Bibliography of the prehistory and the early dynastie period of and Northern Sudan 1997 addition

Stan Hendricloc

present bibliographicallist is a continuation of the present list or the original volume ta the B-3118 Werchter, Be!gium. St/dan. Egyptian Prehistory Monographs 1. Leuven, 1995. A first addition was published in Arehéo-Nil6 (1996): 85-121. Similar to this addition, the list is divi­ ded in two parts. The first consiSl' of publications whi­ 8038 ADAMS, B., E1iteTombsat Hierakonpolis. [in:) ch appeared between 1992 and 1996, while the second SPENCER, A.}. (ed.), Aspects IIfEarly Egypt: 1-15. patt is made up by older publications which were pre­ London. 1996. viously unknown to me. The numbering is continucd From the original volume and last year's addition. 8039 ADAMS, B., Happy Cemetety Snapping: Pho­ Encyclopedie works and small notes relating to tographing the abjects l'rom HK6. Nekhen recent archaeological activities have been treatcd as sepa­ News, 8 (1996): 9. rate entries which of course enlarges the corpus consi­ derably, but proved ta be usefull with regard to the site 8040 ADAMS, B., Elephants, Hippopotami and pigs: register. Olf-prinrs, lists of publications or other biblio­ Museums, Stores and Rooting. Nekhen News, 8 graphical information were kindly put at our disposal by: (1996): 10-11. B. Adams; L Allard-Huard; B. Ande!kovic; H.N. Bara­ kat;]. Billen; KM. Cialowicz; A.E. Close;].C. DarneU; 8041 ADAMS, B., Petrie's POl' Down Under. Mlllsletter D. Darnell; G. Dreyer; C. Ede Ltd.; J.M. Eisenberg; Frientls IIfthe Petrie MtlSetlll/, 15 (1996-1997): 7. E.M. Enge!; 1. Finke!stein; R.F. Friedman; G. Fuchs; U.w. Hallier;J. Hobbs; D. Huyge; E K1œs; R. K1emm; 8042 AKSAMIT, J., Egyptian Predynastic D-Ware: KP. Kuhlmann; M.l.itynska-Zajac; B. Midant-Reynes; Archaeological Data and Social Context. [in:] G. Negro;J.C. Rose; K Sadr; SAM. Swain; U. Than­ GIUNCHI, C. (ed.), XIII Iut. Olt/g. oj"fuhist. f/rId heiser; S.P. Tutundzic; P. Van Peer; P.M. Vermeersch; Protohist. Sciences. Fllrli, 8/14 Septell/llCr 1996. K Wasylikowa; DA Welsby; T.A.H. Wilkinson; Y. Abstnlcts 2: 75. Forli. 1996. Yekutieli. Additionallisrs will be published yearly in Archéo­ 8043 ALLARD-HUARD, L, Relazioni tra il Nilo e il Nil. Therefore, itwould be most useh" ifscholars would Sahara ciadiano. [in:) Arte rupestre uel CÙ/d. Bllr­ send their publication Iists, off-prints and additions to kt/- Eunedi - Tibesti: 95-98. Segrate. 1996.

Archéo-Nil n° 7, octobre '997 STAN HENDRlCKX

8044 ALON, D. & YEKUTIELI, Y., The Tel HalifTer- Europaische Hochschulsehritten, Reihe XXX- race "Silo Site» and its Implications tor the Ear- VIII Archaologie, Bd. 62. FranknICt. 1996. Iy Bronze Age I. Atiqot, 27 (1995): 150-189. 8054 BElUvlAN, LM., Bull Palette. [in:] BERMAN, LM. 8045 ANDELKOVIC, B., [Southern Canaan as an Egyp- & lErELLIER, B., Pharaohs. Treasurt'S ofEgyptian tian ProtodYllastiC Colony.] [Serbian] Joumalofthe Art fom the LouVl~: 34-35. Cleveland. 1996. Serbian ArchlleologiclIl Society. 11 (1996): 121-123. 80 55 BIEHL, H., Betraehtung zur agyptisch-hiero- 8046 ANSELIN, A., La cruche et le tilapia. Une lecture glyphischen Sprache. Kelllet, 5>2 (1996) : 68-69. africaine de l'Egypte nagildémne. Abymes. 1996. 8056 BIENKOWSI, P. &TOOLEY,A.M.j., Prcdynastic 8047 BAlNES,]., Contextualizing Egyptian Represen- Period. Early Dyna.

8048 BARAKAT, H.N., Charcoals frorn Neolithic Site 8057 BONHAMS,APre-Dyna.

80 51 BARI CH, B.E., Archaeology ofFaratta (Wc-<-tern 80 59 BONNE1~ C, Habitat et palais dans l'ancienne Desert, Egypt). Settlement Patterns and Impli- Nubie. [in:] BIETAK, M. (ed.), Haus ulld PlIltlSt cations for Food Production in the el-Bahr - eI- im Alten Agyp/en. Ill/mu//irmaies Symposium 8. Obeiyid Region. [in:] PWlTI, G. & SOPER, R bis 11. April 1992 ill /Vliro: 45-52. Wien. 1996. (cds.), Aspects ofAfican Archaeology. Papers lO/h Collgr. PallAficall A". Prehistory and Relateri 8060 BROOKS, A.S., Behavioral Perspectives on the Studies: 4°1-410. Harare. 1996. Origin of Modern Humans: Another Look at the African Evidence. [in:] BAR-YOSEF, O.; 8052 BARTON, CM. & NEELEY, M.P., Phan tom CAVALLI-SFORZA, L.L.; MARCI-I, R.J. A.O. Cultures of the Levantine Epipaleolithic. Allti- (cds.), Coll. {{the XI/! l/lt. Gmg. ofPrehis/. and qllity. 70 (199 6): 139-147. Pr%his/. Sciences. 5. Lower twri Middle PlIlaeoli- thic: 157-166. Forli. 1996. 80 53 BEHRMANN, A., Das Nilpford in der Vimtel- IUllgsweil der Alten Agypter. Teil II, Textband.

'52 Archéo-Nil n° 7. octobre 1997 BIBLlOGRAPHY OF THE PREHISTORY

8061 BUTLER, A, The Srnall-seedOO Legumes: An 8069 CHLODNICKI, M., Sorne Remarks abour Late Enigmatie Prehistoric Resource. Acta Pa/aeo- Predynastic, Early Dynastie and Old Kingdom botallica,35,1 (1995) : 105- 11 5. Bread Mould,. Etudes et Irtluaux, 17 (1995): 23-27.

