1~6 :S1UDOW.ATER • . I [KKLLY 11

~ Tamlvn & Son, auctioneers, probate & general . Washer Robert, Nag's Head P~H. 63 West street valuers, house, land & insurance agents & certified Washer Rose (Mrs.), Cardiff Arms P.H. 1 West street bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress Amend- Watson Douglas Statham (firm, Barham & Watson), ment Act," 56 High street. Telegrams, "Tamlyn, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, deputy coroner fo-r ;" Telephone riiX West Somerset & clerk to the Cannington & Wemb- 'Rlpscott Annie Matilda (Miss), confr. I7 Penel Orlieu don district drainage board & clerli to the Burnh-am Taunton William, shopkeeper, 16 Bath road Urban District Council & Burnham joint burial board, Taylor Clifford, confectioner, 8 & re H~gh street Castle street; & Town ball, Burnbam Taylor Rebecca (Miss), certified midwife, 23 Eastover Watts Waiter & Sons, wheelwrights, 42 Market street Taylor William Henry, insurance agt. 64 Camden road Watts John, smith, 44 Market street Teek Henry Corner M.A. solicitor & commissioner for Webber Waiter & Sons, builders, 28 Friarn street oaths (firm, Hagon & Teek),6 King sq.; & at Cheddar Webber Henry, Blake Arms P.H. 9 Penel Orlieu Telephone Call Office, 22 St. Mary street Webber Lily (Miss), confectioner, ro St. Jfihn street Temblett Charles, fancy repository, 29 Eastover Weights & Measures Office (borough) (William Henry Templeman Thomas, boot repairer, 53 St. John l!treet Kitch, inspector), Blake street Thomas P. Hartland, architect & diocesan surveyor, 4 \Veights & Measures Office (county) (South-Western York buildings district) (Nathan W. Crick, inspector); office, 47 Thompson, Bird & Williams, physicians & surgeons, Ivy Mount street; res. 87 Victoria road house, Friarn street & 15 & 8 Castle street ; dis- . 1'V esleyan General Assurance Society (district office) pensary, 5 King square (Chas. Arth. Harrison, district supt.), I Alexandra rd Thornpson ;Brothers Ltd. ironmongers, 4 & 5 Cornhill; 1-Vest of Cabinet & Perambulator Co. cabinet 46 St. Mary street & stores, 14 & I6 Mar~et street makers, Cornborough place Thoinpson & Collins, wholesale cheese factors, 20 St. lVest of England Dental Surgery, 64 Eastover Mary street. T A "Tlwmpson Collins" West of England & South- Wales Permanent Benefit · Thompson Wilberforce L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., Building Society (Alfd. Jn. Whitby, sec.), 10 Cornhill D.P.H. (firm, Thompson, Bird & Williams), surgeon, Westbury Harry, builder, 136a, St. John street hon. surgeon Bridgwater Hospital & medical officer of Westcott Arthur George, pianoforte tuner, 51 North st health Bridgwater Rural District Council, Ivy house, Western Counties Wine & Spirit Co. wine & spirit mer- Friarn street chants, 73 High street Thorne Emmie (Miss), girls' school, 2 Dampiet street Wheller HaroJd F. confectioner, 26 Eastover Thyer Frederick, boot maker, 3 Polden street Whitby John' & Sons Limited (Alfred J. Whitby, manag- Tomlin 'l'homas,manager of London County Westminster ing directvr), wholesale & retail stationers, booksellers •. & Parr's Bank Limited & treasurer to the Art & printers, bookbinaElrS & news agents, ro Cornhill & Technical School, to the Somerset drainage commis- George st. & pianoforte.