 p. m. by Absorption and better than a of in ws shall do well to and examine. R. H0LLING8 & infinitely drugs majorit y tlJT< HURCHiLLe«*rt,) Millbridg·, depletion HABDWABE,Belling. RING & DEXTER, 269 Middle St PORTLAND & ROCHESTER R. R. Jaaf.pai t, aad maefciaapart. bow. We do not see the waste directly. We Dr.SANFORD'S J. II. Bataraiaa, will U-aTt- Mm- GAUBERT, PROPRIETOR, Cutlery and Farm Tool» Macnlaaport erery the while our soils WINTER ARRANGEMENT. •i.y aad a. 4.30 •annot realize loss virgin Schiedam Aromatic LIVER AND A6UE PAD eepl7 iLSwtf UABDWABE,EMERY, W A iRRHoCsE & CO., 159 MiddleSt TEaradajr Haraia«, o'clock, On and after Oct. as __ in remain, but there Is loss the same. Tlomln;, 18, touching above, arriving Portland, about Mid- just Cutlery and Farm Tool» Trains will leare night with the Pullman feel l"!!fINM), Pawenpsr connecting night train for Sooner or later we shall see, HABDWABE,SMITH, TIB BEITS & CO., 131 Middle St at 1 W a. m., and Boston and the West. Passei will not be dis- Most Effectual Remedy for All Diseases Arising fS^^P.rll««d*n " gers and realize It. The time may corae Agents for oriental Powder Mills. l.'J5 p. an , arriving at Worcester turbed unless wishing to take the Pullman. from at 2.15 m. and m. whea the United States will be as dep n- SCHNAPPS. Malaria or a Disordered Stomach or Liver, KNOW THYSELF. Hardware.Ν. M. PERKINS & CO., No. 2 Free St. BPk p. 7.30 p. Returning leave Steamer City of Richmond connects at Reekland Union Depot, Worcester, at 7.80 a. m. and 11.15 a. with *an!orn 8. S. for and 4ent for her food on soils as Kn- ana It is a well-kno\rn fact that nearly all the dis- ATS, Cap», Fur», Robe» and Glove». Co., Belfast, Bangor foreigu ΓΓΗΠΕ untold miseries that re- m., arriving at Portland at 1.10 p. m. and 6.10 p. River Landings, every Fra ce and Ger- eases that attach the human body can be traced di- u B\ RON G RE ENOUGH & CO.. 234 Middle St Saturday Morning. glaad, Ireland, Scotia* d, As a general beverage and necessar; _1. suit from indiscretion in CD. Comi g West Monday, receives and rectly or iimirectly to these two organs. early AY· Pre»»ed & Straw tbe passengers many now is. The time may come when life may be alleviated and cured. Hay by Car- For Clint··. Ayer J η nr., Fitchbarg, freight from River landing» for Pnrtlaiu· corrective of water rendered It is kn'»wn by actual experience that there is no cor. of impure bj Those who doubt this assertion H go. HiRAM PIERCE, Com'l, Park Si Naithutt. Lowell, Windham, and Ep- G KO U ωΥ. Gen. Ticket ahipe shall seek our shore with cargoes disease tha; att cks th«* youth or adult of both Aient, or other cause», should purchase the new medical I Steel. Ilea ν Hardware Ac. pinn at 7.£0 a. m. and 1.45 p. na. B. CUSJUNG, General Manager. krea<1stuffs and meat from seme unculti- vegetable decomposition prxes that can eveu be mrxiilied the use of BON, y by drugs work the PEA- Α. A. E. STEVENS & 146 & 160 For llnnrhfMter, Concord and points at nov'J but that can be acte » on in a far more satLsfatttoi ν publinhed by CO., Commercial North, dtf vated shore. How much bet'er would it be as Limestone, Sulphate of Copper &e, the BODY V.EMOAL I W p. na. INVIGORATOR ami maimer the HULMAM LXVKU INSTITUTE, Steel. Hardware Ac. a market across tbe prrm&iipnt by entitled THE NC'I· BON, Carriage Par Knclinlcr. Mnrinirv«·■#·. Alffriul. W··. if ml ead of seeking àromatic it superior to ever} Ρ AI» CO.'S KKVIKi IKS. Boston, E. COREY & CO.. 126 & 127 Commercial s Schnapps that RNC'R OF I erboro η nil Mac· Rfv«r.7.30 a. PACIFIC MAIL 8. our borne industries of Only Vegetable Compound LIFE ; or, m., 1.95 8. CO ëangereus deep, other alcoholic A «EL·F PRRSRRVATION HIE. Cement. Cal. A Lan J Planter and m.. and (mixed) at 11.45 m. he preparation. public p. Returning mi ie and quarry, mill and shop, could acts the and Kxn tu*te