8062 BYRD, B.R, Late Quaternary Hunter-Gatherer 8070 CHLODNICKI, M., The Neolithic of the Letti Complexes in the Between 20,000 and Basin (Nubia). [in:) GIUNCHI, C. (00.), XlIllllt. 10,000 BP. [in:) BAR-YOSI.îF, O. & KRA, RS. COllg. of Prehist. alld Protohist. Sdmces. Forli, (eds.), Paleoclimates of the Eastem Mediter- 8//4 September /996. Abstracts 2: 79-80. Forli. rtllletlll: 2°5-226. Tucson. 1994. 1996.

8063 CANEVA, 1., The Influence of Saharan Prehis- 8071 CHRISTIE'S LONDON, An Important Archaie torie Cultures on the Nile Valley. [in:) AUMAS- Royal Granadiorite Frog. (PrOOynastie Painted SIr, G.; DESMOND CLARK,]. & MORI, R (OOs.), Pottery Jars). [in:) CHRI~;TIE'S LONDON, Fille Coll. ofthe XIII II/t. Omg. ofPrehist. and Proto- AI/tiquities. WOOnesday, 3 July 1996. Sale 5625: hist. Sciences. /5. The Prehistory ofAfrica: 231- n" 199, 241, 257-258. London. 1996. 239. Forli. 1996. 8072 CHRISTIE'S NEW YORK, An Alabaster Jar. À Pre- 8064 CANEVA, I.,Alternative Madels of Urban Deve- dynastie Pottery Jar. À Porphyritic Diorite Tt"tle. lopment in the Nile Valley. [in:) GIUNCHI, C. [in:) CHRI,llE'SNEWYORK, Anti-quitin Friday, (cd.), XIII Int. Congo ofPrehiJt. and Protohist. June 14, 1996: n" 1-3. New York. 1996. Sciences. Forli, 8//4 September /996. Abslracts 2: 69-70. Forli. 1996. 8°73 CHRISTIE'S NEW YORK, Three Pre-Dynastie Stone Jats. Two Pre-Dynastie Basalt Vessels. An 8065 CANEVA, 1. & DI LERNIA, S., Intrasite Spatial Early Dyna.,tie Greenish-Gray Schist Bowl. [in:) Analysis: A Ca.« Study From Kabbashi Haitah CHRISTIE'S NEW YORK, Alltiquities. Wednes- (Sudan). [in:) PWITI, G. & SOPER, R. (cds.), day, December 18th, 1996. Auction8568: n" 49- Aspects ofAfrican Archaeology. Papen /Dth Omgr. 51. New York. 1996. PallAfrictlll Ass. Prehistory allri Relateri Siurlies: 235-244. Harare. 1996. 8074 CIALOWICZ, KM., La Dyna.,tie o. Conqué- rants ou administrateurs? [in:) SLIWA,J. (cd.), 8066 CANEVA, 1.; MARCOLONGO, B. & PALMIERI, Sluri;es il/ AI/dent Art al/ri Ciui/izatiol/ 7. Pn/cc A.M., Geoarehaeology at Maadi. «À Short Arche%gkzl/e 58: 7-23. Krakow. 1996. Note». [in:) Proceeriings ofthe Egyptial/-Ita/ùm Semil/ar on Geoarchaeology miriArchaeology in the 8075 CLARK, G.A., Plus français 'lue les Français. MeriitC11'aneall: 311-319. Cùro. 1995. AI/tiquity. 70 (1996): 138-139.

8067 O\STIllOS,J.]., Remarks on d,e EHort - Expen- 8076 CLOSE, AE., Plus ça Change. The PleL,toeene- diture Principle applicd to the Study ofPrehisto- Holoœne Transition in Northea.

Archéo-Nill1° 7, octobre '997 '53 STAN HENDRICKX

8078 DAHLBERG, J .A.; EVANS, J.; JOHNSON, E.; tique (20.000-5.000 Bp): étude préliminaire. HYMAN, M.; BIEHL, E. & WENDORF, E, Archéo-Nil, 6 (1996): 9-16. Attempts to IdentifY 8000-bp Sorghum using Image-analysis, Infrared Spectroscopy, and Bio- 8090 DODSON, A., The Mysterious 2lld Dynasty. technological Procedures. Acta Pti/aeo-boft/nica, KM. T., 7,2 (1996): 19-31. 35>1 (1995): 167-174. 8091 DOETSCH-AMBERGER, E., Agyptisthe Stlmm- 8079 DAMlANO-APPIA, M., Cave, miniere e fortezze. lung. II: n° 301. Kiiln. 1992. Archeo, 116 (Ottobre 1994): 20. (not seen) 8°92 DONADONI, S., Un'e.'plorazione sulla quarta 8080 DARNELL, J.e. & DARNELL, D., The Theban caterattadel Nilo. [in:] NOBERASCO, G. (ed.), Desert Raad Survey(The Luxor-Eltshût De.'ert Vedute sull'Egitto Antico: 116-119. Torino. 1995. Raad Survey). [in:] The DrimtalImtifute 1995- 1996AlIlIuai Report: 62-70. Chicago. 1996. 8093 DREYER, G., Ein TongeHiss mit l'rauentiguren. Ein Neuflllld aus Abydos. Antike IVett, 27,3 8081 DE MIROSCHED)I, P., Les première., cités-états (1996): 242. cananéenne.,. Les Dossiers de l'Archéologie, 203 (1995): 81-100. 8094 DREYER, G., FriedhofU. 2. Griiber mit Ziegelatc<- mauenlllg. [in:] DREYER, G.; ENGEL, E-M., HAR- 8082 DEUfSCHES Archaologisches Institut Abteilung TUNG, u.; HlKADE, T. A.O., Umm el-Qaab. Kairo, Buta. RUlldbriefDAJ, (Oktober 1994): 2-5. Nachuntersuchungen im tèühzeitlichen Kiinig- sfriedhof7.18. vbrbericht. MDAIK. 52 (1996): 22-30. 8083 DEUTSCH ES Archaologisches Institut Abteilung Kairo, AbydoslUmm el-Qaab. RundbriefDAJ, 8095 DREYER, G., l'riedhof B. [in:] DREYER, G.; (Oktober 1994): 9-14. ENGEL, E.-M., HARTUNG, U.; HlKADE, T. A.O., Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersudlllngen im 8084 DEUTSCHES Archaologische., Institut Abteilung tèühzeitlichen Kiinigstèiedhof 7.18. Vorbericht. Kairo, Tell el-Fara'inlButo. RunrliJriefDAI, (Sep- MDAIK. 52 (1996): 48-49. tembet 1995): 2-3· 8096 DREYER, G., Grabkomplexdes Qia. 3. Kleinfi.ll1- 8085 DEUTSCHES Archaologische., Institut Abteilung de. [in:] DREYER, G.; ENGEL, E-M., HARTUNG, Kairo, Elephantine. Rundbrief DAI, (Septem- U.; HlKADE, 1: A.O., Umm el-Qaab. Nachunter- ber 1995): 8-10. suchungen im trühzeitlichen Kiinigstriedhnf 7.18. Votbericht. MDAIK. 52 (1996): 71-76. 8086 DEUTSCHESArchaologische.,lnstitutAbteilung Kairo, Tell el-Fara'inlButo. RundbtiefDAI, (Sep- 8097 DREYER, G.; ENGEL, E.-M.; HARTUNG, U.; tember 1996): 2. HlKADE, T.; KOHLER, E.e. & PUMPENMEIER, E, Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungen im 8087 DEUTSCHES Archaologisches Institut Abteilung tèüh-zeitlichen Kiinigsfriedhof7.18. vbrbericht. Kairo, Abydos/Umm el-Qaab. Rtmrlbrief DAI, MDAIK 52 (1996): 11-81. (September 1996): 5.8. 8098 DUTOUR, O., Le peupclement moderne d'Mèi- 8088 DE VARTAVAN, e., Introduction. Archéo-Nil, 6 que septentrionale et se...;; relations avec ,<:lui du (1996): 5-8. Proche-Orient. Rdéoriel/t, 21 (1995): 97-109.