& musical instrument dealers, sioners, Bridgwater union & Rural District Council, tuners &c. I Cornhill; & at 15 Regent st. Bnrnham Bridgwater Hospital, Bridgwater, Cannington, Othery, Whit by Alfred John (firm, John Whitby & Sons Ltd.), , , Stockland & drain- sec. to the West of England & South Wales Permanent age boards & to the , , Broomfield, Benefit Building Society & to the Bridgwater Perma- . , Chilton, Polden, Edington, Middlezoy, Nether nent Benefit Building Society & agent for the Atlas Stowey, , , Pawlett, Shap- Assurance Co. Limited &c. IO Cornhill wick, & Parish Councils, Cornbill White Timothy Co. Limited, chemists, Ia, Fore street Tone Vale Manufacturing Co. Ltd. collar mfrs.Bailey st White Ernest Jarnes, sugar boiler, 22 Clare street & Tottle Harry Francis, china & glass dealer, I5 St.John st confectioner, 35 EastQver & 35 St. John street '!'out Ed~ard John, teacher of music, 42 Monmouth st ·white George, butcher, II Fore street Town Fire Engine Station (George Goodman, capt.), Whitehead Albert, grocer, 25 Northgate 6 Clare treet Whitehead Thomas, greengrocer, 33 Eastover ~ 3 11 '!'own Hall (Charles Chilcott, caretaker), High street Whitley George B.A. (firm, J. Ruscombe Poole & Son). Trelease Charles, draper & outfitter, Old Taunton road solicitor, commissioner for oaths & notary public & Trevor Edward (firm, James Trevor & Son), solicitor, deputy registration officer, Bridgwater division under commissioner for oaths, clerk to county magistrates the "Representation of the People Act, rg18; " offices,. for Bridgwater division, clerk to commissioners of 9 Dampiet street; & at I Sydenham terrace, West

Umted Yeast Co. L1m1t.ed, r6g St. John street 1 Willways Dye Works & Laundry Co. Ltd. u H1gh street Vearncombe Arthur, hau dresser, 7 St. John street : Wilson .!.lfred Henry~, f!hopkeeper, 18 Victoria road Vearncombe Charlie, Halswell House inn, 85 West street, Wilts United Dairies Limit-ed, dairymen, 46 St. John st Vearncombe Frank, boot maker, 58 High street i Winslade William, watch maker, 22 Fore :>treet Vinten & Co. tobacconists & hardware dlrs. 14 Fore st i Winter Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 74 West street Vowles & Co. grocers & provision dealers, I Eastover :~Winter Thomas James, confectioner, 36 St. John street Vowles Herbert Gifford, prm:ision dealer, 3 High street 'Witheridge Ruth (.}lrs.), shopkeeper, I Chilton street Waddon John & Sons Limited, ironmongers 5, & cycle Withycornbe & Son, coal & oil dealers, 92 St. John st agents 2, Eastover & rope & twine rnanfrs. Church st Withycombe lVilliam, builder, 32 Old TauntQn road Wadmore Edwin, asst. inspector of nuisances, To~n hall Wood Edward, boot maker & dealer, 7 York buildings Waiter P.aclring Co~ chemists' suncfriesmen, King street Woodley, Williams & Dunsford, printers & publishers of Wall Frederick William, fishmonger, 23 Penel Orlien the "Brid!!'water Mercury & Western Counties Herald &; • Waiter Sydney, Bridgwater qostume & mantle ware- Burnham,Highbrid~e &Weston-super-Mare Chronicle,'~ house, fancy draper, milliner, blouse specialist, hosier, 1 41 High street. See advertisement glover & furrier, 6 & 7 Cornhill · Wood~ard Jesse, shopkeeper, 106 Polden street Ware Thomas & Son, corn merchants, The Docks. TN I3 : lVoor Elizabeth (.}Iiss), certified midwife, 20 Taunton rd Ware Waiter M. carpenter, 18 Wembdon rd.& 4oClare st. Workhouse (John Arthur Barrell, master), 4I Nortbgate Warren George, master mariner, 52 Bath road ; Wright Lucy (Mrs.), grocer, 82 Bristol road Washer Alice Mabel (.Miss), dress maker,9 Wellington rd