8089 DE VARTAVAN, e., Flote de l'Egypte prédynas- 8099 DUTOUR,o. & HERSHKOVITZ, 1., North Mrican

Arçhéo-Nil n° 7. octobre 1997 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PREHIHORY

and Levantine Populations: Biological Featuees dieAusgrabungend", DAI in Tell el-Fam'in/Buto and Population Dynamic; at the PleL,tocene-Holo- 1993 biS1995· MDAIK, 52 (1996): 87-114- cene Boundary. [in:) GIUNCHI, C. (cd.), XII/lnt. Omg. ofPrehist. and Protohist. Sciences. Forli, 8/14 8110 FELLNER, R, Technology or Typology? À Res- September 1996. Abslracts 2: 147. Forli. 1996. ponse to Necley & Barton. Antiquity, 69 (1995): 381-3 83. 8100 EDE, LTD., Rectangular palette. [in:) Sma/l Sculpture from Ancient Egypt, 22 (1995): n° 1. 8111 FERNANDEZ MARTINEZ, Y.M., Arque%gia London. 1995. prehistoriea de Afrita. Madrid. 1996.

8101 EDE, LTD., Egyptian Shallow Oval Bowl in 8112 FORBES, D.C., Quibell ar Hierakonpolis. White on Rcd Ware. [in:) EDE, LTD., Char/~, KM T., 7,3 (1996): 46-59, 68. Ede Ltd. Antiquities. Càftllogue 163: n° 30. Lon- don. 1996. 8113 FRIEDMAN, R.E, The Ceremonial Centre at Hiemkonpolis Loeality HK 29A. [in:) SPEN- 8102 EDE, LTD., Egyptian Storage Jar. Egyptian Black- CER, A.J. (ed.), Aspects ofEar/y Egypt: 16-35. top Jar. [in:) EDE, LTD., Charles Ede Ltd. AlIti- London. 1996. quities. Cata/ogue 162: n° 6-7. London. 1996. 8114 FRIEDMAN, R.E, The Predyn ..,tic Cemetery at 8103 EDWARDS, D.N., South From Wadi Haltà: HK43: We need youe help. Nekhen News, 8 Archaeology in Nubia in the 1990's. SARS News- (1996): 2. /ettet, 3 (1992) : 5-. (not seen) 8115 FRIEDMAN, R.E, Hierakonpolis in Dublin. 8104 EDWARDS, D.N. & OSMAN, A.M.S., The Nekhen News, 8 (1996): 13. Mahas Suroey 1990: An Interim Report and Site Jnventory. Mahas Survey Reports 2. Cam-bridge. 8116 FUCHS, G., Chett Mining n<'dr el-Tod (&'tern 1994. (not seen) D"

8105 ENGEL, E.-M., Umm el-Qa'ab. Grab d", Qa'a. 8117 GABRIEL, B., Klima- und Landschattswandel BCE, 19 (1996): 17-20. im Nord-Sudan. Die Umwclt d", Mensehen in der Vor- und Frühg",ehiehrc. Dm A/fatum, 42 8106 ENGEL, E.-M., Grabkomplex des Qa'a. [in:] (199 6): 35-48. DREYER, G.; ENGEL, E.-M., HARTUNG, U.; HIKADE, T. A.O., Umm cl-Qaab. Nachunter- 8118 GALERIE GÜNTHER PUHZE, Sehnueiisengef.iss. suchungen im frühzeitlichen Kiinigsfriedhof [in:] GALERIE GÜNTHER PUHZE, Kunst der 7.18. Vorberieht. MDAIK 52 (1996) : 57-71. Antike. Kata/og 12: n° 284-285 Freibueg. 1996.

8107 FALTINGS, D., Ausgrabungen des DAI in Buto. 8119 GARRARD, A.; COLLEDGE, S. & MARTIN, L., Kemet, 5,1 (1996): 58-60. The Emergence ofCwp Cultivation and Capri- ne Herding in the « Marginal Zone» of [he sou- 8108 FALTINGS, D., (Die Ausgrabung.) [in:] FAL- thern Levant. [in:] HARRIS, D.R. (ed.), The TINGS, D. & K6HLER, E.C., Vorbericht über OrigillS and SpmtdtfAgrimlture and PlIS-toY/dis", die Ausgrabungen des DAI in Tell el-Fara'in/Buto in Eurasùt: 2°4-226. London. 1996. 1993 bis 1995. MDAIK, 52 (199 6): 87-99· 8120 GEUS, E, Saï 1993-1995. Arché%gie du Ni/ 8109 FALllNGS, D. & K6HLER, E.c., Vorbericht üher Moyeu, 7 (1995): 79-98.

Archéo-Nil n" 7, octobre '997 155 STAN HENDRlCKX

8121 GEYH, M.A, The Paleohydrology of the Eastem nal Committee, The ï(1J1frloj'Egypt i1l the N"timlft/ MOOiterranean. [in:] BAR-YOSEF, O. & KRA, Anhr/eoklgiat/ Museum: 29-33. Athem. '995. RS. (eds.), Paleoclimates oj'the Eastern Mediter- /Unem/: 131-145. Tucson. '994- 8132 GREEK Ministry of Culture - ICOM Hellenic National Committee, Catalogue. [in:] GREEK 8122 GIDDY, L.L., Digging Diary '995. Egyptùl1l Ministry of CulturE- ICOM Hellenic National Archaeology, 8 (1996): 11-14- Committee, The ï(1lrld oj'Egypt i1l the Natio1lal Archaeoklgical Museu1ll: n" 1.1, v'1-16, VI.1-2,5-6, 8123 GIDDY, LL, Digging Diary 1995-1996. EgyptùiII VIII.t-30, IX.1-5, X Athens. '995. Archaeology, 9 (1996): 27-30. 8133 GREENBERG, R & PORAT, N., À Third Mil- 8124 GIDDY, L.L.; JEFFREYS, D. & BOURRlAU, J., lennium Levantine Pottery Production Center: Memphis, '995. JEA, 82 (1996): 1-3. Typology, Petrography and Provenance of the Metallic Ware. BASOR, 30' (1996): 5-24. 8125 GOPHNA, R, The« Throughs» of the Southem Coastal Plain: A Subsistence Area of the Early 8134 GIUMAL, N., Travaux de l'Institut français d'ar- Bronze Age 1. [hebrew, english summary] [in:] chéologie orientale en 1995-1996. Adàima, Bm/o, Eretz Israel25.foseph Aviram VOlume: 108-111,91*. 96 (199 6): 49 -495. Jerusalem. 1996. ' 8135 GIUMAL, N., Travaux de l'Institut français d'ar- 8126 GOPHNA, R. & VAN DEN BRINK, E.e.M., chéologie orientale en 1995-1996. Dé.

156 Archéo-Nii na 7. octobre 1997 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PREHISTORY

8140 HAAlAND, R. & MAG ID, AA, Introduction. (00.), Studies in Honoro/William Kelly Siupson. [in:] HMlAND, R. & MAGlD, A.A. (cds.), vol. 1: 361-378. Boston. 1996. Aqua/ithic Sites a/ong the Rivers Nile andAtbara, Sudan: 9-16. Bergen. 1995. 8150 HASSAN, EA, Evolution of Social Hierarchy in Prcdynastie Egypt. [in:] GIUNCHI, C. (ed.), 8141 HAAlAND, R. &MAGID,AA,Archaeological XIII Int. Omg. I{Pr,hist. and Protohist. Sciences. Excavations. [in:] HMlAND, R. & MAGID, Forli, 8/14 September 1996. Abstral'ls 2: 75. Forli. AA. (OOs.), Aqua/ithicSites along the Rivers Nile 1996. a/ldAtbara, Sudall: 17-29. Bergen. 1995. 81 51 HASSAN, EA, Abrut Climatie Change and Rive- 8142 HAAIAND, R. & MAGID, AA, Radiocarbon rine Dynami", in the Nile Valley From 12,000 to Dates. [in:] HMlAND, R. & MAGlD, A.A. 7000 BP. [in:] GIUNCHI, C. (OO.),XIII Int COr~. (cds.), Aqualithic Sites along the Rivers Nile and I{Prehist. tlnd Pr%hist. Sciences. Forli, IIII 4 Sep- Atbara, Sudall: 47-51. Bergen. 1995. tember 1996. Abstracts 2: 144-145. Forli. 1996.

8143 HAAlAND, R. &MAGlD,AA (eds.) , Aqutl/ithic 8152 HASSAN, F.A., Abrupt Holocene Climaric Events Sites along the Rivers Nile and Atbtlm, Sud'In. in Aftica. [in:] PWITI, G. & SOPER, R. (eds.), Bergen. 1995, Aspects ofAfrican An·ham/ogy. Ptlpm /lJth OIlIgr. PanAfrialn Ais. Prehistory al/d Re/ated Studies: 83- 8144 HALLIER, u.w., Fe/sbi/der fi'Üher jiigervo/ker der 92. Harare. 1996. Zmtml-Saham: 166-. Stuttgart. 1996. (not seen) 8153 HATHER, J., ParenchymatousTissues tèom the 8145 HALIJER, V.w. & HALIJER, B.C., Felsbilder der Easly Ncolithie Site E-75-6 at Nabta Playa, W",- Zentral-Saham: 196-. Stuttgart. 1992. (not secn) tern Desert, South Egypt. Preliminary Report. ACtif Pa/tleobotunitlf, 35,1 (1995): 157-162. 81{6 HARTUNG, V., FriOOhofV. [in:] DREYER, G.; ENGEL, E.-M., HARTUNG, V.; HlKADE, 81 54 HENDRlCKX, S., The Relative Chronology ot'the T A.O., Vmm e!-Qaab. NachuntetsllChungen im Naqada Culture: Problems and Possibilities. frühzeirliehen KonigsfriOOhof 7.18. Vorbericht. [in:] SPENCER, A.J. (00.), Aspet'ts I{Early Egypt: MDAlK, 52 (1996): 13-21. 36-69. London. 1996.

8147 HARTUNG, u., FriOOhofV. 3. Bullen mit Sie- 81 55 HENDRlCKX, S., Bibliography of the Prehisto- gelabrollungen. [in:] DREYER, G.; ENGEL, E.- ry and the Early Dynastie Period ofEgypt and M., HARTUNG, u.; HlKADE, T A.O., Vmm el- Northern Sudan. 1996 Addition. Arch/o-Nil, 6 Qaab. Nachuntersuchungen im frühzeitliehen (1996): 85- 122. Konigsfriedhof 7.18. Vorberieht. MDAIK, 52 (199 6): 3°-33· 81 56 HENDRlCKX, S., 1\vo Protodynastic abjects in Brussels and the Origin of the Bilobate Cult-Sign 81 48 HARTUNG, V., FriedhofV. 5. Importkeramik. ofNeith. jEA, 82 (1996): 23-42. [in:] DREYER, G.; ENGEI., E.-M., HARTUNG, u.; HlKADE, T A.O., Vmm e!-Qaab. Nach- 81 57 HENRY, 0.0., Fllnctional Minimalism versus untersuchungen im frühzeirlichen KiinigstèiOO- Erllllicity in explaining Lid,ic Patterns in the Levan- hof 7./8. Vorbericht. MDAIK, 52 (1996): 39-41. tine r'f'ipalaeolithic. Aliliquity, 70 (1996): 135-136.

8149 HARVEY, S.P., A Decorated Protodynastic Cult 81 58 HERAS, l'.].S., el-cl\chillo de Gcbe! el-Arak. Vn StandfromAbydos. [in:] DERMANUEUAN, P. te..'i\tÎmonio de los contacros entre Mesopo-tamia

Archéo-Nil n" 7, octobre '997 157 STAN HENDRICKX

y Egipto a mediados del cuarto milenio a. 8171 ]fuVlES, T.G.H., A ShllrtHistllryofEg>1Jt. FrolJ/ Pœ- e. Bo/etin de "1 Asocitldon Espano/a de Egipt%- dynastie ta ROlJ/111I Tilt/t>. London. 1995. (not sœn) gia, 6 (1996) : 9-32. 8172 ]ORGENSEN, M., Catalogue. Egypt 1. (joOO-J550 8159 HIKADE T., Friedhof U. 4- Die Iithischcn K1ein- B.C). Ny OirlsbergGlyptotek. Koben-havn. 1996. funde. [in:] DREYER, G.; ENGEL, R-M., HAR- TUNG, u.; HIKADE, T. A.O., Umm el-Qaab. 8173 KAUFMAN, O., Microburins and Microliths of Nachuntersuchungen im frühzeitlichen Konig- the Levantine Epipalaeolithic. A Comment on sliiedhof7.18. Vorbericht. MDAIK, 52 (1996): 33-39. the Paper by Necley & Barton. Antiquity, 69 (1995): 375-381. 8160 HILLMAN, G., The Principal Plant Foods avai- lable to Predynastic Populations and their Exploi- 8174 KELLER, e., Double-Bird" Pelta» Palette. Frog- tation. Archéo-Nil. 6 (1996): 17-26. Shaped Vesse!. TInee Copper Tools. Stone Vcs- sels and a Knit;,. [in:] THOMAS, N. (cd.), The 8161 HOBBS,]. & GOODMAN, S.M., Leopard-Hlm- Amerkdll Dùt'(lvery ojAndent Egypt: 102, 1°9, ring Scenes in Dated Rock Paintings from the 119-121. L)s Angeles. 1996. Northern Eastern Desert of Egypt. Sahartl, 7 (1995) : 7- 16. 8175 KEMp, B.]., How Religiolls were the Ancient Egyptians? Cambridge Archaeologka/ journal, 8162 HOBER-KAMEL, G., Neue Erkcnntnisse über 5,1 (1995): 25-54- die Null-Dynastie. Kemet, 5,1 (1996): 66. 8176 KLEMM, R., Umm Eleiga. Ein pr1idynastischer 8163 H6BER-KAMEL, G., Neue Funde aus prahis- Goldfundplatz in der OstwUste Agyptens. [in:] torischer Zcit. Keme!, 5,4 (1996): 96. KEsSLER, D. & SCHULZ, R. (eds.), Gedmk- schrifl ftir Winji-ied B'lrltl. htp dj Il hzj. MUnch- 8164 HOPP, O., Steinzeitliche Funde aus dem Rames- ner Âgyptologische Untersuchungen 4: 247- seum ([heben-West). Kemet, p (1996): 56-57. 260. Frankfurt. 1995.

8165 HoPp, O., Steinzeitliche Fundesüdwcstlich des 8177 KOHLER, E.e., Buro. Tell aI-Fara'in. Early Per- Tais der Koniginnen. Kemet, 5,3 (1996) : 64-66. iods. DAI, . BeE, 19 (1996): H.

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8189 KUPER, R., Preht,toric Research in the South-ern 8200 LECLANT,J. & CLERC, G., Fouilles et rravaux en Libyan Desert. À BriefAccount and Some Conclu- Egypte et au Soudan, 1994-1995. A'\souan. Oriell- sion, ofthe B.O.S. Project. [in:] GEUS, F. (ed.), NI/bit, tl/lia, 65 (1996): 316-318. Thirty Veit'" Ltl/er. Sodety for Nubùm Sft/dies Eigbth II/tenu/fiol/'" OmfèlF/Ice. IJlle. /994: HO. Lille. 1994 8201 LECLANT, J. & CLERC, G., Fouilles ct ttavaux en

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Egypte et au Soudan, '994-'995. Région de l'Athara. Orimüditl, 65 (1996): 344. Siwah et de Bahatya. Orientalifl, 65 (1996): 319. 8213 LEClANT, J. & CLERC, G., Fouilles et travaux en 8202 LEClANT, J. & CLERC, G., Fouilles et travaux en ftypte et au Soudan, 1994-'995. Prospection du sec- Egypte et au Soudan, 1994-1995. Contins du teurdeMéro&Ouest. Orienta/ia, 65 (1996): 346. désert occidental. Orienta/ia, 65 (1996): 320. 821 4 LEClAN1; J. & CLERC, G., Fouilles ettravaux en 8203 LEcIANf,J, & CLERC, G., Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, '994-1995. Shaqadud. Egypte et au Soudan, 1994-1995. Oasis de Fata- Orienta/ùI, 65 (1996): 348. fta. Orienta/ia, 65 (1996): 320-321. 821 5 LEClAN1;J. & CLERC, G., Fouilles et travaux en 8204 LECIANf, J. & CLERC, G., Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 1994-1995. Kadero. Orim- Egypte et au Soudan, 1994-1995. Oasc< de Dakh- tafia, 65 (1996): 348. leh. Orienta/ia, 65 (1996): 323-324. 8216 LEviNSON, H. & LEviNSON, A., Prionoth,,:acOfo- 8205 LECIANf,J. & CLERC, G., Fouilles et travaux en nata Olivier (pimeliinae,Tenehrionidae) recognized Egypte et au Soudan, 1994-1995. Oasis de Khar- as New Species otVeneratcd Beedes in dle Funera- geh. Oritlltalia, 65 ('996): 327. ry Gdt ofPre.Jynastic and Archaic Ewpt. }mmaltif Applied ElIllIIflIIUJgJi120,1O (1996): 577-585. 8206 LECIANf, J. & CLERC, G., Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 1994-1995. Nabta Playa. 8217 LITYNSKA-ZA]AC, M., Polish Archaeohotani- Orienta/ia, 65 (1996): 327. cal Studie< in North Nrica: Armant (r'{,'Ypt). Wùtdtlllltl,ej Btltalliezlle, 37,3/4 (1993): 171-172. 8207 LEClANT,J. & CLERC, G., Fouille< et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, '994-'995. Ouadi Abou 8218 MACKLIN, M.G. & WOODWARD, J.e., The Had et Ouadi Dih. Orimtalia, 65 (1996): 328-329. Norrhern Dongola Reach Survcy. Bolorene River Behaviour in the Norrhern Dongola Rea- 8208 LEClANT,J. & CLERC, G., Fouilles et travaux en ch orthe Nile. SARS New,/elter, 10 (1996): 12-14- Egypte et au Soudan, '994-'995. Ouadi Sod- mein. Orienta/ù!, 65 (1996): 329-33°. 8219 MAGID, A.A., The Lithic Matcrial l'rom the Site< of Aneihis, Abu Darhein and cd-Damer. 8209 LECIAN1; J. & CLERC, G., Fouilles et travaux en [in:) I-IAAIAND, R. & MAGID, A.A. (cds.), Egypte et au Soudan, J994-1995. Sud du désert AqUldithic Sites a/tlllg the RÙfm Ni/e alld Alvart/, oriental. Orientalia, 65 (1996): 333. Sudall: 52-83. Bergen. '995.

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8231 MENU, B., Naissance du pouvoir pharaonique. 8240 MOSjoy, B., Bowl. PaiettewithStylized Birds. Fi.,h Méditerranées, 6-7 (1996): 17-59. P.alette. Jarwith Two Tuhular String-Hole Handle;. Male Figure. Jar with 'I\vo Wavy Handle,. [in:) 8232 MEZA, A.I., Ancient Egypt before Writing, &om THOMAS, N. (ecI.), The Americau Disa/very of Counting ta Hieroglyphs: w., the Transition an AlIcÎmt Egypt: 103-106,108,110. Los Angeles. 1996.

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8245 NORDSTROM, H.A., The Nubian A-Group: 8255 PORAT, N.,« Egyptian» Pottery Irom Hartuv: A Ranking Funerary Remains. NAR, 29,1 (1996): Petrographie Desctiption. [in:] MAZAR, A & DE 17-39· MIROSCHED]I, P., Hartuv, an A'pect of Early Bronze 1 Culture of Sourhern Israel. BAI'OR, 8246 O'BRIEN, A, The Serekh as anA'pect of the lco- 302 (1996): 34-35· nography ofEarly Kingship. fARCE, 33 (1996): 123- 138. 8256 PORAT, N. & ADAMS, B., Imported Pottery with Pot marks Irom Abydos. [in:] SPENCER, 8247 OMAR, M., The Potmarks Study through the AJ. (ed.), Asper'lf ofEtlr1y Egypt: 98-107. London. Computer. Informatique et Egyptologie, 9 (1994): 1996. 111-. (not seen) 82 57 PRUSAKOV; D.B., [On Some Fiction of the Paler- 82{8 O'MARA, ER, Was d,ere an Old Kingdom HL

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8283 TAKAYlMA, 1., [Large Flint Knive., in Ceme- 8293 VASSILI KA, E., Museum Acquisitions, '994. teries of the Naqada Culture, Egypt.] Uapanese] Egyptian Antiquiti"" accessioned in '994 by OriellfO (Tokyo), 35 (1992): 123-138. (not seen) Museums in the United Kingdolll. jEA, 82 (1996) : '93-195> n" 1. 8284 TEETER, E.D., Censer. A-Group Bowl. [in:] THOMAS, N. (ed.), The American Disco/lery of 8294 VENTE DROUOT-RlCHELlEU, (Vases en pierre, Allcient Egypt: 114-115. Los Angel"". 1996. pointes de Hèche, lames de couteau, va.'\cs, palette..'\, masses d'arme. statuette de héris..wll1). 8285 THANHEISER, n, Electrostatic Extraction of [in:] VENTE DROUOT-RICHELIEU, Préhistoire Archaeological Plant Remains from Soi!: A New etarchéologie. Lundi 26 tC!vtier 1996: n" 61-68, 71- Method. Acta Palaeobotonka, 3P (1995): 117-119. 80,84.157,211,21+ Paris. 1996.

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September 1996. Abstracts 2: Tf. Forli. '996. NAK, R (cds.), ResArchlteobotaniate-9th Sym- posium lIVGP Kiel, 1992: 345-358. Kiel. '995. 8299 VERMEERSCH, P.M., Fishing along the Nile. [in:] GIUNCHI, C. (cd.), XIII Int. Cong.ofPre- 8307 WASYLIKOWA, K; MITKA, J.; WALANUS, A; hist. andProtohist. Sciences. Forli, 81I4 September WENDORF, E & SCHILD, R., Dist.ribution of 1996. Abstracts 2: 148. Forli. 1996. Plant Macrofo."ils wicllÎn aSettlement: A Case Stu- dl' on Plant Exploitation Manners in a Hunter- 8300 VERMEERSCH, P.M.; VAN PEER, P.; MOEYER- Gatherer Site at Nabta Play., South Egypt. [in:] SONS, J. & VAN NEER, w., Neolithic Oc-cu pa- CAsTEuEm, L & CREMASCHI, M. (cds.), Coll. tion of the Sodmein Area, Red Sea Mountains, ofthe XIII Int. Cong. ofPrehist. and Protohist. Egypt. [in:] PWITI, G. & SOPER, R. (cds.), Sciences. 3. PIt!tteo-ecology: 47-56. Forli. 1996. Aspects ofAfricall Archaeology. Papers /Oth Omgr. PallAfricall Ars. Prehistory Itnd Relltted Siuriies: 8308 WASYLIKOWA, K; SCHILD, R.; WENDORF, E; 411-420 Harare. 1996. KROLIK, H.; KUBlAK-MARTENS, L & HAR- LAN, J.R, Archaeobotany of the Early Neolithic 8301 VON DEN DRIESCH, A & PETERS, J., Grab- Site &75-6 at Nabta Playa, Western Desert, Sou- komplex des Qia. 3. F1eischbeigaben im Grab th Egypt (Prcliminaty Results). Acttl Pltlaeo-llIIttI- des Qa'a. [in:] DREYER, G.; ENGEL, E.-M., nÎcIt, 35,1 (1995): 133-155. HARTUNG, U.; HIKADE, T. A.O., Umm e1- Qaab. Nachuntersuchungen im frühzeidiehen 8309 WATERBOLK, H.T., Radiocarbon Dating Levan- Konigsfriedhof 7./8. Vorberieht. MDAIJ(, 52 tine Prehistory. [in:] BAR-YOSEF, O. & KRA, (1996): 76-81. R.S. (cds.), Pitieodimlttt's ofthe EllStcm Mediter- "I1IMII: 351-371. Tucson. 1994 8302 VON DER WAY, T., Early Dynastic Architecture atTell e1-Fariln-Buto. [in:] BIETAK, M. (cd.), 8310 WEEKS, KR, The American Contribution to an Haus und Palast im Alten Agypten. IlIter-lIIltÎo- Undersranding ofPrehisroric Egypt. [in:] THO- /laies Symposium 8. bis JI. April 1992 in Kltim: MAS, N. (cd.), The AlI/ericltll DistrlveJy ofAlIlieut 247-252. Wien. 1996. Egypt. Essltys: 12-23. Los Angeles. 1996.

8303 WALKER, R, H~3: 1996 Season Report on 83 11 WELSBY, D.A., Kawa Survey Project. SARS the Human Remains. Nekhen News, 8 (1996): 8. Newslelter, 4 (1992): 3-7. (not seen)

8304 WARMENBOL, E., Egyptische oudheden van 8312 WELSBY, D.A., The Northern Dongola Reach een Lakerse verzamelaar. [in:] VAN CAMPEN- Survey. The 199516 Season. SARS Newslmer, 10 HOUT, N. & VAN DAELE, R (cds.), Vtm ACtI- (1996): 2-9· rlemie tot Museum. BUllrleling studies 1I.1t. v. het eeuwftest v.h. Sterlelijk Museum Vltll Lokeren: 46- 8313 WENDORI;, E, The Middle Palaeolithic Setde- 55, n° 18. Brugge. 1996. ment System in the Eastern Sahara. [in:] GIUN- CHI, C. (cd.), XIlllllt. COllg. ofPrchist. ItndPro- 830 5 WASYLIKOWA, K, Exploitation ofWild Plants tohist. Sciences. Forli, 81I4 Septell/ber /996. by Prehistoric People.< in the Sahara. Wiirz-bu/'- Abstrtltts 2: 42. Forli. 1996. ger Geographische Arbeiten, 84 (1992): 247-262. 8314 WENDORF, R, TI1C Use of Plants during the Early 8306 WASYUKOWA, K. & KUBlAK-MARI'ENS, L, Wild Holocene in the Egn)tian SaharJ. [in:] GIUNOll, C. Sorghum /Tom the Early Neolithic Site at Nabta (<:J.),XIIIIIII. Oll/g. 'll)rhist. tlfvlPmtohisl. Sdmces. Playa, South Egypt. [in:] KROLL, H. & PASTER- Forli, 8It4 Septemberl996. Abstnll'ts 2: 149. Forli. 1996.

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8315 WENDORF, E & SCHILD, R., Ranked (?) Genève. 1976. Groups in the Egyptian Sahara. [in:] GIUNCHI, C. (cd.), XIII Int. Congo ofPrehist. andProtohist. 8325 DESSEL, J.P., CmunÎc Productiol/ al/d Social Scimces. Forli, 8!J4 September 1996. Abstracts 2: Complexity il/ Fourth Mille/l/IiulII Cal/aal/: A 7]. Forli. 1996. Case Sturlyfro1// the HlllifTemlœ. U.M.1. 199'.

8316 WENKE, R.J. & BREWER, D.J., The Archaic 8326 EDWARDS, D.N., The Mahas Stavey. SARS - Old Kingdom Delta: The Evidence from News/etier, 2 (1991): 6. Mendes and Kom el-Hisn. [in:] BlETAK, M. (cd.), Ha"s "nd Palast im A/tm )fgyptC/l. Illter­ 8327 EL YAHKY, E, Clarifications on the Gerzean nationales Symposi"m 8. bis Il. April 1992 in Kai­ Boat Scenes. BŒ10, 85 (1985): 187-195. ro: 265-285. Wien. 1996. 8328 HAAl.AND, R, Ed1110graphical Observations of 8317 WETrERSTROM, w., La chasse-ateillele et l'agri­ Pottery-making iu Darli.,,; Western Sudan, with culture en Egypte: la transition de la chasse et de sorne Rcficctions on Archaeological 1nterprccarÎon. la cueillette à l'horticulture dans la vallée du Nil. [in:] KRlSTlANSEN, K & PAULUDAN - MÜLLER, Archéo-Nil, 6 (1996): 27-49. C. (ec!s.), New Directions il/ Samdinaoial/ Anhtœo• /"f!J' ~tutlÎes il/ Sl1mdÎllfloÎfll/ P"histOil fll/d Et/dy 8318 WETrERSTROM, w., L'apparition de l'agricul­ HislOil 1: 47-61. Capen-hagen. 1978. (not secn) ture en Egypte. Archéo-Nil, 6 (1996): 51-75. 8329 KIRWAN, L.P., Nubia and NlIbian Origins. Gm­ 8319 WILKINSON, T.A.H., A Re-examination of the grttp/;jad]ourna/, 140,1 (1974): 43-51. (notseen) Early Dynastie Necropolis at Helwan. MDAIK, 52 (1996) : 337-354· 8330 ROWLlNG, J .T., PathologiGù Change in MlIm­ mies. Proceedings ofthe Ro)'al Sodety ofMl'Iliânc. 8320 WILKINSON, T.A.H., ~t(/te Fonnfltio/l in Egypt. 54 (1961): 4°9-4 5. Chronology and Society. BAR International Seri", ' 651. CarnbridgeMonographs in AfricanArchaeo­ 8331 SMD, Z.Y., Handles f,lt Copper Piercers or logy 40. Oxford. 1996. Gaming Pieces. ASAE, 38 (1938): 333-346.

8321 YOUSSEF, M., A Prelirninary Report on a New 8332 SOTHESYS IDNDON, (Flint Knives, Stone Va,e, AtchaicMastabaatSaqqara GAI, 152 (1996): 105-122. Model ofCanoe-shaped Boat). [in:] SOTHEBY'S LONDON, Tbe Ernest Brult11l1l"r Collerlioll of 8322 YOYOTTE, J. & VON DER WAY, T., De Bouto Egyptia/l a/lrl Near Et/Stem Alltiquities and Willk, historique à Bouto archaïque. Dossiers rie l'Ar­ ,{Art. Nooember /964: n" 1-2, 5 London. 1964 ché%gie, 123 (1996): 76-7]. 8333 STROUHAI., E., ëlsrerreichiscbe Anthropolo­ gische Forschungen in Nubien. A/lthmpologit; 2,2 (1964): 73-7+ (not seen)

8334 URRUElA QUESADA, J., Egipto: Epoca Tinita e 8323 ADAMS, B., The First Eg'lPtians. A Major Exhi­ Imperio AI/fig"o. Madrid. 1988. (not seen) bition. UCL The Bul/etin, (February 1988): 10-11. 8335 VAN HAARLEM, W.M., Pottery ffom Sedment, 8324 BRISSAUD,J.-M., L'aube de la civilisation. [in:] Abydos and Qau in the AlIatd Pierson Museum, BRISSAUD, J.-M., L'Egypte ries pharao/l" 79-89. Amsterdam. ]EOL, 29 (1985-1986): 84-97.

166 Archéo-Nil nU 7. oaobre 1997 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PREHISTORY

8336 WASEDA UNIVESITY, THE !'GYPTIAN CULTU­ Dibeira - 8317. RE CENTER, Malqata South. The Prehistoric Dongola - 82U, 8218, 8312. Survey. [in:] WASEDA UNIVERSITY, THE &;YP­ Eastern Desert - 8°79, 8209. TIAN CULTURE CENTER, Research ill Egypt 1966- Edfu- 8309· 1991: 7-8. Tokyo. 1991. el-Adainla - 8122,8134,8198,8229,8235,8236,8240. el-Anlm - 8228. 8337 WILLIAMS, B.B., ALost Kingdom in Nubia at e1-Araki - 8158, 8254. the Dawn of History. Orielltallmtitute, News el-Badari - 8318,8335. alld Notes, (november 1977): 1-4. (not seen) el-Beda - 8288. ed-Dakhla Oasis - 8204. 8338 WILLIAMS, B.B., TIle Lost Pharaohs ofNubia. ed-Damer-8136,8137,8138,8139,8140,8141,8142, Archaeology. 33,5 (1980): 12-21. 8143,8212,8219,8220,8221,8251. e1-Ghaba - 8253. EIlrab - 8154, 8317, 8320. e1-Kharga Oasis- 8205. e1-Kubaniya North - 8098, 8160, 8166, 83°9, 8317,8318. e1-Mahasna - 8320. Abadiya - 8166, 8277. e1-Mustagidda - 8318,8)20. Abu Ballas - 8189. e1-0mari - 8318. Abu Darbein - 8136,8137,8138,8139,8140,8141, e1-Tod - 8u6. 8142,8143,8212,8219,8220,8221,8251. Esna - 8098, 8309. Abu Mureiwat- 8176. es-Safi' - 8077. Abu Rawash - 8154, 8228, 8288. et-Tell e1-Iswid - 8291. Abu Sinlbel- 8245. Ezbet Hassan Dawud - 8122, 8163, 8168. Abusir - 8259. Faiyum - 8293, 8317, 8318. Abusir e1-Meleq - 8288. Farafra Oasis - 8050, 8°51, 8203. Abydos - 8046, 8056, 8074, 8083, 8087, 8090, 8093, Gebel Dam - 8135. 8094,8095,8096, 8°97, 8105, 8106, 8122, 8123, Gebel Kamil- 8189. 8146,8147,8148,8149, 8154, 8156, 8159, 8162, Gebel Lagama - 8062. 8168, 8172, 8178, 8179, 8180, 8228, 8246, 8256, Gebel Maghara - 8°52,8°75, 8uo, 8127, 8157, 817), 8267,8269,8280,8288,8301,8335. 8242,8252. Mridar- 812 5· Gebel Sahaba - 8098. Aneibis- 8136,8137,8138,8139,811,0,8141,8142,8143, Gebelein - 8258,8332. 8212,8219,8220,8221,8251. GilfKebic- 8189, 8243. Arduan Island - 8326. Great Sand Sea - 8189. Armant- 8217, 8318, 8320. Halfa Degheinl- 8245. Aswan-8085, 8200, 8268. Hanlffiamiya - 8335. Aïn Yerqa - 8197. Hartuv - 8224, 8225, 8255, 826{- Bahariya Oasis - 8201. Helwan- 8154, 8172, 8228, 8288, 8)19. Bir Kiseiba - 8318. Hierakonpolis - 80)8, 8°39, 8040, 8046, 8°74, 8090, Bokaril - 8176. 8112, 8U3, 8114, 8115, 8123, 8154,8156,8168,8191, Burg et-Tuyur - 8189. 8199,8228,8267,8270,8)0),8310,8320,8323. Defoi District - 8326. Higalig - 8176. Deir el-Bahari - 8318. Hiw - 8041,8166,8216,8237,8277. Delta - 8291. Holon - 8125. Deraheib - 8265. Kabbashi - 8065.

Archéo-Nii nO 7, octobre 1997 STAN HENDRICKX

Kadada - 8253. 8280, 8321, 8331. Kadero - 8049, 8139, 8185, 8215. Sal- 8120, 8210. KafrTarkhan - 8046, 8154, 8216, 8288, 8320, 8335. Selima Sandsheet - 8189. Kefar Hanagid- 8125. Shaqadud - 8214. Kenna - 8059. Shuwikhat - 8309. Khartum - 8138. Sidmant el-Gebel-8172,8335. Khor Awlib - 8213. Sirnit District - 8326. Kom Ombo - 8098. Sinal- 8052,8075,8110,8127,8157,8173> 8242, 8252. Kom el-Hisn - 8316. Sitra - 8201. Kufur Nigm - 8288. Siwa Oasis - 8201. Laqeita - 8U7. Sudan-8060, 8063, 8064, 8092, 8117, 8139, 8140, 8152. Laqiya Area - 8189. Tajab West District - 8326. Lobo - 8189. Taramsa HiII-8166, 8309. Luxor-West - 8164, 8165, 8276. Tell Halif - 8044, 8325. Maadi - 8066,8262,8270. Tell Ibrahim Awad - 8123,8195, 8289, 8290, 8291. Mahas District- 8104. Tell el-Farain - 8082, 8084, 8086, 8107,8108, 8109, Makhadma- 8299,8317· 8122, 8123, 8167, 8168, 8169, 8177, 8181, 8182, Malqata - 8336. 8194,827°,83°2,8322. ManshiyetAbu Omar- 8154, 8183, 8196, 8285, 8288. Tell e1-Farkha - 8069. Matrnar- 8228,83,8,8320. Tura- 8154, 8288, 8320. Memphis - 8124. Tushka - 8317. Mendes - 8316. Ujrat e1-Meked - 8119, 8188, 8309. Merimda Beni Salama - 8'93,83,8. Umm Balaad III - 8135, 8176. Mudpans - 8189. Umm Direiwa - 8139. Mussawarat- 8U7. Umm E1eiga - 8176. Nabta Playa - 8048,8061,8078,8153,8186,8206, Wadi Abu Had- 8122, 8169, 8207. 8238,8305,8306,8307,8308,83'4,83'5,83'8. Wadi Adayd - 8161,8233,8241. ( Nag ed-Deir- 8174, 8228, 8266, 8286, 8310. Wadi Allai - 8265. Nag e1-Haqq Zeidan - 8046, 8240, 8278. Wadi Bakht - 8189. Nag el-Mamariya - 8240, 8278. Wadi Dib - 8122, 8207. Nahal Mismar - 8287. Wadi e1-Hol- 8080. Naqada - 8046, 8154, 8240, 8260, 8280, 8318. Wadiel-Ku- 826 5· Nasb Atiliya-8265. Wadi Feiran - 8252. Nazlet Khater - 8098, 8099, 8309. Wadi Halfa - 8098. NazietSafàha- 8166, 8309. Wadi Harnra - 8243. Nirnir Cave - 8161, 8233, 8241. Wadi Howar - 8117. Nizzanim- 812 5. Wadi Mushabi - 8°52, 8062, 8°75, 8uo, 8127, Nubië- 8°43, 8151, 8152, 8190, 8263, 8272, 8310. 8157,8173,8242,8252,83°9. Nukheila- 8117. Wadi Sahal- 8189. Oyo-8261. Wadi Shaw - 8189. Qawel-Kebir- 8335· Wadi Sodmein Cave - 8208,8239,8292,8298,8300. -8228. Wadi Tbeik- 8119, 8188, 8309. Qustul- 8°46, 8284, 8310, 8337, 8338. \'\festem Desert- 8°43,8076,8117,8152,8170, Ra6ya - 8288. 8,84,8,89,8202,8227,8244,83'3,83,8. Saqqai - 8138. Zakiab - 8139. Saqqara- 8°9°,8122,8154,8172,8175,8223,8228, Zawyet e1-Aryall- 8154-

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